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This study examined the structure and function of habitats for fish, the contribution to fish populations, and the effects of channel modification on habitats and fish populations in the lowland meandering Shibetsu River, northern Japan. Electrofishing and environmental measurements were conducted in bank areas of habitats constituting natural meandering and modified reaches. All types of habitats in a meandering reach highly contributed to the fish population(s). In particular, the contributions of lateral and wood habitats to fish populations were generally high, despite the low spatial extent of these habitats. The modified reach was simplified and had fewer types of habitats with uniform currents, and there was a low abundance of most fish within these habitats. Abundance of each fish group (taxa) was negatively affected by the changes in the habitats and/or channel shortening (i.e., decrease in the absolute abundance of habitat) due to river modification, which was implemented during 1950–1978. This study suggests that the recovery of all the habitat types is important in meander restoration and that the changes in habitat types and abundance should be examined in monitoring meander restoration and channel shortening.  相似文献   

We examined abundances of fishes by ecological categories for variation with time (years) and longitudinal river distance (km) in the Wabash River, a large US Midwestern river. An ordination resulted in significant correlations with time for an axis that represented increases in surface-feeding invertivores and species that prefer sand substrates. We found increased abundances of planktivores and species with high tolerance to silt in downstream river sites. We found significant changes in abundance for the majority of ecological categories in comparisons of upstream–downstream locations. There was a general decrease in abundances of taxa in ecological categories that tend to inhabit upstream reaches: species that prefer rubble substrates, inhabit fast, and moderate current velocity habitats, and that have low silt tolerance with time. These abundance changes suggest that the upstream river experienced increased sedimentation during 1974–1998. The use of ecological categories provided information for likely habitat changes, such as increased sedimentation, that were not apparent in previous taxonomic analyses. We suggest that combinations of anthropogenic impacts including hydrologic alterations and agricultural activities in the Wabash River resulted in ecosystem changes and subsequent changes in abundance of fishes by ecological categories.  相似文献   

Can the abundance of fish populations be effectively determined by the collection of scientific research with support from recreational fishers? Collecting and analysing fishing data from recreational fishers to aid management are not new; however, engaging fishers in a scientific survey design to produce specific population estimates is rarely undertaken. We engaged recreational fishers to assist with field sampling to provide an estimate Murray Crayfish (Euastacus armatus von Martens, 1866) abundance at three sites on the Edward River which were recently impacted by an extreme blackwater disturbance. Employing mark‐resight models, fishers undertook crayfish surveys and produced research data which estimated adult population sizes of Murray Crayfish in the studied reaches ranging between 94.27 ± 24.72 individuals (Below Stevens) and 450.01 ± 175.30 individuals (Twin Rivers). Both the effective undertaking of the mark‐resight designs in collaboration with fishers and acquiring population abundance estimates for Murray Crayfish in a river reach are concepts which have not previously been published and are important attributes for the management of aquatic species.  相似文献   

We compared habitat diversity and morphodynamics of ‘actively’ restored reaches (including removal of bank fixation, widening and large wood placement) with ‘passively’ restored reaches (abandonment of channel maintenance) and adjacent non-restored control reaches in medium-sized Central European mountain rivers. Habitat diversity and river morphology were mapped in two consecutive years and changes in habitat composition (channel features, substrates) and morphological changes (active depth and width) were quantified. In both years, habitat diversity was generally higher in the restored reaches compared to their non-restored counterparts, and significantly differed between restoration approaches, with average values in actively restored reaches being about 60% larger than in passively restored reaches. Channel feature composition differed significantly, both between restored and unrestored reaches, and between restoration approaches, whereas substrate composition was similar in all investigated reaches, indicating that restoration had a higher effect on mesohabitat than on microhabitat conditions. Interannual habitat dynamics in respect to channel feature composition were larger in the actively restored compared to the passively restored reaches, while substrate composition remained fairly constant in all reaches. Regarding morphodynamics, changes in depth and width of actively restored reaches differed significantly from changes in passively restored ones in three of the four elements compared. Our findings imply increased habitat richness, diversity and habitat dynamics in the restored reaches, especially in actively restored ones. Analysis of discharge data suggests that flood events exceeding critical shear stress of the bed material, and the time span since restoration determine the potential for morphological changes.  相似文献   

