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It has been shown that adipose tissue lipolytic activity is increased in endurance-trained subjects. In women, adipose tissue is extensive and it was thought interesting to confirm that endurance training increases the capacity of female adipose tissue to mobilize lipids, and moreover to more fully understand the mechanisms involved. So, biopsies of fat were obtained from the periumbilical region of 13 trained female runners (T) and 17 sedentary women (S) and the in vitro response to catecholamines of the collagenase-isolated fat cells was studied. Glycerol release, chosen as adipocyte lipolysis indicator, was measured by bioluminescence for various epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations. In both groups, these substances provoked an increase in lipolysis, but the response was significantly higher in T. In both groups, isoproterenol increased the lipolytic activity above basal concentrations at 10(-8) M and above. Lipolytic activity in T was significantly higher (P less than 0.01) than the S control at 10(-7) M and above. Epinephrine plus propranolol decreased lipolysis in both groups, but at 10(-5) M, lipolytic activity was significantly lower in S than in T (P less than 0.05). It is concluded that in female subjects, endurance training increases the sensitivity of subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue to the lipolytic action of catecholamines; this effect seems to be related both to a decreased efficiency of the alpha 2-adrenergic pathway and to an increased efficiency of the beta-adrenergic pathway. This latter effect seems to take place at a step beyond the receptor-adenylate cyclase system in the lipolytic cascade.  相似文献   

We determined the independent and interactive influences of aging and habitual endurance exercise on calf venous compliance in humans. We tested the hypotheses that calf venous compliance is 1) reduced with age in sedentary and endurance-trained men, and 2) elevated in young and older endurance-trained compared with age-matched sedentary men. We studied 8 young (28 +/- 1 yr) and 8 older (65 +/- 1) sedentary, and 8 young (27 +/- 1) and 8 older (63 +/- 2) endurance-trained men. Calf venous compliance was measured in supine subjects by inflating a venous collecting cuff, placed above the knee, to 60 mmHg for 8 min and then decreasing cuff pressure at 1 mmHg/s to 0 mmHg. Calf venous compliance was determined using the first derivative of the pressure-volume relation during cuff pressure reduction (compliance = beta(1) + 2. beta(2). cuff pressure). Calf venous compliance was reduced with age in sedentary (approximately 40%) and endurance-trained men (approximately 20%) (both P < 0.01). Furthermore, calf venous compliance was approximately 70-120% greater in endurance-trained compared with age-matched sedentary men and approximately 30% greater in older endurance-trained compared with young sedentary men (both P < 0.01). These data indicate that calf venous compliance is reduced with age in sedentary and endurance-trained men, but compliance is better preserved in endurance-trained men.  相似文献   

The precise mechanism(s) underlying the thermal hyperemic response to local heating of human skin are not fully understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate a potential role for H1 and H2 histamine-receptor activation in this response. Two groups of six subjects participated in two separate protocols and were instrumented with three microdialysis fibers on the ventral forearm. In both protocols, sites were randomly assigned to receive one of three treatments. In protocol 1, sites received 1) 500 microM pyrilamine maleate (H1-receptor antagonist), 2) 10 mM L-NAME to inhibit nitric oxide synthase, and 3) 500 microM pyrilamine with 10 mM NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). In protocol 2, sites received 1) 2 mM cimetidine (H2 antagonist), 2) 10 mM L-NAME, and 3) 2 mM cimetidine with 10 mM L-NAME. A fourth site served as a control site (no microdialysis fiber). Skin sites were locally heated from a baseline of 33 to 42 degrees C at a rate of 0.5 degrees C/5 s, and skin blood flow was monitored using laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Cutaneous vascular conductance was calculated as LDF/mean arterial pressure. To normalize skin blood flow to maximal vasodilation, microdialysis sites were perfused with 28 mM sodium nitroprusside, and control sites were heated to 43 degrees C. In both H1 