A fluorescence background is one of the common interference factors of the Raman spectroscopic analysis in the biology field. Shifted‐excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS), in which a slow (typically 1 Hz) modulation to excitation wavelength is coupled with a sequential acquisition of alternating shifted‐excitation spectra, has been used to separate Raman scattering from excitation‐shift insensitive background. This sequential method is susceptible to spectral change and thus is limited only to stable samples. We incorporated a fast laser modulation (200 Hz) and a mechanical streak camera into SERDS to effectively parallelize the SERDS measurement in a single exposure. The developed system expands the scope of SERDS to include temporary varying system. The proof of concept is demonstrated using highly fluorescent samples, including living algae. Quantitative performance in fluorescence rejection and the robustness of the method to the dynamic spectral change during the measurement are manifested. 相似文献
Raman spectroscopy using fiber optic probe combines non‐contacted and label‐free molecular fingerprinting with high mechanical flexibility for biomedical, clinical and industrial applications. Inherently, fiber optic Raman probes provide information from a single point only, and the acquisition of images is not straightforward. For many applications, it is highly crucial to determine the molecular distribution and provide imaging information of the sample. Here, we propose an approach for Raman imaging using a handheld fiber optic probe, which is built around computer vision–based assessment of positional information and simultaneous acquisition of spectroscopic information. By combining this implementation with real‐time data processing and analysis, it is possible to create not only fiber‐based Raman imaging but also an augmented chemical reality image of the molecular distribution of the sample surface in real‐time. We experimentally demonstrated that using our approach, it is possible to determine and to distinguish borders of different bimolecular compounds in a short time. Because the method can be transferred to other optical probes and other spectroscopic techniques, it is expected that the implementation will have a large impact for clinical, biomedical and industrial applications. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to build and test an adjunct system to a colonoscope for in vivo measurement of Raman spectra from colon tissue for potentially improving the detection of early cancers. The novelty of this system was that low cost fibre optic probes were used, without the addition of expensive optical filters. Good quality in vivo Raman spectra were successfully obtained with a 1 s integration time in the high frequency (HF) range from normal tissue and polyps of patients during a colonoscopy. The polyps were subsequently removed, and their pathology determined. The acquired in vivo Raman spectra showed clear changes between tissue with normal and tubular adenoma pathology. Further clinical study with this low cost HF Raman probe is warranted to fully test its clinical utility.
Left: Raman probe orientated on a suspected polyp (indicated by arrow) under video surveillance during a colonoscopy. Right: average Raman spectra from 2800–3050 cm–1 obtained from polyps at different stages of disease. The peak intensities are in arbitrary units. 相似文献
Existing approaches for early‐stage bladder tumor diagnosis largely depend on invasive and time‐consuming procedures, resulting in hospitalization, bleeding, bladder perforation, infection and other health risks for the patient. The reduction of current risk factors, while maintaining or even improving the diagnostic precision, is an underlying factor in clinical instrumentation research. For example, for clinic surveillance of patients with a history of noninvasive bladder tumors real‐time tumor diagnosis can enable immediate laser‐based removal of tumors using flexible cystoscopes in the outpatient clinic. Therefore, novel diagnostic modalities are required that can provide real‐time in vivo tumor diagnosis. Raman spectroscopy provides biochemical information of tissue samples ex vivo and in vivo and without the need for complicated sample preparation and staining procedures. For the past decade there has been a rise in applications to diagnose and characterize early cancer in different organs, such as in head and neck, colon and stomach, but also different pathologies, for example, inflammation and atherosclerotic plaques. Bladder pathology has also been studied but only with little attention to aspects that can influence the diagnosis, such as tissue heterogeneity, data preprocessing and model development. The present study presents a clinical investigative study on bladder biopsies to characterize the tumor grading ex vivo, using a compact fiber probe‐based imaging Raman system, as a crucial step towards in vivo Raman endoscopy. Furthermore, this study presents an evaluation of the tissue heterogeneity of highly fluorescent bladder tissues, and the multivariate statistical analysis for discrimination between nontumor tissue, and low‐ and high‐grade tumor. 相似文献
