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红光、远红光、钙及IAA对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
红光明显抑制黄化绿豆下胚轴切段的伸长,远红光则有部分逆转红光的作用。黑暗条件下加钙对切段具有与红光处理相同的抑制伸长效果。IAA可完全逆转红光的作用。  相似文献   

红光能增加细胞壁的Hyp含量和细胞各部分的Hyp/Pro,绿豆下胚轴切段伸长被红光抑制的程度与两者呈正相关。环己酰亚胺和放线菌素D明显降低细胞壁的Hyp含量,提高WSFC和CWRSE中的Hyp/Pro,抑制切段伸长。  相似文献   

红光能增加细胞壁的Hyp含量和细胞各部分的Hyp/Pro,绿豆下胚轴切段伸长被红光抑制的程度与两者是正相关。环己酰亚胺和放线菌素D明显降低细胞壁的Hyp含量,提高WSFC和CWRSE中的Hyp/Pro,抑制切段伸长。香豆素不仅显著减少细胞壁的Hyp含量,而且降低WSFC和CWRSE中的Hyp/Pro,促进下胚轴伸长。α,α.二吡啶降低细胞壁的Hyp含量和WSFC中的Hyp/Pro,解除红光对切段伸长的抑制。EGTA、verapamil、La3 和A23187均可解除红光抑制切段伸长的作用,但对细胞壁的Hyp含量和细胞三部分蛋白质中Hyp/Pro影响较小。  相似文献   

研究了胞壁钙在红光抑制黄化绿豆(PhaseolusradiatusL.)下胚轴切段伸长生长中的作用。培养在有Ca2+介质中的切段胞壁钙含量比无Ca2+介质中的高3倍多,但不论介质中有无外源Ca2+,红光对下胚轴伸长的抑制程度都为20%~25%。乙醇双乙胺醚N,N,N′,N′四乙酸(EGTA)减少胞壁钙含量,相应地抵消红光对伸长的抑制;verapamil、La3+处理的切段胞壁钙含量与黑暗对照接近,但削弱红光的抑制作用;A23187减少胞壁钙,相应地抵消红光作用,甚至促进伸长生长。此外,氯丙嗪不影响胞壁钙含量,却阻止红光抑制伸长。表明红光无需外源Ca2+也能抑制切段伸长生长,但并非完全不需要Ca2+,可能胞壁自身的Ca2+基本能满足伸长生长所需。胞壁Ca2+的作用很复杂,它既可作为钙库起内流Ca2+信号的作用,也可在壁区起生长调节作用。  相似文献   

IAA和Ca^2+对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的影响及其相互关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
0.01 mmol/L IAA可以明显促进绿豆下胚轴切段的伸长,≤0.1 mmol/L CaCl_2也可促进其伸长,但当浓度为0.5 mmol/L时则有抑制作用。低浓度CaCl_2尚能加强IAA对绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的促进作用。Ca~(2+)专一性螯合剂EGTA、Ca~(2+)竞争性抑制剂LaCl_3及CaM拮抗剂CPZ均能抑制IAA促进绿豆下胚轴切段伸长的作用。增加培养介质中CaCl_2浓度可以逆转LaCl_3的抑制效应。  相似文献   

布洛芬对绿豆下胚轴插条生根的影响(简报)   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
人工合的解热镇痛抗炎药布洛芬能显著促进绿豆下胚轴生根,增加根数和根干重。  相似文献   

以两相法提取纯化绿豆下胚轴质膜微囊,材料与两相体系重量之比为32∶8时,一次洗膜就可以得到纯度较高的质膜微囊。提取缓冲液中牛血清白蛋白的浓度对质膜H+-ATPase的潜在活性有影响。质膜H+-ATPase水解活性依赖于Mg2+,Ca2+对酶活性有明显的促进作用。壳梭孢素(fusicoccin, FC)对酶有明显的刺激作用,活体条件最大刺激达到72%,而离体条件下刺激为30%。  相似文献   

培养基中蔗糖抑制绿豆下胚轴不定根发生率和每个切段的发根数。无营养条件下 (培养基中仅有蔗糖和琼脂 ) 2 %蔗糖达到显著抑制 ,有营养条件下 (MS培养基营养成分 ) 9%蔗糖才显著抑制 ,正插的下胚轴受抑制比反插的大  相似文献   

When the hypocotyl segments of Phaseolus radiatus L. were incubated in CaC12 (1 mmol/L) medium, the cell wall calcium was increased over threefold more than those incubated in a Ca2+ -free medium. However, red light inhibited elongation of the hypocotyl was 20% to 25% both in the medium with or without Ca2 + . The amount of calcium removed from the wall by ethylene glycol-bis (2-aminoethyl ether)-N, N, N', N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) ( 1 to 10 mmol/L) was 58.13 % to 75.33%, which offset the red light-inhibited elongation of the hypocotyl by 61.29% to 87.1%. Moreover, treatment with the channel blocker, verapamil ( 10 to 100 μ mol/L), wall calcium was the same as that of the darkness control, by which the red light-inhibited growth was also offset. La3 + ( 100 to 1 000 μmol/L) had no effect on wall calcium as compared to hypocotyl segments treated with red light alone, but eliminated the inhibitory effect of red light. Treatment with the calcium ionophore, A23187 (10 to 100 μmol/L), red light-inhibited elongation was abolished by 66.67% to 142.45% while wall calcium was reduced by 24.53% to 42.81%. In addition, calmodulin antagonist chlorpromazine (1 to 10 μmol/L) also counter acted the red light-induced elongation inhibition. These data indicated that exogenous Ca2+ was involved in the red light-inhibition effect, but that' did not mean that Ca2 + was not required. Perhaps Ca2 + in the wall itself was sufficient for red light-induced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. The role of wall calcium might be quite complex, it not only acted as a signal of influx Ca2 + from the Ca2 + pool, but also played a regulatory role in the cell wall.  相似文献   

