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We present a simple computational model to study the interplay of activity-dependent and intrinsic processes thought to be involved in the formation of topographic neural projections. Our model consists of two input layers which project to one target layer. The connections between layers are described by a set of synaptic weights. These weights develop according to three interacting developmental rules: (i) an intrinsic fibre-target interaction which generates chemospecific adhesion between afferent fibres and target cells; (ii) an intrinsic fibre-fibre interaction which generates mutual selective adhesion between the afferent fibres; and (iii) an activity-dependent fibre-fibre interaction which implements Hebbian learning. Additionally, constraints are imposed to keep synaptic weights finite. The model is applied to a set of eleven experiments on the regeneration of the retinotectal projection in goldfish. We find that the model is able to reproduce the outcome of an unprecedented range of experiments with the same set of model parameters, including details of the size of receptive and projective fields. We expect this mathematical framework to be a useful tool for the analysis of developmental processes in general. <br>  相似文献   

Summary The central connections of the goldfish olfactory bulb were studied with the use of horseradish peroxidase methods. The olfactory bulb projects bilaterally to ventral and dorsolateral areas of the telencephalon; further targets include the nucleus praeopticus periventricularis and a caudal olfactory nucleus near the nucleus posterior tuberis in the diencephalon, bilaterally. The contralateral bulb and the anterior commissure also receive an input from the olfactory bulb. Contralateral projections cross in rostral and caudal portions of the anterior commissure and in the habenular commissure. Retrogradely labeled neurons are found in the contralateral bulb and in three nuclei in the telencephalon bilaterally; the neurons projecting to the olfactory bulb are far more numerous on the ipsilateral side than in the contralateral hemisphere. Afferents to the olfactory bulb are found to run almost entirely through the lateral part of the medial olfactory tract, while the bulb efferents are mediated by the medial part of the medial olfactory tract and the lateral olfactory tract. Selective tracing of olfactory sub-tracts reveals different pathways and targets of the three major tract components. Reciprocal connections between olfactory bulb and posterior terminal field suggest a laminated structure in the dorsolateral telencephalon.  相似文献   

Summary The terminals of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulbs of goldfish were studied by electron microscopy after transection of the medial, lateral or entire olfactory tract. The centrifugal fibers originate in the telencephalic hemisphere, pass through both the medial and the lateral olfactory tract, and form synaptic contacts with dendrites in the granule cell layer.  相似文献   

Electro-olfactogram (EOG) recordings in response to amino acid stimulation were made from both control and experimental olfactory mucosae following unilateral axotomy. The recorded EOG amplitudes, amino acid stimulus relative effectiveness and dose-response relations for control and experimental mucosae were comparable in all pre- and postoperative recordings. Semi-thin investigations of olfactory mucosae showed degeneration of olfactory receptors but indicated that intact receptors were also present. SEM of olfactory mucosae revealed that ciliated receptor cells were present in both axotomized and control sides on postoperative days, whereas microvillous receptors completely degenerated and did not regenerate until 7 weeks post axotomy. The present findings along with previous behavioral observations suggest at least three possible sources of the EOGs recorded from the experimental olfactory mucosae following olfactory nerve transection: (1) young olfactory receptor neurons whose axons had not yet reached the region of the transected olfactory nerve; (2) newly-emerged olfactory receptor neurons; and (3) olfactory receptor neurons that had not degenerated.Abbreviations EOG electro-olfactogram - SEM scanning electron microscopy (micrograph)  相似文献   

This study investigated whether contact with the olfactory bulb was necessary for developing and renewing olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) to attain normal odorant responsiveness, and whether the anatomical and functional recoveries of the olfactory epithelium were similar in both bulbectomized (BE) and bilaterally axotomized (AX) preparations. In vivo electrophysiological recordings were obtained in response to amino acids, a bile acid [taurolithocholic acid sulfate(TLCS)] and a pheromonal odorant [17α, 20β,-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P)] from sexually immature goldfish. Both transmission and scanning electron microscopy indicated that the olfactory epithelium degenerated in BE and AX goldfish. Within 1–2 weeks subsequent to the respective surgeries, responses to high concentrations (>0.1 mmol · l−1) of the more stimulatory amino acids remained, whereas responses were no longer obtainable to TLCS and 17,20P. At 4 weeks, responses to amino acid stimuli recovered to control levels, while responses to TLCS and 17,20P were minimal. By 7 weeks post bilateral axotomy, the olfactory epithelium recovered to a condition similar to control sensory epithelium; however, the rate of degeneration and proliferation of receptor neurons in BE preparations appeared to remain in balance, thus blocking further recovery of the olfactory epithelium. At 7 weeks post surgery, odorant responses of AX and BE goldfish to TLCS and 17,20P were still recovering. Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

