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The ability of a recombinant Saccharomyces yeast strain to ferment the sugars glucose, xylose, arabinose and galactose which are the predominant monosaccharides found in corn fibre hydrolysates has been examined. Saccharomyces strain 1400 (pLNH32) was genetically engineered to ferment xylose by expressing genes encoding a xylose reductase, a xylitol dehydrogenase and a xylulose kinase. The recombinant efficiently fermented xylose alone or in the presence of glucose. Xylose-grown cultures had very little difference in xylitol accumulation, with only 4 to 5g/l accumulating, in aerobic, micro-aerated and anaerobic conditions. Highest production of ethanol with all sugars was achieved under anaerobic conditions. From a mixture of glucose (80g/l) and xylose (40g/l), this strain produced 52g/l ethanol, equivalent to 85% of theoretical yield, in less than 24h. Using a mixture of glucose (31g/l), xylose (15.2g/l), arabinose (10.5g/l) and galactose (2g/l), all of the sugars except arabinose were consumed in 24h with an accumulation of 22g ethanol/l, a 90% yield (excluding the arabinose in the calculation since it is not fermented). Approximately 98% theoretical yield, or 21g ethanol/l, was achieved using an enzymatic hydrolysate of ammonia fibre exploded corn fibre containing an estimated 47.0g mixed sugars/l. In all mixed sugar fermentations, less than 25% arabinose was consumed and converted into arabitol.  相似文献   

In this study an industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain capable of fermenting ethanol from pretreated lignocellulosic material was engineered. Genes encoding cellulases (endoglucanase, exoglucanase and β-glucosidase) were integrated into the chromosomal ribosomal DNA and delta regions of a derivative of the K1-V1116 wine yeast strain. The engineered cellulolytic yeast produces ethanol in one step through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of pretreated biomass without the addition of exogenously produced enzymes. When ethanol fermentation was performed with 10% dry weight of pretreated corn stover, the recombinant strain fermented 63% of the cellulose in 96 h and the ethanol titer reached 2.6% v/v. These results demonstrate that cellulolytic S. cerevisiae strains can be used as a platform for developing an economical advanced biofuel process.  相似文献   

为提高酿酒酵母工程菌S7香紫苏醇产量,采用摇瓶培养,研究了其生长和代谢特点,发现产物合成与菌体生长密切关联。在3 L发酵罐中通过补料-溶氧联动控制的方式,以葡萄糖、乙醇和葡萄糖/乙醇混合物为碳源进行高密度培养,香紫苏醇产量分别达到253 mg/L、386 mg/L和408 mg/L,最高产量是摇瓶培养的27倍。说明添加乙醇作为碳源有助于香紫苏醇合成。研究结果对优化酿酒酵母细胞工厂,高效生产萜类化合物具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Aminonitrotoluenes form rapidly from the reduction of dinitrotoluenes (DNTs) which are priority pollutants and animal carcinogens. For example, 4-amino-2-nitrotoluene (4A2NT) and 2A4NT accumulate from the reduction of 2,4-DNT during its aerobic biodegradation. Here, we show that 2,4-DNT dioxygenase (DDO) from Burkholderia sp. strain DNT oxidizes the aminonitrotoluenes 2A3NT, 2A6NT, 4A3NT, and 5A2NT to 2-amino-3-nitrobenzylalcohol, 2-amino-4-nitro-m-cresol and 3-amino-5-nitro-p-cresol, 4-amino-3-nitrobenzylalcohol and aminonitrocresol, and 2-amino-5-nitro-o-cresol, respectively. 2A5NT and 3A4NT are oxidized to aminonitrocresols and/or aminonitrobenzylalcohols, and 4A2NT is oxidized to aminonitrocresol. Only 2A4NT, a reduced compound derived from 2,4-DNT, was not oxidized by DDO or its three variants. The alpha subunit mutation I204Y resulted in two to fourfold faster oxidization of the aminonitrotoluenes. Though these enzymes are dioxygenases, they acted like monooxygenases by adding a single hydroxyl group, which did not result in the release of nitrite.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain DNT degrades 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT) by a dioxygenase attack at the 4,5 position with concomitant removal of the nitro group to yield 4-methyl-5-nitrocatechol (MNC). Here we describe the mechanism of removal of the nitro group from MNC and subsequent reactions leading to ring fission. Washed suspensions of DNT-grown cells oxidized MNC and 2,4,5-trihydroxytoluene (THT). Extracts prepared from DNT-induced cells catalyzed the disappearance of MNC in the presence of oxygen and NADPH. Partially purified MNC oxygenase oxidized MNC in a reaction requiring 1 mol of NADPH and 1 mol of oxygen per mol of substrate. The enzyme converted MNC to 2-hydroxy-5-methylquinone (HMQ), which was identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. HMQ was also detected transiently in culture fluids of cells grown on DNT. A quinone reductase was partially purified and shown to convert HMQ to THT in a reaction requiring NADH. A partially purified THT oxygenase catalyzed ring fission of THT and accumulation of a compound tentatively identified as 3-hydroxy-5-(1-formylethylidene)-2-furanone. Preliminary results indicate that this compound is an artifact of the isolation procedure and suggest that 2,4-dihydroxy-5-methyl-6-oxo-2,4-hexadienoic acid is the actual ring fission product.  相似文献   

