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Sridevi K  Udgaonkar JB 《Biochemistry》2003,42(6):1551-1563
The denaturant-induced unfolding kinetics of the 89-residue protein, barstar, have been examined using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) at 25 degrees C and pH 8.0. The core tryptophan, Trp53, in barstar serves as a fluorescence donor, and a thionitrobenzoic acid moiety (TNB) attached to a cysteine residue acts as an acceptor to form an efficient FRET pair. Four different single-cysteine containing mutants of barstar with cysteine residues at positions 25, 40, 62, and 82 were studied. The unfolding kinetics of the four mutant forms of barstar were monitored by measurement of the changes in the fluorescence intensity of Trp53 in the unlabeled and TNB-labeled proteins. The rate of change of fluorescence of the single-tryptophan residue, Trp53, in the unlabeled protein, where no FRET occurs, yields the rate of solvation of the core. This rate is similar for all four unlabeled proteins. The rate of the increase in the fluorescence of Trp53 in the labeled protein, where FRET from the tryptophan to the TNB label occurs, yields the rate of decrease in FRET efficiency during unfolding. The decrease in FRET efficiency for proteins labeled at either of the two buried positions (Cys40 or Cys82) occurs at a rate similar to the rate of core solvation. The decrease in FRET efficiency for the acceptor at Cys40 is also shown to be sensitive to the isomerization of the Tyr47-Pro48 cis bond. For the proteins where the label is at a solvent-exposed position (Cys25 and Cys62), the decrease in FRET efficiency occurs in two kinetic phases; 15-25% of the FRET efficiency decreases in the faster phase, and the remaining FRET efficiency decreases in a slower phase, the rate of which is the same as the rate of core solvation. These results clearly indicate that, during unfolding, the protein surface expands faster than, and independently of, water intrusion into the core.  相似文献   

A K Bhuyan  J B Udgaonkar 《Biochemistry》1999,38(28):9158-9168
The kinetics of the slow folding and unfolding reactions of barstar, a bacterial ribonuclease inhibitor protein, have been studied at 23(+/-1) degrees C, pH 8, by the use of tryptophan fluorescence, far-UV circular dichroism (CD), near-UV CD, and transient mixing (1)H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic measurements in the 0-4 M range of guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) concentration. The denaturant dependences of the rates of folding and unfolding processes, and of the initial and final values of optical signals associated with these kinetic processes, have been determined for each of the four probes of measurement. Values determined for rates as well as amplitudes are shown to be very much probe dependent. Significant differences in the intensities and rates of appearance and disappearance of several resolved resonances in the real-time one-dimensional NMR spectra have been noted. The NMR spectra also show increasing dispersion of chemical shifts during the slow phase of refolding. The denaturant dependences of rates display characteristic folding chevrons with distinct rollovers under strongly native as well as strongly unfolding conditions. Analyses of the data and comparison of the results obtained with different probes of measurement appear to indicate the accumulation of a myriad of intermediates on parallel folding and unfolding pathways, and suggest the existence of an ensemble of transition states. The energetic stabilities of the intermediates estimated from kinetic data suggest that they are approximately half as stable as the fully folded protein. The slowness of the folding and unfolding processes (tau = 10-333 s) and values of 20.5 (+/-1.4) and 18 (+/-0.5) kcal mol(-)(1) for the activation energies of the slow refolding and unfolding reactions suggest that proline isomerization is involved in these reactions, and that the intermediates accumulate and are therefore detectable because the slow proline isomerization reaction serves as a kinetic trap during folding.  相似文献   

B R Rami  J B Udgaonkar 《Biochemistry》2001,40(50):15267-15279
Equilibrium and kinetic characterization of the high pH-induced unfolding transition of the small protein barstar have been carried out in the pH range 7-12. A mutant form of barstar, containing a single tryptophan, Trp 53, completely buried in the core of the native protein, has been used. It is shown that the protein undergoes reversible unfolding above pH 10. The pH 12 form (the D form) appears to be as unfolded as the form unfolded by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) at pH 7 (the U form): both forms have similar fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) signals and have similar sizes, as determined by dynamic light scattering and size-exclusion chromatography. No residual structure is detected in the D form: addition of GdnHCl does not alter its fluorescence and far-UV CD properties. The fluorescence signal of Trp 53 has been used to monitor folding and unfolding kinetics. The kinetics of folding of the D form in the pH range 7-11 are complex and are described by four exponential processes, as are the kinetics of unfolding of the native state (N state) in the pH range 10.5-12. Each kinetic phase of folding decreases in rate with increase in pH from 7 to 10.85, and each kinetic phase of unfolding decreases in rate with decrease in pH from 12 to 10.85. At pH 10.85, the folding and unfolding rates for any particular kinetic phase are identical and minimal. The two slowest phases of folding and unfolding have identical kinetics whether measured by Trp 53 fluorescence or by mean residue ellipticity at 222 nm. Direct determination of the increase in the N state with time of folding at pH 7 and of the D form with time of unfolding at pH 12, by means of double-jump assays, show that between 85 and 95% of protein molecules fold or unfold via fast pathways between the two forms. The remaining 5-15% of protein molecules appear to fold or unfold via slower pathways, on which at least two intermediates accumulate. The mechanism of folding from the high pH-denatured D form is remarkably similar to the mechanism of folding from the urea or GdnHCl-denatured U form.  相似文献   

