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Investigations of the tympanic membrane (TM) can have an important impact on understanding the sound conduction in the ear and can therefore support the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the middle ear. High‐speed Doppler optical coherence tomography (OCT) has the potential to describe the oscillatory behaviour of the TM surface in a phase‐sensitive manner and additionally allows acquiring a three‐dimensional image of the underlying structure. With repeated sound stimuli from 0.4 kHz to 6.4 kHz, the whole TM can be set in vibration and the spatially resolved frequency response functions (FRFs) of the tympanic membrane can be recorded. Typical points, such as the umbo or the manubrium of malleus, can be studied separately as well as the TM surface with all stationary and wave‐like vibrations. Thus, the OCT methodology can be a promising technique to distinguish between normal and pathological TMs and support the differentiation between ossicular and membrane diseases. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Application of the air‐puff swept source optical coherence tomography (SS‐OCT) instrument to determine the influence of viscoelasticity on the relation between overall the air‐puff force and corneal apex displacement of porcine corneas ex vivo is demonstrated. Simultaneous recording of time‐evolution of the tissue displacement and air pulse stimulus allows obtaining valuable information related in part to the mechanical properties of the cornea. A novel approach based on quantitative analysis of the corneal hysteresis of OCT data is presented. The corneal response to the air pulse is assessed for different well‐controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) levels and for the progression of cross‐linking‐induced stiffness of the cornea. Micrometer resolution, fast acquisition and noncontact character of the air‐puff SS‐OCT measurements have potential to improve the in vivo assessment of mechanical properties of the human corneas.   相似文献   

The objective of this study is to establish a novel method for continuously monitoring thrombus progression with various outcome measures and to assess the efficacy of antithrombotic drugs in murine thrombosis model in mice. In the study, thrombus was induced in the femoral vein of mice by FeCl3 and monitored over time by spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Three‐dimensional images of thrombi with or without heparin as an antithrombotic agent were obtained from OCT angiography. In addition, several parameters of thrombi were analyzed and compared between control and anticoagulant groups. By using OCT, we were able to trace thrombus generation in the same mouse in real time. We found that in our model heparin reduced thrombus size by ~60% and thrombus cross‐sectional area by 50%. OCT results also show that both time to thrombus size (>0.02mm3) and time to occlusion (>30%) were significantly reduced after heparin addition. This study demonstrates that OCT reliably monitors thrombus generation and progression from various aspects including thrombus size. This enables us to measure the kinetic of thrombosis more accurately, and effectively evaluate the efficacy and activities of antithrombotic drugs. This model may represent a useful tool in antithrombotic drug discoveries in preclinical studies.   相似文献   

We propose an orthogonal-polarization-gating optical coherence tomography (OPG-OCT) for human sweat ducts in vivo. OPG-OCT is composed of the orthogonal linearly polarized light of a sample arm individually interfering with orthogonal linearly polarized lights of the reference arms, where OPG-OCT induces two images, one reflecting the projection intensity and the other the horizontal linear diattenuation (HLD). The results demonstrate that OPG-OCT projection intensity could improve the image quality of sweat ducts. HLD also clearly illustrates the spiral shape of the sweat ducts. Finally, sweat ducts in intensity image are segmented by employing convolutional neural networks (CNN). The proportions of left-handed and right-handed ducts are extracted to characterize the sweat ducts based on HLD. Therefore, the OPG-OCT technique employing CNN for the human sweat glands has the potential to automatically identify the human sweat ducts in vivo.  相似文献   

Morphological assessment and three‐dimensional reconstructions of internal structures of Plodia interpunctella Hübner during metamorphosis stages were experimentally demonstrated using optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the first time. The conventional, complex sectioning methods were significantly simplified owing to the non‐invasive three‐dimensional imaging capability of OCT. Further, this study demonstrates the use of OCT as a non‐invasive detection tool for in vivo morphological observation of metamorphosis stages to gain a better understanding about the growth of internal organs, which can be considered a useful discovery in the field of entomology. Thus, the metamorphosis stages starting from the larva, three pupa stages to the adult stage were periodically visualized to examine the development of internal organs at each specific stage. This study essentially offers real‐time morphological information by non‐destructive observation of the organism and can also be useful for the investigation of other agricultural pests.  相似文献   

