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Stephen K. Donovan 《Ichnos》2013,20(2):151-153
Dinosaur Tracks and Traces, edited by David D. Gillette and Martin G. Lockley, 1989. Cambridge University Press, 110 Midland Avenue, Port Chester, New York 10573, USA. lvii + 454 pages. US$54.50.  相似文献   

Tracks of large theropods and a single sauropod footprint are reported from red beds at Beikeshan locality in the Middle Jurassic Chuanjie Formation, of Lufeng County, near the large World Dinosaur Valley Park complex. The Chuanjie theropod tracks are assigned to the ichnogenus Eubrontes and the large sauropod track is given the provisional label Brontopodus. All occur as isolated tracks, i.e., trackways are not preserved. Saurischian dominated ichnofaunas are relatively common in the Jurassic of China. The producers of the Chuanjie tracks may have been similar to the basal tetanuran theropod Shidaisaurus and to mamenchisaurid sauropods, which were widely distributed throughout China, during the Jurassic, and are known from skeletal remains found in the same unit. Other potential sauropod trackmakers include titanosauriforms or as-yet-unknown basal eusauropods. The ichno- and skeletal records from the Jurassic of the Lufeng Basin are largely consistent, and both document the presence of middle-large sized theropods and sauropods.  相似文献   

In 2006, sauropod and theropod trackways were discovered at the locality of Loulle in the French Jura Mountains. During the Late Oxfordian (sensu gallico), Loulle was located at the southeastern margin of the carbonate-dominated French Jura platform. The upper part of the section contains a 94-cm-thick dinosaur track-bearing interval. Dinosaur tracks were recorded in a tidal-flat setting punctuated by frequent flooding and emersion phases leading to desiccation, microbial mat development, and new sediment inputs. Four types of tracks were identified relative to their morphologies and the rheology of the tracked sediment. Tracks were recorded on sediment with different degrees of water saturation, covered with a thick, cohesive, and elastic microbial mat. This mat cover prevented tracks from erosion agents but also prevented the record of trackmaker anatomical details. Early lithification, probably driven by enhanced dolomitization, allowed the rapid fossilization of the tracks, protecting them from reworking during the subsequent dinosaur tracking phases. Sequential analysis reveals that the record of dinosaur tracks was made possible by a gain of accommodation at the scale of elementary (infra-Milankovitch) and small-scale (100 kyr) sequences. The loss of accommodation observed at the scale of medium-scale (400 kyr) and very small scale (20 kyr) sequences enhanced the ramp progradation at the Bimammatum-Planula boundary, allowing dinosaurs to walk on the Loulle tidal-flat, along a narrow ENE/WSW isthmus.  相似文献   

Prosaurolophus maximus Brown is a saurolophine hadrosaurid known from numerous complete, articulated skulls from the Dinosaur Park Formation (Campanian, Alberta, Canada) that range in size by approximately half a metre in total skull length. Therefore, it is an important taxon for understanding patterns of growth and variation in saurolophines. This study describes the cranial anatomy of P. maximus from the type locality of Dinosaur Provincial Park (Dinosaur Park Formation: Campanian) on the basis of ten articulated skulls, quantitatively examines its range of osteological variation, and provides the first hypothesized ontogenetic series for this taxon. A second species, Prosaurolophus blackfeetensis Horner, was named on the basis of geologically younger material from Montana (Two Medicine Formation: Campanian) that is diagnosed by putative morphological differences in the nasal crest. However, considerable nasal crest variation in the sample from the Dinosaur Park Formation does not permit quantitative differentiation of P. blackfeetensis from P. maximus. Furthermore, a species‐level phylogenetic analysis of saurolophines that includes both P. maximus and P. blackfeetensis as originally defined recovers them as sister taxa that do not differ morphologically in the character matrix. Based on both the morphometric and phylogenetic data, this study supports the hypothesis that P. blackfeetensis is a junior synonym of P. maximus, thereby substantially increasing its temporal range to 1.6 million years, and a concomitant period of morphological stasis in this taxon. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The Complete Dinosaur edited by James O. Farlow and Michael K. Brett-Williams Indiana University Press (UK: Open University Press), 1997. £40.50/$59.95 hbk (752 pages) ISBN 0 253 33349 0.  相似文献   

