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Summary The differentiated cytology, cytochemistry, and functions within subdivisions of the tuber cinereum prompted this morphometric and physiological investigation of capillaries in the median eminence and arcuate nucleus of albino rats. Morphometric studies established that the external zone of the median eminence had 3–5 times the number and surface area of true and sinusoidal capillaries than the internal or subependymal median eminence zones, or either of two subdivisions examined in the arcuate nucleus. Type-I true capillaries, around which Virchow-Robin spaces comprise 1% of arcuate tissue area, were situated proximally to the median eminence border. This finding is consistent with a premise that confluent pericapillary spaces enable infiltration of arcuate neurons by factors from capillary blood from the median eminence or Virchow-Robin spaces. Physiologically, the rate of penetration across the median eminence capillaries by blood-borne [14C]-aminoisobutyric acid (a neutral amino acid used as a capillary permeability tracer) was 142 times greater than for capillaries in the distal arcuate nucleus within 12 s of tracer administration. A new finding was that the proximal arcuate nucleus had a permeability x surface area product of 69 l g–1 min–1, 34 times greater than that in more distal aspects of the tuber where blood-brain barrier properties exist. We also found that the microcirculatory transit time of a plasma space marker, [14C]sucrose, was considerably longer (1.2 s) in the median eminence and proximal arcuate nucleus than in the distal arcuate or ventromedial nucleus (0.4 s). By virtue of its high capillary permeability and extensive blood-tissue surface area, including the wide Virchow-Robin spaces, the median eminence external zone could be a gateway for flooding other tuberal compartments with blood-borne factors. This effect may be compounded by capillary bed specializations in the proximal arcuate nucleus where Type-I true capillaries, Type-III sinusoids, and pericapillary spaces are confluent with those in the median eminence. The results indicate that the proximal arcuate parenchyma could be exposed to circulating neuroactive substances on a moment-to-moment basis.Dedicated to Dr. Milton W. Brightman of Bethesda, Maryland, USA on the occasion of his 67th birthday and tribute as Craigie scholar at the First Craigie Conference on Brain Capillaries, Toronto, Ontario, June 24, 1990  相似文献   

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a barrier that prevents free access of blood‐derived substances to the brain through the tight junctions and maintains a specialized brain environment. Circumventricular organs (CVOs) lack the typical BBB. The fenestrated vasculature of the sensory CVOs, including the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), subfornical organ (SFO) and area postrema (AP), allows parenchyma cells to sense a variety of blood‐derived information, including osmotic ones. In the present study, we utilized immunohistochemistry to examine changes in the expression of NG2 and platelet‐derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRB) in the OVLT, SFO and AP of adult mice during chronic osmotic stimulation. The expression of NG2 and PDGFRB was remarkably prominent in pericytes, although these angiogenesis‐associated proteins are highly expressed at pericytes of developing immature vasculature. The chronic salt loading prominently increased the expression of NG2 in the OVLT and SFO and that of PDGFRB in the OVLT, SFO and AP. The vascular permeability of low‐molecular‐mass tracer fluorescein isothiocyanate was increased significantly by chronic salt loading in the OVLT and SFO but not AP. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates changes in pericyte expression of NG2 and PDGFRB and vascular permeability in the sensory CVOs by chronic osmotic stimulation, indicating active participation of the vascular system in osmotic homeostasis. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recognition of the role played by the subfornical organ (SFO) in the central regulation of body water balance has recently aroused new interest in this anatomical formation which remained ignored for a long time. The SFO is included in the group of the circumventricular organs. In higher vertebrates it is adherent to the ventral surface of the fornix and protrudes into the third ventricle at the level of the interventricular foramina, partially covered by the choroid plexus. The SFO appears as a small nodule, rounded or ovoidal in shape, consisting of highly vascularized nervous tissue and lined by ependyma at the ventricular surface. Its structural organization is fundamentally constant and presents only minor differences in the various species. The SFO neuronal perikarya show different aspects which have been classified in four types. However, it is not yet clearly defined if such aspects refer to distinct cell types or to different transitional features. Nerve and glial cell processes form a dense plexus through the SFO and the subependymal area, as well as in the connective tissue perivascular spaces. These may be narrow or wide and surround fenestrated and non-fenestrated capillaries, assuming sometimes a labyrinthine aspect. The ependymal lining of the SFO ventricular surface shows large variations and regional differences concerning the cell height, the number and development of microvilli, the cilia distribution. The structural properties of SFO, which is characterized by a rich and highly permeable capillary bed, by a wide surface area of contact and exchange with the cerebrospinal fluid, by direct and indirect neural connections with a number of regulatory structures, have been considered as the basis for the role of neurohumoral integration that SFO plays in regulating physiological and behavioral responses to water-mineral changes. Much experimental evidence substantiates this function. However, the studies on SFO are increasingly enriching the literature with new experimental, especially physiological and cytochemical, data which may suggest for this organ connections even more extensive and functions even more complex than those until now ascertained.  相似文献   

