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The wood duck (Aix sponsa) is a common and important cavity-nesting duck in North America; however, we know very little about how changes in vital rates influence population growth rate (λ). We used estimates of fertility and survival of female wood ducks from our nest-box studies in South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia, USA, to create a stage-based matrix population model. We conducted perturbation analyses and ranked elasticity values to examine the relative importance of 17 component vital rates to λ. Female survival is influenced by nest success, so we recognized this female heterogeneity in our analyses. Four vital rates showed the greatest importance to λ. Analytic elasticities were greatest for breeding season and nonbreeding season survival of females that nested successfully, followed by nest success and female recruitment to the breeding population. Differences in female quality were important to λ. Next, we used process variation of vital rates and conducted life-stage simulation analyses (LSA) followed by variance decomposition to determine the amount of variation in λ explained by each vital rate. Female recruitment to the breeding population explained 57.7% of the variation in λ followed by nest success (11.4%), and breeding and nonbreeding season survival of females that nested successfully (9.3% and 9.4%, respectively). Together these 4 vital rates explained 88% of the variation in λ. Mean asymptotic population growth rate (λ = 0.80 ± 0.08 [SD]) from LSA revealed a declining population. Recruitment of females hatched from nest boxes was insufficient to sustain the nest-box population. However, including yearling (SY) females that were produced outside of nest boxes (i.e., immigrants) increased recruitment rates 1.5 to 2 times more than when only SY females recruited from nest boxes were included. Future research that examines how emigration and immigration interact with survival and reproduction to influence local population dynamics of wood ducks will be important for identifying the value of nest-box programs to wood duck conservation and management. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In some animal populations, immigrants have lower survival than philopatric individuals. Costs of dispersal or low phenotypic quality of dispersers may explain the pattern. However, apparent adult survival estimates, which describe real survival combined with site fidelity cannot be separated from permanent emigration. Thus, heterogeneity in breeding dispersal propensities of immigrants and philopatrics can bias fitness correlates of dispersal. Differences in breeding dispersal propensities may be caused by different strategies in response to environmental cues inducing dispersal, such as reproductive success. In such cases, the reported differences between immigrants and philopatric individuals may not reflect true variation in survival. We studied whether dispersal status specific apparent adult survival is associated with reproductive success in a Temminck's stint Calidris temminckii population. We analysed two long term capture–recapture datasets characterised by low and high nest predation levels. Philopatric individuals had higher apparent adult survival than immigrants in both datasets and the difference was highlighted during the high nest predation period. By contrasting return rates between successful and unsuccessful breeders as a proxy for dispersal, we found that unsuccessful immigrants breeding for the first time dispersed more likely than successful immigrants, but such a pattern was not found among philopatric individuals. Our results support the hypothesis that immigrant and philopatric individuals have different breeding dispersal strategies following reproductive failure and that their apparent adult survival differences are at least partly explained by different breeding dispersal propensities. Our results also suggest that the recent decline of the study population reflects a multiple response to increased nest predation through decreased local recruitment and increased emigration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In Quebec, Canada, harvest of bobcats (Lynx rufus) started to decline in 1985 and by 1991, harvest seasons were closed due to concerns of a perceived population decline. Since the closing of harvest season in 1991, the average temperature has increased, snow quantity has decreased, and important changes in agriculture and forest management have occurred. In light of changing conditions, the situation of Quebec bobcats needed reassessment. Thus, we analyzed harvest data to clarify the current status of bobcat populations in Quebec. From 1980 to 1991, bobcat harvest in Quebec was strongly correlated with bobcat harvest in Maine (USA), Nova Scotia (Canada), Ontario (Canada), and Vermont (USA). Extrapolations of harvest in Quebec relative to harvest in Maine, Ontario, Vermont, and Nova Scotia suggested an increase in number of bobcats after 1991. Mass of male and female bobcats before 1991 was less than mass of animals captured after 1991. Percentage of juveniles in the reported harvest before 1991 was higher than after 1991. However, percentage of males and litter sizes in the harvest did not differ before and after 1991. The geographic distribution of bobcats captured has gradually expanded after the closure of the harvest season. Our findings suggest that bobcat populations in Quebec have recovered from the 1985–1991 decline, and that the harvest season for this species could resume. This study also illustrates how managers can rely on data from neighboring jurisdiction to manage species when local harvest data is unavailable.  相似文献   

