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The genetic diversity and structure of four populations of the cycad Zamia loddigesii were studied throughout its range in Mexico. Allozyme electrophoresis of 15 loci was conducted. The mean number of alleles per locus was 1.80 ± 0.09, the percentage of polymorphic loci was 66.6 ± 5.4, and the expected heterozygosity was 0.266 ± 0.02. The results indicated that the genetic diversity was relatively higher, with respect to tropical tree species and other cycads. The genetic variation explained by differences among populations was 18%. On average, gene flow between paired populations was similar ( Nm  = 1.6) to other tropical forest trees and cycad species. Our results indicated that the geographical isolation among populations of Z. loddigesii generated allele loss, as well as a clinal variation in the frequencies of two loci ( MDH and MNR2 ), in relation to the latitudinal distribution of populations. The populations have become fragmented due to increasingly higher pressure of habitat conversion and disturbance. The importance of the establishment of sanctuaries and protected areas and a reduction in deforestation is highlighted in this research as a way of preserving the high genetic diversity of this and other endemic species.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 533–544.  相似文献   


Antirrhinum lopesianum Rothm. is a narrow endemic of the Lusitan Duriensean biogeographical sector (central western Spain and north-eastern Portugal). The species is listed as threatened in several Spanish documents, although it does not figure as such in any Portuguese document. This paper provides a detailed study of its distribution, estimates of the sizes of its populations, the threats it faces, and its current conservation status. The total number of individuals thought to exist is only 768, distributed along the valley of the River Duero on the Spanish – Portuguese border (562, 71.2%), and in the Portuguese Sabor River valley (206, 26.8%). The main threat to the species is loss of habitat: about one third of the Iberian populations can be considered threatened; one population containing 37.6% of all these plants (289) is severely threatened. To determine the Area of Occupancy and the Extent of Occurrence, an exhaustive bibliographical survey was carried out, and herbarium specimens deposited in several institutions were revised. It is, therefore, classifiable as Critically Endangered in Portugal and Endangered in Spain.  相似文献   

居群遗传学原理及其在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
居群遗传学在珍稀濒危植物保护研究中有着重要的应用价值。本文首先介绍了居群遗传学中的几个重要概念——有效居群大小、近交繁殖、遗传漂变和基因流,然后详细叙述了居群遗传学原理在珍稀濒危植物保护中的应用途径和前景。  相似文献   