Summary With the aid of light- and electron- microscopic immunocytochemistry, somatostatin- and luliberin (LRF)-positive fibers can be demonstrated in the rat subfornical organ (SFO). Each of the neurohormones has a specific location: LRF in the lateral parts of the organ, and somatostatin in the center of the posterior zone. Common to both neurohormone-containing fibers is the pattern in which they reach the organ as well as the fact that their terminals are located in the perivascular spaces of fenestrated vessels, i.e., within the limited neurohemal regions of the organ. Since injection of India ink of different colors demonstrates that the capillary bed of the SFO is connected with the central capillaries of the choroid plexus, the question arises as to whether the neurohormones released in the area of the SFO influence the choroid plexus.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr 569/3) and Stiftung Volkswagenwerk  相似文献   

The microvessels of the rat subfornical organ (SFO) are heterogeneous: those of the caudal part lack a blood-brain barrier (BBB) unlike those of the rostral part. The astroglial environment of these microvessels has been studied by combining an immunocytochemical technique employing an anti-GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) antiserum with the morphological detection of a barrier to the protein-silver complex. All the SFO microvessels are surrounded by astrocytes characterized by a tumescent aspect; however, the relative proximity between the astrocytic feet and the endothelial cells varies considerably. The capillaries provided with a barrier (rostral SFO) are contiguous with the astrocytes from which they are only separated by a basement membrane. The capillaries devoid of BBB (caudal SFO) are surrounded by a pericapillary space that keeps the astrocytes at a short distance (capillaries with a very rich vesicular endothelium) or at a long distance (capillaries with a fenestrated endothelium). The astrocytes are absent in the choroid plexus where all microvessels are fenestrated and lack a barrier. These data suggest that the astrocytes release one or more signals which in their vicinity inhibit the expression of endothelial morphological characteristics (fenestrations, vesicles) responsible for the leakage of plasmatic proteins from the blood to the cerebral parenchyma of the circumventricular organs.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (ANG II) acts peripherally as a hormone, with actions on the vasculature, adrenals, and kidney. In addition, certain actions of ANG II in the central nervous system are directed toward cardiovascular control and fluid volume homeostasis. Dense binding sites for ANG II are found at circumventricular organs, which apparently have the ability to relay information to cardiovascular centers via neural circuitry. Microinjection of ANG II into the subfornical organ (SFO) or area postrema (AP) produces site-specific increases in blood pressure. In addition, electrophysiological studies demonstrate profound effects of ANG II, acting at the SFO, on activity of neurohypophysial neurons and release of oxytocin and vasopressin, which can be antagonized by ANG II blockers or attenuated by SFO lesions. Evidence from microinjection, electrophysiological, and lesion studies indicate a complex interaction between central sites involved in mechanisms of cardiovascular control: the SFO, AP, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, and paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus. Not only is ANG II a humoral messenger in this central scenario, but evidence suggests it acts as a neurotransmitter or neuroendocrine substance within specific CNS pathways, suggesting multiple roles for this peptide in central cardiovascular control.  相似文献   