Abstract The Beringia region of the Arctic contains 2 colonies of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) breeding on Wrangel Island, Russia, and Banks Island, Canada, and wintering in North America. The Wrangel Island population is composed of 2 subpopulations from a sympatric breeding colony but separate wintering areas, whereas the Banks Island population shares a sympatric wintering area in California, USA, with one of the Wrangel Island subpopulations. The Wrangel Island colony represents the last major snow goose population in Russia and has fluctuated considerably since 1970, whereas the Banks Island population has more than doubled. The reasons for these changes are unclear, but hypotheses include independent population demographics (survival and recruitment) and immigration and emigration among breeding or wintering populations. These demographic and movement patterns have important ecological and management implications for understanding goose population structure, harvest of admixed populations, and gene flow among populations with separate breeding or wintering areas. From 1993 to 1996, we neckbanded molting birds at their breeding colonies and resighted birds on the wintering grounds. We used multistate mark-recapture models to evaluate apparent survival rates, resighting rates, winter fidelity, and potential exchange among these populations. We also compared the utility of face stain in Wrangel Island breeding geese as a predictor of their wintering area. Our results showed similar apparent survival rates between subpopulations of Wrangel Island snow geese and lower apparent survival, but higher emigration, for the Banks Island birds. Males had lower apparent survival than females, most likely due to differences in neckband loss. Transition between wintering areas was low (<3%), with equal movement between northern and southern wintering areas for Wrangel Island birds and little evidence of exchange between the Banks and northern Wrangel Island populations. Face staining was an unreliable indicator of wintering area. Our findings suggest that northern and southern Wrangel Island subpopulations should be considered a metapopulation in better understanding and managing Pacific Flyway lesser snow geese. Yet the absence of a strong population connection between Banks Island and Wrangel Island geese suggests that these breeding colonies can be managed as separate but overlapping populations. Additionally, winter population fidelity may be more important in lesser snow geese than in other species, and both breeding and wintering areas are important components of population management for sympatric wintering populations.  相似文献   

The northwest Atlantic subspecies of gray seal (Halicheorus grypus grypus) has been increasing for more than a half century and has reestablished breeding colonies in Canadian and US waters. In 2016, visual, oblique, and vertical large-format digital photographic surveys were conducted at all known breeding colonies in the northwest Atlantic. Total pup production in the northwest Atlantic was estimated to be 109,000 (SE = 17,500) pups. At 87,500 (SE = 15,100) pups, Sable Island accounts for 80% of total pup production. Regional differences in pup production trends are evident. Pup production in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and along the eastern shore of Nova Scotia has been relatively stable. Since 2004, the rate of increase in pup production at Sable Island has slowed to about 5%–7% per year, while the newer colonies in southwest Nova Scotia and the northeastern United States are increasing rapidly. In 2016, the Muskeget Island (MA) breeding colony produced 3,900 (SE = 200) pups, making it the third largest breeding colony in the northwest Atlantic. This southward shift in production may reflect climate-mediated changes in population growth as well as reestablishment of colonies throughout the former range associated with increased protection.  相似文献   

Abstract: An assumption of mark-recapture studies is that the marker has no effect on the animal. Neck bands have been used extensively for goose research, but there has long been concern that they may have negative effects on some demographic parameters, and recent studies have yielded contradictory results. We evaluated the effects of neck bands on adult female greater snow geese (Chen caerulescens atlantica) by contrasting breeding propensity and apparent survival of geese marked with both a plastic neck band and a metal leg band and those marked solely with metal leg bands over an 11-year period on Bylot Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada. The use of multistate mark-recapture models also allowed us to estimate neck band loss and to obtain survival and capture probabilities that were not biased by such loss. Finally, we tested the effects of neck bands on other reproductive parameters (laying date, clutch size and nest success) over a 3-year period. Neck-banded females had decreased clutch size and capture probabilities, but their apparent survival rate, nest initiation and hatching dates, and nest survival were not affected compared to leg-banded only or unbanded females. Breeding propensity, indexed by capture probabilities of neck-banded females was, on average, 48% lower that that of leg-banded-only females but clutch size was only 10% lower. Neck band loss of females was low in this population (3% per year). We urge researchers to be cautious in the use of neck bands for estimation of population parameters and that the potential negative effects of neck bands be assessed as it is likely to be species-specific.  相似文献   

