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Summary Mesoderm formation is a result of cell-cell interactions between the vegetal and animal hemisphere and is thought to be mediated by inducing peptide growth factors including members of the FGF and TGF superfamilies. Our immunochemical study analyses the distribution of FGF receptors coded by the human flg gene during embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis. Immunostaining was detected in the dorsal and ventral ectoderm and also in the marginal zone of early cleavage, blastula and gastrula stages. Signals were very strong in the mid and late blastula (stage 8 and 9) and declined slightly in the early gastrula (stage 10). A dramatic decrease was observed up to the late gastrula (stage 11+). In stage 13 embryos, immunostaining was only found in cells around the blastopore. Isolated ectoderm cultured in vitro showed a similar temporal expression and decrease of the signal as the normal embryos. These results indicate that receptor expression is independent of the interaction of the animal cells with the vegetal part of the embryo. Of interest is the fact that the signal cannot only be found at or near the cell surface but also within the cell. This suggests the presence of an intracellular isoform of the receptor resulting from the endogenous expression of splice variants and the internalization of transmembrane receptor. Taken together our results suggest that the loss of competence (for bFGF around stage 10) is not directly correlated with the presence of receptors. The possible roles of heparan sulphate glucosaminoglycans (low affinity receptors) and control mechanisms in the intracellular signalling pathway downstream of the receptor level should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

We investigated the mode of migration of presumptive primordial germ cells (pPGC) in the endoderm cell mass of Xenopus embryos at stages 7-40. The molecules underlying the migration were also studied cytochemically and immunocytologically. By examining the relative positions of pPGC and somatic cells derived from the single, fluorescein-dextran lysine (FDL)-injected, germ plasm-bearing cells of stage 6 embryos, pPGC in embryos at stages 7-23 and those at stages later than 24 were assumed to passively and actively migrate in the endoderm cell mass, respectively. This assumption was supported by the observation that F-actin, essential for active cell migration, was recognized on pPGC of the latter stages, but never on those of the former ones. In addition, the molecule like CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) found on directionally migrating PGC in mouse and zebrafish, probably Xenopus CXCR4 (xCXCR4), was detected on pPGC only at latter stages. Accordingly, F-actin and xCXCR4, and probably beta1-integrin and collagen type IV, which are indispensable for the formation of F-actin, are thought to be involved in the active migration of pPGC in the endoderm cell mass.  相似文献   

We have raised a monoclonal antibody, 4G6, against gut manually isolated from stage 42Xenopus laevis embryos. It is specific for endoderm and recognises an epitope that is first expressed at stage 19 and which persists throughout subsequent development. The antibody maintains gut specificity through metamorphosis and into adulthood. The epitope is conserved in the mouse, where it is also found in the gut. Isolated vegetal poles fromXenopus blastula stage embryos express the epitope autonomously after culturing to the appropriate stage. This shows that certain aspects of endoderm differentiation do not require germ layer interactions. Animal cap cells from stage 9 blastulae cultured in the presence of the mesodermal growth factors FGF, XTC-MIF and PIF form both endodermal and mesodermal tissues, assessed by the binding of tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies. Endoderm is typically found in those caps which form intermediate and ventral forms of mesoderm, that is muscle and lateral plate. Correspondence to: E.A. Jones  相似文献   