Summary The present study continues a previous investigation on the median eminence (EM) (Krisch et al., 1978). In rats with high levels of neurohormones (LHRH, vasopressin) a limited immunohistochemical labeling of perivascular tanycyte processes can be observed surrounding capillaries in the marginal region of the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT) and in the inner part of the subfornical organ (SFO). This labeling extends from the perivascular space a short distance along the tanycyte processes. By conventional electron microscopy and by freeze-etching, tight junctions are demonstrated at a distance from the capillary lumen which corresponds to the borderline of the immunohistochemical labeling of perivascular tanycyte processes in light microscopic preparations. The tight junctions are arranged in several parallel and helical rows and correspond to those found in the median eminence. Consequently, the immunohistochemical labeling in the OVLT and in the SFO marks the intercellular cleft. In the circumventricular organs the immunostaining labels the extension of the perivascular space characterized by the hemal milieu. The perivascular space is separated off by tight junctions from the CSF-milieu of the adjacent neuropil. Furthermore, the present study demonstrates tight junctions in the marginal region of the area postrema (AP) between the perivascular processes of the tanycytes.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Nr. Kr. 569/2) and Stiftung VolkswagenwerkThe skillful technical assistance of Miss K. Bielenberg, Mrs. A. Hinz and Mrs. Helga Prien is thankfully acknowledged  相似文献   

Central effects of dehydration are stimulated by osmotic stimuli, the reduced input of volume receptors, and angiotensin II. The subfornical organ (SFO) and organum vasculosum laminae terminalis (OVLT) have become accepted as putative receptor sites for angiotensin II in the brain. The exact quantitative relationship between the hours of water deprivation and the amount of angiotensin generated peripherally and whether that amount is sufficient to induce thirst centrally have not been established, but there is no question that when animals are dehydrated their angiotensin levels rise and the animals are thirsty. Attempts to block centrally the contribution of angiotensin II to thirst have been variable and cholinergic inputs have to be blocked at the same time. Various stimuli for thirst interact in a parallel fashion, and when one stimulus is blocked the other stimuli are still effective. Plasma angiotensin II may induce natural thirst, but how it enters the brain still remains to be explained. Although the SFO and OVLT have no blood-brain barrier, the blood supply to these organs acts as a limited perfusion system whereby blood-borne proteins cannot diffuse far from the capillary bed. A second set of receptors is found on the ventricular surface of the OVLT, as shown by fluorescence labeled angiotensin II. The connection between the SFO and OVLT was cut by discrete knife cuts. Drinking to angiotensin II intraventricularly was not significantly altered but the pressor response was reduced by 50%. These results can be explained by a circuit for drinking passing down below the level of the knife cut and a separate pressor pathway passing dorsally through the area that was cut by the knife. Thirst and pressor neural circuits beginning with angiotensin receptors could explain some of the data accumulated with the AV3V syndrome that occurs when the OVLT and nucleus medianas are destroyed.  相似文献   

Unlike during development, blood vessels in the adult are generally thought not to require VEGF for normal function. However, VEGF is a survival factor for many tumor vessels, and there are clues that some normal blood vessels may also depend on VEGF. In this study, we sought to identify which, if any, vascular beds in adult mice depend on VEGF for survival. Mice were treated with a small-molecule VEGF receptor (VEGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor or soluble VEGFRs for 1-3 wk. Blood vessels were assessed using immunohistochemistry or scanning or transmission electron microscopy. In a study of 17 normal organs after VEGF inhibition, we found significant capillary regression in pancreatic islets, thyroid, adrenal cortex, pituitary, choroid plexus, small-intestinal villi, and epididymal adipose tissue. The amount of regression was dose dependent and varied from organ to organ, with a maximum of 68% in thyroid, but was less in normal organs than in tumors in RIP-Tag2-transgenic mice or in Lewis lung carcinoma. VEGF-dependent capillaries were fenestrated, expressed high levels of both VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3, and had normal pericyte coverage. Surviving capillaries in affected organs had fewer fenestrations and less VEGFR expression. All mice appeared healthy, but distinct physiological changes, including more efficient blood glucose handling, accompanied some regimens of VEGF inhibition. Strikingly, most capillaries in the thyroid grew back within 2 wk after cessation of treatment for 1 wk. Our findings of VEGF dependency of normal fenestrated capillaries and rapid regrowth after regression demonstrate the plasticity of the adult microvasculature.  相似文献   

