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Reproductive diapause enables long‐lived insects to time mating with environmental conditions suitable for offspring development. Plasticity in the perception of pheromones used in sexual communication may enable mate‐finding at the appropriate time of year. The moth Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) undergoes a 9‐month reproductive diapause, during which the male response to pheromone is plastic and is highest during the period of reproductive activity. The mechanisms controlling this pheromone response plasticity are not well‐understood, and the aim of the present study is to determine the main factors involved. In the present study, the impact of temperature, photoperiod, juvenile hormone analogue (JHA) and adult nutrition on diapause termination are tested using electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural response to pheromone in male C. fraxinella. Eclosion in a state of reproductive diapause occurs in most males; diapause is maintained under short‐day or cool conditions indoors, or under natural conditions outdoors. Exposure to long‐day, warm conditions over a period of 4 weeks causes a small number of males to become behaviourally responsive to pheromone; a larger number of males become behaviourally responsive over a period of 3 months of post‐eclosion. Treatment with a JHA impacts male EAG and the behavioural response to pheromone during the period of reproductive diapause. A carbohydrate food source is not required by reproductively active adult male C. fraxinella to respond to pheromone and express mate location behaviours. The main factors involved in controlling male pheromone response plasticity and the implications of these factors for the C. fraxinella population in its expanded range are discussed.  相似文献   

The preference‐performance or ‘mother‐knows‐best’ hypothesis states that female insects choose to oviposit on a host plant that increases the performance of their offspring. This positive link between host plant choice and larval performance is especially important for leaf miners with non‐motile larvae that are entirely dependent upon the oviposition choice of the female for host plant location. Preference and performance of the ash leaf coneroller, Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a specialist on ash trees, Fraxinus spp. (Oleaceae), were tested in a series of laboratory and field experiments. Female C. fraxinella were exposed to two closely related hosts, black ash, Fraxinus nigra Marshall, and green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall var. subintegerrima (Vahl), in oviposition choice and wind tunnel flight experiments to determine which host is most attractive for oviposition. Caloptilia fraxinella females were inconsistent in host choice, yet performance of larvae was greater on green than black ash. In preference studies, C. fraxinella preferred to oviposit on black ash when leaflets were removed from the tree, but preferred intact green ash over black ash seedlings for oviposition and host location in a wind tunnel. In the field, however, more C. fraxinella visited black ash var. ‘Fallgold’ at leaf flush than green ash at the same sites. Age of the ash leaflet also influences oviposition in this leaf miner and females preferred new over old leaflets for oviposition. Performance of C. fraxinella larvae was evaluated in field and laboratory experiments and was greater on green ash than on black ash in both experiments based on larval survival and development time parameters. The stronger oviposition and host location preference in the field for black ash were not linked to enhanced performance of offspring, as green ash was the superior host, supporting higher larval survival and faster development. A stronger host location preference in the wind tunnel for green ash over black ash, however, suggests that under certain circumstances with this moth species, ‘mother (may) know best’.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity is relatively common across diverse taxa; however, the drivers and implications related to paternal and maternal fitness are not well understood. Several hypotheses have been offered to explain the occurrence and frequency of multiple paternity. One set of hypotheses seeks to explain multiple paternity through direct and indirect benefits including increased genetic diversity or enhanced offspring fitness, whereas another set of hypotheses explains multiple paternity as a by‐product of sexual conflict and population‐specific parameters such as density. Here, we investigate mating system dynamics in a historically studied population of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in coastal South Carolina. We examine parentage in 151 nests across 6 years and find that 43% of nests were sired by multiple males and that male reproductive success is strongly influenced by male size. Whereas clutch size and hatchling size did not differ between singly sired and multiply sired nests, fertility rates were observed to be lower in multiply sired clutches. Our findings suggest that multiple paternity may exert cost in regard to female fitness, and raise the possibility that sexual conflict might influence the frequency of multiple paternity in wild alligator populations.  相似文献   

