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The salt-induced B- to Z-DNA conformational transition is a cooperative- and time-dependent process. From a modified form of the logistic equation which describes an equilibrium between two states we have deduced a kinetic function to quantify the degree of the B to Z transition of a synthetic (dG-dC) ⋅ (dG-dC) polynucleotide. This function was obtained by introduction of time as a variable in the logistic function so that the equilibrium constant, K, is replaced by a new constant K s , characteristic of the type of salt used. This constant is defined as the salt concentration needed to reach the B-Z transition-midpoint in the time unit. The equation fits the data obtained by circular dichroism (CD) for changes in molecular ellipticity of poly(dG-m5dC) ⋅ poly(dG-m5dC) and poly(dG-dC) ⋅ poly(dG-dC) incubated with various concentrations of mono-, di-, and trivalent salts at a constant temperature. The derived expression may be a very useful tool for studying the kinetics of the B- to Z-DNA transition. Received: 1 December 1997 / Revised version: 16 March 1998 / Accepted: 27 March 1998  相似文献   

T F Kagawa  D Stoddard  G W Zhou  P S Ho 《Biochemistry》1989,28(16):6642-6651
Solvent structure and its interactions have been suggested to play a critical role in defining the conformation of polynucleotides and other macromolecules. In this work, we attempt to quantitate solvent effects on the well-studied conformational transition between right-handed B- and left-handed Z-DNA. The solvent-accessible surfaces of the hexamer sequences d(m5CG)3, d(CG)3, d(CA)3, and d(TA)3 were calculated in their B- and Z-DNA conformations. The difference in hydration free energies between the Z and the B conformations (delta delta GH(Z-B] was determined from these surfaces to be -0.494 kcal/mol for C-5 methylated d(CG), 0.228 kcal/mol for unmethylated d(CG), 0.756 kcal/mol for d(CA)-d(TG), and 0.896 kcal/mol for d(TA) dinucleotides. These delta delta GH(Z-B) values were compared to the experimental B- to Z-DNA transition energies of -0.56 kcal/mol that we measured for C-5 methylated d(CG), 0.69-1.30 kcal/mol reported for unmethylated d(CG), 1.32-1.48 kcal/mol reported for d(CA)-d(TG), and 2.3-2.4 kcal/mol for d(TA) dinucleotides. From this comparison, we found that the calculated delta delta GH(Z-B) of these dinucleotides could account for the previous observation that the dinucleotides were ordered as d(m5CG) greater than d(CG) greater than d(CA)-d(TG) greater than d(TA) in stability as Z-DNA. Furthermore, we predicted that one of the primary reasons for the inability of d(TA) sequences to form Z-DNA results from a decrease in exposed hydrophilic surfaces of adjacent base pairs due to the C-5 methyl group of thymine; thus, d(UA) dinucleotides should be more stable as Z-DNA than the analogous d(TA) dinucleotides.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Natural DNAs and some polynucleotides organised in fiber present the A--B form transition at a relative humidity (r.h.) which depends on the temperature. A shift of the midpoint of that helix--helix transition to higher r.h. values is observed when the temperature is risen. It is shown that the average number of water molecules associated to a nucleotide pair is the relevant parameter for the A-B transition and that this parameter can be given a precise value by a combination of different r.h. and temperature values. The minimum number of water molecules necessary to get the B form depends on the base composition of the DNA. It is observed that AT base pairs have a higher affinity toward water molecules than GC base pairs. In the B form there are 27 water molecules per GC nucleotide pair and 44 per AT pair. Moreover, we noted that the fraction of nucleotides in the B form as a function of the average number of water molecules associated per base pair does not depend on the temperature. The A helical form is obtained with about 11 water molecules per nucleotide pair and this number is not very sensitive to the base composition of DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling is used to study the sequence dependence of conformation and stability within helically regular duplex Z-DNA. The variations of conformation that are found are sufficiently important to be classified as a new type of polymorphism within the Z family. It is also demonstrated that certain sequences can adopt more than one of these polymorphic forms. Comparison with experimental studies of chemical reactivity within a natural DNA fragment, forced into a left-handed conformation, suggests that the results of our modeling may be used to explain the chemical reactivity observed. Comparison of the Z results with similar studies of the B form allow enthalpies of transition to be calculated as a function of base sequence.  相似文献   

