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Maternal infanticide in wild non-human primates has only been reported twice. In this paper, we report a possible new case of infanticide and cannibalism within a series of four successive reproductive failures in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. Necropsy and genetic analyses of the corpses enabled us to rule out any pathology, and to determine paternity. The mother was seen biting and then eating the head of its own infant during a period when another female was pregnant and gave birth just 1 month later. Before that, the perpetrator had given birth to twins three times successfully when four to five adult and subadult males were present in the group. Although we do not know for certain that the infant was alive when the mother started biting it, our field observations preceding the event suggest it probably was. The possible infanticide case and the two cases of births and early death of the infants occurred while only two to three adult males were present in the group. This could be the second case of maternal infanticide reported in the genus Saguinus and the similar circumstances suggest a common pattern. We discuss these events in the light of the different functional explanations of infanticide and conclude that parental manipulation was the most likely: the mother could have terminated the investment in offspring that had low chances of survival in a group with low availability of helpers.  相似文献   

Infanticide has been observed in several colobines, but only one infanticide has previously been documented for black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza). This report describes an infanticide observed in Kibale National Park, Uganda, in the summer of 2001. An adult male from a neighboring group attacked and killed a young infant whose mother subsequently remained in her own group and was observed mating 10 days later. She engaged in two mating periods of several days each, separated by approximately 1 month, during which she copulated frequently with the dominant male within her group. Urinary estrogen (EC) and progesterone metabolite (PdG) excretion patterns demonstrated that the female resumed ovarian cycling soon after the infanticide. Because the infanticidal male did not attempt to mate with the victim's mother, his actions were not consistent with the predictions of the sexual-selection hypothesis. We speculate that infanticide associated with intergroup aggression may help secure access to high-quality resources for the infanticidal male's group.  相似文献   

Strategies and counterstrategies to infanticide in mammals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
I analyse and summarize the empirical evidence in mammals supporting alternative benefits that individuals may accrue when committing nonparental infanticide. Nonparental infanticide may provide the perpetrator with nutritional benefits, increased access to limited resources, increased reproductive opportunities, or it may prevent misdirecting parental care to unrelated offspring. The possibility that infanticide is either a neutral or maladaptive behaviour also is considered. I devote the second half of this article to reviewing potential mechanisms that individuals may use to prevent infanticide. These counterstrategies include the early termination of pregnancy, direct aggression by the mother against intruders, the formation of coalitions for group defence, the avoidance of infanticidal conspecifics, female promiscuity, and territoriality. I evaluate the support for each benefit and counterstrategy across different groups of mammals and make suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Two high-ranking adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) of M group in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, tried to get a newborn female infant of an adult female who was born in M group. The mother was not seen to mate with these adult males during the probable conception cycle of the infant, but she disappeared from the group during the later cycle, when she may have been inseminated by a male of one of the neighboring unit groups. The adult males failed to get the infant because the grandmother of the newborn and her female friend cooperated to protect the mother and infant from attacks by the males. The sexual selection hypothesis for infanticide by adult male chimpanzees holds for this observed case. The sudden disappearance of another infant, a healthy female, strongly suggests the killing of female infants too. Therefore, the asserted male-biased infanticide in chimpanzees appears to be less tenable.  相似文献   

There have been no reports of infanticide in wild gelada baboons and it has been argued that infanticide is not necessary in geladas, since the birth interval of female gelada can be shortened after takeover of a unit by a new leader male without infanticide. However, we observed an instance of infanticide in a newly-found wild gelada population in the Arsi Region of Ethiopia. After a leader male of the unit was severely wounded by a leopard attack, he was quite weakened. The second male of the unit, a young adult male, became the leader of the unit three weeks later, but the former leader continued to stay in the unit as a second male. After a week, two other adult males joined the unit which, therefore, came to include four adult males. The infanticide took place nine days later. The perpetrator was one of the immigrant males and he showed great interest in the mother of the unweaned victim infant. Although the perpetrator copulated with her after the infanticide, the usurper was found to own all three adult females after two weeks following the infanticide; i.e. the perpetrator could not own any female. The wounded former leader showed conspicuous protective behavior towards the victim's mother and the dead infant. One possible explanation for the occurrence of infanticide in this population of geladas is as follows. Gelada males in this area may be able to join units more easily to form multi-male units but then have shorter tenure in the units. Facing the unstable condition of units, they may sometimes engage in infanticide to increase their breeding opportunities, even before becoming a leader.  相似文献   

