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As a means for probing the microenvironment of zinc in the insulin hexamer and to investigate the effects of calcium ion on the assembly and the structure of the two-zinc insulin hexamer, the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction between the chromophoric divalent metal ion chelator 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR) and zinc-insulin have been investigated over a wide range of conditions. For [PAR]0 much greater than [Zn2+]0 and [Zn2+]/[In] less than or equal to 0.33, the reaction leads to the sequestering and ultimate removal of all of the insulin-bound Zn2+; for [Zn2+]0 much greater than [PAR]0, two stable ternary complexes are formed where Zn2+ has ligands derived from PAR as well as from hexameric insulin. For [Zn2+]/[In] ratios below 0.33, the equilibrium distribution between the two ternary complexes is dependent on the [Zn2+]/[In] ratio. One of the complexes is assigned to the monoanion of PAR coordinated to Zn2+ that resides in a His-B10 site. The other complex is proposed to involve the coordination of (PAR)Zn to the site formed by the alpha-NH2 group of Phe-B1 and the gamma-carboxylate ion of Glu-A17 across the dimer-dimer interface on the surface of the hexamer. With either PAR or zinc-insulin in large excess, the kinetics of the PAR optical density changes are remarkably similar and biphasic. The faster step is first order in PAR and first order in insulin-bound Zn2+ (k congruent to 3 X 10(3) M-1 s-1) and involves the formation of an intermediate in which PAR is coordinated to insulin-bound zinc at the His-B10 site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

For hexamer formation of native insulin the repulsive potential of six B13 Glu carboxylate groups coming together in the centre is overcome by zinc binding to B10 His. Substitution of Gln for Glu in position B13 by site-directed mutagenesis, i.e. replacement of the repelling carboxylates by amide groups, which are offering H-bonding potential, enhances association and allows a metal-free hexamer to form. Merely upon addition of zinc ions this hexamer undergoes the T6----T3R3 respectively T6----R6 structural transition which in the native 2Zn insulin hexamer is inducible only by additives like inorganic anions or phenolic compounds. [B13 Gln]Insulin hexamers are transformed by phenolic compounds, but not by anions, even in the absence of any metal. The structural transformation of insulin can thus be brought about in two ways: By inorganic ions with the zinc ions as their points of attack, which preexist in the nontransformed hexamer, and by phenol, for which the binding sites close to the B5 histidines come into existence only with the transformation. Therefore transformed and non-transformed hexamers, i.e. molecules with helical and extended B chain N-terminus, must be related in a dynamic equilibrium. Phenol acts as a wedge jamming the structure in the transformed state and trapping the zinc ions. Combination of transformed 2Zn[B13 Gln]insulin and metal-free native insulin in the absence of additives results in a redistribution of the zinc ions in favour of native insulin which is an outcome of the dynamic equilibrium and also demonstrates an influence of B13 charge on metal binding affinity. Transformation of a single subunit in a hexamer would lead to bad contacts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1H NMR and UV-visible electronic absorption studies have been performed to investigate the effects of anions and cyclic organic molecules on the interconversion of the T- and R-conformational states (Kaarsholm et al., 1989) of hexameric M (II)-substituted insulin in solution (M = Zn or Co.). Two ligand binding processes that stabilize the R-state conformation of the M(II)-substituted insulin hexamer [M(II)-R6] have been distinguished: (i) The binding of neutral organic molecules to the six, crystallographically identified, protein pockets in the Zn(II)-R6 insulin hexamer (Derewenda et al. 1989) generate homotropic site-site interactions that stabilize the R-state. Cyclohexanol, phenol, 4-nitrophenol, and 4-hydroxymethylbenzoate are shown to bind at these sites. (ii) The coordination of singly charged anions that are able to gain access to the two HisB10 coordinated metal ions of the M(II)-R6 hexamer stabilizes the R-state. Adducts of the M(II)-R6 hexamer are formed, thereby, in which the solvent-accessible fourth coordination position of the M(II) ion is replaced by a competing anion. Binding to these two classes of sites introduces strong heterotropic interactions that stabilize the R-state. UV-visible spectral data and apparent affinity constants for the adducts formed by the Co(II)-R6 hexamer with a wide range of anionic ligands are presented. The Co(II)-R6 adducts have a strong preference for the formation of pseudotetrahedral Co(II) centers. The HCO3- and pyridine-2-thiolate ions form Co(II)-R6 adducts that are proposed to possess pentacoordinate Co(II) geometries. The relevance of the Co(II)-R6 complexes to carbonic anhydrase catalysis and zinc enzyme model systems is discussed.  相似文献   

