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Although MCM2 is obviously important for the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication, its role in O2 dependent regulation of replicon initiation is poorly understood. In this report, I analysed the changes of MCM2 during the transition from hypoxically suppressed replicon initiation to the burst of initiation triggered by reoxygenation in T24 cells. A high level of chromatin bound and nucleosolic MCM2 was found under the hypoxic replicon arrest. In contrast low cytosolic MCM2 was noticed. Recovery of O2 induced phosphorylation and diminution of chromatin bound MCM2, whereas cytosolic MCM2 increased. The level of chromatin bound Cdc7 did not change significantly upon reoxygenation. However, after reoxygenation, significant phosphorylation of Cdc7 and an increase of coimmunoprecipitation with its substrate (MCM2) were observed. This provides a hint that reoxygenation may promote the kinase activity of Cdc7. These changes might be the critical factors in O2 dependent regulation of replicon initiation. Moreover, phosphorylation of Cdc7 by Cdk2 can be observed in vitro, but seems to fail to regulate the level of chromatin bound Cdc7 as well as the changes of MCM2 in response to reoxygenation of hypoxically suppressed cells.  相似文献   

It was shown previously [Riedinger, H. J., van Betteraey-Nikoleit, M & Probst, H. (2002) Eur. J. Biochem.269, 2383-2393] that initiation of in vivo SV40 DNA replication is reversibly suppressed by hypoxia in a state where viral minichromosomes exhibit a nearly complete set of replication proteins. Reoxygenation triggers fast completion and post-translational modifications. Trying to reveal such fast changes of chromatin-bound replication proteins in the much more complex replication of the cellular genome itself, we developed a protocol to extend these studies using the human bladder carcinoma cell line T24, which was presynchronized in G1 by starvation. Concomitantly with stimulation of the cells by medium renewal, hypoxia was established. This treatment induced T24 cells to contain a large amount of replicons arrested in the 'hypoxic preinitiation state', ready to initiate replication as soon as normal pO2 was restored. Replicons in other stages of replicative activity were not detectable. Consequently the arrested replicons were rapidly released into synchronous initiation and succeeding elongation. Extraction of T24 nuclei with a Triton X-100 buffer yielded a fraction containing the cellular chromatin, including DNA-bound replication proteins, while unbound proteins were removed. The usefulness of this protocol was tested by the proliferation marker PCNA. We demonstrate here that this protein switches from the remainder cellular protein pool into the Triton-extracted nuclear fraction upon reoxygenation. Employing this protocol, analyses of chromatin-bound MCM2, MCM3, Cdc6 and cdk2 suggests that the 'classical' prereplication complex is already formed during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Complexes of D-type cyclins and cdk4 or 6 are thought to govern progression through the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. In DROSOPHILA:, single genes for Cyclin D and Cdk4 have been identified, simplifying genetic analysis. Here, we show that DROSOPHILA: Cdk4 interacts with Cyclin D and the Rb homolog RBF as expected, but is not absolutely essential. Flies homozygous for null mutations develop to the adult stage and are fertile, although only to a very limited degree. Overexpression of inactive mutant Cdk4, which is able to bind Cyclin D, does not enhance the Cdk4 mutant phenotype, confirming the absence of additional Cyclin D-dependent cdks. Our results indicate, therefore, that progression into and through the cell cycle can occur in the absence of Cdk4. However, the growth of cells and of the organism is reduced in Cdk4 mutants, indicating a role of D-type cyclin-dependent protein kinases in the modulation of growth rates.  相似文献   

