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The oligotrophic bacterium Ancylobacter vacuolatus contains two large plasmids pREV1 and pREV2 (about 150 and 250 kb, respectively). Plasmid pREV1 carries the genes responsible for resistance to chloramphenicol, trimethoprim and γ-irradiation. Plasmid pREV2 carries the genes responsible for resistance to β-lactam antibiotics and formation of gas vacuoles. The ability to grow under oligotrophic conditions did not depend directly on either plasmid and is probably chromosome-encoded. Nevertheless, strains lacking the pREV2 plasmid had an improved capacity for growth in enriched media, as is evident from the following findings: 1) the growth rate of the strains lacking pREV2 was about 60% higher with an induction time of about two times less than those for strains carrying the plasmid; 2) the overall cell yield in rich media and colony size on non-oligotrophic agarized media increased with removal of pREV2; 3) the characteristic change in cell morphology occurring in the wild type of A. vacuolatus when switched from oligotrophic to eutrophic growth conditions was not observed in the strains lacking pREV2; 4) bacterial strains lacking pREV2 exhibited significantly higher rRNA content than the parent strain. As a possible explanation for these phenomena, we suggest that the pREV2 plasmid carries gene(s) for protein(s) acting as repressor(s) of expression of some enzymes involved in eutrophic metabolism. Such protein(s) probably participate in switching between the oligotrophic and eutrophic types of metabolism in response to changing nutrient supply in the environment.  相似文献   

The comparative electron-microscopic study of S. derby plasmid-containing and plasmid-free cells has revealed certain differences in their structures: These structural differences are always accompanied by changes in the form and size of the cells, the form of the cell wall with the appearance of fimbria-like processes, depending on the presence or absence of S. derby R-plasmid in the cells. These differences in the morphology and ultrastructure of S. derby cells, associated with the R-plasmid, are of interest in the study of molecular mechanisms of plasmid action on the development of various forms of whole cells and individual bacterial structures, which play an important role in the cell function.  相似文献   

Five cultures of moderately thermophilic spore-forming acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacteria were isolated from the zones of spontaneous heating of pyrrhotine-containing pyrite-arsenopyrite gold-arsenic sulfide ores in an operating open pit (strains B1, B2, B3, OFO, and SSO). Analysis of the chromosomal DNA structure revealed differences between these cultures at the strain level (apart from B3 and SSO, which had identical restriction profiles). All the strains had a similar G + C DNA molar content (47.4-48.3%). The level of DNA reassociation was 85 to 95%. The similarity between the DNA of the type strain Sulfobacillus sibiricus N1 isolated from arsenopyrite ore concentrate and that of these strains (83-93%) indicates that they belong to the same species. The strains had similar values of pH and temperature optimal for growth on ferrous iron (1.6-2.0 and 45-55 degrees C, respectively). They were mixotrophs; Fe(II), S0, and sulfide minerals along with organic compounds were used as energy sources and electron donors. However, the kinetic parameters of growth and substrate oxidation varied from strain to strain. Genetic variety of the strains from diverse ecosystems and environments is possibly the result of the different rates of microevolution processes.  相似文献   

Forty-four novel strains of Gammaproteobacteria were cultivated from coastal and pelagic regions of the Pacific Ocean using high-throughput culturing methods that rely on dilution to extinction in very low nutrient media. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolates fell into five rRNA clades, all of which contained rRNA gene sequences reported previously from seawater environmental gene clone libraries (SAR92, OM60, OM182, BD1-7, and KI89A). Bootstrap analyses of phylogenetic reliability did not support collapsing these five clades into a single clade, and they were therefore named the oligotrophic marine Gammaproteobacteria (OMG) group. Twelve cultures chosen to represent the five clades were successively purified in liquid culture, and their growth characteristics were determined at different temperatures and dissolved organic carbon concentrations. The isolates in the OMG group were physiologically diverse heterotrophs, and their physiological properties generally followed their phylogenetic relationships. None of the isolates in the OMG group formed colonies on low- or high-nutrient agar upon their first isolation from seawater, while 7 of 12 isolates that were propagated for laboratory testing eventually produced colonies on 1/10 R2A agar. The isolates grew relatively slowly in natural seawater media (1.23 to 2.63 day(-1)), and none of them grew in high-nutrient media (>351 mg of C liter(-1)). The isolates were psychro- to mesophilic and obligately oligotrophic; many of them were of ultramicrobial size (<0.1 micro m(3)). This cultivation study revealed that sporadically detected Gammaproteobacteria gene clones from seawater are part of a phylogenetically diverse constellation of organisms mainly composed of oligotrophic and ultramicrobial lineages that are culturable under specific cultivation conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of toxin- and capsule-encoding plasmids on the kinetics of UV inactivation of various strains of Bacillus anthracis were investigated. Plasmids pXO1 and pXO2 had no effect on bacterial UV sensitivity or photoreactivation. Vegetative cells were capable of photoreactivation, but photo-induced repair of UV damage was absent in B. anthracis Sterne spores.  相似文献   