W Kadima 《Biochemistry》1999,38(41):13443-13452
The role of metal ions in the T- to R-allosteric transition is ascertained from the investigation of the T- to R-allosteric transition of transition metal ions substituted-insulin hexamers, as well as from the kinetics of their dissociation. These studies establish that ligand field stabilization energy (LFSE), coordination geometry preference, and the Lewis acidity of the metal ion in the zinc sites modulate the T- to R-state transition. (1)H NMR, (113)Cd NMR, and UV-vis measurements demonstrate that, under suitable conditions, Fe2+/3+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ bind insulin to form stable hexamers, which are allosteric species. (1)H NMR R-state signatures are elicited by addition of phenol alone in the case of Ni(II)- and Cd(II)-substituted insulin hexamers. The Fe(II)-substituted insulin hexamer is converted to the ferric analogue upon addition of phenol. For the Fe(III)-substituted insulin hexamer, appearance of (1)H NMR R-state signatures requires, additionally to phenol, ligands containing a nitrogen that can donate a lone pair of electrons. This is consistent with stabilization of the R-state by heterotropic interactions between the phenol-binding pocket and ligand binding to Fe(III) in the zinc site. UV-vis measurements indicate that the (1)H NMR detected changes in the conformation of the Fe(III)-insulin hexamer are accompanied by a change in the electronic structure of the iron site. Kinetic measurements of the dissociation of the hexamers provide evidence for the modulation of the stability of the hexamer by ligand field stabilization effects. These kinetic studies also demonstrate that the T- to R-state transition in the insulin hexamer is governed by coordination geometry preference of the metal ion in the zinc site and the compatibility between Lewis acidity of the metal ion in the zinc site and the Lewis basicity of the exogenous ligands. Evidence for the alteration of the calcium site has been obtained from (113)Cd NMR measurements. This finding adds to the number of known conformational changes that occur during the T- to R-transition and is an important consideration in the formulation of allosteric mechanisms of the insulin hexamer.  相似文献   

The chemical properties of the functional groups of insulin were determined at a concentration (0.5 microM) where the predominant species of insulin is the free (unassociated) monomeric unit. The glycine N-terminus and the four tyrosine phenolic groups had the same properties as in the associated forms of insulin. On the other hand the lysine epsilon-amino group and the two histidine imidazole groups had substantially altered properties. Some alteration in the properties of the phenylalanine N-terminus was also observed. The reactivity-pH profile for the imidazole groups showed a second ionization with a pKa of 10.1 in addition to an ionization with a pKa of 6.8. On the basis of the X-ray-crystallographic structure of hexameric insulin the observed changes can be accounted for by disruption of monomer-monomer or dimer-dimer interactions in the associated states of insulin. It is concluded that the conformation of the monomeric unit of insulin is essentially the same in its free and associated states in solution.  相似文献   

Effects of coenzyme (NADH) and substrate (2-oxoglutarate) on the urea-induced dissociation and inactivation of immobilized phosphopyridoxyl derivative of bovine liver glutamate dehydrogenase (L-glutamate-NAD(P)-oxidoreductase, EC have been studied. Urea at concentration 3.0 to 4.0 M in the presence of NADH induced dissociation of the enzyme's hexamer to catalytically inactive immobilized dimer. In the presence of both NADH and 2-oxoglutarate at the urea concentration 1.0 to 2.0 M the hexamer dissociated to the conformationally stable immobilized trimer possessing 60% catalytic activity of the hexamer. Studies of regulatory properties of the immobilized trimer showed that the allosteric inhibition of glutamate dehydrogenase by GTP was realized on the level of trimers, where the subunits interact through identical heterological contacts.  相似文献   