In nonhuman primates, infanticide by adult males can occur when the leader male is ousted from a one-male, multifemale group, or when male dominance rank changes within a multimale, multifemale group. According to the sexual selection hypothesis, this behavior may be adaptive if perpetrators increase their reproductive success by killing unrelated, unweaned infants, thus shortening the interbirth interval of the mother, and then siring her next infant. Under an alternative hypothesis, infanticide is a byproduct of aggressive male–male competition and these predictions do not hold. Direct observations of the context surrounding infanticide in free-ranging primate populations that allow a test of these predictions are rare. Here, we document four cases of male infanticide and report paternity data for a group of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) at Shennongjia, China. Three cases of infanticide by new leader males supported the predictions of the sexual selection hypothesis, while another provides partial support for the sexual selection hypothesis, but can also be explained via a nonadaptive hypothesis. In this latter case, a male from an all-male group killed an infant during an aggressive episode that appeared to be accidental, as it took place 7 mo before a male takeover happened, and the perpetrator did not obtain any reproductive advantage. We conclude that most male infanticide events in golden snub-nosed monkeys are consistent with the adaptive selection sexual hypothesis.  相似文献   

Researchers have reported a total of 31 infanticides in 4 different chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) populations. Though infanticide is infrequent, low reproductive rates of females likely make it a strong selective pressure in the species. We report a new incident of intragroup infanticide in Gombe National Park, Tanzania, in which a community male attacked a 3.5-yr-old male. We then consider the infanticide in terms of adaptive and nonadaptive explanations for infanticide including the social pathology, by-product of male aggression, nutritive benefits, resource competition, and sexual selection hypotheses. The incident reported here is not well explained by any of them. While the infanticide is puzzling in terms of ultimate explanations for infanticide, it provides a good context in which to consider proximate mechanisms for offspring recognition. The incident provides some evidence that males may use their mating history with the mother to assess paternity likelihood.  相似文献   

In mountain gorillas (Gorilla g. beringei), male immigration in bi-sexual units is rare. This paper presents the case of a nearly weaned male infant gorilla who followed his mother in her transfer. This case was recorded in the study population at the Kariske Research Center in 1988. The data come from observation in Group B (on 12 days just prior to the transfer and on 54 days after the transfer over a period of 6 months). The situation of the infant did match the conditions in which infanticide occurs in gorillas, but he was not killed, despite receiving male aggression and being wounded twice. In fact, both the mother and the infant received male aggression more frequently than the long term residents in the group. The aggression received by the mother decreased after she mated with the males and after she weaned the infant. The aggression received by the infant, however, did not decrease after his mother mated with the males, and increased in intensity. The infant reacted fearfully to male aggression, in marked contrast to his mother, who reacted either with indifference, or by simply avoiding the males. The aggression eventually stopped, and the infant became a blackback in Group B. Evolutionarily, the death of the infant would not have markedly accelerated the mother's return to estrus, but the death of the infant could still have benefitted the males, by decreasing the reproductive output of a competitor. Adult male gorillas are also presumably selected to resist male immigration. Proximately, the aggression directed towards the infant was not related to mating access to the mother. The sex of the infant may contribute to explain the post-transfer male aggression, but data on the integration of old female infants in a new group is needed to test whether the sex of the infant has an effect on their vulnerability to infanticide. Also, the intense fear displayed by the infant may have played a role in prompting male aggression.  相似文献   

Infanticide, the killing of conspecific young, occurs in most mammal species, like in our study species, the bank vole (Myodes glareolus). Infanticide by adult males is regarded as a strong factor affecting recruitment of young into population. It is considered as an adaptive behaviour, which may increase male fitness via resource gain or an increased access to mates. When an intruder is approaching the nest, the mother should not be present, as her nest guarding is very aggressive and successful. Pups use ultrasonic vocalisation to call their mother when mother leaves nest for foraging but it is not know which cues do infanticidal males use to find the nest with vulnerable pups to commit infanticide? We studied whether the pups' sounds or the olfactory cues of the nest guide the males of known infanticidal behavioural trait towards the nest with vulnerable pups. Four nest boxes in a large indoor arena offered different nesting cues: nest odour, pup vocalisation, both odour and sound or control with no cue. The result showed that infanticidal males were more active in their searching behaviour than non‐infanticidal males and seemed to target the nest providing only acoustic cues. Four of the males, all infanticidal, intruded the nest box. Infanticidal males seem to actively search for nests with vulnerable pups by eavesdropping pup begging calls for absent mother. However, under natural conditions, mother presence and aggressive nest protection may be an effective counter strategy against strange male infanticide. When trapping study voles from the wild, we monitored occurrence of male infanticide across the breeding season from early to late summer. Proportion of infanticidal males was between 25 and 29% of all males tested along the breeding season. Our results suggest that male infanticide seems to cause a stable threat for pup mortality in increasing breeding season density.  相似文献   

