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In vivo tracking and monitoring of adoptive cell transfer has a distinct importance in cell‐based therapy. There are many imaging modalities for in vivo monitoring of biodistribution, viability and effectiveness of transferred cells. Some of these procedures are not applicable in the human body because of low sensitivity and high possibility of tissue damages. Shortwave infrared region (SWIR) imaging is a relatively new technique by which deep biological tissues can be potentially visualized with high resolution at cellular level. Indeed, scanning of the electromagnetic spectrum (beyond 1000 nm) of SWIR has a great potential to increase sensitivity and resolution of in vivo imaging for various human tissues. In this review, molecular imaging modalities used for monitoring of biodistribution and fate of administered cells with focusing on the application of non‐invasive optical imaging at shortwave infrared region are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Functional Near‐Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) aims to recover changes in tissue optical parameters relating to tissue hemodynamics, to infer functional information in biological tissue. A widely‐used application of fNIRS relies on continuous wave (CW) methodology that utilizes multiple distance measurements on human head for study of brain health. The typical method used is spatially resolved spectroscopy (SRS), which is shown to recover tissue oxygenation index (TOI) based on gradient of light intensity measured between two detectors. However, this methodology does not account for tissue scattering which is often assumed. A new parameter recovery algorithm is developed, which directly recovers both the scattering parameter and scaled chromophore concentrations and hence TOI from the measured gradient of light‐attenuation at multiple wavelengths. It is shown through simulations that in comparison to conventional SRS which estimates cerebral TOI values with an error of ±12.3%, the proposed method provides more accurate estimate of TOI exhibiting an error of ±5.7% without any prior assumptions of tissue scatter, and can be easily implemented within CW fNIRS systems. Using an arm‐cuff experiment, the obtained TOI using the proposed method is shown to provide a higher and more realistic value as compared to utilizing any prior assumptions of tissue scatter.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a novel cross‐sectional imaging of fluorescence in over‐1000 nm near‐infrared (OTN‐NIR), which allows in vivo deep imaging, using computed tomography (CT) system. Cylindrical specimens of composite of OTN‐NIR fluorophore, NaGdF4 co‐doped with Yb3+ and Ho3+ (ex: 980 nm, em: 1150 nm), were embedded in cubic agar (10.5–12 mm) or in the peritoneal cavity of mice and placed on a rotatable stage. When the fluorescence from inside of the samples was serially captured from multiple angles, the images were disrupted by the reflection and refraction of emitted light on the sample‐air interface. Immersing the sample into water filled in a rectangular bath suppressed the disruption at the interface and successfully reconstructed the position and concentration of OTN‐NIR fluorophores on the cross‐sectional images using a CT technique. This is promising as a novel three‐dimensional imaging technique for OTN‐NIR fluorescent image projections of small animals captured from multiple angles.  相似文献   

荧光成像已被广泛应用于生物医学和临床诊断领域.近红外(Near-infrared,NIR,700-1700 nm)荧光成像在NIR波段对生物组织显影,与可见光波段(400-760 nm)的传统荧光成像相比,更有助于提高成像的信噪比和灵敏度.高质量的荧光成像需要借助良好的荧光探针,纳米技术的快速发展使具备良好荧光特性的有...  相似文献   

In this study, we used rat animal model to compare the efficiency of indocyanine green (ICG)‐assisted dental near‐infrared fluorescence imaging with X‐ray imaging, and we optimized the imaging window for both unerupted and erupted molars. The results show that the morphology of the dental structures was observed clearly from ICG‐assisted dental images (especially through the endoscope). A better image contrast was easily acquired at the short imaging windows (<10 minutes) for unerupted and erupted molars. For unerupted molars, there is another optimized imaging window (48‐96 hours) with a prominent glow‐in‐the‐dark effect: only the molars remain bright. This study also revealed that the laser ablation of dental follicles can disrupt the molar development, and our method is able to efficiently detect laser‐treated molars and acquire the precise morphology. Thus, ICG‐assisted dental imaging has the potential to be a safer and more efficient imaging modality for the real‐time diagnosis of dental diseases.  相似文献   