We applied [14C]deoxyglucose autoradiography and imaging techniques to determine rates of glucose metabolism in distinct subdivisions of the subfornical organ (SFO) of conscious Brattleboro rats. Seven anatomically-defineD SFO subregions were discerned having metabolic activities that differed from one another by as much as 29% in water-sated Brattleboro rats. The highest metabolic activity was found in the ventromedial zone of central and caudal subregions where previous studies identified the greatest densities of neurons, capillaries, putative angiotensin receptors, and angiotensin-immunoreactive fibers. Homozygous Brattleboro rats had rates of glucose metabolism that were 39-68% greater than those in corresponding SFO subregions of Long-Evans rats; these differences were accentuated by about 50% following 18 h of water deprivation. Exogenous treatment of Brattleboro rats with vasopressin uniformly normalized subregional glucose metabolism in the SFO. In Sprague-Dawley rats, water deprivation over 120 h provoked greater increases in metabolism of ventromedial than of dorsolateral SFO zones in amounts similar to the differences between Long-Evans and Brattleboro rats. The findings identify focal areas of high metabolic activity within subregions of the SFO where central responses are likely initiated to defend against homeostatic disturbances. The data represent further evidence for the probability that angiotensin II, as both hormone and neurotransmitter, is a metabolic stimulant of its target cells in the nervous system.  相似文献   

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) prevents free access of circulating molecules to the brain and maintains a specialized brain environment to protect the brain from blood-derived bioactive and toxic molecules; however, the circumventricular organs (CVOs) have fenestrated vasculature. The fenestrated vasculature in the sensory CVOs, including the organum vasculosum of lamina terminalis (OVLT), subfornical organ (SFO) and area postrema (AP), allows neurons and astrocytes to sense a variety of plasma molecules and convey their information into other brain regions and the vasculature in the secretory CVOs, including median eminence (ME) and neurohypophysis (NH), permits neuronal terminals to secrete many peptides into the blood stream. The present study showed that vascular permeability of low-molecular-mass tracers such as fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and Evans Blue was higher in the secretory CVOs and kidney as compared with that in the sensory CVOs. On the other hand, vascular permeability of high-molecular-mass tracers such as FITC-labeled bovine serum albumin and Dextran 70,000 was lower in the CVOs as compared with that in the kidney. Prominent vascular permeability of low- and high-molecular-mass tracers was also observed in the arcuate nucleus. These data demonstrate that vascular permeability for low-molecular-mass molecules is higher in the secretory CVOs as compared with that in the sensory CVOs, possibly for large secretion of peptides to the blood stream. Moreover, vascular permeability for high-molecular-mass tracers in the CVOs is smaller than that of the kidney, indicating that the CVOs are not totally without a BBB.  相似文献   

In recent years a considerable amount of experimental evidence has suggested that forebrain structures are involved in the pathogenesis of high arterial pressure (AP). However, little is known about the location and function of these supramedullary structures in the hypertensive process. This report reviews a series of studies done to identify the location and to determine the contribution of some forebrain structures to both the development and maintenance of the elevated AP following selective aortic baroreceptor deafferentation (ABD). In the first series of studies, it was demonstrated that the elevated AP resulting from ABD was associated with increased metabolic activity in several forebrain structures: the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVH), supraoptic nucleus, nucleus circularis, median preoptic nucleus, subfornical organ (SFO), and central nucleus of the amygdala. In the second series, bilateral electrolytic lesions of the PVH were shown to prevent the development of and (or) reverse the elevated AP after ABD. Similarly, bilateral microinjections of the neurotoxin kainic acid into the PVH were shown to reverse the increased AP after ABD. In the final series, electrolytic lesions of the SFO were shown to attenuate the rise in AP after ABD and (or) to reduce the elevated AP to a level that remained above control values. Taken together, these data suggest that the PVH and SFO are components of a neuronal circuit involved in the hypertensive process following ABD, and that the SFO likely exerts its effect through the PVH.  相似文献   

The key determinants of alveolar capillary perfusion are transit times and the extent of recruitment. Capillaries are known to be heavily recruited in the dependent lung, but there are no direct data that bear on how capillary transit times might be affected by gravity. We directly determined mean capillary transit times on the surface of the upper, middle, and lower lung by measuring the passage of fluorescent dye through the capillaries using in vivo television microscopy. In anesthetized dogs, mean capillary transit times averaged 12.3 s in the upper lung, 3.1 s in the midlung, and 1.6 s in the lower lung. This near order of magnitude variation in speed of blood transit establishes that there is a vertical gradient of capillary transit times in the lung. As expected, dependent capillary networks were nearly fully recruited, whereas relatively few capillaries were perfused in the upper lung. The lengthy transit times and sparsely perfused capillary beds in the upper lung combine to provide a substantial part of pulmonary gas exchange reserve.  相似文献   