and H2 antagonist studies, no differences in initial peak or secondary plateau phase were observed between control and histamine-receptor antagonist only sites or between L-NAME and L-NAME with histamine receptor antagonist. There were no differences in nadir response between L-NAME and L-NAME with histamine-receptor antagonist. However, the nadir response in H1 antagonist sites was significantly reduced compared with control sites, but there was no effect of H2 antagonist on the nadir response. These data suggest only a modest role for H1-receptor activation in the cutaneous response to local heating as evidenced by a diminished nadir response and no role for H2-receptor activation.  相似文献   

This study compared the body water turnover in endurance athletes and age-matched sedentary men. Eight competitive endurance athletes (20.8+/-1.9 yr) and age-matched eight sedentary men (21.6+/-2.5 yr) participated in this study. Total body water and body water turnover were measured using the deuterium (D(2)O) dilution technique. Urine samples were obtained every day for 10 days after oral administration of D(2)O. The day-by-day concentrations were used to calculate the biological half-life of D(2)O and body water turnover. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) and oxygen uptake corresponding to ventilatory threshold (VO(2VT)) as an index of aerobic capacity were determined during a graded exercise test. Both VO(2max) and VO(2VT) were higher in the exercise group than in the sedentary group (P<0.05). The biological half-life of D(2)O was significantly shorter in the exercise group than in the sedentary group (5.89+/-0.81 days vs. 7.52+/-0.77 days, P<0.05), and the percentage of the body water turnover was significantly higher in the exercise group than in the sedentary group (11.99+/-1.96% vs. 9.39+/-1.21%, P<0.05). The body water turnover was correlated with VO(2max) and VO(2VT), respectively (P<0.05). Based on these findings, this study speculates that a level of physical activity may induce a body water turnover higher in the healthy state, since the better trained subjects have a higher body water turnover.  相似文献   

Reactive hyperemia (RH) is an abrupt blood flow increase following release from mechanical occlusion of an artery, with restoration of intra-arterial pressure. The mechanism of this postocclusion increase in blood flow in the gut is multifactorial. Relaxation of intestinal resistance vessels, observed during RH, may involve myogenic, metabolic, hormonal and neurogenic factors. Evidence exists that histamine is an important endogenous mediator of various functions of the gut, including blood flow. The vascular effects of histamine in the intestinal circulation are due its agonistic action on histamine H1, H2 and H3 receptors. In the present study the hypothesis was tested that peripheral histamine H3 receptors are involved in the mediation of RH in the intestinal circulation. In anesthetized rats, anterior mesenteric artery blood flow (MBF) was determined with ultrasonic Doppler flowmeter, and arterial pressure (AP) was determined with a transducer. The increase in the volume of blood accumulating during RH (RH-volume), the peak increase of arterial blood flow (RH-peak response) and the duration of the hyperemia (RH-duration) were used to quantify RH after occluding the anterior mesenteric artery for 30, 60 and 120 s. Hyperemia parameters were determined before and after administration of the selective histamine H3 receptor antagonist clobenpropit. Pretreatment with clobenpropit was without any effect on control MBF and AP but significantly reduced most of RH responses. These findings support the hypothesis that histamine H3 receptors do not play any role in the control of intestinal vasculature at basal conditions but these receptors participate in the intestinal hyperemic reaction in response to complete temporal intestinal ischemia.