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The potential of alleviated fishing pressure measures established at the Marine Natural Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls to affect phenological characters of P. oceanica, the main canopy-forming seagrass, was studied. Our results show differences in some leaf parameters between meadows under fishing prohibition measures compared to those without. In addition shallow P. oceanica meadows inside MPAs had lower non-structural carbohydrate content, yet are able to maintain themselves and, moreover, with an increased density. On the other hand, sexual reproduction was reduced inside protected areas.  相似文献   

Prediction capacity of three main shoot population dynamics methods (age structure, net shoot recruitment per plagiotropic rhizome and shoot census) have been tested for a period of four years (2002-2006) on a Posidonia oceanica meadow. Accuracy of each method was checked by comparing measured and predicted densities at the end of the study period. Predicted densities came from the evolution of initial densities (measured in 2002) by a basic exponential model of population growth. The exponential model used the different net shoot recruitment rate estimates by each population dynamics method on three depths (upper, medium and lower limit) and three localities at each depth. Predictions performed by shoot census and net shoot recruitment per plagiotropic rhizome methods matched with measured densities at the end of the study period. Conversely, age structure method underestimated shoot densities at each depth, indicating an unreal decrease of shoot population in the meadow.  相似文献   

In coastal environments, plants are used for phytoremediation of contamination. Organic and inorganic contaminants may be due to natural and/or anthropogenic sources. The aim of this study is to compare inorganic (trace metal) and organic (PAH) contamination in Posidonia oceanica and to analyse the relationship between these types of pollutants indeed very few studies have been interested in their correlations and common sources. P. oceanica leaves were collected in two sites exhibiting different levels of human-induced pressure. Higher values were recorded in the more polluted site (Toulon) for trace metals (Ag, Hg, Pb) as well as for PAHs (Medium Molecular Weight and High Molecular Weight) due to the presence of the city and/or harbour in proximity. For the first time in a coastal environment, correlations were observed between metals and PAHs.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to estimate the effects of salinity variation on the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and its attached epiphytes. Leaf growth and survival of this plant were tested in several short-term (15 days) mesocosms experiments under controlled conditions between February 2001 and November 2001. Plants collected from shallow meadows at Alicante (SE Spain), with an ambient salinity of 36.8-38.0 psu, were placed in tanks of 300 L with an additional overhead light and exposed to different salinity treatments (ranging from 25 to 57 psu) during 15 days. To estimate the mortality and growth recuperation, in some experiments shoots were returned to control salinity (38 psu). Leaf growth was measured in the laboratory where epiphytic fauna and flora were removed from leaves, with a razor blade, to determine their biomass.P. oceanica was negatively influenced by increased salinity. Shoots showed a significant decrease in growth and survival, whereas epiphyte biomass did not show a clear response because of their high variability. Maximum leaf growth occurred between 25 and 39 psu. In addition, plants suffered considerable mortality at salinities above 42 psu and below 29 psu, with 100% mortality at 50 psu. In salinities between 39 and 46 psu, surviving plants were able to regain their original growth rate when returned to normal seawater salinity (38 psu). These results suggest that P. oceanica is one of the most sensitive seagrasses to salinity increments it is more tolerant to salinity reductions (25.0-36.4 psu), perhaps due to the terrestrial origin of seagrasses.  相似文献   

The recovery capacity of meadows of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in an area affected by illegal trawling were assessed after protection by anti-trawling reefs. The differences in vegetative growth between two impacted and two undisturbed localities were tested using growth, shoot balance, aborted branches, and leaf and rhizome production of both plagiotropic and orthotropic rhizomes. The organic matter in sediments, silt clay fraction and light intensity incident on the bottom were also measured in order to evaluate the physical conditions. Environmental and plant variables were measured in three sites placed inside each locality. The vegetative growth was positive in both impacted and control meadows but growth rates were lower in impacted than in control meadows. Average growth, production and shoot balance were greater in plagiotropic rhizomes from undisturbed localities (40.7±1.75 vs. 28.4±1.34 mm/year, 1133±0.06 vs. 708±0.04 mg DW/shoot/year, 1.36±0.08 vs. 0.96±0.06 shoots/year, respectively). Significantly greater values were also found in undisturbed localities for orthotropic rhizomes in terms of shoot balance and rhizome production (0.07±0.01 vs. 0.01±0.003 shoots/shoot/year and 155 vs. 124 mg DW/shoot/year, respectively). Of the physical parameters measured, only light intensity differed significantly between impacted and undisturbed localities. This parameter was 15.5% to 67.6% lower in impacted localities than in undisturbed localities, and this is the factor that causes the retardation of vegetative growth. The results show that recovery of P. oceanica meadows is possible after eliminating the cause of the impact. However, the very low rates of vegetative growth may prolong the time to total recuperation to almost 100 years. Therefore, effective management of P. oceanica meadows should aim to prevent meadow loss.  相似文献   

