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Female mice of the C57 Black/Tw strain given 5 daily injections with 100 microng testosterone (T) or 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from the day of birth showed estrogen-independent persistent proliferation and cornification of the vaginal epithelium in adulthood. The vaginal epithelium of the mice was essentially similar to that of the controls in histological structure during or shortly after neonatal injections of the androgens. In T- and DHT-mice aged over 20 days, however, a marked proliferation with or without superficial cornification took place in the epithelium lining the proximal and middle parts of the vagina (Müllerian vagina), while neither proliferation nor cornification occurred in the epithelium of the distal vagina (urogenital sinus vagina). On the second day of postnatal life in mice given a single injection with T on the day of birth, the mitotic activity in the epithelium of the middle vagina was heightened, but it dropped to the control level on the third day and remained low until 20 days. By contrast, the mitotic rates in the epithelium of the rest of the vagina in T-mice and of all parts of the vagina in DHT-mice were approximately the same as in the controls until 20 or 30 days. The mitotic rates in the epithelium of the Müllerian vagina were markedly elevated in T-mice at 20 days of age and DHT-mice at 30 days, and thereafter remained almost unchanged until 60 days of age. These results were different from the findings in mice given neonatal injections with the dose of estradiol-17 beta (E) capable of estrogen-independent vaginal cornification (Iguchi et al., 1976). The present finding seem to indicate that the mechanism involved in the induction of estrogen-independent vaginal changes by neonatal administration of androgen (T, DHT) is different from that following neonatal treatment with estrogen (E), although androgen and estrogen act directly on the vaginal epithelium of neonates.  相似文献   

Long-term exposure of adult female rodents to estrogen has many deleterious effects on reproductive neuro-endocrine structure and function, but its effects on peripheral target tissues are not well known. This study was designed to determine whether chronic exposure of young mice to estradiol (E2) alters the response of the vagina to E2, and if so, whether aging potentiates this alteration. Eight-week-old mice were ovariectomized (ovx) and given subcutaneous Silastic or polyethylene (PE) implants containing E2. Silastic implants produced supra-physiologic E2 levels, while E2 levels in PE-implanted mice were within the physiologic range. Initially all E2-exposed mice showed vaginal cornification (CORN). However, CORN soon began to decline and was virtually absent 3-5 mo after implantation, despite evidence of continued, albeit reduced, release of E2 from the implants. Mice were reimplanted with new E2 implants to determine whether the loss of CORN resulted from an altered response to E2 or from a decreased release of E2 from the implants. Vaginas of mice previously exposed to either Silastic (high E2) or PE (low E2) implants failed to cornify in response to new E2 implants, whereas vaginas of mice that had been initially exposed to implants without E2 cornified in response to identical E2 implants. When old (23 mo) acutely ovx mice were given E2-containing Silastic implants, the peak level and duration of CORN were only one-third and one-fifth, respectively, of that seen in young mice. Non-cornifying epithelia from both young and old chronically E2-exposed mice were as hyperplastic and active mitotically as cornifying epithelia, indicating that the loss of CORN was not a result of decreased epithelial proliferation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) is a multifunctional protein capable of regulating a variety of biological processes in a wide array of tissue and cell types. We have previously demonstrated that TIMP-1 deficient mice exhibit alterations in normal uterine morphology and physiology. Most notably, absence of TIMP-1 is associated with an altered uterine phenotype characterized by profound branching of the uterine lumen and altered adenogenesis. To begin to assess the mechanism by which TIMP-1 may control these uterine events, we utilized steroid-treated ovariectomized wild-type and TIMP-1 null mice exposed to estrogen for 72 hr. Administration of estrogen to TIMP-1 deficient mice resulted in development of an abnormal uterine histo-architecture characterized by increased endometrial gland density, luminal epithelial cell height, and abnormal lumen structure. To determine the mediators which may contribute to the abnormal uterine morphology in the TIMP-1 deficient mice, cDNA microarray analysis was performed. Analysis revealed that expression of two plasmin inhibitors (serpbinb2 and serbinb7) was significantly reduced in the TIMP-1 null mice. Associated with the reduction in expression of these inhibitors was a significant increase in plasmin activity. Localization of the novel uterine serpinb7 revealed that expression was confined to the luminal and glandular epithelial cells. Further, expression of uterine serpinb7 was decreased by estrogen and showed an inverse relationship with plasmin activity. We conclude from these studies that in addition to controlling MMP activity, TIMP-1 may also control activity of serine proteases through modulation of serine protease inhibitors such as serpinb7.  相似文献   