在澳大利亚新南威尔士南部沿海,作者搜集了一个池塘繁殖的斑索蟾(Crinia signifera)的种群统计资料。通过捕捉进出池塘的1 612只个体,获得种群大小、结构、生长率、性成熟时的大小和年龄、死亡率及寿命资料。迁移高峰从6月持续到11月,蛙的最高、最低遇见数量分别出现在春季和秋季。但第2年,该池塘蛙的数量明显减少,可能是由于补充到种群中的幼体数量很少的缘故。6个月后个体的重捕率很低;但距第一次捕获18个月以后,仍有个别个体再次被捕获。性成熟时,雌性比雄性的身体大一些。生长曲线显示,雌性比雄性的生长更快,所以更早地达到性成熟。研究种群的数量、结构和死亡率趋势等与已知的其它Crinia signifera种群基本一致。但研究种群迁移活动的高峰出现较晚,并且夏季的活动水平明显很高。这种长的活动时间可能会导致存活率的下降,同时有利于选择迅速性成熟的雌性[动物学报51 (3) : 393 -400 , 2005]。  相似文献   

Evolutionary studies on optimal decisions or conservation guidelines are often derived by generalising patterns from a single population, while inter‐population variability in life‐history traits is seldom considered. We investigated here how survival and recruitment probabilities changed with age at different geographical scales using the encounter histories of 5523 European storm petrels from three Mediterranean colonies, and also how our estimates of these parameters might be expected to affect population growth rates using population matrix models. We recorded similar patterns among colonies, but also important biological differences. Local survival, recruitment and breeding success increased with age at all colonies; the most distant of three colonies (Marettimo Is.) showed the largest differences. Strikingly, differences in recruitment were also found between two adjacent colonies (two caves from Benidorm Is.). Birds marked as adults from Marettimo and Benidorm colonies had a different survival, whereas we found no differences within Benidorm. Differences in survival were no longer apparent between the two islands at the end of the study following a reduction in predation by specialist gulls at Benidorm. Since birds marked as fledglings mostly recruited near the end of the study, their overall survival was high and in turn similar among colonies. Results from our population matrix models suggested that different age‐dependent patterns of demographic parameters can lead to similar population growth rates. Variability appeared to be greater for recruitment and the most sensitive parameter was adult survival. Thus conservation actions targeting this vulnerable species should focus on factors influencing adult survival. Differences in survival and recruitment among colonies could reflect the spatial heterogeneity in mortality due to predation and colony‐specific density dependent processes. Results highlight the importance of taking into account the potential spatio‐temporal heterogeneity among populations in vital rates, even in those traits that life‐history theory considers less important in driving population dynamics.  相似文献   

The estimation of abundance is fundamental to ecology and conservation but often is difficult or impossible to accomplish reliably. Recent improvements in wildlife cameras and ecological modelling have allowed for improved accuracy in estimates of abundance. In this study, we paired nest captures and high-definition nest video camera monitoring with modelling for a novel approach to estimate survival and abundance of threatened Piping Plovers Charadrius melodus breeding on Missouri River sandbars. From 2005 to 2014, we captured individuals on nests and uniquely marked them and recaptured previously marked individuals. In 2015–2017, we resighted marked individuals using small, high-definition video cameras deployed at nests, and counted the number of marked and unmarked breeding individuals associated with nests. We estimated apparent survival and derived estimates of the abundance of breeding individuals and population growth each year using a state-space Jolly–Seber superpopulation model with the addition of a binomial band ratio model for data collected using nest video cameras. Apparent survival averaged 0.73 ± 0.03 (mean ± sd) throughout the study. The number of breeding individuals varied, with the population increasing from 2012 to 2017 following a major habitat creation event. This study provides one of the few examples of camera data being used to produce demographic parameter and abundance estimates for an avian species. The camera and modelling methods described in this study may be applicable to other avian species in which some portion of the breeding population is uniquely marked.  相似文献   

The relative abundances of species of crustose coralline, as derived from areal measurements of large collections taken from Nova Scotia to Labrador, are given as a function of depth and as a function of mean maximum temperature and depth. The relative effects of depth and temperature independently are indicated and in most cases the results are markedly similar to those found in earlier Gulf of Maine studies. The distributions of Pseudolithophyllum orbiculatum and Phymatolithon rugulosum apparently are not controlled by summer temperatures in this area.  相似文献   