Understanding how thermal selection affects phenotypic distributions across different time scales will allow us to predict the effect of climate change on the fitness of ectotherms. We tested how seasonal temperature variation affects basal levels of cold tolerance and two types of phenotypic plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster. Developmental acclimation occurs as developmental stages of an organism are exposed to seasonal changes in temperature and its effect is irreversible, while reversible short‐term acclimation occurs daily in response to diurnal changes in temperature. We collected wild flies from a temperate population across seasons and measured two cold tolerance metrics (chill‐coma recovery and cold stress survival) and their responses to developmental and short‐term acclimation. Chill‐coma recovery responded to seasonal shifts in temperature, and phenotypic plasticity following both short‐term and developmental acclimation improved cold tolerance. This improvement indicated that both types of plasticity are adaptive, and that plasticity can compensate for genetic variation in basal cold tolerance during warmer parts of the season when flies tend to be less cold tolerant. We also observed a significantly stronger trade‐off between basal cold tolerance and short‐term acclimation during warmer months. For the longer‐term developmental acclimation, a trade‐off persisted regardless of season. A relationship between the two types of plasticity may provide additional insight into why some measures of thermal tolerance are more sensitive to seasonal variation than others.  相似文献   

Response of endophytic fruit fly species (Tephritidae) to larval crowding is a form of scramble competition that may affect important life history traits of adults, such as survival and reproduction. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates large differences in adult life history traits, especially longevity, among Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata; "medfly") biotypes obtained from different regions of the world. However, whether the evolution of long lifespan is associated with response to stress induced by larval crowding has not been fully elucidated. We investigated, under constant laboratory conditions, the response of a short‐ and a long‐lived medfly biotypes to stress induced by larval crowding. Survival and development of larvae and pupae and the size of resulting pupae were recorded. The lifespan and age‐specific egg production patterns of the obtained adults were recorded. Our findings reveal that increased larval density reduced immature survival (larvae and pupae) in the short‐lived biotype but had rather neutral effects on the longed‐lived one. Only larvae of the long‐lived biotype were capable of prolonging their developmental duration under the highest crowding regime to successfully pupate and emerge as adults. Response of emerging adults to larvae crowding conditions was similar in the two medfly biotypes. Those individuals emerging from high larval density regimes had reduced longevity and fecundity. Long‐lived biotype individuals, however, appeared to suffer a higher cost in longevity compared with the short‐lived one. The importance of our findings to understand the evolution of long lifespan is discussed.  相似文献   

Although senescence has been described for various fitness components in a wide range of animal species, few studies have studied senescence in long‐lived species, and little is known about its interactions with varying environmental conditions. Using a 32 year capture–mark–recapture dataset on the griffon vulture Gyps fulvus, we examined the demographic patterns of actuarial senescence and the patterns of year‐to‐year variation in survival rates. We found a significant, surprisingly late, decrease of annual survival probabilities from the age of 28 years onward and divided individual lifetimes into to three categories (juvenile, mid‐age and senescent birds). In agreement with the environmental canalization hypothesis, our analyses uncovered 1) higher temporal variation of annual survival probabilities in both the juvenile and senescent age classes compared to the mid‐age class and 2) low sensitivity of the population growth rate to the survival of both the juvenile and senescent age classes. Our results further suggested that the temporal variation in the survival of senescent birds might be related to intra‐annual changes in air temperature amplitudes. Finally, using population dynamics modeling, we revealed contrasting effects of the inclusion of the senescent age class on predicted population growth, depending on how survival rates were modeled. Altogether, our results demonstrate the existence of a class of senescent birds that exhibit distinct demographic properties compared to juvenile and mid‐age classes.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the photoperiodic sensitivity for reproduction in adults of a spring‐breeding carabid beetle, Carabus yaconinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), were examined by transferring adults from outdoor to photoperiodic conditions in various seasons. Newly‐emerged adults transferred to the laboratory in September to December showed a long‐day photoperiodic response, but lost photoperiodic sensitivity gradually during winter. In late April, overwintered adults were not sensitive to the photoperiod, with females continuing to have mature eggs under both long‐day and short‐day conditions. In contrast, in late June and late July, the adults were sensitive to the photoperiod, with only those kept under short‐day conditions re‐entering reproductive diapause. This recovery of photoperiodic sensitivity appears to play a definitive role in maintenance of diapause in autumn for adults that have reproduced. The adults collected in late April regained photoperiodic sensitivity in two months even after being kept under unchanged conditions. Therefore, no environmental cue is required for recovery of photoperiodic sensitivity, which apparently recovers with the lapse of time. Our results suggest that the recurrent photoperiodic response is required in long‐living adults of C. yaconinus to regulate the timing of reproduction, and also indicate a difference in photoperiodic sensitivity in summer between overwintered and newly‐emerged adults.  相似文献   

