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Although spliceosomal introns are present in all characterized eukaryotes, intron numbers vary dramatically, from only a handful in the entire genomes of some species to nearly 10 introns per gene on average in vertebrates. For all previously studied intron-rich species, significant fractions of intron positions are shared with other widely diverged eukaryotes, indicating that 1) large numbers of the introns date to much earlier stages of eukaryotic evolution and 2) these lineages have not passed through a very intron-poor stage since early eukaryotic evolution. By the same token, among species that have lost nearly all of their ancestral introns, no species is known to harbor large numbers of more recently gained introns. These observations are consistent with the notion that intron-dense genomes have arisen only once over the course of eukaryotic evolution. Here, we report an exception to this pattern, in the intron-rich diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. Only 8.1% of studied T. pseudonana intron positions are conserved with any of a variety of divergent eukaryotic species. This implies that T. pseudonana has both 1) lost nearly all of the numerous introns present in the diatom-apicomplexan ancestor and 2) gained a large number of new introns since that time. In addition, that so few apparently inserted T. pseudonana introns match the positions of introns in other species implies that insertion of multiple introns into homologous genic sites in eukaryotic evolution is less common than previously estimated. These results suggest the possibility that intron-rich genomes may have arisen multiple times in evolution. These results also provide evidence that multiple intron insertion into the same site is rare, further supporting the notion that early eukaryotic ancestors were very intron rich.  相似文献   

The assimilatory nitrate reductase (NADH: nitrate oxidoreductase, E.C. from the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, Hasle and Heimdal, has been purified 200-fold and characterized. The regulation of nitrate reductase in response to various conditions of nitrogen nutrition has been investigated.  相似文献   

Delta 6 desaturase (FADS2) is a critical bifunctional enzyme required for PUFA biosynthesis. In some organisms, FADS2s have high substrate specificity, whereas in others, they have high catalytic activity. Previously, we analyzed the molecular mechanisms underlying high FADS2 substrate specificity; in this study, we assessed those underlying the high catalytic activity of FADS2s from Glossomastix chrysoplasta and Thalassiosira pseudonana. To understand the structural basis of this catalytic activity, GcFADS2 and TpFADS2 sequences were divided into nine sections, and a domain-swapping approach was applied to examine the role of each section in facilitating the catalytic activity of the overall protein. The results revealed two regions essential to this process: one that extends from the end of the fourth to the beginning of the fifth cytoplasmic transmembrane domain, and another that includes the C-terminal region that occurs after the sixth cytoplasmic transmembrane domain. Based on the domain-swapping analyses, the amino acid residues at ten sites were identified to differ between the GcFADS2 and TpFADS2 sequences, and therefore further analyzed by site-directed mutagenesis. T302V, S322A, Y375F, and M384S/M385 substitutions in TpFADS2 significantly affected FADS2 catalytic efficiency. This study offers a solid basis for in-depth understanding of catalytic efficiency of FADS2.  相似文献   

Diatoms are unicellular eucaryotic algae with cell walls containing silica, intricately and ornately structured on the nanometer scale. Overall silica structure is formed by expansion and molding of the membrane-bound silica deposition vesicle. Although molecular details of silica polymerization are being clarified, we have limited insight into molecular components of the silica deposition vesicle, particularly of membrane-associated proteins that may be involved in structure formation. To identify such proteins, we refined existing procedures to isolate an enriched cell wall fraction from the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, the first diatom with a sequenced genome. We applied tandem mass spectrometric analysis to this fraction, identifying 31 proteins for further evaluation. mRNA levels for genes encoding these proteins were monitored during synchronized progression through the cell cycle and compared with two previously identified silaffin genes (involved in silica polymerization) having distinct mRNA patterns that served as markers for cell wall formation. Of the 31 proteins identified, 10 had mRNA patterns that correlated with the silaffins, 13 had patterns that did not, and seven had patterns that correlated but also showed additional features. The possible involvements of these proteins in cell wall synthesis are discussed. In particular, glutamate acetyltransferase was identified, prompting an analysis of mRNA patterns for other genes in the polyamine biosynthesis pathway and identification of those induced during cell wall synthesis. Application of a specific enzymatic inhibitor for ornithine decarboxylase resulted in dramatic alteration of silica structure, confirming the involvement of polyamines and demonstrating that manipulation of proteins involved in cell wall synthesis can alter structure. To our knowledge, this is the first proteomic analysis of a diatom, and furthermore we identified new candidate genes involved in structure formation and directly demonstrated the involvement of one enzyme (and its gene) in the structure formation process.  相似文献   