The response of orthotropic rhizome elongation and primary production of Posidonia oceanica to anthropogenic perturbations and potential confounding effects of shoot age were assessed using a Linear Multilevel Model (LMM). This model examined the confounding effect of age by comparing the estimates of impact and variance components obtained by excluding and including Age as an explanatory variable. Age had a negative effect on rhizome elongation and primary production with an annual decrease of 0.6 mm y− 1 and 7 mg dw y− 1 respectively. According to the LMM when age effect was omitted, the differences between disturbed and control locations in rhizome elongation and primary production were 2.62 mm y− 1 and 0.044 g dw y− 1 respectively. These effects were statistically not significant. On the contrary, when age effect was included in the statistical model, impacts became evident for both variables, with significant differences between disturbed and control locations of 5.85 mm y− 1 and 0.081 g dw y− 1 for rhizome elongation and primary production, respectively. Thus, particular attention should be paid to the potential confounding effect of shoots age in analyses of impacts on growth performance of P. oceanica.  相似文献   

Here we studied the effects of adding organic carbon and nutrients to sediment on the physiology and survival of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in a field experiment in the Medes Islands (NE Spain). Nine randomly selected plots were established at a depth of 10 m; three were enriched with organic carbon (OM treatment), three with organic carbon and nutrients (OMN treatment), and three were kept as controls (CON). The experiment was performed over 5 months and sampling of plants and sediments was done in March, May and July 2002. Sediment sulfide pools and pore water ammonium concentrations increased significantly in OM and OMN plots, both treatments showing increased reducing conditions in the sediment. Plants in these two treatments showed higher mortality and lower biomass compared to plants from CON plots. The greatest effects on seagrass occurred in the OMN plots, indicating a synergistic effect of organic carbon and nutrient additions. Treatments had significant effects on plant nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) metabolism, shown by an increase in free amino acid (FAA) content, a change in FAA composition and a lack of increase in N and P tissue content. Treated plants showed higher g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and malate concentrations and lower concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates compared to CON, indicating that anaerobic respiration in below-ground tissues occurred. Several of the physiological changes shown by P. oceanica can be interpreted as adaptations to anoxia exposure. However, the increased mortality in treated plots demonstrates that this seagrass does not tolerate highly reduced sediments.  相似文献   