During development the circulatory system of vertebrates typically starts operating earlier than any other organ. In these early stages, however, blood flow is not yet linked to metabolic requirements of tissues, as is well established for adults. While the autonomic nervous system becomes functional only quite late during development, in the early stages control of blood flow appears to be possible by blood-borne and/or local hormones. This study presents methods based on video-imaging techniques and fluorescence microscopy to visualize cardiac activity, as well as the vascular bed of developing lower vertebrates, and tests the idea that environmental factors, such as hypoxia, may modify cardiac activity, or even the early formation of blood vessels in embryos and larvae. In zebrafish larvae, adaptations of cardiovascular activity to chronic hypoxia become visible shortly after hatching, and the formation of some blood vessels is enhanced under chronic hypoxia. Exposure of early larval stages of zebrafish to a constant water current induces physiological adaptations, resulting in enhanced swimming efficiency and increased tolerance towards hypoxia. Furthermore, application of hormones such as NO can modify cardiac activity as well as peripheral resistance, and they can stimulate blood vessel formation. In consequence, even during early development of fish or amphibian larvae, the performance of cardiac muscle and of skeletal muscle can be modified by environmental influences and peripheral resistance can be adjusted. Even blood vessel formation can be stimulated by hypoxia, for example, or by the presence of specific hormones. Thus, at approximately the time of hatching the physiological performance of vertebrate larvae is already determined by the combined action of environmental influences and of genetic information.  相似文献   

A model is developed of evolution of an organism with digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems as the single system. The model is realized on the basis of the language STEL-LA 8.0. A balance is found between perfection of each individual physiological system and necessary energy expenditures for survival of the organism as a whole. The model is based on a coupled development of several visceral systems. There is analyzed effect of a change of consumption of substances with food and of oxygen amount on their oxidation, a branching of blood flow to organs, specifically to kidneys, to excrete final products of metabolism from blood. The energy expenditures for circulation are believed to be proportional to blood flow in a given organ. An increase of efficiency of renal excretion from blood of final metabolic products and toxic substances has a favorable effect on inner medium and activity of each cell of an individual, but increases the organism energy expenditures. Interrelation of these factors under conditions of adaptation to changing environmental conditions determines peculiarities of evolution of each physiological system in an individual.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were performed to compare the permeability of capillaries supplying the endoneurial environment, which is invested by perineurium, with vascular permeability in the pulp where perineurium is absent. Anaesthetised rats were perfused through the aorta with physiological solutions containing lanthanum nitrate at 37° C. Pieces of inferior alveolar nerve and segments of mandibular incisors were immersion-fixed and transverse sections were examined electron microscopically for the distribution of lanthanum. In the pulp the nerve fibres pass between lanthanum-impermeable arterioles and venules en route to the incisal end. In the peripheral pulp a few capillaries were permeable but the most permeable capillaries lay between the odontoblasts. Pulpal capillary permeability was attributed to the fenestrated endothelium and contrasted with the unfenestrated endoneurial capillaries which were impermeable to lanthanum. Whereas the tight junctions of endoneurial capillaries are known to prevent certain blood-borne substances from entering the endoneurium, it was not clear whether the permeability of the pulpal capillaries, which are distant from the nerve fibres, could affect the nerve fibre environment. No extravasated lanthanum reached the pulpal nerve fibres suggesting that they are not affected. Technically it was not possible to examine the incisal third of the tooth where the situation could be different because the volume of the pulp decreases and capillaries lie closer to the nerve fibres.  相似文献   

