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1 Laboratory-reared normal, and wild female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), were assayed in outdoor field cages to assess the impact of a mating-induced behavioural switch on mating and subsequent oviposition activity. 2 Virgin females preferred interactions with males leading to mating over attraction to, and oviposition in, artificial yellow spheres containing guava odour or green apples hung in a guava tree. Laboratory-reared females previously mated with either laboratory-reared normal males or laboratory-reared irradiated (sterile) males showed little interest in remating with males and instead, were much more likely to be found arrested on artificial and real fruit and ovipositing. Oviposition on artificial fruit was five times greater by females that had mated with either normal or irradiated males than by virgin females. Wild females showed similar qualitative changes in the mating-induced behavioural switch; however, oviposition activity was significantly less than for laboratory-reared females. 3 These results confirm that mating has a profound effect on the behaviour of female Mediterranean fruit flies and that irradiated males are functionally equal with normal males (lab-reared or wild) in their ability to alter female behaviour. These results are discussed in the context of the sterile insect technique for control of Mediterranean fruit flies in the field.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), (medfly) is a polyphagous and cosmopolitan agricultural pest, targeted in many areas for control by the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). Our objective in the present study was to test the hypothesis that a bacterially enriched diet provided to sterile males will improve their sexual performance in competitive settings that emulate natural conditions. Specifically we determined how feeding on diets enriched with Klebsiella oxytoca affected the ability of sterile males to compete for wild females against wild males, their ability to inhibit female receptivity, and their survival. We found that enriching the sterile male diet with K.oxytoca significantly improved mating competitiveness in the laboratory and in field cages. In addition, bacterially enriched sterile males inhibited female receptivity more efficiently than sugar fed males and survived longer duration of starvation. We conclude that inoculating mass reared sterile flies with bacteria prior to their release is a valid approach to improve the efficacy of SIT.  相似文献   

The success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) for the control of the Mediterranean fruit fly or medfly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), depends largely on the ability of sterile flies to spread in the target area and compete with the wild males for wild females. Our objectives in the present study were three‐fold: (1) to evaluate the dispersal ability of sterile male medflies and compare their spatial dispersion patterns with that of wild males, (2) to evaluate how different release methods affect subsequent spatial dispersal, and (3) to determine whether manipulating the pre‐release diet of sterile males affects their dispersal. To achieve these objectives, we conducted three experiments in the field where we quantified and analyzed the spatial and temporal dispersal patterns of sterile medflies and the dispersion of resident wild males. Overall, ca. 5% of the released sterile flies were recaptured 100 m from the release point, and ca. 2% were recaptured 200 m from the release point. The released flies rarely survived longer than 5–7 days. We repeatedly found that the spatial dispersion patterns of sterile males significantly correlated with those of wild males. Release methods strongly affected subsequent fly dispersal in the field as significantly more flies were recaptured following a scattered release vs. a central one. Finally, we show that enriching sterile fly pre‐release diet with protein did not affect subsequent dispersal in the field. We conclude that sterile males are able to match the dispersion patterns of wild males, an outcome that is highly important for SIT success. Large releases from central points distant from each other may leave many areas uncovered. Accordingly, scattered releases, repeated twice a week, will provide better coverage of all available aggregations sites. The spatial performance of protein‐fed males suggests that pre‐release diet amendments may be used without detriment as a sexual stimulant in SIT programs.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit fly [Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), Diptera, Tephritidae] is the most devastating insect pest impacting Australian horticulture. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is an important component of tephritid pest management programs. However, mass‐rearing and irradiation (to render insects sterile) may reduce the fitness and performance of the insect, including the ability of sterile males to successfully compete for wild females. Manipulation of the gut microbiome, including the supplementation with bacterial probiotics shows promise for enhancing the quality of mass‐reared sterile flies, however there are fewer published studies targeting the larval stage. In this study, we supplemented the larval stage of mass‐reared B. tryoni with bacterial probiotics. We tested several individual bacteria that had been previously isolated and characterized from the gut of wild B. tryoni larvae including Asaia sp., Enterobacter sp., Lactobacillus sp., Leuconostoc sp. We also tested a consortium of all four of these bacterial isolates. The fitness parameters tested included adult survival in field cages, laboratory mate selection of bacteria supplemented males by bacteria nonsupplemented females, and laboratory locomotor activity of adult flies. None of the bacterial probiotic treatments in the current study was significantly different to the control for field survival, mate selection or locomotor activity of adult B. tryoni, which agree with some of the other studies regarding bacterial probiotics fed to the larval stage of tephritids. Future work is needed to determine if feeding the same, and/or other probiotics to adults, as opposed to larvae can positively impact survival, mating performance, mating competitiveness and locomotor activity of B. tryoni. The bacterial group(s) and function of bacterial species that increase fitness and competitiveness is also of interest to tephritid mass‐rearing programs.  相似文献   

Methoprene (a mimic of juvenile hormone) treatment can reduce the time required for sexual maturation in Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) males under laboratory conditions, supporting its use as a treatment for sterile males within the context of the sterile insect technique (SIT). We evaluated sexual behaviour, mating competitiveness of methoprene-treated males, and female readiness to mate after methoprene-treatment in field cages. The study involved two strains of A. fraterculus from Argentina and Peru, which show several polymorphisms in relation to their sexual behaviour. We also analyzed whether methoprene treatment affected male and/or female behaviour in the same way in these two strains. Methoprene-treated males were equally competitive with untreated mature males, and became sexually competitive 6 days after emergence (3–4 days earlier than untreated males). In contrast, methoprene did not induce sexual maturation in females or, at least, it did not induce a higher rate of mating in 7-day-old females. These results were observed both for the Argentina and the Peru strains. Altogether, our results indicate that methoprene treatment produces sexually competitive males in field cages. In the absence of a genetic sexing system, and when sterile males and females of A. fraterculus are released simultaneously, the fact that females do not respond as do males to the methoprene treatment acts as a physiological sexing effect. Therefore, in the presence of mainly sexually immature sterile females, released sexually mature sterile males would have to disperse in search of wild fertile females, thereby greatly reducing matings among the released sterile insects and thus enhancing sterile insect technique efficiency.  相似文献   

Wild strains of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) placed into laboratory rearing conditions are subjected to selection pressures caused by the diet, cages, density of flies, and other factors. Selection that changes mating behavior of the strain may result in less effective males released in sterile insect programs. Tests were performed to examine the effects of protein in diet and adult interactions on egg production and mating during sexual maturation of the Mexican fruit fly (Anastrepha ludens Loew) in laboratory cages. Flies were offspring of wild flies collected from Chiapas or Nuevo Leon, Mexico, and reared on Valencia oranges. Experiments demonstrated effects of yeast hydrolysate protein in adult diet and pairing with males on production of mature and immature eggs, numbers of females producing eggs, and mating with females aged 15 d. Addition of protein to 4% fructose in the adult diet approximately tripled mature egg production in females maintained for the total maturation period with an equal number of males. Females that matured without males produced approximately 33% more-mature eggs when fed protein than those fed no protein. Total egg production of females matured without males and fed sugar only or sugar with protein was more than twice that of females matured with males. Tests to examine the effects of male and female diet separately on female egg production showed slightly higher egg production in females fed protein, or females paired with males fed protein, but these differences were not significant. The most definitive effects were that combining wild strain females and males in cages during maturation reduced egg production. This effect was greatest when flies were not fed protein.  相似文献   