Abnormal protein kinetics could be a cause of several diseases associated with essential life processes. An accurate understanding of protein dynamics and turnover is essential for developing diagnostic or therapeutic tools to monitor these changes. Raman spectroscopy in combination with stable isotope probes (SIP) such as carbon-13, and deuterium has been a breakthrough in the qualitative and quantitative study of various metabolites. In this work, we are reporting the utility of Raman-SIP for monitoring dynamic changes in the proteome at the community level. We have used 13C-labeled glucose as the only carbon source in the medium and verified its incorporation in the microbial biomass in a time-dependent manner. A visible redshift in the Raman spectral vibrations of major biomolecules such as nucleic acids, phenylalanine, tyrosine, amide I, and amide III were observed. Temporal changes in the intensity of these bands demonstrating the feasibility of protein turnover monitoring were also verified. Kanamycin, a protein synthesis inhibitor was used to assess the feasibility of identifying effects on protein turnover in the cells. Successful application of this work can provide an alternate/adjunct tool for monitoring proteome-level changes in an objective and nondestructive manner. 相似文献
Raman spectroscopy is a robust, well-established tool utilized for measuring important cell culture process variables for example, feed, metabolites, and biomass in real-time. This study further expands the functionality of in-line Raman spectroscopy coupled with partial least squares (PLS) regression modelling to develop a pH measurement tool. Cell line specific models were developed to enhance the robustness for processes with different pH setpoints, deadbands, and cellular metabolism. The modelling strategy further improved robustness by reducing the temporal complexity of pH shifts by splitting data sets into two time zones reflective of major changes in pH. In addition, models were developed to assess if lactate and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) could be used in a PLS model for pH. Splitting the data sets into early and late for the process resulted in errors of 0.035 pH and 0.034 pH for the two respective Raman cell lines models which was within acceptance criteria. The lactate and pCO2 PLS model with values provided by Raman models had a further 0.001 pH error reduction. This study illustrates the potential to eliminate off-line samples to correct for in-line measurements of pH and further illustrates the capabilities of Raman to measure additional process variables. 相似文献
Raman spectroscopy has becoming a practical tool for rapid in vivo tissue diagnosis. This paper provides an overview on the latest development of real‐time in vivo Raman systems for cancer detection. Instrumentation, data handling, as well as oncology applications of Raman techniques were covered. Optic fiber probes designs for Raman spectroscopy were discussed. Spectral data pre‐processing, feature extraction, and classification between normal/benign and malignant tissues were surveyed. Applications of Raman techniques for clinical diagnosis for different types of cancers, including skin cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer, were summarized.
Schematic of a real‐time Raman spectrometer for skin cancer detection. Without correction, the image captured on CCD camera for a straight entrance slit has a curvature. By arranging the optic fiber array in reverse orientation, the curvature could be effectively corrected. 相似文献
The Raman spectra in the low 5–200 cm−1 frequency region of metabolically activeE. coli cells have been analyzed to determine whether they are indicators of a possible in vivo underlying order by applying standard concepts derived from the Raman spectroscopy of crystalline systems with varying degrees of order. The analysis suggests that in-vivo space-time ordered structures involving amino acids associated with DNA exist since the low frequency lines of metabolically active cells can be assigned to lines seen in the spectra of crystals of given amino acids known to associated with DNA early in the lifetime of a cell. 相似文献
The surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) spectrum of caffeine is recorded on a silver colloid at different pH values. It is discussed on the basis of the SERS "surface selection rules" in order to characterize its vibrational behavior on such a biological artificial model. To improve the previous assignments in the Raman spectrum and for a reliable, detailed analysis of SERS spectra, density functional theory calculations (structural parameters, harmonic vibrational wavenumbers, total electron density, and natural population analysis of the molecule) are performed for the anhydrous form of caffeine and the results are discussed. The predicted geometry and vibrational Raman spectra are in good agreement with the experimental data. The flat orientation of the mainly chemisorbed caffeine attached through the pi electrons and the lone pair of nonmethylated N atoms of the imidazole ring are proposed to occur at neutral and basic pH values. At acid pH values caffeine is probably adsorbed on the Ag surface through one or both oxygen atoms, more probably through the O atom of the conjugated carbonyl group with an end-on orientation. However, the changes in the overall SERS spectral pattern seem to indicate the electromagnetic mechanism as being the dominant one. 相似文献
Reinterpretation of the Wartburg effect leads to understanding aerobic glycolysis as a process that provides considerable amount of molecular precursors for the production of lipids, nucleotides and amino acids that are necessary for continuous growth and rapid proliferation characteristic for cancer cells.Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a number one cause of cervical carcinoma with 99% of the cervical cancer patients being HPV positive. This tight link between HPV and cancer raises the question if and how HPV impact cells to reprogram their metabolism? Focusing on early phase proteins E1, E2, E5, E6 and E7 we demonstrate that HPV activates plethora of metabolic pathways and directly influences enzymes of the glycolysis pathway to promote the Warburg effect by increasing glucose uptake, activating glycolysis and pentose phosphate pathway, increasing the level of lactate dehydrogenase A synthesis and inhibiting β-oxidation. Our considerations lead to conclusion that HPV is substantially involved in metabolic cell reprogramming toward neoplastic phenotype and its metabolic activity is the fundamental reason of its oncogenicity. 相似文献
