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Elevated dosage of the GAC1 gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes hyperaccumulation of glycogen whereas a gene disruption of GAC1 results in reduced glycogen levels. Glycogen synthase is almost entirely in the active, glucose 6-phosphate-independent, form in cells with increased gene dosage of GAC1 whereas the enzyme is mostly in the inactive form in strains lacking GAC1. GAC1 encodes an 88 kDa protein that is similar to the regulatory subunit (RG1) of phosphoprotein phosphatase type 1 (PP-1) from skeletal muscle that targets PP-1 to glycogen particles. Taken together, these results suggest that GAC1 encodes a regulatory subunit of PP-1. As previously shown for glycogen phosphorylase (GPH1), GAC1 RNA accumulates concomitantly with the appearance of glycogen. A strain with a mutation in the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (bcy1) fails to accumulate GPH1 and GAC1 RNA. These results point to coordinate regulation of enzymes involved in glycogen metabolism at the level of RNA accumulation and indicate that at least part of this control is exerted by the RAS-cAMP pathway.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene RTS1 encodes a protein homologous to a variable B-type regulatory subunit of the mammalian heterotrimeric serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). We present evidence showing that Rts1p assembles into similar heterotrimeric complexes in yeast. Strains in which RTS1 has been disrupted are temperature sensitive (ts) for growth, are hypersensitive to ethanol, are unable to grow with glycerol as their only carbon source, and accumulate at nonpermissive temperatures predominantly as large-budded cells with a 2N DNA content and a nondivided nucleus. This cell cycle arrest can be overcome and partial suppression of the ts phenotype of rts1-null cells occurs if the gene CLB2, encoding a Cdc28 kinase-associated B-type cyclin, is expressed on a high-copy-number plasmid. However, CLB2 overexpression has no suppressive effects on other aspects of the rts1-null phenotype. Expression of truncated forms of Rts1p can also partially suppress the ts phenotype and can fully suppress the inability of cells to grow on glycerol and the hypersensitivity of cells to ethanol. By contrast, the truncated forms do not suppress the accumulation of large-budded cells at high temperatures. Coexpression of truncated Rts1p and high levels of Clb2p fully suppresses the ts phenotype, indicating that the inhibition of growth of rts1-null cells at high temperatures is due to both stress-related and cell cycle-related defects. Genetic analyses show that the role played by Rts1p in PP2A regulation is distinctly different from that played by the other known variable B regulatory subunit, Cdc55p, a protein recently implicated in checkpoint control regulation.  相似文献   

The trehalose-degrading enzyme trehalase is activated upon addition of glucose to derepressed cells or in response to nitrogen source addition to nitrogen-starved glucose-repressed yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells. Trehalase activation is mediated by phosphorylation. Inactivation involves dephosphorylation, as trehalase protein levels do not change upon multiple activation/inactivation cycles. Purified trehalase can be inactivated by incubation with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) in vitro. To test whether PP2A was involved in trehalase inactivation in vivo, we overexpressed the yeast PP2A isoform Pph22. Unexpectedly, the moderate (approximately threefold) overexpression of Pph22 that we obtained increased basal trehalase activity and rendered this activity unresponsive to the addition of glucose or a nitrogen source. Concomitant with higher basal trehalase activity, cells overexpressing Pph22 did not store trehalose efficiently and were heat sensitive. After the addition of glucose or of a nitrogen source to starved cells, Pph22-overexpressing cells showed a delayed exit from stationary phase, a delayed induction of ribosomal gene expression and constitutive repression of stress-regulated element-controlled genes. Deletion of the SCH9 gene encoding a protein kinase involved in nutrient-induced signal transduction restored glucose-induced trehalase activation in Pph22-overexpressing cells. Taken together, our results indicate that yeast PP2A overexpression leads to the activation of nutrient-induced signal transduction pathways in the absence of nutrients.  相似文献   

