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Recent studies shows that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy exerts some protective effects against neural injuries. The purpose of this study was to determine the neuroprotective effects of HBO following sciatic nerve transection (SNT).


Rats were randomly divided into five groups (n?=?14 per group): Sham-operated (SH) group, SH?+?HBO group, SNT group, and SNT?+?pre- and SNT?+?post-HBO groups (100% oxygen at 2.0 atm absolute, 60 min/day for five consecutive days beginning on 1 day before and immediately after nerve transaction, respectively). Spinal cord segments of the sciatic nerve and related dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) were removed 4 weeks after nerve transection for biochemical assessment of malodialdehyde (MDA) levels in spinal cord, biochemical assessment of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalse (CAT) activities in spinal cord, immunohistochemistry of caspase-3, cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2), S100beta (S100ß), and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) in spinal cord and DRG.


The results revealed that MDA levels were significantly decreased in the SNT?+?pre-HBO group, while SOD and CAT activities were significantly increased in SNT?+?pre- and SNT?+?post-HBO treated rats. Attenuated caspase-3 and COX-2 expression, and TUNEL reaction could be significantly detected in the HBO-treated rats after nerve transection. Also, HBO significantly increased S100ß expression.


Based on these results, we can conclude that pre- and post-HBO therapy had neuroprotective effects against sciatic nerve transection-induced degeneration.

Previous experiments from this laboratory have indicated that transection of the infraorbital nerve (ION, the trigeminal \[V] branch that supplies the mystacial vibrissae follicles) at birth and in adulthood has markedly different effects on galanin immunoreactivity in the V brainstem complex. Adult nerve transection increases galanin immunoreactivity in the superficial layers of V subnucleus caudalis (SpC) only, while neonatal nerve transection results in increased galanin expression in vibrissae-related primary afferents throughout the V brainstem complex. The present study describes the distribution of binding sites for this peptide in the mature and developing V ganglion and brainstem complex and determines the effects of neonatal and adult ION damage and the associated changes in galanin levels upon their distribution and density. Galanin binding sites are densely distributed in all V brainstem subnuclei and are particularly dense in V subnucleus interpolaris and the superficial layers of SpC. They are present at birth (P-0) and their distribution is similar to that in adult animals. Transection of the ION in adulthood and examination of brainstem 7 days later indicated marked reductions in the density of galanin binding sites in the V brainstem complex. With the exception of the superficial laminae of SpC, the same reduction in density remained apparent in rats that survived 45 days after nerve cuts. Transection of the ION on P-0 resulted in no change in the density of galanin binding sites in the brainstem after either 7 or 60 days survival. These results indicate that densely distributed galanin binding sites are present in the V brainstem complex of both neonatal and adult rats, that they are located in regions not innervated by galanin-positive axons, and that their density is not significantly influenced by large lesion-induced changes in the primary afferent content of their natural ligand.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the activity of 120 neurons recorded in the two ventro-postero-medial (VPM) nuclei of the thalamus in a rat model of trigeminal neuropathic pain. Twenty-eight rats were tested 2 weeks after a chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the infraorbital nerve (IoN). These animals exhibited violent pain-related reactions to extremely weak mechanical stimuli applied to the lesioned and, to a lesser extent, unlesioned IoN territories. The activities of neurons recorded in the VPMc (n = 80) and VPMi (n = 40), contralateral and ipsilateral to the injured nerve, respectively, were compared with those of 62 neurons recorded in the VPM of ten normal rats (VPMn). The neuronal background activity was higher in the VPM of CCI-IoN rats than in normal rats (about 4 vs 1 spike/s). The proportion of neurons which were driven by mechanical stimulations applied contralaterally to their recording site, was comparable in the three VPM (63-70%), but the effective stimulus modality differed significantly between the normal and the lesioned rats. In particular, the number of neurons driven by vibrissa or guard hair movements dramatically decreased in the VPM of CCI-IoN rats, mainly in the VPMc (67% of neurons with a receptive field (RF) in the VPMn vs 12% in the VPMc). Inversely, a consistent number of neurons in both the VPMc and VPMi were driven by other stimulus modalities applied to the IoN territory (moderate pressure for VPMc neurons, pinch or pinprick for both VPMc and VPMi neurons). The responses so induced were especially intense and included afterdischarges. In contrast to the VPMn neurons, the RFs of both the VPMc and VPMi neurons included two vibrissae at least, and were occasionally discontinuous and multimodal, including both vibrissae and cutaneous areas for VPMc units. The bilateral changes in VPM responsiveness and in behavior suggest the involvement of central processing of sensory information, which are set off by the CCI-IoN. The putative mechanisms and functional implication of the changes in the VPM neuronal activities are discussed.  相似文献   

