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Summary— Confocal scanning optical microscopy has significant advantages over conventional fluorescence microscopy: it rejects the out-of-locus light and provides a greater resolution than the wide-field microscope. In laser scanning optical microscopy, the specimen is scanned by a diffraction-limited spot of laser light and the fluorescence emission (or the reflected light) is focused onto a photodetector. The imaged point is then digitized, stored into the memory of a computer and displayed at the appropriate spatial position on a graphic device as a part of a two-dimensional image. Thus, confocal scanning optical microscopy allows accurate non-invasive optical sectioning and further three-dimensional reconstruction of biological specimens. Here we review the recent technological aspects of the principles and uses of the confocal microscope, and we introduce the different methods of three-dimensional imaging.  相似文献   

Digital staining based on Mueller matrix measurements and their derivatives was investigated. Mueller matrix imaging was performed at the microscopic level on gastric tissue sections. Full Mueller matrices (4 × 4) were reconstructed using recorded images, followed by the extraction of polarization parameters. The most effective parameters and their combinations were extracted from Mueller matrix elements, principal component scores and polarization parameters respectively to classify samples into three categories – i.e. cancer, dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia/normal glands for various regions of interest sizes. It was observed that two‐step classification yielded higher classification accuracy than the traditional one‐step classification and that pixel classification based on Mueller matrix elements yielded higher accuracy than that based on polarization parameters and derived principal components. Moreover, Mueller matrix images with a lower spatial resolution generated higher classification accuracy but those with a higher spatial resolution revealed more morphological details.ns.

The original stained image (top) and the digital staining image (bottom).  相似文献   

The cover shows the image enhancement of biological tissues provided by the Indices of Polarimetric Purity (IPPs). By measuring the Mueller matrix of a biological sample, using an imaging polarimeter, the IPPs are calculated. They are polarimetric indicators providing further synthetization of depolarizing samples and leading to enhanced image contrast for some biological structures. Once the IPPs are calculated, a pseudo‐colouring technique is applied for higher visualization. Further details can be found in the article by Albert Van Eeckhout et al. ( e201700189 )


克隆斑马鱼基质金属蛋白酶15a(MMP15a)基因,并研究其在斑马鱼胚胎早期发育中的时空表达状况。收集不同发育时期的斑马鱼胚胎,制备DIG标记的MMP15a RNA探针,采用全胚胎原位杂交方法研究MMP15a基因在胚胎斑马鱼的表达。结果MMP15a基因在胚胎受精后一个细胞时期就开始表达,从受精后24h起,在眼睛处表达明显,从受精后48h MMP15a在胸鳍和耳囊有特异性表达至到受精后96h。MMP15a在斑马鱼胚胎发育不同时期表达明显,且在胸鳍和耳囊处有持续表达。  相似文献   

Radiofrequency (RF) ablation offers a potential treatment for cardiac arrhythmia, where properly titrated energy delivered at critical sites can destroy arrhythmogenic foci. The resulting ablation lesion typically consists of a core (coagulative necrosis) surrounded by a rim of mixed viable and non‐viable cells. The extent of the RF lesion is difficult to delineate with current imaging techniques. Here, we explore polarization signatures of ten ex‐vivo samples from untreated (n = 5) and RF ablated porcine hearts (n = 5), in backscattered geometry through Mueller matrix polarimetry. Significant differences (p < 0.01) in depolarization, ΔT, were observed between the healthy, RF ablated and rim regions. Linear retardance, δ, was significantly lower in the core and rim regions compared to healthy regions (p < 0.05). The results demonstrate a novel application of polarimetry, namely the characterization of RF ablation extent in myocardium, including the visualization of the important lesion rim region.