Effects of local weather on individuals and populations are key drivers of wildlife responses to climatic changes. However, studies often do not last long enough to identify weather conditions that influence demographic processes, or to capture rare but extreme weather events at appropriate scales. In Iceland, farmers collect nest down of wild common eider Somateria mollissima and many farmers count nests within colonies annually, which reflects annual variation in the number of breeding females. We collated these data for 17 colonies. Synchrony in breeding numbers was generally low between colonies. We evaluated 1) demographic relationships with weather in nesting colonies of common eider across Iceland during 1900–2007; and 2) impacts of episodic weather events (aberrantly cold seasons or years) on subsequent breeding numbers. Except for episodic events, breeding numbers within a colony generally had no relationship to local weather conditions in the preceding year. However, common eider are sexually mature at 2–3 years of age and we found a 3-year time lag between summer weather and breeding numbers for three colonies, indicating a positive effect of higher pressure, drier summers for one colony, and a negative effect of warmer, calmer summers for two colonies. These findings may represent weather effects on duckling production and subsequent recruitment. Weather effects were mostly limited to a few aberrant years causing reductions in breeding numbers, i.e. declines in several colonies followed severe winters (1918) and some years with high NAO (1992, 1995). In terms of life history, adult survival generally is high and stable and probably only markedly affected by inclement weather or aberrantly bad years. Conversely, breeding propensity of adults and duckling production probably do respond more to annual weather variations; i.e. unfavorable winter conditions for adults increase probability of death or skipped breeding, whereas favorable summers can promote boom years for recruitment.  相似文献   

Selection of breeding location can influence reproductive success and fitness. Breeding dispersal links habitat use and reproduction. This study investigated factors affecting breeding dispersal and its reproductive consequences in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) on Sable Island, Nova Scotia. Breeding dispersal distance was determined in 692 individually marked, known-age female grey seals observed from 2004 to 2014. We used generalized linear mixed-effects models to test hypotheses concerning environmental and demographic factors influencing breeding dispersal distance and the consequences of dispersal distance on offspring weaning mass. Grey seal females rarely exhibited fidelity to previous breeding sites. Median dispersal distance between years was 5.1 km. Only 2.9% of females returned to a previous breeding site. Breeding dispersal distance was affected by parity and density, but effects were small and are presumably of no biological significance. Variation in dispersal distance among adult females was large. Dispersal distance had no significant influence on offspring weaning mass; however, as previously found, pup sex and maternal age did. Although breeding location was not important, heavier pups were born in habitats with no tidal or storm-surge influence indicating that breeding habitat type did influence offspring size at weaning. The lack of site fidelity in grey seals on Sable Island is associated with an unpredictable and changing landscape (sand dunes) that could make it difficult for females to locate previous breeding locations. Although breeding location within habitat type had small consequences on offspring weaning mass, we detected no evidence that breeding site selection within the habitat had consequences to females.  相似文献   

Blidingia minima var. ramifera is reported for the first time in eastern North America. It occurs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Nova Scotia and in Maine. In the estuary of the West and Rights Rivers (Antigonish Harbour, Nova Scotia) it is the most common intertidal alga and during its maximum growth period (June-August) covers 75–90% of the intertidal zone for several km of shoreline at the mouth of the Rights River. In culture, spore germination and early development were typical of the taxon as described from Europe. The taxon is raised to specific status as Blidingia ramifera stat. nov. Blidingia subsalsa is confirmed from New England based on observations of spore germination in plants from Maine and Connecticut.  相似文献   

Relocation to novel nests (sometimes called drifting) in flying Hymenoptera is often interpreted as the result of navigation error and guard bees erroneously admitting foreign individuals into the nest. We studied nest fidelity and nest relocation of both females and males in a nesting aggregation of Xylocopa virginica in southern Ontario, Canada, where females can nest either solitarily or socially. Adult female and male bees were trapped at nest entrances, individually paint marked, and then released. Subsequent recapture patterns were used to assess nest fidelity: that is, how faithful individuals were to their home nest and how often they moved to another nest. Bees were considered to have relocated if they were recaptured in a nest different from the one in which they were initially trapped, indicating that they had spent at least one night in a new nest. Some females were only captured in one nest, some occasionally moved to new nests, temporarily or permanently, and a few were never caught in the same nest twice. In addition, females relocated to nests that were further away in 2007 when population density was low, suggesting that they seek out and claim nesting spaces when they are available. Males relocated more frequently than females, with most drifting from nest to nest in no obvious pattern. This indicates that males spend the night wherever space is available or in nests nearest to their territories. This study reveals that for both female and male X. virginica, nest membership is not as stable as once thought.  相似文献   