The REG1 gene encodes a regulatory subunit of the type-1 protein phosphatase (PP1) Glc7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which directs the catalytic subunit to substrates involved in glucose repression. Loss of REG1 relieves glucose repression of many genes, including the MAL structural genes that encode the maltose fermentation enzymes. In this report, we explore the role of Reg1p and its homolog Reg2p in glucose-induced inactivation of maltose permease. Glucose stimulates the proteolysis of maltose permease and very rapid loss of maltose transport activity – more rapid than can be explained by loss of the permease protein alone. In a reg1Δ strain we observe a significantly reduced rate of glucose-induced proteolysis of maltose permease, and the rapid loss of maltose transport activity does not occur. Instead, surprisingly, the slow rate of proteolysis of maltose permease is accompanied by an increase in maltose transport activity. Loss of Reg2p modestly reduces the rates of both glucose-induced proteolysis of maltose permease and inactivation of maltose transport activity. Overexpression of Reg2p in a reg1Δ strain suppresses the effect on maltose permease proteolysis and partially restores the inactivation of maltose transport activity, but does not affect the insensitivity of MAL gene expression to repression by glucose observed in this strain. Thus, protein phosphatase type-1 (Glc7p-Reg1p and Glc7p-Reg2p) plays a role in transduction of the glucose signal during glucose-induced proteolysis of maltose permease, but only Glc7p-Reg1p is involved in glucose-induced inactivation of maltose transport activity and glucose repression of MAL gene expression. Overexpression of REG1 partially restores proteolysis of maltose permease in a grr1Δ strain, which lacks glucose signaling, but does not rescue rapid inactivation of maltose transport activity or sensitivity to glucose repression. A model for the role of Reg1p and Reg2p in glucose signaling pathways is discussed. We also uncovered a previously unrecognized G2/M delay in the grr1Δ but not the reg1Δ strains, and this delay is suppressed by REG1 overexpression. The G1/S delay seen in grr1Δ mutants is slightly suppressed as well, but REG1 overexpression does not suppress other grr1Δ phenotypes such as insensitivity to glucose repression. Received: 21 October 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

A synthetic cruciform DNA (X-DNA) was used for screening cellular extracts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for X-DNA-binding activity. Three X-DNA-binding proteins with apparent molecular mass of 28kDa, 26kDa and 24kDa, estimated by SDS-PAGE, were partially purified. They were identified as N-terminal fragments originating from the same putative protein, encoded by the open reading frame YHR146W, which we named CRP1 (cruciform DNA-recognising protein 1). Expression of CRP1 in Escherichia coli showed that Crp1p is subject to efficient proteolysis at one specific site. Cleavage leads to an N-terminal subpeptide of approximately 160 amino acid residues that is capable of binding specifically X-DNA with an estimated dissociation constant (K(d)) of 800nM, and a C-terminal subpeptide of approximately 305 residues without intrinsic X-DNA-binding activity. The N-terminal subpeptide is of a size similarly to that of the fragments identified in yeast, suggesting that the same cleavage process occurs in the yeast and the E.coli background. This makes the action of a site-specific protease unlikely and favours the possibility of an autoproteolytic activity of Crp1p. The DNA-binding domain of Crp1p was mapped to positions 120-141. This domain can act autonomously as an X-DNA-binding peptide and provides a new, lysine-rich DNA-binding domain different from those of known cruciform DNA-binding proteins (CBPs). As reported earlier for several other CBPs, Crp1p exerts an enhancing effect on the cleavage of X-DNA by endonuclease VII from bacteriophage T4.  相似文献   