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of endurance training on whole body substrate, glucose, and glycerol utilization during 90 min of exercise at 60% peak O2 consumption (VO2(peak)) in males and females. Substrate oxidation was determined before and after 7 wk of endurance training on a cycle ergometer, with posttesting performed at the same absolute (ABS, W) and relative (REL, VO2(peak)) intensities. [6,6-2H]glucose and [1,1,2,3,3-2H]glycerol tracers were used to calculate the respective substrate tracee flux. Endurance training resulted in an increase in VO2(peak) for both males and females of 17 and 22%, respectively (P < 0.001). Females demonstrated a lower respiratory exchange ratio (RER) both pretraining and posttraining compared with males during exercise (P < 0.001). Glucose rate of appearance (R(a)) and rate of disappearance (R(d)) were not different between males and females. Glucose metabolic clearance rate (MCR) was lower at 75 and 90 min of exercise for females compared with males (P < 0.05). Glucose R(a) and R(d) were lower during exercise at both ABS and REL posttraining exercise intensities compared with pretraining (P < 0.001). Females had a higher exercise glycerol R(a) and R(d) compared with males both pre- and posttraining (P < 0.001). Glycerol R(a) was not different at either the ABS or REL posttraining exercise intensities compared with pretraining. We concluded that females oxidize proportionately more lipid and less carbohydrate during exercise compared with males both pre- and posttraining, which was cotemporal with a higher glycerol R(a) in females. Furthermore, endurance training resulted in a decrease in glucose flux at both ABS and REL exercise intensities after endurance exercise training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of brisk walking on endurance fitness and the amount and distribution of body fat in previously sedentary women. Twenty eight women [mean age (SEM): 44.9 (1.5) years] followed the walking programme for 1 year, whilst 16 acted as controls [age 44.4 (2.3) years]. Changes in endurance fitness were evaluated by measuring the oxygen uptake (VO2) at a reference blood lactate concentration of 2 mmol.l-1. Two 1.61-km field tests of walking were completed, one at maximal speed and one at a "brisk" speed, as well as a 1.61-km walk on a motorised treadmill. The amount and distribution of body fat was determined by hydrostatic weighing and anthropometry and energy intake was evaluated using the 7-day weighed food intake method. Walkers completed an average of 157 min.week-1 of brisk walking over the year. The following were increased in walkers, relative to controls: brisk walking speed [walkers 1.73 (0.05) m.s-1 vs 1.88 (0.07) m.s-1; controls 1.69 (0.05) m.s-1 vs 1.70 (0.05) m.s-1 at baseline and 12 months respectively, P < 0.01], maximal walking speed and VO2 at 2 mmol.l-1. In addition, brisk walking reduced heart rate and blood lactate concentration during stepping as well as during standard, submaximal treadmill walking. It did not modify either the amount or the distribution of body fat, despite an unchanged energy intake.  相似文献   

5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor that accumulates in acute intermittent porphyria patients and lead-exposed individuals, has previously been shown to autoxidize with generation of reactive oxygen species and to cause in vitro oxidative damage to rat liver mitochondria. We now demonstrate that chronically ALA-treated rats (40 mg/kg body wt every 2 days for 15 days) exhibit decreased mitochondrial enzymatic activities (superoxide dismutase, citrate synthase) in liver and soleus (type I, red) and gastrocnemius (type IIb, white) muscle fibers. Previous adaptation of rats to endurance exercise, indicated by augmented (cytosolic) CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and (mitochondrial) Mn-SOD activities in several organs, does not protect the animals against liver and soleus mitochondrial damage promoted by intraperitoneal injections of ALA. This is suggested by loss of citrate synthase and Mn-SOD activities and elevation of serum lactate levels, concomitant to decreased glycogen content in soleus and the red portion of gastrocnemius (type IIa) fibers of both sedentary and swimming-trained ALA-treated rats. In parallel, the type IIb gastrocnemius fibers, which are known to obtain energy mainly by glycolysis, do not undergo these biochemical changes. Consistently, ALA-treated rats under swimming training reach fatigue significantly earlier than the control group. These results indicate that ALA may be an important prooxidant in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) accretion is associated with obesity and the development of insulin resistance and/or type 2 diabetes. However, trained endurance athletes are markedly insulin sensitive, despite an elevated mixed muscle lipid content. In an effort to explain this metabolic paradox, we compared muscle fiber type-specific IMCL storage between populations known to have elevated IMCL deposits. Immunofluorescence microscopy was performed on muscle