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Mobilization of the active MITE transposons mPing and Pong in rice by introgression from wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Shan X Liu Z Dong Z Wang Y Chen Y Lin X Long L Han F Dong Y Liu B 《Molecular biology and evolution》2005,22(4):976-990
Hybridization between different species plays an important role in plant genome evolution, as well as is a widely used approach for crop improvement. McClintock has predicted that plant wide hybridization constitutes a "genomic shock" whereby cryptic transposable elements may be activated. However, direct experimental evidence showing a causal relationship between plant wide hybridization and transposon mobilization has not yet been reported. The miniature-Ping (mPing) is a recently isolated active miniature inverted-repeat transposable element transposon from rice, which is mobilized by tissue culture and gamma-ray irradiation. We show herein that mPing, together with its putative transposase-encoding partner, Pong, is mobilized in three homologous recombinant inbred lines (RILs), derived from hybridization between rice (cultivar Matsumae) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.), harboring introgressed genomic DNA from wild rice. In contrast, both elements remain immobile in two lines sharing the same parentage to the RILs but possessing no introgressed DNA. Thus, we have presented direct evidence that is consistent with McClintock's insight by demonstrating a causal link between wide hybridization and transposon mobilization in rice. In addition, we report an atypical behavior of mPing/Pong mobilization in these lines, i.e., the exclusive absence of footprints after excision. 相似文献
Zhenying Dong Hongyan Wang Yuzhu Dong Yongming Wang Wei Liu Gaojian Miao Xiuyun Lin Daqing Wang Bao Liu 《PloS one》2013,8(4)
It is widely accepted that interspecific hybridization may induce genomic instability in the resultant hybrids. However, few studies have been performed on the genomic analysis of homoploid hybrids and introgression lines. We have reported previously that by introgressive hybridization, a set of introgression lines between rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wild rice (Zizania latifolia Griseb.) was successfully generated, and which have led to the release of several cultivars.Methodology
Using 96 microsatellite markers located in the nuclear and organelle genomes of rice, we investigated microsatellite stability in three typical introgression lines. Expression of a set of mismatch repair (MMR) genes and microsatellite-containing genes was also analyzed.Results/Conclusions
Compared with the recipient rice cultivar (Matsumae), 55 of the 96 microsatellite loci revealed variation in one or more of the introgression lines, and 58.2% of the altered alleles were shared by at least two lines, indicating that most of the alterations had occurred in the early stages of introgression before their further differentiation. 73.9% of the non-shared variations were detected only in one introgression line, i.e. RZ2. Sequence alignment showed that the variations included substitutions and indels that occurred both within the repeat tracts and in the flanking regions. Interestingly, expression of a set of MMR genes altered dramatically in the introgression lines relative to their rice parent, suggesting participation of the MMR system in the generation of microsatellite variants. Some of the altered microsatellite loci are concordant with changed expression of the genes harboring them, suggesting their possible cis-regulatory roles in controlling gene expression. Because these genes bear meaningful homology to known-functional proteins, we conclude that the introgression-induced extensive variation of microsatellites may have contributed to the novel phenotypes in the introgression lines. 相似文献3.