The cobalt(II)-substituted human insulin hexamer has been shown to undergo the phenol-induced T6 to R6 structural transition in solution. The accompanying octahedral to tetrahedral change in ligand field geometry of the cobalt ions results in dramatic changes in the visible region of the electronic spectrum and thus represents a useful spectroscopic method for studying the T to R transition. Changes in the Co2+ spectral envelope show that the aqua ligand associated with each tetrahedral Co2+ center can be replaced by SCN-, CN-, OCN-, N3-, Cl-, and NO2-. 19F NMR experiments show that the binding of m-trifluorocresol stabilizes the R6 state of zinc insulin. The chemical shift and line broadening of the CF3 singlet, which occur due to binding, provide a useful probe of the T6 to R6 transition. Due to the appearance of new resonances in the aromatic region, the 500 MHz 1H NMR spectrum of the phenol-induced R6 hexamer is readily distinguishable from that of the T6 form. 1H NMR studies show that phenol induces the T6 to R6 transition, both in the (GlnB13)6(Zn2+)2 hexamer and in the metal-free GlnB13 species; we conclude that metal binding is not a prerequisite for formation of the R state in this mutant.  相似文献   

G D Smith  G G Dodson 《Biopolymers》1992,32(4):441-445
Different hexameric forms of insulin have been crystallized from a variety of conditions. In the presence of 1% phenol, 1.0 M sodium chloride, and at a pH of 8.5, a rhombohedral form is produced with two monomers in the asymmetric unit, space group R3, a = 79.92 A and c = 40.39 A. The structure has been solved and refined, using data between 8.0 and 2.5 A resolution, to a residual of 0.157. Each of the monomers adopts an R conformation, that is residues B1-B8 are alpha-helical. As a result of the T to R transition, an elliptical cavity is created between symmetry-related monomers and is occupied by a phenol molecule. A region of density within bonding distance to one of the zinc ions has been interpreted as an additional phenol molecule.  相似文献   

1H n.m.r. studies at 270 MHz were made of the transformation of 2 Zn insulin hexamer to 4 Zn hexamer produced by the addition of anions (thiocyanate ion). Four separate H2 histidine resonances were observed for the B5 and B10 histidines in 2 Zn hexamer at pH 7 and 9 and four separate resonances also occurred in the 4 Zn hexamer. The observation of these resonances and others from phenylalanine, tyrosine and leucine residues showed that the 2 Zn to 4 Zn transformation probably occurred in solution in a similar manner to that observed in the crystal. Furthermore as occurred in the crystal, it was found that in solution the transformation was reversible (on removal of thiocyanate) and that 2 Cd insulin was unable to undergo the transformation. Des-Phe-Bl-insulin did not undergo the transformation. Addition of SCN- to Zn-free insulin (mainly dimer) produced only a small transformation, consistent with the idea that Zn2+ promotes formation of hexamer from dimer but probably does not otherwise affect the transformation.  相似文献   

The assembly of the insulin hexamer brings the six B13 glutamate side-chains at the centre into close proximity. Their mutual repulsion is unfavourable and zinc co-ordination to B10 histidine is necessary to stabilize the well known zinc-containing hexamers. Since B13 is always a carboxylic acid in all known sequences of hexamer forming insulins, it is likely to be important in the hormone's biology. The mutation of B13 Glu-->Gln leads to a stable zinc-free hexamer with somewhat reduced potency. The structures of the zinc-free B13 Gln hexamer and the 2Zn B13 insulin hexamer have been determined by X-ray analysis and refined with 2.5 A and 2.0 A diffraction data, respectively. Comparisons show that in 2Zn B13 Gln insulin, the hexamer structure (T6) is very like that of the native hormone. On the other hand, the zinc-free hexamer assumes a quaternary structure (T3/R3) seen in the native 4Zn insulin hexamer, and normally associated only with high chloride ion concentrations in the medium. The crystal structures show the B13 Gln side-chains only contact water in contrast to the B13 glutamate in 2Zn insulin. The solvation of the B13 Gln may be associated with this residue favouring helix at B1 to B8. The low potency of the B13 Gln insulin also suggests the residue influences the hormone's conformation.  相似文献   