Transganglionic degeneration was used in an electron microscopic study of afferent synaptic contacts in the dorsomedial region of the pars interpolaris of rats. In one experiment, the left inferior alveolar nerve was transected and in the other, partial pulpectomy of the first and second left lower molars was performed. Well defined degenerating terminals, almost completely occupied by round synaptic vesicle profiles were found in both ipsi and contralateral sides. In both experiments, approximately 70% of these terminals formed single asymmetric contacts with intermediate or distal dendritic segments. Fewer contacts were observed with proximal dendritic segments, dendritic spines, perikarya and other terminals. In addition, double and multiple synaptic contacts (synaptic glomeruli), accounting for 10% of the total, were also observed. Quantitative data regarding ultrastructural synaptic elements suggest that there is no preference for post-synaptic sites of fibers related to different sensory modalities such as pain, conveyed by dental fibers or other modalities, conveyed by the inferior alveolar nerve fibers.  相似文献   

The association of ethanol with unilamellar dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) liposomes of varying cholesterol content has been investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry over a wide temperature range (8-45 degrees C). The calorimetric data show that the interaction of ethanol with the lipid membranes is endothermic and strongly dependent on the phase behavior of the mixed lipid bilayer, specifically whether the lipid bilayer is in the solid ordered (so), liquid disordered (ld), or liquid ordered (lo) phase. In the low concentration regime (<10 mol%), cholesterol enhances the affinity of ethanol for the lipid bilayer compared to pure DMPC bilayers, whereas higher levels of cholesterol (>10 mol%) reduce affinity of ethanol for the lipid bilayer. Moreover, the experimental data reveal that the affinity of ethanol for the DMPC bilayers containing small amounts of cholesterol is enhanced in the region around the main phase transition. The results suggest the existence of a close relationship between the physical structure of the lipid bilayer and the association of ethanol with the bilayer. In particular, the existence of dynamically coexisting domains of gel and fluid lipids in the transition temperature region may play an important role for association of ethanol with the lipid bilayers. Finally, the relation between cholesterol content and the affinity of ethanol for the lipid bilayer provides some support for the in vivo observation that cholesterol acts as a natural antagonist against alcohol intoxication.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that withdrawal from alcohol decreases the synthesis and expression of vasopressin (VP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), and that the infusion of NGF over 1 month completely restores these changes. Because SCN neurons do not express TrkA, NGF might have exerted its effects either through direct signalling of the neurons via p75NTR or by enhancing the activity of the cholinergic afferents to the SCN, which arise from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM). The observation that the infusion of NT-3 to withdrawn rats does not elicit any change in neuropeptide expression in the SCN suggests that ACh might be implicated in this process, a hypothesis that we have attempted to clarify in this study. For this purpose we destroyed, with quinolinic acid, the NBM of rats withdrawn from ethanol and later infused them with NGF over a period of 13 days. The total number and the somatic volume of SCN neurons immunoreactive for VP and VIP were stereologically estimated. No differences were found in the total number of neurons between quinolinic-injected NGF-treated withdrawn animals and intact withdrawn rats. However, the somatic volume of SCN neurons from quinolinic-injected animals was significantly reduced relative to control and withdrawn rats. The present results unequivocally demonstrate that the trophic effects exerted by NGF upon SCN neurons do not depend on direct neuronal signalling. Instead, they are indirect and, according to our results, NBM neurons, whose axons give rise to a cholinergic projection to the SCN, seem to be essential for eliciting those effects.  相似文献   