Extent and pattern of DNA methylation alteration in rice lines derived from introgressive hybridization of rice and Zizania latifolia Griseb 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Dong ZY Wang YM Zhang ZJ Shen Y Lin XY Ou XF Han FP Liu B 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2006,113(2):196-205
We have reported previously that introgression by Zizania latifolia resulted in extensive DNA methylation changes in the recipient rice genome, as detected by a set of pre-selected DNA segments. In this study, using the methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) method, we globally assessed the extent and pattern of cytosine methylation alterations in three typical introgression lines relative to their rice parent at ∼2,700 unbiased genomic loci each representing a recognition site cleaved by one or both of the isoschizomers, HpaII/MspI. Based on differential digestion by the isoschizomers, it is estimated that 15.9% of CCGG sites are either fully methylated at the internal Cs and/or hemi-methylated at the external Cs in the rice parental cultivar Matsumae. In comparison, a statistically significant increase in the overall level of both methylation types was detected in all three studied introgression lines (19.2, 18.6, 19.6%, respectively). Based on comparisons of MSAP profiles between the isoschizomers within the rice parent and between parent and the introgression lines, four major groups of MSAP banding patterns are recognized, which can be further divided into various subgroups as a result of inheritance of, or variation in, parental methylation patterns. The altered methylation patterns include hyper- and hypomethylation changes, as well as inter-conversion of hemi- to full-methylation, or vice versa, at the relevant CCGG site(s). Most alterations revealed by MSAP in low-copy loci can be validated by DNA gel blot analysis. The changed methylation patterns are uniform among randomly selected individuals for a given introgression line within or among selfed generations. Sequencing on 31 isolated fragments that showed different changing patterns in the introgression line(s) allowed their mapping onto variable regions on one or more of the 12 rice chromosomes. These segments include protein-coding genes, transposon/retrotransposons and sequences with no homology. Possible causes for the introgression-induced methylation changes and their implications for genome evolution and crop breeding are discussed.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Z. Y. Dong and Y. M. Wang have equally contributed to the work. 相似文献
Production of a highly asymmetric somatic hybrid between rice and Zizania latifolia (Griseb): evidence for inter-genomic exchange 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
B. Liu Z. L. Liu X. W. Li 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,98(6-7):1099-1103
A highly asymmetric and fertile somatic hybrid plant was obtained via protoplast fusion in an intergenric combination. Gamma-ray-irradiated
Zizania latifolia (Griseb). Turcz. ex Stapf mesophyll protoplasts were electrofused with idoacetamide-inactivated rice protoplasts derived
from a 2-month-old suspension cell culture. Two of the six putative hybrid calli regenerated plants. Cytological observation
showed that the somatic chromosome numbers of both plants were the same as the rice parent (2n=24). Nevertheless, the hybrid
nature and inter-genomic exchange events of one of the plants, i.e. SH6 (SH for somatic hybrid), were confirmed by Southern
analysis using both total genomic DNA and moderate-copy, Z. latifolia-abundant DNA sequences as probes; in both cases, parental specific and/or new intergenomic recombinant hybridization fragments
were detected. In both plant and seed morphology, the hybrid (SH6) was distinct from its rice parental cultivar, as well as
from the wild donor species, Z. latifolia.
Received: 15 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998 相似文献
Eight resistance-gene analogs (RGAs) were isolated from wild rice, Zizania latifolia Griseb., by degenerate primers designed according to conserved motifs at or around the nucleotide-binding site (NBS) of known NBS-containing plant resistance genes. The 8 RGAs were classified into 6 distinct groups based on their deduced amino acid sequence similarity of 60% or greater. Gel-blot hybridization of each of the RGAs to 4 rice - Z. latifolia intro gression lines indicated an array of changes at either introgressed Zizania RGAs or, more likely, their rice homologs. The changes included dramatic increase in copy number, modification at the primary DNA sequence, and alteration in DNA methylation patterns. 相似文献
Aquatic Ecology - Environmental stress, such as intense rainfall, drought and salinization, is predicted to increase not only in intensity, but also in frequency under future climate scenarios.... 相似文献
Decomposition of aboveground and belowground organs of the emergent macrophyte Z.latifolia was investigated using a litterbag technique for a period of 359 days in a freshwater marsh in Japan. Aboveground parts were
classified into: leaves, sheaths and stems. Belowground parts were classified into: horizontal rhizomes (new rhizome, hard
rhizome, soft rhizome) and vertical rhizome (stembase). The decay rate (k) was 0.0036 day−1, 0.0033 day−1 and 0.0021 day−1 for leaves, sheaths and stems, respectively. For belowground parts, the decay rate varied considerably from 0.0018 day−1 to 0.0079 day−1, according to differences in the initial chemical compositions of rhizomes. After 359 days of decay, new rhizomes lost 94%