Reunion Island suffers from high densities of the chikungunya and dengue vector Aedes albopictus. The sterile insect technique (SIT) offers a promising strategy for mosquito-borne diseases prevention and control. For such a strategy to be effective, sterile males need to be competitive enough to fulfil their intended function by reducing wild mosquito populations in natura. We studied the effect of irradiation on sexual maturation and mating success of males, and compared the sexual competitiveness of sterile versus wild males in the presence of wild females in semi-field conditions. For all untreated or sterile males, sexual maturation was completed within 13 to 20 h post-emergence and some males were able to inseminate females when 15 h old. In the absence of competition, untreated and sterile males were able to inseminate the same number of virgin females during 48 h, in small laboratory cages: an average of 93% of females was inseminated no matter the treatment, the age of males, and the sex ratio. Daily mating success of single sterile males followed the same pattern as for untreated ones, although they inseminated significantly fewer females after the ninth day. The competitiveness index of sterile males in semi-field conditions was only 0.14 when they were released at 1-day old, but improved to 0.53 when the release occurred after a 5-day period in laboratory conditions. In SIT simulation experiments, a 5∶1 sterile to wild male ratio allowed a two-fold reduction of the wild population’s fertility. This suggests that sterile males could be sufficiently competitive to mate with wild females within the framework of an SIT component as part of an AW-IPM programme for suppressing a wild population of Ae. albopictus in Reunion Island. It will be of interest to minimise the pre-release period in controlled conditions to ensure a good competitiveness without increasing mass rearing costs.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a method of eradicating insects by releasing mass-reared sterilized males into fields to reduce the hatchability of eggs laid by wild females that have mated with the sterile males. SIT requires mass-production of the target insect, and maintenance of the quality of the mass-reared insects. The most important factor is successful mating between wild females and sterile males because SIT depends on their synchronized copulation. Therefore, understanding the mating systems and fertilization processes of target insects is prerequisite. Insect behavior often has circadian rhythms that are controlled by a biological clock. However, very few studies of relationships between sterile insect quality and circadian rhythm have been performed compared with the amount of research on the mating ability of target insects. The timing of male copulation attempts with receptivity of females is key to successful mating between released males and wild females. Therefore, we should focus on the mechanisms controlling the timing of mating in target insects. On the other hand, in biological control projects, precise timing of the release of natural enemies to attack pest species is required because behavior of pests and control agents are affected by their circadian rhythms. Involving both chronobiologists and applied entomologists might produce novel ideas for sterile insect quality control by synchronized sex between mass-reared and wild flies, and for biological control agent quality by matching timing in activity between predator activity and prey behavior. Control of the biological clocks in sterile insects or biological control agents is required for advanced quality control of rearing insects.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory studies of mass‐reared flies in small cages have found that periods of just 24‐ or 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate can substantially enhance mating performance of mass‐reared male Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (‘Q‐flies’). Using field cage tests that provide a better approximation of nature, we here investigated whether access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h after adult emergence improves the ability of male and female mass‐reared, sterile Q‐flies to compete sexually with wild‐type flies that had been provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate. Mating probability of sterile males was significantly increased by 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate; sterile males provided 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate had mating probability similar to that of wild males provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate, whereas sterile males deprived of access to yeast hydrolysate had much lower mating probability. Unlike males, access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h did not increase mating probability of sterile female Q‐flies. We instead found that wild females provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate had higher mating probability than sterile females that did or did not have 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate. This result raises the possibility that a bisexual Q‐fly strain might operate essentially as a male‐only release when the flies are given access to yeast hydrolysate during a 48‐h pre‐release holding period. Sterile males given access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h mated significantly earlier in the evening than wild males and, as in other recent studies, this tendency was associated with an increased tendency to mate on the trees rather than the cage walls. There was no evidence of sexual isolation in this study, as wild and sterile mass‐reared flies showed no evidence of preferential mating with their own kind. Further studies are now needed to assess the potential for pre‐release access to yeast hydrolysate to improve sexual performance and longevity of sterile, mass‐reared, Q‐flies in the field.