Parasites can cause severe host morbidity and threaten survival. As parasites are generally aggregated within certain host demographics, they are likely to affect a small proportion of the entire population, with specific hosts being at particular risk. However, little is known as to whether increased host mortality from parasitic causes is experienced by specific host demographics. Outside of theoretical studies, there is a paucity of literature concerning dynamics of parasite‐associated host mortality. Empirical evidence mainly focuses on short‐lived hosts or model systems, with data lacking from long‐lived wild or semi‐wild vertebrate populations. We investigated parasite‐associated mortality utilizing a multigenerational database of mortality, health, and reproductive data for over 4,000 semi‐captive timber elephants (Elephas maximus), with known causes of death for mortality events. We determined variation in mortality according to a number of host traits that are commonly associated with variation in parasitism within mammals: age, sex, and reproductive investment in females. We found that potentially parasite‐associated mortality varied significantly across elephant ages, with individuals at extremes of lifespan (young and old) at highest risk. Mortality probability was significantly higher for males across all ages. Female reproducers experienced a lower probability of potentially parasite‐associated mortality than females who did not reproduce at any investigated time frame. Our results demonstrate increased potentially parasite‐associated mortality within particular demographic groups. These groups (males, juveniles, elderly adults) have been identified in other studies as susceptible to parasitism, stressing the need for further work investigating links between infection and mortality. Furthermore, we show variation between reproductive and non‐reproductive females, with mothers being less at risk of potentially parasite mortality than nonreproducers.  相似文献   

I consider the possibility of selection favouring large body size in a population of snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea), a long‐lived seabird species. I measured natural selection on body size traits in a population from 1987 to 1998. There was evidence of selection on body size associated with fecundity and survival. Directional selection on bill length and stabilizing selection on tarsus length associated with reproductive success were detected among males. Selection associated with survival favoured males with longer bills. However, selection was weak in all cases. No evidence of selection acting on female body size traits was detected. Offspring–parents regression suggested that bill length and tarsus length were heritable. Although I was able to identify the targets of selection in this population, I could not demonstrate the ecological implications of both tarsus length and bill length variation. The selection on male, but not on female, body size traits suggests factors such as intrasexual competition for nests and/or mates rather than factors such as feeding efficiency as mechanisms of selection on bill size.  相似文献   

