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将人的体细胞移植到牛卵中培育出人ES细胞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《日经生物技术》1998年11月23日号第23页报道:美国AdvancedCelTechnology公司(ACT公司)11月12日宣布,将人体细胞移植到除核的牛卵细胞培育出具有全能性的人胚性干细胞(ES细胞)。今年1月,美国Wisconsin州立大学...  相似文献   

中国西部耳蕨属新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1高大耳蕨新种图1:6~8PolystichumaltumChing,sp.nov.insched.TYPE:Yunnan(云南),Suijiang(绥江),underbamboos,alt.1200~1400m,19730527,W.M.Chu...  相似文献   

新疆农业绿洲生态建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆农业绿洲生态建设的探讨夏爱林(新疆农业科学院土壤肥料研究所,乌鲁木齐830000)AnApproachtotheEcologicalConstructionofAgriculturalOascsinXinjiang¥XiaAilin(InstituteofSoilandFertilizers,XinjiangAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Uromqi830000).ChineseJournalofEcolo-gy,1993,12(1):67-70。Comparedwithotheraridareasoftheworld,theagriculturaloasesinXinjiangpossessthefollowingcharacters:1.theyaredesertandirrigated,andwateristhemainfactorfortheirsubsistenceanddevel-oprnent,2.thereareabundantlight,heatandwaterresourcesandgreatpotentialforincreasingtheirprod  相似文献   

曹勇 《生态学杂志》1993,12(1):56-58
独墅湖颤蚓翻新底泥量的估算曹勇(苏州城建环保学院,215008)QuantitativeEstimationofSedimentRenewalbyTubificidsinDushuLake¥CaoYong(SuzhouInstituteofUrbanConstruction&EnvironmentalProtection,215008).ChineseJournalofEcology,1993,12(1):56-58。Tubificidsaresampledmainlyatanintervaloftwomonthsin1984.SixspeciesarefoundinthesedimentofDushulake,andLimnodrilushoffmeistriandBranchurasowerbyiaredominantspecies.Thedefecationratesofthesetwospeciesaremeasuredandtheamountsofsedimentrenewalareestimated.Keywords:Tubificids,lakesediment,Dushulake.水栖寡毛类  相似文献   

具有杀虫效果的新型微生物《日经生物技术》,1998年7月6日号第16页报道:美国Wisconsin州立大学Madison分校昆虫学部毒性学教授Richardfrench-Constant的研究组发现了具有杀虫效果的新型微生物。该氏等所发现的微生物Ph...  相似文献   

论我国城市园林公墓的生态建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论我国城市园林公墓的生态建设周鸿杨一光(云南大学生物系,昆明650091)OnEcologicalConstructionoftheUrbanGardenCemeteriesinChina.ZhouHong,YangYiguang(Departmen...  相似文献   

1林芝蔓龙胆新种图1:1~4CrawfurdianyingchiensisK.YaoetW.L.Cheng,sp.nov.TYPE:Xizang(Tibet西藏),Nyingchi(林芝),inconiferousforest,alt.2870m,1...  相似文献   

从生态位观点评价苏南地区种植业结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从生态位观点评价苏南地区种植业结构调整高德明(南京农业大学农学系,210014)EvaluationofCroppingStructureAdjustlnentsinSouthernJiangsufromtheViewpointsofNicbeTkeory¥.GaoDeming(DepartmentofAgronomy,NanjingAgriculturalUniversity,210014).ChineseJournalofE-cology,1993,12(2):43-44.AccordingtotheconcreteconditionsinsouthernJiangsu,thesignificance,necessityandpossibilityofad-justingcroppingstructureareevaluatedfromtheviewpointsofnichetheory.Theefficienciesoftwocrop-pingsystemsinutilizingpaddyfieldnichesareanalyzedandtheresultsshowthatthecroppingpat  相似文献   

QuantitativeChangesinMainParametersofSecondaryXylemduringAgingProcessinPinusbugeanaLINJin-xing;(林金星),LINYue-hui;(林月惠),WEILin-...  相似文献   