A detailed theoretical study has been carried out to examine the modes of DNA-DNA interactions on the basis of hard-sphere contact criteria. Two helices of identical structure and length are oriented side-by-side and their relative positions are controlled by translations along and rotations about specific axes. Short atomic contacts between pairs of atoms in the structures are assessed and contact-free configurations are compiled. The computed contact-free arrangements of A, B, and Z double helices are found to be remarkably similar to the packing motifs observed in DNA crystals and stretched fibers. Equally interesting in the study are the broad ranges of sterically acceptable arrangements that preserve the overall packing morphology of neighboring duplexes: Among the most notable morphological features in the helical complexes are extended "super" major and minor grooves which might facilitate the wrapping and packaging of DNA chains in supramolecular assemblies. The hard-sphere computations, however, are insufficient for quantitative interpretation of the packing of DNA helices in the solid state. The results are, nevertheless, a useful starting point for energy based studies as well as relevant to the analysis of long-range interactions in DNA supercoils and cruciforms.  相似文献   

Using an iterative approach, we have placed monovalent (“solvated”) and divalent (both solvated and “unsolvated”) ions around a 20 base pair sequence, (dC-dG)10, in standard B and ZI conformations. The molecule with its attendant ions in the various conformations is subjected to to energy minimization using the program AMBER. In the presence of solvated cations (both monovalent as well as divalent) the B form is more stable than the Z form. However, direct binding with the unsolvated divalent cations makes the Z form more stable. Groove-binding provides some insight into the facility with which the B to Z transition occurs with higher charged cations. In the presence of unsolvated divalent cations, the Z form binds more charges at the groove through more ligands, compared to the B form. The orientation around the CpG phosphates in the minor groove of the Z form is found ideal for ion binding. Detailed molecular models for the ion binding have been developed. In general, phosphate groups dominate the ion binding. Large perturbations are seen mostly in the angles that control the phosphate orientation.  相似文献   


Stereochemical effects of methylphosphonate (MP) in B-DNA and Z-DNA duplexes are studied through molecular mechanics approach. Duplexes of different lengths, tetramers, hexamers, dodecamers are examined to assess the interstrand and intrastrand electrostatic effects due to MPs vis-a-vis phosphates. A variety of models which include duplexes with alternating S-MP and R-MP, alternating phosphate and MP and, duplexes posessing MPs in only one of the strands, are examined by considering both the S- and R-stereoisomers. Majority of the calculations are performed with CG sequences to delineate factors responsible for the stability of B- and Z-DNA as well as B × Z-DNA transition under nonionic conditions. The results show that both B- and Z-DNA duplexes are energetically favoured in the presence of MP due to overwhelming reduction in intrastrand as well as interstrand electrostatic repulsive interactions. The effect is distinct in oligomers longer than tetramers. Comparison of energetics of MP B- and Z-DNA duplexes suggests that an oligodeoxynucleotide such as d(CG)6 with all phosphates replaced by MPs may favour equally both B- and Z-DNA conformations. The analysis further provides an estimate of electrostatic interactions, operating at the grooves under a variety of conditions. Several specific and localised effects due to S-MP and R-MP are seen at CG and GC steps in various B-DNA and Z-DNA models. S-MP in B- DNA reduces the effective major groove width by nearly 3 Å hence denying access to the functional groups of endonucleases thereby enhancing the resistance of MP-DNA to enzymatic digestion. Further, methyl groups of MP render the surface of the DNA helix to be significantly hydrophobic which may explain higher permeability of MP-DNA in membranes as well as its less soluble nature in aqueous media.  相似文献   