Retina, the only light sensor in the human eye, is hidden and extremely fragile. Optimized animal models and efficient imaging techniques are very important for the study of retinopathy. In this work, the rapid retinal injury process and the long‐term retinal repair process were in vivo continuously evaluated with a novel imaging technology spectral‐domain optical coherence tomography (SD‐OCT) in a unique animal model zebrafish. Acute retinal injury was constructed on adult zebrafish by needle injection surgery. SD‐OCT imaging was carried out immediately after the mechanical injury. The retinal hemorrhage, which lasted only 5 seconds, could be visualized dynamically by SD‐OCT. The process of blood clearance and retinal repair was also evaluated because SD‐OCT imaging is nondestructive. Both SD‐OCT imaging results and behavioral analyzing results demonstrated that zebrafish retina could be repaired by itself within 15 days, which was confirmed by the results of pathological experiment.  相似文献   

Aims: Quantifying the ex vivo growth of complex multispecies dental biofilms using cross‐polarization 1310‐nm optical coherence tomography (CP‐OCT) system was investigated. Methods and Results: Bacterial microcosms, which were derived from plaque samples of paediatric subjects, were incubated in a biofilm reactor system containing discs of different dental materials for 72 h with daily sucrose pulsing (5×). CP‐OCT analysis of biofilm mass was validated with crystal violet (CV) assays at various growth stages of these complex biofilms. CP‐OCT was able to filter out the back‐reflected signals of water layers in the hydrated biofilm and allowed for direct biofilm quantification. The overall depth‐resolved scattering intensity of the biofilm showed very strong positive correlation with CV assay quantification (Spearman’s ρ = 0·92) during the growth phase of the biofilm. Conclusion: CP‐OCT was able to quantify the mass of the biofilm by measuring the overall depth‐resolved scattering of the biofilm. Significance and Impact of the Study: CP‐OCT has the ability to nondestructively monitor biofilm growth and elucidate the growth characteristics of these microcosms on different dental material compositions.  相似文献   

Currently, optical coherence tomography (OCT), is not capable of obtaining molecular information often crucial for identification of disease. To enable molecular imaging with OCT, we have further developed a technique that harnesses transient changes in light absorption in the sample to garner molecular information. A Fourier‐domain Pump‐Probe OCT (PPOCT) system utilizing a 532 nm pump and 830 nm probe has been developed for imaging hemoglobin. Methylene blue, a biological dye with well‐know photophysics, was used to characterize the system before investigating the origin of the hemoglobin PPOCT signal. The first in vivo PPOCT images were recorded of the vasculature in Xenopus laevis. The technique was shown to work equally well in flowing and nonflowing vessels. Furthermore, PPOCT was compared with other OCT extensions which require flow, such as Doppler OCT and phase‐variance OCT. PPOCT was shown to better delineate tortuous vessels, where nodes often restrict Doppler and phase‐variance reconstruction. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Imaging of cardiac tissue structure plays a critical role in the treatment and understanding of cardiovascular disease. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) offers the potential to provide valuable, high‐resolution imaging of cardiac tissue. However, there is a lack of comprehensive OCT imaging data of the human heart, which could improve identification of structural substrates underlying cardiac abnormalities. The objective of this study was to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of OCT image features throughout the human heart. Fifty human hearts were acquired, and tissues from all chambers were imaged with OCT. Histology was obtained to verify tissue composition. Statistical differences between OCT image features corresponding to different tissue types and chambers were estimated using analysis of variance. OCT imaging provided features that were able to distinguish structures such as thickened collagen, as well as adipose tissue and fibrotic myocardium. Statistically significant differences were found between atria and ventricles in attenuation coefficient, and between adipose and all other tissue types. This study provides an overview of OCT image features throughout the human heart, which can be used for guiding future applications such as OCT‐integrated catheter‐based treatments or ex vivo investigation of structural substrates.  相似文献   

With homemade active crystalline fibers, we generated bright and broadband light sources for full-field optical coherence tomography, offering deep penetration into skin tissues with cellular resolution at a high frame rate. Extraction of backscattered spectra from the tissue has potential applications in biomedicine. The hysteresis nonlinearity of the piezoelectric transducer actuating the Mirau interferometer has been greatly reduced by a feedforward compensation approach. The linearized hysteresis response enables us to extract depth-dependent spectra accurately. To validate, the complex dispersion of a fused silica plate was characterized with 2% error. Further validation on an in vitro setting, the backscattered spectra from indocyanine green pigment and nonpigmented microspheres were obtained and verified. For in vivo skin measurement, the backscattered spectra show depth-dependent spectral shift and bandwidth variation due to the complex skin anatomy and pigment absorption. Such a high-speed spectra acquisition of in vivo deep tissue backscattering could lead to disease diagnosis in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) is a rare degenerative corneal disorder characterized by instability of epithelial integrity with consequent epithelial defects that can worsen up to persistent epithelial defects with stromal melting and ulceration. The pathogenesis of NK springs from a variable degree of damage to the trigeminal nerve plexus, leading to a reduction or total loss of corneal sensitivity. Mackie classification (1995) distinguishes three stages of NK, based on the severity of clinical presentation. The technological innovations in corneal diagnostic imaging allow clinicians to accurately study the morphometry and morphology of corneal structure with microscopic resolution. In this study, 45 patients affected by NK at different stages underwent in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) and anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) with particular attention to analyze subbasal nerve plexus fibers and the stromal structure. At the light of IVCM and AS-OCT observations, we propose a different staging of NK with respect to the Mackie's classification that takes into account the severity of subbasal nerve fibers damage and the extension in depth of stromal ulceration; this classification better defines, at the time of diagnosis, the cellular and structural alterations in the affected corneas, with possible prognostic and therapeutic values in the management of NK.  相似文献   

