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Stone and rock substrates provide important habitat for many types of stream-dwelling invertebrates. Measures of the invertebrate communities inhabiting rock substrates are often an important component of ecological, monitoring and disturbance studies in streams. A major obstacle to researchers examining rock-inhabiting invertebrates is the time and effort expended on currently used methods of determining rock surface area to derive invertebrate densities on these substrates. In an attempt to more efficiently determine invertebrate densities from rock substrates in streams, we tested a direct method of calculating rock surface area from rock weight or displacement volume. This method allows very quick determinations of rock surface area in the field. Surface area estimates made using this technique were highly correlated to those from a widely used and more time-consuming method. Measurements made using this new method should theoretically give better surface area estimates than any other commonly used technique.  相似文献   

Body surface area (BSA) is used in paediatrics to assess fluid requirement, drug doses, cardiac output and glomerular filtration rate. The aim of this study was to examine, in children with liver disease, the relationship between BSA determined by a traditional nomogram and BSA measured by a novel three-dimensional technique — Loughborough Anthropometric Shadow Scanner (LASS). Subjects were 16 children, mean age 8.1 (range 3.6–14.9) years, with a variety of liver diseases. Twenty-eight controls had a mean age of 7.1 (3.1–10.5) years. All had LASS scans performed as well as 21 anthropometric measurements taken by a single observer. There was a significant relationship between BSA (LASS) and BSA nomogram for liver-diseased children (r=0.99) and controls (r=0.96). The BSA nomogram values were significantly greater (P < 0.05) than BSA (LASS) for liver-diseased subjects by 10.1% (–0.35 to + 20.6; 95% confidence interval), and for controls by 9.6% (4.1–23.2). Best prediction of BSA (LASS) for liver-disease subjects used height, body weight and gluteal furrow circumference [r 2=0.997; standard estimated error (SEE) = 0.015 m2] and for controls used body weight alone (r 2=0.907; SEE=0.048 m2). BSA nomogram has no additional error in children with liver disease, but may overestimate BSA by 10% compared with a novel three-dimensional body surface scanning technique.  相似文献   

Rising temperatures pose a grave risk to arid zone birds because they are already living close to their physiological limits and must balance water conservation against the need for evaporative cooling. We assess how extreme temperatures affect a wild population of small passerines by monitoring daily mass change in individual jacky winters Microeca fascinans (a small Australasian robin) across a series of severe heatwaves that afflicted southern Australia in the summer of 2018–2019. Daily maximum temperature and duration of heat exposure were negatively related to the birds’ ability to maintain body mass. At maximum temperatures ≥ 42°C, birds lost 2.0% of their body mass daily and at ≥ 45°C, 2.6%. Apparent mortality increased almost three‐fold, and all breeding birds abandoned their nests. Nevertheless, net daily mass loss was less than might be expected from laboratory‐based findings, presumably because wild jacky winters undertook behavioural thermoregulation. The birds also regained some mass between heatwave events and suffered no long‐term reduction in body condition.  相似文献   

Measurements of whole body surface area (WBSA) have important applications in numerous fields including biological anthropology, clinical medicine, biomechanics, and sports science. Currently, WBSA is most often estimated using predictive equations due to the complex and time consuming methods required for direct measurement. The main aim of this study was to identify whether there were significant and meaningful differences between WBSA measurements taken using a whole body three-dimensional (3D) scanner (criterion measure) and the estimates derived from each WBSA equation identified from a systematic review. The study also aimed to determine whether differences varied according to body mass index (BMI), sex, or athletic status. Fifteen WBSA equations were compared with direct measurements taken on 1,714 young adult subjects, aged 18-30 years, using the Vitus Smart 3D whole body scanner, including 1,452 subjects (753 males, 699 females) from the general Australian population and 262 rowers (148 males, 114 females). Mixed-design analysis of variances determined significant differences and accuracy was quantified using Bland-Altman analysis and effect sizes. Thirteen of the 15 equations overestimated WBSA. With a few exceptions, equations were accurate with a low-systematic error (bias ≤2%) and low-random error (standard deviation of the differences 1.5-3.0%). However, BMI did have a substantial impact with the accuracy of some WBSA equations varying between the four BMI categories. The Shuter and Aslani: Eur J Appl Physiol 82 (2000) 250-254 equation was identified as the most accurate equation and should be used for Western populations 18-30 years of age. Care must be taken when deciding which equation to use when estimating WBSA.  相似文献   