Deamidation of asparaginyl residues is a common posttranslational modification in proteins and has been studied extensively because of its important biological effects, such as those on enzymatic activity, protein folding, and proteolytic degradation. However, characterization of the sites of deamidation of a protein has been a difficult analytical problem. In this study, mass spectrometry has been used as an analytical tool to characterize the deamidation of barstar, an RNAse inhibitor. Upon incubation of the protein at alkaline pH for 5 h, intact mass analysis of barstar, using electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI QToF MS), indicated an increase in the mass of +2 Da, suggesting possible deamidation of the protein. The sites of deamidation have been identified using the conventional bottom-up approach using a capillary liquid chromatography connected on line to an ESI QToF mass spectrometer and top down approach by direct infusion of the intact protein and fragmenting inside MS. These chemical modifications are shown to lead to stabilization of an unfolding intermediate, which can be observed in equilibrium unfolding studies.  相似文献   

Hall is not lost     
David Woods 《CMAJ》1980,123(7):595

Webb TI  Morris GE 《Proteins》2001,42(2):269-278
The homodimeric muscle isoform of creatine kinase (MM-CK) unfolds on exposure to low levels of guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) to yield a partly folded monomeric intermediate. Those regions of MM-CK that experience local unfolding were previously identified through an extensive study of antibody accessibility and protease sensitivity. Since these studies were completed, the coordinates of the rabbit isoform (MM-CK) were released. In light of this, we have determined the minimum changes to this structure required to explain our data on protease and epitope accessibility in the intermediate. We propose that the observed changes occur through (a) disruption of the monomer-monomer interface during dissociation, (b) separation and/ or unfolding of domains or subdomains, and (c) the partial unfolding of solvent-exposed helices. The proposed structure for the intermediate is consistent both with current models of unfolding intermediates and the results of independent studies pertaining to the unfolding of creatine kinase. Proteins 2001;42:269-278.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the role of underlying fibroblasts on morphogenesis of in vitro epithelium reconstituted with normal and neoplastic human oral keratinocytes at various stages of malignant transformation. Primary normal human oral keratinocytes (NOKs), early neoplastic/dysplastic human oral keratinocytes (DOK cell line), and neoplastic human oral keratinocytes (PE/CA-PJ 15 cell line) were organotypically grown on top of a collagen type I matrix with or without primary normal human oral fibroblasts. Morphogenesis of the reconstituted epithelia was assessed by histomorphometry, immunohistochemistry (Ki-67, cyclin D1, cytokeratin 13 (CK13), collagen IV, E-cadherin, p53, CD40), and the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP in situ nick end-labelling method. Reproducible in vitro models of multistage oral carcinogenesis were established. Presence of fibroblasts in the collagen matrix significantly increased cell proliferation in all three models (p<0.05), and induced an invasive pattern of growth in the neoplastic cell lines (p<0.05). In normal, but not in neoplastic oral keratinocytes fibroblasts induced the expression of CD40, and polarized the expression of E-cadherin and p53 to the basal cell layer. In both normal and early neoplastic keratinocytes (DOK cell line), fibroblasts induced the expression of CK13 and collagen IV. In the neoplastic oral keratinocytes (PE/CA-PJ 15 cell line), the presence of underlying fibroblasts did not change the expression of any of the protein markers assessed. This study showed that (1) major steps of oral carcinogenesis can be reproduced in vitro, and (2) the tight control exerted by fibroblasts on epithelial morphogenesis of in vitro reconstituted normal human oral mucosa is gradually lost during neoplastic progression.  相似文献   