Ninjin-yoei-to (NYT), a Japanese traditional medicine, is used to treat athrepsia due to surgery, anorexia, cold constitution, and anemia. There are reports of the effects of NYT on the nervous system; however, there have been no behavioral studies of the effect of NYT on olfactory function. The olfactory system undergoes continuous replacement of sensory neurons. Morphologic and behavioral studies have shown that the olfactory system recovers after bilateral olfactory nerve transection (BNX). However, in the humans, olfactory function does not always recover. In this study, we examined the effect of oral NYT on behavioral recovery after BNX. Fourteen mice were subjected to BNX. The regular diet was mixed with 2% NYT (NYT diet). Mice were separated into two groups; seven mice were fed the regular diet (control group), and seven mice were fed the NYT diet (NYT group). NYT was administered beginning 7 days prior to BNX and continuing for 35 days after BNX. Mice in both groups had free access to food and water. Olfactory function was evaluated by testing each mouse's ability to avoid cotton balls treated with acetic acid. After BNX, mice lost their ability to avoid cotton balls treated with acetic acid. In the control group, the time for behavioral recovery after BNX was 28 days. In the NYT group, the time for behavioral recovery after BNX was 21 days. NYT hastened behavioral recovery after BNX. NYT may have therapeutic benefits for patients with olfactory disorders.  相似文献   

Docetaxel (DCT) is an anticancer drug which acts by disrupting microtubule dynamics in the highly mitotic cancer cells. Thus, this drug has a potential to affect function and organization of tissues exhibiting high cellular turnover. We investigated, in the rabbit, the effects of a single human equivalent dose (6.26 mg/kg, i.v.) of DCT on the olfactory mucosa (OM) through light and electron microscopy, morphometry, Ki-67 immunostaining, TUNEL assay and the buried food test for olfactory sensitivity. On post-exposure days (PED) 5 and 10, there was disarrangement of the normal cell layering in the olfactory epithelium (OE), apoptotic death of cells of the OE, Bowman's glands and axon bundles, and the presence (including on PED 3) of blood vessels in the bundle cores. A decrease in bundle diameters, olfactory cell densities and cilia numbers, which was most significant on PED 10 (49.3%, 63.4% and 50%, respectively), was also evident. Surprisingly by PED 15, the OM regained normal morphology. Furthermore, olfactory sensitivity decreased progressively until PED 10 when olfaction was markedly impaired, and with recovery from the impairment by PED 15. These observations show that DCT transiently alters the structure and function of the OM suggesting a high regenerative potential for this tissue.  相似文献   

Complementary DNAs encoding two major osteoclastic markers, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and cathepsin K (Cath K) were cloned from the scales of a teleost, the goldfish. This is the first report of the full coding sequence of TRAP and Cath K molecules in fish. In the goldfish scale both TRAP and Cath K mRNAs were expressed in the multinucleate osteoclasts, which showed large numbers of mitochondria and lysosomes, and a well developed ruffled border. These characteristic features of osteoclasts in the scales are similar to those in mammals. Most teleosts use the scale as an internal calcium reservoir during the reproductive season. The expression of TRAP and Cath K mRNAs in the scale significantly increased in April, which is a reproductive season, compared with that in October, a non-reproductive season. Thus, both of these molecular markers should be useful for the study of osteoclasts in the teleost scale.  相似文献   

Summary Central projections of the nervus terminalis (n.t.) in the goldfish were investigated using cobalt- and horseradish peroxidase-tracing techniques. Single n.t. fibers were identified after unilateral application of cobalt chloride-lysine to the rostral olfactory bulb. The central course and branching patterns of individual n.t. fibers were studied in serial sections. Eight types of n.t. fibers are differentiated according to pathways and projection patterns. Projection areas of the n.t. include the contralateral olfactory bulb, the ipsilateral periventricular preoptic nucleus, both retinae, the caudal zone of the periventricular hypothalamus bilaterally, and the rostral optic tectum bilaterally. N.t. fibers cross to contralateral targets in the anterior commissure, the optic chiasma, the horizontal commissure, the posterior commissure, and possibly the habenular commissure. We propose criteria that differentiate central n.t. fibers from those of the classical secondary olfactory projections. Branching patterns of eight n.t. fiber types are described. Mesencephalic projections of the n.t. and of secondary olfactory fibers are compared and discussed with regard to prior reports on the olfactory system of teleosts. Further fiber types for which the association with the n.t. could not be established with certainty were traced to the torus longitudinalis, the torus semicircularis, and to the superior reticular nucleus on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   