biopsies obtained from eight highly trained endurance athletes, eight type 2 diabetes patients, and eight overweight, sedentary men after an overnight fast. Mixed muscle lipid content was substantially greater in the endurance athletes (4.0 +/- 0.4% area lipid stained) compared with the diabetes patients and the overweight men (2.3 +/- 0.4 and 2.2 +/- 0.5%, respectively). More than 40% of the greater mixed muscle lipid content was attributed to a higher proportion type I muscle fibers (62 +/- 8 vs. 38 +/- 3 and 33 +/- 7%, respectively), which contained 2.8 +/- 0.3-fold more lipid than the type II fibers. The remaining difference was explained by a significantly greater IMCL content in the type I muscle fibers of the trained athletes. Differences in IMCL content between groups or fiber types were accounted for by differences in lipid droplet density, not lipid droplet size. IMCL distribution showed an exponential increase in lipid content from the central region toward the sarcolemma, which was similar between groups and fiber types. In conclusion, IMCL contents can be substantially greater in trained endurance athletes compared with overweight and/or type 2 diabetes patients. Because structural characteristics and intramyocellular distribution of lipid aggregates seem to be similar between groups, we conclude that elevated IMCL deposits are unlikely to be directly responsible for inducing insulin resistance.  相似文献   

The early (approximately 30 min) postexercise hypotension response after a session of aerobic exercise is due in part to H1-receptor-mediated vasodilation. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential contribution of H2-receptor-mediated vasodilation to postexercise hypotension. We studied 10 healthy normotensive men and women (ages 23.7 +/- 3.4 yr) before and through 90 min after a 60-min bout of cycling at 60% peak O2 uptake on randomized control and H2-receptor antagonist days (300 mg oral ranitidine). Arterial pressure (automated auscultation), cardiac output (acetylene washin) and femoral blood flow (Doppler ultrasound) were measured. Vascular conductance was calculated as flow/mean arterial pressure. Sixty minutes postexercise on the control day, femoral (delta62.3 +/- 15.6%, where Delta is change; P < 0.01) and systemic (delta13.8 +/- 5.3%; P = 0.01) vascular conductances were increased, whereas mean arterial pressure was reduced (Delta-6.7 +/- 1.1 mmHg; P < 0.01). Conversely, 60 min postexercise with ranitidine, femoral (delta9.4 +/- 9.2%; P = 0.34) and systemic (delta-2.8 +/- 4.8%; P = 0.35) vascular conductances were not elevated and mean arterial pressure was not reduced (delta-2.2 +/- 1.3 mmHg; P = 0.12). Furthermore, postexercise femoral and systemic vascular conductances were lower (P < 0.05) and mean arterial pressure was higher (P = 0.01) on the ranitidine day compared with control. Ingestion of ranitidine markedly reduces vasodilation after exercise and blunts postexercise hypotension, suggesting H2-receptor-mediated vasodilation contributes to postexercise hypotension.  相似文献   

Van den Burg, P. J. M., J. E. H. Hospers, M. Van Vliet, W. L. Mosterd, B. N. Bouma, and I. A. Huisveld. Effect of endurance training and seasonal fluctuation on coagulation and fibrinolysis inyoung sedentary men. J. Appl. Physiol.82(2): 613-620, 1997.The effect of 12 wk of submaximal trainingon hemostatic variables was studied in 20 young sedentary men (Tr) and19 nontraining matched controls (Con). After training, a morepronounced increase in factor VIII coagulant activity(P < 0.01), reflected in a decrease in activated partial thromboplastin time(P < 0.01) during maximal exercise,was seen. Both basal plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 antigen (PAI-1Ag) and activity (PAI-1 Act; P < 0.05), as well as basal and exercise-induced tissue-type plasminogenactivator antigen (t-PA Ag; P < 0.05), were decreased after training. The overall effect onfibrinolysis was reflected in an increase in the t-PA Act/t-PA Ag ratioin the Tr group. In contrast, during the same period (February-June),the Con group demonstrated an increase in basal PAI-1 Ag and PAI-1 Act(P < 0.05), together with anincrease in basal and exercise-induced t-PA Ag(P < 0.05). Both basal andexercise-induced t-PA Act were unchanged, but t-PA Act/t-PA Ag wasdecreased (P < 0.05) in the Congroup. We conclude that physical training promotes both coagulation andfibrinolytic potential during exercise and may reverse unfavorableseasonal effects on fibrinolysis.