The evolution of the nanosecond dynamics of the core tryptophan, Trp53, of barstar has been monitored during the induction of collapse and structure formation in the denatured D form at pH 12, by addition of increasing concentrations of the stabilizing salt Na(2)SO(4). Time-resolved fluorescence methods have been used to monitor the dynamics of Trp53 in the intermediates that are populated during the salt-induced transition of the D form to the molten globule B form. The D form approximates a random coil and displays two rotational correlation times. A long rotational correlation time of 2.54 ns originates from segmental mobility, and a short correlation time of 0.26 ns originates from independent motion of the tryptophan side chain. Upon addition of approximately 0.1 M Na(2)SO(4), the long rotational correlation time increases to approximately 6.4 ns, as the chain collapses and the segmental motions merge to reflect the global tumbling motion of a pre-molten globule P form. The P form exists as an expanded form with approximately 30% greater volume than the native (N) state. The persistence of an approximately 50% contribution to anisotropy decay by the short rotational correlation time suggests that the core of the P form is highly molten and permits free rotation of the Trp side chain. With increasing salt concentrations, tight core packing is achieved before secondary and tertiary structure formation is complete, an observation which agrees well with earlier kinetic folding studies. Thus, the equilibrium model developed here for describing the formation of structure during folding faithfully captures snapshots of transient kinetic intermediates observed on the folding pathway of barstar. A comparison of the refolding kinetics at pH 7, when refolding is initiated from the D, P, and B forms, suggests that formation of a collapsed state with a rigid core and approximately 30% secondary and tertiary structure, which presumably defines a coarse native-like topology, constitutes the intrinsic barrier in the folding of barstar.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which barnase and binase are stabilized in their complexes with barstar and the role of the Cys-40 residue of barstar in that stabilization have been investigated by scanning microcalorimetry. Melting of ribonuclease complexes with barstar and its Cys-82-Ala mutant is described by two 2-state transitions. The lower-temperature one corresponds to barstar denaturation and the higher-temperature transition to ribonuclease melting. The barstar mutation Cys-40-Ala, which is within the principal barnase-binding region of barstar, simplifies the melting to a single 2-state transition. The presence of residue Cys-40 in barstar results in additional stabilization of ribonuclease in the complex.  相似文献   

Application of differential scanning calorimetry to nuclei from rapidly growing mouse neuroblastoma cells showed a melting profile with four major thermal transitions: I (60 degrees C), II (76 degrees C), III (88 degrees C), and IV (105 degrees C). When neuroblastoma cells were induced to differentiate by serum withdrawal or treatment with sodium butyrate, transition IV disappeared, while transition III increased in magnitude. Comparison was made to nuclei from several types of nondividing cells as well as a number of samples from mature tissues. In rapidly dividing cells the predominant endotherm was IV (105 degrees C), while in nondividing cells, transition III (88 degrees C) predominated the calorimetric profile. Cellular differentiation thus appeared to be accompanied by a major change in chromatin structure, as evidenced by a shift in melting temperature from 105 to 90 degrees C, and this may serve to distinguish the Go phase of the cell cycle from G1.  相似文献   

We have employed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of hydrogen exchange to identify residue-level conformational changes in hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) as induced by salt precipitation. Deuterated HEWL was dissolved into a phosphate (H2O) buffer and precipitated at pH 2.1 upon addition of solid KSCN or (ND4)2SO4, allowing isotope labeling of unfolded regions. After 1 h, each precipitate was then dissolved at pH 3.8 to initiate refolding and preserve labeling and subsequently purified for NMR analysis. HEWL precipitated by 1.0 M KSCN exhibited increased hydrogen exchange at 14 residues out of 42 normally well-protected in the native state. Of the affected residues, 9 were situated in the beta-sheet/loop domain. A similar, though less extensive, effect was observed at 0.2 M KSCN. Precipitation by 1.2 M (ND4)2SO4 resulted in none of the changes detected with KSCN. The popularity of ammonium sulfate as a precipitant is thus supported by this observed preservation of structural integrity. KSCN, in comparison, produced partial unfolding of specific regions in HEWL due most likely to known preferential interactions between -SCN and proteins. The severity of unfolding increased with KSCN concentration such that, at 1.0 M KSCN, almost the entire beta-sheet/loop domain of HEWL was disrupted. Even so, a portion of the HEWL core encompassed by three alpha-helices remained intact, possibly facilitating precipitate dissolution.  相似文献   

The polypeptide inhibitor of the ribonuclease barnase, barstar, has two cysteine residues in positions 40 and 82. These have been proposed to form a disulfide bridge leading to an increase in stability without changing the inhibitory activity of the protein. Barstar and a mutant (E80A) were oxidized in vitro and the biochemical and physico-chemical properties of the oxidized monomers were analysed. The oxidized proteins show no inhibition of barnase using a plate assay and are significantly destabilized. CD spectra indicate a loss of secondary structure. The amino acid substitution E80 → A stabilizes the oxidized barstar to about the same extent as it does the reduced protein, indicating, however, that the helical region which it is in is intact.  相似文献   

Just in the course of unfolding of chromosomal deoxyribonucleoproteins performed in the absence of magnesium ions all DNA-bound histones may be redistributed. This type of redistribution is completely blocked in already unfolded DNP preparations. If the unfolding-induced histone redistribution is allowed it leads to a significant decrease of the average length of free DNA segments in the unfolded, histone F1-depleted DNP. The implications of these data on the mode of DNA packing in chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