J. C. COULSON 《Ibis》1984,126(4):525-543
The dynamics of an Eider Duck population have been investigated over 25 years, using census and capture-mark-recapture methods. During the study the population increased two and a half fold, with two periods of major increases in numbers, giving a stepped growth pattern. Mean clutch size showed considerable annual variation, the extremes being 5.40 and 3.78 eggs. The variation in clutch size was greater than that recorded in the Netherlands. Adult female Eiders had a high annual survival rate, averaging 0.895, and varying between 0.75 and 1.00 in individual years. The survival rate decreased markedly in the old ducks. There was no indication of any change in the survival rate during the study. Recruitment of ducks to the breeding group was irregular, with most years showing little recruitment and a few years high recruitment. However, recruitment, associated with good duckling survival, appears to have been the main factor associated with increase in the population. In many years, an appreciable proportion of the surviving ducks, which had already bred in a previous year, failed to nest. The extent of non-breeding increased during the study and in one year, 1973, this reached 65%. Lower clutch size and adult survival were associated with years of high non-breeding. The ‘red-tides’ in 1968 and 1975 appeared to have little effect on the Eider. It is suggested that the Eider missed breeding in years in which its survival was potentially poor, in order to maximize its reproductive output during its life span. This is supported by the smaller clutch size laid by those females which nest in years when many females fail to breed. It is suggested that young ducks may also miss breeding in the year after first nesting but this is not associated with the non-breeding in older ducks, although it may he related to body condition. It is suggested that non-breeding by adults of long-lived birds may be widespread. This has important implications in survey work based on nest counts.  相似文献   

While the factors influencing reproduction and survival in colonial populations are relatively well studied, factors involved in dispersal and settlement decisions are not well understood. The present study investigated exchanges of great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis among six breeding colonies over a 13‐year period when the breeding population in Denmark increased from 2800 to 36 400 nests. We used a multistate capture‐recapture model that combined multisite resightings and recoveries to examine simultaneously recruitment, natal dispersal, breeding dispersal and annual survival of first‐year, immature and breeding great cormorants. Mean survival of first‐year birds (0.50±0.09, range=0.42–0.66 among colonies) was lower than survival of breeders (0.90±0.06, range=0.81–0.97). Mean survival of immature birds over the study period was 0.87±0.08. Dispersal from a colony increased with decreasing mean brood size in the colony in both first‐time and experienced breeders. The choice of the settlement colony in first‐time breeders was affected by conditions in the natal colony and in the colonies prospected during the pre‐breeding years. In particular, first‐time breeders recruited to colonies where they could expect better breeding success. Experienced breeders relied mainly on cues present early in the season and on their own breeding experience to choose a new breeding colony. Newly established colonies resulted mainly from the immigration of first‐time breeders originating from denser colonies. Dispersal was distance‐dependent and first‐time breeders dispersed longer distances than breeders. We suggest that the prospecting behaviour allows first‐time breeders to recruit in nearby as well as more distant potential breeding colonies. Dispersing breeders preferred to settle in neighbouring colonies likely to benefit from their experience with foraging areas. We discuss the importance of these movements for growth and expansion of the breeding population.  相似文献   

Predator management regularly improves waterfowl nesting success, often beyond levels believed necessary for population maintenance. If recruitment, survival of breeding females, and/or breeding site fidelity is increased on predator-reduced sites, then local breeding populations may increase in subsequent years. During 2005–2008, we annually conducted breeding pair surveys on >600 wetlands at 6 township-sized (93.2 km2) trapped sites and 4 non-trapped sites for the 5 most common upland nesting ducks in eastern North Dakota, USA. For each species, we developed a series of competing regression models that related breeding pair abundance to wetland size, predator management, and upland habitats adjacent to sampled wetlands. In contrast to previous studies, we found limited and equivocal evidence that breeding populations increased following predator management. We discuss multiple potential explanations for this lack of effect and suggest that managers should not assume that increased production as a product of elevated nest success will be compounded over years. © The Wildlife Society, 2013  相似文献   