Life histories show genetic population-level variation due to spatial variation in selection pressures. Phenotypic plasticity in life histories is also common, facilitating fine-tuning of the phenotype in relation to the prevailing selection regime. In multivoltine (≥ 2 generations per year) insects, individuals following alternative developmental pathways (diapause/direct development) experience different selection regimes. We studied the genetic and phenotypic components of juvenile development in Cabera exanthemata (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in a factorial split-brood experiment. F(2) offspring of individuals originating from populations in northern and central Finland were divided among manipulations defined by temperature (14°C/20°C) and day length (24 h/15 h). Short day length invariably induced diapause, whereas continuous light almost invariably induced direct development in both regions, although northern populations are strictly univoltine in the wild. Individuals from northern Finland had higher growth rates, shorter development times and higher pupal masses than individuals from central Finland across the conditions, indicating genetic differences between regions. Individuals that developed directly into adults tended to have higher growth rates, shorter development times and higher pupal masses than those entering diapause, indicating phenotypic plasticity. Temperature-induced plasticity was substantial; growth rate was much higher, development time much shorter and pupal mass higher at 20°C than at 14°C. The degree of plasticity in relation to developmental pathway was pronounced at 20°C in growth rate and development time and at 14°C in pupal mass, emphasizing multidimensionality of reaction norms. The observed genetic variation and developmental plasticity seem adaptive in relation to time-stress due to seasonality.  相似文献   

The way an organism spreads its reproduction over time is defined as a life‐history trait, and selection is expected to favour life‐history traits associated with the highest fitness return. We use a long‐term dataset of 277 life histories to investigate the shape and strength of selection acting on the age at first reproduction and at last reproduction in the long‐lived Alpine Swift. Both traits were under strong directional selection, but in opposite directions, with selection favouring birds starting their reproductive career early and being able to reproduce for longer. There was also evidence for stabilising selection acting on both traits, suggesting that individuals should nonetheless refrain from reproducing in their first 2 years of life (i.e. when inexperienced), and that reproducing after 7 years of age had little effect on lifetime fitness, probably due to senescence.  相似文献   

Local adaptation of interacting species to one another indicates geographically variable reciprocal selection. This process of adaptation is central in the organization and maintenance of genetic variation across populations. Given that the strength of selection and responses to it often vary in time and space, the strength of local adaptation should in theory vary between generations and among populations. However, such spatiotemporal variation has rarely been explicitly demonstrated in nature and local adaptation is commonly considered to be relatively static. We report persistent local adaptation of the short‐lived herbivore Abrostola asclepiadis to its long‐lived host plant Vincetoxicum hirundinaria over three successive generations in two studied populations and considerable temporal variation in local adaptation in six populations supporting the geographic mosaic theory. The observed variation in local adaptation among populations was best explained by geographic distance and population isolation, suggesting that gene flow reduces local adaptation. Changes in herbivore population size did not conclusively explain temporal variation in local adaptation. Our results also imply that short‐term studies are likely to capture only a part of the existing variation in local adaptation.  相似文献   

Sex ratio theory attempts to explain observed variation in offspring sex ratio at both the population and the brood levels. In the context of low‐fecundity organisms producing high‐investment offspring, the drivers of adaptive variation in sex ratio are incompletely understood. For raptors that display reverse sexual dimorphism (RSD), preferential allocation of resources to the putatively cheaper sex (male) may be a response to environmental, social or demographic stressors. To assess the extent of skew in offspring sex ratios and to evaluate possible dietary, environmental and demographic correlates of such skew to long‐lived RSD avian species, we evaluated the offspring sex ratio of 219 chicks from 119 broods in 30 territories of Eastern Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca across 7 years and four regions at a nature reserve in Kazakhstan. Only in one region in 1 year of our study did the offspring sex ratio differ significantly from parity (10 males : 1 female in 11 territories). Whereas offspring sex ratios were independent of dietary diversity, precipitation, temperature and productivity, we found that year had a moderate effect on brood sex ratio within territories. Our results provide limited evidence of brood sex manipulation in these populations of Eastern Imperial Eagles, and no mechanistic insight into predictions associated with it. Stochastic variation is likely to explain much of the fluctuation we observed in sex ratios, but our observations are also consistent with the hypothesis that sex‐ratio manipulation may occur irregularly, in concurrence with atypical environmental or demographic conditions that fluctuate at a time scale longer than that of our 7‐year study.  相似文献   