A glycogen synthase phosphatase was purified from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The purified yeast phosphatase displayed one major protein band which coincided with phosphatase activity on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This phosphatase had a molecular mass of about 160,000 Da determined by gel filtration and was comprised of three subunits, termed A, B, and C. The subunit molecular weights estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were 60,000 (A), 53,000 (B), and 37,000 (C), indicating that this yeast glycogen synthase phosphatase is a heterotrimer. On ethanol treatment, the enzyme was dissociated to an active species with a molecular weight of 37,000 estimated by gel filtration. The yeast phosphatase dephosphorylated yeast glycogen synthase, rabbit muscle glycogen phosphorylase, casein, and the alpha subunit of rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase, was not sensitive to heat-stable protein phosphatase inhibitor 2, and was inhibited 90% by 1 nM okadaic acid. Dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase, phosphorylase, and phosphorylase kinase by this yeast enzyme could be stimulated by histone H1 and polylysines. Divalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) and chelators (EDTA and EGTA) had no effect on dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase or phosphorylase while Mn2+ stimulated enzyme activity by approximately 50%. The specific activity and kinetics for phosphorylase resembled those of mammalian phosphatase 2A. An antibody against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the catalytic subunit of rabbit skeletal muscle protein phosphatase 2A reacted with subunit C of purified yeast phosphatase on immunoblots, whereas the analogous peptide antibody against phosphatase 1 did not. These data show that this yeast glycogen synthase phosphatase has structural and catalytic similarity to protein phosphatase 2A found in mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is one of the major protein phosphatases in eukaryotic cells. PP1 activity is believed to be controlled by the interaction of PP1 catalytic subunit with various regulatory subunits. The essential gene GLC7 encodes the PP1 catalytic subunit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, full-length GLC7(1-312), C-terminal deletion mutants, and C-terminally poly-his tagged mutants were constructed and expressed in a GLC7 knockout strain of S. cerevisiae. Viability studies of the GLC7 knockout strains carrying the plasmids expressing GLC7 C-terminal deletion mutants and their tagged forms showed that the mutants 1-295 and 1-304 were functional, whereas the mutant 1-245 was not. The C-terminally poly-his tagged Glc7p with and without an N-terminal hemagglutinin (HA) tag was partially purified by immobilized Ni(2+) affinity chromatography and further analyzed by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Phosphatase activity assays, SDS-PAGE, and Western blot analyses of the chromatographic fractions suggested that the Glc7p associated with regulatory subunits in vivo. A 40-kDa protein was copurified with tagged Glc7p through several chromatographic procedures. Monoclonal antibody against the HA tag coimmunoprecipitated the tagged Glc7p and the 40-kDa protein. This protein was further purified by a reverse phase HPLC column. Analysis by CNBr digestion, peptide sequencing, and electrospray mass spectrometry showed that this 40-kDa protein is Sds22p, one of the proteins proposed to be a regulatory subunit of Glc7. These results demonstrate that Sds22p forms a complex with Glc7p and that Sds22p:Glc7p is a stable isolatable form of yeast PP1.  相似文献   

GAC1 and GLC7 encode regulatory and catalytic subunits, respectively, of a type 1 phosphatase (PP1) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that controls glycogen synthesis by regulating the phosphorylation state of glycogen synthase (Gsy2p). To investigate the role of Gac1p in this process, a set of GAC1 deletions were tested for their ability to complement a gac1 null mutation and to associate with Glc7p and with Gsy2p. The N-terminal 93 amino acids of Gaclp are necessary and sufficient for the interaction with Glc7p, whereas a region spanning residues 130-502 is required for Gsy2p binding. Both domains are required for full activity in vivo, although the Glc7p-binding domain retains some residual activity and can alter the phosphorylase a phosphatase activity of Glc7p in vitro. Further mutational analysis showed that Val71 and Phe73 of Gaclp are necessary for binding to Glc7p, while Asn356 and Tyr357 of Gaclp are necessary for binding to Gsy2p. These results suggest that Gac1p targets PPI to its substrate Gsy2p and that Gac1p may alter the catalytic activity of PP . Our data also show that overexpression of Gac1p affects glucose repression and ion homeostasis, two additional targets of GLC7, suggesting that multiple regulatory subunits compete for Glc7p binding in vivo.  相似文献   