The insect antennal lobe is the first brain structure to process olfactory information. Like the vertebrate olfactory bulb the antennal lobe is substructured in olfactory glomeruli. In insects, glomeruli can be morphologically identified, and have characteristic olfactory response profiles. Local neurons interconnect glomeruli, and output (projection) neurons project to higher-order brain centres. The relationship between their elaborate morphology and their physiology is not understood. We recorded electrophysiologically from antennal lobe neurons, and iontophoretically injected a calcium-sensitive dye. We then measured their spatio-temporal calcium responses to a variety of odours. Finally, we confocally reconstructed the neurons, and identified the innervated glomeruli. An increase or decrease in spiking frequency corresponded to an intracellular calcium increase or decrease in the cell. While intracellular recordings generally lasted between 10 and 30 min, calcium imaging was stable for up to 2 h, allowing a more detailed physiological analysis. The responses indicate that heterogeneous local neurons get input in the glomerulus in which they branch most strongly. In many cases, the physiological response properties of the cells corresponded to the known response profile of the innervated glomerulus. In other words, the large variety of response profiles generally found when comparing antennal lobe neurons is reduced to a more predictable response profile when the innervated glomerulus is known.Abbreviations ACT antenno-cerebralis-tract - AL antennal lobe - AP action potential - l-ACT lateral ACT - LN local neuron - LPL lateral protocerebral lobe - m-ACT medial ACT - MB mushroom body - OSN olfactory sensory neuron - PN projection neuron - T1 tract 1 of the antennal nerve  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on the model of regeneration of mechanically removed elasmoid scales. Regenerating scales were morphologically analyzed using light and electron microscopy. It was found that the cells responsible for regeneration of the elasmoid scale plates could be classified as osteogenic elements. Little differentiated preosteoblasts were detected in the connective tissue of dermis on day 3 of regeneration, while partially calcified plates underlay osteoblasts on day 7. The scale cover was fully restored on day 14 and it took two days for each bone plate to be formed. Osteocytes, fully differentiated osteogenic elements, were found in the deepest regions of newly formed scales.  相似文献   

Summary The architecture of normal and regenerating nerve fiber bundles in the optic nerve of the goldfish and the Crucian carp was compared to that of the axonal fascicles in the optic tectum of these teleost species with the use of ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. The fascicles in the optic nerve are clearly demarcated by astrocytic processes, in contrast to the fascicles in the tectum. No astrocytes could be identified in the tectum; in this region processes of astrocytes or of radial glial cells do not form channeling structures reminiscent of those in the optic nerve. Furthermore, tectal blood vessels lack complete investments of glial processes. It can be assumed that at least in lower vertebrates a framework of astrocytic processes might be important for growth of optic fibers over large distances, i.e., from the eye to the tectum, but may be dispensable in the target region itself.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate environmental influences on the development of the olfactory epithelium, semi-thin sections were taken from the nasal septum of newborn and 30-dayold rabbits; the epithelial thickness and the number of olfactory knobs, supporting cells, dark basal cells, and receptor cells were compared. During normal development, a marked increase in epithelial thickness was found, largely because of an increase in the number of receptor cells. Whereas unilateral nare occlusion on day 1 resulted in 10% fewer receptor cells and 25% fewer knobs on the deprived side by day 30, nare occlusion either up to or after day 5 had little effect, and even temporary reopening from days 6–7 was sufficient to stimulate receptor-cell development on the occluded side. Although in these latter cases, a slight deprivation effect of 6% was still found in the number of receptor-cell nuclei, there was no longer a significant difference in the number of knobs between the open and closed sides. Thus, whereas exposure to the environment during the first days of life appears to be sufficient to stimulate sustained growth, the deprived epithelium may retain the capacity to respond to such cues beyond this time. However, as nare occlusion also had an effect on the respiratory epithelium and nasal lymphatic tissue, the nature of the cues stimulating receptor-cell development, whether olfactory or non-olfactory, is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Summary Isotocinergic (IT) neurons show physiological and morphological characteristics that are similar to those of other preoptic neuroendocrine cells in the goldfish. Preoptic IT cells show resting membrane potentials of 20–55 mV, action potentials of up to 100mV, and physiological evidence of axonal branching. Dye-marked IT cells measure 14–56 m, their dendrites projecting to the ependyma and into the hypothalamic neuropil, their multiple beaded axons projecting to the pituitary. Indirect immunofluorescence identifies these dyemarked cells as IT. By combining electrophysiological, dye-marking and immunocytochemical techniques we can now, for the first time, study single, antidromically-identified peptidergic neurons of a specific type in vertebrate and invertebrate species.Supported by Grants from the USPHS (NS-13411 and NS-05696)The authors wish to thank Ms. S. Curtis for editorial assistance, Ms. D. Cronce for skillful technical assistance, Dr. W.W. Stewart for helpful suggestions and for his generous gift of Lucifer Yellow-CH, Dr. M. Manning for his generous gift of high quality peptides, and Dr. R.R. Dries and J.D. Fernstrom for kindly supplying antisera  相似文献   

