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Several 7-chloro-imidazo(1,2-c)pyrimidines were tested on tobacco callus cultures in order to verify a possible cytokinin and anticytokinin-like activity. These compounds were used alone and in combination with kinetin or zeatin.

The aminofurfuryl derivatives showed a strong inhibitory action on cell multiplication and this effect was enhanced when they were mixed with kinetin or zeatin.

The isopentenyl derivatives on the contrary were able to induce cell division in tobacco callus.  相似文献   

 The effect of different genotypes of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum on in vitro rooting of micropropagated cuttings of Prunus avium and P. cerasus was studied in an attempt to determine whether ectomycorrhizal fungi could enhance in vitro adventitious root formation in plants which form arbuscular endomycorrhizas. The rooting percentage of P. avium cuttings was approximately 16% in the absence of hormonal treatment; it increased up to 30% in the presence of 5.7 μM IAA which was the most favourable auxin concentration. The rooting percentage of cuttings cultivated in the absence of IAA was enhanced by all the studied strains of H. cylindrosporum. It ranged from 50 to 60% with the IAA-overproducing mutant D 111 or the wild-type dikaryon D1, to 100% in the presence of the mutants 331 or D 117. The cuttings of P. cerasus showed a higher rooting ability than those of P. avium since approximately 40% of them were able to root in the absence of hormonal treatment. Except for the mutant D117, their rooting percentage was not significantly improved by H. cylindrosporum. Fungal inoculation also affected the survival of cuttings at acclimatization: 50% of the uninoculated P. avium cuttings survived whereas the survival percentage of inoculated cuttings ranged from 30 to 100% depending on the fungal genotype. With P. cerasus, the percentage of survival of uninoculated cuttings ranged from 85 to 100% and fungi either did not significantly improve it or lowered it. At acclimatization fungal hyphae could be observed in close contact with adventitious roots, but they did not establish mycorrhizal association. The shoot height of P. avium plantlets obtained from inoculated cuttings was not significantly different from that of plantlets originating from uninoculated ones. By contrast, fungal inoculation generally depressed the growth of acclimatized P. cerasus plantlets. The possibility of using ectomycorrhizal fungi as a tool to enhance rooting of micropropagated cuttings of plants which do not form ectomycorrhizas is discussed. Received: 25 November 1996 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   

An attempt was made to identify some of the hormonal factors that control adventitious root formation in our Prunus avium micropropagation system in order to improve rooting in difficult-to-root genotypes. Changes in endogenous contents of free polyamines were determined at intervals during auxin-induced rooting of shoot cultures. Accumulation of putrescine and spermidine peaked between days 9 and 11. Spermine was only present in traces, Exogenously supplied putrescine or spermine (50-500 μM), in the presence of optimal or suboptimal levels of indolebutyric acid (IBA), had no effect on rooting percentage or root density, except for spermine at 500 μM. At this external concentration spermine caused a substantial accumulation in both free spermine and putrescine. The use of several inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis, namely α-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), α-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), dicyclohexylammonium sulphate (DCHA) and methylglyoxal-bis-guanyl-hydrazone (MGBG) alone or in combination in the 0.1 to 5 μM range, resulted in an inhibition of rooting that was partially reversed by the addition of the corresponding polyamine. Cellular polyamine levels were significantly reduced by DFMO and DFMA but not by DCHA and MGBG, Labeled putrescine incorporation into spermidine increased somewhat in the presence of the ethylene synthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG). A system based on [3,4-14C]methionine incorporation was used to measure ethylene synthesis by the in vitro cultured shoots. Label incorporation was drastically reduced by 10 μM AVG and increased 3.5-fold in the presence of 50 μM IBA with respect to controls (no IBA). Labeled methionine incorporation into spermidine increased to some extent when ethylene synthesis was inhibited by AVG. Adding the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) to the rooting medium significantly inhibited rooting percentage; AVG caused the formation of a greater number of roots per shoot but delayed their growth. Supplying the shoots with both compounds resulted in an intermediate rooting response, in which both rooting percentage and root density were affected. These results indicate that polyamines may play a significant role at least in some stages of root formation. The polyamine and ethylene biosynthetic pathways seem to be competitive but under our conditions, the enhancement of one pathway when the other was inhibited, was not dramatic. Although IBA promoted ethylene synthesis, AVG, which drastically reduced it, also promoted root formation. Thus, the auxin effect on root induction cannot be directly related to its ability to enhance ethylene synthesis.  相似文献   