Steoporosis is a skeletal disorder that compromises bone resistance and its diagnosis is usually performed using dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry. Thus, the search for efficient diagnostic methods that do not involve the emission of ionizing radiation is necessary. This study proposed to use the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) to evaluate osteoporosis in alveolar bone. Osteoporosis lesions is simulated in vitro in porcine bones, and imaging is performed by OCT and micro‐computed tomography (micro‐CT). A developed algorithm is proposed to calculate the optical attenuation coefficient ( μ t), mean optical attenuation coefficient (), integrated reflectivity (ΔR) and bone density ( BD). The , ΔR and BD parameters shows a good correlation to micro‐CT parameters (bone volume/tissue volume and total porosity). The μ t and methods are negatively impacted by non‐uniform intensities distribution in osteoporosis images. In conclusion, BD and ΔR analysis demonstrates to be potential techniques for diagnosis and monitoring of osteoporosis using OCT.   相似文献   

An elevated relative moisture in the external ear canal and middle ear cavity may predispose to chronic otorrhea and related infections along with abnormal tympanic membrane (TM) vibration patterns. Therefore, phase shift‐resolved optical Doppler vibrography (ODV) was used for vibration assessments of moisture influenced cadaveric TM. ODV was applied to generate time resolved cross‐sectional and volumetric vibrographs of a cadaveric TM, driven acoustically at several frequencies. In order to analyze the effect of moisture on TM, homogenous moisture conditions were provided by soaking the cadaveric TM specimens in 1× phosphate buffer saline with a pH of 7.4. The TM specimen was exposed to a rapidly switchable frequency generator during the ODV image acquisition. The experiment was conducted for 3 hours and the cadaveric TM was exposed to each frequency with an interval of 30 minutes. Acquired phase shift‐resolved ODV assessments revealed a depth dependent vibration tendency between the applied frequencies, along with a decline in the moisture level of the cadaveric TM specimen. Thus, the ODV method can aid our understanding of sound conduction in the middle ear, thus supporting the diagnosis of TM diseases.  相似文献   

The formation of biofilms in the endotracheal tubes (ETTs) of intubated patients on mechanical ventilation is associated with a greater risk of ventilator‐associated pneumonia and death. New technologies are needed to detect and monitor ETTs in vivo for the presence of these biofilms. Longitudinal OCT imaging was performed in mechanically ventilated subjects at 24‐hour intervals until extubation to detect the formation and temporal changes of in vivo ETT biofilms. OCT‐derived attenuation coefficient images were used to differentiate between mucus and biofilm. Extubated ETTs were examined with optical and electron microscopy, and all imaging results were correlated with standard‐of‐care clinical test reports. OCT and attenuation coefficient images from four subjects were positive for ETT biofilms and were negative for two subjects. The processed and stained extubated ETTs and clinical reports confirmed the presence/absence of biofilms in all subjects. Our findings confirm that OCT can detect and differentiate between biofilm‐positive and biofilm‐negative groups (P < 10?5). OCT image‐based features may serve as biomarkers for direct in vivo detection of ETT biofilms and help drive investigation of new management strategies to reduce the incidence of VAP.   相似文献   

A forward imaging endoscope for optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) featuring a piezoelectric fiber scanner is presented. Imaging is performed with an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system incorporating an akinetic light source with a center wavelength of 1300 nm, bandwidth of 90 nm and A‐line rate of 173 kHz. The endoscope operates in contact mode to avoid motion artifacts, in particular, beneficial for OCTA measurements, and achieves a transversal resolution of 12 μm in air at a rigid probe size of 4 mm in diameter and 11.3 mm in length. A spiral scan pattern is generated at a scanning frequency of 360 Hz to sample a maximum field of view of 1.3 mm. OCT images of a human finger as well as visualization of microvasculature of the human palm are presented both in two and three dimensions. The combination of morphological tissue contrast with qualitative dynamic blood flow information within this endoscopic imaging approach potentially enables improved early diagnostic capabilities of internal organs for diseases such as bladder cancer.   相似文献   

