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We characterized the recombinant glucuronyltransferase I (GlcAT-I) involved in the glycosaminoglycan-protein linkage region biosynthesis. The enzyme showed strict specificity for Galbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Xyl, exhibiting negligible incorporation into other galactoside substrates including Galbeta1-3Galbeta1-O-benzyl, Galbeta1-4GlcNAc and Galbeta1-4Glc. A comparison of the GlcAT-I with another beta1,3-glucuronyltransferase involved in the HNK-1 epitope biosynthesis revealed that the two beta1,3-glucuronyltransferases exhibited distinct and no overlapping acceptor substrate specificities in vitro. Nevertheless, the transfection of the GlcAT-I cDNA into COS-1 cells induced the significant expression of the HNK-1 epitope. These results suggested that the high expression of the GlcAT-I gene rendered the cells capable of synthesizing the HNK-1 epitope.  相似文献   

An apparatus, AutoGlycoCutter (AGC), was developed as a tool for rapid release of O-linked-type glycans under alkaline conditions. This system allowed rapid release of oligosaccharides at the glycosaminoglycan-protein linkage region in proteoglycans (PGs). After digestion of PGs with chondroitinase ABC, the oligosaccharides at the linkage region were successfully released from the protein core by AGC within 3 min. The reducing ends of the released oligosaccharides were labeled with 2-aminobenzoic acid and analyzed by a combination of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry. In addition, the unsaturated disaccharides produced by chondroitinase ABC derived from the outer parts of the glycans were labeled with 2-aminoacridone and analyzed by CE to determine the disaccharide compositions. We evaluated AGC as a method for structural analysis of glycosaminoglycans in some chondroitin-sulfate-type PGs (urinary trypsin inhibitor, bovine nasal cartilage PG, bovine aggrecan, bovine decorin, and bovine biglycan). Recoveries of the released oligosaccharides were 57-73% for all PGs tested in the present study. In particular, we emphasize that the use of AGC achieved ca. 1000-fold rapid release of O-glycans compared with the conventional method.  相似文献   

Decorin is a small flbroblast proteoglycan consisting of a coreprotein and a single chondroitin/dermatan sulfate chain. Thestructure of the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of therecombinant decorin expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cellswas investigated. The decorin was secreted in the culture mediumand isolated by anion-exchange chromatography. The glycosaminoglycanchain was released from the decorin by β-elimination usingalkaline NaBH4, and then digested with chondroitinase ABC. Thesetreatments resulted in a major and a few minor hexasaccharidealditols derived from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region.Their structures were analyzed by enzymatic digestion in conjunctionwith high-performance liquid chromatography. Two of these compoundshave the conventional hexasaccharide core, HexA1-3GalNAcβ1-4GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-3Galβ1-4Xyl-ol.One is nonsulfated, and the other is monosulfated on C4 of theGalNAc residue. They represent 12% and 60% of the total linkageregion, respectively. The other compound has the hexasaccharidealditol with an internal iduronic acid residue HexA1-3GalNAc(4-sulfate)β1-4IdoA1-3GaIβ1-3Galβ1-4Xyl-ol,which was previously demonstrated in one of the five linkagehexasaccharide alditols isolated from dennatan sulfate proteoglycansof bovine aorta (Sugahara et al, J. Biol Chem., 270, 7204–7212,1995).The compound accounts for 11% of the total linkage region. Thesestructural variations in the linkage hexasaccharide region ofthe decorin strikingly contrast to the uniformity demonstratedin the linkage hexasaccharide structure of human inter--trypsininhibitor (Yamada et al, Glycobiology, 5, 335–341,1995)and urinary trypsin inhibitor (Yamada et al, Eur. J. Biochem.,233, 687–693, 1995), both of which have a single chondroi-tinsulfate chain with a uniform linkage hexasaccharide structure,HexA1-3GalNAc(4-sulfate)β1-4GlcAβ1-3Gal(4-sulfate)β1-3Galβ1-4Xyl,containing a 4-O-sulfated Gal residue. chondroitin sulfate decorin dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycan proteoglycan  相似文献   