Twelve of 14 female mice of the ICR strain which had received a single injection of 50 mug estradiol-17beta on day 17 of fetal life exhibited irreversible cornification or stratification of the vaginal epithelium which persisted after ovariectomy until sacrifice performed 42-48 days later. Eight of the 12 mice had corpora lutea in their ovaries removed at 3-5 months of age. A similar injection of estradiol on day 15 of fetal life induced irreversible cornification or stratification of the vaginal epithelium in 6 of 12 females and only one of the 6 had corpora lutea in its ovaries when removed at 3-5 months. Mice given the same dose of estradiol on the day of birth or at 3 days of postnatal age invariably had ovaries bearing follicles of varying sizes and hypertrophied interstitial tissue but no corpora lutea. Changes in the vaginal epithelium in these animals were less remarkable as compared to that in prenatally treated mice.  相似文献   

The percentage of labeled cells in the uterine luminal epithelium of cycling mice showed the different zonal distributions at each stage of estrous cycle after cumulative labeling with 3H-thymidine for 36 hr. It was estimated that the proliferating fraction in the epithelium at proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus was 100%, 100%, 40% and 5%, respectively. The percentage of labeled cells in the uterine luminal epithelium of cycling mice treated with progesterone remained below 10% level for at least 20 hr after injections of progesterone. Total labeling was attained in the uterine epithelium of castrated mice by the administration of estradiol-17beta. On the other hand, the cell proliferation in the uterine epithelium of castrated mice treated with estradiol and progesterone was markedly suppressed and the percentage of labeled cells remained approximately at 35%. The remaining cell population, however, still showed the mitotic potency when mice received estradiol. It is suggested from this study that the effect of progesterone is to suppress the epithelial cell proliferation and transfer cells into resting cell fraction which is still evoked to proliferate as the effect of estradiol and that a key factor controlling epithelial proliferation in mouse uterus during the estrous cycle is proliferating fraction rather than cell cycle time.  相似文献   

The electrical impedance in the vagina (EIV) is significantly high in the proestrus stage compared with other stages of the estrous cycle in rats. Therefore, the EIV can be used to detect the optimum day for mating. The relation between the EIV and the conditions of the epithelial cell layer of vaginal mucosa were investigated. The EIV was at a high level (over 3,000 omega) in vaginas in the proestrus stage in either intact or excised vaginal mucus. But it decreased (under 3,000 omega) after the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa was removed. The EIV of ovariectomized rats was low, but increased after Estradiol administration. The cornification of the epithelial cell layer of the vaginal mucosa occurred concurrently with the high EIV in the proestrus stage and after Estradiol administration. This indicates that the cornification of the epithelial cell layer of the vaginal mucosa may cause the elevation of EIV in the proestrus stage, the optimum day for mating in the rats.  相似文献   

The cell type specificity of glycoconjugate synthesis between the epithelial and stromal cells of the uterus is described. Lactosaminoglycans (LAGs) constituted a major fraction of the cell-associated glycoconjugates synthesized by epithelial, but not stromal, cells. Furthermore, LAGs comprised the bulk (greater than 90%) of glycoconjugates that could be released from epithelial cell surfaces by proteases. Several lines of evidence indicate that the epithelial cell-specific lactosaminoglycans appear to interact directly with a cell surface galactosyltransferase (GalTase). This includes the observation that agents that perturb galactosyltransferase function also interrupt epithelial cell adhesion and cause LAG release from the cell layer. In addition, LAGs are galactosylated when UDP-[3H]galactose is added to intact epithelial cell layers. Interference with cell surface GalTase activity with alpha-lactalbumin or UDP-galactose, but not other agents, specifically interrupted epithelial cell adhesion; however, the same agents had absolutely no effect on stromal cells. Collectively, these studies describe the novel occurrence of lactosaminoglycans on cell surfaces in an adult tissue other than hematopoietic cells and provide evidence for cell type-specific involvement of lactosaminoglycans in uterine cell adhesion processes.  相似文献   