Sanz P  Ludin K  Carlson M 《Genetics》2000,154(1):99-107
The Snf1 protein kinase is an essential component of the glucose starvation signalling pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have used the two-hybrid system to identify a new protein, Sip5, that interacts with the Snf1 kinase complex in response to glucose limitation. Coimmunoprecipitation studies confirmed the association of Sip5 and Snf1 in cell extracts. We found that Sip5 also interacts strongly with Reg1, the regulatory subunit of the Reg1/Glc7 protein phosphatase 1 complex, in both two-hybrid and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Previous work showed that Reg1/Glc7 interacts with the Snf1 kinase under glucose-limiting conditions and negatively regulates its activity. Sip5 is the first protein that has been shown to interact with both Snf1 and Reg1/Glc7. Genetic analysis showed that the two-hybrid interaction between Reg1 and Snf1 is reduced threefold in a sip5Delta mutant. These findings suggest that Sip5 facilitates the interaction between the Reg1/Glc7 phosphatase and the Snf1 kinase.  相似文献   

The GLC7 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the catalytic subunit of type 1 protein phosphatase (PP1) and is essential for cell growth. We have isolated a previously uncharacterized gene, REG2, on the basis of its ability to interact with Glc7p in the two-hybrid system. Reg2p interacts with Glc7p in vivo, and epitope-tagged derivatives of Reg2p and Glc7p coimmunoprecipitate from cell extracts. The predicted protein product of the REG2 gene is similar to Reg1p, a protein believed to direct PP1 activity in the glucose repression pathway. Mutants with a deletion of reg1 display a mild slow-growth defect, while reg2 mutants exhibit a wild-type phenotype. However, mutants with deletions of both reg1 and reg2 exhibit a severe growth defect. Overexpression of REG2 complements the slow-growth defect of a reg1 mutant but does not complement defects in glycogen accumulation or glucose repression, two traits also associated with a reg1 deletion. These results indicate that REG1 has a unique role in the glucose repression pathway but acts together with REG2 to regulate some as yet uncharacterized function important for growth. The growth defect of a reg1 reg2 double mutant is alleviated by a loss-of-function mutation in the SNF1-encoded protein kinase. The snf1 mutation also suppresses the glucose repression defects of reg1. Together, our data are consistent with a model in which Reg1p and Reg2p control the activity of PP1 toward substrates that are phosphorylated by the Snf1p kinase.  相似文献   

Yeast Gtr1p and its human homolog RRAG A belong to the Ras-like small G-protein superfamily and genetically interact with RCC1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ran GTPase. Little is known regarding the function of Gtr1p. We performed yeast two-hybrid screening using Gtr1p as the bait to find interacting proteins. Rpc19p, a shared subunit of RNA polymerases I and III, associated with Gtr1p. The association of Gtr1p with Rpc19p occurred in a GTP-form-specific manner. RRAG A associated with RPA16 (human Rpc19p homolog) in a GTP-form-specific manner, suggesting that the association is conserved during evolution. Ribosomal RNA and tRNA synthesis were reduced in the gtr1Delta strain expressing the GDP form of Gtr1p, but not the GTP form of Gtr1p. Gel-filtration studies revealed an accumulation of the smaller Rpc19p-containing complex, but not of A135, in the gtr1Delta strain. Here, we propose that Gtr1p is involved in RNA polymerase I and III assembly by its association with Rpc19p and could be a mediator that links growth regulatory signals with ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae many of the N-linked glycans on cell wall and periplasmic proteins are modified by the addition of mannan, a large mannose-containing polysaccharide. Mannan comprises a backbone of approximately 50 alpha-1,6-linked mannoses to which are attached many branches consisting of alpha-1,2-linked and alpha-1,3-linked mannoses. The initiation and subsequent elongation of the mannan backbone is performed by two complexes of proteins in the cis Golgi. In this study we show that the product of the MNN10/BED1 gene is a component of one of these complexes, that which elongates the backbone. Analysis of interactions between the proteins in this complex shows that Mnn10p, and four previously characterized proteins (Anp1p, Mnn9p, Mnn11p, and Hoc1p) are indeed all components of the same large structure. Deletion of either Mnn10p, or its homologue Mnn11p, results in defects in mannan synthesis in vivo, and analysis of the enzymatic activity of the complexes isolated from mutant strains suggests that Mnn10p and Mnn11p are responsible for the majority of the alpha-1, 6-polymerizing activity of the complex.  相似文献   