Lotic ecosystems such as rivers and streams are unique in that they represent a continuum of both space and time during the transition from headwaters to the river mouth. As microbes have very different controls over their ecology, distribution and dispersion compared with macrobiota, we wished to explore biogeographical patterns within a river catchment and uncover the major drivers structuring bacterioplankton communities. Water samples collected across the River Thames Basin, UK, covering the transition from headwater tributaries to the lower reaches of the main river channel were characterised using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. This approach revealed an ecological succession in the bacterial community composition along the river continuum, moving from a community dominated by Bacteroidetes in the headwaters to Actinobacteria-dominated downstream. Location of the sampling point in the river network (measured as the cumulative water channel distance upstream) was found to be the most predictive spatial feature; inferring that ecological processes pertaining to temporal community succession are of prime importance in driving the assemblages of riverine bacterioplankton communities. A decrease in bacterial activity rates and an increase in the abundance of low nucleic acid bacteria relative to high nucleic acid bacteria were found to correspond with these downstream changes in community structure, suggesting corresponding functional changes. Our findings show that bacterial communities across the Thames basin exhibit an ecological succession along the river continuum, and that this is primarily driven by water residence time rather than the physico-chemical status of the river.  相似文献   

Both gradual and extreme weather changes trigger complex ecological responses in river ecosystems. It is still unclear to what extent trend or event effects alter biodiversity and functioning in river ecosystems, adding considerable uncertainty to predictions of their future dynamics. Using a comprehensive database of 71 published studies, we show that event – but not trend – effects associated with extreme changes in water flow and temperature substantially reduce species richness. Furthermore, event effects – particularly those affecting hydrological dynamics – on biodiversity and primary productivity were twice as high as impacts due to gradual changes. The synthesis of the available evidence reveals that event effects induce regime shifts in river ecosystems, particularly affecting organisms such as invertebrates. Among extreme weather events, dryness associated with flow interruption caused the largest effects on biota and ecosystem functions in rivers. Effects on ecosystem functions (primary production, organic matter decomposition and respiration) were asymmetric, with only primary production exhibiting a negative response to extreme weather events. Our meta-analysis highlights the disproportionate impact of event effects on river biodiversity and ecosystem functions, with implications for the long-term conservation and management of river ecosystems. However, few studies were available from tropical areas, and our conclusions therefore remain largely limited to temperate river systems. Further efforts need to be directed to assemble evidence of extreme events on river biodiversity and functioning.  相似文献   

The principles of island biogeography are rarely applied to the animal assemblages of Amazonian river islands. Here, we compare bird assemblages of Amazonian river islands with a variety of mainland habitats. We also examine how bird species diversity and composition are related to island physical attributes. Birds were sampled with mist nets and qualitative censuses on 11 river islands and 24 mainland sites on the lower reaches of the Rio Negro in the Brazilian Amazon. Island bird assemblages were characterized by lower species richness and a higher abundance of a few dominant species. Additionally, the species composition of the islands was distinct from that of the mainland, including the nearby floodplain habitats. The number of bird species increased with island size and habitat diversity, and decreased with degree of isolation. In addition, small islands tended to harbor an impoverished subset of the species present on larger ones. Bird species diversity and composition on Amazonian river islands are likely influenced by the ecological succession and historical events affecting island formation. Considering their small total area across the Amazon basin, these insular fluvial communities could be disproportionately threatened by river channel disturbances related to climate change or hydroelectric dam development. Abstract in Portughese is available with online material.  相似文献   