Recombinant strains of the flavinogenic yeast Candida famata able to overproduce flavin mononucleotide (FMN) that contain FMN1 gene encoding riboflavin (RF) kinase driven by the strong constitutive promoter TEF1 (translation elongation factor 1α) were constructed. Transformation of these strains with the additional plasmid containing the FMN1 gene under the TEF1 promoter resulted in the 200-fold increase in the riboflavin kinase activity and 100-fold increase in FMN production as compared to the wild-type strain (last feature was found only in iron-deficient medium).Overexpression of the FMN1 gene in the mutant that has deregulated riboflavin biosynthesis pathway and high level of riboflavin production in iron-sufficient medium led to the 30-fold increase in the riboflavin kinase activity and 400-fold increase in FMN production of the resulted transformants. The obtained C. famata recombinant strains can be used for the further construction of improved FMN overproducers.  相似文献   

Asymmetric ketone reductions remain the most popular application of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in organic synthesis and data from the genome sequencing project is beginning to have an impact on improving the stereoselectivities of these reactions, augmenting traditional approaches based on selective inhibition. In addition, the catalytic repertoire of yeast has been expanded to include chiral ketone oxidations by overexpression of a bacterial Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase.  相似文献   

A methionine-producing strain was derived from a lysine-producing Corynebacterium glutamicum through a process of genetic manipulation in order to assess its potential to synthesize and accumulate methionine during growth. The strain carries a deregulated hom gene (hom(FBR)) to abolish feedback inhibition of homoserine dehydrogenase by threonine and a deletion of the thrB gene (delta thrB) to abolish threonine synthesis. The constructed C. glutamicum MH20-22B/hom(FBR)/delta thrB strain accumulated 2.9 g/l of methionine by batch fermentation and showed resistance to methionine analogue ethionine at concentrations up to 30 mM. The growth of the strain was apparently impaired as a result of the accumulation of methionine biosynthetic intermediate, homocysteine. Production assays also revealed that the accumulation of methionine in the growth medium was transient and declined as the carbon source was depleted. During the period of methionine disappearance, the methionine biosynthetic genes were completely repressed in the engineered strains but not in the parental strain. After all, we have not only successfully constructed a methionine-producing C. glutamicum strain by genetic manipulation, but also revealed cellular constraints in attaining high yield and productivity.  相似文献   

A novel method for D-arabitol production with a metabolically engineered Bacillus subtilis strain is described. A known transketolase-deficient and D-ribose-producing mutant of B. subtilis (ATCC 31094) was further modified by disruption of its rpi (D-ribose phosphate isomerase) gene to create a D-ribulose- and D-xylulose-producing B. subtilis strain. Expression of the D-arabitol phosphate dehydrogenase gene of Enterococcus avium in the D-ribulose- and D-xylulose-producing strain resulted in a strain of B. subtilis capable of converting D-glucose to D-arabitol with a high yield (38%) and little by-product formation.  相似文献   

This report describes a novel method for overexpression of 13C-labeled oligosaccharides using genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells, in which a homogeneous high-mannose-type oligosaccharide accumulates because of deletions of genes encoding three enzymes involved in the processing pathway of asparagine-linked oligosaccharides in the Golgi complex. Using uniformly 13C-labeled glucose as the sole carbon source in the culture medium of these engineered yeast cells, high yields of the isotopically labeled Man8GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide could be successfully harvested from glycoprotein extracts of the cells. Furthermore, 13C labeling at selected positions of the sugar residues in the oligosaccharide could be achieved using a site-specific 13C-enriched glucose as the metabolic precursor, facilitating NMR spectral assignments. The 13C-labeling method presented provides the technical basis for NMR analyses of structures, dynamics, and interactions of larger, branched oligosaccharides.  相似文献   