Patch dynamics of the Mediterranean slow-growing seagrass Posidonia oceanica was studied in two shallow sites (3–10 m) of the Balearic Archipelago (Spain) through repeated censuses (1–2 year−1). In the sheltered site of Es Port Bay (Cabrera Island), initial patch density (October 2001) was low: 0.05 patches m−2, and the patch size (number of shoots) distribution was bimodal: most of the patches had less than 6 shoots or between 20 and 50 shoots. Mean patch recruitment in Es Port Bay (0.006 ± 0.002 patches m−2 year−1) exceeded mean patch loss (0.001 ± 0.001 patches m−2 year−1), yielding positive net patch recruitment (0.004 ± 0.003 patches m−2 year−1) and a slightly increased patch density 3 years later (July 2004, 0.06 patches m−2). In the exposed site of S’Estanyol, the initial patch density was higher (1.38 patches m−2, August 2003), and patch size frequency decreased exponentially with size. Patch recruitment (0.26 patches m−2 year−1) and loss (0.24 patches m−2 year−1) were high, yielding a slightly increased patch density in the area 1 year later (October 2004, 1.40 patches m−2). Most recruited patches consisted of rooting vegetative fragments of 1–2 shoots. Seedling recruitment was observed in Summer 2004 at both sites. Episodic, seedling recruitment comprised 30% and 25% of total patch recruitment in Es Port Bay and S’Estanyol, respectively. Patch survival increased with patch size and no direct removal was observed among patches of 5 shoots or more. Most patches grew along the study, shifting patch distribution towards larger sizes. Within the size range studied (1–150 shoots), absolute shoot recruitment (shoots year−1) increased linearly with patch size (R2 = 0.64, p < 4 × 10−5, N = 125), while specific shoot recruitment was constant (about 0.25 ± 0.05 year−1), although its variance was large for small patches. Given the slow growth rate and the high survival of patches with 5 or more shoots, even the low patch recruitment rates reported here could play a significant role in the colonisation process of P. oceanica.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the influence of non-monsoon sediment arrival on the high-diversity SE Indian seagrass meadows of the Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar. We used a gradient-based approach to examine the influence of increasing sediment loads on species composition and shoot density. In addition, for the ubiquitous seagrass (Cymodocea serrulata), we tested the influence of sediment on its biomass and productivity. We identified three sites in Palk Bay and four sites in Gulf of Mannar (SE India) along a gradient of sediment input. At each of the seven locations, sediment traps were deployed to measure sedimentation rates. Nine seagrass cores were taken systematically along 50 m transects at a constant sub-tidal depth to measure shoot density and biomass. A few shoots of C. serrulata were marked to estimate the above ground seagrass growth rate. Our results indicate that sedimentation rates that ranged from 8.6 to 62.4 mg DW cm−2 d−1 could not explain species composition of the meadow or shoot density of the observed species. C. serrulata was, by far, the most abundant species and present in all sediment conditions. Sedimentation rates did not alter shoot elongation rates in C. serrulata, ranging from 1.54 ± 0.29 SD to 0.25 ± 0.02 SD cm d−1, but in contrast, increased vertical rhizome elongation rate. This increase was reflected in an increase in below ground biomass along the sediment gradient (R2 = 0.582, p = 0.01). C. serrulata appears to be able to adapt to the sediment dynamics in this area by allocating resources to rhizomes and roots to counteract burial and stabilizing sediments. Given that siltation is one of the most important threats to seagrass meadows, understanding the species-specific adaptive mechanisms of seagrass species in these high-sediment, high diversity South Asian meadows is an important first step in ensuring their long-term survival and functioning.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are a group of proteins with low molecular mass and high cysteine content that bind to heavy metals and are thought to play a role in their metabolism and detoxification. Genes encoding MT-like proteins have been isolated in a number of plants. In this work we isolated nine MT-like sequences from copper- or cadmium-exposed plants of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, a marine Angiosperm playing a major role in maintaining infralittoral ecosystems in the Mediterranean sea. These sequences, together with two other MT genes previously isolated from this species, show high similarities with genes encoding type 2 MTs. Neighbour-joining analysis, at both deduced protein and 3′-UTR sequence level, indicates that at least two subgroups occur within Posidonia type 2 MTs, showing, however, a strong sequence uniformity. Southern analysis of two type 2 MT-encoding sequences (Pomt2b and Pomt2f) belonging to the two different subgroups showed distinct hybridisation patterns. For both type 2 MTs, we have determined, by in situ technique, the expression domain in Posidonia plants. The members of these two MT subgroups show differences in their histological expression, with Pomt2b associated with proliferative tissues whereas Pomt2f is associated with lignified or suberized cell wall.  相似文献   

The Bay of Saint-Cyr (Provence, France, Mediterranean Sea) is the site of two harbours, coastal urban development, trawling, boat anchoring and a sewage outfall. The Posidonia oceanica seagrass distribution was mapped with the help of aerial photographs, side scan sonar and GIS. In addition, the temporal variations of its distribution were studied by aerial photographs and GIS from 1955 to 2000. Finally, coverage and shoot density were measured via scuba-diving. This work reveals (i) the regression of the P. oceanica meadow at sites where harbours have been built, (ii) the occurrence of spaces within the meadow free of live P. oceanica (“intermattes”), which account for 8% of its surface area, (iii) a deep area where P. oceanica coverage and shoot density are low and (iv) evidence of regression, although modest, of the meadow at its lower limit. Nevertheless, the study site also exhibits an extensive and on the whole relatively healthy meadow whose limits have changed little over time.  相似文献   

