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The effect of nerve growth factor (NGF) on the development of cholinergic sympathetic neurons was studied in cultures grown either on monolayers of dissociated rat heart cells or in medium conditioned by them. In the presence of rat heart cells the absolute requirement of neurons for exogenous NGF was partially spared. The ability of heart cells to support neuronal survival was due at least in part to production of a diffusable NGF-like substance into the medium. Although some neurons survived on the heart cell monolayer without added NGF, increased levels of exogenous NGF increased neuronal survival until saturation was achieved at 0.5 microgram/ml 7S NGF. The ability of neurons to produce acetylcholine (ACh) from choline was also dependent on the level of exogenous NGF. In mixed neuron-heart cell cultures, NGF increased both ACh and catecholamine (CA) production per neuron to the same extent; saturation occurred at 1 microgram/ml 7S NGF. As cholinergic neurons developed in culture, they became less dependent on NGF for survival and ACh production, but even in older cultures approximately 40% of the neurons died when NGF was withdrawn. Thus, NGF is as necessary for survival, growth, and differentiation of sympathetic neurons when the neurons express cholinergic functions as when the neurons express adrenergic functions (4, 5).  相似文献   

Adrenergic sympathetic neurons were grown for 4 wk in submaximal and saturating concentrations of nerve growth factor (NGF) in the virtual absence of non-neuronal cells. In 0.2 or 5 microgram/ml 7S NGF, the neurons gradually decreased in number during the first week, although fewer neurons died at the higher level. No significant change in cell number was observed thereafter. Total neuronal protein, a measure of cell growth, increased linearly with age in both concentrations of NGF. At each age, neurons in high NGF exhibited greater growth per cell than those in low NGF. The ability of neurons to produce catecholamine (CA) increased dramatically during the second and third weeks in both concentrations of NGF, and along a similar time-course, although neurons in submaximal NGF developed a lesser capacity for CA production. As neurons developed in culture, they became less dependent on NGF for survival and CA production, but even in older cultures, approximately 50% of the neurons died when NGF was withdrawn.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons depend on nerve growth factor (NGF) for their survival both in vivo and in vitro. In culture, the neurons die after NGF withdrawal by an autonomous cell death program but whether these neurons die by apoptosis is under debate. Using vital DNA stains and in situ nick translation, we show here that extensive chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation occur before plasma membrane breakdown during the death of NGF-deprived rat sympathetic neurons in culture. Furthermore, kinetic analysis of chromatin condensation events within the cell population is consistent with a model which postulates that after NGF deprivation nearly all of the neurons die in this manner. Although the dying neurons display membrane blebbing, cell fragmentation into apoptotic bodies does not occur. Apoptotic events proceed rapidly at around the time neurons become committed to die, regardless of neuronal culture age. However the duration of NGF deprivation required to commit neurons to die, and the rate at which apoptosis occurs, increase with culture age. Thus, within the first week of culture, apoptosis is the predominant form of cell death in sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that experimental ulcers are associated with changes in the properties of voltage-sensitive sodium currents in sensory neurons. We hypothesized that nerve growth factor (NGF) contributes to these changes. Gastric ulcers were induced by acetic acid injection into the wall of the rat stomach. NGF expression was determined by ELISA and immunohistochemically. Sensory neurons were labeled by injection of a retrograde tracer into the gastric wall. Sodium currents were recorded in gastric sensory neurons from nodose and dorsal root ganglia cultured for 24 h in the presence of NGF or a neutralizing NGF antibody, respectively. Gastric ulcer formation caused a rise in NGF concentration within the gastric wall and an increase in NGF immunoreactivity. Exposure to NGF caused a significant increase in the TTX-resistant sodium current, whereas the TTX-sensitive sodium current remained unchanged. This was associated with an acceleration of the recovery from inactivation in spinal sensory neurons. Production and release of NGF in the gastric wall may contribute to sensitization of primary afferent neurons during gastric inflammation.  相似文献   

The generation and degeneration of sympathetic neurons in the third thoracic ganglion (segment 19) of the chick were studied between embryonic days (E) 7-18 using 3H-Thymidine autoradiography and routine cell counts. Cumulative radiolabelling experiments indicated that few sympathetic neurons were generated on E6-7. 10% of the sympathetic neurons were generated on E8 and a further 20% on E9. The final 70% of neurons completed the mitotic cycle between E10-12. Cell counts demonstrated that the neuronal population increased from 10,166 +/- 423 (mean +/- SEM) to 22,291 +/- 767 between E8-10 and remained stable up to E14. The population subsequently declined by 37%, to 14,157 +/- 831, by E18. Pyknotic neurons were found at all stages of development, but were most apparent between E7-15. The effects of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) on the number of both surviving and pyknotic neurons in the ganglion were also examined. E9 embryos treated with NGF from E5-8 showed a 57% increase in the number of sympathetic neurons. This increase therefore occurred prior to the decline in neuronal number and was not accompanied by a decrease in the number of visibly pyknotic neurons. It is therefore possible that early NGF treatment increases the number of sympathetic neurons through a mechanism other than the attenuation of cell death.  相似文献   