We demonstrate improved ethanol yield and productivity through cofermentation of cellobiose and galactose by an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain expressing genes coding for cellodextrin transporter (cdt-1) and intracellular β-glucosidase (gh1-1) from Neurospora crassa. Simultaneous fermentation of cellobiose and galactose can be applied to producing biofuels from hydrolysates of marine plant biomass.  相似文献   

Although most bacteria produce fatty acids (FA), few secrete free FAs into the culture media. Over-expression of two FA thioesterases, TesA and AtFatA, facilitated both total and FFA production in a recombinant strain of Escherichia coli. When these thioesterases were expressed in a fadD and fadL double-deletion strain, a further enhancement of FFA secretion was observed. These results support a simple diffusion mechanism for FA transport. In addition, the ATP-binding cassette transporter protein, MsbA, also increased the concentration of FFAs in the culture. The final strain produced 110 mg FFA/l, about 33 % of the total FAs being produced. Our findings support a diffusion mechanism for FA transport.  相似文献   

In this study, citric acid production from extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers by the genetically engineered yeast Yarrowia lipolytica strain 30 was investigated. After the compositions of the extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers for citric acid production were optimized, the results showed that natural components of extract of Jerusalem artichoke tubers without addition of any other components were suitable for citric acid production by the yeast strain. During 10 L fermentation using the extract containing 84.3 g L?1 total sugars, 68.3 g L?1 citric acid was produced and the yield of citric acid was 0.91 g g?1 within 336 h. At the end of the fermentation, 9.2 g L?1 of residual total sugar and 2.1 g L?1 of reducing sugar were left in the fermented medium. At the same time, citric acid in the supernatant of the culture was purified. It was found that 67.2 % of the citric acid in the supernatant of the culture was recovered and purity of citric acid in the crystal was 96 %.  相似文献   

Arylomycins are type I signal peptidase inhibitors and have a potential as a new type of antibiotics. They were identified from the broth of Streptomyces sp. HCCB10043. The arylomycin biosynthetic gene cluster in this strain was identical to that in S. roseosporus. Within the gene cluster, aryC, encoding a P450 enzyme, was deduced to be responsible for biaryl bond formation in, the arylomycins. Inactivation of aryC abolished arylomycin production and led to the generation of two novel linear lipopentapeptides lacking the aryl–aryl linkage. These derivatives had lost their antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus epidermidis which is sensitive to arylomycins A2 and A4.  相似文献   

漆酶高产工程菌构建及漆酶对RBBR的脱色作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究提取产漆酶白腐菌 (Fomelignosus)的总RNA ,利用RT PCR克隆到漆酶的cDNA ,并将其克隆到表达载体pGAPZA ,重组质粒经线性化、电激转化PichiapastorisGS115、通过底物显色反应筛选漆酶生产工程菌株 ,在最适培养条件下该菌株产酶活力高达 9 0 3U·mL-1。纯化得到漆酶对RBBR(RemazolbrilliantblueR)有很好的脱色作用 ,该酶的最适脱色pH为 5 0 ,最适脱色温度为 30℃。当溶液中漆酶活力为 1 0U·mL-1,在最适脱色条件下作用12h ,10 0mg·L-1RBBR溶液脱色率可达 90 %以上。  相似文献   

Phytochelatins (PCs) are naturally occurring peptides with high-binding capabilities for a wide range of heavy metals including arsenic (As). PCs are enzymatically synthesized by phytochelatin synthases and contain a (gamma-Glu-Cys)(n) moiety terminated by a Gly residue that makes them relatively proteolysis resistant. In this study, PCs were introduced by expressing Arabidopsis thaliana Phytochelatin Synthase (AtPCS) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for enhanced As accumulation and removal. PCs production in yeast resulted in six times higher As accumulation as compared to the control strain under a wide range of As concentrations. For the high-arsenic concentration, PCs production led to a substantial decrease in levels of PC precursors such as glutathione (GSH) and gamma-glutamyl cysteine (gamma-EC). The levels of As(III) accumulation were found to be similar between AtPCS-expressing wild type strain and AtPCS-expressing acr3Delta strain lacking the arsenic efflux system, suggesting that the arsenic uptake may become limiting. This is further supported by the roughly 1:3 stoichiometric ratio between arsenic and PC2 (n = 2) level (comparing with a theoretical value of 1:2), indicating an excess availability of PCs inside the cells. However, at lower As(III) concentration, PC production became limiting and an additive effect on arsenic accumulation was observed for strain lacking the efflux system. More importantly, even resting cells expressing AtPCS pre-cultured in Zn(2+) enriched media showed PCs production and two times higher arsenic removal than the control strain. These results open up the possibility of using cells expressing AtPCS as an inexpensive sorbent for the removal of toxic arsenic.  相似文献   

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