高国柱 《人类学学报》2016,35(3):445-457
用Stevenson和Du Bois公式计算30个省市城市7~18岁男女青少年的体表面积均值,并对其进行因子分析求得发育分。采用发育分与自然因素和社会经济因素进行相关分析和多元逐步回归分析,研究环境因素对中国城市青少年体表面积发育的综合影响。结果显示,中国城市青少年体表面积发育存在地域差异,男女青少年体表面积发育分排在前5位的均位于环渤海地区;发育分与地球经度、地球纬度、年日照时数、气温年较差、人均GDP、人均可支配收入以及每千人中卫生技术人员数呈显著性正相关,与海拔、年降水量、年均相对湿度、恩格尔系数、人口出生率、人口增长率以及儿童负担率呈显著性负相关;影响中国城市青少年体表面积发育的关键因素为海拔、年均相对湿度、恩格尔系数和儿童负担率。青少年体表面积发育在环境因素方面是受自然环境因素与社会经济生活两者之间共同相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that a comparative analysis of the physiological effects of exposure of laboratory mammals to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RFR) may be useful in predicting exposure thresholds for humans if the effect is assumed to be due only to heating of tissue. The threshold specific absorption rate (SAR) necessary to affect a thermoregulatory parameter shows an inverse and linear relationship to body mass. The inverse relationship between threshold SAR and body mass is attributed to a surface area: body mass relationship. In comparison to small mammals, relatively large mammals have a reduced capacity to dissipate an internal heat load passively, and are therefore physiologically more sensitive to RFR exposure. The threshold for a thermoregulatory response depends on the type of response measured, species, ambient temperature, etc. By extrapolation, it can be shown that a SAR of only 0.2-0.4 W/kg is required to promote a thermoregulatory response in a mammal with a body mass of 70 kg (e.g. weight of adult human). The specific absorption rate bioeffects data collected from laboratory mammals can be related by means of a simple power formula: threshold SAR (W/kg) = aMb, where M is body mass in kg, a is a constant and b is equal to approximately -0.5. Through this equation we have illustrated that a threshold SAR measured in a species weighing 100 g would be 10 times greater than that of a species weighing 10 000 g. Accordingly, a relatively low SAR that is physiologically ineffective in small mammals may be stressful to larger species.  相似文献   