Establishment of the body pattern in all animals, and especially in vertebrate embryos, depends on cell interactions. During the cleavage and blastula stages in amphibians, signal(s) from the vegetal region induce the equatorial region to become mesoderm. Two types of peptide growth factors have been shown by explant culture experiments to be active in mesoderm induction. First, there are several isoforms of fibroblast growth factor (FGF), including aFGF, bFGF, and hst/kFGF. FGF induces ventral, but not the most dorsal, levels of mesodermal tissue; bFGF and its mRNA, and an FGF receptor and its mRNA, are present in the embryo. Thus, FGF probably has a role in mesoderm induction, but is unlikely to be the sole inducing agent in vivo. Second, members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family. TGF-beta 2 and TGF-beta 3 are active in induction, but the most powerful inducing factors are the distant relatives of TGF-beta named activin A and activin B, which are capable of inducing all types of mesoderm. An important question relates to the establishment of polarity during the induction of mesoderm. While all regions of the animal hemisphere of frog embryos are competent to respond to activins by mesoderm differentiation, only explants that include cells close to the equator form structures with some organization along dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. These observations suggest that cells in the blastula animal hemisphere are already polarized to some extent, although inducers are required to make this polarity explicit.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The marginal sinus in the spleen of the Wistar rat surrounds the follicle and has more numerous PAS positive fibers on the inner wall than on the outer wall. India ink- and lead oxide-gelatin were injected into the abdominal aorta. It was found that much of the india ink-gelatin accumulated in the marginal sinus, the marginal zone, and part of the red pulp, while most of the lead oxide-gelatin collected in the marginal sinus.Ultrastructurally, the capillaries of the follicle were found to open into the marginal sinus. Regions not perforated by the marginal sinus lie between the follicle and the marginal zone. The wall of the marginal sinus is discontinuous and the discontinuities are wider on the marginal zone side than on the follicle side. The relationship of these findings is discussed.A part of this study was presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pathological Society, Takatsuki, April, 1975  相似文献   

Regenerated hindlimbs of larval Xenopus laevis were reamputated at critical larval stages and levels, viz when amputation of the control limb at the same larval stage and level is followed by reduced regeneration. Reamputations were performed at the level of (1) the original plane of amputation, (2) the early regenerate (cone/palette stage), (3) the late regenerate (digit stage). Reamputation increased both the percentage rate of regeneration and the morphological complexity of the regenerates in all experimental series. Cell counts in lateral motor columns and spinal ganglia innervating the hindlimb, together with histological observations and mitotic index and labelling index determinations in reamputated and control limbs showed that improved regeneration in the reamputated limb was related to an increase in undifferentiated and proliferating cells in the stump. We did not find any evidence suggesting that renewed regeneration in reamputated anuran limbs results from an increase in innervation, as has previously been hypothesized. We support our conclusions by demonstrating an improvement in regenerationen in the reamputated and denervated hindlimbs.  相似文献   

Summary In antral mucosa of the mouse stomach, the volume of mucus in mucous cells was measured morphometrically to determine whether this value changes during cell migration from the base of the pit to the surface. Both the volume density of mucous granules (the fraction of cell volume occupied by the granules) and the volume of intracellular mucus were reduced to about half in surface cells compared with those of upper pit cells. This indicates that mucus secretion is substantial during the later part of the lifespan of these cells, and is not due simply to the shedding of senescent cells.Supported by a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) was originally identified as a serine/threonine protein kinase that is rapidly activated in response to various growth factors and tumor promoters in mammalian cultured cells. The kinase cascade including MAPK and its direct activator, MAPK kinase (MAPKK), is now believed to transmit various extracellular signals into their intracellular targets in eukaryotic cells. It has been reported that activation of MAPKK and MAPK occurs during the meiotic maturation of oocytes in several species, including Xenopus laevis . Studies with neutralizing antibodies against MAPKK, MAPK phosphatases and constitutively active MAPKK or MAPK have revealed a crucial role of the MAPKK/MAPK cascade in a number of developmental processes in Xenopus oocytes and embryos.  相似文献   