of their original dry mass, compared with a loss of 48–84% for the other rhizomes. There was a significant positive relationship
between litter quality and decay rate for horizontal rhizomes. For the new rhizomes, which had an internal nitrogen content
of 24.2 mg N g−1 dry mass, the mass loss was 40% higher than that of soft rhizomes, which had an internal N content of 9.8 mg N g−1 dry mass. Over the period of 359 days, the nitrogen concentration in all rhizome types decreased to levels lower than initial
values, but the phosphorus concentration remained constant after an initial leaching loss. Most nitrogen and phosphorus were
lost during the first 45 days of decay. Changes in carbon to nitrogen (C:N) and carbon to phosphorus (C:P) ratios basically
followed inversed trends of the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. 相似文献
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC 1. 1. 1. 1), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, EC 1. 1. 1. 27) and alanine aminotransferase (AlaAT, EC 2. 6. 1. 2) activity in wild rice ( Zizania palustris L.) root tissue increased after 4 days of exposure to hypoxic stress. The activities of ADH and AlaAT also increased in leaf tissue under these same conditions, whereas LDH activity did not. Isozyme banding patterns indicate that wild rice has at least two functional Adh genes, only one of which is hypoxically induced in root and leaf tissue. The isozyme profile of LDH also indicates the presence of two functional Ldh genes in wild rice. Two bands of AlaAT activity are visible on native electrophoretic gels of root and leaf tissue. Neither of these bands appears to increase in activity in hypoxic samples, even though spectrophotometric assays indicate an increase in AlaAT activity. Ethanol accumulation was the highest of all the metabolites measured. Alanine and malate also accumulated under hypoxic conditions but only to about one-fifth the level of ethanol. Succinate, aspartate and lactate showed no observable changes throughout the induction period. These results show that wild rice differs from domesticated rice ( Oryza sativa L.) in its metabolic responses to anaerobic stress. The possible role of these responses in conferring flood tolerance is discussed. 相似文献
Sediment chemistry of productive and non-productive wild rice sites was measured over 3 consecutive growing seasons Although productive sites differed from non-productive sites in terms of pH, N and potential N mineralization, redox potential was considered to be the major factor which distinguished these site classes. Productivity of wild rice in commercial stands could not be consistently correlated to sediment nutrients. However, growth appeared to be restricted in strongly reduced sediments and sediment Eh is considered to be a rapid, accurate method of estimating site potential. Good growth is expected if Eh is above –150 mB while poor growth is expected when Eh drops below –200 mV. Eh values of sediment samples changed as storage time increased. It is therefore recommended that Eh is recorded on-site. 相似文献
Tian F Li DJ Fu Q Zhu ZF Fu YC Wang XK Sun CQ 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2006,112(3):570-580
Introgression lines (ILs) are useful tools for precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and the evaluation of gene
action or interaction in theoretical studies. A set of 159 ILs carrying variant introgressed segments from Chinese common
wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.), collected from Dongxiang county, Jiangxi Province, in the background of Indica cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), Guichao 2, was developed using 126 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci. The 159 ILs represented 67.5% of
the genome of O. rufipogon. All the ILs have the proportions of the recurrent parent ranging from 92.4 to 99.9%, with an average of 97.4%. The average
proportion of the donor genome for the BC4F4 population was about 2.2%. The mean numbers of homozygous and heterozygous donor segments were 2 (ranging 0–8) and 1 (ranging
0–7), respectively, and the majority of these segments had sizes less than 10 cM. QTL analysis was conducted based on evaluation
of yield-related traits of the 159 ILs at two sites, in Beijing and Hainan. For 6 out of 17 QTLs identified at two sites corresponding
to three traits (panicles per plant, grains per panicle and filled grains per plant, respectively), the QTLs derived from
O. rufipogon were usually associated with an improvement of the target trait, although the overall phenotypic characters of O. rufipogon were inferior to that of the recurrent parent. Of the 17 QTLs, 5 specific QTLs strongly associated with more than one trait
were observed. Further analysis of the high-yielding and low-yielding ILs revealed that the high-yielding ILs contained relatively
less introgressed segments than the low-yielding ILs, and that the yield increase or decrease was mainly due to the number
of grain. On the other hand, low-yielding ILs contained more negative QTLs or disharmonious interactions between QTLs which
masked trait-enchancing QTLs. These ILs will be useful in identifying the traits of yield, tolerance to low temperature and
drought stress, and detecting favorable genes of common wild rice. 相似文献