Morphological changes in the outer retina such as drusen are established biomarkers to diagnose age‐related macular degeneration. However, earlier diagnosis might be possible by taking advantage of more subtle changes that accompany tissues that bear polarization‐altering properties. To test this hypothesis, we developed a method based on polarization‐sensitive optical coherence tomography with which volumetric data sets of the macula were obtained from 10 young (<25 years) and 10 older (>54 years) subjects. All young subjects and 5 of the older subjects had retardance values induced by the retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch's membrane (RPE‐BM) complex that were just above the noise floor measurement (5°‐13° at 840 nm). In contrast, elevated retardance, up to 180°, was observed in the other 5 older subjects. Analysis of the degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU) demonstrates that reduced DOPU (<0.4) in the RPE is associated with elevated double pass phase retardation (DPPR) below the RPE‐BM complex, suggesting that the observed elevated DPPR in older subjects is the result of increased scattering or polarization scrambling. Collectively, our measurements show that the outer retina can undergo dramatic change in its polarization properties with age, and in some cases still retain its clinically normal appearance.   相似文献   

The corneal viscoelasticity have great clinical significance, such as the early diagnosis of keratoconus. In this work, an analysis method which utilized the elastic wave velocity, frequency and energy attenuation to assess the corneal viscoelasticity is presented. Using phase‐resolved optical coherence tomography, the spatial‐temporal displacement map is derived. The phase velocity dispersion curve and center frequency are obtained by transforming the displacement map into the wavenumber‐frequency domain through the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT). The shear modulus is calculated through Rayleigh wave equation using the phase velocity in the high frequency. The normalized energy distribution is plotted by transforming the displacement map into the spatial‐frequency domain through the 1D FFT. The energy attenuation coefficient is derived by exponential fitting to calculate the viscous modulus. Different concentrations of tissue‐mimicking phantoms and porcine corneas are imaged to validate this method, which demonstrates that the method has the capability to assess the corneal viscoelasticity.  相似文献   

Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) can map the microvascular networks of the cerebral cortices with micrometer resolution and millimeter penetration. However, the high scattering of the skull and the strong noise in the deep imaging region will distort the vasculature projections and decrease the OCTA image quality. Here, we proposed a deep learning-based segmentation method based on a U-Net convolutional neural network to extract the cortical region from the OCT image. The vascular networks were then visualized by three OCTA algorithms. The image quality of the vasculature projections was assessed by two metrics, including the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The results show the accuracy of the cortical segmentation was 96.07%. The PSNR and CNR values increased significantly in the projections of the selected cortical regions. The OCTA incorporating the deep learning-based cortical segmentation can efficiently improve the image quality and enhance the vasculature clarity.  相似文献   

We propose a cross‐scanning optical coherence tomography (CS‐OCT) system to correct eye motion artifacts in OCT angiography images. This system employs a dual‐illumination configuration with two orthogonally polarized beams, each of which simultaneously perform raster scanning in perpendicular direction with each other over the same area. In the reference arm, a polarization delay unit is used to acquire the two orthogonally polarized interferograms with a single photo detector by introducing different optical delay lines. The two cross‐scanned volume data are affected by the same eye motion but in two orthogonal directions. We developed a motion correction algorithm, which removes artifacts in the slow axis of each angiogram using the other and merges them through a nonrigid registration algorithm. In this manner, we obtained a motion‐corrected angiogram within a single volume scanning time without additional eye‐tracking devices.  相似文献   

Previous studies for melanin visualization in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) have exploited either its absorption properties (using photoacoustic tomography or photothermal optical coherence tomography [OCT]) or its depolarization properties (using polarization sensitive OCT). However, these methods are only suitable when the melanin concentration is sufficiently high. In this work, we present the concept of hyperspectral OCT for melanin visualization in the RPE when the concentration is low. Based on white light OCT, a hyperspectral stack of 27 wavelengths (440‐700 nm) was created in post‐processing for each depth‐resolved image. Owing to the size and shape of the melanin granules in the RPE, the variations in backscattering coefficient as a function of wavelength could be identified—a result which is to be expected from Mie theory. This effect was successfully identified both in eumelanin‐containing phantoms and in vivo in the low‐concentration Brown Norway rat RPE.   相似文献   

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