White light photo (top) of porcine myocardium tissue with radiofrequency ablation lesion and corresponding depolarization map (bottom). Depolarization is useful for visualizing the lesion core and rim.  相似文献   

In mammals, preimplantation development primarily occurs in the oviduct (or fallopian tube) where fertilized oocytes migrate through, develop and divide as they prepare for implantation in the uterus. Studies of preimplantation development currently rely on ex vivo experiments with the embryos cultured outside of the oviduct, neglecting the native environment for embryonic growth. This prevents the understanding of the natural process of preimplantation development and the roles of the oviduct in early embryonic health. Here, we report an in vivo optical imaging approach enabling high‐resolution visualizations of developing embryos in the mouse oviduct. By combining optical coherence microscopy (OCM) and a dorsal imaging window, the subcellular structures and morphologies of unfertilized oocytes, zygotes and preimplantation embryos can be well resolved in vivo, allowing for the staging of development. We present the results together with bright‐field microscopy images to show the comparable imaging quality. As the mouse is a well‐established model with a variety of genetic engineering strategies available, the in vivo imaging approach opens great opportunities to investigate how the oviduct and early embryos interact to prepare for successful implantation. This knowledge could have beneficial impact on understanding infertility and improving in vitro fertilization. OCM through a dorsal imaging window enables high‐resolution imaging and staging of mouse preimplantation embryos in vivo in the oviduct.   相似文献   

Studies of gene regulation, signaling pathways, and stem cell biology are contributing greatly to our understanding of early embryonic vertebrate development. However, much less is known about the events during the latter half of embryonic development, when tissues comprising mostly extracellular matrix (ECM) are formed. The matrix extends far beyond the boundaries of individual cells and is refractory to study by conventional biochemical and molecular techniques; thus major gaps exist in our knowledge of the formation and three‐dimensional (3D) organization of the dense tissues that form the bulk of adult vertebrates. Serial block face‐scanning electron microscopy (SBF‐SEM) has the ability to image volumes of tissue containing numerous cells at a resolution sufficient to study the organization of the ECM. Furthermore, whereas light microscopy was once relatively straightforward and electron microscopy was performed in specialist laboratories, the tables are turned; SBF‐SEM is relatively straightforward and is becoming routine in high‐end resolution studies of embryonic structures in vivo. In this review, we discuss the emergence of SBF‐SEM as a tool for studying embryonic vertebrate development. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 105:9–18, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Tissue‐depolarization and linear‐retardance are the main polarization characteristics of interest for bulk tissue characterization, and are normally interpreted from Mueller polarimetry. Stokes polarimetry can be conducted using simpler instrumentation and in a shorter time. Here, we use Stokes polarimetric imaging with circularly polarized illumination to assess the circular‐depolarization and linear‐retardance properties of tissue. Results obtained were compared with Mueller polarimetry in transmission and reflection geometry, respectively. It is found that circular‐depolarization obtained from these 2 methods is very similar in both geometries, and that linear‐retardance is highly quantitatively similar for transmission geometry and qualitatively similar for reflection geometry. The majority of tissue circular‐depolarization and linear‐retardance image information (represented by local image contrast features) obtained from Mueller polarimetry is well preserved from Stokes polarimetry in both geometries. These findings can be referred to for further understanding tissue Stokes polarimetric data, and for further application of Stokes polarimetry under the circumstances where short acquisition time or low optical system complexity is a priority, such as polarimetric endoscopy and microscopy.   相似文献   

王小燕  蔡继业  陈勇  赵涛 《生命科学》2003,15(1):53-57,59
评述了近场扫描光学显微镜(near-field scanning optical microscopy,NSOM)的仪器构造、工作原理及其在生物学领域的应用成果。对NSOM目前存在的主要问题进行了讨论,并展望了NSOM在该领域的发展潜力。  相似文献   

Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) was used to visualise the spatial location of foulants during the fouling of Q Sepharose FF matrix in finite batch experiments and for examining the subsequent effectiveness of clean-in-place (CIP) treatments in cleaning the heavily fouled beads. Beads were severely fouled with partially clarified E. coli homogenate by contacting the beads with the foulant for contact times of 5 min, 1 or 12 h. The use of two different fluorescent dyes, PicoGreen and Cy5.5, for labelling genomic PicoGreen-labelled dsDNA and protein respectively, allowed the direct observation of the chromatographic beads. The extent of fouling was assessed by measuring the subsequent adsorption of Cy5.5-labelled BSA to the beads. Control studies established that the labelling of BSA did not affect significantly the protein properties. In the control case of contacting the unfouled matrix with Cy5.5-labelled BSA, protein was able to penetrate the entire matrix volume. After fouling, Cy5.5-labelled BSA was unable to penetrate the bead but only to bind near the bead surface where it slowly displaced PicoGreen-conjugated dsDNA, which bound only at the exterior of the beads. Labelled host cell proteins bound throughout the bead interior but considerably less at the core; suggesting that other species might have occupied that space. The gross levels of fouling achieved drastically reduced the binding capacity and maximum Cy5.5-labelled BSA uptake rate. The capacity of the resin was reduced by 2.5-fold when incubated with foulant for up to 1 h. However, when the resin was fouled for a prolonged time of 12 h a further sixfold decrease in capacity was seen. The uptake rate of Cy5.5-labelled BSA decreased with increased fouling time of the resin. Incubating the fouled beads in 1 M NaCl dissociated PicoGreen-labelled dsDNA from the bead exterior within 15 min of incubation but proved ineffective in removing all the foulant protein. Cy5.5-labelled BSA was still unable to bind beyond the outer region of the beads. A harsher CIP treatment of 1 M NaCl dissolved in 1 M NaOH was also ineffective in removing all the foulant protein but did remove PicoGreen-conjugated dsDNA within 15 min of incubation. Cy5.5-labelled BSA was able to bind throughout the bead interior after this more aggressive CIP treatment but at a lower capacity than in the case of fresh beads. The competitive adsorption of BacLight Red-labelled whole cells or cell debris and PicoGreen-conjugated dsDNA was also visualised using CSLM.  相似文献   

The combination of a conventional optical microscope with a specially designed glass flow cell was used to visualize in situ biofilms formed on opaque thin biomaterials through a simple non-invasive way (optical microscopy of thin biofilms, OMTB). Comparisons of OMTB with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were made. Thin metallic dental biomaterials were used as substrata. They were immersed in a synthetic saliva and in a modified Mitis–Salivarius medium inoculated with a consortium of oral microorganisms. To study the effect of bacterial motility, Pseudomonas fluorescens cultures were also used. The processes which give rise to the formation of the biofilm were monitored through OMTB. Biofilm microstructures like pores, water channels, streamers and chains of Streptococci, attached to the surface or floating in the viscous interfacial environment, could be distinguished. Thickness and roughness of the biofilms formed on thin substrata could also be evaluated. Distortions introduced by pretreatments carried out to prepare biological materials for SEM observations could be detected by comparing OMTB and SEM images. SEM images (obtained at high magnification but ex situ, not in real time and with pretreatment of the samples) and OMTB images (obtained in situ, without pretreatments, in real time but at low magnification) in combination provided complementary information to study biofilm processes on thin substrata.  相似文献   

The mortality of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) accounts for 70% to 80% of all ovarian cancer deaths and overall mortality rate has not declined in the last decade. Recently, many studies have demonstrated that HGSOC originates from the fallopian tubes. The extracellular matrix (ECM) is present in all tissues, its remodeling and interaction with cells are crucial for regulating cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. In this paper, we used label-free nonlinear optical microscopy to image tissues of the fallopian tube and ovary. Combining a set of image processing algorithms, we monitored the remodeling of ECM in the fallopian tube and ovary during the invasion of primary serous fallopian tube tumor into the ovary in microscopic dimension. With this approach, we can obtain physiological information of HGSOC at the early stage, which provided useful data for auxiliary clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

Mueller matrix imaging polarimetry (MMIP) is a promising technique for the characterization of biological tissues, including the classification of microstructures in pathological diagnosis. To expand the parameter space of Mueller matrix parameters, we propose new vector parameters (VPs) according to the Mueller matrix polar decomposition method. We measure invasive bladder cancer (IBC) with extensive necrosis and high-grade ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) with MMIP, and the regions of cancer cells and fibrotic stroma are classified with the VPs. Then the proposed and existing VPs are mapped on the Poincaré sphere with 3D visualization, and an indicator of spatial feature is defined based on the minimum enclosing sphere to evaluate the classification capability of the VPs. For both IBC and DCIS, the results show that the proposed VPs exhibit evident contrast between the regions of cancer cells and fibrotic stroma. This study broadens the fundamental Mueller matrix parameters and helps to improve the characterization ability of the MMIP technique.  相似文献   