Accurate detection of early tumor margin is of great preclinical and clinical implications for predicting the survival rate of subjects and assessing the response of tumor microenvironment to chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Here, we report a multimodality optical imaging study on in vivo detection of tumor boundary by analyzing neoangiogenesis of tumor microenvironment (microangiography), microcirculatory blood flow (optical Doppler tomography) and tumor proliferation (green fluorescent protein [GFP] fluorescence). Microangiography demonstrates superior sensitivity (77.7 ± 6.4%) and specificity (98.2 ± 1.7%) over other imaging technologies (eg, optical coherence tomography) for tumor margin detection. Additionally, we report longitudinal in vivo imaging of tumor progression and show that the abrupt tumor cell proliferation did not occur until local capillary density and cerebral blood flow reached their peak approximately 2 weeks after tumor implantation. The unique capability of longitudinal multimodality imaging of tumor angiogenesis may provide new insights in tumor biology and in vivo assessment of the treatment effects on anti‐angiogenesis therapy for brain cancer.  相似文献   

Optical tissue clearing using dibenzyl ether (DBE) or BABB (1 part benzyl alcohol and 2 parts benzyl benzoate) is easy in application and allows deep‐tissue imaging of a wide range of specimens. However, in both substances, optical clearing and storage times of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)‐expressing specimens are limited due to the continuous formation of peroxides and aldehydes, which severely quench fluorescence. Stabilisation of purified DBE or BABB by addition of the antioxidant propyl gallate efficiently preserves fluorescence signals in EGFP‐expressing samples for more than a year. This enables longer clearing times and improved tissue transparency with higher fluorescence signal intensity. The here introduced clearing protocol termed stabilised DISCO allows to image spines in a whole mouse brain and to detect faint changes in the activity‐dependent expression pattern of tdTomato.   相似文献   

Cy5.5‐lectin, a non‐toxic conjugate, combines the benefits of near‐infrared (NIR) imaging, such as significant reduction of background fluorescence and increased tissue depth penetration, with its affinity for vascular endothelial cells. When compared to endothelial staining methods using FITC‐lectin and ICAM2 antibodies, Cy5.5‐lectin was confirmed to specifically bind endothelial cells and produce a fluorescence signal both in real‐time and post‐infusion. Ex‐vivo experiments with isolated hearts demonstrated that binding was limited to perfused areas of the myocardium. With mouse in‐vivo tail‐vein injections, other organs such as the liver, spleen, and kidney were also stained and yielded similar quality images of the heart. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Fluorescence imaging in the second near‐infrared optical window (NIR‐II, 900‐1700 nm) has become a technique of choice for noninvasive in vivo imaging in recent years. Greater penetration depths with high spatial resolution and low background can be achieved with this NIR‐II window, owing to low autofluorescence within this optical range and reduced scattering of long wavelength photons. Here, we present a novel design of confocal laser scanning microscope tailored for imaging in the NIR‐II window. We showcase the outstanding penetration depth of our confocal setup with a series of imaging experiments. HeLa cells labeled with PbS quantum dots with a peak emission wavelength of 1276 nm can be visualized through a 3.5‐mm‐thick layer of scattering medium, which is a 0.8% Lipofundin solution. A commercially available organic dye IR‐1061 (emission peak at 1132 nm), in its native form, is used for the first time, as a NIR‐II fluorescence label in cellular imaging. Our confocal setup is capable of capturing optically sectioned images of IR‐1061 labeled chondrocytes in fixed animal cartilage at a depth up to 800 μm, with a superb spatial resolution of around 2 μm.   相似文献   