Methylation of cytosine at the 5-carbon position (5 mC) is observed in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In humans, DNA methylation at CpG sites plays an important role in gene regulation and has been implicated in development, gene silencing, and cancer. In addition, the CpG dinucleotide is a known hot spot for pathologic mutations genome-wide. CpG tracts may adopt left-handed Z-DNA conformations, which have also been implicated in gene regulation and genomic instability. Methylation facilitates this B-Z transition but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Herein, four structural models of the dinucleotide d(GC)(5) repeat sequence in B-, methylated B-, Z-, and methylated Z-DNA forms were constructed and an aggregate 100 nanoseconds of molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent under physiological conditions was performed for each model. Both unmethylated and methylated B-DNA were found to be more flexible than Z-DNA. However, methylation significantly destabilized the BII, relative to the BI, state through the Gp5mC steps. In addition, methylation decreased the free energy difference between B- and Z-DNA. Comparisons of α/γ backbone torsional angles showed that torsional states changed marginally upon methylation for B-DNA, and Z-DNA. Methylation-induced conformational changes and lower energy differences may contribute to the transition to Z-DNA by methylated, over unmethylated, B-DNA and may be a contributing factor to biological function.  相似文献   

The hydration of dioleoyl lecithin (DOL) and dimyristoyl lecithin (DML) has been measured as a function of temperature between ?15 and ?30 °C, using low-temperature proton magnetic resonance. The hydration of DOL is considerably higher than that of DML. We detect 9 mol of unfrozen water/mol of phospholipid at ?25 °C (our “standard” temperature) for DOL, and only 6 mol of water/mol of phospholipid for DML. The gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition in DOL centered at ca. ?19 °C is manifested by a 70% increase in hydration for both vesicles and dispersions. Preparations of either DML vesicles or vesicles of DOL which contain 33 mol% cholesterol would not be expected to undergo this phase transition, and the hydration increase observed for these preparations in the same range of temperature is less than 20%.  相似文献   

The usual conformation of DNA is a right-handed double helix (B-DNA). DNA with stretches of alternating purine-pyrimidine (G-C or A-T) can form a left-handed helix (Z-DNA). The transition B----Z, facilitated by the presence of divalent cations, cytosine methylation, or constraints on DNA such as superhelicity may play a role in the regulation of gene expression and/or in DNA compaction (Zarling, D. A., D. J. Arndt-Jovin, M. Robert-Nicoud, L. P. McIntosh, R. Tomae, and T. M. Jovin. 1984. J. Mol. Biol. 176:369-415). Divalent cations are also important in the structure of the quasi-permanently condensed chromosomes of dinoflagellate protists (Herzog, M., and M.-O. Soyer. 1983. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 30:33-41) which also have superhelicity in their DNA. The absence of histones in dinoflagellate chromosomes suggest that the search for Z-DNA sequences might be fruitful and could provide one indication of the physiological role of this particular DNA conformation. We report a complete immunofluorescent and immunogold analysis of the nuclei of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans E. using monoclonal and polyclonal anti-B and anti-Z-DNA antibodies. Positive labeling was obtained with immunofluorescence using squash preparations and cryosections, both of which showed the intranuclear presence of the two DNA conformations. In ultrathin sections of aldehyde-prefixed, osmium-fixed, and epoxy-embedded cells, we have localized B-DNA and Z-DNA either with single or double immunolabeling using IgG labeled with 5- and 7-nm gold particles, respectively. Chromosomal nucleofilaments of dividing or nondividing chromosomes, as seen in ultrathin sections in their arch-shaped configuration, are abundantly labeled with anti-B-DNA antibody. Extrachromosomal anti-B-DNA labeling is also detected on the nucleoplasm that corresponds to DNA loops; we confirm the presence of these loops previously described external to the chromosomes (Soyer, M.-O., and O. K. Haapala. 1974. Chromosoma (Berl.). 47:179-192). B labeling is also visible in the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) and in the fibrillo-granular area (containing transcribing rDNA) of the nucleolus. Z-DNA was localized in limited areas inside the chromosomes, often at the periphery and near the segregation fork of dividing chromosomes. In the nucleolus, Z-DNA is observed only in the NOR area and never in the fibrillo-granular area. For both types of antibody experiments, controls using gold-labeled IgG without primary antibody were negative. A quantitative evaluation of the distribution of the gold-labeled IgG and a parametric test support the validity of these experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Alternating pyrimidine-purine sequences typically form Z-DNA, with the pyrimidines in the anti and purines in the syn conformations. The observation that dC and dT nucleotides can also adopt the syn conformation (i.e. the nucleotides are out-of-alternation) extends the range of sequences that can convert to this left-handed form of DNA. Here, we study the effects of placing two adjacent d(G*C) base pairs as opposed to a single d(G*C) base pair or two d(A*T) base pairs out-of-alternation by comparing the structure of d(m5CGGCm5CG)2with the previously published structures of d(m5CGGGm5CG)*d(m5CGCCm5CG) and d(m5CGATm5CG)2. A high buckle and loss of stacking interactions are observed as intrinsic properties of the out-of-alternation base pairs regardless of sequence and the context of the dinucleotide. From solution titrations, we find that the destabilizing effect of out-of-alternation d(G*C) base pairs are identical whether these base pairs are adjacent or isolated. We can therefore conclude that it is these intrinsic distortions in the structure of the base pairs and not neighboring effects that account for the inability of out-of-alternation base pairs to adopt the left-handed Z conformation.  相似文献   