Recently, the incidence of inflammatory bowel diseases, especially the Crohn's disease (CD) and gastrointestinal luminal tuberculosis (ITB), has grown rapidly worldwide. Currently there is no general gold standard to distinguish between CD and ITB tissues, which both have tuberculosis and surrounding fibrous structures. Mueller matrix imaging technique is suitable for describing the location, density and distribution behavior of such fibrous structures. In this study, we apply the Mueller matrix microscopic imaging to the CD and ITB tissue samples. The 2D Mueller matrix images of the CD and ITB tissue slices are measured using the Mueller matrix microscope developed in our previous study, then the Mueller matrix polar decomposition and Mueller matrix transformation parameters are calculated. To evaluate the distribution features of the fibrous structures surrounding the tuberculosis areas more quantitatively and precisely, we analyze the retardance related Mueller matrix derived parameters, which show clear different distribution behaviors between the CD and ITB tissues, using the Tamura image processing method. It is demonstrated that the Mueller matrix derived parameters can reveal the structural features of tuberculosis areas and be used as quantitative indicators to distinguish between CD and ITB tissues, which may be useful for the clinical diagnosis.   相似文献   

Confocal microscopy is an indispensable tool for biological imaging due to its high resolution and optical sectioning capability. However, its slow imaging speed and severe photobleaching have largely prevented further applications. Here, we present dual inclined beam line‐scanning (LS) confocal microscopy. The reduced excitation intensity of our imaging method enabled a 2‐fold longer observation time of fluorescence compared to traditional LS microscopy while maintaining a good sectioning capability and single‐molecule sensitivity. We characterized the performance of our method and applied it to subcellular imaging and three‐dimensional single‐molecule RNA imaging in mammalian cells.   相似文献   

In vivo imaging of embryonic vascular development using transgenic zebrafish   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
In this study we describe a model system that allows continuous in vivo observation of the vertebrate embryonic vasculature. We find that the zebrafish fli1 promoter is able to drive expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in all blood vessels throughout embryogenesis. We demonstrate the utility of vascular-specific transgenic zebrafish in conjunction with time-lapse multiphoton laser scanning microscopy by directly observing angiogenesis within the brain of developing embryos. Our images reveal that blood vessels undergoing active angiogenic growth display extensive filopodial activity and pathfinding behavior similar to that of neuronal growth cones. We further show, using the zebrafish mindbomb mutant as an example, that the expression of EGFP within developing blood vessels permits detailed analysis of vascular defects associated with genetic mutations. Thus, these transgenic lines allow detailed analysis of both wild type and mutant embryonic vasculature and, together with the ability to perform large scale forward-genetic screens in zebrafish, will facilitate identification of new mutants affecting vascular development.  相似文献   

The general morphology and surface ultrastructure of the gills of adult and larvae medaka (Oryzias latipes) were studied in freshwater and seawater using scanning electron microscopy. The gills of all examined fish were structurally similar to those of other teleosts and consisted of four pairs of arches supporting (i) filaments bearing lamellae and (ii) rakers containing taste buds. Three cell types, specifically pavement cells, mitochondria‐rich cells (MRCs), and mucous cells, constituted the surface layer of the gill epithelium. Several distinctive characteristics of medaka gills were noted, including the presence of regularly distributed outgrowth on the lamellae, enlarged filament tips, the absence of microridges in most pavement cells in the filament and lamellae and the presence of MRCs in the arch at the filament base. A rapid mode of development was recorded in the gills of larval fish. At hatching, the larvae already had four arches with rudimentary filaments, rakers, and taste buds. The rudimentary lamellae appeared within 2 days after hatching. These results suggest the early involvement of larval gills in respiratory and osmoregulation activities. The responses of the macrostructures and microstructures of gills to seawater acclimation were similar in larvae and adult fish and included modification of the apical surface of MRCs, confirming the importance of these cells in osmoregulation. The potential roles of these peculiarities of the macrostructures and microstructures of medaka gills in the major functions of this organ, such as respiration and osmoregulation, are discussed.  相似文献   

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