Seagrasses worldwide are noted for suffering from mechanical damage caused by boat anchoring. This is particularly so in sites highly frequented by boaters (marine protected areas or coastal urbanised areas). In the last decades, different strategies have been put into practice to reduce such impacts on seagrasses (i.e. by anchoring bans or by deploying boat moorings). More recently, in consideration that few marine protected area (MPA) management bodies or local administrations have the resources to enforce their anchorage regulations, the self-regulatory approach based on education and information of boaters has been preferred in several cases. At present, however, very little is known on the correct anchoring practices to ensure the safeguarding of seagrasses. The aim of the present study was to experimentally quantify in the field the damage caused to Posidonia oceanica shoot density by anchoring. A multifactorial experiment was designed to test whether the damage is dependent on (1) different anchor types (Hall, Danforth and Folding grapnel), (2) the use of a chain vs. a rope, (3) the three anchoring stages (anchor fall, dragging/lock-in and weighing), and finally (4) whether the pattern is consistent among different locations of the meadow.As expected, the three anchor types employed in the present study differed in the levels of damage inflicted on the P. oceanica meadows of the Ustica Island MPA. In particular, the use of the Hall type anchor seems to be preferable to minimise this impact in comparison with the other two anchor types. Moreover, the effect on the meadow of the three anchor types is greatly dependent on the anchoring stage. These results confirm that the weighing stage is the critical stage of the anchoring process. The number of damaged shoots of P. oceanica was not affected by the presence of the chain. These patterns were consistent between locations.In the long term, even anchoring on P. oceanica by small boats using low-impact anchors may potentially have detrimental consequences. For this reason, we suggest that in vulnerable sites, it is preferable to implement an educational program based on information of boaters on correct anchoring practices and anchor typology to use, rather than adopting strong restrictions to boat anchoring or deploying mooring buoys. Although the use of these management strategies is still recommended in the case of anchorage frequented by bigger vessels using heavier anchors and chains.  相似文献   

Posidonia oceanica is a marine plant that plays an important ecological role in marine ecosystems. Understanding the eco-physiology of this plant is fundamental for planning conservation and restoration actions covering this species and its habitat. The aim of this study was to explore the acclimation of P. oceanica to depth by examining the leaf morphological variation in a depth gradient. We measured leaf length, width and thickness, as well as the distance of fifth and sixth ribs from the margin and the central rib at different depths, comparing leaves morphology and histo-anatomy. Leaf length was the only morphological character clearly related to depth, whereas the overall morphological variation seems to be due to a change in the histo-anatomical characters. Depth-related characters showed a different variation pattern from that of not depth-related ones. Our results do not fit the model used to explain the seagrass responses to light variation; most morphological leaf traits are not directly linked to the acclimation of this species to depth. Finally, we hypothesise that the variation pattern of not depth-dependent characters is an expression of P. oceanica meadow genetic structure along the depth gradient.  相似文献   

The concentration of phenolic compound was measured in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica when interacting with two Bryopsidophyceae, Caulerpa taxifolia and Caulerpa racemosa, between May 1999 and May 2000. These measurements were performed on adult and intermediate leaves and in sheaths of the seagrass. Sampling was carried out at three stations subject to increasing levels of interaction with Caulerpa. The number of tannin cells was also analysed. Five phenolic compounds were identified in P. oceanica, with a predominance of caffeic acid in the adult and intermediate leaves. For a given level of interaction (and for both caulerpa sp.), a significant seasonal variation in phenolic compounds was shown in the adult leaves (higher in November and lower in September and March for example for the interaction with C. taxifolia). Only for two compounds (corresponding to a mixture containing ferulic acid and the ester methyl 12-acetoxyricinoleate) were significant differences observed as a function of the level of interaction with C. taxifblia, and only in the adult leaves: higher concentrations of phenols were observed with increasing level of interaction. Thus,adult leaves gave values of 55.5 +/- 14.1 microg g(-1) dm without interaction (OCt) and 94.9 +/- 23.4 microg g(-l) dm with high interaction (2Ct),corresponding to an increase of 70%. No significant difference was observed with intermediate leaves and sheaths, or for interaction with C. racemosa. The number of tannin cells (supposed to produce the phenolic compounds) largely increased in the adult and intermediate leaves when the degree of interaction with C. taxifolia increased: 90 mm above the base of the sheath (in adult leaves), 16.7 +/- 10.6 tannin cells cm(-2) were found without interaction (OCt), and 57.8 + 21.2 tannin cells cm(-2) with high interaction (2Ct). No significant difference was found for C. racemosa interaction. It thus appears that when the seagrass P. oceanica is in interaction with C. taxifolia, it accelerates its production of secondary metabolites so as to limit invasion of the beds.  相似文献   