Dysregulation in central nervous system (CNS) signaling that results in chronic sympathetic hyperactivity is now recognized to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of heart failure (HF) following myocardial infarction (MI). We recently demonstrated that adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of cytoplasmic superoxide dismutase (Ad-Cu/ZnSOD) to forebrain circumventricular organs, unique sensory structures that lack a blood-brain barrier and link peripheral blood-borne signals to central nervous system cardiovascular circuits, inhibits both the MI-induced activation of these central signaling pathways and the accompanying sympathoexcitation. Here, we tested the hypothesis that this forebrain-targeted reduction in oxidative stress translates into amelioration of the post-MI decline in myocardial function and increase in mortality. Adult C57BL/6 mice underwent left coronary artery ligation or sham surgery along with forebrain-targeted gene transfer of Ad-Cu/ZnSOD or a control vector. The results demonstrate marked MI-induced increases in superoxide radical formation in one of these forebrain regions, the subfornical organ (SFO). Ad-Cu/ZnSOD targeted to this region abolished the increased superoxide levels and led to significantly improved myocardial function compared with control vector-treated mice. This was accompanied by diminished levels of cardiomyocyte apoptosis in the Ad-Cu/ZnSOD but not the control vector-treated group. These effects of superoxide scavenging with Ad-Cu/ZnSOD in the forebrain paralleled increased post-MI survival rates compared with controls. This suggests that oxidative stress in the SFO plays a critical role in the deterioration of cardiac function following MI and underscores the promise of CNS-targeted antioxidant therapy for the treatment of MI-induced HF.  相似文献   

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a structural and functional barrier that prevents free exchange of circulating substances with the brain, where the endothelial cells of microvessels are joined by tight junctions. The circumventricular organs (CVOs), by contrast, lack tight junctions and exhibit more direct communication with the circulating blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Despite many outstanding morphological studies at the electron microscopic level, there remain misconceptions that the CVOs provide direct passage of blood-borne substances to the rest of the brain. This study will show the structure of the anatomical borders of the dorsal vagal complex in the brainstem. A distinct diffusion barrier between the area postrema (AP, a CVO) and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) was illustrated by immunohistochemistry at both the light and electron microscopic levels. The border zone between the AP and NTS was underlined by a continuous monolayer of columnar cells that were immunopositive for both the tight junction protein zona occludin-1 and the astrocyte marker glial fibrillary acidic protein. This observation of a diffusion barrier between the AP and NTS resolves a long-standing dispute about whether the NTS is a structural extension of the AP with a leaky BBB. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ji-Sheng Han.  相似文献   

Karbowski J 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26709
Brain is one of the most energy demanding organs in mammals, and its total metabolic rate scales with brain volume raised to a power of around 5/6. This value is significantly higher than the more common exponent 3/4 relating whole body resting metabolism with body mass and several other physiological variables in animals and plants. This article investigates the reasons for brain allometric distinction on a level of its microvessels. Based on collected empirical data it is found that regional cerebral blood flow CBF across gray matter scales with cortical volume V as CBF ~ V(-1/6), brain capillary diameter increases as V(1/12), and density of capillary length decreases as V(-1/6). It is predicted that velocity of capillary blood is almost invariant (~V(ε)), capillary transit time scales as V(1/6), capillary length increases as V(1/6+ε), and capillary number as V(2/3-ε), where ε is typically a small correction for medium and large brains, due to blood viscosity dependence on capillary radius. It is shown that the amount of capillary length and blood flow per cortical neuron are essentially conserved across mammals. These results indicate that geometry and dynamics of global neuro-vascular coupling have a proportionate character. Moreover, cerebral metabolic, hemodynamic, and microvascular variables scale with allometric exponents that are simple multiples of 1/6, rather than 1/4, which suggests that brain metabolism is more similar to the metabolism of aerobic than resting body. Relation of these findings to brain functional imaging studies involving the link between cerebral metabolism and blood flow is also discussed.  相似文献   

By means of injective and noninjective methods, the structural organization of the incisor and molar blood bed has been studied in the white rat mandible. For the periodontal blood bed, distinguishing by a pronounced organo-specificity, distribution of arterial and venous vessels between collagenous fiber bundles and a reticular arrangement of the capillaries is peculiar. A definite connection is clearly seen between angioarchitectonics of different segments of the periodontium, its structure and function. Unequal density of the capillary networks in the area of the epithelial dental organ and difference of the periodontal angioarchitectonics with the lingual and labial surfaces of the incisors are noted. The area of the epithelial dental organ, having a peculiar functional importance, is characterized by multiple pathways of blood inflow and outflow, by concentration of structural-functional adaptations which increase expansiveness, capacity and diffusive surface of metabolic microvessels, by a small critical thickness of the tissue layer between neighbouring capillaries.  相似文献   

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