Baroreflex function in endurance- and static exercise-trained men   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of exercise training mode on reflex cardiovascular control was studied in a cross-sectional design. We examined the cardiovascular responses to progressive incremental phenylephrine (PE) infusion to maximal rates of 120 micrograms/min and the delta heart rate/delta blood pressure responses to lower body negative pressure (LBNP) to -50 Torr in 30 men who were either endurance exercise trained (ET), untrained (UT), or weight trained (WT). During PE infusion, measures of blood pressures, forearm blood flow, heart rate and cardiac output, and calculations of forearm vascular resistance, stroke volume, and peripheral vascular resistance were made at each infusion rate when steady-state blood pressure was attained. No significant differences (P less than 0.05) in forearm blood flow or resistance were observed between the groups at any dose of PE, suggesting that the vasoconstrictor response was similar among the groups. Regression analyses of heart rate against mean blood pressure during the PE infusion were performed to evaluate baroreflex function. A linear model was used and correlation coefficients ranging from 0.82 to 0.96 were obtained (P less than 0.05). The slope of the line of best fit for the ET subjects (-0.57) was significantly less (P less than 0.05) than the slopes obtained for either the UT (-0.91) or WT (-0.88) subjects. In addition, the delta heart rate/delta blood pressure measurements obtained during LBNP reflected a similarly significant attenuation of reflex chronotropic control in the ET subjects.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Oxidant stress is one of the factors proposed to be responsible for damaged erythrocytes observed during and after exercise. The impact of exertional oxidant stress after acute exhaustive treadmill running on erythrocyte damage was investigated in sedentary (Sed) and exercise-trained (ET) rats treated with or without antioxidant vitamins C and E. Exhaustive exercise led to statistically significant increments in the levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) and H2O2-induced TBARS in Sed rats and resulted in functional and structural alterations in erythrocytes (plasma hemoglobin concentrations, methemoglobin levels, and rise in osmotic fragility of erythrocytes with decrease in erythrocyte deformability). Administration of antioxidant vitamin for 1 mo before exhaustive exercises prevented lipid peroxidation (TBARS, H2O2-induced TBARS) in Sed rats without any functional or structural alterations in erythrocytes. Parameters indicating erythrocyte lipid peroxidation and deterioration after exhaustive exercise in rats trained regularly with treadmill running for 1 mo were not different from those in Sed controls. Erythrocyte lipid peroxidation (TBARS) increased in exhausted-ET rats compared with ET controls; however, the plasma hemoglobin, methemoglobin levels, and erythrocyte osmotic fragility and deformability did not differ. Exhaustive exercise-induced lipid peroxidation in ET rats on antioxidant vitamin treatment was prevented, whereas functional and structural parameters of erythrocytes were not different from those of the ET controls. We conclude that exertional oxidant stress contributed to erythrocyte deterioration due to exercise in Sed but not in ET rats.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible differences in the postexercise cutaneous vasodilatory response between men and women. Fourteen subjects (7 men and 7 women) of similar age, body composition, and fitness status remained seated resting for 15 min or cycled for 15 min at 70% of peak oxygen consumption followed by 15 min of seated recovery. Subjects then donned a liquid-conditioned suit. Mean skin temperature was clamped at approximately 34 degrees C for 15 min. Mean skin temperature was then increased at a rate of 4.3 +/- 0.8 degrees C/h while local skin temperature was clamped at 34 degrees C. Skin blood flow was measured continuously at two forearm skin sites, one with (UT) and without (BT) (treated with bretylium