The nutritional requirements and growth characteristics of a biosurfactant-producingRhodococcus bacterium isolated from Kuwaiti soil were determined. Maximum cell yields (6.6 g/l) and biosurfactant production were achieved with a medium containing 2% (v/v)n-paraffin as a carbon and energy source, 0.2% lactose broth, optimal concentrations of nitrogen (nitrate), phosphorus, iron, magnesium and sodium sources, and minimal concentrations of potassium and trace element sources. The optimal pH was 6.8 for surfactant production and optimal temperature was 37°C. The biosurfactant produced after 16 to 33 h growth in a 7 I fermenter decreased both surface tension and interfacial tension of culture broth to below 27 and 1.8 mN/m, respectively, and was effective at critical micelle dilutions of 10–3. Data on biosurfactant biosynthesis suggest that the product is produced as a primary metabolite and, therefore, could be produced effectively under continuous fermentation conditions.A.S. Abu-Ruwaida, S. Haditirto and A. Khamis are with the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Biotechnology Department, P.O. Box 24885, 13109, Safat, Kuwait. I.M. Banat is now in Londonderry, Northern Ireland but was at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research at the time this paper was written. A.S. Abu-Ruwaida is the corresponding author.In view of the annexation of Kuwait by Iraq in August 1990, this paper has been accepted without return to the author for attention to minor details. The Editor-in-Chief therefore assumes full responsibility for any errors or omissions.  相似文献   

The study of Salmonella virulent strains has revealed that the characteristic feature of such strains is the presence of plasmids with a molecular weight of 90.2-91.5 kb for S. typhimurium and 77.2-78.5 kb for S. dublin. From Salmonella strains harboring only a single plasmid, variants with no plasmid at all have been obtained. These variants possess lower virulence for mice infected through enteral and intraperitoneal routes; besides, they lose their capacity for penetration into epithelial cells of HeLa line. S. typhimurium and S. dublin have shown decreased multiplication rate in vivo in comparison with the parent strains, while the multiplication rates in vitro were similar. These results suggest that the products of plasmid genes are either responsible for the virulent properties of salmonellae, or they have regulatory functions, thus controlling the work of chromosomal genes.  相似文献   

The effects of toxin- and capsule-encoding plasmids on the kinetics of UV inactivation of various strains of Bacillus anthracis were investigated. Plasmids pXO1 and pXO2 had no effect on bacterial UV sensitivity or photoreactivation. Vegetative cells were capable of photoreactivation, but photo-induced repair of UV damage was absent in B. anthracis Sterne spores.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is an oligotrophic alpha-proteobacterium with a complex cell cycle involving sessile-stalked and piliated, flagellated swarmer cells. Because the natural lifestyle of C. crescentus intrinsically involves a surface-associated, sessile state, we investigated the dynamics and control of C. crescentus biofilms developing on glass surfaces in a hydrodynamic system. In contrast to biofilms of the well-studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio cholerae, C. crescentus CB15 cells form biphasic biofilms, consisting predominantly of a cell monolayer biofilm and a biofilm containing densely packed, mushroom-shaped structures. Based on comparisons between the C. crescentus strain CB15 wild type and its holdfast (hfsA; DeltaCC0095), pili (DeltapilA-cpaF::Omegaaac3), motility (motA), flagellum (flgH) mutants, and a double mutant lacking holdfast and flagellum (hfsA; flgH), a model for biofilm formation in C. crescentus is proposed. For both biofilm forms, the holdfast structure at the tip of a stalked cell is crucial for mediating the initial attachment. Swimming motility by means of the single polar flagellum enhances initial attachment and enables progeny swarmer cells to escape from the monolayer biofilm. The flagellum structure also contributes to maintaining the mushroom structure. Type IV pili enhance but are not absolutely required for the initial adhesion phase. However, pili are essential for forming and maintaining the well-defined three-dimensional mushroom-shaped biofilm. The involvement of pili in mushroom architecture is a novel function for type IV pili in C. crescentus. These unique biofilm features demonstrate a spatial diversification of the C. crescentus population into a sessile, "stem cell"-like subpopulation (monolayer biofilm), which generates progeny cells capable of exploring the aqueous, oligotrophic environment by swimming motility and a subpopulation accumulating in large mushroom structures.  相似文献   