Cupric insulin was modified by the addition of cross-linking disulphide bridges between hexamers. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of this freeze-dried material was compared with that of freeze-dried unmodified cupric insulin containing various amounts of copper and added water. The modified insulin was found to have cupric ion sites magnetically very similar to that of native insulin containing two cupric ions per hexamer. Native hexamer produced in the presence of 2 Cu(II) ions per hexamer gave, after freeze-drying, an EPR spectrum with ACu=16.5 mT, g=2.285 and g=2.059 (site 1). The use of 4 or 6 Cu(II) ions per hexamer resulted in spectra with two components-a major component with the same ACu and g values as the sample containing 2 Cu(II) ions (site 1) and an additional minor component (site 2). These sites have been identified with the analogous zinc binding site within the hexamer formed by three B-10 histidine residues (site 1) [1, 2] and the site formed by the B-1 α-amino and A-17 glutamyl-γ-barboxylic acid functions where excess zinc is bound (site 2) [3, 4]. The addition of water to native hexamer containing 2, 4, or 6 Cu(II) ions resulted in the appearance of three distinct EPR absorptions, one of which had the same parameters as the freeze-dried native insulin containing 2 Cu(II) ions per hexamer (site 1). Two further sites appeared (3 and 4) with the following parameters: ACu=15.0 mT, g=2.353, and g=2.07; ACu=16.5 mT, g=2.315, and g=2.07, respectively.  相似文献   

A new interpretation of structure-function relationships in the insulin molecule is presented. Negative cooperativity is postulated to arise from a dimerization event occurring between two receptor-bound molecules. The receptor-binding surface of insulin can necessarily not involve residues involved in dimerization as has been generally accepted. Support for this interpretation is based on published data.  相似文献   

The sequences of a large number of actin-binding proteins have been compared. These findings, together with the results of protein-chemical analysis, peptide synthesis and site-directed and deletion mutagenesis, have led to the assignment of actin-binding sites. Within these segments, small actin-binding motifs have been delineated. Most actin-binding proteins interact with actin subdomain-1 but our analyses reveal neither primary nor secondary structure homology among these proteins, suggesting that actin binding does not follow simple structural principles.  相似文献   

The design of insulin analogues has emphasized stabilization or destabilization of structural elements according to established principles of protein folding. To this end, solvent-exposed side-chains extrinsic to the receptor-binding surface provide convenient sites of modification. An example is provided by an unfavorable helical C-cap (Thr(A8)) whose substitution by favorable amino acids (His(A8) or Arg(A8)) has yielded analogues of improved stability. Remarkably, these analogues also exhibit enhanced activity, suggesting that activity may correlate with stability. Here, we test this hypothesis by substitution of diaminobutyric acid (Dab(A8)), like threonine an amino acid of low helical propensity. The crystal structure of Dab(A8)-insulin is similar to those of native insulin and the related analogue Lys(A8)-insulin. Although no more stable than native insulin, the non-standard analogue is twice as active. Stability and affinity can therefore be uncoupled. To investigate alternative mechanisms by which A8 substitutions enhance activity, multiple substitutions were introduced. Surprisingly, diverse aliphatic, aromatic and polar side-chains enhance receptor binding and biological activity. Because no relationship is observed between activity and helical propensity, we propose that local interactions between the A8 side-chain and an edge of the hormone-receptor interface modulate affinity. Dab(A8)-insulin illustrates the utility of non-standard amino acids in hypothesis-driven protein design.  相似文献   

3-Nitro-4-hydroxybenzoate (3N4H) is a probe of the structure and dynamics of the metal-centered His B10 assembly sites of the insulin hexamer. Each His B10 site consists of a approximately 12 A-long cavity situated on the threefold symmetry axis. These sites play an important role in the storage and release of insulin in vivo. The allosteric behavior of the insulin hexamer is modulated by ligand binding to the His B10 zinc sites and to the phenolic pockets. Binding to these sites drives transitions among three allosteric states, designated T(6), T(3)R(3), and R(6). Although a wide variety of mono anions bind to the His B10 zinc sites of R(3), X-ray structures of ligands complexed to this site exist only for H(2)O, Cl(-), and SCN(-). This work combines one- and two-dimensional (1)H NMR and UV-Vis absorbance studies of the structure and dynamics of the 3N4H complex, which establish the following: (1). relative to the NMR time scale, 3N4H exchange between free and bound states is slow, while flipping among three equivalent orientations about the site threefold axis is fast; (2). binding of 3N4H perturbs resonances within the His B10 zinc site and generates NOEs between ligand resonances and the insulin C-alpha and side chain resonances of ValB2, AsnB3, LeuB6, and CysB7; and (3).3N4H exchange for other ligands is limited by a protein conformational transition. These results are consistent with coordination of the 3N4H carboxylate to the His B10 zinc ion and van der Waals interactions with Val B2, Asn B3, Leu B6, and Cys A7.  相似文献   