We have previously shown that chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase(C6ST) catalyzes transfer of sulfate not only to position 6of GalNAc residue of chondroitin but also to position 6 of Galresidue of keratan sulfate. In this study, we examined the sulfationof sialyl lactosamine oligosaccharides by C6ST. C6ST catalyzedtransfer of sulfate to NeuAc  相似文献   

Recently, it has been shown that a deficiency in ChGn-1 (chondroitin N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase-1) reduced the numbers of CS (chondroitin sulfate) chains, leading to skeletal dysplasias in mice. Although these results indicate that ChGn-1 regulates the number of CS chains, the mechanism mediating this regulation is not clear. ChGn-1 is thought to initiate CS biosynthesis by transferring the first GalNAc (N-acetylgalactosamine) to the tetrasaccharide in the protein linkage region of CS. However, in vitro chondroitin polymerization does not occur on the non-reducing terminal GalNAc-linkage pentasaccharide structure. In the present study we show that several different heteromeric enzyme complexes composed of different combinations of four chondroitin synthase family members synthesized more CS chains when a GalNAc-linkage pentasaccharide structure with a non-reducing terminal 4-O-sulfation was the CS acceptor. In addition, C4ST-2 (chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferase-2) efficiently transferred sulfate from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate to position 4 of non-reducing terminal GalNAc-linkage residues, and the number of CS chains was regulated by the expression levels of C4ST-2 and of ChGn-1. Taken together, the results of the present study indicate that C4ST-2 plays a key role in regulating levels of CS synthesized via ChGn-1.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated that sog9 cells, a murine L cell mutant, are deficient in the expression of C4ST (chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferase)-1 and that they synthesize fewer and shorter CS (chondroitin sulfate) chains. These results suggested that C4ST-1 regulates not only 4-O-sulfation of CS, but also the length and amount of CS chains; however, the mechanism remains unclear. In the present study, we have demonstrated that C4ST-1 regulates the chain length and amount of CS in co-operation with ChGn-2 (chondroitin N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2). Overexpression of ChGn-2 increased the length and amount of CS chains in L cells, but not in sog9 mutant cells. Knockdown of ChGn-2 resulted in a decrease in the amount of CS in L cells in a manner proportional to ChGn-2 expression levels, whereas the introduction of mutated C4ST-1 or ChGn-2 lacking enzyme activity failed to increase the amount of CS. Furthermore, the non-reducing terminal 4-O-sulfation of N-acetylgalactosamine residues facilitated the elongation of CS chains by chondroitin polymerase consisting of chondroitin synthase-1 and chondroitin-polymerizing factor. Overall, these results suggest that the chain length of CS is regulated by C4ST-1 and ChGn-2 and that the enzymatic activities of these proteins play a critical role in CS elongation.  相似文献   

Based on sequence homology with a previously cloned human GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase, we have identified an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a novel member of the Gal/GalNAc/GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase (GST) family termed GST-5 on the human X chromosome (band Xp11). GST-5 has recently been characterized as a novel GalNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase termed chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase-2 (Kitagawa, H., Fujita, M., Itio, N., and Sugahara K. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 21075-21080). We have coexpressed a human GST-5 cDNA with a GlyCAM-1/IgG fusion protein in COS-7 cells and observed four-fold enhanced [(35)S]sulfate incorporation into this mucin acceptor. All mucin-associated [(35)S]sulfate was incorporated as GlcNAc-6-sulfate or Galbeta1-->4GlcNAc-6-sulfate. GST-5 was also expressed in soluble epitope-tagged form and found to catalyze 6-O-sulfation of GlcNAc residues in synthetic acceptor structures. In particular, GST-5 was found to catalyze 6-O-sulfation of beta-benzyl GlcNAc but not alpha- or beta-benzyl GalNAc. In the mouse genome we have found a homologous ORF that predicts a novel murine GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase with 88% identity to the human enzyme. This gene was mapped to mouse chromosome X at band XA3.1-3.2. GST-5 is the newest member of an emerging family of carbohydrate 6-O-sulfotransferases that includes chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase (GST-0), keratan-sulfate galactose 6-O-sulfotransferase (GST-1), the ubiquitously expressed GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase (GST-2), high endothelial cell GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase (GST-3), and intestinal GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase (GST-4).  相似文献   

Sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), including heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, are synthesized on the so-called common GAG-protein linkage region (GlcUAbeta1-3Galbeta1-3Galbeta1-4Xylbeta1-O-Ser) of core proteins, which is formed by the stepwise addition of monosaccharide residues by the respective specific glycosyltransferases. Glucuronyltransferase-I (GlcAT-I) is the key enzyme that completes the synthesis of this linkage region, which is a prerequisite for the conversion of core proteins to functional proteoglycans bearing GAGs. The Xyl and Gal residues in the linkage region can be modified by phosphorylation and sulfation, respectively, although the biological significance of these modifications remains to be clarified. Here we present evidence that these modifications can significantly influence the catalytic activity of GlcAT-I. Enzyme assays showed that the synthetic substrates, Gal-Gal-Xyl(2-O-phosphate)-O-Ser and Gal-Gal(6-O-sulfate)-Xyl(2-O-phosphate)-O-Ser, served as better substrates than the unmodified compound, whereas Gal(6-O-sulfate)-Gal-Xyl(2-O-phosphate)-O-Ser exhibited no acceptor activity. The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of GlcAT-I with UDP and Gal-Gal(6-O-sulfate)-Xyl(2-O-phosphate)-O-Ser bound revealed that the Xyl(2-O-phosphate)-O-Ser is disordered and the 6-O-sulfate forms interactions with Gln(318) from the second GlcAT-I monomer in the dimeric enzyme. The results indicate the possible involvement of these modifications in the processing and maturation of the growing linkage region oligosaccharide required for the assembly of GAG chains.  相似文献   

During metazoan development, Wnt molecules are secreted from Wnt-producing cells, diffuse to target cells, and determine cell fates; therefore, Wnt secretion is tightly regulated. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling Wnt diffusion are not fully elucidated. The specific chondroitin sulfate (CS) structure synthesized by chondroitin-4-O-sulfotransferase-1 (C4ST-1) binds to Wnt-3a with high affinity (Nadanaka, S., Ishida, M., Ikegami, M., and Kitagawa, H. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 27333-27343). In this study we tested whether Wnt signaling regulates sulfation patterns of cell-associated CS chains by suppressing expression of C4ST-1 to trigger release of Wnt molecules from Wnt-producing cells. C4ST-1 expression was dramatically reduced in L cells that stably expressed Wnt-3a (L-Wnt-3a cells) and had CS with low affinity for Wnt-3a. Forced expression of C4ST-1 in L-Wnt-3a cells inhibited diffusion of Wnt-3a due to structural alterations in CS chains mediated by C4ST-1. Furthermore, sustained Wnt signaling negatively regulated C4ST-1 expression in a cell-autonomous and non-cell autonomous fashion. These results demonstrated that C4ST-1 is a key downstream target of Wnt signaling that regulates Wnt diffusion from Wnt-producing cells.  相似文献   

We have previously found that the purified chondroitin 6-sulfotransferase(C6ST), which transfers sulfate from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate(PAPS) to position 6 of N-acetylgalactosamine in chondroitin,catalyzed the sulfation of keratan sulfate, and that both theC6ST activity and the keratan sulfate sulfotransferase (KSST)activity were expressed in COS-7 cells when C6ST cDNA was transfected.In this report we describe some properties of the KSST activitycontained in the purified C6ST, and characterize the sulfatedproducts formed from keratan sulfate and partially desulfatedkeratan sulfate. Optimal pH, requirement for cationic activators,and Km value for PAPS of the KSST activity were very similarto those of the C6ST activity. 35S-Labeled glycosaminoglycansformed from keratan sulfate and partially desulfated keratansulfate were N-deacetylated by treatment with hydrazine/hydrazinesulfate and then cleaved with HNO2 at pH 4, and the resultingproducts were reduced with NaB3H4. Analysis of the degradationproducts with paper chromatography and high performance liquidchromatography provided evidence that C6ST transferred sulfateto position 6 of galactose residue which was glycosidicallylinked to N-acetylglucosamine 6-sulfate residue or to N-acetylglucosamineresidue. Northern blot analysis using poly (A)+ RNA from 12-d-oldchick embryos indicated that the message of C6ST was expressednot only in the cartilage but also in the cornea in which keratansulfate is actively synthesized. chondroitin sulfate keratan sulfate glycosaminoglycan sulfotransferase hydrazinolysis deaminative cleavage  相似文献   