tosylate) intact alpha-adrenergic vasoconstrictor activity. The exercise threshold for cutaneous vasodilation in women (37.51 +/- 0.08 degrees C and 37.58 +/- 0.04 degrees C for UT and BT, respectively) was greater than that measured in men (37.33 +/- 0.06 degrees C and 37.35 +/- 0.06 degrees C for UT and BT, respectively) (P < 0.05). Core temperatures were similar to baseline before the start of whole body warming for all conditions. Postexercise heart rate (HR) for the men (77 +/- 4 beats/min) and women (87 +/- 6 beats/min) were elevated above baseline (61 +/- 3 and 68 +/- 4 beats/min for men and women, respectively), whereas mean arterial pressure (MAP) for the men (84 +/- 3 mmHg) and women (79 +/- 3 mmHg) was reduced from baseline (93 +/- 3 and 93 +/- 4 mmHg for men and women, respectively) (P < 0.05). A greater increase in HR and a greater decrease in the MAP postexercise were noted in women (P < 0.05). No differences in core temperature, HR, and MAP were measured in the no-exercise trial. The postexercise threshold for cutaneous vasodilation measured at the UT and BT sites for men (37.15 +/- 0.03 degrees C and 37.16 +/- 0.04 degrees C, respectively) and women (37.36 +/- 0.05 degrees C and 37.42 +/- 0.03 degrees C, respectively) were elevated above no exercise (36.94 +/- 0.07 degrees C and 36.97 +/- 0.05 degrees C for men and 36.99 +/- 0.09 degrees C and 37.03 +/- 0.11 degrees C for women for the UT and BT sites, respectively) (P < 0.05). A difference in the magnitude of the thresholds was measured between women and men (P < 0.05). We conclude that women have a greater postexercise onset threshold for cutaneous vasodilation than do men and that the primary mechanism influencing the difference between men and women in postexercise skin blood flow is likely the result of an altered active vasodilatory response and not an increase in adrenergic vasoconstrictor tone.  相似文献   

In sedentary individuals, postexercise hypotension after a single bout of aerobic exercise is due to a peripheral vasodilation. Endurance exercise training has the potential to modify this response and perhaps reduce the degree of postexercise hypotension. We tested the hypothesis that endurance exercise-trained men and women would have blunted postexercise hypotension compared with sedentary subjects but that the mechanism of hypotension would be similar (i.e., vasodilation). We studied 16 endurance-trained and 16 sedentary men and women. Arterial pressure, cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance were determined before and after a single 60-min bout of exercise at 60% peak oxygen consumption. All groups exhibited a similar degree of postexercise hypotension (approximately 4-5 mmHg; P < 0.05 vs. preexercise). In sedentary men and women, hypotension was the result of vasodilation (Deltaresistance: -8.9 +/- 2.2%). In endurance-trained women, hypotension was also the result of vasodilation (-8.1 +/- 4.1%). However, in endurance-trained men, hypotension was the result of a reduced cardiac output (-5.2 +/- 2.4%; P < 0.05 vs. all others) and vasodilation was absent (-0.7 +/- 3.3%; P < 0.05 vs. all others). Thus we conclude the magnitude of postexercise hypotension is similar in sedentary and endurance-trained men and women but that endurance-trained men and women achieve this fall in pressure via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gender differences in the changes substrates of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism as well as in adrenaline, noradrenaline, growth hormone, insulin and cortisol were investigated in 24 women and 24 men during exhaustive endurance exercise. Training history and current performance capacity were taken into consideration in the design of the study. Since previous papers present conflicting results the purpose of the present study was to obtain further information regarding possible gender differences in lipid metabolism and its regulation by hormones. Non-endurance-trained women and men each ran 10 km on a treadmill at an intensity of 75% of VO2max; endurance-trained women and men ran 14 and 17 km, respectively, at an intensity of 80% of