The deoxyoligonucleotide d(BrU-G-C-G-C-G) was crystallised at pH 8.2 and its structure analysed by X-ray diffraction. The unit cell, of dimensions a = 17.94, b = 30.85, c = 49.94A contains four DNA duplexes in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The duplexes are in the Z conformation, with four Watson-Crick G.C base pairs and two BrU.G base pairs. The structure was refined to an R factor of 0.16 at a resolution of 2.2A with 64 solvent molecules located. The BrU.G base pair mismatch is of the wobble type, with both bases in the major tautomer form and hydrogen bonds linking 0-2 of BrU with N-1 of G and N3 of BrU with 0-6 of G. There is no indication of the presence of ionised base pairs, in spite of the high pH of crystallisation. The results are discussed in terms of the mutagenic properties of 5- bromouracil.  相似文献   

Adsorption isotherms for various saturated phosphatidylcholines have been obtained. Lipids above and below their phase transition temperature differ only in the amount of water adsorbed and not in the nature of their adsorption isotherms. Cholesterol has an effect similar to that of increasing unsaturation in the hydrocarbon chains. Decreasing the length of the hydrocarbon chains for lipids below their phase transition temperature has no effect on the isotherms. If the chain length is short enough so that the lipids are above their transition temperature, however, a large increase in water adsorption occurs. All of the phospholipids exhibit a rapid increase of electrical conductivity for a few water molecules adsorbed per lipid molecule. All of the phospholipids show a saturation in conductivity at greater amounts of adsorbed water; the shape of the saturation region depends on whether the lipids are above or below their phase transition temperature. The activation energy for the electrical conductivity process depends on whether the hydrated lipids are in the "liquid-like" of the crystalline state, being lower for phospholipids in the liquid-like state. If the lipids are hydrated above their phase transition temperatures, their activation energies are lower than if they are hydrated below the transition temperature. Cholesterol lowers the activation energy. The phosphatidylcholines can be characterized by different activation energies, depending both upon their physical state and the presence of unsaturation in their hydrocarbon chains.  相似文献   