1. Riparian vegetation in dry regions is influenced by low‐flow and high‐flow components of the surface and groundwater flow regimes. The duration of no‐flow periods in the surface stream controls vegetation structure along the low‐flow channel, while depth, magnitude and rate of groundwater decline influence phreatophytic vegetation in the floodplain. Flood flows influence vegetation along channels and floodplains by increasing water availability and by creating ecosystem disturbance. 2. On reference rivers in Arizona's Sonoran Desert region, the combination of perennial stream flows, shallow groundwater in the riparian (stream) aquifer, and frequent flooding results in high plant species diversity and landscape heterogeneity and an abundance of pioneer wetland plant species in the floodplain. Vegetation changes on hydrologically altered river reaches are varied, given the great extent of flow regime changes ranging from stream and aquifer dewatering on reaches affected by stream diversion and groundwater pumping to altered timing, frequency, and magnitude of flood flows on reaches downstream of flow‐regulating dams. 3. As stream flows become more intermittent, diversity and cover of herbaceous species along the low‐flow channel decline. As groundwater deepens, diversity of riparian plant species (particularly perennial species) and landscape patches are reduced and species composition in the floodplain shifts from wetland pioneer trees (Populus, Salix) to more drought‐tolerant shrub species including Tamarix (introduced) and Bebbia. 4. On impounded rivers, changes in flood timing can simplify landscape patch structure and shift species composition from mixed forests composed of Populus and Salix, which have narrow regeneration windows, to the more reproductively opportunistic Tamarix. If flows are not diverted, suppression of flooding can result in increased density of riparian vegetation, leading in some cases to very high abundance of Tamarix patches. Coarsening of sediments in river reaches below dams, associated with sediment retention in reservoirs, contributes to reduced cover and richness of herbaceous vegetation by reducing water and nutrient‐holding capacity of soils. 5. These changes have implications for river restoration. They suggest that patch diversity, riparian plant species diversity, and abundance of flood‐dependent wetland tree species such as Populus and Salix can be increased by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal. On impounded rivers, restoration of plant species diversity also may hinge on restoration of sediment transport. 6. Determining the causes of vegetation change is critical for determining riparian restoration strategies. Of the many riparian restoration efforts underway in south‐western United States, some focus on re‐establishing hydrogeomorphic processes by restoring appropriate flows of surface water, groundwater and sediment, while many others focus on manipulating vegetation structure by planting trees (e.g. Populus) or removing trees (e.g. Tamarix). The latter approaches, in and of themselves, may not yield desired restoration outcomes if the tree species are indicators, rather than prime causes, of underlying changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the influence of variable density (complexity) of small patches of woody debris on the abundance and taxonomic richness of macroinvertebrates and fishes in the Brazos River, a meandering lowland river in east-central Texas. Woody debris patches contained bundles of either 8 or 16 sticks of two sizes, and reference plots contained no woody debris. The experiment was conducted in the littoral zone in the river channel and a nearby oxbow lake. Organisms were collected from each patch after 14 days. Abundance and taxonomic assemblage structure of macroinvertebrates in both the river channel and oxbow were significantly and positively influenced by complexity of woody debris. For fish in the oxbow, abundance and species richness were greater in woody debris than sites lacking structure, but the opposite trend was observed for fish in the river channel. This difference could be associated with isolation from source habitats and low colonization of the constructed woody debris patches in the river by fishes with affinities for complex habitats. Small lotic-adapted minnows were captured from reference habitats in the channel, but these species were rare in woody debris patches. This was in contrast to aquatic insects in the river channel, such as caddisfly and midge larvae, that efficiently colonized the small isolated patches of woody debris. In a lotic environment, woody debris provides vertical surfaces that intercept drifting insect larvae and provides protection from the water current. We speculate that greater abundance of macroinvertebrates in woody debris patches in both habitats results from the combined influence of high food resource availability and refuge from predation provided by structurally complex habitats. Handling editor: R. Bailey  相似文献   