The presence of nerve growth factor receptors and the imipramine-sensitive uptake of catecholamines in sympathetic neurons of chick embryos were investigated by autoradiography. Neurons were dissociated from paravertebral ganglia of different embryonic ages and receptors and catecholamine uptake were then determined both at the beginning of culture and after 2 days in culture, at which time the number of surviving neurons is determined by the survival factors present. It was found that while essentially all the neurons specifically bound 125I-NGF both after dissociation and at the end of the culture period, only 60% of the neurons take up [3H]norepinephrine after dissociation, and this proportion remained constant through the culture period under conditions where all the neurons survived. All of the neurons maintained by NGF in culture (35% of the total) displayed this uptake, and in contrast, only one-quarter of those maintained by heart cell-conditioned medium alone (60% of the total) took up catecholamines. The uptake was shown to be neither induced by NGF nor suppressed by heart cell-conditioned medium. These results support the hypothesis that chick sympathetic ganglia contain discrete subpopulations of neurons which may be selected in culture by virtue of their different requirements for survival factors.  相似文献   

Ceramide inhibits axonal growth of cultured rat sympathetic neurons when the ceramide content of distal axons, but not cell bodies, is increased (Posse de Chaves, E. I., Bussiere, M. Vance, D. E., Campenot, R. B., and Vance, J.E. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 3028-3035). We now report that inhibition of growth does not result from cell death since although ceramide is a known apoptotic agent, C(6)-ceramide given to the neurons for 24 h did not cause cell death but instead protected the neurons from death induced by deprivation of nerve growth factor (NGF). We also find that a pool of ceramide generated from sphingomyelin in distal axons, but not cell bodies, inhibits axonal growth. Analysis of endogenous sphingomyelinase activities demonstrated that distal axons are rich in neutral sphingomyelinase activity but contain almost no acidic sphingomyelinase, which is concentrated in cell bodies/proximal axons. Together, these observations are consistent with the idea that generation of ceramide from sphingomyelin by a neutral sphingomyelinase in axons inhibits axonal growth. Furthermore, we demonstrate that treatment of distal axons with ceramide inhibits the uptake of NGF and low density lipoproteins by distal axons by approximately 70 and 40%, respectively, suggesting that the inhibition of axonal growth by ceramide might be due, at least in part, to impaired endocytosis of NGF. However, inhibition of endocytosis of NGF by ceramide could not be ascribed to decreased phosphorylation of TrkA.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies on the nerve growth factor (NGF) requirement of chick embryo sympathetic neurons in dissociated cell culture revealed the following. (i) The minimum concentration of 2.5 S NGF required for survival of maximal numbers of neurons is about 0.5 ng/ml (~2 × 10?11M). In culture, this concentration of NGF appears not to be stable for more than 24 hr. Long-term neuronal maintenance with medium changes twice weekly requires a minimum of 5 ng/ml of NGF. (ii) At 24 hr after plating in medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, neuronal survival is less than optimal at NGF concentrations above 5 ng/ml; in medium with 5% horse serum, survival is constant with up to 5000 ng/ml of NGF. (iii) Survival of neurons after 1 week in culture was less than optimal at NGF concentrations greater than 50 ng/ml, even in medium containing horse serum. (iv) No correlation was observed between the level of NGF (0.5–500 ng/ml) and the estimated neuronal somatic volumes up to 1 month in vitro. (v) Withdrawal of NGF, even after 4 weeks of culture, resulted in degeneration of nerve cell bodies and processes.  相似文献   

Summary The quantitative aspects of the formaldehydeinduced fluorescence and the turnover of catecholamines in the sympathetic neuronal perikaryon of different sympathetic ganglia were studied after a blockade of the amine synthesis with -methyltyrosine. The concentration of catecholamines was determined by microfluorimetric quantitation method. The half-life of catecholamines in sympathetic neuronal perikarya was short and depended on the ganglion studied. The turnover rate of catecholamines in sympathetic neurons was highest in superior cervical and lowest in coeliac ganglion. Brightly fluorescent fibers were still seen five hours after the amine synthesis blockade, whereas almost all cell bodies had lost their fluorescence. Also small intensely fluorescent cells were still brightly fluorescent after the follow-up period. Microfluorimetrically determined turnover of catecholamines gave more detailed information about the turnover of catecholamines in sympathetic nervous system when compared to the biochemical methods used earlier.  相似文献   

Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) influences the levels of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in cultures of dissociated sympathetic neurons from newborn rats. In the presence of CNTF both the total and specific activity of ChAT was increased 7 d after culture by 15- and 18-fold, respectively, as compared to cultures kept in the absence of CNTF. Between 3 and 21 d in culture in the presence of CNTF the total ChAT activity increased by a factor of greater than 100. Immunotitration demonstrated that the elevated ChAT levels were due to an increased number of enzyme molecules. In contrast to the increase in ChAT levels, the total and specific activity levels of TH were decreased by 42 and 36%, respectively, after 7 d in culture. Half-maximal effects for both ChAT increase and TH decrease were obtained at CNTF concentrations of approximately 0.6 ng and maximal levels were reached at 1 ng of CNTF per milliliter of medium. The effect of CNTF on TH and ChAT levels were seen in serum-containing medium as well as in serum-free medium. CNTF was shown to have only a small effect on the long-term survival of rat sympathetic neurons. We therefore concluded that the effects of CNTF on ChAT and TH are not due to selective survival of cells that acquire cholinergic traits in vitro, but are rather due to the induction of cholinergic differentiation of noradrenergic sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for obtaining mixed primary cultures of dissociated epidermis enriched in Merkel cells. Merkel cells obtained from embryonic rat buccal pads were grown in serum-free medium and identified in vitro using a variety of histological and immunohistochemical markers. Quinacrine, a fluorescent amine, which has been used to identify Merkel cells in situ, labeled a morphologically distinct population of cells in vitro. Cells labeled with quinacrine had a large, phase bright nucleus with prominent nucleoli, surrounded by a phase dark perinuclear ring. Antibodies directed against neuron-specific enolase, another marker for Merkel cells in situ, and antibodies against a well-characterized neuroendocrine vesicle antigen also labeled this population of quinacrine fluorescent cells. Electron microscopic examination of our cultures indicated that cells containing characteristic features of Merkel cells including cytoplasmic dense-cored granules were present. A small but significant increase in the number of Merkel cells was observed over time in culture. Merkel cells supported the survival and outgrowth of both trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons and sympathetic neurons from the superior cervical ganglion in serum-free medium in the absence of exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF). Immunoblots probed with antibodies directed against NGF demonstrated that NGF was present in the medium taken from these cultures. NGF-like immunoreactivity colocalized to cells containing quinacrine fluorescence in situ and in vitro. Addition of antibodies directed against NGF to cocultures of Merkel cells and neurons decreased survival of sympathetic neurons by 90% and decreased survival of sensory neurons by 60%. These results suggest that Merkel cells are capable of providing trophic support for their normal complement of sensory neurons by producing NGF. Selective recognition of these targets was studied in vitro by characterizing the interactions between Merkel cells and growth cones from sensory or sympathetic neurons using both time-lapse videomicroscopy and standard morphometry of fixed cocultures. The majority of trigeminal ganglion sensory neurons (approximately 60%) extended growth cones onto clusters of Merkel cells. Neurites which contacted clusters of Merkel cells were significantly more highly branched than those growing on collagen. In contrast, the majority of sympathetic neurons (greater than 90%) failed to grow onto Merkel cells. Growth cones of sympathetic neurons often "collapsed" and retracted when contact was made with a cluster of Merkel cells. Fixation of Merkel cells with paraformaldehyde prior to coculture did not affect this difference between sensory and sympathetic neurite extension onto the Merkel cells. However, prior fixation of Merkel cells eradicated the apparent Merkel ce-induced branching of sensory neurites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neuronal plastic rearrangements during the development and functioning of neurons are largely regulated by trophic factors, including nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is also involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. In the brain, NGF is produced in structures innervated by basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and retrogradely transported along the axons to the bodies of cholinergic neurons. NGF is essential for normal development and functioning of the basal forebrain; it affects formation of the dendritic tree and modulates the activities of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase in basal forebrain neurons. The trophic effect of NGF is mediated through its interactions with TrkA and p75 receptors. Experimental and clinical studies have shown that brain levels of NGF are altered in various pathologies. However, the therapeutic use of NGF is limited by its poor ability to penetrate the blood–brain barrier, adverse side effects that are due to the pleiotropic action of this factor, and the possibility of immune response to NGF. For this reason, the development of gene therapy methods for treating NGF deficit-associated pathologies is of particular interest. Another approach is creation of low molecular weight NGF mimetics that would interact with the corresponding receptors and display high biological activity but be free of the unfavorable effects of NGF.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper, we reported that embryonic rat sympathetic neurons formed axons, but not dendrites, when they were maintained in the absence of serum and nonneuronal cells. To assess the effects of serum-derived factors on cellular morphology, cultures were initially maintained in serum-free medium while nonneuronal cells were eliminated. Subsequently some cultures were chronically exposed either to fetal calf serum (10%) or to a high-molecular-weight ammonium sulfate fraction of serum (P40 material, 500 micrograms/ml). Phase-contrast microscopy revealed that serum and P40 material did not alter neuronal survival, but did cause flattening of the somata and fasciculation of processes. When neurons exposed to serum or P40 material were injected with Lucifer Yellow, it was found that the majority (greater than or equal to 90%) had local, tapered processes that could be identified as dendrites by light microscopic criteria. These local processes also exhibited other dendritic characteristics in that (1) they reacted with monoclonal antibodies to nonphosphorylated forms of the M and H neurofilament subunits and to microtubule-associated protein 2; and (2) they had substantial amounts of RNA as determined by [3H]uridine autoradiography. Quantitative measurements of the effects of serum and P40 material on dendritic morphology revealed that (1) an 8-day exposure caused most neurons (greater than 80%) to form dendrites; (2) neurons typically had more than one dendrite (mean of 4.1 +/- 0.2 dendrites/cell after a 28-day exposure); and (3) the dendrites were relatively short with the maximum extent of the dendritic arbor being 110 +/- 13 micron after 4 weeks. Serum and P40 material did not routinely cause the formation of supernumerary axons, did not alter radial axonal outgrowth from ganglion explants, and did not significantly increase [3H]leucine incorporation. Thus, serum contains a factor (or factors) which selectively stimulates the extension of dendrites, but not axons. If such a factor were operative in situ, it could play an important role in determining the morphology of sympathetic neurons. In examining the mechanism of serum-induced dendritic growth, we found that even high concentrations (5 micrograms/ml) of nerve growth factor failed to promote dendritic growth in the absence of serum; thus, nerve growth factor by itself is not a sufficient condition for the extension of dendrites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The efflux of [3H]purines from cultured sympathetic neurons prelabelled with [3H]adenine is accelerated 2-3-fold within hours of nerve growth factor (NGF) withdrawal and is reduced by readdition of NGF. Addition of 8-(4-chlorphenyl-thio) cAMP, which delays neurite degeneration, reduced the enhanced efflux of purines, as did the addition of cycloheximide, MgCl2 and the protease inhibitor tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone. Colchicine accelerated purine efflux and neurite degeneration but 2-deoxyglucose increased purine efflux without inducing degeneration, suggesting that ATP reduction itself is not the cause of neurite degeneration. The increase in purine efflux is thus an early biochemical event that has diagnostic value for the study of NGF action since deprivation is detected well before irreversible changes become established.  相似文献   