The quality of food eaten by larval insects will affect traits such as gamete production, fat reserves, muscle bulk and body size in the adult. Moreover, larvae also depend on high moisture content in the diet for survival. The almond moth (Ephestia cautella) (W.) (Lepidoptera; Pyralidae) does not feed as an adult although it continues to drink water. We tested the idea that an almond moth could compensate for a low-water diet as a larva by increasing its water intake as an adult. We reared larvae on two different food sources with different moisture regimes; standard laboratory diet with glycerol (relatively wet) and standard diet without glycerol (relatively dry). Half the adult moths from each treatment were given water to drink before their first and only mating. Our results show that wet larval diets (i.e. containing glycerol) significantly decreased fecundity (total number of eggs laid and the proportion of hatched larvae), whilst it significantly increased male and female longevity. The interaction effect of water access for adult males and females was significant, independent of the glycerol in the larval diet. Longevity in females that were not presented with water as adults was slightly higher if mated with a male that had had access to water, suggesting a mating donation of water. However, females that received water as adults showed a decreased longevity if mated with a male who had also had access to water as an adult, indicating a negative effect of water if received by both males and females. In addition, when the larval diet included glycerol, increased number of eggs laid decreased female longevity, whilst an absence of glycerol in the larval diet resulted in low female longevity that was unlinked with fecundity. Glycerol is used in many artificial insect diets and the fact that it shows a strong effect on key life-history traits (reproductive output and longevity in this species), merits careful re-examination of its effects on these important traits in other laboratory models. We also discuss the possibility that larval diet can affect female reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

Plant survival in alpine habitats is controlled, in several cases, by pollination and seed dispersal success. We have investigated the genetic structure and mating patterns of the endangered Borderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae), one of the oldest herbaceous Pyrenean mountain plants. Simple sequence repeat‐based genotyping was carried out on all the reproductive female and male individuals and in all the female‐descendent progenies of a population of this plant. Although the offspring sampling (246) was twice the size of the adult sampling (122), the latter group showed higher levels of heterozygosity and approximately 20% more alleles than the offspring. Probabilistic spatial neighbourhood modelling of parentage analysis, based on the exponential‐power type model, showed immigration rates of pollen at 63.3%. The present study also detected a strong spatial clustering; most of the sired seeds of B. pyrenaica (68.83%) occurred at distances of up to 20 m, whereas kinship coefficients of adult plants reached zero at spatial distances (d) < 5 m, and 5 < < 10 m for females and males, respectively. These results support the hypothesis of a terrestrial ant‐mediated, rather than a flying insect‐mediated pollination in B. pyrenaica.  相似文献   

North America has distinct types of Hyphantria moths (Arctiidae) characterized by red (RD)‐ and black (BL)‐headed larvae, of which the taxonomic status is unresolved. Genetic divergence of 26 populations, based on 710 bp of the mtCOI sequence, showed two phylogenetic lineages, which could not be connected in the haplotype network with 95% confidence. The two lineages are separated by 3.1% sequence divergence and should be considered for full species status. The estimated split occurred 1.2–1.6 million years ago. The range of the RD type covered most of the continent, whereas that of the BL type was limited to eastern deciduous forests. Several biological characteristics were differentiated in the zone of cohabitation where BL had more annual generations than RD. Spring emergence of BL precedes that of RD in the field by at least 1 month, because the diapause in BL was shallow, whereas it was deep in RD. Voltinism requires discreteness of numbers, which functions as a sink of hybrids between the two parental lines that have distinct but equally adaptive reproductive strategies; BL may be more r‐strategist‐like and RD more K‐strategist‐like, because fast‐developing BL has multivoltine life cycle, investing less silk proteins as the round‐the‐clock feeder, and slow‐developing RD univoltine one investing more silk as the nocturnal feeder. Also, intensity of diapause, deep in RD and weak in BL, was grossly different, which may enforce segregation of spring adults. Allochronic speciation avoiding coincidental occurrence of adult stages is therefore the most likely scenario. Because the adults never meet in nature, large morphological differentiation is not required.  相似文献   