Twenty-five strains resembling 'Streptococcus milleri' were compared by DNA-DNA hybridization, by whole-cell-derived polypeptide patterns on SDS-PAGE, and by biochemical tests. Four homology groups were revealed by DNA-DNA hybridization. DNA homology groups 1, 2 and 3 were closely related and contained the type strains NCDO 2226 (Streptococcus constellatus), NCDO 2227 (Streptococcus intermedius) and NCTC 10713 (Streptococcus anginosus), respectively. DNA homology group 4 consisted of four strains received as variants of Streptococcus intermedius which were found not to be closely related to strains in groups 1-3. The data from SDS-PAGE polypeptide patterns and biochemical tests supported the recognition of three centres of variation within the 'Streptococcus milleri group' corresponding to DNA homology groups 1-3 and indicated that strains of DNA homology group 4 are members of an as yet undescribed species within the viridans streptococci.  相似文献   

A genetically marked, plasmid-containing, naphthalene-degrading strain, Pseudomonas putida KT2442(pNF142::TnMod-OTc), has been constructed. The presence of the gfp gene (which codes for green fluorescent protein) and the kanamycin and rifampicin resistance genes in the chromosome of this strain allows the strain's fate in model soil systems to be monitored, whereas a minitransposon, built in naphthalene biodegradation plasmid pNF142, contains the tetracycline resistance gene and makes it possible to follow the horizontal transfer of this plasmid between various bacteria. Plasmid pNF142::TnMod-OTc is stable in strain P. putida KT2442 under nonselective conditions. The maximal specific growth rate of this strain on naphthalene was found to be higher than that of the natural host of plasmid pNF142. When introduced into a model soil system, the genetically marked strain is stable and competitive for 40 days. The transfer of marked plasmid pNF142::TnMod-OTc to natural soil bacteria, predominantly fluorescent pseudomonads, has been detected.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty strains of Erwinia amylovora recovered from Spanish foci of fire blight from 1995 to 2000 were characterised and compared to reference strains from different sources and origins. Their rapid identification was performed by double antibody sandwich indirect (DASI) ELISA, using specific monoclonal antibodies against E. amylovora, and molecular confirmation by PCR using primers specific to the native plasmid pEA29. The Spanish strains of E. amylovora grew on different general and selective media producing typical colonies, except one of them that was deficient in levan production, whereas none of them grew on minimal agar medium with copper sulphate and low content of asparagine. All of them were susceptible to tetracycline, streptomycin, kasugamycin and oxolinic acid. Biochemical characterisation of selected strains by API 20E system revealed a great homogeneity, with 80% of the Spanish strains showing one of the two majority API 20E profiles described for E. amylovora, and the remaining strains showing minor differences. Pathogenicity on pear fruits and hypersensitivity reaction was confirmed, but a delayed reaction was observed for two Spanish strains. This is the first characterisation of a large collection of Spanish strains of E. amylovora.  相似文献   

