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In the next decade the number of non-western elderly immigrants will double in the Netherlands. Because of specific risk factors (hypertension, diabetes), the number of elderly immigrants with dementia will probably increase. Memory clinics are not well prepared for these patients, because health professionals lack knowledge about important obstacles in intercultural dementia diagnostics. They should consider language barriers, cultural differences, low level of education and illiteracy, as well as ignorance about dementia, shame and special care expectations of patients and their families. We give recommendations to improve communication, (neuropsychological) testing and counseling in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Nighttime restlessness in dementia is an underestimated problem. Although little is known about the prevalence and not every person with dementia struggles with it, nighttime restlessness puts a heavy burden on the persons themselves and their caregivers.  相似文献   

Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie - In this article different aspects of chronic heart failure in old age are described. We mainly focus on the place of beta-blocker therapy in chronic...  相似文献   

Recognizing delirium superimposed on pre-existing cognitive impairment or dementia, ‘delirium superimposed on dementia’ (DSD), is challenging because signs of delirium might be interpreted as symptoms of pre-existing cognitive dysfunction.In this paper, we review the literature on the role of electrencephalography (EEG) in the differential diagnosis of delirium, dementia and DSD.Conventional EEG, applying twenty to thirty electrodes, taking thirty minutes registration, is not feasible in psychogeriatric patients. Recent studies suggest that it is possible to reliably detect delirium using only a limited number of EEG electrodes for a short period of time.With this, use of EEG in the detection of delirium in patients with cognitive impairment or clinically manifest dementia could be possible.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing life expectancy of people with intellectual disabilities (ID), the importance of cooperation between services for people with ID and elderly care services has been stressed in Flanders and the Netherlands, as well as internationally. However, the prevalence, intensity and content of such a cooperation are yet unknown. In order to gain information to address this issue, an online-survey was delivered to directors of all nursing homes in Flanders (n = 781). 229 surveys were completed.In more than 75% of the nursing homes, people with ID were among the residents over the past decade. However, at the same time a lack of expertise has been identified as a barrier to provide them optimal care and support. Hence, the respondents point out that a cooperation with ID care services could be beneficial. Nevertheless, those partnerships only arose in a quarter of the nursing homes so far, primarily for the purpose of exchange of expertise. Intersectoral multidisciplinary consultations and intersectoral care team consultations have been taking place as well, be it mainly in the context of a persons’ transition from an ID care service to a nursing home. Until now, radical cooperations which involve an exchange of staff, seem to be rather rare.  相似文献   

Extra-list intrusion errors during five trials of the eight-word list-learning task of the Amsterdam Dementia Screening Test (ADST) were investigated in 823 consecutive psychogeriatric patients (87.1% suffering from major neurocognitive disorder). Almost half of the participants (45.9%) produced one or more intrusion errors on the verbal recall test. Correct responses were lower when subjects made intrusion errors, but learning slopes did not differ between subjects who committed intrusion errors and those who did not so. Bivariate regression analyses revealed that participants who committed intrusion errors were more deficient on measures of eight-word recognition memory, delayed visual recognition and tests of executive control (the Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale and the ADST-Graphical Sequences as measures of response inhibition). Using hierarchical multiple regression, only free recall and delayed visual recognition retained an independent effect in the association with intrusion errors, such that deficient scores on tests of episodic memory were sufficient to explain the occurrence of intrusion errors. Measures of inhibitory control did not add significantly to the explanation of intrusion errors in free recall, which makes insufficient strength of memory traces rather than a primary deficit in inhibition the preferred account for intrusion errors in free recall.  相似文献   

Anemia is a common diagnosis in the geriatric population, especially in institutionalized and hospitalized elderly. Most common etiologies for anemia in elderly people admitted to a geriatric ward are iron-deficiency anemia and anemia associated with chronic disease.  相似文献   

Summary A case of inherited epilepsy in the housemouse is described. When the affected animals are taken up by the tail they exhibit a series of clonic convulsions, lasting a few seconds, in which the head is thrown back, the eyes protrude, the mouth is opened, and the toes are spread. The anomaly has never been noticed in other purebred strains It seems to be dominant. The diet has an influence upon it, the mice can be fed in such a way that they do not exhibit any cnvulsions when examined in the usual way.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Fall erblicher Epilepsie bei der Hausmaus beschrieben. Die befallenen Tiere fallen, wenn sie am Schwanze hochgehoben werden, in einer Serie von blitzschnell verlaufenden klonischen Krämpfen, wobei der Kopf im Nacken gelegt wird, das Maul aufgesperrt, die Zehen gespreizt werden. Die Anomalie ward in anderen eingezüchteten Stämmen nie gefunden. Sie scheint dominant zu sein. Die Eigenschaft wird durch die Fütterung beeinfluszt.

Inst. v. Prevent. Geneeskunde  相似文献   

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