K N Swamy  E Clementi 《Biopolymers》1987,26(11):1901-1927
Following our previous attempts at understanding the structural and dynamical properties of water and counterions hydrating nucleic acids, we have performed molecular dynamics simulations for B- and Z-DNA. In these simulations, the nucleic acids were held rigid. In the case of B-DNA, one turn of B-DNA double helix was considered in the presence of 1500 water molecules and 20 counterions (K+). The simulations were performed for 4.0 ps after equilibrating the system. For Z-DNA, we considered one turn of the double helix in the presence of 1851 water molecules and 24 counterions (K+). The simulations were carried out for 3.5 ps after equilibration. The average temperature of these simulations was ~ 360 K for Z-DNA and ~ 345 K for B-DNA. In these simulations the hydrogen atoms were explicitly taken into account. For both simulations, a fifth-order predictor-corrector was used for solving the translational equations of motion. The rotational motion of the water molecules was represented in terms of quaternion algebra and the rotational equations of motion were solved with a second-order quaternion method using a sixth-order predictor-corrector method. A time step of 0.5 · 10?15 s was used in these simulations. The structural and the dynamical properties of water solvating the counterions, and the phosphate groups of the DNA, were computed to understand the hydration structure. Diffusion coefficients and velocity correlation functions were calculated for both ions and the water molecules. The velocity correlation functions for the ions exhibit a caged behavior. The dipole correlation functions for the water molecules indicate that the water molecules close to the helix retain the memory of their initial orientations for longer periods of time than those away from the helix. During the time period of our simulation (3–4 ps) the ion probability distributions show a well-defined pattern and suggest limited mobility for the ions, being close to the helix.  相似文献   

C V Mura  B D Stollar 《Biochemistry》1984,23(25):6147-6152
Interactions of chicken H1 and H5 histones with poly(dA-dT), poly(dG-dC), and the Z-DNA structure brominated poly(dG-dC) were measured by a nitrocellulose filter binding assay and circular dichroism. At low protein:DNA ratios, both H1 and H5 bound more Z-DNA than B-DNA, and binding of Z-DNA was less sensitive to interference by an increase in ionic strength (to 600 mM NaCl). H5 histone bound a higher percentage of all three polynucleotides than did H1 and caused more profound CD spectral changes as well. For spectral studies, histones and DNA were mixed in 2.0 M NaCl and dialyzed stepwise to low ionic strength. Prepared in this way or by direct mixing in 150 mM NaCl, complexes made with right-handed poly(dG-dC) showed a deeply negative psi spectrum (deeper with H5 than with H1). Complexes of histone and Br-poly(dG-dC) showed a reduction in the characteristic Z-DNA spectral features, with H5 again having a greater effect. Complexes of poly(dA-dT) and H5, prepared by mixing them at a protein:DNA ratio of 0.5, displayed a distinctive spectrum that was not achieved with H1 even at higher protein:DNA ratios. It included a new negative band at 287 nm and a large positive band at 255 nm, giving the appearance of an inverted spectrum relative to spectra of various forms of B-DNA. These findings may reflect an ability of the different lysine-rich histones to cause varying conformational changes in the condensation of chromatin in DNA regions of highly biased base sequence.  相似文献   

The left-handed Z structures of two hexamers [d(CG)r(CG)d(CG) and d(CG)(araC)d(GCG)] containing ribose and arabinose residues have been solved by X-ray diffraction analysis at 1.5-A resolution. Their conformations closely resemble that of the canonical Z-DNA. The O2' hydroxyl groups of both rC and araC residues form intramolecular hydrogen bonds with N2 of the 5' guanine residue and replace the bridging water molecules in the deep groove of Z-DNA, which stabilize the guanine in the syn conformation. The araC residue can be incorporated into the Z structure readily and facilitates B to Z transition, as supported by UV absorption spectroscopic studies. In contrast, in Z-RNA the ribose of the cytidine residue is twisted in order to form the respective hydrogen bond. The potential biological roles of the modified Z-DNA containing anticancer nucleoside araC and of Z-RNA are discussed.  相似文献   

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