Effects of 17beta-estradiol (E2) on uterine and vaginal epithelial cell proliferation could be mediated by stromal cell-derived paracrine factors. To study the epithelial-stromal interactions in mice, an in vitro model of uterine and vaginal stromal cells of immature mice is essential. Therefore, we established a primary culture model of stromal cells both from uterus and vagina and examined the effect of E2 on proliferation of cultured stromal cells. We found that E2 stimulated proliferation of stromal cells from both organs in vitro, showing an increase in the number of cells and the percentage of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled cells. Interestingly, vaginal stromal cells responded to lower E2 than uterine stromal cells in proliferation (10(-12) M vs. 10(-8) M) and BrdU labeling (10(-14) - 10(-10) M vs. 10(-10) - 10(-6) M). To examine the effect of E2 in vivo, cells were grafted into the subrenal capsule of the host mice and grown for 2 weeks. The BrdU labeling in cultured stromal cells was increased by E2 in vivo. To examine the effect of cultured stromal cells on epithelial cell proliferation, uterine and vaginal epithelium of adult mice were separated, recombined with the cultured stromal cells, and grafted under the renal capsule of hosts for 3 weeks. Epithelial cells recombined with cultured stromal cells showed simple columnar morphology in uterine grafts and stratified and keratinized morphology in vaginal grafts under the influence of the hormonal environment of the hosts. The BrdU labeling in epithelial cells was increased by E2, suggesting that cultured stromal cells can stimulate epithelial cell proliferation. In conclusion, we established a primary culture model of uterine and vaginal stromal cells, which can be mitogenically stimulated by E2 in vitro and in vivo after being grafted under the renal capsule. This culture system will be useful for investigating the underlying molecular mechanisms of uterine and vaginal epithelial-stromal interactions.  相似文献   

Endometrial cells isolated from uteri of ovariectomized rats were treated in vitro with 1 X 10(-9) M estradiol-17 beta (E2beta) to analyze early changes in membrane properties during hormone-induced growth. After 30-min exposure to E2beta at 22 degrees C, cells exhibited an enhanced capacity to bind erythrocytes (hemadsorption) in the presence of concanavalin A (Con A) to 237% of the level in paired controls. Fluorescence microscopy revealted that approximately 25% of cells exposed to E2beta, but not estradiol-17 alpha (E2alpha), showed a redistribution into polar clusters of Con A-binding sites that were dispersed in random patches at the external surfaces of control cells. These hormore-induced membrane alterations were abolished by prior treatment of cells with inhibitors of thiol proteinase activity of the cathepsin B1 (CB1) type, such as leupeptin and iodoacetate. Leupeptin at 4.5 X 10(-7) M also reduced the affinity of [3H]E2beta binding to intact cells but did not influence specific binding of the hormone to macromolecular components of cytosol. A pronounced increase in the availability of endogenous CB1, But not of alkaline phosphatase, succinate, or lactate dehydrogenase, in the extracellular media was elicited within 30 min after E2beta treatment. In cells cultured in chemically defined medium for up to 48 h, E2beta, but not E2alpha, enhanced cell proliferation and stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation into macromolecular form. These E2beta-induced effects were abolished by prior treatment of cells with liposome-entrapped leupeptin at a final concentration of 7 X 10(-8) M. The net rate of intercellular adhesion among endometrial cells was also enhanced by E2beta. This hormonal response was diminished by prior exposure to leupeptin. Fractionation of cells by selection for adhesiveness due to E2beta exposure for 30 min yielded a subpopulation of rapidly dividing cells which surpassed their less adhesive counterparts in cathepsin secretion and in Con A-mediated hemadsorption. These results indicate that leupeptin-sensitive proteinase activity may contribute to membrane and growth modifications elicited by E2beta treatment in endometrial cells.  相似文献   

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