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT), used for the control of many tephritid fly pests, is based on the rearing and release of large numbers of sexually competitive sterile insects into a wild population. In the interest of reducing expenses and increasing SIT effectiveness, genetic sexing strains (GSS) have been developed. These strains allow the production and release of only males. The objective of our study was to assess the effects of pre-release adult exposure to methoprene and to females on the mating propensity and mating competitiveness of GSS sterile males of Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae). GSS sterile males were kept on a protein-sugar (protein-fed) or a protein-sugar-methoprene diet and were exposed to different proportions of females for the normal pre-release period of 5 days. Using laboratory and field-cage bioassays, we examined the influence of methoprene and female presence on the mating success of sterile males of 3–9 days old, in competition for wild females with untreated males and with wild males. Methoprene and female exposure had no significant effects on male mating success in the laboratory, whereas age had a positive relationship with the number of copulations observed. However, in field-cage bioassays, males exposed to females obtained a higher number of copulations than unexposed control males. Possible implications of these findings for programs that use GSS and especially for the campaign against Mexican fruit flies are discussed.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used to control wild Mediterranean fruit fly introductions in California and Florida in the U.S. In the past, bait sprays containing malathion proved invaluable in treating new outbreaks or large populations before the use of SIT. Recently, a spinosad protein bait spray, GF-120, has been developed as a possible alternative to malathion, the standard insecticide in protein bait sprays. In this study, protein-deficient and protein-fed Vienna-7 (sterile, mass-reared, "male-only" strain) flies and wild males and females were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the GF-120 protein bait containing spinosad with respect to bait attraction, feeding, and toxicology. There were no effects of diet or fly type on feeding duration in small laboratory cages. Wild flies, however, registered more feeding events than Vienna-7 males. Flies that fed longer on fresh bait died faster. Protein-deficient flies were more active and found the bait more often than protein-fed flies. Data suggest that adding protein to the diet of SIT flies may decrease their response to baits, therefore, reduce mortality, and thus, allow the concurrent use of SIT and bait sprays in a management or eradication program.  相似文献   

Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu stricto (Diptera: Culicidae) is the major Afro‐tropical vector of malaria. Novel strategies proposed for the elimination and eradication of this mosquito vector are based on the use of genetic approaches, such as the sterile insect technique (SIT). These approaches rely on the ability of released males to mate with wild females, and depend on the application of effective protocols to assess the swarming and mating behaviours of laboratory‐reared insects prior to their release. The present study evaluated whether large semi‐field enclosures can be utilized to study the ability of males from a laboratory colony to respond to natural environmental stimuli and initiate normal mating behaviour. Laboratory‐reared males exhibited spatiotemporally consistent swarming behaviour within the study enclosures. Swarm initiation, peak and termination time closely tracked sunset. Comparable insemination rates were observed in females captured in copula in the semi‐field cages relative to females in small laboratory cages. Oviposition rates after blood feeding were also similar to those observed in laboratory settings. The data suggest that outdoor enclosures are suitable for studying swarming and mating in laboratory‐bred males in field‐like settings, providing an important reference for future studies aimed at assessing the comparative mating ability of strains for SIT and other vector control strategies.