小兴安岭阔叶红松林凋落物产量及动态的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
小兴安岭阔叶红松林凋落物产量及动态的研究刘传照,李景文,潘桂兰,李传荣(东北林业大学红松研究所,黑龙江带岭153106)LitterProductionandDynamicsinBroadleavcd-KoreanPineForestsinXiaoxinganMountaiils¥LiuChuanzhao;LiJingwen;PanGuilan;LiChuanrong(InstituteofKoreanPineStudies,NortbeastForestryUniversity,Dailing,Heilongjiang153106).ChneseJournalofEcology,1993,12(6):29-33.Three-yearstudywasdoneonlitterproductionanddynamicsunderbroadleaved-KoreanpineforestsintheXiaoxinganMountains。Resultsshowedthatannuallitterfallis4.25±0.17t.ha ̄(-1).yr ̄(-1).Amongtotallitterfall,leaflit  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia frequently display neurocognitive dysfunction, and genetic studies suggest it to be an endophenotype for schizophrenia. Genetic studies of such traits may thus help elucidate the biological pathways underlying genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia. This study aimed to identify loci influencing neurocognitive performance in schizophrenia. The sample comprised of 1207 affected individuals and 1035 unaffected individuals of Han Chinese ethnicity from 557 sib‐pair families co‐affected with DSM‐IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition) schizophrenia. Subjects completed a face‐to‐face semi‐structured interview, the continuous performance test (CPT) and the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST), and were genotyped with 386 microsatellite markers across the genome. A series of autosomal genome‐wide multipoint nonparametric quantitative trait loci (QTL) linkage analysis were performed in affected individuals only. Determination of genome‐wide empirical significance was performed using 1000 simulated genome scans. One linkage peak attaining genome‐wide significance was identified: 12q24.32 for undegraded CPT hit rate [nonparametric linkage z (NPL‐Z) scores = 3.32, genome‐wide empirical P = 0.03]. This result was higher than the peak linkage signal obtained in the previous genome‐wide scan using a dichotomous diagnosis of schizophrenia. The identification of 12q24.32 as a QTL has not been consistently implicated in previous linkage studies on schizophrenia, which suggests that the analysis of endophenotypes provides additional information from what is seen in analyses that rely on diagnoses. This region with linkage to a particular neurocognitive feature may inform functional hypotheses for further genetic studies for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Chromosome 6p is one of the most commonly implicated regions in the genome-wide linkage scans of schizophrenia, whereas further association studies for markers in this region were inconsistent likely due to heterogeneity. This study aimed to identify more homogeneous subgroups of families for fine mapping on regions around markers D6S296 and D6S309 (both in 6p24.3) as well as D6S274 (in 6p22.3) by means of similarity in neurocognitive functioning. A total of 160 families of patients with schizophrenia comprising at least two affected siblings who had data for eight neurocognitive test variables of the continuous performance test (CPT) and the Wisconsin card sorting test (WCST) were subjected to cluster analysis with data visualization using the test scores of both affected siblings. Family clusters derived were then used separately in family-based association tests for 64 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) covering the region of 6p24.3 and 6p22.3. Three clusters were derived from the family-based clustering, with deficit cluster 1 representing deficit on the CPT, deficit cluster 2 representing deficit on both the CPT and the WCST, and a third cluster of nondeficit. After adjustment using false discovery rate for multiple testing, SNP rs13873 and haplotype rs1225934-rs13873 on BMP6-TXNDC5 genes were significantly associated with schizophrenia for the deficit cluster 1 but not for the deficit cluster 2 or nondeficit cluster. Our results provide further evidence that the BMP6-TXNDC5 locus on 6p24.3 may play a role in the selective impairments on sustained attention of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated changes in Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) during the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) in order to identify cognitive processes underlying the set-shifting aspects of the task and to determine test sensitivity for frontal and prefrontal cortical areas. ERP's were recorded from a sample of 20 healthy adults while they performed a computerized version of the Grant & Berg (1948) version of the WCST, using 32-channel electroencephalogram recordings. The ERP waveforms were calculated for the set-shifting trials, or more precisely for the 2nd and the 3rd trials in the WCST series (set change condition) and compared to those associated with the last two trials in a series before the set change (set unchanged condition). The results indicated changes in central frontal and parietal electrodes during attentional set-shifting. More precisely, the P300 effect was replicated in this dataset, confirming the claim that the WCST measures function of prefrontal cortical areas of the brain. However, the obtained wave resembled P3b indicating the working memory component of the task. The results suggest that the frontal and parietal cortical activity is especially involved in set-shifting during WCST performance. Therefore, these electrophysiological results are not consistent with some recent studies that question the specificity of WCST as a measure of frontal and parietal lesions.  相似文献   



Emotional intelligence (EI) is important for personal, social and career success and has been linked to the frontal anterior cingulate, insula and amygdala regions.