CAM induction by photoperiodism in green callus cultures from a CAM plant   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract Green calli obtained from leaves of the CAM-inducible plant Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv. Montezuma were grown either under long-day or short-day regimes in the Phytotron of Gif-sur-Yvette. Callus cells were found to be CAM inducible by the short-day treatment, according to levels and diurnal oscillations of malate pools and phosphor-enolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (EC. capacity. De novo synthesis of PEP carboxylase was shown to occur under the short-day regime. In spite of continuous net CO2 output, CAM-like patterns of CO2 exchange by calli were obtained under the short-day treatment. After 2 months under both photoperiodic conditions, spontaneous organogenesis in callus tissues gave rise to numerous shootlets which were determined as photoperiod dependent for CAM; the same was so for plants originating from these shootlets.  相似文献   

不同甜樱桃品种果实主要内含物测试与分析   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
以 拉宾斯 、 斯坦勒 等7个生产上主栽的欧洲甜樱桃品种为试验材料,研究了不同品种采收后果实可溶性蛋白质、维生素C Vc 、可溶性总糖和总酸等主要内含物含量的差异.进一步分析了各主要内含物含量与果实发育期、果实大小以及相互之间的相关性.结果表明:甜樱桃品种果实可溶性蛋白质和总糖含量与果实发育期均呈显著正相关,说明发育期短的早熟品种果实可溶性蛋白质和糖含量显著低于果实发育期长的中、晚熟品种 P<0.05 ;甜樱桃品质标准在 中上 级以上,果实的可溶性蛋白质含量范围在1052.0~1119.3mg·100g-1FW;品质在 中上 标准以上的果实维生素C的含量范围在9.89~18.01mg·100g-1FW;7个甜樱桃品种之间果实总酸度差异显著 P<0.05 ;甜樱桃果实的糖酸比值与果实发育期和可溶性糖含量均呈显著正相关,甜樱桃果实的糖酸比值能确切地反映果实风味及品质的优劣,可以作为一项指标,甜樱桃品质在 中上 标准以上的果实糖酸比范围在31.37~40.54;早、中、晚熟品种之间相比较,甜樱桃早熟品种的果实大小显著低于中、晚熟品种 P<0.05 .  相似文献   

A fast and simple extraction procedure, coupled with on-column gas chromatography, has been developed in order to investigate the relative amounts of flavonoids in individual trees within several homogeneous populations of Prunus avium. Eight known flavonoid aglycones were isolated from the heartwood of P. avium and multivariate analysis was employed in order to characterise population groups.  相似文献   

Callus tissues were derived from cotyledon segments of Cucumis melo and Cucumis sativus. Four combinations of growth factors, i.e., naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) plus coconut water (CW); NAA plus kinetin; NAA plus 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and indole 3-butyric acid plus BAP, were incorporated in the medium for callus initiation as well as for growth of excised callus in culture for six passages. The proportion of total saturated to unsaturated acids and the ratio of linoleic to linolenic acid was influenced by the change in the type of auxin and cytokinin in the combinations used. A many fold increase of myristic acid was recorded for the indole 3-butyric acid plus BAP combination.  相似文献   

不同生长调节剂对马蹄金愈伤组织诱导的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
马蹄金是一种优良的地被兼观赏草坪植物。采用正交设计试验法 ,研究了四种不同生长调节剂对马蹄金子叶、叶片、叶柄和下胚轴愈伤组织诱导的影响。结果表明 :生长调节剂是诱导愈伤组织的关键 ,2 ,4 D对愈伤组织诱导具有显著的影响 ,适宜于马蹄金愈伤组织诱导的培养基及生长调节剂为MS +1 .0mg/L 2 ,4 D +0 .2mg/L 6 BA +0 .2mg/LKT +1 .0mg/Lα NAA。  相似文献   