The urea-induced inactivation and dissociation of catalytically active hexamer of glutamate dehydrogenase (L-glutamate-NAD(P)-oxidoreductase, EC from bovine liver were studied using radioactive phosphopyridoxyl derivative of the enzyme immobilized on cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose CL-4B. It is shown that at neutral pH (7.0-7.8) urea causes dissociation of glutamate dehydrogenase to directly yield catalytically inactive immobilized monomers rather than hexamer's stable fragments at the same time. At pH 8.9 or 5.6 the urea-induced is accompanied by the formation of conformationally stable immobilized dimers or trimers, respectively. The trimers are catalytically active, whereas the dimers did not exhibit any enzymatic activity. The data obtained led to suggestion that the hexamer consists of three either equivalent dimers (3 alpha 2) or of two equivalent trimers (2 alpha 3).  相似文献   

Crystallographic and NMR studies of insulin have revealed a highly flexible molecule with a range of different aggregation and structural states; the importance of these states for the function of the hormone is still unclear. To address this question, we have studied the solution structure of the insulin R6 symmetric hexamer using NMR spectroscopy. Structure determination of symmetric oligomers by NMR is complicated due to `symmetry ambiguity' between intra- and intermonomer NOEs, and between different classes of intermonomer NOEs. Hence, to date, only two symmetric tetramers and one symmetric pentamer (VTB, B subunit of verotoxin) have been solved by NMR; there has been no other symmetric hexamer or higher-order oligomer. Recently, we reported a solution structure for R6 insulin hexamer. However, in that study, a crystal structure was used as a reference to resolve ambiguities caused by the threefold symmetry; the same method was used in solving VTB. Here, we have successfully recalculated R6 insulin using the symmetry-ADR method, a computational strategy in which ambiguities are resolved using the NMR data alone. Thus the obtained structure is a refinement of the previous R6 solution structure. Correlated motions in the final structural ensemble were analysed using a recently developed principal component method; this suggests the presence of two major conformational substates. The study demonstrates that the solution structure of higher-order symmetric oligomers can be determined unambiguously from NMR data alone, using the symmetry-ADR method. This success bodes well for future NMR studies of higher-order symmetric oligomers. The correlated motions observed in the structural ensemble suggest a new insight into the mechanism of phenol exchange and the T 6 R 6 transition of insulin in solution.  相似文献   

To provide an experimental system amenable to a detailed biochemical and structural investigation of the extracellular (ligand binding) domain of the insulin receptor, we developed a mammalian heterologous cell expression system from which tens of milligrams of the soluble secreted ectodomain (the IR921 protein) can be routinely purified using methods that do not require harsh elution conditions. The purified IR921 protein has a Stokes radius of 6.8 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 9.8 S, from which we calculate a hydro-dynamic mass of 281 kDa. Electron microscopic images, using both rotary shadowing and negative staining techniques, demonstrate a characteristic substructure for the IR921 protein consisting of two elongated arms, with a globular domain at each end, connected to each other at a point somewhat off-center to form a Y structure. Analysis using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy illustrate that insulin binding results in conformational changes in the ectodomain. Furthermore, fluorescence anisotropy decay data reveal segmental mobility within the IR921 protein that is successively frozen as a result of insulin binding, in contrast to results obtained in a previous study of the epidermal growth factor receptor ectodomain. This result suggests a divergence in hormone-induced signaling mechanisms used by the insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors.  相似文献   

Structural relationships in the adenylate kinase family   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The sequences of five distantly related adenylate kinases have been aligned. The local conservation of amino acids is discussed in the light of the known three-dimensional structure of one of the enzymes, the cytosolic isoenzyme 1 (AK1) from porcine muscle. The similarity profile outlines clearly the active site in the cleft of the spatial structure of AK1. The alignment reveals further that the enzyme family can be subdivided into small and large variants according to the presence or absence of a particular segment of about 30 residues in the middle of the chain. The extra segments of the large variants are strongly conserved.  相似文献   

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