VO2max. Blood glucose levels in non-endurance-trained women were higher when compared to non-endurance-trained men. This might be explained by increased mobilization of free fatty acids from intramuscular fat depots during energy production in non-specifically trained women. In contrast, no substantial gender differences in endurance-trained persons were seen in lipid metabolism. The changes in substrates of lipid metabolism confirm the higher lipolytic activity and greater utilization of free fatty acids in endurance-trained persons. During endurance exercise, changes in adrenaline, noradrenaline, growth hormone, insulin and cortisol were not substantially affected by the sex of the subjects. This study does not present any conclusive results that endurance-trained persons show gender differences in lipid metabolism and major regulatory hormones.  相似文献   

Previous studies of endurance exercise training in older men and women generally have found only minimal skeletal muscle adaptations to training. To evaluate the possibility that this may have been due to an inadequate training stimulus, we studied 23 healthy older (64 +/- 3 yr) men and women before and after they had trained by walking/jogging at 80% of maximal heart rate for 45 min/day 4 days/wk for 9-12 mo. This training program resulted in a 23% increase in maximal O2 consumption. Needle biopsy samples of the lateral gastrocnemius muscle were obtained before and after training and analyzed for selected histochemical and enzymatic characteristics. The percentage of type I muscle fibers did not change with training. The percentage of type IIb fibers, however, decreased from 19.1 +/- 9.1 to 15.1 +/- 8.1% (P less than 0.001), whereas the percentage of type IIa fibers increased from 22.1 +/- 7.7 to 29.6 +/- 9.1% (P less than 0.05). Training also induced increases in the cross-sectional area of both type I (12%; P less than 0.001) and type IIa fibers (10%; P less than 0.05). Capillary density increased from 257 +/- 43 capillaries/mm2 before training to 310 +/- 48 capillaries/mm2 after training (P less than 0.001) because of increases in the capillary-to-fiber ratio and in the number of capillaries in contact with each fiber. Lactate dehydrogenase activity decreased by 21% (P less than 0.001), whereas the activities of the mitochondrial enzymes succinate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, and beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase increased by 24-55% in response to training (P less than 0.001-0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the role of histamine H1 receptors in mediating the anorectic effect of intraperitoneally injected amylin (5 and 20 microg/kg), the amylin agonist salmon calcitonin (sCT; 10 microg/kg), leptin (1.3 mg/kg), and cholecystokinin (CCK; 20 microg/kg). The experiments were performed with mice lacking functional H1 receptors (H1Rko) and wild-type (WT) controls. The mice were also injected with the H3 antagonist thioperamide (20 mg/kg), which reduces feeding by enhancing the release of endogenous histamine through presynaptic H3 receptors. The feeding-suppressive effect of thioperamide was abolished in H1Rko mice. The anorectic effects of amylin and sCT were significantly reduced in 12-h food-deprived H1Rko mice compared with WT mice [1-h food intake: WT-NaCl 0.51 +/- 0.05 g vs. WT-amylin (5 microg/kg) 0.30 +/- 0.06 g (P < 0.01); H1Rko-NaCl 0.45 +/- 0.05 g vs. H1Rko-amylin 0.40 +/- 0.04 g; WT-NaCl 0.40 +/- 0.09 g vs. WT-sCT (10 microg/kg) 0.14 +/- 0.10 g (P < 0.05); H1Rko-NaCl 0.44 +/- 0.08 g vs. H1Rko-sCT 0.50 +/- 0.06 g]. The anorectic effect of leptin was absent in ad libitum-fed H1Rko mice, whereas CCK equally reduced feeding in WT and H1Rko animals. This suggests that the histaminergic system is involved in mediating the anorectic effects of peripheral amylin and sCT via histamine H1 receptors. The same applies to leptin but not to CCK. H1Rko mice showed significantly increased body weight gain compared with WT mice, supporting the role of endogenous histamine in the regulation of feeding and body weight.  相似文献   

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