An isolated brain preparation was used to characterize neurons innervating the accessory lobe (AL) of the spiny lobster (Panulirus argus). Four distinct classes of neurons responded to electrical stimulation of the olfactory (antennular) nerve. These cells responded to electrical stimulation with a long and variable latency; they also responded to odor stimulation in a nose-brain preparation. Neurons connecting the AL with the olfactory lobe branched in the central AL layer and selectively innervated olfactory lobe glomeruli. These cells had response latencies which were significantly shorter than those of other AL neurons. Intrinsic AL interneurons were heterogeneous as a population, and most arborized in irregular but circumscribed regions of either the lateral or medial layers. The final class of neurons branched ipsilaterally in the deutocerebral neuropil and bilaterally innervated only a few AL glomeruli. The physiology and morphology of these four classes of neurons confirm an olfactory function for the AL and identify the input and output regions of the lobe. Based on these findings, we propose that the AL processes odor information in the context of higher order multimodal input.Abbreviations AL accessory lobe - DCN deutocerebral neuropil - OGT olfactory-globular tract - OGTN olfactory-globular tract neuropil - OL olfactory lobe  相似文献   

Summary The immunocytochemical distribution of gonadotropin (GTH) in the goldfish pituitary gland was studied applying the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method and the protein A-gold technique at lightand electron-microscopic levels, respectively, with an antiserum raised against silver carp GTH. In the light-microscopic immunocytochemistry, PAS-positive cells in the proximal pars distalis showed strong reaction with the antiserum. Gold particles were concentrated both on globules (large) and on granules (small) of the gonadotrophs (PAS-positive cells) in the electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Other cells in the pituitary gland, including thyrotrophs, displayed no immunoreactivity with the antiserum at the dilutions tested. These results indicate, not only immunocytochemical distribution of GTH both in globules and in granules in the gonadotrophs, but also the high purity of the antigen (silver carp GTH) and specificity of the antiserum.  相似文献   

In order to understand the neural mechanisms of pheromone-oriented walking in male silkworm moths, Bombyxmori, we have characterized olfactory responses and three-dimensional structure of two clusters (Group-I, Group-II) of descending interneurons in the brain by intracellular recording and staining with lucifer yellow. Neurons were imaged with laser-scanning confocal microscopy. Group-I and Group-II descending interneurons were classified into three morphological types, respectively. In response to the sex pheromone, bombykol, Type-A Group-I descending interneurons showed characteristic flipflopping activity. The Group-I descending interneurons had dendritic arborizations in the lateral accessory lobe and varicose profiles in the posterior-lateral part of the suboesophageal ganglion where the dendritic arborizations of a neck motor neuron (i.e., cv1 NMN) reside. Other types of Group-I descending interneurons exhibited long-lasting suppression of firing. The pheromonal responses of Group-II descending interneurons fell into two classes: brief excitation and brief inhibition. Type-A Group-II descending interneurons showing brief excitation had blebby processes in the posterior-lateral part of the suboesophageal ganglion. Type-B and Type-C Group-II descending interneurons did not have varicose profiles there. Therefore, the neck motor neuron regulating head turning, which accompanies the pheromone-oriented walking, may be controlled by these two types, flipflop and phasic excitation, of descending activity patterns. Accepted: 2 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary A re-examination of goldfish liver was made through the use of SEM of fractured samples and TEM of ultrathin-sections and freeze-etch replicas. Several new hepatic fine structures described in the present study are morphologically similar to those reported previously in many higher vertebrates including mammals. Hepatic sinusoids of goldfish contain fenestrations which are arranged into sieve plates. Although the hepatic plates are made up of two layers of hepatocytes, the parenchymal cells of goldfish liver are morphologically similar to mammalian hepatocytes, particularly with respect to the sinusoidal surfaces which are studded with numerous microvilli. The intercellular surfaces of hepatocytes have both nexus and desmosomal junctions, similar to those found in various epithelial cells of higher vertebrates, as cell attachments and communication foci. Tight junctions are found mainly between the openings of the intracellular bile canaliculi and the intralobular bile ductules which are situated in the center of the bicellular hepatic plate.Supported in part by Grants # GM92 and ES07017  相似文献   

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