The effects of an acute dose of a diet containing ethanol (3g/kg) on hepatic redox state was compared in rats fed ethanol for 25 days and in their littermates given isocaloric carbohydrate. In both groups, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial redox states of pyridine nucleotides shifted to a more reduced level, but the changes were much less extensive in rats chronically fed ethanol. This metabolic adaption may reflect the oxidation of ethanol by a pathway not involving alcohol dehydrogenase, such as the microsomal ethanol osidizing system, which increases in activity after chronic ethanol ingestion.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to mirex, a chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, induces a high rate of perinatal death, but only a low incidence of visible abnormalities which could help to account for these deaths. This study is an attempt to determine the cause of these deaths. Pregnant rats were intubated with a moderate dose of mirex, in oil, 6 mg/kg/day, on days 8 1/2-15 1/2 of gestation. Observations, on 78 control and 136 treated fetuses, were made on the morning before parturition was expected. Fetuses were sequentially exposed and electrocardiograms obtained with the fetus attached to the placenta and uterus. ECGs were evaluated for rate of beat, regularity of beat, PR intervals, and other features. Fetuses were examined for edema level and vitality. None of the controls were dead and none had abnormal ECGs. Of the treated group, 14% were dead, 16% had a first-degree heart block, and 2% had a second-degree heart block. Some (6%) had slow, feeble atrial beats only, possibly a third-degree block, and appeared to be dying. The severity of the symptoms was proportional to the degree of visible edema. Most of the fetuses with little or no visible edema had normal ECGs, but the majority of the moderate to severely edematous fetuses (i.e., with a layer of subcutaneous edema across the back of 0.5 mm or more) had abnormal ECGs and/or were either dead or dying. These data show that the effects of mirex on the fetal cardiovascular system are a major factor in inducing prenatal death.  相似文献   

The innervation of the rat pineal gland from the sphenopalatine, otic, superior cervical and trigeminal ganglia was investigated in animals by use of in vivo retrograde tracings. A solution of 2% Fluorogold was iontophoretically injected into the superficial pineal gland in a series of Wistar rats. After a survival time of 4-10 days, the animals were fixed by perfusion and the brains, sphenopalatine, otic, superior cervical and trigeminal ganglia were investigated with a fluorescence microscope. Many retrogradely labelled perikarya were found in the superior cervical ganglia, but a smaller number of neurones were also labelled in the sphenopalatine, otic and trigeminal ganglia. Injections of the tracer into the subarachnoidal space were used as the control for unspecific uptake and transport of the tracer. The input to the pineal gland from the parasympathetic sphenopalatine and otic ganglia might be involved in the regulation of the annual rhythms of the pineal gland. The projections from the sensory trigeminal ganglion could be involved in the control of the blood flow of the gland.  相似文献   

Summary Structural and functional behaviour of motor end-plates after transection of the motor nerve has been studied in two species of frog: Rana esculenta and Rana temporaria. The physiological results show that in both species there is a transient cessation of spontaneous activity followed by a resumption of miniature end-plate potentials (min. e.p.p.s.) after denervation. The characteristics of these potentials (frequency, distribution of amplitudes, time-course) are similar in the two species. However, some differences have been observed: Firstly, the period of silence lasts for 2–4 days in the case of Rana temporaria whereas it is prolonged to about 15 days in Rana esculenta. Secondly, the resumption of min. e.p.p.s. is gradual and after the 10th day of denervation remains constant in Rana temporaria. It is inconstant independent of the period of denervation in Rana esculenta. The morphological results show that the Schwann cell is constantly in contact with the post-synaptic membrane after about 6 days of denervation in both species. It is suggested that either the Schwann cell is capable of functioning for a limited period of time in Rana esculenta or is activated to produce min. e.p.p.s. only in certain cases.  相似文献   