Heat-shocked Xenopus embryos have an unusually complex heat shock response. The dominant heat shock protein (Hsp) has a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 62,000 D (Hsp62). Affinity-purified IgGs against the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase (PK; EC specifically immunoprecipitated Hsp62 from extracts of embryos that had been heat-shocked at 37°C for 30 min. Thus, Hsp62 and pyruvate kinase are immunologically cross-reacting. Electrophoretic separation of PK isoforms suggests that heat-shocked Xenopus embryos increase synthesis of an isoform of PK. Thermal denaturation studies suggest that this isoform has enhanced thermal stability. The identification of PK as an Hsp is discussed within the context of a physiological requirement for elevated levels of anaerobic glycolysis in heatstressed cells as a vital component of the acquisition of thermotolerance. © 1993Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed that Concanavalin A (ConA) induces characteristic changes of the cell surface and the cell architecture of the presumptive ectoderm associated with differentiation into neural tissues. In Con A-treated cells, the filopodia with which cells were connected to each other disappeared from the interior (blastocoelic) surface and the cellular adhesivity decreased significantly. Thereafter, the cells underwent from those of the control explants. After cultivation for 60 h, a certain pattern of cell arrangement, which resembled the architecture of neural tissues, was observed among randomly arranged cells in the explants treated with Con A. The morphological changes specifically observed in Con A-treated explants were different from those found in explants treated with succinyl Con A (S-Con A) orDolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), which is unable to induce formation of the neural tissues. The molecular organization of the plasma membrane appears to be important in the mechanism of neural induction.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis oocyte is widely used to express exogenous channels and transporters and is well suited for functional measurements including currents, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte fluxes, water permeability and even enzymatic activity. It is difficult, however, to transform functional measurements recorded in whole oocytes into the capacity of a single channel or transporter because their number often cannot be estimated accurately. We describe here a method of estimating the number of exogenously expressed channels and transporters inserted in the plasma membrane of oocytes. The method is based on the facts that the P (protoplasmic) face in water-injected control oocytes exhibit an extremely low density of endogenous particles (212±48 particles/m2, mean, sd) and that exogenously expressed channels and transporters increased the density of particles (up to 5,000/m2) only on the P face. The utility and generality of the method were demonstrated by estimating the gating charge per particle of the Na+/ glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) and a nonconducting mutant of the Shaker K+ channel proteins, and the single molecule water permeability of CHIP (Channel-like Intramembrane Protein) and MIP (Major Intrinsic Protein). We estimated a gating charge of 3.5 electronic charges for SGLT1 and 9 for the mutant Shaker K+ channel from the ratio of Q max to density of particles measured on the same oocytes. The gating charges were 3-fold larger than the effective valences calculated by fitting a Boltzmann equation to the same charge transfer data suggesting that the charge movement in the channel and cotransporter occur in several steps. Single molecule water permeabilities (p f s) of 1.4 × 10–14 cm3/ sec for CHIP and of 1.5 × 10–16 cm3/sec for MIP were estimated from the ratio of the whole-oocyte water permeability (P f ) to the density of particles. Therefore, MIP is a water transporter in oocytes, albeit 100-fold less effective than CHIP.We thank Manoli Contreras for preparation and injection of oocytes. This work was supported by NIH Grants EY-04110 (to GAZ), DK-19567 (to EW), GM30376 (to F.B.) and EY-05661 (to J.E.H.).  相似文献   

Otx genes are a class of vertebrate homeobox genes, homologous to the orthodenticle gene of Drosophila melanogaster, that play a crucial role in anterior embryo patterning and sensory organ formation. In the frog, Xenopus laevis, at least three members of this class have been isolated: otx1, otx2 and otx5 (crx); they are involved in regulating both shared and differential processes during frog development. In particular, while otx2 and otx5 are both capable to promote cement gland (CG) formation, otx1 is not. We performed a molecular dissection of Otx5 and Otx1 proteins to characterize the functional parts of the proteins that make them differently able to promote CG formation. We show that a CG promoting domain (CGPD) is localized at the Otx5 C-terminus, and is bipartite: CGPD1 (aa 210–255) is the most effective domain, while CGPD2 (aa 177–209) has a lower activity. A histidine stretch disrupts CGPD1 continuity in Otx1 determining its loss of CG promoting activity; this histidine-rich region acts as an actively CG repressing domain. Another Otx1 specific domain, a serine-rich stretch, may also be involved in repressing Otx1 potential to trigger CG formation, though at a much lower level. This is the first evidence that these domains, specific of the Otx1 orthology group, play a role during development in differentiating Otx1 action compared to other Otx family members. We discuss the potential implications of their appearance in light of the evolution of Otx functional activities.  相似文献   