 The rates of convection and evaporation at the interface between the human body and the surrounding air are expressed by the parameters convective heat transfer coefficient h c, in W m–2°C–1 and evaporative heat transfer coefficient h e, W m–2 hPa–1. These parameters are determined by heat transfer equations, which also depend on the velocity of the airstream around the body, that is still air (free convection) and moving air (forced convection). The altitude dependence of the parameters is represented as an exponential function of the atmospheric pressure p: h cp n and h ep 1–n, where n is the exponent in the heat transfer equation. The numerical values of n are related to airspeed: n=0.5 for free convection, n=0.618 when airspeed is below 2.0 ms–1 and n=0.805 when airspeed is above 2.0 ms–1. This study considers the coefficients h c and h e with respect to the similarity of the two processes, convection and evaporation. A framework to explain the basis of established relationships is proposed. It is shown that the thickness of the boundary layer over the body surface increases with altitude. As a medium of the transfer processes, the boundary layer is assumed to be a layer of still air with fixed insulation which causes a reduction in the intensity of heat and mass flux propagating from the human body surface to its surroundings. The degree of reduction is more significant at a higher altitude because of the greater thickness of the boundary layer there. The rate of convective and evaporative heat losses from the human body surface at various altitudes in otherwise identical conditions depends on the following factors: (1) during convection – the thickness of the boundary layer, plus the decrease in air density, (2) during evaporation (mass transfer) – the thickness of the boundary layer, plus the increase with altitude in the diffusion coefficient of water vapour in the air. The warming rate of the air volume due to convection and evaporation is also considered. Expressions for the calculation of altitude dependences h c (p) and h e (p) are suggested. Received: 23 June 1998 / Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Continuous recordings of core body temperature (CBT) are a well-established approach in describing circadian rhythms. Given the discomfort of invasive CBT measurement techniques, the use of skin temperature recordings has been proposed as a surrogate. More recently, we proposed a heat-flux approach (the so-called Double Sensor) for monitoring CBT. Studies investigating the reliability of the heat-flux approach over a 24-hour period, as well as comparisons with skin temperature recordings, are however lacking. The first aim of the study was therefore to compare rectal, skin, and heat-flux temperature recordings for monitoring circadian rhythm. In addition, to assess the optimal placement of sensor probes, we also investigated the effect of different anatomical measurement sites, i.e. sensor probes positioned at the forehead vs. the sternum. Data were collected as part of the Berlin BedRest study (BBR2-2) under controlled, standardized, and thermoneutral conditions. 24-hours temperature data of seven healthy males were collected after 50 days of -6° head-down tilt bed-rest. Mean Pearson correlation coefficients indicated a high association between rectal and forehead temperature recordings (r > 0.80 for skin and Double Sensor). In contrast, only a poor to moderate relationship was observed for sensors positioned at the sternum (r = -0.02 and r = 0.52 for skin and Double Sensor, respectively). Cross-correlation analyses further confirmed the feasibility of the forehead as a preferred monitoring site. The phase difference between forehead Double Sensor and rectal recordings was not statistically different from zero (p = 0.313), and was significantly smaller than the phase difference between forehead skin and rectal temperatures (p = 0.016). These findings were substantiated by cosinor analyses, revealing significant differences for mesor, amplitude, and acrophase between rectal and forehead skin temperature recordings, but not between forehead Double Sensor and rectal temperature measurements. Finally, Bland-Altman analysis indicated narrower limits of agreement for rhythm parameters between rectal and Double Sensor measurements compared to between rectal and skin recordings, irrespective of the measurement site (i.e. forehead, sternum). Based on these data we conclude that (1) Double Sensor recordings are significantly superior to skin temperature measurements for non-invasively assessing the circadian rhythm of rectal temperature, and (2) temperature rhythms from the sternum are less reliable than from the forehead. We suggest that forehead Double Sensor recordings may provide a surrogate for rectal temperature in circadian rhythm research, where constant routine protocols are applied. Future studies will be needed to assess the sensor’s ecological validity outside the laboratory under changing environmental and physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Cholic acid, which preferentially associates with the non- cellulose component of lignocellulosics, is used as a probe to monitor changes in the relative surface area of this fraction of lignocellulosic biomass-to-ethanol substrates. The method is experimentally demonstrated in a traditional enzyme-catalyzed lignocellulosic saccharification experiment.  相似文献   

Protein–protein interactions play key roles in many cellular processes and their affinities and specificities are finely tuned to the functions they perform. Here, we present a study on the relationship between binding affinity and the size and chemical nature of protein–protein interfaces. Our analysis focuses on heterodimers and includes curated structural and thermodynamic data for 113 complexes. We observe a direct correlation between binding affinity and the amount of surface area buried at the interface. For a given amount of surface area buried, the binding affinity spans four orders of magnitude in terms of the dissociation constant (Kd). Across the entire dataset, we observe no obvious relationship between binding affinity and the chemical composition of the interface. We also calculate the free energy per unit surface area buried, or “surface energy density,” of each heterodimer. For interfacial surface areas between 500 and 2000 Å2, the surface energy density decreases as the buried surface area increases. As the buried surface area increases beyond about 2000 Å2, the surface energy density levels off to a constant value. We believe that these analyses and data will be useful for researchers with an interest in understanding, designing or inhibiting protein–protein interfaces.  相似文献   

D L Weaver 《Proteins》1992,13(4):327-335
The accessible surface areas of 53 high-resolution globin helices are correlated with molecular weight. The linear fit is assessed for statistical accuracy using a boot-strap analysis, and by comparison to the areas of 13 ideal polyalanine alpha-helices. The accessible area of the unfolded helices is compared with the folded values before helix-helix packing. An analytical physical model is presented to explain the correlation, and to provide an analytical value for the surface area parameter in the diffusion-collision model of protein folding.  相似文献   