Hagen EM  Sabo JL 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):751-760
River and riparian areas provide an important foraging habitat for insectivorous bats owing to high insect availability along waterways. However, structural characteristics of the riverine landscape may also influence the location of foraging bats. We used bat detectors to compare bat activity longitudinally along river reaches with contrasting channel confinement, ratio of valley floor width to active channel width, and riparian vegetation, and laterally with distance from the river along three different reach types. We measured rates of insect emergence from the river and aerial insect availability above the river and laterally up to 50-m into the riparian habitat in order to assess the relationship between food resources and insectivorous bat activity. Longitudinally, bat activity was concentrated along confined reaches in comparison to unconfined reaches but was not related to insect availability. Laterally, bats tracked exponential declines in aquatic insects with distance from the river. These data suggest that along the lateral dimension bats track food resources, but that along the longitudinal dimension channel shape and landscape structure determine bat distributions more than food resources.  相似文献   

The "rules" governing protein structure and stability are still poorly understood. Important clues have come from proteins that operate under extreme conditions, because these clarify the physical constraints on proteins. One obvious extreme is pressure, but so far little is known of the behavior of proteins under pressure, largely for technical reasons. We have therefore developed new methodology for calculating structure change in solution with pressure, using NMR chemical shift changes, and we report the change in structure of lysozyme on going from 30 bar to 2000 bar, this being the first solution structure of a globular protein under pressure. The alpha-helical domain is compressed by approximately 1%, due to tighter packing between helices. The interdomain region is also compressed. By contrast, the beta-sheet domain displays very little overall compression, but undergoes more structural distortion than the alpha-domain. The largest volume changes tend to occur close to hydrated cavities. Because isothermal compressibility is related to volume fluctuation, this suggests that buried water molecules play an important role in conformational fluctuation at normal pressures, and are implicated as the nucleation sites for structural changes leading to pressure denaturation or channel opening.  相似文献   

Vranovský  Marian 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):41-49
The structure of planktonic copepod assemblages in a by-passedDanube section, and in the adjacent floodplain water bodies,haschanged since the Gabcíkovo hydropower plant was putintooperation. The greatest change occurred in a former side arm(upstream of the village of Dobrohosí), which driedout.Changes were observed in the parapotamon-type side armssituatedbetween river km 1840 and 1820, fed artificially with waterfromthe head-race canal. The abundance of euplanktonic copepodspeciesdecreased, while that of tychoplanktonic species increased.Summerzooplankton biomass decreased. Definitive, but less extreme,changes occurred in the copepod assemblage in the open-waterareasof the former main channel of the Danube, and in theplesiopotamon-type side arms in the affected river section.These results suggest that the water supply provided to theby-passed floodplain is unable to maintain the previoushabitatdiversity, nor its planktonic assemblages speciesdiversity.  相似文献   

Channelization of the Kissimmee River eliminated flow through the river channel, which allowed the formation of a largely organic deposition layer (ODL) on the river channel bed and stopped active sand transport needed to maintain point bars on meander bends. In 2001, completion of the first phase of dechannelization for the Kissimmee River Restoration Project (KRRP) reestablished flow to the river channel in the Phase I area. This study evaluated changes in the ODL and the number of meander bends with active point bar development (MBPB) following Phase I of dechannelization. Evaluations involved comparing interim measurements made after flow was reestablished to the river channel in the Phase I area but before full completion of KRRP with (a) baseline measurements made before dechannelization and (b) predicted changes based on reference measurements representing the pre‐channelization system. ODL thickness was measured in core samples on fixed transects perpendicular to the river channel. The ODL was thinner during the Interim Period than the Baseline Period and this decrease exceeded the expected change predicted from the reference condition. MBPB was assessed with aerial photography. MBPB increased from the baseline measurement of 0 bends to interim measurements of 27 bends in 2002 and 72 bends in 2009, approximating the increase predicted from the reference condition. The decrease in ODL thickness and the increase in MBPB to levels that meet or approximate the reference condition indicate that these aspects of the river channel are recovering following reestablishment of flow.  相似文献   