Glc7, the type1 serine/threonine phosphatase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is targeted by auxiliary subunits to numerous locations in the cell, where it regulates a range of physiological pathways. We show here that the accumulation of Glc7 at mating projections requires Afr1, a protein required for the formation of normal projections. AFR1-null mutants fail to target Glc7 to projections, and an Afr1 variant specifically defective in binding to Glc7 [Afr1(V546A F548A)] forms aberrant projections. The septin filaments in mating projections of AFR1 mutants initiate normally but then rearrange asymmetrically as the projection develops, suggesting that the Afr1-Glc7 holoenzyme may regulate the maintenance of septin complexes during mating. These results demonstrate a previously unknown role for Afr1 in targeting Glc7 to mating projections and in regulating the septin architecture during mating.  相似文献   

In higher eukaryotes, the activity and specificity of the type 1 protein serine-threonine phosphatase (PP1) catalytic subunit is thought to be controlled by its association with a number of regulatory or targeting subunits. Here we describe the characterization of a gene encoding one such potential polypeptide in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The gene which we have isolated (termed SDS22) encodes a product with a high degree of sequence identity to the fission yeast sds22 protein, a known regulator of the mitotic function of PP1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using two different criteria, we have demonstrated that Sds22p and the catalytic subunit of PP1 (Glc7p) interact in yeast cells. We have also generated a temperature-sensitive allele of GLC7 (glc7-12) which causes a block to the completion of mitosis at the restrictive temperature. Additional copies of SDS22 lead to allele-specific suppression of the glc7-12 mutant, strongly suggesting that the interaction between the two proteins is of functional significance. Sds22p is therefore likely to be the second example of a PP1 regulatory subunit identified in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes ELM1, ELM2, and ELM3 were identified on the basis of the phenotype of constitutive cell elongation. Mutations in any of these genes cause a dimorphic transition to a pseudohyphal growth state characterized by formation of expanded, branched chains of elongated cells. Furthermore, elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations cause cells to grow invasively under the surface of agar medium. S. cerevisiae is known to be a dimorphic organism that grows either as a unicellular yeast or as filamentous cells termed pseudohyphae; although the yeast-like form usually prevails, pseudohyphal growth may occur during conditions of nitrogen starvation. The morphologic and physiological properties caused by elm1, elm2, and elm3 mutations closely mimic pseudohyphal growth occurring in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Therefore, we propose that absence of ELM1, ELM2, or ELM3 function causes constitutive execution of the pseudohyphal differentiation pathway that occurs normally in conditions of nitrogen starvation. Supporting this hypothesis, heterozygosity at the ELM2 or ELM3 locus significantly stimulated the ability to form pseudohyphae in response to nitrogen starvation. ELM1 was isolated and shown to code for a novel protein kinase homolog. Gene dosage experiments also showed that pseudohyphal differentiation in response to nitrogen starvation is dependent on the product of CDC55, a putative B regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, and a synthetic phenotype was observed in elm1 cdc55 double mutants. Thus, protein phosphorylation is likely to regulate differentiation into the pseudohyphal state.  相似文献   