Population genomics has significantly increased our ability to make inferences about microevolutionary processes and demographic histories, which have the potential to improve protection and recovery of imperiled species. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionida) represent one of the most imperiled groups of organisms globally. Despite systemic decline of mussel abundance and diversity, studies evaluating spatiotemporal changes in distribution, demographic histories, and ecological factors that threaten long‐term persistence of imperiled species remain lacking. In this study, we use genotype‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and mitochondrial sequence data (mtDNA) to define conservation units (CUs) for two highly imperiled freshwater mussel species, Potamilus amphichaenus and Potamilus streckersoni. We then synthesize our molecular findings with details from field collections spanning from 1901 to 2019 to further elucidate distributional trends, contemporary status, and other factors that may be contributing to population declines for our focal species. We collected GBS and mtDNA data for individuals of P. amphichaenus and P. streckersoni from freshwater mussel collections in the Brazos, Neches, Sabine, and Trinity drainages ranging from 2012 to 2019. Molecular analyses resolved disputing number of genetic clusters within P. amphichaenus and P. streckersoni; however, we find defensible support for four CUs, each corresponding to an independent river basin. Evaluations of historical and recent occurrence data illuminated a generally increasing trend of occurrence in each of the four CUs, which were correlated with recent increases in sampling effort. Taken together, these findings suggest that P. amphichaenus and P. streckersoni are likely rare throughout their respective ranges. Because of this, the establishment of CUs will facilitate evidence‐based recovery planning and ensure potential captive propagation and translocation efforts are beneficial. Our synthesis represents a case study for conservation genomic assessments in freshwater mussels and provides a model for future studies aimed at recovery planning for these highly imperiled organisms.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was measured by allozyme electrophoresis in eight natural populations of the threatened Canarian endemic Viola palmensis Webb & Berth. (Violaceae). Nineteen alleles corresponding to 11 gene loci were detected. High levels of genetic diversity were found, ranging from 36.3 to 45.4 % for the percentage of polymorphic loci (P), from 1.45 to 1.60 for the average number of alleles per locus (A) and from 0.128 to 0.200 for the expected heterozygosity (H(e)). Between 85.5 and 96.6 % of genetic variability was apportioned within populations. As a whole, populations were not at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, with a deficit of heterozygous individuals attributable to the existence of genetic structuring in the populations analysed. The levels of interpopulation genetic differentiation were low (mean F(ST) = 0.100), while genetic identity pair-wise comparisons were high (mean I = 0.973) suggesting considerable levels of gene flow among populations. No relationship was detected between genetic differentiation and geographical distances between populations. An outcrossing insect-mediated breeding system might contribute to pollen dispersion of this species. For conservation genetics we suggest in situ preservation areas are defined that are free of disturbance and that include populations with the highest genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Extensive human impact in south western Australia has resulted in a high incidence of rarity throughout the highly endemic flora of the region. Grevillea scapigera (Proteaceae) is a typical example, with 27 plants (represented by four extant populations) remaining in the wild. In order to devise an appropriate strategy for the conservation of this species, its population genetics were studied using RAPD analysis, which enabled the discrimination of individual plants and the detection of a relatively high amount of variability (V = 0.32) within G. scapigera. This variability was found to be evenly distributed within the plants analysed despite the clear distinction between most populations (87% of the variability being attributable to single plant difference and 13% to population difference). Finally, RAPD analysis was used to select a small group of plants that captured maximum genetic variability to be used in the recovery program of the species. Because of the low genetic difference between populations, the mixing of these selected plants during the recovery process should not create genetic imbalances. The methods used in this study provide a useful model for future projects involving the recovery of rare flora.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and its partition within and among populations and families of two species of Antirrhinum L., A. charidemi Lange and A. valentinum F.Q., have been studied. Both species are narrow-range endemics, self-incompatible, ecologically specialized and form small isolated populations. Despite these similarities, the species differ markedly in the distribution of genetic diversity. In A. valentinum, 61.64% of the total variation was distributed among populations, whereas in A. charidemi it was only 8.55%. A. charidemi showed little population divergence (GST = 0.0542) relative to A. valentinum (GST = 0.4805). In neither species was within-population genetic diversity correlated with population size, nor were there significant correlations between genetic and geographical distances. These results are discussed in relation to differences in flowering time and habitat continuity. They suggest that caution should be taken when making generalizations about levels of genetic variation and patterns of plant reproduction, life history and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Expected consequences of global warming include habitat reduction in many cool climate species. Rock ptarmigan is a Holarctic grouse that inhabits arctic and alpine tundra. In Europe, the Pyrenean ptarmigan inhabits the southern edge of the species' range and since the last glacial maximum its habitat has been severely fragmented and is restricted to high-alpine zones or 'sky islands'. A recent study of rock ptarmigan population genetic in Europe found that the Pyrenean ptarmigan had very low genetic diversity compared with that found in the Alps and Scandinavia. Habitat fragmentation and reduced genetic diversity raises concerns about the viability of ptarmigan populations in the Pyrenees. However, information on population structuring and gene flow across the Pyrenees, which is essential for designing a sound management plan, is absent. In this study, we use seven microsatellites and mitochondrial control region sequences to investigate genetic variation and differentiation among five localities across the Pyrenees. Our analyses reveal the presence of genetic differentiation among all five localities and a significant isolation-by-distance effect that is likely the result of short dispersal distances and high natal and breeding philopatry of Pyrenean ptarmigan coupled with severe habitat fragmentation. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance, principal component analysis and Bayesian analysis of genetic structuring identified the greatest amount of differentiation between the eastern and main parts of the Pyrenean chain separated by the Sègre Valley. Our data also show that the Canigou massif may host an isolated population and requires special conservation attention. We propose a management plan which includes the translocation of birds. If a sky island structure affects genetic divergence in rock ptarmigan, it may also affect the genetic structure of other sky island species having low dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

