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ABSTRACT. This study investigated a possible trade-off between bark beetle reproductive effort and future survival. Parent adult Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) were collected when they re-emerged from a laboratory culture after completing their first brood and held at constant temperatures of 4 or 25oC. As a comparison, emerging brood adults were collected and held at 25oC. The longevity of the beetles was related to when they re-emerged or emerged (measured in days since parent introduction) and to their size (pronotal width), fresh weight and lipid content at collection, by multiple regression analysis. The expression (fresh weight x pronotal width -2.6), used as an estimate of lipid content of the living beetles, was significantly correlated (r=0.67, P<0.001) with the actual (extracted) lipid content. At 25oC, fat content was the variable most strongly correlated with survival time in all beetle groups except parent females. In both parent and brood females, re-emergence or emergence day, respectively, contributed significantly to the explanation of survival time, whereas pronotal width and fresh weight never contributed significantly to the regression equation. At 4oC, fat content was not estimated but, re-emergence day was negatively correlated with survival time. In conclusion, beetles with high fat content and re-emerging or emerging early have longer expected survival than beetles leaving the log later or containing less fat. This means that females laying a large first brood might suffer a somewhat higher mortality than females laying a smaller brood.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An electronic timer and fraction collector consisting of CMOS integrated circuits is described. It converts 50- or 60-Hz AC to real-time pulses in programmable whole-number increments (1, 10 or 60s) from 3 to 16659, producing timing periods from 3 s to more than 11 days. The fraction collector contains a leaf-switch feedback circuit that automatically adjusts to various gear motor speeds and sample tube spacings so that proper positioning results. Hourly collections by the device of the bark beetles Ips typographus L. and Pityogenes chalcographus L. (Scolytidae) emerging from logs of Norway spruce, Picea abies , indicated that both species emerged with a diel periodicity. A unimodal emergence peak for both sexes of both species occurred at midday in LD 20:4 at a constant 25°C and 80% r.h.  相似文献   

The behavior of 118 spruce bark beetles, Ips typographus,was observed on trees under colonization. Most individuals were followed from when they landed until they entered or left the tree. Both males and females spent most time inspecting crevices and searching for a place to start boring or for a hole to enter. These behaviors accounted for 87 and 70% of all behavioral acts recorded for males and females, respectively. Females entered galleries with males only after a period of pushing at the gallery entrance. Males spent on average 3 min and females 4 min on the bark before entering or leaving the tree. Thirty-three percent of the beetles eventually entered the tree, 31% flew away, 35% dropped from the host, and one beetle was eaten by a predator. The results are discussed in relation to the question of mate choice in bark beetles and to studies on attack dynamics of spruce bark beetle populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a pattern that is typical for bark beetles, the lateralis medius flight muscle of male pine engravers, Ips pini Say (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), was found to decrease four-fold in volume (from mean ± SE = 1.36 ± 0.06 × 10?2 mm3 to 0.34 ± 0.06 × 10?2 mm3) within five days of the initiation of breeding galleries, and then to regenerate gradually to functional capacity during subsequent weeks. Although there was considerable variation in the timing and extent of flight muscle regeneration in males, this variation was not a consequence of differences between small (length < 4.0 mm) and large (length ≥ 4.0 mm) males. Two subsequent experiments revealed that male pine engravers can control the timing of flight muscle regeneration. In the first experiment, the flight muscles of males that were denied mates degenerated within 5 days of gallery initiation, but then showed complete regeneration 5 days later. In the second experiment, mated males that were removed from their breeding galleries (to simulate breeding failure) also showed extensive muscle degeneration 5 days after gallery initiation, but then regenerated their flight muscles to functional capacity by the tenth day. The ability of males to regenerate their flight muscles in response to conditions at the gallery is probably adaptive because it allows them to fly in search of new breeding opportunities when they are unable to attract mates or when breeding attempts fail.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 To maintain biodiversity in forests more wind‐felled trees must be left where they fall. However, there is concern among forest owners that this may result in higher tree mortality caused by the spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.) (Col.: Scolytidae). 2 In the 5 years following a major storm disturbance the number of standing spruces killed by I. typographus was determined in a total of 53 stands. In five of the stands all wind‐thrown trees were left (unmanaged stands) and in 48 of the stands, which were situated at distances of 1.4–10.0 km from each focal unmanaged stand, the wind‐felled trees were removed directly after the storm (managed stands). In the winter preceding the fifth summer new storm‐fellings occurred in the study area. 3 In the 4‐year period between the first and second storm‐fellings, 50–322 standing trees were killed by I. typographus per unmanaged stand. There was a direct linear relationship between the number of storm‐felled spruces colonized by I. typographus and the number of trees subsequently killed in the unmanaged stands. 4 Tree mortality caused by I. typographus in the unmanaged stands was almost nil in the first year, peaked in the second or third year, and decreased markedly to a low level in the fourth and fifth years. 5 In the 4‐year period between the first and second storm‐fellings twice as many trees were killed per ha in the unmanaged stands than in the managed stands: the average difference being 6.2 killed trees per ha, equivalent to 19% of the number of spruce trees felled by the first storm in the unmanaged stands. 6 Much higher numbers of trees were killed per ha in the stand edges than in the interiors of both the unmanaged and the managed stands.  相似文献   

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