To ascertain which stroke lesion sites impair emotional intelligence and relation to current frontal assessment measurements.


One hundred consecutive, non aphasic, independently functioning patients post stroke were evaluated with the Bar-On emotional intelligence test, "known as the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i)" and frontal tests that included the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Frontal Systems Behavioral Inventory (FRSBE) for correlational validity. The results of a screening, bedside frontal network syndrome test (FNS) and NIHSS to document neurological deficit were also recorded. Lesion location was determined by the Cerefy digital, coxial brain atlas.


After exclusions (n = 8), patients tested (n = 92, mean age 50.1, CI: 52.9, 47.3 years) revealed that EQ-i scores were correlated (negatively) with all FRSBE T sub-scores (apathy, disinhibition, executive, total), with self-reported scores correlating better than family reported scores. Regression analysis revealed age and FRSBE total scores as the most influential variables. The WCST error percentage T score did not correlate with the EQ-i scores. Based on ANOVA, there were significant differences among the lesion sites with the lowest mean EQ-i scores associated with temporal (71.5) and frontal (87.3) lesions followed by subtentorial (91.7), subcortical gray (92.6) and white (95.2) matter, and the highest scores associated with parieto-occipital lesions (113.1).


1) Stroke impairs EI and is associated with apathy, disinhibition and executive functioning. 2) EI is associated with frontal, temporal, subcortical and subtentorial stroke syndromes.

A mechanical, pneumatically operated device has been developed that permits withdrawal and freezeclamping of either liver or brain tissue from unanaesthetized nonimmobilized rats. Furthermore, regional sampling from brain is possible. The apparatus works in the following way: By means of rotating knives, two cross-sections are made through a rat in such a way that the slice cut out of the animal between the two knives will contain the desired tissue. This slice is then freezeclamped between precooled aluminium blocks. The sampling procedure works automatically: i.e., when the rat is in position in the apparatus and the precooled aluminium blocks have been mounted on the arms of a pair of cooling tongs, the biopsy is made simply by pressing a button. The time for making a biopsy amounts to 0.10 sec. The brain or liver tissue can be isolated from the freezeclamped slices at the temperature of liquid N2, using a small buzz saw developed for this purpose.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations of genetic variants in catechol- O -methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene, including rs737865 in intron 1, rs4680 in exon 4 (Val158Met) and downstream rs165599, to schizophrenia and its related neurocognitive functions in families of patients with schizophrenia. Totally, 680 individuals from 166 simplex (166 affected members and 354 nonpsychotic first-degree relatives) and 46 multiplex families (85 affected members and 75 nonpsychotic first-degree relatives) were interviewed using Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies, administered Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Continuous Performance Test (CPT), and drawn for venous blood. Both categorical (dichotomizing families on affected members' neurocognitive performance) and quantitative approaches toward the WCST and CPT performance scores were employed using the family-based association test and the variance components framework, respectively. Both false discovery rate and permutations were used to adjust for multiple testing. The genotypes of rs4680 were associated with both the WCST and CPT performance scores in these families, but not with schizophrenia per se in either whole sample or subgroup analyses. Meanwhile, the other two single nucleotide polymorphisms were differentially associated with the two tasks. For WCST indexes, regardless of subgroup analyses or quantitative approach, only rs737865 exhibited moderate associations. For CPT indexes, rs737865 exhibited association for the subgroup with deficit on CPT reaction time, whereas rs165599 exhibited association for the subgroup with deficit on CPT d' as well as quantitative undegraded d'. Our results indicate that the genetic variants in COMT might be involved in modulation of neurocognitive functions and hence conferring increased risk to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