Among dinosaurs, the pubis has convergently retroverted four times in Maniraptora (Theropoda) and once in Ornithischia. Although a clear correlation has not been demonstrated, it has been previously proposed that two traits were related to pubic retroversion: the reduced importance of cuirassal ventilation, and a herbivorous diet. Here, we analyse the possible influence of these traits on pubis orientation. Cuirassal ventilation was plesiomorphically present as an accessory ventilation mechanism in Dinosauria and was powered by the M. ischiotruncus, which was probably connected to a propubic pelvis. Cuirassal ventilation was reduced in both Ornithischia and Maniraptora, some of which also evolved herbivory. According to our results, cuirassal ventilation is more strongly correlated with pubic orientation than herbivory. The retroversion of the pubis during the evolution of birds resulted in major changes in the musculature of the tail. These changes increased the efficiency of the pubocaudalis muscles, which enhanced the birds’ capability for take‐off from the ground. The release of the evolutionary constraint on pubic orientation through changes in the ventilatory system can therefore be considered to be an important step in bird evolution.  相似文献   

记述了产自浙江省天台盆地的网形蛋类新材料,建立一新蛋属——拟网形蛋属(Paradictyoo lithusoogen.nov.),两个新蛋种:庒前拟网形蛋(Paradictyoolithus zhuangqianensis oogen.etoosp.nov.)和下西山拟网形蛋(P.xiaxishanensis oogen.et oosp.nov.)。在此基础上,重新系统描述其他已知4种网形蛋属成员的结构特征,并对网形蛋类的分类进行了订正:网形蛋属(Dictyoolithus)仅保留红坡网形蛋(D.hongpoensis Zhao,1994)一个蛋种;建立一新蛋属:原网形蛋属(Protodictyoolithus oogen.nov.),将发现于河南西峡盆地的内乡网形蛋(D.neixiangensis Zhao,1994)和发现于山东莱阳盆地的蒋氏网形蛋(D.jiangi Liu&Zhao,2004)分别修订为:内乡原网形蛋(修订种)(Protodictyoolithus neixiangensis(Zhao,1994)comb.nov.)和蒋氏原网形蛋(修订种)(P.jiangi(Liu&Zhao,2004)comb.nov.);此外,发现于吉林公主岭早白垩世的公主岭网形蛋(D.gongzhulingensis Wang et al.,2006)并不属于网形蛋类,而应归入似蜂窝蛋类(Similifaveoolithus),将其修订为公主岭似蜂窝蛋(修订种)(Similifaveoolithus gongzhulingensis(Wangetal.2006)comb.nov.)。  相似文献   

Martin Lockley 《Ichnos》2013,20(1):79-86
Dinosaur tracks

Dinosaur Tracks by Tony Thulborn, 1990. Chapman and Hall, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE, UK, 410 pages. US$85.00.

Catastrophic episodes in earth history

Catastrophic Episodes in Earth History. Claude C. Albritton Jr., 1989. Chapman and Hall, 29 West 35th Street, New York, New York, 10001–2291 USA. 221 pages, U.S. $29.95  相似文献   



The chasmosaurine ceratopsid Chasmosaurus is known from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Dinosaur Park Formation of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Two valid species, Chasmosaurus belli and C. russelli, have been diagnosed by differences in cranial ornamentation. Their validity has been supported, in part, by the reported stratigraphic segregation of chasmosaurines in the Dinosaur Park Formation, with C. belli and C. russelli occurring in discrete, successive zones within the formation.


An analysis of every potentially taxonomically informative chasmosaurine specimen from the Dinosaur Park Formation indicates that C. belli and C. russelli have indistinguishable ontogenetic histories and overlapping stratigraphic intervals. Neither taxon exhibits autapomorphies, nor a unique set of apomorphies, but they can be separated and diagnosed by a single phylogenetically informative character—the embayment angle formed by the posterior parietal bars relative to the parietal midline. Although relatively deeply embayed specimens (C. russelli) generally have relatively longer postorbital horncores than specimens with more shallow embayments (C. belli), neither this horncore character nor epiparietal morphology can be used to consistently distinguish every specimen of C. belli from C. russelli.