1. Temporary rivers and streams are among the most common and most hydrologically dynamic freshwater ecosystems. The number of temporary rivers and the severity of flow intermittence may be increasing in regions affected by climatic drying trends or water abstraction. Despite their abundance, temporary rivers have been historically neglected by ecologists. A recent increase in temporary‐river research needs to be supported by new models that generate hypotheses and stimulate further research. In this article, we present three conceptual models that address spatial and temporal patterns in temporary‐river biodiversity and biogeochemistry. 2. Temporary rivers are characterised by the repeated onset and cessation of flow, and by complex hydrological dynamics in the longitudinal dimension. Longitudinal dynamics, such as advancing and retreating wetted fronts, hydrological connections and disconnections, and gradients in flow permanence, influence biotic communities and nutrient and organic matter processing. 3. The first conceptual model concerns connectivity between habitat patches. Variable connectivity suggests that the metacommunity and metapopulation concepts are applicable in temporary rivers. We predict that aggregations of local communities in the isolated water bodies of temporary rivers function as metacommunities. These metacommunities may become longitudinally nested due to interspecific differences in dispersal and mortality. The metapopulation concept applies to some temporary river species, but not all. In stable metapopulations, rates of local extinction are balanced by recolonisation. However, extinction and recolonisation in many temporary‐river species are decoupled by frequent disturbances, and populations of these species are usually expanding or contracting. 4. The second conceptual model predicts that large‐scale biodiversity varies as a function of aquatic and terrestrial patch dynamics and water‐level fluctuations. Habitat mosaics in temporary rivers change in composition and configuration in response to inundation and drying, and these changes elicit a range of biotic responses. In the model, aquatic biodiversity initially increases directly with water level due to increasing abundance of aquatic patches. When most of the channel is inundated and most aquatic patches are connected, further increases in aquatic habitat and connectivity cause aquatic biodiversity to decline due to community homogenisation and reduced habitat diversity. The predicted responses of terrestrial biodiversity to changes in water level are the inverse of aquatic biodiversity responses. 5. The third conceptual model represents temporary rivers as longitudinal, punctuated biogeochemical reactors. Advancing fronts carry water, solutes and particulate organic matter downstream; subsequent flow recessions and drying result in deposition of transported material in reserves such as pools and bar tops. Material processing is rapid during inundated periods and slower during dry periods. The efficiency of material processing is predicted to increase with the number of cycles of transport, deposition and processing that occur down the length of a temporary river. 6. We end with a call for conservation and resource management that addresses the unique properties of temporary rivers. Primary objectives for effective temporary river management are preservation or restoration of aquatic‐terrestrial habitat mosaics, preservation or restoration of natural flow intermittence, and identification of flow requirements for highly valued species and processes.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were sampled from 15 sites along a dry-land river in northwestern Zimbabwe to assess biotic responses to land use changes along the course of the river. The headwater sites were protected by a riparian corridor of native forest, but this was replaced by intensive subsistence agriculture in the mid-reaches while the lower reaches were located within a protected wildlife area with diverse and wide riparian forests. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that intensive agricultural activities within the mid-reaches caused severe degradation of the stream physical habitat through increased fine sediment deposition. This coincided with a significant decline in macroinvertebrate richness, diversity, and abundance at the agriculturally impacted mid-reach sites. The presence of wide riparian zones at the lower river sites resulted in significant improvements in stream physical habitat quality, and this was paralleled by significant recovery or reappearance of taxa that had disappeared from the mid-reaches. We suggest that restoration of the riparian vegetation within the mid-reaches of the Nyaodza River would lead to improved physical habitat and biotic health of this dry-land river.  相似文献   