The Capn5 gene was inactivated by homologous recombination in ES cells that subsequently colonized the germ line of mice. The targeted mutation integrated a lacZ expression cassette into the Capn5 gene, allowing the expression of Capn5 mRNA to be examined in detail in heterozygous animals. Expression was observed in embryonic and newborn thymuses, in various epithelial tissues, and in tissues of the central nervous system. In the thymus, Capn5 was expressed mainly in relatively immature CD25(+) embryonic thymocytes. Despite the numerous expression sites of Capn5, the majority of Capn5-null mice were viable and fertile and appeared healthy. Histopathological analysis did not reveal any differences between Capn5-null and wild-type mice. There were no defects in the major T- or B-cell populations in the thymus, spleen, bone marrow, or peritoneum, nor did apoptosis appear abnormal in Capn5-null T cells. There was no evidence for the development of autoimmune disease in Capn5-null animals. However, a small proportion of homozygous null offspring from heterozygous matings were runted and most often did not survive to adulthood.  相似文献   

It has been shown that p300 binds to MDM2 and leads to down-regulation of the p53 function. However, it remains unclear whether the acetylase activity of p300 is necessary for regulating MDM2 stability. In this study, we address this issue. First, p300 did not acetylate MDM2 in solution and in cells. Second, overexpression of p300 in cells increased the level of the MDM2 protein but not its mRNA. Similarly, the acetylase-defective p300 AT2 mutant stabilized the MDM2 protein as well. Consistently, the deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A, did not significantly affect the half-life of the endogenous MDM2 protein, whereas p300 enhanced the half-life of MDM2. Finally, both wild type and acetylase-defective mutant p300 proteins associated with MDM2 in nuclear body-like structures where MDM2 might be protected from proteasomal degradation. Thus, these results suggest that p300 appears to stabilize MDM2 by retaining this protein in a specific nuclear structure rather than by acetylating it.  相似文献   

Centrosome duplication is indispensable for the formation of the bipolar mitotic spindle. Surprisingly, even if DNA replication or mitosis is inhibited, centrosome duplication can still occur [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. Thus, it remains unknown how centrosome duplication is coordinated with the cell cycle. Here, we show that centrosome duplication requires cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2) in mammalian cells. We have found that in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, whereas centrosome duplication is not inhibited by hydroxyurea (HU) treatment, which arrests the cells in S phase, it is inhibited by mimosine treatment, which arrests the cells in late G1 phase. Cdk2 activity was higher in HU-treated cells than in mimosine-treated cells. Remarkably, inhibition of the Cdk2 activity in HU-treated cells with butyrolactone I or roscovitine [6], or by expression of the Cdk inhibitor p21(Waf1/Cip1), blocked the continued centrosome duplication. Moreover, overexpression of Cdk2 reversed the inhibition of centrosome duplication by mimosine treatment. These results indicate a requirement of Cdk2 activity for centrosome duplication and therefore suggest an underlying mechanism for the coordination of centrosome duplication with the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCSs) are key regulators of cytokine-induced responses in hematopoietic as well as nonhematopoietic cells. SOCS1 and SOCS3 have been shown to modulate T-cell responses, whereas the roles of other SOCS family members in the regulation of lymphocyte function are less clear. Here, we report the generation of mice with a targeted disruption of the Socs5 gene. Socs5−/− mice were born in a normal Mendelian ratio and were healthy and fertile. We found that SOCS5 is expressed in primary B and T cells in wild-type mice. However, no abnormalities in the lymphocyte compartment were seen in SOCS5-deficient mice. We examined antigen- and cytokine-induced proliferative responses in B and T cells in the absence of SOCS5 and found no deviations from the responses seen in wild-type cells. Because SOCS5 has been implicated in Th1 differentiation, we also investigated the importance of SOCS5 in T helper cell responses. Unexpectedly, SOCS5-deficient CD4 T cells showed no abnormalities in Th1/Th2 differentiation and Socs5−/− mice showed normal resistance to infection with Leishmania major. Therefore, although SOCS5 is expressed in primary B and T cells, it appears to be dispensable for the regulation of lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