Sulfation is an important pathway in the metabolism of thyroid hormones. Sulfated iodothyronines are elevated in nonthyroidal illnesses and in the normal human fetal circulation. We assayed and characterized COS-1 cell expressed recombinant human liver dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase (DHEA ST or SULT2A1) and estrogen sulfotransferase (EST or SULT1E1) activities for the first time with triiodothyronine (T(3)) as the substrate. Several biochemical properties that included apparent K(m) values, thermal stabilities, and responses to the inhibitors 2, 6-dichloro-4-nitrophenol and NaCl were tested. SULT2A1, a member of the hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase family, used 3,3'-T(2) more readily than T(3) and 3,5-T(2) as substrates, but had the lowest apparent K(m) value for T(3) of any reported human SULT. SULT1E1, a member of the phenol sulfotransferase family, used 3,3'-T(2) and rT(3) more readily than T(3), and also displayed the greatest specificity for T(4) among human SULTs. SULT2A1 may contribute more to iodothyronine sulfation than previously suspected. Potential roles of both steroid sulfotransferases in the enhanced sulfation of nonthyroidal illnesses and fetal development invite further investigation.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS)-D and CS-E, which are characterized by oversulfated disaccharide units, have been shown to regulate neuronal adhesion, cell migration, and neurite outgrowth. CS proteoglycans (CSPGs) consist of a core protein to which one or more CS chains are attached via a serine residue. Although several brain CSPGs, including mouse DSD-1-PG/phosphacan, have been found to contain the oversulfated D disaccharide motif, no brain CSPG has been reported to contain the oversulfated E motif. Here we analyzed the CS chain of appican, the CSPG form of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein. Appican is expressed almost exclusively by astrocytes and has been reported to have brain- and astrocyte-specific functions including stimulation of both neural cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth. The present findings show that the CS chain of appican has a molecular mass of 25-50 kDa. This chain contains a significant fraction (14.3%) of the oversulfated E motif GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(4,6-O-disulfate). The rest of the chain consists of GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(4-O-sulfate) (81.2%) and minor fractions of GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc and GlcUA beta 1-3GalNAc(6-O-sulfate). We also show that the CS chain of appican contains in its linkage region the 4-O-sulfated Gal structure. Thus, appican is the first example of a specific brain CSPG that contains the E disaccharide unit in its sugar backbone and the 4-O-sulfated Gal residue in its linkage region. The presence of the E unit is consistent with and may explain the neurotrophic activities of appican.  相似文献   

Three different types of chondroitin polysulfate-peptide, chondroitin sulfate D-peptide, chondroitin sulfate E-peptide, and chondroitin sulfate K-peptide, all contained xylose, galactose, and serine in a molar ratio of about 1 : 2 : 1. After treatment with alkali in the presence of NaBH4 and PdCl2, they produced alanine and xylitol in amounts equivalent to the decrease in the amount of serine. Consequently, it was proved that these chondroitin polysulfates are all linked to peptides by O-glycosidic bonds between xylose and serine, as in chondroitin sulfates A and C. It is suggested that the carbohydrate-peptide linkage regions have the same structure in all the chondroitin sulfates, regardless of differences in the structure of the polysaccharide chains, such as the position of sulfate groups and the degree of sulfation.  相似文献   