Abstract. Persistence by longevity has been rarely considered as an alternative to regeneration by seeding for plants showing multiple demographic strategies. We propose a conceptual model of multiple demographic strategies for long‐lived plants in stable habitats, shifting from regeneration by seeding to persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction, along gradients of abiotic stress or interspecific competition. Regeneration by seeding would be promoted under low abiotic stress or under low competition, whereas persistence by longevity and/or vegetative reproduction would predominate at high levels of abiotic stress or competition. We test this model with two threatened species of the Mediterranean region, the shrub Juniperus communis, a widely distributed species which maintains relict populations in the Mediterranean mountains thanks to great adult longevity and Pinguicula vallisneriifolia, a palaeo‐endemic herb relying on a perennial habit and vegetative reproduction under drought imposed stress or high competition at late successional phases. As a main consequence, multiple demographic strategies enhance a plant's ability to exploit environmental heterogeneity at different spatial (patches, localities, regions within the species’ distribution area) and temporal (individual life span, glacial‐interglacial cycles) scales. The potential of multiple demographic dynamics based on persistence and regeneration must be considered as a major ecological trait determining the long‐term viability of peripheral populations of relict species as well as the inertia against extinction of many threatened endemisms, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the high plant diversity characterizing the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

We investigated differences in ageing patterns in three measures of breeding performance in populations of barn swallows Hirundo rustica L. from Spain and Denmark differing in breeding latitude and hence migration distance and duration of the breeding season. We found differences in ageing patterns between populations. Generally, young (i.e. yearling) and old females (i.e. ≥ 5 years of age) laid their first eggs later and produced smaller clutches than middle‐aged females (i.e. 2–4 years of age) in both populations. The southernmost population (i.e. Spanish) showing the shorter migratory distance experienced a greater within‐individual increase in timing of breeding and clutch size in early life and a greater within‐individual decrease in laying date but not in clutch size during senescence compared with the northernmost population (i.e. Danish). We also found that the number of fledglings produced annually was related to the age of the two members of the breeding pairs with pairs composed of young and old females performing less well than breeding pairs composed of middle‐aged females. We did not find reproductive senescence for the age of the male while controlling for the age of the female on the number of fledglings produced annually by the breeding pair. Differential survival between individuals did not explain age effects on laying date or annual clutch size in neither population. However, the increase in the number of fledglings produced annually with age was partly explained by the disappearance of poor‐quality members of the pairs, mainly poor‐quality males. Age‐related breeding success (i.e. number of fledglings) was similar for barn swallows from Spain and Denmark. Therefore, the study of ageing patterns and life‐history strategies in free‐ranging animals from more than a single population can throw new light on life‐history theory, population dynamics and evolutionary studies of senescence.  相似文献   

Life history theory is an essential framework to understand the evolution of reproductive allocation. It predicts that individuals of long‐lived species favour their own survival over current reproduction, leading individuals to refrain from reproducing under harsh conditions. Here we test this prediction in a long‐lived bird species, the Siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus. Long‐term data revealed that females rarely refrain from breeding, but lay smaller clutches in unfavourable years. Neither offspring body size, female survival nor offspring survival until the next year was influenced by annual condition, habitat quality, clutch size, female age or female phenotype. Given that many nests failed due to nest predation, the variance in the number of fledglings was higher than the variance in the number of eggs and female survival. An experimental challenge with a novel pathogen before egg laying largely replicated these patterns in two consecutive years with contrasting conditions. Challenged females refrained from breeding only in the unfavourable year, but no downstream effects were found in either year. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that condition‐dependent reproductive allocation may serve to maintain female survival and offspring quality, supporting patterns found in long‐lived mammals. We discuss avenues to develop life history theory concerning strategies to offset reproductive costs.  相似文献   

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