J Tu  M Carlson 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(23):5939-5946
Protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) is encoded by GLC7, an essential gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The GLC7 phosphatase is required for glucose repression and appears to function antagonistically to the SNF1 protein kinase. Previously, we characterized a mutation, glc7-T152K, that relieves glucose repression but does not interfere with the function of GLC7 in glycogen metabolism. We proposed that the mutant GLC7T152K phosphatase is defective in its interaction with a regulatory subunit that directs participation of PP1 in the glucose repression mechanism. Here, we present evidence that REG1, a protein required for glucose repression, is one such regulatory subunit. We show that REG1 is physically associated with GLC7. REG1 interacts with GLC7 strongly and specifically in the two-hybrid system, and REG1 and GLC7 fusion proteins co-immunoprecipitate from cell extracts. Moreover, overexpression of a REG1 fusion protein suppresses the glc7-T152K mutant defect in glucose repression. This and other genetic evidence indicate that the two proteins function together in regulating glucose repression. These results suggest that REG1 is a regulatory subunit of PP1 that targets its activity to proteins in the glucose repression regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two acyl-CoA:sterol acyltransferases (ASATs) that catalyze the synthesis of steryl esters have been identified, namely Are2p (Sat1p) and Are1p (Sat2p). Deletion of either ARE1 or ARE2 has no effect on cell viability, and are1are2 double mutants grow in a similar manner to wild-type despite the complete lack of cellular ASAT activity and steryl ester formation [Yang, H., Bard, M., Bruner, D. A., Gleeson, A., Deckelbaum, R. J., Aljinovic, G., Pohl, T. M., Rothstein, R. & Sturley, S. L. (1996) Science 272, 1353-1356; Yu, C., Kennedy, J., Chang, C. C. Y. & Rothblatt, J. A. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 24157-24163]. Here we show that both Are2p and Are1p reside in the endoplasmic reticulum as demonstrated by measuring ASAT activity in subcellular fractions of are1 and are2 deletion strains. This localization was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy using hybrid proteins of Are2p and Are1p fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP). Lipid analysis of are1 and are2 deletion strains revealed that Are2p and Are1p utilize sterol substrates in vivo with different efficiency; Are2p has a significant preference for ergosterol as a substrate, whereas Are1p esterifies sterol precursors, mainly lanosterol, as well as ergosterol. The specificity towards fatty acids is similar for both isoenzymes. The lack of steryl esters in are1are2 mutant cells is largely compensated by an increased level of free sterols. Nevertheless, terbinafine, an inhibitor of ergosterol biosynthesis, inhibits growth of are1are2 cells more efficiently than growth of wild-type. In a growth competition experiment are1are2 cells grow more slowly than wild-type after several rounds of cultivation, suggesting that Are1p and Are2p or steryl esters, the product formed by these two enzymes, are more important in the natural environment than under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Snf1 kinase, the ortholog of the mammalian AMP-activated protein kinase, is activated by an increase in the phosphorylation of the conserved threonine residue in its activation loop. The phosphorylation status of this key site is determined by changes in the rate of dephosphorylation catalyzed by the yeast PP1 phosphatase Glc7 in a complex with the Reg1 protein. Reg1 and many PP1 phosphatase regulatory subunits utilize some variation of the conserved RVxF motif for interaction with PP1. In the Snf1 pathway, the exact role of the Reg1 protein is uncertain since it binds to both the Glc7 phosphatase and to Snf1, the Glc7 substrate. In this study we sought to clarify the role of Reg1 by separating the Snf1- and Glc7-binding functions. We generated a series of Reg1 proteins, some with deletions of conserved domains and one with two amino acid changes in the RVxF motif. The ability of Reg1 to bind Snf1 and Glc7 required the same domains of Reg1. Further, the RVxF motif that is essential for Reg1 binding to Glc7 is also required for binding to Snf1. Our data suggest that the regulation of Snf1 dephosphorylation is imparted through a dynamic competition between the Glc7 phosphatase and the Snf1 kinase for binding to the PP1 regulatory subunit Reg1.  相似文献   

The essential gene RPG1/TIF32 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes the 110-kDa subunit of the translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) core complex. In this study, the Rpg1p-specific monoclonal antibody PK1/1 was used to analyse the cellular distribution of Rpg1p by epifluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In budded cells, a portion of Rpg1p was obviously co-localised with microtubules. In addition, CLSM revealed an accumulation of Rpg1p in a patch at the very end of cytoplasmic microtubules reaching the bud tip. A punctate fluorescence pattern was typical for separated unbudded cells. Distribution of Rpg1p was confirmed using a strain expressing exclusively a hemaglutinin-tagged version of Rpg1p. In nocodazole-treated cells, the pattern of the PK1/1 staining was disturbed. No staining was observed in Rpg1p-depleted cells. In vitro experiments revealed that Rpg1p was specifically co-immunoprecipitated with alpha-tubulin from the yeast cell free extract and this observation was further supported by showing that Rpg1p co-sedimented with hog brain microtubules. We conclude that Rpg1p is a microtubule-interacting protein that indicates an interesting connection between the translation initiation machinery and cytoskeleton in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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