Primers were developed for 14 microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci identified from a Prunus avium‘Charger’ genomic DNA library. In a survey of 16 wild cherry accessions 10 of the loci revealed polymorphisms of between two and six alleles. The remaining loci were found to be monomorphic. Seven polymorphic loci identified in this study and four polymorphic loci previously reported in sweet cherry were mapped and found to be unlinked. Two multiplex polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were optimized to enable the characterization of all 11 unlinked, polymorphic SSR loci.  相似文献   

The PCR-RFLP technique was used to detect chloroplast DNA diversity in wild populations of Prunus avium from five European deciduous forests and some cultivars. A study of 10.8% of the total chloroplast genome detected eight insertion-deletion (indel) mutations, distributed over 12 haplotypes. Six haplotypes (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6) were found in wild populations and eight (H2, H6, H7, H8, H9, H10, H11 and H12) in the cultivars. Only two haplotypes (H2 and H6) are shared by the wild populations and the cultivars. The most-abundant and frequent haplotype in wild populations is H2 (frequency=78%). The wider geographical distribution along with the high frequency reflects its ancient origin. Of the five populations, three are polymorphic. Populations GA (Scotland) and KE (Germany) have unique haplotypes. The total cpDNA diversity in wild populations is hT=0.40, and a major portion of it is within populations (hS=0.37). The genetic differentiation among populations was low (GSTC=0.08) and no genetic structure among wild populations was observed. A minimum-length spanning tree, demonstrating relationships among the haplotypes in wild populations, indicated two possible chloroplast lineages. The ten identified cultivars were represented by seven haplotypes; this result proposes the possible utilisation of the PCR-RFLP technique for the characterisation of sweet cherry cultivars. The cpDNA diversity in P. avium should be considered carefully for phylogenetic studies involving this species. Received: 10 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

Using callus derived from immature embryos, regeneration of viable plants was obtained in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Depending on the composition of the medium, regeneration occurred via embryogenesis or via organogenesis. Embryogenesis resulted when embryos were plated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 43 M -naphthaleneacetic acid. In work with the cultivar Williams 82, the addition of 5.0 M thiamine HCl increased embryogenesis from 33% to 58% of the embryos plated. Addition of 30 M nicotinic acid to the MS medium enhanced embryogenesis further to 76%. Organogenesis was obtained when medium containing 13.3 M 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.2 M and -naphthaleneacetic acid and four times the normal concentration of MS minor salts was used. Histological studies of these cultures confirmed the organogenic and embryogenic nature of the cultures, by demonstrating the formation of shoot buds and somatic embryos, respectively. Similar responses were obtained in all 54 genotypes tested in this manner. The cultures retained the ability to regenerate complete plants for at least 12 months and 12–15 subcultures. Seeds have been obtained from several regenerated plants and when grown in the field these produced normal-appearing fertile plants.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetio acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - MS Murashige and Shoog (1962) medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - picloram 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of exogenous gibberellin A3(GA3) on adventitious rooting of Prunus avium(cherry) cultivars Stella, F12/1 and Charger. We show that GA3pre-treatment of P. avium stock plants causes an increasein shoot growth rate and also improves the rooting of cuttings subsequentlytaken from the treated plants. Approximately 37% of cuttings from controlshootsrooted, whereas the percentage rooting could be increased to 80% or more withGA3 pre-treatment. The number of roots per rooted cutting was alsoincreased by GA3 pre-treatment. The stimulation of adventitiousrooting could be partially explained by the increase in shoot growth rate.Cultivar Charger responded better than the other cultivars to the lowest levelof GA3 treatment. In vitro cultures of cultivarCharger were also treated with GA3. However, the stimulation ofadventitious rooting was less marked than in the GA3-treated stockplants: percentage rooting increased from 70% to 85%. The results are discussedin the context of 'rejuvenation' effects of GA3.  相似文献   