In oligotrophic waters, not only community structure but also physiological properties of heterotrophic bacteria are influenced by the concentration of organic matter.The relationship between growth rate of two facultatively oligotrophic strains ofAeromonas sp. No. 6 andFlavobacterium sp. M1 was studied in comparison with that of two eutrophic strains ofEscherichia coli 7020 andFlavobacterium sp. M2. These strains had two or three different substrate constants (Ks values) depending on substrate concentrations: Ks values for the two former were remarkably lower than those for the two latter. For instance, Ks value forAeromonas sp. No. 6 was about 8.9M when substrate concentration was greater than 53M and about 1.1M when substrate concentration was less man 53M. InE. coli the Ks value was about 260M at greater than 5600M and about 47M at less than 5600M substrate concentration.Uptake kinetics ofAeromonas sp. grown in a medium containing 2.7 mM glutamate (H-cell) and 0.11M glutamate (L-cell) have been determined for the intact cells. H-cell had two distinct values of Km for glutamate assimilation and respiration, and L-cell had three distinct values of Km for glutamate assimilation and respiration: In H-cell Km of assimilation was 2.8×10–7 M and 1.5×10–4 M, and Km of respiration was 2.3×10–7 M and 1.7×10–4 M; in L-cell Km of assimilation was 7.4×10–8 M, 8.3×10–6 M, and 1.3×10–4 M, and Km of respiration was 2.5×10–7, 8.9×10–6M, and 1.7×10–4 M. More than 60% of glutamate taken up by the H- and L-cells was respired when the substrate concentration was less than 10–6 M, although at greater than 10–6 M, 50% and 30% of glutamate was respired by H-cells and L-cells, respectively. These results suggest that the facultatively oligotrophic bacteria grow with high efficiency in environments with extremely low nutrient concentration, such as oligotrophic waters of lakes and ocean, as compared with in their growth in conditions of high nutrient concentraton, such as nutrient broth.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation was studied in 54 strains of Burkholderia cepacia complex isolated in 7 Moscow hospitals. 80% of strains (biofilm groups I and II) had the capacity to biofilm formation and only 16.7% of strains (group III) were not capable to biofilm formation. Molecular genetic methods allowed to identify one of the epidemic markers (CBL, IS hybrid sequence, Burkholderia Cepacia Epidemic Strain Marker - BCESM) in 46.7, 23.3, and 33.3% of strains from group I, II, and III respectively. Gene cepR from the Quorum Sensing system was identified in three biofilm groups in nearly equal frequency (92.3, 96.2 and 100% for group I, II, and III respectively), whereas cepl gene was found more often in group I (76.9%) and II (65.4%). Strains from all three groups had protease and lipase activity and 13.3% of group I strains had chitinolytic activity. B. cepacia strains from group I produced hemolysin in 33.3% of cases, from group II--in 26.6%, and from group III--in 11.1% of cases. The majority of Moscow hospital strains of B. cepacia complex were identified as B. cenocepacia (genomovar III, group A). RAPD-PCR method enabled to differentiate isolated strains into several genotypic variants. 13.3% of strains from group I were susceptible to imipenem/ciprofloxacin, as well as 33.3% of isolates from group II and 44.4% of isolates from group III.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay, morphological, physiological, biochemical and antimicrobial susceptibility test methods have been evaluated for use in the taxonomy of isolated thermotolerant Bacillus from Jordanian hot springs, with specific reference to strains Geobacillus stearothermophilus (ATCC 12980), Bacillus circulans (ATCC 4513) and Bacillus sphaericus (ATCC 14577). A RAPD assay has been optimized and is able to discriminate between numerous thermotolerant Bacillus strains. RAPD-PCR was found to give reproducible thermotolerant Bacillus strains classification of DNA fingerprints for 14 strains including 3 reference strains. A study of 14 isolates and 3 reference strains, analyzing 53 phenotypic characters, resulted in their allocation to five major clusters at 60% similarity. Whereas at 80% similarity, twelve taxonomically distinct groups were evident.  相似文献   

The relative importance of each of three dechlorinating species to overall organochlorine removal from bleached kraft-mill effluents (BKME) was assessed. Ancylobacter aquaticus A7, Pseudomonas P1, and Methylobacterium CP13, strains indigenous to a BKME treatment system, were tested for growth on chlorinated acetic acids and alcohols, and for adsorbable organic halogen (AOX) reduction in batch cultures of sterile BKME from three sources. A. aquaticus A7 exhibited the broadest substrate range, but could only affect significant AOX reduction in softwood effluents. Methylobacterium CP13 exhibited a limited substrate range, but was capable of removing significant amounts of AOX from both hardwood and softwood effluents. By contrast, Pseudomonas sp. P1 exhibited a limited substrate range and poor to negligible reductions in AOX levels from both effluent types. Mixed inocula of all three species combined and inocula of sludge from mill treatment systems removed as much AOX from softwood effluents as did pure populations of Methylobacterium CP13. When BKME was hydrolysed prior to AOX analysis, the subsequent estimates of recalcitrant, or non-hydrolysable, AOX levels were far less variable than their counterpart total AOX measures. It is suggested that this is a relevant and useful measure of AOX for biodegradation studies.  相似文献   

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