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in the anterior uvea coexists with tachykinins (substance P and neurokinin A) in sensory nerve fibers deriving from the trigeminal ganglion. Mechanical or electrical stimulation of the intracranial part of the trigeminal nerve/ganglion in rabbits produced a marked hyperemia in the anterior segment of the eye, increased intraocular pressure, breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier and miosis. Simultaneously, CGRP-like immunoreactivity was released into the aqueous humor. This suggests that the highly vasoactive CGRP can be released from sensory nerve fibers to participate in vascular responses. Unlike the tachykinins, CGRP per se was without effect on the pupillary diameter while disrupting the blood-aqueous barrier (resulting in aqueous flare) upon intravitreal injection. In addition, CGRP enhanced the aqueous flare evoked by a minimal eye trauma (infrared irradiation of the iris). The miosis evoked by the intravitreal injection of substance P was more pronounced when CGRP was injected simultaneously, and finally, substance P induced aqueous flare much more effectively when given together with a threshold dose of CGRP.  相似文献   

Cerebellar granular neurons were grown in culture up to 21 days and the protein compositions of undifferentiated (day 1), partially differentiated (day 7) and fully differentiated (day 21) neurons were analyzed by high-resolution 2D-gel electrophoresis. During neuronal differentiation there were not only increase in the amount of several known proteins, viz. actin, tubulin (both and subunits), myosin (heavy and light chains), but very interesting changes were also observed in the expressions of different subunits and isoforms of those proteins. Furthermore, both in the acidic (pI 4.0–4.5) and alkaline (pI 7.0–8.5) regions interesting up and down regulations of several unidentified proteins were observed during the neuronal differentiation. These results indicated that there were several unidentified proteins that might be very valuable targets for studying regulation of neuronal differentiation. Research is going on for further characterization of those proteins using recently developed proteomics technology.  相似文献   

The interaction between alcohol molecules and platinum (Pt) was studied using molecular dynamics (MD; Born-Oppenheimer method). Alcohol molecules like ethanol and methanol present a similar molecular structure, with a methyl group (CH3) at one end and a fragment of hydroxyl (OH) at the other. This fact generates two orientations that are considered in the interaction with Pt. The MD calculation results for these two orientations indicate a preferential orientation due to energy interactions. A plausible reaction mechanism that takes into account the interaction between Pt and alcohol is presented. The charge transference obtained from the Pt–alcohol interaction was also analyzed. The energy for the two orientations was calculated by indicating the preferential orientation. The methyl and hydroxyl groups are involved in heterolytic breakage of hydrogen bonds, joined to a carbon atom in the former and to an oxygen atom in the latter; however, the methyl group reaction seems to be the most important.  相似文献   

In order to establish that the pineal gland is innervated by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP)-immunoreactive nerve fibers originating in the trigeminal ganglion, ophthalmic and maxillary nerves were transected by using a subtemporal fossa approach. The number of PACAP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pineal gland of rats with a total transection of the nerve was compared with that of rats without surgery. In the operated rat, PACAP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in the superficial pineal decreased remarkably, indicating that the trigeminal ganglion was the origin of these nerve fibers. This research provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that PACAP-immunoreactive nerves regulate the synthesis and/or secretion of melatonin in the pineal gland.  相似文献   

Summary 1. In the rat hypothalamic arcuate nucleus, estradiol induces coordinated changes in the number of axosomatic synapses, the amount of glial ensheathing, and the ultrastructure of the membrane of neuronal somas. In the present study we used conventional electron microscopy and freeze-fracture to examine cellular mechanisms responsible for the estradiol-induced chages at the membrane level.2. In freeze-fracture replicas taken 10–60 min and 24 hr after injection of 17-estradiol to adult ovariectomized females, it was found that there was a rapid increase in the number of exoendocytotic images that reached a plateau by 30 min.3. In thin sections from animals injected 24 hr earlier we demonstrated a significant increase in coated vesicles in the periphery of the neurons and coated pits in the perikaryal membranes and decreased axosomatic synapses.4. We conclude that these morphological alterations are signaling estrogen-induced transport and/or turnover of perikaryal membrane constituents and extracellular components which may affect interneuronal and neuroglial interactions.  相似文献   

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