This paper describes, for the first time, changes in steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) topography associated with the performance of a computerised version of the Wisconsin card sort test (WCS). The SSVEP was recorded from 64 scalp sites and was elicited by a 13 Hz spatially uniform visual flicker presented continuously while 16 subjects performed the WCS. In the WCS, the sort criterion was automatically changed after subjects had sorted 10 cards correctly. Feedback on the I 1th card always constituted a cue for a change in the sort criterion. It was found that in the 1–2 sec interval after the occurrence of the cue to change sort criterion, the prefrontal, central and right parieto-temporal regions showed a pronounced attenuation in SSVEP amplitude and an increase in phase lag. These changes, interpreted as an increase in regional cortical activity, are not apparent in the equivalent portions of the WCS when the sort criterion does not need to be changed. These results indicate that the levels of prefrontal and right parieto-temporal activity varied during the performance of the WCS, peaking at the times a change in sort criterion was required.  相似文献   



Endophenotypes in schizophrenia research is a contemporary approach to studying this heterogeneous mental illness, and several candidate neurophysiological markers (e.g. P50 sensory gating) and neuropsychological tests (e.g. Continuous Performance Test (CPT) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)) have been proposed. However, the clinical utility of a single marker appears to be limited. In the present study, we aimed to construct a diagnostic model incorporating P50 sensory gating with other neuropsychological tests in order to improve the clinical utility.


We recruited clinically stable outpatients meeting DSM-IV criteria of schizophrenia and age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Participants underwent P50 sensory gating experimental sessions and batteries of neuropsychological tests, including CPT, WCST and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Third Edition (WAIS-III).


A total of 106 schizophrenia patients and 74 healthy controls were enrolled. Compared with healthy controls, the patient group had significantly a larger S2 amplitude, and thus poorer P50 gating ratio (gating ratio = S2/S1). In addition, schizophrenia patients had a poorer performance on neuropsychological tests. We then developed a diagnostic model by using multivariable logistic regression analysis to differentiate patients from healthy controls. The final model included the following covariates: abnormal P50 gating (defined as P50 gating ratio >0.4), three subscales derived from the WAIS-III (Arithmetic, Block Design, and Performance IQ), sensitivity index from CPT and smoking status. This model had an adequate accuracy (concordant percentage = 90.4%; c-statistic = 0.904; Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test, p = 0.64>0.05).


To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest study to date using P50 sensory gating in subjects of Chinese ethnicity and the first to use P50 sensory gating along with other neuropsychological tests to develop a diagnostic model for schizophrenia. Further research to validate the predictive accuracy of this model by applying it on other samples is warranted.  相似文献   

The neurodegenerative disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may render patients unable to speak or write, so that objective assessment of cognitive impairment, which is commonly of a dysexecutive nature, is challenging. There is therefore a need to develop other methods of assessment that utilize other relatively unaffected motor systems. In this proof-of-principle study a novel eye-tracking version of the trail-making test was compared with performance on the standard written version in a group of healthy volunteers. There was good correlation for speed between both versions of Part B (R2=0.73), suggesting that this is a viable method to objectively assess cognitive impairment in disorders where patients are unable to speak or write.  相似文献   



Using a knock-out mouse model, it was shown that NETO1 is a critical component of the NMDAR complex, and that loss of Neto1 leads to impaired hippocampal long term potentiation and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. Moreover, hemizygosity of NETO1 was shown to be associated with autistic-like behavior in humans.

Purpose of the Research

We examined the association between schizophrenia and the neuropilin and tolloid-like 1 gene (NETO1). First, we selected eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the NETO1 locus, based on the Japanese schizophrenia genome wide association study (JGWAS) results and previously conducted association studies. These SNPs were genotyped in the replication sample comprised of 963 schizophrenic patients and 919 healthy controls. We also examined the effect of associated SNPs on scores in the Continuous Performance Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Keio version (schizophrenic patients 107, healthy controls 104).


There were no significant allele-wise and haplotype-wise associations in the replication analysis after Bonferroni correction. However, in meta-analysis (JGWAS and replication dataset) three association signals were observed (rs17795324: p = 0.028, rs8098760: p = 0.017, rs17086492: p = 0.003). These SNPs were followed up but we could not detect the allele-specific effect on cognitive performance measured by the Continuous performance test (CPT) and Wisconsin Card Sorting test (WCST).

Major Conclusions

We did not detect evidence for the association of NETO1 with schizophrenia in the Japanese population. Common variants within the NETO1 locus may not increase the genetic risk for schizophrenia in the Japanese population. Additionally, common variants investigated in the current study did not affect cognitive performance, as measured by the CPT and WCST.  相似文献   

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