Information on demographic, genetic, and environmental parameters of wild and captive animal populations has proven to be crucial to conservation programs and strategies. Genetic approaches in conservation programs of Brazilian snakes remain scarce despite their importance for critically endangered species, such as Bothrops insularis, the golden lancehead, which is endemic to Ilha da Queimada Grande, coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. This study aims to (a) characterize the genetic diversity of ex situ and in situ populations of B. insularis using heterologous microsatellites; (b) investigate genetic structure among and within these populations; and (c) provide data for the conservation program of the species. Twelve informative microsatellites obtained from three species of the B. neuwiedi group were used to access genetic diversity indexes of ex situ and in situ populations. Low‐to‐medium genetic diversity parameters were found. Both populations showed low—albeit significant—values of system of mating inbreeding coefficient, whereas only the in situ population showed a significant value of pedigree inbreeding coefficient. Significant values of genetic differentiation indexes suggest a small differentiation between the two populations. Discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) recovered five clusters. No geographic relationship was found in the island, suggesting the occurrence of gene flow. Also, our data allowed the establishment of six preferential breeding couples, aiming to minimize inbreeding and elucidate uncertain parental relationships in the captive population. In a conservation perspective, continuous monitoring of both populations is demanded: it involves the incorporation of new individuals from the island into the captive population to avoid inbreeding and to achieve the recommended allelic similarity between the two populations. At last, we recommend that the genetic data support researches as a base to maintain a viable and healthy captive population, highly genetically similar to the in situ one, which is crucial for considering a reintroduction process into the island.  相似文献   

Levels of allozyme variation, population genetic structure, and fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) of the rare, both sexually and clonally reproducing terrestrial orchid Epipactis thunbergii were examined for eight ( N  = 734) populations in a 20 × 20-km area in South Korea. Twenty-three putative allozyme loci resolved from 15 enzyme systems were used. Extremely low levels of allozyme variation were found within populations: the mean frequency of polymorphic loci was 3.8% [isocitrate dehydrogenase ( Idh-2 ) with two alleles was polymorphic across populations], the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.04, and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.013. The overall fixation index was not significantly different from zero ( F IS = 0.069), although the species is self-compatible. However, a significantly high degree of population differentiation was found between populations at Idh-2 ( F ST = 0.388) in the studied area. Furthermore, spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed a significant FSGS (up to 3 m) within populations. These observations suggest that the main explanatory factors for the extremely low levels of genetic diversity and the shaping of the population genetic structure of E. thunbergii are genetic drift as a result of a small effective population size, a restricted gene flow, and the isolation of populations. Considering the current genetic structure of E. thunbergii , three guidelines are suggested for the development of conservation strategies for the species in South Korea: (1) protection of habitats of standing populations; (2) prohibition by law of any collection of E. thunbergii ; and (3) protection of nearby pollinator populations, given the fact that fruit set in natural habitats is very low.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 161–169.  相似文献   

An allozymic study of three wild species of Antirrhinum L. A. lopesiamum Rothm., A. mollissimum Roihni. and A. microphyllum Rothm. is described. All are members of subsection Kickiella Rothm., and are narrow-range endemics of the Iberian Peninsula. The variability of the different loci, as well as the number and mobility of the alleles, differ among the three species, a demonstration of the usefulness of allozymes for the systematics of the genus. The finding of alleles unique to each species indicates high divergence among species suggesting ancient diversification, and supports the hypothesis of a geographical model of speciation. All three species show high levels of within-species variability, mainly partitioned within populations, while between populations genetic differentiation is low. Correlations between population size, sample size and genetic variability, and the usefulness of allozymic data for conservation purposes, are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Allozyme and reproductive data sets for the Canarian flora are updated in order to assess how the present levels and structuring of genetic variation have been influenced by the abiotic island traits and by phylogenetically determined biotic traits of the corresponding taxa; and in order to suggest conservation guidelines.