Infrared differential thermal analysis (IDTA) and differential imaging chlorophyll fluorescence (DIF) were employed simultaneously to study the two-dimensional pattern of ice propagation in leaves and mesophyll freeze dehydration as detected by a significant increase of basic chlorophyll fluorescence (F(0)). IDTA and DIF technique gave different insights into the freezing process of leaves that was highly species-specific. IDTA clearly visualized the freezing process consisting of an initial fast spread of ice throughout the vascular system followed by mesophyll freezing. While mesophyll freezing was homogeneously in Poa alpina, Rhododendron ferrugineum and Senecio incanus as determined by IDTA, DIF showed a distinct pattern only in S. incanus, with the leaf tips being affected earlier. In Cinnamomum camphora, a mottled freezing pattern of small mesophyll compartments was observed by both methods. In IDTA images, a random pattern predominated, while in DIF images, compartments closer to lower order veins were affected earlier. The increase of F(0) following mesophyll freezing started after a species-specific time lag of up to 26 min. The start of the F(0) increase and its slope were significantly enhanced at lower temperatures, which suggest a higher strain on mesophyll protoplasts when freezing occurs at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

We developed a series of near infrared (NIR) cyanine dyes to study dichromic fluorescence phenomenon, which provides new protocols for in vivo optical imaging. Preliminary spectroscopic studies show that dichromic fluorescence correlates with structural symmetry. This feature suggests the potential use of dichromic fluorescent molecules to study biological processes that can alter the structural symmetry of the molecular probes.  相似文献   

In order to examine the transverse distribution of scattered light and chlorophyll fluorescence in intact rice leaves, a micro-fluorescence imaging system was devised using a microscope, a CCD camera with an image intensifier, an Ar and a He-Ne laser light source, an image processor, and a microcomputer. A laser light was projected vertically on to the surface of a rice leaf segment at a cut-edge, and scattered light and induced fluorescence were observed at the cut-section from a 90° angle to the axis of the laser beam. The intensity of scattered light showed a maximum at several micrometres depth from the leaf surface and a steep gradient afterwards. Fluorescence reached a maximum crossing with the decline curve of the scattered light. The maximum of fluorescence measured at 741 nm was observed at a greater depth from the leaf surface than that at 687 nm, suggesting that part of the fluorescence of the longer wavelength was emitted due to absorption of fluorescence of the shorter wavelength. Profiles of the scattered light and the chlorophyll fluorescence depended on leaf anatomy.  相似文献   

In an acidic buffered solution, erythrosine B can react with amiodarone to form an association complex, which not only generates great enhancement in resonance Rayleigh scattering (RRS) spectrum of erythrosine B at 346.5 nm but also results in quenching of fluorescence spectra of erythrosine B at λemission = 550.4 nm/λexcitation = 528.5 nm. In addition, the formed erythrosine B–amiodarone complex produces a new absorbance peak at 555 nm. The spectral characteristics of the RRS, absorbance, and fluorescence spectra, as well as the optimum analytical conditions, were studied and investigated. As a result, new spectroscopic methods were developed to determine amiodarone by utilizing erythrosine B as a probe. Moreover, the ICH guidelines were used to validate the developed RRS, photometric, and fluorimetric methods. The enhancements in the absorbance and the RRS intensity and the decrease in the fluorescence intensity of the used probe were proportional to the concentration of amiodarone in ranges of 2.5–20.0, 0.2–2.5, and 0.25–1.75 μg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, limit of detection values were 0.52 ng/mL for the spectrophotometric method, 0.051 μg/mL for the RRS method, and 0.075 μg/mL for the fluorimetric method. Moreover, with good recoveries, the developed spectroscopic procedures were applied to analyze amiodarone in its commercial tablets.  相似文献   