To understand the physiological basis of genetic variation and resulting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for photosynthesis in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) introgression line population, 13 lines were studied under drought and well-watered conditions, at flowering and grain filling. Simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were conducted at various levels of incident irradiance and ambient CO(2) to estimate parameters of a model that dissects photosynthesis into stomatal conductance (g (s)), mesophyll conductance (g (m)), electron transport capacity (J (max)), and Rubisco carboxylation capacity (V (cmax)). Significant genetic variation in these parameters was found, although drought and leaf age accounted for larger proportions of the total variation. Genetic variation in light-saturated photosynthesis and transpiration efficiency (TE) were mainly associated with variation in g (s) and g (m). One previously mapped major QTL of photosynthesis was associated with variation in g (s) and g (m), but also in J (max) and V (cmax) at flowering. Thus, g (s) and g (m), which were demonstrated in the literature to be responsible for environmental variation in photosynthesis, were found also to be associated with genetic variation in photosynthesis. Furthermore, relationships between these parameters and leaf nitrogen or dry matter per unit area, which were previously found across environmental treatments, were shown to be valid for variation across genotypes. Finally, the extent to which photosynthesis rate and TE can be improved was evaluated. Virtual ideotypes were estimated to have 17.0% higher photosynthesis and 25.1% higher TE compared with the best genotype investigated. This analysis using introgression lines highlights possibilities of improving both photosynthesis and TE within the same genetic background. 相似文献
Phan Huy Bao Simona Granata Stefano Castiglione Gejiao Wang Chiara Giordani Elena Cuzzoni Giuseppe Damiani Claudio Bandi Swapan K. Datta Karabi Datta Ingo Potrykus Anna Callegarin Francesco Sala 《Transgenic research》1996,5(2):97-103
The occurrence of genomic modifications in transgenic rice plants recovered from protoplasts and their transmission to the self-pollination progeny has been verfied with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) approach. The plant was the Indica-type rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar Chinsurah Boro II. The analysed material was: (1) microspore-derived embryogenic rice cells grown in suspension culture, (2) transgenic plants recovered from protoplasts produced from the cultured cells and (3) the self-pollination progeny (two successive generations) of the transgenic plants. DNA purified from samples of these materials was PCR-amplified with different random oligonucleotide primers and the amplification products were analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Band polymorphism was scored and used in band-sharing analyses to produce a similarity matrix. Relationships among the analysed genomes were expressed in a dendrogram.The extensive DNA changes evidenced in cultured cells demonstrate the occurrence of somaclonal variation in the material used to produce protoplasts for gene transfer. Quantitatively reduced DNA changes were also found in the resulting transgenic plants and i their self-pollination progenies.While confirming the stability of the foreign gene in transgenic plants, this work gives molecular evidence for the occurrence of stable genomic changes in transgenic plants and points toin vitro cell culture as the causative agent. RAPDs are shown to be a convenient tool to detect and estimate the phenomenon at the molecular level. The methodology is also proposed as a fast tool to select those transgenic individuals that retain the most balanced genomic structure and to control the result of back-crosses planned to restore the original genome. 相似文献
M. Amane R. Lumaret V. Hany N. Ouazzani C. Debain G. Vivier M. F. Deguilloux 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,99(1-2):133-139
Polymorphism in the lengths of restriction fragments of the whole cpDNA molecule was studied in cultivated olive and in oleaster
(wild olive) over the whole Mediterranean Basin. Seventy two olive cultivars, 89 very old trees cultivated locally, and 101
oleasters were scored for ten endonucleases. Moreover, maternal inheritance of cpDNA in olive was shown by analysing the progeny
of a controlled cross between two parents which differed in their cpDNA haplotypes. In the whole species, three site- and
three length-mutations were observed, corresponding to five distinct chlorotypes. The same chlorotype (I) was predominant
in both oleasters and cultivated olive trees, confirming that these are closely related maternally. Three other chlorotypes
(II, III and IV) were observed exclusively in oleaster material and were restricted either to isolated forest populations
or to a few individuals growing in mixture with olive trees possessing the majority chlorotype. An additional chlorotype (V)
was characterised by three mutations located in distinct parts the cpDNA molecule but which were never observed to occur separately.
This chlorotype, more widely distributed than the other three, in both cultivated and wild olive, and occurring even in distant
populations, was observed exclusively in male-sterile trees showing the same specific pollen anomaly. However, in the present
study, no evidence was provided for a direct relationship between the occurrence of the cpDNA mutations and male sterility.
It is suggested that the large geographic distribution of chlorotype V may be related to the high fruit production usually
observed on male-sterile trees. These may be very attractive for birds which are fond of olive fruit and spread the stones
efficiently. Probably for the same reason, people preserved male-sterile oleasters for long periods and, in several places,
used male-sterile cultivars over large areas.