The nano- and micropatterned biosilica cell walls of diatoms are remarkable examples of biological morphogenesis and possess highly interesting material properties. Only recently has it been demonstrated that biosilica-associated organic structures with specific nanopatterns (termed insoluble organic matrices) are general components of diatom biosilica. The model diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana contains three types of insoluble organic matrices: chitin meshworks, organic microrings, and organic microplates, the latter being described in the present study for the first time. To date, little is known about the molecular composition, intracellular assembly, and biological functions of organic matrices. Here we have performed structural and functional analyses of the organic microrings and organic microplates from T. pseudonana. Proteomics analysis yielded seven proteins of unknown function (termed SiMat proteins) together with five known silica biomineralization proteins (four cingulins and one silaffin). The location of SiMat1-GFP in the insoluble organic microrings and the similarity of tyrosine- and lysine-rich functional domains identifies this protein as a new member of the cingulin protein family. Mass spectrometric analysis indicates that most of the lysine residues of cingulins and the other insoluble organic matrix proteins are post-translationally modified by short polyamine groups, which are known to enhance the silica formation activity of proteins. Studies with recombinant cingulins (rCinY2 and rCinW2) demonstrate that acidic conditions (pH 5.5) trigger the assembly of mixed cingulin aggregates that have silica formation activity. Our results suggest an important role for cingulins in the biogenesis of organic microrings and support the hypothesis that this type of insoluble organic matrix functions in biosilica morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Temperature plays a fundamental role in determining phytoplankton community structure, distribution, and abundance. With climate models predicting increases in ocean surface...  相似文献   

Barré B  Perkins ND 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(23):4841-4855
Aberrantly active NF-kappaB complexes can contribute to tumorigenesis by regulating genes that promote the growth and survival of cancer cells. We have investigated NF-kappaB during the cell cycle and find that its ability to regulate the G1-phase expression of key proto-oncogenes is subject to regulation by the integrated activity of IkappaB kinase (IKK)alpha, IKKbeta, Akt and Chk1. The coordinated binding of NF-kappaB subunits to the Cyclin D1, c-Myc and Skp2 promoters is dynamic with distinct changes in promoter occupancy and RelA(p65) phosphorylation occurring through G1, S and G2 phases, concomitant with a switch from coactivator to corepressor recruitment. Akt activity is required for IKK-dependent phosphorylation of NF-kappaB subunits in G1 and G2 phases, where Chk1 is inactive. However, in S-phase, Akt is inactivated, while Chk1 phosphorylates RelA and associates with IKKalpha, inhibiting the processing of the p100 (NF-kappaB2) subunit, which also plays a critical role in the regulation of these genes. These data reveal a complex regulatory network integrating NF-kappaB with the DNA-replication checkpoint and the expression of critical regulators of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) cellular uptake is cell cycle-dependent which may have important implications in cancer cell targeting. To further our understanding of ODN transport and activity, this study examines the relationships between the cell cycle, ODN cellular uptake, intracellular transport, and activity. An antisense c-myc ODN 21-mer was used to study ODN cellular uptake in Rauscher erythroleukemia cells synchronized by either chemical methods or flow cytometry. ODN uptake was examined using subcellular fractionation and confocal fluorescence microscopy. Western blot analysis was used to measure ODN-mediated decreases in c-myc protein levels. Intracellular ODN distribution and extent of uptake was influenced by the phase of the cell cycle, but the mechanism of uptake was not. The relative activity of the antisense ODN was positively correlated to ODN distribution to the cytosol, but negatively correlated to total cellular uptake. Although ODN total cellular uptake is positively influenced by the cell cycle, retention of the ODN in the cytosol (presumably extra-vesicularly) appeared to be relevant in determining the activity of an antisense ODN. Novel methods to target cytosol-acting drugs to the cytoplasm may therefore be warrented.  相似文献   

Oudot-Le Secq MP  Green BR 《Gene》2011,476(1-2):20-26
The mitochondrial genome of the raphid pennate diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum has several novel features compared with the mitochondrial genomes of the centric diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana and the araphid pennate diatom Synedra acus. It is almost double the size (77,356 bp) due to a 35,454 bp sequence block consisting of an elaborate combination of direct repeats, making it the largest stramenopile (heterokont) mitochondrial genome known. In addition, the cox1 gene has a +1 translational frameshift involving Pro codons CCC and CCT, the first translational frameshift to be detected in an algal mitochondrial genome. The nad9 and rps14 genes are fused by the insertion of an in-frame sequence and cotranscribed. The nad11 gene is split into two parts corresponding to the FeS and molybdate-binding domains, but both parts are still on the mitochondrial genome, in contrast to the brown algae where the second domain appears to have been transferred to the nucleus. In contrast to P. tricornutum, the repeat region of T. pseudonana consists of a much smaller 4790 bp string of almost identical double-hairpin elements, evidence of slipped-strand mispairing and active gene conversion. The diatom mitochondrial genomes have undergone considerable gene rearrangement since the three lineages of diatoms diverged, but all three have kept their repeat regions segregated from their relatively compact coding regions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effects of cadmium (10 nM), copper (80 nM) and zinc (150 nM) additions were studied in the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii and the riverine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana . Defense against oxidative stress via cellular thiol (SH) pools and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activation, detoxification via phytochelatins and cell damage were monitored in metal-exposed exponential-phase cells and controls, grown in estuarine medium. Total SH and reduced + oxidized glutathione (GSH + GSSG) in T. pseudonana were much higher than in D. brightwellii . In T. pseudonana , total SH and GSH decreased at 322 nM Zn, and GSH increased at 80 nM Cu but decreased at 119 nM Cu. GSH:GSSG ratios were low, while phytochelatins were not detectable in metal-exposed D. brightwellii . Cd-exposed T. pseudonana made more phytochelatins than Cu-exposed cells, and in different proportions. At 322 nM Zn, SOD activity decreased in T. pseudonana . Zn caused a major, and Cu a minor increase of SOD activity in D. brightwellii ; inhibition of photosynthesis was observed in Cu-exposed D. brightwellii , probably due to oxidative damage. The C:N ratios were higher and protein contents lower in Cu-exposed cells of both species, which might indicate excretion due to a loss of cell membrane integrity. From these results, it is hypothesized that T. pseudonana has evolved an effective detoxification mechanism as a result of a more severe exposure to toxic metals in rivers and estuaries. In contrast, D. brightwellii , a marine-estuarine species, cannot adjust well to metal exposure. Its poor defense against metal toxicity was marked by low SH-contents.  相似文献   