Infanticide by males is widespread across mammals and especially prevalent among primates. Considerable research has examined how fitness benefits can explain the occurrence of this behavior; less is known, however, about intrapopulation variation in its occurrence. We evaluated 10 infanticides by males in wild blue monkeys according to the sexual selection hypothesis. To explore intrapopulation variation in occurrence of infanticide, we compared these cases to 38 cases that were contextually similar but in which infanticide did not occur. We examined male reproductive benefit, infant age, maternal parity, postconception estrus, group defense, available mating partners, and context of takeover. We based comparisons on daily or near daily records of male presence in the study groups, infant birth dates, and male-female sexual interactions. Infanticides followed predictions of the sexual selection hypothesis: males were unlikely to kill their own offspring, the period for the mother’s return to conception was reduced by half, and males increased their chance of siring her next offspring. Difference in male reproductive benefit, costs, and motivation did not fully explain the observed variation in infanticide occurrence. Infants were more likely to be spared if they were older when a male first arrived, or if their mother had mated with the male in the second month after conception. The most important determinant of infant fate, however, was male identity, a finding consistent with 2 scenarios: 1) an infanticidal tendency may be influenced by a genetic polymorphism that is not fixed in this population or 2) infanticidal behavior may be a conditional male strategy. Further research on intrapopulation variation in infanticidal behavior should focus especially on characteristics of males.  相似文献   

Infanticide might be described as a reproductive strategy employed by anthropoid primate males when they immigrate into new groups. But infanticide has rarely been observed in wild prosimian primates. For the Malagasy lemurs this may reflect one or more of the following: strict breeding seasons; relative monomorphism in canine tooth and body size; small group sizes; male–female dominance relations; and male–female dyads within groups. We addressed the following questions: Do prosimian males commit infanticide in circumstances similar to those in which anthropoids do? and Is there any reproductive advantage for a highly seasonal breeder to commit infanticide? To help answer these questions, we describe the death of a 24-hr-old infant male Propithecus diadema edwardsi from wounds received during a fight between his mother, her adult daughter, and a newly immigrant male. Interbirth intervals between surviving offspring are 2 years for Propithecus diadema edwardsi; therefore, a male could dramatically shorten the time between reproductive windows by killing an infant. Whether this tactic would be favored by sexual selection cannot be addressed until more information has been collected on the length of interbirth interval due to infanticide relative to that of infant death by other causes; how social factors such as stability of breeding relationships affect long-term male reproductive success; how effective female counterstrategies are to prevent infanticide and/or whether they choose to mate with males that commit infanticide; and how often males that kill infants subsequently sire infants, particularly in groups that contain a resident male.  相似文献   

A maternal infanticide was observed in a group of unprovisioned wild black-fronted titi monkeys (Callicebus nigrifrons). An approximately 3-day-old male infant was killed by his mother. A post-mortem revealed the infant to be clinically healthy. We considered various hypotheses to explain why this behavior occurred (e.g., reproductive advantage, stress, nutritional, infant viability and population density). It is noteworthy that the mother and not the father killed the infant, since in this species the father provides considerable infant care from a few hours after birth.  相似文献   

Infanticide can be a major influence upon the social structure of species in which females maintain long-term associations with males. Previous studies have suggested that female mountain gorillas benefit from residing in multimale groups because infanticide occurs when one-male groups disintegrate after the dominant male dies. Here we measure the impact of infanticide on the reproductive success of female mountain gorillas, and we examine whether their dispersal patterns reflect a strategy to avoid infanticide. Using more than 40 years of data from up to 70% of the entire population, we found that only 1.7% of the infants that were born in the study had died from infanticide during group disintegrations. The rarity of such infanticide mainly reflects a low mortality rate of dominant males in one-male groups, and it does not dispel previous observations that infanticide occurs during group disintegrations. After including infanticide from causes other than group disintegrations, infanticide victims represented up to 5.5% of the offspring born during the study, and they accounted for up to 21% of infant mortality. The overall rates of infanticide were 2–3 times higher in one-male groups than multimale groups, but those differences were not statistically significant. Infant mortality, the length of interbirth intervals, and the age of first reproduction were not significantly different between one-male versus multimale groups, so we found no significant fitness benefits for females to prefer multimale groups. In addition, we found limited evidence that female dispersal patterns reflect a preference for multimale groups. If the strength of selection is modest for females to avoid group disintegrations, than any preference for multimale groups may be slow to evolve. Alternatively, variability in male strength might give some one-male groups a lower infanticide risk than some multimale groups, which could explain why both types of groups remain common.  相似文献   