Received: 25 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 December 1998 相似文献
C. Grebenstein S. P. Kos T. J. de Jong W. L. M. Tamis G. R. de Snoo 《Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany)》2013,15(3):531-540
Hybridisation and subsequent introgression have recently received much attention in the context of genetically modified crops. But crop–wild hybrid detection in the field can be difficult, as most domestication traits seem to be recessive, and the hybrid phenotype may also depend on the direction of the cross or environmental factors. Our aim was to develop a reliable set of morphological markers that differ between two wild and 13 cultivated carrots (Daucus carota L.) and to evaluate their inheritance in hybrid lines. We then examined these morphological markers in four F1 hybrids obtained by fertilising plants from the two wild accessions with pollen from two common carrot cultivars. Of the 16 traits that differed between the two carrot subspecies, three took intermediate values in the hybrids, eight resembled the cultivar parent (dominant domestication traits), two resembled the wild parent (domestication traits recessive), and three were not significant or growth condition‐dependent. Root:shoot ratio was seven times higher for cultivars than for wild plants, while still attaining equivalent total dry weight, which shows that dry matter production by the shoot is much higher in cultivars than in wild plants. High root:shoot ratios were also present in the hybrids. While we found no maternal effects, the type of cultivar used for pollination had an impact on hybrid characteristics. The morphological markers developed here provide insights into the mode of inheritance of ecologically relevant traits and can be useful for pre‐screening wild populations for hybrid detection prior to genetic analysis. 相似文献
M. Azizur Rahman H. Hasegawa M.M. Rahman M.A.M. Miah A. Tasmin 《Environmental and Experimental Botany》2008,62(1):54-59
Straighthead disease is a physiological disorder of rice (Oryza sativa L.) characterized by sterility of the florates/spikelets leading to reduced grain yield. Though the exact cause of straighthead is unknown, a glass house experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of inorganic arsenic on straighthead disease in rice (Oryza sativa L.). BRRI dhan 29, a popular Bangladeshi rice strain, was grown in soils spiked with arsenic (prepared from sodium arsenate, Na2HAsO4·7H2O) at the rate of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 mg of As kg?1 and one control treatment was also run to compare the results. Although there may be some other soil physico-chemical factors involved, arsenic concentration was found to be closely associated with straighthead of rice. With the increase of soil arsenic concentration, the severity of straighthead increased significantly. Up to the 50 mg of As kg?1 soil treatments, the severity of straighthead incidences were not prevalent. Straighthead resulted in sterile florets with distorted lemma and palea, reduced plant height, tillering, panicle length and grain yield. Straighthead caused approximately 17–100% sterile florates/spikelets formation and about 16–100% loss of grain yield. Straighthead also causes the reduction of panicle formation and panicle length significantly (p < 0.01). In the present study, panicle formation was found to be reduced by 21–95% by straighthead. 相似文献
Hybridization with free-ranging dogs isthought to threat the genetic integrity ofwolves in Europe, although available mtDNA dataevidenced only sporadic cases of crossbreeding.Here we report results of population assignmentand genetic admixture analyses in 107wild-living Italian wolves, 95 dogs including30 different breeds and feral dogs, andcaptive-reared wolves of unknown or hybridorigins, which were genotyped at 18microsatellites. Two Italian wolves showedunusually dark coats (``black wolves'), and oneshowed a spur in both hindlegs (``fifth fingerwolf'), suggesting hybridization. Italianwolves showed significant deficit ofheterozygotes, positive FIS values anddeviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.Genetic variability was significantlypartitioned between groups, suggesting thatwolves and dogs represent distinct gene pools.Multivariate ordination of individual genotypesand clustering of inter-individual geneticdistances split wolves and dogs into twodifferent clusters congruent with the priorphenotypic classification, but hybrids andwolves of unknown origin were not identifiedfrom genetic information alone. By contrast, aBayesian admixture analysis assigned all theItalian wolves and dogs to two differentclusters, independent of any prior phenotypicinformation, and simultaneously detected theadmixed gene composition of the hybrids, whichwere assigned to more than one cluster.Captive-reared wolves of unknown origin wereprevalently assigned to the Italian wolfpopulation. Admixture analyses showed that one``black wolf' had mixed ancestry in the dog genepool and could be a hybrid, while the other twowolves with unusual phenotypes were assigned tothe Italian wolf population. 相似文献