Kruskal–Wallis tests are conducted to assess the relationships of 27 variables with genetic diversity (estimated by A, P, Ho and He) and structuring (GST) of 123 taxa representing 309 populations and 16 families. Multiple linear regression analyses (MLRAs) are carried out to determine the relative influence of the less correlated significant abiotic and biotic factors on the genetic diversity levels.

Key Results and Conclusions

The interactions between biotic features of the colonizing taxa and the abiotic island features drive plant diversification in the Canarian flora. However, the lower weight of closeness to the mainland than of (respectively) high basic chromosome number, partial or total self-incompatibility and polyploidy in the MLRAs indicates substantial phylogenetic constraint; the importance of a high chromosome number is feasibly due to the generation of a larger number of linkage groups, which increase gametic and genotypic diversity. Genetic structure is also more influenced by biotic factors (long-range seed dispersal, basic chromosome number and partial or total self-incompatibility) than by distance to the mainland. Conservation-wise, genetic structure estimates (FST/GST) only reflect endangerment under intensive population sampling designs, and neutral genetic variation levels do not directly relate to threat status or to small population sizes. Habitat protection is emphasized, but the results suggest the need for urgent implementation of elementary reproductive studies in all cases, and for ex situ conservation measures for the most endangered taxa, even without prior studies. In non-endangered endemics, multidisciplinary research is needed before suggesting case-specific conservation strategies. The molecular information relevant for conservation should be conserved in a standardized format to facilitate further insight.  相似文献   

Conservation of animal genetic resources requires regular monitoring and interventions to maintain population size and manage genetic variability. This study uses genealogical information to evaluate the impact of conservation measures in Europe, using (i) data from the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) and (ii) a posteriori assessment of the impact of various conservation measures on the genetic variability of 17 at-risk breeds with a wide range of interventions. Analysis of data from DAD-IS showed that 68% of national breed populations reported to receive financial support showed increasing demographic trends, v. 51% for those that did not. The majority of the 17 at-risk breeds have increased their numbers of registered animals over the last 20 years, but the changes in genetic variability per breed have not always matched the trend in population size. These differences in trends observed in the different metrics might be explained by the tensions between interventions to maintain genetic variability, and development initiatives which lead to intensification of selection.  相似文献   

The primary mechanism of gene flow in marine sessile invertebrates is larval dispersal. In Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae, a commercially important Caribbean gorgonian coral, a proportion of the larvae drop to the substratum within close proximity to the maternal colony, and most matings occur between individuals in close proximity to each other. Such limited dispersal of reproductive propagules suggests that gene flow is limited in this gorgonian. In this study, we characterized the population genetic structure of P. elisabethae across the Bahamas using six microsatellite loci. P. elisabethae was collected from 18 sites across the Bahamas. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to deficits of heterozygotes within populations were detected for all 18 populations in at least one of the six screened loci. Levels of genetic structure among populations of P. elisabethae were high and significant. A distance analysis placed populations within three groups, one formed by populations located within Exuma Sound, a semi-isolated basin, another consisting of populations located outside the basin and a third group comprising two populations from San Salvador Island. The patterns of genetic variation found in this study are concordant with the life-history traits of the species and in part with the geography of the Bahamas. Conservation and management plans developed for P. elisabethae should considered the high degree of genetic structure observed among populations of the species, as well as the high genetic diversity found in the San Salvador and the Exuma Sound populations.  相似文献   

湖北海棠的等位酶变异和遗传多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
康明  黄宏文 《生物多样性》2002,10(4):376-385
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对湖北海棠(Malus hupehensis)的9个野生居群和2个人工栽培居群的等位酶变异和遗传多样性进行了初步研究。通过对12个酶系统29个酶位点的检测,结果表明湖北海棠有25个酶位点的等位基因频率分布差异,,有10个居群发现稀有等位基因,并有11个(37.9%)重复位点;湖北海棠的遗传多样性水平很高,等位基因平均数A=2.127,多态位点百分率P=74.927,平均预期杂合度He=0.376;居群间的基因分化系数GST=0.224。与其他苹果属植物相比,湖北海棠具有中等丰富的遗传变异水平。居群间的基因流仅为Nm=0.866,表明遗传漂变是影响居群遗传变异和遗传结构的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

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