  1. Water development threatens rivers and their biodiversity. Amphidromous shrimp are particularly vulnerable as they require migration between freshwater and estuaries to complete their life cycle. The Fitzroy River is a large tropical intermittent river undergoing water development that is home to the amphidromous shrimp Macrobrachium spinipes (cherabin), yet little is known about its habitat use and flow-ecology making it difficult to inform sustainable water-take.
  2. We investigated habitat associations, distributional patterns suggestive of amphidromy, and the influence of water availability by sampling main channel and floodplain pools along a 350-km river length during 2 contrasting flow years. Applying a size-specific abundance model, we estimated abundance per size class, site, and year. We then predicted abundance at the landscape scale with remotely sensed water to reveal the impact of water availability on the meta-population.
  3. Our model revealed that juveniles were in greatest abundance in downstream main channel pools, whereas adults were in greatest abundance in upstream floodplain pools. Abundance varied by year with lower numbers predicted in the low-flow year. Longitudinal and habitat patterns remained when our pool-level results were scaled to the landscape, and the positive relationship of abundance to wet-season flow was strengthened. The predominance of smaller cherabin in the lower reaches of the river provides indirect support for an estuarine nursery and amphidromous life history; however, small individuals observed in landlocked pools, during late dry season suggests possible within-river recruitment.
  4. The importance of water development policies that protect wet-season flow and passage along the Fitzroy River is supported by this work. These types of policies are likely to be important for this and other amphidromous shrimp species across Australia, Southeast Asia and further afield. Further research detailing the species life history and describing flow–recruitment relationships will be important contributions to understanding this important taxonomic group and refining policies for current and future water resource development.

The Heihe River Basin (HRB) is a typical arid inland river basin in northwestern China. From the 1960s to the 1990s, the downstream flow in the HRB declined as a result of large, artificial changes in the distribution of water and land and a lack of effective water resource management. Consequently, the ecosystems of the lower reaches of the basin substantially deteriorated. To restore these degraded ecosystems, the Ecological Water Diversion Project (EWDP) was initiated by the Chinese government in 2000. The project led to agricultural and ecological changes in the middle reaches of the basin. In this study, we present three datasets of land use/cover in the middle reaches of the HRB derived from Landsat TM/ETM+ images in 2000, 2007 and 2011. We used these data to investigate changes in land use/cover between 2000 and 2011 and the implications for sustainable water resource management. The results show that the most significant land use/cover change in the middle reaches of the HRB was the continuous expansion of farmland for economic interests. From 2000 to 2011, the farmland area increased by 12.01%. The farmland expansion increased the water resource stress; thus, groundwater was over-extracted and the ecosystem was degraded in particular areas. Both consequences are negative and potentially threaten the sustainability of the middle reaches of the HRB and the entire river basin. Local governments should therefore improve the management of water resources, particularly groundwater management, and should strictly control farmland reclamation. Then, water resources could be ecologically and socioeconomically sustained, and the balance between upstream and downstream water demands could be ensured. The results of this study can also serve as a reference for the sustainable management of water resources in other arid inland river basins.  相似文献   

Monitoring trends in a long-lived species such as lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) has it challenges. Targeting the correct life stage to monitor can provide different and contrasting results. Early life stages experience high variable mortality and are often not a good predictor of population trend. Juvenile lake sturgeon (i.e., 5–10 years) experience high survival and could be a good life stage to monitor for assessing population trends. A structured, randomized gillnetting program, Broad-scale Monitoring, which was selective to juvenile lake sturgeon, was conducted over three cycles (i.e., 5 + years apart) in three contiguous Ottawa River reaches supporting lake sturgeon. In this study, we assessed spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance among cycles, among and within the three river reaches. Density rasters based on catch records of lake sturgeon spatially were created using multilevel B-splines. Spatial differences in abundance among cycles was determined by obtaining the difference between the rasters. Three cycles of Broad-scale Monitoring sampled 334 lake sturgeon at a mean CPUE of 0.90 (0.12 SE) sturgeon • gang−1 and a mean total length 673 mm (115 SD) from all three reaches. The relative abundance of juvenile lake sturgeon did not significantly vary among sample cycles, however, CPUE varied within reaches among cycles. There was a spatiotemporal change in density with a decrease in the lowest reach whereas juvenile lake sturgeon density increased the most in the upper reach. The approach used in this study has the potential to monitor spatiotemporal changes in juvenile lake sturgeon abundance populations and may prove effective when assessing rehabilitation or fisheries management efforts.  相似文献   

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