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used to suppress or eradicate infestations of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), an insect whose broad polyphagy poses a serious threat to fruit and vegetable crops. The SIT involves the production, sterilization and release of sterile insects to obtain sterile male by wild female matings, thus yielding infertile eggs. Mass‐rearing over many generations is known to produce dramatic changes in the behaviour and life history of C. capitata. This study investigated the possibility that mass‐rearing also alters male response to trimedlure, a sex‐specific attractant widely used in detection and monitoring programmes. We compared captures of released males from a mass‐reared strain and a recently established colony of wild flies in trimedlure‐baited Jackson traps at three spatial scales – open field, large field enclosures (75 m2) and small field cages (7 m2) – in two separate years. In the first year, males were used independently of flight ability, while in the second year only males with demonstrated flight capability were used. Trap capture was scored 2 days after release for the open field and the large field enclosures but either 1 h or 1 day after release in the small field cages. The findings were consistent across these different experiments: wild‐like males were captured in significantly greater numbers than mass‐reared males in both years of study, except in the trials lasting 1 day in the small field cages where significantly more wild than mass‐reared males were captured in 1 year but not the other. These results are compared with other studies, and their implications for SIT are discussed.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) can be a powerful method for pest control without the negative environmental effects of conventional pesticides. The goal is to induce pest population collapse by arranging conditions where wild females mate only with sterile males and thus do not produce offspring. In applying the SIT, it can be important to understand both how subtle alterations of sterile and wild insect behaviour alter the effectiveness of the SIT in different applications, and how this is reflected in the data gathered through associated monitoring devices, often pheromone traps.Our work in this paper is motivated by the use of SIT against orchard pests, particularly the codling moth (Cydia pomonella). We investigate how individual behaviours affect the mating rate between wild females and sterile males, and the corresponding sterile to wild trap catch ratio, through a preliminary individual-based model. Our analysis suggests that the sterile males may not be effective at interfering with mating between wild moths during springtime releases, while at the same time monitoring information gathered from trap catches may give no indication of reduced effectiveness of the SIT.  相似文献   

Mating competitiveness and sterility induction into cohorts of wild Anastrepha ludens (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was compared among wild and laboratory flies reared for use in the sterile insect technique Mexican program. Laboratory flies stemming from an 11-yr-old bisexual strain were either not irradiated, irradiated at 3 krad (low dose), or irradiated at 8 krad. In 30 by 30 by 30-cm Plexiglas cages, where a cohort of laboratory flies (male and female) irradiated at different doses (0, 3, and 8 krad) was introduced with a cohort of wild flies, males and females of each type mated randomly among themselves. Compared with nonirradiated laboratory and wild males, irradiated males, irrespective of dose (3 or 8 krad), induced shorter refractory periods and greater mating frequency in wild females. Nevertheless, laboratory flies irradiated at a low dose induced greater sterility into cohorts of wild flies than laboratory flies irradiated at a high dose. In a 3 by 3 by 3-m walk-in cage, wild males gained significantly more matings with wild females than nonirradiated and irradiated laboratory males a finding that revealed a strong effect of strain on mating performance. Mating incompatibility of the laboratory strain might have obscured the effect of reduced irradiation doses on male mating performance in the walk-in cage. Our results highlight an urgent need to replace the A. ludens strain currently used by the Mexican fruit fly eradication campaign and at least suggest that reducing irradiation doses result in an increase in sterility induction in wild populations.  相似文献   

Many species of tsetse flies are infected by a virus (GpSGHV) that causes salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH). Female Glossina pallidipes (Austen) with SGH symptoms (SGH+) have reduced fecundity and SGH+ male G. pallidipes are unable to inseminate female flies. Consequently, G. pallidipes laboratory colonies with a high prevalence of SGH have been difficult to maintain and have collapsed on several occasions. To assess the potential impact of the release of SGH+ sterile male G. pallidipes on the efficacy of an integrated control programme with a sterile insect technique (SIT) component, we examined the mating efficiency and behaviour of male G. pallidipes in field cages in relation to SGH prevalence. The results showed in a field cage setting a significantly reduced mating frequency of 19% for a male G. pallidipes population with a high prevalence of SGH (83%) compared to 38% for a male population with a low prevalence of SGH (7%). Premating period and mating duration did not vary significantly with SGH status. A high percentage (>80%) of females that had mated with SGH+ males had empty spermathecae. The remating frequency of female G. pallidipes was very low irrespective of the SGH status of the males in the first mating. These results indicate that a high prevalence of SGH+ in G. pallidipes not only affects colony stability and performance but, in view of their reduced mating propensity and competitiveness, releasing SGH+ sterile male G. pallidipes will reduce the efficiency of a sterile male release programme.  相似文献   