In 1994, Delta Waterfowl Foundation began trapping mammalian meso-predators in North Dakota during the breeding season in an attempt to increase waterfowl nest success and enhance recruitment into the fall flight and subsequent breeding population. Multiple studies on these sites demonstrated that removing predators results in near doubling of nest success, which previous simulation modeling suggests is the most influential vital rate influencing the population growth rate of mid-continent mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). We present an assessment of the impact of predator removal on mallard production using population models. We conducted this study on 9 township-sized (93.2 km2) sites (4–8 sites annually per vital rate) in northeastern North Dakota from 2006–2008. Trappers removed mammalian meso-predators on 5 sites and the other 4 served as unmanaged reference sites. To estimate recruitment, we used derived estimates and process variance of pair numbers, hen success (nest survival corrected for renesting), initial brood size, pre-fledging survival, and post-fledging survival, along with previously published estimates of breeding propensity and adult female survival rates. Trapped sites had greater hen success (H = 0.69, = 0.03) than reference sites (H = 0.53, = 0.06), but similar indicated breeding pairs, initial brood size, and pre-fledging survival. We estimated that females on trapped sites added 140 more mallards of both sexes to the fall flight than females on reference sites, at an approximate cost of $74.29 per incremental mallard. Additionally, trapping predators provided a marginal increase (0.04) in finite population growth. We found that predator removal targeted at mammalian nest predators did not produce as many incremental mallards as previously thought and may not be a viable strategy for increasing mallard productivity under conditions similar to those observed during this study. We conducted a sensitivity analysis and determined that pre-fledging survival was the most influential factor regulating mallard population growth. Although hen success increased as a result of trapping, duckling survival became a limiting factor. We suggest that waterfowl managers assess multiple vital rates to determine the likelihood that management actions focused on a single parameter, such as nest success, will yield desired population level effects. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Quantifying survival and understanding underlying sources of variation are important for developing population models and informing management decisions. We estimated apparent survival (i.e., true survival less permanent emigration) for adult female white-winged scoters (Melanitta fusca) and lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) breeding at a northern boreal forest site in western Canada, 2002–2008. We also evaluated variation in survival relative to indices of breeding status, individual quality, spring weather conditions, local small-mammal abundance, and overwinter climate. Breeding female scoters had higher apparent survival than did nonbreeding females, suggesting that breeders had higher survival or fidelity to the study area, or that more nonbreeders were transient birds that may have bred elsewhere in subsequent years. Apparent survival rate for breeding female scoters was unrelated to other individual and environmental covariates. Nest-trapped female scaup had higher apparent survival rates than did prenesting females captured in decoy traps, implying that more pre-nesters dispersed permanently or died after marking. Nesting female scaup with higher body condition or those in years when small mammals were more abundant had higher apparent survival; associations between survival and other environmental covariates were less certain. Overall, apparent survival rate of breeding adult female scoters was lower than reported for scoters from other North American locations or for other sea duck species, whereas estimates for nesting female scaup were comparable with those from other boreal and prairie-parkland locations. Our results indicate that for scaup in this region, factors influencing female body condition, such as maintaining high-quality habitat, areas with abundant food or low disturbance, could improve annual survival. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   

In populations of colony‐breeding marine animals, foraging around colonies can lead to intraspecific competition. This competition affects individual foraging behavior and can cause density‐dependent population growth. Where behavioral data are available, it may be possible to infer the mechanism of intraspecific competition. If these mechanics are understood, they can be used to predict the population‐level functional response resulting from the competition. Using satellite relocation and dive data, we studied the use of space and foraging behavior of juvenile and adult gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) from a large (over 200,000) and growing population breeding at Sable Island, Nova Scotia (44.0 oN 60.0 oW). These data were first analyzed using a behaviorally switching state‐space model to infer foraging areas followed by randomization analysis of foraging region overlap of competing age classes. Patterns of habitat use and behavioral time budgets indicate that young‐of‐year juveniles (YOY) were likely displaced from foraging areas near (<10 km) the breeding colony by adult females. This displacement was most pronounced in the summer. Additionally, our data suggest that YOY are less capable divers than adults and this limits the habitat available to them. However, other segregating mechanisms cannot be ruled out, and we discuss several alternate hypotheses. Mark–resight data indicate juveniles born between 1998 and 2002 have much reduced survivorship compared with cohorts born in the late 1980s, while adult survivorship has remained steady. Combined with behavioral observations, our data suggest YOY are losing an intraspecific competition between adults and juveniles, resulting in the currently observed decelerating logistic population growth. Competition theory predicts that intraspecific competition resulting in a clear losing competitor should cause compensatory population regulation. This functional response produces a smooth logistic growth curve as carrying capacity is approached, and is consistent with census data collected from this population over the past 50 years. The competitive mechanism causing compensatory regulation likely stems from the capital‐breeding life‐history strategy employed by gray seals. This strategy decouples reproductive success from resources available around breeding colonies and prevents females from competing with each other while young are dependent.  相似文献   

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