The productive folding pathway of cytochrome c passes through an obligatory HW intermediate in which the heme is coordinated by a solvent water molecule and a native ligand, His-18, prior to the formation of the folded HM state with both the native His-18 and Met-80 heme coordination. Two off pathway intermediates, a five-coordinated state (5C) and a bis-histidine state (HH), were also identified during the folding reaction. In the present work, the thermodynamics and the kinetics of the unfolding reaction of cytochrome c were investigated with resonance Raman scattering, tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy, and circular dichroism. The objective of these experiments was to determine if the protein opens up and diverges into the differing heme ligation states through a many pathway mechanism or if it passes through intermediate states analogous to those observed during the folding reaction. Equilibrium unfolding results indicate that, in contrast to 5C, the stability of HH with respect to HW decreases as the concentration of GdnHCl increases. The difference in their response to the denaturant indicates that the polypeptide structure of 5C is relatively loose as compared with HH in which the polypeptide is misfolded. Time-resolved resonance Raman measurements show that strikingly similar ligand exchange reactions occur during unfolding as were observed during folding. Combined with fluorescence data, a kinetic model is proposed in which local structural rearrangements controlled by heme ligand exchange reactions appear prior to the global relaxation of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of trajectories from Brownian dynamics simulations of diffusional protein-protein encounter for the well-studied system of barnase and barstar. This analysis reveals details about the optimal association pathways, the regions of the encounter complex, possible differences of the pathways for dissociation and association, the coupling of translational and rotation motion, and the effect of mutations on the trajectories. We found that a small free-energy barrier divides the energetically most favorable region into a region of the encounter complex above the barnase binding interface and a region around a second energy minimum near the RNA binding loop. When entering the region of the encounter complex from the region near the RNA binding loop, barstar has to change its orientation to increase the electrostatic attraction between the proteins. By concentrating the analysis on the successful binding trajectories, we found that the region of the second minimum is not essential for the binding of barstar to barnase. Nevertheless, this region may be helpful to steer barstar into the region of the encounter complex. When applying the same analysis to several barnase mutants, we found that single mutations may drastically change the free-energy landscape and may significantly alter the population of the two minima. Therefore, certain protein-protein pairs may require careful adaptation of the positions of encounter and transition states when interpreting mutation effects on kinetic rates of association and/or dissociation.  相似文献   

Studies have reported that the intermediate filament protein nestin was expressed in various non-stem/progenitor cells during development, downregulated during postnatal growth and re-expressed following injury. The present study tested the hypothesis that an analogous paradigm was prevalent for ventricular fibroblasts. In the neonatal rat heart, nestin protein levels were significantly higher than the adult heart and the isolation of cardiac cells revealed a selective expression in ventricular fibroblasts. In adult ventricular fibroblasts, nestin protein expression was markedly lower compared to neonatal ventricular fibroblasts. Following ischemic damage to the rat heart, nestin staining was detected in a subpopulation of scar myofibroblasts (37%) and the percentage of immunoreactive cells was greater than adult ventricular fibroblasts (7%) but significantly lower than neonatal ventricular fibroblasts (86%). Moreover, dissimilar rates of (3)H-thymidine uptake were observed among the fibroblast populations and may be related in part to the disparate percentage of nestin(+) cells. To assess the role of nestin in DNA synthesis, neonatal ventricular fibroblasts were infected with a lentivirus containing a shRNAmir directed against the intermediate filament protein. The partial depletion of nestin expression in neonatal ventricular fibroblasts significantly reduced basal DNA synthesis, in the absence of an apoptotic response. Thus, postnatal development of the rat heart was associated with a selective loss of nestin expression in ventricular fibroblasts and subsequent induction in a subpopulation of myofibroblasts following ischemic injury. The re-expression of nestin in scar myofibroblasts may represent an adaptive response to enhance their proliferative rate and accelerate the healing process.  相似文献   

Design of multivalent complexes using the barnase*barstar module   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ribonuclease barnase (12 kDa) and its inhibitor barstar (10 kDa) form a very tight complex in which all N and C termini are accessible for fusion. Here we exploit this system to create modular targeting molecules based on antibody scFv fragment fusions to barnase, to two barnase molecules in series and to barstar. We describe the construction, production and purification of defined dimeric and trimeric complexes. Immobilized barnase fusions are used to capture barstar fusions from crude extracts to yield homogeneous, heterodimeric fusion proteins. These proteins are stable, soluble and resistant to proteolysis. Using fusions with anti-p185(HER2-ECD) 4D5 scFv, we show that the anticipated gain in avidity from monomer to dimer to trimer is obtained and that favorable tumor targeting properties are achieved. Many permutations of engineered multispecific fusion proteins become accessible with this technology of quasi-covalent heterodimers.  相似文献   

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