Sexually selected infanticide is an important source of infant mortality in many mammalian species. In species with long-term male-female associations, females may benefit from male protection against infanticidal outsiders. We tested whether mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) mothers in single and multi-male groups monitored by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund’s Karisoke Research Center actively facilitated interactions between their infants and a potentially protective male. We also evaluated the criteria mothers in multi-male groups used to choose a preferred male social partner. In single male groups, where infanticide risk and paternity certainty are high, females with infants <1 year old spent more time near and affiliated more with males than females without young infants. In multi-male groups, where infanticide rates and paternity certainty are lower, mothers with new infants exhibited few behavioral changes toward males. The sole notable change was that females with young infants proportionally increased their time near males they previously spent little time near when compared to males they had previously preferred, perhaps to encourage paternity uncertainty and deter aggression. Rank was a much better predictor of females’ social partner choice than paternity. Older infants (2–3 years) in multi-male groups mirrored their mothers’ preferences for individual male social partners; 89% spent the most time in close proximity to the male their mother had spent the most time near when they were <1 year old. Observed discrepancies between female behavior in single and multi-male groups likely reflect different levels of postpartum intersexual conflict; in groups where paternity certainty and infanticide risk are both high, male-female interests align and females behave accordingly. This highlights the importance of considering individual and group-level variation when evaluating intersexual conflict across the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

A non-resident male attacked a 4-month-old unweaned infant in a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and it died 2 days later from a severe wound. When the infant was alone at the feeding site, the non-resident male rushed at it. The infant ran away as soon as it became aware of the male, but was captured. The male bit the infant on its hand, foot, and arm, while continuously scanning his surroundings. He did not kill the infant immediately and, after the infant escaped, he did not chase or attack it at all. Although the infants right arm was bleeding heavily, it survived until the following day. The infanticide occurred a few weeks before the mating season began, so the victims mother soon resumed estrus and the subsequent inter-birth interval was shortened. The first-, second-, and fourth-ranking adult males had died or disappeared a few months before this infanticide, and there were no other group members near the infant when the infanticidal male appeared. The infanticidal male had not been observed before this incident. Compared to one-male groups, the occurrence of infanticide in multi-male groups of Japanese macaques is extremely infrequent. However, in other reports of infanticide in Japanese macaques as well as in this case, it has been noted that infanticide is likely to occur in the pre- or early-mating season, when there are no resident males to defend the infant against attacks, and when a threatening male is least likely to be the infants father.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Two cases of within-group infanticide and cannibalism were observed among the M Group chimpanzees of the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania. In both cases, victimized infants were male, 5 – 6 months of age, and in good health when killed. Four to five years have passed since the mothers of the victims immigrated into M Group as nulliparous immigrants. In one case the 2nd-ranking male was observed to detach the infant from the mother's belly. Both infants were finally killed by the alpha male after several adult males scrambled for the bodies. There was no evidence that the mothers had mated with males other than those of M Group. Nor was there evidence that the mothers had restrictive mating relationships with some of the M Group adult males. What little evidence is available shows that the mothers had mated mostly with adolescent and other immature males during their conception cycles. However, at least in one case, the mother began to mate more with adult males rather than with immature males after the infanticide. It is proposed that the function of within-group male infanticide can be explained by the male-male competition hypothesis developed for hanuman langurs and other nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

A theory on the evolution of human primary sex ratio is proposed. Effects of parental preference for sons, reflected in birth control based on offspring sex ratio and female biased infanticide, on the evolution of primary sex ratio are analyzed. Both are shown to select for female bias in primary sex ratio. The gene-culture coevolution of female infanticide and primary sex ratio is also studied and it is shown that female infanticide develops more in societies in which the father plays a more important role in the transmission of culture than the mother does.  相似文献   