Status of Kosmoceratops in the Dinosaur Park Formation

Kosmoceratops is purportedly represented in the Dinosaur Park Formation by a specimen previously referred to Chasmosaurus. The reassignment of this specimen to Kosmoceratops is unsupported here, as it is based on features that are either influenced by taphonomy or within the realm of individual variation for Chasmosaurus. Therefore, we conclude that Kosmoceratops is not present in the Dinosaur Park Formation, but is instead restricted to southern Laramidia, as originally posited.  相似文献   

Dinosaur skeletons have recently been found well within the contemporary Arctic and Antarctic Circles. These discoveries have surprised palaeontologists who regarded the dinosaurs as warm-adapted animals. New geological evidence suggests that these polar areas were also rather colder than had been thought and this raises further problems in interpreting dinosaurian palaeobiology: were the dinosaurs fully endothermic and able to survive the darkness and cold of the polar regions, or could they undertake vast annual migrations of 3000-4000 km?  相似文献   

Bone resorption through osteocytic activity already recognized in all classes of Vertebrates, has been demonstrated in fragments of long bones from a non-identified reptile found in an Upper Cretaceous rock formation in Dinosaur National Park, Patricia, Alberta.  相似文献   

Mulligan, J. A., S. J. (1966): Singing behavior and its development in the Song-Sparrow Scheithauer, W. (1967): Kolibris. Bayerischer Landwirtschaftsverlag München Gottschalk, R. (1966): Beobachtungen über das Einemsen Dücker, G. (1965): Das Verhalten der Viverriden. Frisch, Karl v. (1967): Biologic Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag Tinbergen, N. , und E. A. R. Ennion (1967): Tracks (Tierspuren) Hediger, H. , und 19 Mitarbeiter (1967): Die Straßen der Tiere Hediger, H. (1967): Verstehens- und Verständigungsmöglichkeiten zwischen Mensch und Tier Sudd, J. H. (1967): An introduction to the behaviour of ants Breder, C. M. , und D. E. Rosen (1966): Modes of reproduction in fishes Cade, T. J., E. J. Willoughby und G. L. Maclean (1966): Drinking behavior of sand-grouse in the Namib and Kalahari deserts, Africa Cade, T. J. und G. L. Maclean (1967): Transport of water by adult sandgrouse to their young Maclean, G. L. (1967): Die systematische Stellung der Flughühner Starck, D., R. Schneider und H.-J. Kuhn (ed.) (1967): Neue Ergebnisse der Primatologic. Erster Kongr  相似文献   

Inrecentyears,severalstudieshaveindicatedthattheconductanceofwatervaporandrespiratorygases,estimatedfrommeasurementsofdinosaureggshellandporegeometry,canprovideevidencefortheenvironmentalconditionssurroundingembryosduringincubation(Seymour,1979;Williamsetal.,1984;Mou,1992).Inparticular,ithasbeensuggestedfromsomepapersaboutdinosaureggshellsthatthelastextinctionofdinosaurswou1dberelatedtotheirreproduction(Erben,1970;Erbenetal.,1979;Zhao,1978,1990,1994;Zhao,Yeetal.,1991;Zhao,Wangetal.,1993).T…  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组长形蛋科一新蛋属   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组发现一新的恐龙蛋类型。依据蛋化石形态、大小和蛋壳柱状层生长纹呈波浪形等特征,将其归入长形蛋科(Elongatoolithidae)。这枚恐龙蛋的蛋壳外表面具网状纹饰,蛋壳锥体层与柱状层界线明显,二者厚度之比近1:2,气孔道细而直,这些特征区别于其他长形蛋科的成员,因此,建立一新的蛋属、蛋种:网纹副长形蛋(Paraelonga-toolithus reticulatus oogen.et oosp.nov.),代表晚白垩世早期长形蛋科的新成员。  相似文献   

The Field Guide to Early Man. David Lambert. Illustrated by the Diagram Group. New York: Facts On File, 1987. 256 pp. $10.95 (paper). Reviewed by Malcolm F. Farmer.