The South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) can regenerate the anterior half of the telencephalon only during larval life, but such regeneration is no longer possible after metamorphosis. In order to gain a better understanding of differences between larvae and adults that are potentially related to regeneration, several experiments were conducted on larvae and froglets after the partial removal of the telencephalon. As a result, it was found that the cells in the brain proliferated actively, even in non-regenerating froglets, just as was observed in regenerating larvae after the partial removal of the telencephalon. Moreover, it was shown that although the structure was usually imperfect, even isolated single cells derived from the frog brain were able to reconstitute the lost portion when the cells were transplanted to the partially truncated telencephalon. It is therefore likely to be critical for massive organ regeneration that ependymal layer cells promptly cover the cerebral lateral ventricles at an initial stage of wound healing, as is the case observed in larvae. However, in froglets, these cells strongly adhere to one another, and they are therefore unable to move to seal off the exposed ventricle, which in turn is likely to render the froglet brain non-regenerative.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the preoptic nucleus of Xenopus laevis tadpoles during metamorphosis was studied and the effect of osmotic stimulation on this process investigated. The development of this region was not affected by treatment for one or more days in hypertonic media. It was found that at the end of metamorphosis the neurosecretory cells in the preoptic nucleus are localized in three regions: the rostro-dorsal, the caudo-dorsal and the ventral region. After osmotic stimulation only the neurosecretory cells of the caudo-dorsal region appeared to have reacted, as indicated by their loss of neurosecretory (PIC positive) material. It is concluded that the cells of this region may be involved in the synthesis of the posterior lobe hormones.The author thanks Prof. Dr. J. C. van de Kamer and Dr. F. C. G. van de Veerdonk for their interest and many helpful discussions, Dr. L. Boomgaart and Dr. A. P. van Overbeeke for correcting the English text and Miss C. M. G. van Bemmel for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Inductive action of duodenal mesenchyme on stomach endoderm in the chick embryo was chronologically analysed in vitro by the use of electron microscopy and immunofluorescence techniques. The behaviour of the endoderm-mesenchyme interfaces was particularly studied during the induction. In recombinates of 4-day stomach endoderm and 6-day duodenal mesenchyme, all the endodermal cells were undifferentiated at the start of cultivation. Small-intestinal sucrase antigen could first be detected on the 5th day of cultivation in one-third of the stomach endoderm, and a striated border on the 7th day. With a longer cultivation period, intestine-type cells increased in number in the stomach endoderm and the density of microvilli on the apical surface became higher. At the endoderm-mesenchyme interfaces a number of direct contacts between endodermal and mesenchymal cells were observed from the beginning to the end of cultivation. These were especially abundant in the early period before the appearance of signs of intestinal cytodifferentiation. These results suggest that the mesenchymal cells adjacent to the endodermal tissue play an important role in the intestinal induction which occurs during the early period of cultivation, probably via direct cell-to-cell contracts.  相似文献   

Summary When stomach endoderm of chick embryos was recombined and cultured with duodenal mesenchyme, the endoderm developed a brush border structure over a large area and also differentiated into mucous cells in a small area according to its own developmental fate. In the present investigation, we examined whether the induced brush border structure expressed sucrase antigen by immunoelectron microscopy using the antiserum raised against chicken sucrase. Sucrase immunoreactivity could be detected as ferritin particles in the region where the brush border was induced, whereas it was never detected on microvilli of endodermal cells which differentiated into the mucous cells. Thus, almost all of the endodermal cells could be identified as either small intestine-type cells possessing the sucrase antigen or stomach-type cells possessing mucous granules but not the sucrase antigen. The results indicate that stomach endodermal cells of chick embryos can differentiate not only morphologically but also functionally into typical intestinal epithelial cells under the inductive influence of the duodenal mesenchyme.  相似文献   

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