Centrioles are essential for the formation of centrosomes and cilia. While numerical and/or structural centrosomes aberrations are implicated in cancer, mutations in centriolar and centrosomal proteins are genetically linked to ciliopathies, microcephaly, and dwarfism. The evolutionarily conserved mechanisms underlying centrosome biogenesis are centered on a set of key proteins, including Plk4, Sas‐6, and STIL, whose exact levels are critical to ensure accurate reproduction of centrioles during cell cycle progression. However, neither the intracellular levels of centrosomal proteins nor their stoichiometry within centrosomes is presently known. Here, we have used two complementary approaches, targeted proteomics and EGFP‐tagging of centrosomal proteins at endogenous loci, to measure protein abundance in cultured human cells and purified centrosomes. Our results provide a first assessment of the absolute and relative amounts of major components of the human centrosome. Specifically, they predict that human centriolar cartwheels comprise up to 16 stacked hubs and 1 molecule of STIL for every dimer of Sas‐6. This type of quantitative information will help guide future studies of the molecular basis of centrosome assembly and function.  相似文献   

Stress-induced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to lowering of the biochemical yield of photosynthesis in plant leaves. The detrimental effects of oxidative stress by paraquat are initiated by the generation of superoxide anion radicals in the vicinity of the thylakoid membrane. However, direct proof of ROS production has been elusive. In this study, we report first in vivo detection and imaging of the generated superoxide in illuminated tobacco leaves following paraquat infiltration. This was done using a newly developed imaging apparatus capable of detecting changes in the fluorescence of the ROS sensor 3-(N-dansyl)aminomethyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrole. Under identical conditions, the effects on photosynthesis caused by the oxidative stress were assessed via chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and the saturation pulse method. In the future, the combination of these two imaging techniques may provide information on the spatial distribution and extent of stress induced ROS production in plant leaves, as well as on the protective ability of various free radical scavengers and antioxidants.  相似文献   

U. Heber  S. Neimanis  O. L. Lange 《Planta》1986,167(4):554-562
Carbon dioxide exchange, transpiration, chlorophyll fluorescence and light scattering of leaves of Lycopersicom esculentum, Helianthus annuus and Arbutus unedo were measured simultaneously before and after abscission of leaves. Scattering of a weak green measuring beam was used to monitor water fluxes across the thylakoid membranes of the mesophyll. When leaves were cut under water, stomata initially closed partially and then occasionally exhibited distinct regulatory oscillations. As stomata closed, light scattering decreased indicating water influx into the mesophyll. Stomatal oscillations were accompanied, with small but noticeable phase shifts, by oscillations of water fluxes at the thylakoid level. These fluxes could be distinguished from the water fluxes accompanying light-dependent ion pumping across the thylakoids by the concomitant chlorophyll fluorescence signals. The latter record energy-dependent ion fluxes in addition to redox changes of the electron-transport chain. As stomata closed partially after cutting a leaf under water, photosynthesis decreased. In Arbutus unedo and Helianthus annuus leaves, transient stomatal closure was insufficient to account for transient inhibition of photosynthesis which appeared to be brought about by transfer of an inhibitory solute through the petiole into the mesophyll. This solute also stimulated respiration in the dark. When leaves were cut in air, stomata opened transiently (Iwanoff effect) before wilting enforced closure. Photosynthesis followed the stomatal responses, increasing during opening and decreasing during closure.Dedicated to Professor H. Ullrich on the occasion of his 85th birthday  相似文献   