Induction of oxidative stress by UVA and UVB in the diatom Thalassiosirapseudonana was experimentally studied. Cells, pre-grown in alight-limited continuous culture, were incubated for 4 h at175 µmol m-2s-1photosynthetically active radiation, withoptional supplementary UVA at an unweighted dose rate of 0.70W m-2, or 2.79 W m-2UVA plus 0.45 W m-2UVB (unweighted). A fluorescence-basedmeasure of photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) decreased from0.69 to 0.58 in the presence of UVB, whereas UVA caused a minordecrease of Fv/Fm. Quantitative analysis of confocal imagesshowed a minor increase of active oxygen production associatedwith supplemental UVA alone, and a 100% increase with additionalUVB. Cellular malondialdehyde, an indicator of lipid peroxidationby active oxygen, almost doubled under UVA and increased three-foldwith additional UVB. Activities of superoxide dismutase (scavengingactive oxygen) and glutathione reductase (reducing GSSG to GSH)increased in response to UVB exposure, whereas ascorbate peroxidaseactivities did not. UVB caused a minor decrease in the glutathioneratio GSH : (GSH + 0.5GSSG), which indicates a moderate oxidativestress.  相似文献   

GTP and hormones activate, synergistically, adenylate cyclase in purified plasma membranes from rat adipocytes. Addition of chelating reagents (EDTA or ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid) or thiol-reducing reagents (dithiothreitol or 2-mercaptoethanol) results in marked inhibition of enzyme activity without altering the synergistic stimulatory effects of GTP and hormones. The inhibitory effects of the reagents required the presence of GTP, indicating that inhibition involves a GTP-dependent process. This process is separate from the GTP-dependent process responsible for activation of the enzyme since it is selectively abolished by pretreatment of fat cell membranes with trypsin. It is suggested that inhibition and activation of fat cell adenylate cyclase by GTP occur through distinct regulatory processes.  相似文献   

The volume regulatory response of the Ehrlich ascites tumor was studied in KCl-depleted, Na+-enriched cells. Subsequent incubation in K+-containing NaCl medium results in the reaccumulation of K+, Cl-, water and the extrusion of Na+. The establishment of the physiological steady state is due primarily to the activity of 2 transport systems. One is the Na/K pump (KM for K+o = 3.5 mM; Jmax = 30.1 mEq/kg dry min), which in these experiments was coupled 1K+/1 Na+. The second is the Cl--dependent (Na+ + K+) cotransport system (KM for K+o = 6.8 mM; Jmax = 20.8 mEq/kg dry min) which mediates, in addition to net ion uptake in the ratio of 1K+:1Na+:2Cl-, the exchange of K+i for K+o. The net passive driving force on the cotransport system is initially inwardly directed but does not decrease to zero at the steady state. This raises the possibility of the involvement of an additional source of energy. Although cell volume increases concomitant with net ion uptake, this change does not appear to be a major factor regulating the activity of the cotransport system.  相似文献   

Summary The volume regulatory response of the Ehrlich ascites tumor was studied in KCl-depleted, Na+-enriched cells. Subsequent incubation in K+-containing NaCl medium results in the reaccumulation of K+, Cl, water and the extrusion of Na+. The establishment of the physiological steady state is due primarily to the activity of 2 transport systems. One is the Na/K pump (K M for K 0 + =3.5mm;J max=30.1 mEq/kg dry min), which in these experiments was coupled 1K+/1 Na+. The second is the Cl-dependent (Na++K+) cotransport system (K M for K 0 + =6.8mm;J max=20.8 mEq/kg dry min) which mediates, in addition to net ion uptake in the ratio of 1K+1Na+2Cl, the exchange of K i + for K 0 + . The net passive driving force on the cotransport system is initially inwardly directed but does not decrease to zero at the steady state. This raises the possibility of the involvement of an additional source of energy. Although cell volume increases concomitant with net ion uptake, this change does not appear to be a major factor regulating the activity of the cotransport system.  相似文献   

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