HNK-1 (human natural killer-1) carbohydrate epitope (HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcNAc-) recognized by a HNK-1 monoclonal antibody is highly expressed in the nervous system and biosynthesized by a glucuronyltransferase (GlcAT-P or GlcAT-S), and sulfotransferase (HNK-1ST). A similar oligosaccharide (HSO3-3GlcAβ1-3Galβ1-3Galβ1-4Xyl) also recognized by the HNK-1 antibody had been found in a glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-protein linkage region of α-thrombomodulin (TM) from human urine. However, which sulfotransferase is involved in sulfation of the terminal GlcA in the GAG-protein linkage region remains unclear. In this study, using CHO-K1 cells in which neither GlcAT-P nor GlcAT-S is endogenously expressed, we found that HNK-1ST has the ability to produce HNK-1 immunoreactivity on α-TM. We also demonstrated that HNK-1ST caused the suppression of chondroitin sulfate (CS) synthesis on TM and a reduction of its anti-coagulant activity. Moreover, using an in vitro enzyme assay system, the HNK-1-positive TM was found not to be utilized as a substrate for CS-polymerizing enzymes (chondroitin synthase (ChSy) and chondroitin polymerizing factor (ChPF)). These results suggest that HNK-1ST is involved in 3-O-sulfation of the terminal GlcA of the linkage tetrasaccharide which acts as an inhibitory signal for the initiation of CS biosynthesis on TM.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster are relevant models for studying the roles of glycosaminoglycans (GAG) during the development of multicellular organisms. The genome projects of these organisms have revealed the existence of multiple genes related to GAG-synthesizing enzymes. Although the putative genes encoding the enzymes that synthesize the GAG-protein linkage region have also been identified, there is no direct evidence that the GAG chains bind covalently to core proteins. This study aimed to clarify whether GAG chains in these organisms are linked to core proteins through the conventional linkage region tetrasaccharide sequence found in vertebrates and whether modifications by phosphorylation and sulfation reported for vertebrates are present also in invertebrates. The linkage region oligosaccharides were isolated from C. elegans chondroitin in addition to D. melanogaster heparan and chondroitin sulfate after digestion with the respective bacterial eliminases and were then derivatized with a fluorophore 2-aminobenzamide. Their structures were characterized by gel filtration and anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography in conjunction with enzymatic digestion and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight spectrometry, which demonstrated a uniform linkage tetrasaccharide structure of -GlcUA-Gal-Gal-Xyl- or -GlcUA-Gal-Gal-Xyl(2-O-phosphate)- for C. elegans chondroitin and D. melanogaster CS, respectively. In contrast, the unmodified and phosphorylated counterparts were demonstrated in heparan sulfate of adult flies at a molar ratio of 73:27, and in that of the immortalized D. melanogaster S2 cell line at a molar ratio of 7:93, which suggests that the linkage region in the fruit fly first becomes phosphorylated uniformly on the Xyl residue and then dephosphorylated. It has been established here that GAG chains in both C. elegans and D. melanogaster are synthesized on the core protein through the ubiquitous linkage region tetrasaccharide sequence, suggesting that indispensable functions of the linkage region in the GAG synthesis have been well conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the MHC region on human chromosome 6p   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human genome are thought to be organised into blocks of high internal linkage disequilibrium (LD), separated by intermittent recombination hotspots. Since understanding haplotype structure is critical for an accurate assessment of inter-individual genetic differences, we investigated up to 968 SNPs from a 10-Mb region on chromosome 6p21, including the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC), in five different population samples (45–550 individuals). Regions of well-defined block structure were found to coexist alongside large areas lacking any clear structure; occasional long-range LD was observed in all five samples. The four white populations analysed were remarkably similar in terms of the extend and spatial distribution of local LD. In US African Americans, the distribution of LD was similar to that in the white populations but the observed haplotype diversity was higher. The existence of large regions without any clear block structure renders the systematic and thorough construction of SNP haplotype maps a crucial prerequisite for disease-association studies.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Electronic database information: URLs for the data in this article are as follows:  相似文献   

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