Callus cultures ofTrigonella foenum-graecum were initiated from radicle or cotyledon portions of seedlings and young leaves and maintained on modified 1-B5 medium. The callus mass was disaggregated by mechanical agitation and the discrete cells thus obtained were used to measure their electrokinetic potential. Studies pertaining to the effects of ageing on electrokinetic potential and growth index revealed a relationship between these two parameters. Thus, the rate of change of electrokinotie potential with age could be employed as a parameter to study the growth kinetics of cells in callus cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Callus was initiated from in vitro-grown plants of Gladiolus cultivars ‘Jenny Lee’ and ‘Florida Flame.’ The age of callus used for regeneration of plants was either 9 mo. old or 8 yr old from ‘Jenny Lee,’ and 4 mo. old from ‘Florida Flame.’ Regeneration medium consisted of Murashige and Skoog’s basal salts medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l (9.3 μM) kinetin. This medium was supplemented with various concentrations of either bialaphos (Meiji Seika, Tokyo, Japan) or phosphinothricin (Hoechst-Roussell, Frankfurt, Germany). Bialaphos was more effective than phosphinothricin at stimulating plant regeneration. Plants regenerated from 8-yr-old callus of ‘Jenny Lee’ only when the regeneration medium was supplemented with 0.10 mg/l bialaphos. A bialaphos concentration of 0.01 mg/l stimulated regeneration from 9-mo.-old callus of cultivar ‘Jenny Lee’ and 4-mo.-old callus of ‘Florida Flame.’  相似文献   

Primers were developed for 21 microsatellite loci isolated by enrichment from Prunus avium‘Napoleon’. Twelve loci contained uninterrupted dinucleotide repeats and nine were more complex. Nineteen primer pairs (EMPA001–019) showed single locus polymorphisms in a cultivar survey of 14 sweet cherries, with two to seven alleles per locus. Three primer pairs in combination (EMPA014, 015 and 018) discriminated all cultivars. Two primer pairs for loci monomorphic in P. avium were included: EMPA020 revealed segregation in an interspecific progeny and EMPA021 revealed polymorphism in P. dulcis. Twelve primer pairs reliably amplified products in three peach cultivars of which seven revealed polymorphisms.  相似文献   

When applied to spurs of mature Prunus avium before floral initiation, gibberellins GA1, GA4 and GA3 inhibited floral initiation by 9–17%, GA7 by 43%, GA3 by 65–71% and 2,2-dimethyl GA4 by 78%. GA9 and GA20 were inactive. Thus activity only of the GAs with a C-3 hydroxyl was increased markedly by a double bond in the C-1,2 or C-2,3 position, and activity increased with increasing hydroxylation. None of the GAs affected the total number of buds (vegetative and floral) surviving in the spur. Measured by the threshold dose required for activity, seedling shoot growth responses to GA3, GA7, GA1 or GA4 resembled those of floral initiation, but di-methylation of GA4 at C-2 had no effect, and GA9 was as active as GA7. Mature shoots, including those on rooted cuttings, were less responsive to GA treatment than were juvenile shoots, with terminal shoots on mature trees more responsive than spur shoots. Spur shoot growth on mature trees responded to GA3 and to a lesser extent GA7, but not to GA1 or GA4. However, all these GAs promoted the growth of terminal shoots on mature trees to similar extents, whereas 2,2-dimethyl GA4 was less active than GA4 The differences between juvenile and mature shoot growth in sensitivity to a C-1,2 or C-2,3 double bond, and between mature shoot growth and floral initiation in GA-structure requirements, indicate that phase change alters the GA complement and/or GA receptor/transduction mechanisms of P. avium. The difference in sensitivity to 2,2-dimethyl GA4 indicates that floral initiation and growth have different requirements for GA transport and/or action.  相似文献   

Betulinic acid (3β-hydroxy-lup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid) was obtained from in vitro cultures of Solanum aviculare in yields up to 3% of the dry weight. This is a further example of overproduction by cells cultured in vitro of a product not found in the original parent plant.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a Ca2+/calmodulin dependent serine/threonine protein phosphatase, and has multiple functions in animal cells. In this work, mouse calcineurin was introduced into wild-type rice and the expression of calcineurin inhibited the induction and growth of rice calli. Inhibitor analysis showed that untransformed and CNAtr transgenic callus cultures had different sensitivity to cyclosporin A (CsA), a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatase calcineurin. When callus cultures were subject to 1 μM of CsA, the growth of calli induced from untransformed wild-type rice was inhibited. Interestingly, the growth inhibition of CNAtr transgenic calli was not detected in presence of 1 μM of CsA. Our findings showed that the heterologous calcineurin might be involved in the regulation of cell growth in plant cells.  相似文献   

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