Y. Kobayashi  S. Köster  U. Heber 《BBA》1982,682(1):44-54
Scattering of green light and chlorophyll fluorescence by spinach leaves kept in a stream of air or nitrogen were compared with leaf adenylate levels during illumination with blue, red or far-red light. Energy charge and ATP-ADP ratios exhibited considerable variability in different leaves both in the dark and in the light. Variability is explained by different possible states of the reaction oxidizing triose phosphate or reducing 3-phosphoglycerate. Except when oxygen levels were low, there was an inverse relationship between light scattering and chlorophyll fluorescence during illumination with blue or red light. When CO2 was added to a stream of CO2-free air, chlorophyll fluorescence increased, sometimes after a transient decrease, and both light scattering and leaf ATPADP ratios decreased. Similar observations were made when air was replaced by nitrogen under blue or high-intensity red light. Under these conditions, over-reduction caused inhibition of electron transport and phosphorylation in chloroplasts. However, when air was replaced by nitrogen during illumination with low-intensity red light or far-red light, light scattering increased instead of decreasing. Under these light conditions, ATPADP ratios were maintained in the light. They decreased drastically only after darkening. Although ATPADP ratios responded faster than light scattering or the slow secondary decline of chlorophyll fluorescence due to illumination, it appeared that in the steady state, light scattering and chlorophyll fluorescence are useful indicators of the phosphorylation state of the leaf adenylate system at least under aerobic conditions, when chloroplast and extrachloroplast adenylate systems can effectively communicate.  相似文献   

Short‐wave infrared hyperspectral imaging is applied to diagnose and monitor a case of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) due to poison ivy exposure in one subject. This approach directly demonstrates increased tissue fluid content in ACD lesional skin with a spectral signature that matches the spectral signature of intradermally injected normal saline. The best contrast between the affected and unaffected skin is achieved through a selection of specific wavelengths at 1070, 1340 and 1605 nm and combining them in a pseudo‐red‐green‐blue color space. An image derived from these wavelengths normalized to unaffected skin defines a “tissue fluid index” that may aid in the quantitative diagnosis and monitoring of ACD. Further clinical testing of this promising approach towards disease detection and monitoring with tissue fluid content quantification is warranted.  相似文献   

Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) has proven to be an effective bioscavenger against nerve agents and organophosphates. Phase I safety trials of human BChE are currently being conducted and large-scale production of recombinant BChE is underway. Information on the real-time distribution of BChE from the injection site has not been well characterized. This study utilized the BChE nullizygote (BChE-/-) mouse and tetrameric equine BChE labeled with LI-COR((R)) fluorescent IRDye 800CW to track, quantify and determine the retention time of BChE in vivo following intramuscular injection. In vivo images were acquired with Xenogen's IVIS((R)) 200 imager and the LI-COR Odyssey((R)) Imaging System fitted with the MousePODtrade mark. Plasma and tissues were tested for BChE activity. The 2mg of BChE spread from the injection site to heart, liver, intestine, kidneys, lungs, salivary glands, and muscle, but did not enter the brain or the skin. Fluorescence intensity in organs and BChE activity in plasma peaked on day 1. BChE activity in plasma was undetectable by day 16, at a time when there was still significant fluorescent signal and BChE activity in the liver (0.32units/g), injected quadriceps (0.13units/g) and in most of the organs analyzed. It is concluded that the tetrameric BChE glycoprotein of 340kDa diffuses from the muscle injection site to blood and peripheral organs and has a longer residence time in the organs than in blood.  相似文献   

The temperature of plants can be measured using infrared (IR) thermography. Despite the extensive use of IR imaging indoors, outdoor IR imaging is uncommon. We used IR imaging to compare leaf temperatures between necrotic spots and healthy areas of oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata var. spontanea), Japanese cornel (Cornus officinalis) and sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) in the field. There was a significant difference in the mean leaf temperatures between the necrotic spots (26.4°C) and healthy areas (25.6°C) of oriental cherry (p = .01). The mean temperatures in the necrotic spots of Japanese cornel and sawtooth oak leaves were 22.3°C and 29.6°C, respectively, which were not significantly different from the mean temperatures of the healthy areas. A consecutive, 2‐day temporal leaf analysis in October 2018 revealed that the temperatures in the necrotic spots were generally higher than those in the healthy areas of the three species. The temperature difference between the spots and healthy areas (up to 1.4°C) was more pronounced at 13:00 hr in all three species on both days. These results reveal differences in the spatial and temporal thermal state across the necrotic spotted leaves. There is potential for use of outdoor IR imaging to visualize the response of trees to pathogen infection and abiotic stress.  相似文献   

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