Red-light-induced swelling of the protoplasts isolated from hypocotyl of etiolated mung bean(Phaseolus radiatusL.)was observed only when Ca^2 ions were present in the medium.The optimal CaCl2 concentration was 250μM,Swlling response declined when Ca^2 was supplied into the medium after red light irradiation.The Ca^2 -chelator EGTA eliminated the red-light-induced swelling and 45Ca^2 accumulation in the protoplasts.In conltrast,A23187,a Ca^2 -ionophore,could mimic the effect of red light in darkness.These results indicate that Ca^2 may play a role in light signal transduction.In addition,swelling response was prevented by TFP and CPZ(both are CaM antagonists),implying the involvement of CaM in red-light-induced and Ca^2 -dependent protoplast swelling.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of photoinhibition of stem elongation by blue (BL) and red light (RL) was studied in etiolated seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska). Brief BL irradiations resulted in fast transient inhibition of elongation, while a delayed (lag approximately 60 minutes) but prolonged inhibition was observed after brief RL. Possible changes in the hydraulic and wall properties of the growing cells during photoinhibition were examined. Cell sap osmotic pressure was unaffected by BL and RL, but both irradiations increased turgor pressure by approximately 0.05 megapascal (pressure-probe technique). Cell wall yielding was analyzed by in vivo stress relaxation (pressure-block technique). BL and RL reduced the initial rate of relaxation by 38 and 54%, while the final amount of relaxation was decreased by 48 and 10%, respectively. These results indicate that RL inhibits elongation mainly by lowering the wall yield coefficient, while most of the inhibitory effect of BL was due to an increase of the yield threshold. Mechanical extensibility of cell walls (Instron technique) was decreased by BL and RL, mainly due to a reduction in the plastic component of extensibility. Thus, photoinhibitions of elongation by both BL and RL are achieved through changes in cell wall properties, and are not due to effects on the hydraulic properties of the cell.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of active oxygen species and an apoplasticendopeptidase (EP) in the digestion of cell wall proteins wasstudied in extracellular fluid (EF) from hypocotyls of Phaseolusvulgaris at different stages of elongation. EF proteins underwentsignificant changes in polypeptide pattern during hypocotylgrowth, which were characterized by increases in 35, 39, 40and 50 kDa peptides and appearance of 61, 70 and 75 kDa peptidesat the exponential growth phase. EFs also contain endopeptidase[Gómez et al. (1994) Agriscientia 11:3]. Autolysis experimentswithout or with purified EP revealed that many cell wall polypeptidesare liable to degradation by the protease. Besides, EF polypeptidesincreased their susceptibility to EP during hypocotyl elongation.The 50 and 40 kDa polypeptydes were poorly degraded when extractedfrom hypocotyls in active growth, but greatly hydrolyzed whenextracted from fully elongated tissues, suggesting that in thecourse of growth proteins underwent modifications that renderedthem more prone to proteolytic attack. These modifications seemedto involve active oxygen species, as indicated by: (a) H2O2level rised when protein susceptibility to EP increased; and(b) EF proteins from growing hypocotyls (comparatively lesssusceptible to EP) treated with H2O2 were rapidly degraded bythe protease. (Received April 27, 1995; Accepted July 31, 1995)  相似文献   

In Phaseolus vulgaris L., the shoot displays a revolving movementthat occurs rhythmically in a highly regular manner. Previousdata led to think that revolving movement is driven by turgorand volume changes in the epidermal cells of the bending zone.To document this hypothesis, the time course of in situ celllength variations in the bending zone was measured during themovement of the shoot and related to the phase of the revolvingmovement. Each ten minutes, a photograph of cells was takenand the revolving movement was simultaneously recorded usingtime-lapse microphotography and video-monitoring. In the movingpart of the shoot, epidermal cells displayed partly reversiblelength variations during their growth. Data were processed byFourier analysis to determine whether or not a periodicity exists.Rhythm in cell length variations was evidenced only when initialcell lengths were ranged between 60 and 120 µM. In thiscase, the period corresponds to that of the revolving movement. Thus, revolving movement is related to partly reversible lengthvariations in the cells of the bending zone. These results agreewith the hypothesis of an involvement of turgor mediated volumechanges in the revolving movement (Received September 16, 1997; Accepted June 18, 1998)  相似文献   

N-Carboxymethyl-β-alanine and four γ-glutamyl peptides—γ-l-glutamyl-l-leucine, γ-l-glutamyl-l-methionine, γ-glutamylphenylalanine and γ-glutamyltyrosine—were isolated from green gram seeds. N-Carboxymethyl-β-alanine is a compound which is isolated from natural products for the first time. An amount of γ-glutamylmethionine was far more abundance than all others.  相似文献   

The carbon dioxide compensation point () was found to vary whenmeasured at increasing light intensities, in plants grown ata constant illumination. This response varied with the physiologicalage of the leaf. The also varied when measured at a constantillumination, with plants grown at different light intensities.The activity of the enzymes RuDP carboxylase, nitrate reductase,glycollate oxidase, and catalase was found to be influencedby the light intensity at which the plants were grown. A goodcorrelation was obtained between the measured and the ratioof nitrate reductase: RuDP carboxylase activities, suggestingthat nitrate reductase may be used as an indirect measure ofphotorespiration in plants receiving nitrate as the sole nitrogensource.  相似文献   

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