Methyl‐eugenol (ME) (1,2‐dimethoxy‐4‐(2‐propenyl)benzene), a natural phytochemical, did enhance male Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock (Diptera: Tephritidae) mating competitiveness 3 d after ingestion. Enhanced male mating competitiveness can significantly increase the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique (SIT). ME application to mass reared sterile flies by feeding is infeasible. ME application by aromatherapy however, would be a very practical way of ME application in fly emergence and release facilities. This approach was shown to enhance mating competitiveness of B. carambolae 3 d posttreatment (DPT). Despite this added benefit, every additional day of delaying release will reduce sterile fly quality and will add cost to SIT application. The present study was planned to assess the effects of ME‐aromatherapy on male B. carambolae mating competitiveness 1DPT and 2DPT. ME aromatherapy 1DPT or 2DPT did enhance mating competitiveness of B. carambolae males whereas ME feeding 1DPT and 2DPT did not. Male mating competitiveness was enhanced by the ME aromatherapy irrespective if they received 1DPT, 2DPT or 3DPT. ME aromatherapy, being a viable approach for its application, did enhance mating competitiveness of male B. carambolae 1 d posttreatment as ME feeding did 3 d after ingestion.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used in integrated programs against tephritid fruit fly pests, particularly the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Unfortunately, the mass-rearing procedures inherent to the SIT often lead to a reduction in the mating ability of the released males. One potential solution involves the prerelease exposure of males to particular attractants. In particular, exposure of male Mediterranean fruit flies to ginger, Zingiber officinale Roscoe, root oil (GRO) has been shown to increase mating success in laboratory and field cage trials. Here, we describe a field experiment that compares the level of egg sterility observed in two Hawaiian coffee, Coffea arabica L., plots, with GRO-exposed, sterile males released in one (treated) plot and nonexposed, sterile males released in the other (control) plot. Once per week in both plots over a 13-wk period, sterile males were released, trap captures were scored to estimate relative abundance of sterile and wild males, and coffee berries were collected and dissected in the laboratory to estimate the incidence of unhatched (sterile) eggs. Data on wild fly abundance and the natural rate of egg hatch also were collected in a remote area that received no sterile males. Despite that sterile:wild male ratios were significantly lower in the treated plot than in the control plot, the incidence of sterile eggs was significantly higher in the treated plot than in the control plot. Correspondingly, significantly higher values of Fried's competitiveness index (C) were found, on average, for treated than control sterile males. This study is the first to identify an association between the GRO "status" of sterile males and the incidence of egg sterility in the field and suggests that prerelease, GRO exposure may represent a simple and inexpensive means to increase the effectiveness of Mediterranean fruit fly SIT programs.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used in integrated programs against tephritid fruit flies, particularly the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae). Unfortunately, the mass‐rearing procedures inherent to the SIT often lead to a reduction in the male mating competitiveness. One potential solution involves the prerelease exposure of males to particular attractants. In particular, male exposure to ginger root oil [Zingiber officinale Roscoe (Zingiberaceae); hereafter GRO], has been shown to increase mating success dramatically in field cage trials. To evaluate more rigorously the effectiveness of GRO exposure, we here describe two projects that compared levels of egg sterility or pupal yield, respectively, following the release of wild flies and either GRO‐exposed (treated) sterile males or GRO‐deprived (control) sterile males in large field enclosures. In both projects, sterile males from a genetic sexing strain were exposed as adults to GRO for 24 h while held in large storage boxes. In Hawaii, we dissected eggs from fruits to determine the percentage of egg hatch at four overflooding ratios, ranging from 5 : 1 to 60 : 1 (sterile : wild males), and found that, at all four ratios, the proportion of unhatched (sterile) eggs was significantly greater in enclosures containing GRO‐exposed males than control males. In Guatemala, we allowed larvae to develop in fruits and counted the number of pupae produced. At the only overflooding ratio tested (25 : 1), pupal yield was approximately 25% lower for enclosures containing GRO‐exposed males than control males, although this difference was not statistically significant. An explanation for the differing outcomes is proposed, and the implications of these findings for the SIT are discussed.  相似文献   

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