Genes, Medicine, and You. Alvin Silverstein and Virginia Silverstein. Hillside, N.J.: Enslow, 1989. 160 pp. $16.95. Reviewed by Donald J. Nash.

Dinosaur Plots and Other Intrigues in Natural History. Leonard Krishtalka. New York: Morrow, 1989. 316 pp. $17.95. Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph.

Bugs for Dinner: The Eating Habits of Neighborhood Creatures. Sam Epstein and Beryl Epstein. New York: Macmillan, 1989. 48 pp. $12.95. Reviewed by Walter L. Gojmerac.

No Bones: A Key to Bugs and Slugs, Worms and Ticks, Spiders and Centipedes, and Other Creepy Crawlies. Elizabeth Shepherd. New York: Macmillan, 1988. 90 pp. $13.95. Reviewed by Walter L. Gojmerac.  相似文献   

Ten new Dinosaur foot prints fields have been discovered in Middle Jurassic red beds of Central High Atlas (Morocco). Ovoid prints (Sauropod) are there more common than tridactyle (Theropod). The trace fossils appear at two distinct levels of the red beds which have been previously rattached to Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Bell, P.R. & Currie, P.J. 2009: A tyrannosaur jaw bitten by a confamilial: scavenging or fatal agonism?. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 278–281. A partial dentary of an adult tyrannosaur from the Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada, preserves the embedded tooth of another tyrannosaur within the bone. The specimen’s incompleteness precludes generic identification of either the jaw or the embedded tooth, although Gorgosaurus and/or Daspletosaurus are most likely given the stratigraphic position. The absence of healing around the lesion indicates the bite took place either post‐mortem or within weeks prior to the death of this animal. A post‐mortem bite can be explained by confamilial or cannibalistic scavenging. Alternatively, the bite would represent a perimortem instance of intrafamilial aggression that may have resulted in the death of that animal. An estimated 6053N of bite force was required to produce the bite mark. This specimen provides the best evidence for aggressive peri‐ or post‐mortem confamilial interaction among tyrannosaurs and corroborates previous studies based on inferred tooth marks. □Alberta, behaviour, Campanian, Cretaceous, Dinosaur Park Formation, Theropoda, Tyrannosauridae.  相似文献   

内蒙古晚始新世土克木层发现之原雷兽   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在内蒙古四子王旗额尔登敖包相当于晚始新世的土克木层中发现了原雷兽(Protitan)化石.这是在该层位中时隔60多年(1926-1991)之后发现的第四种动物.也是首次发现的大型哺乳动物.  相似文献   

Dinosaur behaviour has little legacy in the fossil record and the rarity of fossil soft tissues makes it difficult to evaluate. Indirect evidence from bonebeds, trackways, nesting traces and in-group comparisons with extant Archosauria suggests that the only substantive arguments to be made for dinosaur sociality concern cranial ornamentation and herding behaviour. There is currently no reliable method to determine gender from skeletal remains. Dinosaur reproductive anatomy was a unique combination of crocodilian and avian characters and extant models indicate that dinosaurs copulated using a reptilian ‘leg over back’ posture. Reliable evidence for post-hatching care in dinosaurs is lacking and extant archosaurs yield little insight. A hypothesis is proposed that for the majority of dinosaurs there was no post-hatching care provided which would have allowed adults energy acquisition that would otherwise have been required for defence and provisioning to be redirected towards growth and increased fecundity, both traits for which there is fossil evidence. Arguments suggesting that the more advanced aspects of extant avian care boasting an explicit coelurosaurian theropod origin are rejected as these behaviours appear unique to the Neornithes. Three ancestral care hypotheses are tested and none conform in a satisfactory manner with body fossil and ichnological evidence.  相似文献   

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