The effects of induced hypoxic-anoxic conditions on the metazoan meiofaunal assemblages and nematode diversity were investigated with an in situ experiment in a Posidonia oceanica meadow. The experiment, of the duration of five months, was performed in three experimental sets of plots. Two of them were enriched with organic matter to induce anoxic conditions (1 set with sucrose and 1 set with sugar plus nutrients, i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus) whereas the last set of plots was kept undisturbed and used as Control. Metazoan meiofauna displayed a fast response to the induced anoxic conditions with an immediate reduction of the richness of taxa (only nematodes and copepods tolerated the hypoxic-anoxic conditions). Nematodes were the most tolerant organisms as their species richness did not change in hypoxic-anoxic conditions, but their species composition and trophic structure displayed significant changes. Some genera (Desmoscolex and Bolbolaimus) were replaced by other (Chromadorella, Sabatiera and Polysigma) more tolerant to the extreme conditions. No significant differences were observed in the Control plots, whereas in treated plots, selective deposit feeders and predators decreased significantly, being replaced by non-selective deposit feeders and epistrate feeders. These results indicate that, events causing a reduction in oxygen availability, can have an impact on the nematode beta-diversity and functional diversity with potential important implications on the benthic food web and functioning of the seagrass systems.  相似文献   

Posidonia oceanica L. (Delile), an endemic species of the Mediterranean, forms extensive meadows which are continuously endangered by anthropic impacts. The availability of up-to-date information about interannual changes in shoot density of meadows and the knowledge of its expansion capabilities are crucial elements for the development of effective protection plans. Conversely, spatial ecology is becoming an increasingly important component of resource management, and the use of quantitative data for constructing prognosis maps of the dynamics of ecosystem degradation and restoration by nonlinear simulation methods is a topical field of landscape ecology. Unfortunately, little is known on spatial patterns of shoot density of P. oceanica on a small scale, despite their increasing use as indicators of the status and/or trends of meadows. The spatial structure of a continuous P. oceanica meadow, extending from 1 to 33 m depth in Lacco Ameno (Gulf of Naples, Italy), is investigated here by the “kriging” technique, a method widely used for geostatistical purposes. The analysis detected peculiar spatial patterns of shoot density and facilitated a small-scale (square meters) model of the distribution of P. oceanica. The highest shoot densities were found at the shallow stand (430 shoots m−2, on the average, with a peak of 1000 shoots m−2 in a relatively small area, at 1 m depth) and the lowest at the deep stand (average density <300 shoots m−2 below 15 m depth). A high degree of patchiness was found in the shallow stand, down to 10 m depth. Nestlike patterns with a rounded shape, characterized by shoot density radially decreasing from the center, were demonstrated mainly in the shallow stand. An opposite trend was detected in one case, where the main nestlike pattern was characterized by a decrease of density towards the center. Nestlike patterns may be generated by the confluence and overlap of stolons expanding from proximal areas. The comparison of density and depth models indicated that the shape of the seafloor influences the density structure of meadows and the growth patterns of P. oceanica.  相似文献   