For the layperson no crime is more difficult to comprehend than the killing of a child by his or her own parents. This is a retrospective study of neonaticide and infanticide in Eastern Croatia from 1980 to 2004. Judicial records of infanticide cases stored in Regional and County Courts were analyzed for the circumstances surrounding the offense. Twenty-four babies were discovered in various places during investigating period of time. The victims were almost equally divided between boys (12) and girls (11). The gender of one baby was unknown. The mean weight of babies was 2.7 SD = 0.66 kg. The perpetrators preferred rubbish-heaps (33.4%), burying in soil (16.7%), various premises in or around the house (16.7%) and garbage cans (12.5%) as places for hiding the dead babies. The most dominant cause of death in sixteen cases of live birth was asphyxia (37%) with equal distribution of smothering, stuffing the mouth with rags and strangulation. Other frequent causes of death were placing the child in a plastic bag and abandonment (25%), brain injury (25%) and wounding using a sharp weapon (12.5%). The cause of death for six babies remained unknown due to advanced decomposition. Two babies were stillborn. The age of accused mothers varied from 16 to 33, mean 24 SD=5.2 years. Most of them were unmarried (60%) and had limited formal education. They usually kept the pregnancy a secret (73%) and gave birth (93%) without public welfare assistance. The mother lived in the terror of shame and with the guilt that accompany conception without marriage. Fear seemed to be a pronounced motivating factor for committing infanticide. The data on court proceedings were available in fifteen cases. The mothers were officially indicted in all cases for infanticide under the Croatian Criminal Code. The perpetrator remained unidentified in nine suspicious crimes. The court convicted ten mothers of the crime of infanticide. Often juries were unwilling to punish the mother, citing the mother's lifelong guilt of having killed her child as enough punishment.  相似文献   

Female dispersal occurs in a number of primate species. It may be related to: avoidance of inbreeding, reduction in food competition, reduction of predation risk, or avoidance of infanticide in combination with mate choice. Female dispersal was studied for a 5-year period in a wild population of Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi) that lived in one-male multi-female groups. Juvenile and adult individuals of both sexes were seen to disperse. Females appeared to transfer unhindered between groups, mostly from a larger group to a recently formed smaller one. They transferred without their infants and when not pregnant, and seemed to transfer preferentially during periods when extra-group males were harassing their group. During these inter-group encounters extra-group males seemed to try to commit infanticide. Thus, the timing of female transfer was probably closely linked to infanticide avoidance. Moreover, females seemed to transfer when the resident male of their group was no longer a good protector. The observations in the present study suggest that females transferred to reduce the risk of infanticide. Female dispersal may have another ultimate advantage as well, namely inbreeding avoidance. Due to the dispersal of both females and males the social organization of Thomas langurs was rather fluid. New groups were formed when females joined a male; male takeovers were not observed. Bisexual groups had only a limited life span, because all adult females of a bisexual group could emigrate. This pattern of unhindered female dispersal affects male reproductive strategies, and in particular it might lead to infanticidal behavior during inter-group encounters. Am. J. Primatol. 42:179–198, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Female dispersal in gregarious animals can involve the desertion of a site, desertion of a social group, or both. Group desertion may be related to inbreeding avoidance. Group fidelity may result from cooperation among females in a group. Site fidelity will be more likely when food can be monopolized and when the population density is close to habitat saturation. The degree of habitat saturation was approximated with a measure of human disturbance. The influence of these various factors on the incidence of female dispersal was investigated for langur populations using data from the literature. The results suggest that female dispersal in langurs involved site desertion, not group desertion. The incidence of female dispersal may affect the social organization of langurs. I propose that when females do not disperse, male takeovers prevail, whereas in populations where female dispersal regularly occurs bisexual groups are disbanded or new groups are formed, a process I call female split-merger. Male takeover is thought to occur when site fidelity is high, female split-merger when site fidelity is low. These processes were indeed found to occur in these circumstances. The dispersal of females might prevent infanticide, whereas male takeover might promote it. Indeed, in studies with male takeover, more infants fell victim to infanticide than in studies with female split-merger. Therefore, female dispersal in langurs is an effective female counterstrategy to infanticide. The factor that had the most profound effect on female dispersal, social organization, and infanticide was habitat saturation. Habitat saturation was measured as the degree of human disturbance, and its influence on the behavior of langurs is probably of relatively recent date. This may lead to an evolutionary transient situation and may explain the discrepancy between current socioecological theories and the behavior of langurs in populations lacking female dispersal. Am. J. Primatol. 44:235–254, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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