青杨人工林根系生物量、表面积和根长密度变化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
燕辉  刘广全  李红生 《应用生态学报》2010,21(11):2763-2768
在植物生长季节,采用钻取土芯法对秦岭北坡50年生青杨人工林根径≤2 mm和2~5 mm根系的生物量、表面积和根长密度进行测定.结果表明:在青杨人工林根系(<5 mm)中,根径≤2 mm根系占总生物量的77.8%,2~5 mm根系仅占22.2%;根径≤2 mm根系表面积和根长密度占根系总量的97%以上,而根径2~5 mm根系不足3%.随着土层的加深,根径≤2 mm根系生物量、表面积和根长密度数量减少,根径2~5 mm根系生物量、表面积和根长密度最小值均分布在20~30 cm土层.≤2 mm根系生物量、表面积和根长密度与土壤有机质、有效氮呈极显著相关,而根径2~5 mm根系的相关性不显著.  相似文献   

The effect of surface adsorption on the structure and stability of proteins is a matter of increasing interest in biotechnology. Therefore, we have examined the effect of adsorption to silica on the thermal stability of 7 proteins employing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and front surface fluorescence (FSF) spectroscopy. In general, it was found that surface adsorption decreased the thermal stability of the bound protein. Using lysozyme for further studies, DSC, FSF, and FTIR spectroscopies, as well as enzymatic activity measurements, were used to explore the effect of decreasing surface apolarity on stability. It was observed that increasing surface apolarity produced decreasing stability and increasing structural alteration of the adsorbed protein.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern in the flux community that using the eddy covariance method with open‐path CO2 analyzers often leads to measurements of an apparent ecosystem CO2 uptake during off‐season periods, especially in cold climates. Such uptake has not been observed when measurements were made with closed‐path analyzers, chambers, or profile methods, suggesting it is an artifact due in some way to the use of open‐path analyzers. In this study, a series of laboratory tests and field experiments were conducted to determine the magnitude of the instrument surface heat exchange in the open path and its relationship with the measured CO2 flux. Results showed that (1) the surface of an open‐path instrument became substantially warmer than ambient due to electronics and radiation load during daytime, while at night, radiative cooling moderated temperature increases in the path; (2) high‐frequency temperature measurements inside the path were correlated with vertical wind speed producing sensible heat flux inside the instrument path exceeding the ambient heat flux by up to 14%; (3) enclosing the open‐path instrument eliminated the sensible heat flux in the path, and caused measured CO2 flux to match a closed‐path reference; (4) using sensible heat flux measured directly inside the open path in the WPL term instead of the ambient sensible heat flux also led to a match in CO2 flux between open‐path instrument and closed‐path reference; and (5) correcting previously collected open‐path CO2 flux data was possible by estimating the instrument heating effect with a semi‐empirical model using standard weather variables. Results showed that all proposed techniques led to a significant reduction in apparent CO2 uptake during off‐season periods and to a reduction of the underestimation of CO2 release in other periods. Close agreement between the open‐path measurements and closed‐path references was achieved in all cases.  相似文献   

Injury from a severe burn or trauma can propel the body into a hypermetabolic state that can lead to the significant erosion of lean muscle mass. Investigations describing this process have been somewhat limited due to the lack of adequate experimental models. Here we report the use of a perfused rat hindquarter preparation to study the consequences of a moderate burn injury (approximately 20% total body surface area), with or without the addition of exogenous insulin (12.5 mU/mL), on the fluxes of major metabolites across the isolated skeletal muscle. The metabolic flux data was further analyzed using metabolic flux analysis (MFA), which allows for the estimation of the impact of these conditions on the intracellular muscle metabolism. Results indicate that this model is able to capture the increased rate of proteolysis, glutamine formation, and the negative nitrogen balance associated with the burn-induced hypermetabolic state. The inclusion of exogenous insulin resulted in significant changes in several fluxes, including an increase in the metabolism of glucose and the flux through the pentose phosphate pathway, as well as a reduction in the metabolism of glutamine, alanine, and leucine. However, insulin administration did not affect the nitrogen balance or the rate of proteolysis in the muscle, as has been suggested using other techniques. The use of the perfused hindquarter model coupled with MFA is a physiologically relevant and experimentally flexible platform for the exploration of skeletal muscle metabolism under catabolic conditions, and it will be useful in quantifying the specific metabolic consequences of other therapeutic advances.  相似文献   

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