The results of 15 years of monitoring of Posidonia oceanica in the “Cinque Terre” Marine Protected Area (NW Mediterranean) are presented. Seasonal data on meadow characteristics (cover and shoot density), plant phenology (leaf number, leaf length and width, leaf brown portion, undamaged leaves), lepidochronology, leaf epiphyte cover and herbivore pressure collected from three stations at 5, 10 and 17 m depth were compared. Time-series analyses showed both medium-term (5 < years) and long-term cycles (from 5 to more than 20 years). The comparison of annual cycles with sea surface temperatures (SST) and rainfall showed correlations that differed in relation to depth and, in the case of epiphytes, with each side (internal and external) of the leaf blade. Meadow parameters (visual cover, shoot percent cover) and plant parameters (leaf number, number of undamaged leaves, number of scales shoot−1) showed a positive trend in accordance with the rise of air and sea surface temperature recorded over these last decades. Shoot density and leaf width showed exceptions. Leaf length, leaf brown portion length and the number of undamaged leaves shoot−1 showed positive or negative long-term trends, whose variability could not be related to climate data alone. The two major groups of epiphytes (encrusting algae and the bryozoan Electra posidoniae) showed negative trends. Grazing variability could be explained only partially by climate parameters. Epiphyte cover was found to be related to the NAO index.In conclusion, data showed that the effects of the climate change in terms of both sea surface temperature rising and rainfall decreasing may affect the growth cycles of P. oceanica on two levels: on a decadal level, with positive or negative trends in meadow and plant characteristics and in epiphyte cover; on yearly and seasonal levels, influencing endogenous plant growth rhythms, as in the case of leaf production cycle.  相似文献   

Current knowledge about the abundance, growth, and primary production of the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson is biased towards shallow (depth <3 m) meadows although this species also forms extensive meadows at larger depths along the coastlines. The biomass and primary production of a C. nodosa meadow located at a depth of 8–11 m was estimated at the time of maximum annual vegetative development (summer) using reconstruction techniques, and compared with those available from shallow meadows of this species. A depth-referenced data base of values at the time of maximum annual development was compiled to that end. The vegetative development of C. nodosa at 8–11 m depth was not different from that achieved by shallow (depth <3 m) meadows of this species. Only shoot density, which decreased from 1637 to 605 shoots m−2, and the annual rate of elongation of the horizontal rhizome, which increased from 23 to 71 cm apex−1 year−1, were different as depth increased from <3 to 8–11 m. Depth was a poor predictor of the vegetative development and primary production of C. nodosa. The biomass of rhizomes and roots decreased with depth (g DW m−2 = 480 (±53, S.E.) − 32 (±15, S.E.) depth (in m); R2 = 0.12, F = 4.65, d.f. = 35, P = 0.0381) which made total biomass of the meadow to show a trend of decrease with depth but the variance of biomass data explained by depth was low. The annual rate of elongation of the horizontal rhizome showed a significant positive relationship with depth (cm apex−1 year−1 = 18 (±5.1, S.E.) + 5.0 (±1.33, S.E.) depth (in m); R2 = 0.50, F = 14.07, d.f. = 14, P = 0.0021). As shoot size and growth did not change significantly with depth, the reduction of shoot density should drive any changes of biomass and productivity of C. nodosa as depth increases. The processes by which this reduction of C. nodosa abundance with depth occur remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Urban and industrial wastes have been claimed to negatively affect Posidonia oceanica meadows, but few studies have addressed this issue by comparing disturbed locations with replicated reference locations. Here, we examined the general proposition that patterns of growth and morphology of P. oceanica exposed to urban and industrial effluents were different from those observed in reference meadows. Hypotheses were both on differences in mean values of response variables and on variation of these measures at a hierarchy of spatial scales (from centimetres to hundreds of metres). Results indicated a significant reduction in mean number of intermediate leaves at the outfall compared to reference locations, whereas the opposite pattern occurred for juvenile leaves. There were significant, though temporally variable differences in growth of rhizomes between disturbed and reference locations, with reduced growth at the outfall in 2 out of 3 years analysed. Measures of spatial variance in number of juvenile leaves and length of adult leaves at the scale of shoots were significantly larger at the outfall compared to reference locations. At the same scale, measures of spatial variance in length of juvenile and intermediate leaves were significantly lower at the putatively impacted location. Spatial variance in number of intermediate leaves was reduced at the outfall compared to reference locations at the scale of quadrats. Past values of spatial variance in number of leaves per shoot were lower at the outfall than at the two reference locations at the scale of shoots, whereas the opposite occurred at the scale of areas. None of the structural variables examined showed any difference between the putatively impacted location and the two reference locations, either in terms of mean response or as changes in spatial variance. These results indicated that integrating methods to examine present and past events of disturbance, including analyses to detect changes in spatial variance of response variables, may provide a powerful approach to the analysis of environmental impacts on P. oceanica.  相似文献   

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