The embryonic mouse superior cervical ganglion (SCG) in culture was employed to define the role of ongoing metabolic processes in morphological and biochemical development. The 14 gestational day SCG does not require added nerve growth factor (NGF) for differentiation in vitro. Consequently, its use allows study of intraganglionic regulation of neuronal growth in the absence of complicating, exogenous growth factors. Ganglia were cultured without added NGF, in medium containing various metabolic inhibitors; neurite elaboration and development of tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH) activity, a biochemical marker of adrenergic maturation, were evaluated. Neurite elaboration proceeded normally with inhibition of RNA synthesis by actinomycin D, or of protein synthesis by cycloheximide or puromycin. In contrast, inhibition of RNA or protein synthesis prevented normal development of T-OH activity. However, neurites and T-OH developed normally in the presence of DNA synthesis inhibition by cytosine arabinoside, which markedly reduced the nonneuronal cell population. These observations suggest that neurite elaboration and the ontogenetic increase in T-OH activity are regulated differently in ganglia cultured in the absence of exogenous NGF. Moreover, the initial outgrowth of neurites and increase in T-OH activity may occur independent of peripherally migrating support cells in this embryonic ganglion.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in dissociated cell cultures on the nerve growth factor (NGF) requirement of chick embryo dorsal root ganglionic (DRG) neurons. Findings were: (i) The minimum level of 2.5 S NGF required to sustain the survival of maximal numbers of process-bearing cells derived from 8-day (E8) embryonic DRGs is 0.5 ng/ml (~2 × 10?11M). (ii) Cultures derived from chick embryos of increasing ages (E8 to E18) showed a progressive increase in the proportion of process-bearing cells which survived in the absence of NGF. While few process-bearing cells survived in cultures of E8 ganglia in the absence of NGF, survival of neurons in cultures derived from E17 and E18 ganglia was not affected by the absence of the factor. Comparable results were obtained with cultures in which the number of non-neuronal cells was greatly reduced. (iii) Neurons derived from E8 ganglia lost their NGF requirement in culture at a conceptual age similar to that which they appear to do so in vivo. These results are discussed with respect to the role of NGF in development of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

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