Fbxo7 is associated with cancer and Parkinson’s disease. Although Fbxo7 recruits substrates for SCF-type ubiquitin ligases, it also promotes Cdk6 activation in a ligase-independent fashion. We discovered PFKP, the gatekeeper of glycolysis, in a screen for Fbxo7 substrates. PFKP is an essential Cdk6 substrate in some T-ALL cells. We investigated the molecular relationship between Fbxo7, Cdk6, and PFKP, and the effect of Fbxo7 on T cell metabolism, viability, and activation. Fbxo7 promotes Cdk6-independent ubiquitination and Cdk6-dependent phosphorylation of PFKP. Importantly, Fbxo7-deficient cells have reduced Cdk6 activity, and hematopoietic and lymphocytic cells show high expression and significant dependency on Fbxo7. CD4+ T cells with reduced Fbxo7 show increased glycolysis, despite lower cell viability and activation levels. Metabolomic studies of activated CD4+ T cells confirm increased glycolytic flux in Fbxo7-deficient cells, alongside altered nucleotide biosynthesis and arginine metabolism. We show Fbxo7 expression is glucose-responsive at the mRNA and protein level and propose Fbxo7 inhibits PFKP and glycolysis via its activation of Cdk6.  相似文献   

Twinfilins are evolutionarily conserved regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics. They inhibit actin polymerization by binding both actin monomers and filament barbed ends. Inactivation of the single twinfilin gene from budding yeast and fruit fly results in defects in endocytosis, cell migration, and organization of the cortical actin filament structures. Mammals express three twinfilin isoforms, of which twinfilin-1 and twinfilin-2a display largely overlapping expression patterns in non-muscle tissues of developing and adult mice. The expression of twinfilin-2b, which is generated through alternative promoter usage of the twinfilin-2 gene, is restricted to heart and skeletal muscles. However, the physiological functions of mammalian twinfilins have not been reported. As a first step towards understanding the function of twinfilin in vertebrates, we generated twinfilin-2a deficient mice by deleting exon 1 of the twinfilin-2 gene. Twinfilin-2a knockout mice developed normally to adulthood, were fertile, and did not display obvious morphological or behavioural abnormalities. Tissue anatomy and morphology in twinfilin-2a deficient mice was similar to that of wild-type littermates. These data suggest that twinfilin-2a plays a redundant role in cytoskeletal dynamics with the biochemically similar twinfilin-1, which is typically co-expressed in same tissues with twinfilin-2a.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, mRNA is actively exported to the cytoplasm by a family of nuclear RNA export factors (NXF). Four Nxf genes have been identified in the mouse: Nxf1, Nxf2, Nxf3, and Nxf7. Inactivation of Nxf2, a germ cell-specific gene, causes defects in spermatogenesis. Here we report that Nxf3 is expressed exclusively in Sertoli cells of the postnatal testis, in a developmentally regulated manner. Expression of Nxf3 coincides with the cessation of Sertoli cell proliferation and the beginning of their differentiation. Continued expression of Nxf3 in mature Sertoli cells of the adult is spermatogenesis stage-independent. Nxf3 is not essential for spermatogenesis, however, suggesting functional redundancy among Nxf family members. With its unique expression pattern in the testis, the promoter of Nxf3 can be used to drive postnatal Sertoli cell-specific expression of other proteins such as Cre recombinase.  相似文献   

In response to DNA damage, a cell can be forced to permanently exit the cell cycle and become senescent. Senescence provides an early barrier against tumor development by preventing proliferation of cells with damaged DNA. By studying single cells, we show that Cdk activity persists after DNA damage until terminal cell cycle exit. This low level of Cdk activity not only allows cell cycle progression, but also promotes cell cycle exit at a decision point in G2 phase. We find that residual Cdk1/2 activity is required for efficient p21 production, allowing for nuclear sequestration of Cyclin B1, subsequent APC/CCdh1‐dependent degradation of mitotic inducers and induction of senescence. We suggest that the same activity that triggers mitosis in an unperturbed cell cycle enforces senescence in the presence of DNA damage, ensuring a robust response when most needed.  相似文献   

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