The ultraviolet resonance Raman (UV RR) spectra of functional ATP/membrane-bound Na+K+-ATPase complexes have been obtained. The substrate binding in the enzyme active site has been shown to be accompanied with significant changes in the electronic vibrational structure of the adenine ring. From the spectral analysis of ATP, 8-Br-ATP and 6-NHMe-adenine at various pH values the conclusion was made that N1 and the NH2, group and, probably, N7 of the substrate adenine part, interact with the protein surroundings via hydrogen bonds. 相似文献
Preterm birth (PTB) is the leading cause of neonatal death, however, accurate prediction methods do not exist. Detection of early changes in the cervix, an organ that biochemically remodels to deliver the fetus, has potential to predict PTB risk. Researchers have employed light‐based methods to monitor biochemical changes in the cervix during pregnancy, however, these approaches required patients to undergo a speculum examination which many patients find uncomfortable and is not standard practice during prenatal care. Herein, a visually guided optical probe is presented that measures the cervix via introduction by bimanual examination, a procedure that is commonly performed during prenatal visits and labor for tactile monitoring of the cervix. The device incorporates a Raman spectroscopy probe for biochemical monitoring and a camera for visualizing measurement location to ensure it is void of cervical mucus and blood. This probe was tested in 15 patients receiving obstetric and gynecological care, and results acquired with and without a speculum revealed similar spectra, demonstrating that the visually guided probe conserved data quality. Additionally, the majority of patients reported reduced discomfort from the device. In summary, the visual guidance probe successfully measured the cervix while integrating with standard prenatal care, reducing a barrier in clinical translation. 相似文献
The Raman spectroscopic lines of liquid cultures ofRhizobium japonicum have been compared with electron microscopic examinations and growth measurements of these cells. The results showed that the significant Raman lines are related to the reproduction activities of the procaryotic cells. 相似文献
The retrogradation of untreated wild-type starches (potato, maize, and wheat), waxy maize starches, and one pregelatinized, modified amylose-rich starch was investigated continuously using Raman spectroscopy. The method detects conformational changes due to the multi-stage retrogradation, the rate of which differs between the starches. The pregelatinized, modified amylose-rich starch shows all stages of retrogradation in the course of its Raman spectra. In comparison to amylose, the retrogradation of amylopectin is faster at the beginning of the measurements and slower in the later stages. The untreated starches can be ranked in the order of their rate of retrogradation as follows: potato>maize>wheat. 相似文献
A set of arabinoxylan samples differing in their arabinose composition and various samples of arabino-xylo-oligosaccharide samples were analysed by Raman spectroscopy. Specific signatures for arabinose substitution were found in several spectral regions, that is, 400-600, 800-950 and 1030-1100 cm(-1). A linear relationship was observed between the peak ratio 855/895 cm(-1) of the second derivative spectra and the A/X ratio determined by chemical analysis. Moreover, spectral changes were observed in the 400-600 cm(-1) region assigned to the coupled vibrations mode in the skeleton: while the intensity of the band at 570 cm(-1) increased with the degree of substitution, that at 494 cm(-1) decreased. Similarly, a linear relationship was observed between the peak intensity ratio 570/494 cm(-1) calculated on the second derivative spectra and the composition data. Analysis of Raman spectra of arabino-xylo-oligosaccharides allowed to identify specific spectral features of disubstitution. 相似文献
The tremendous enhancement factors that surface‐enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) possesses coupled with the flexibility of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) pave the way to a new generation of ultrasensitive biosensors. Thanks to the unique structure of PCFs, which allows direct incorporation of an analyte into the axially aligned air channels, interaction between the analyte and excitation light could be increased many folds leading to flexible, reliable and sensitive probes that can be used in preclinical or clinical biosensing. SERS‐active PCF probes provide unique opportunity to develop an opto‐fluidic liquid biopsy needle sensor that enables one‐step integrated sample collection and testing for disease diagnosis. Specificity being a key parameter to biosensors, the PCF inside the biopsy needle could be functionalized with targeting moieties to detect specific biomarkers. In this review article, we present some of the most promising recent biosensors based on PCFs including hollow‐core PCFs, suspended‐core PCFs and side‐channel PCFs. We provide a wide range of applications of such platform using Raman spectroscopy, label free SERS or labeled SERS detection and analyze some of the main challenges to be addressed for translating it to a clinically viable next generation sensitive biopsy needle sensing probe. 相似文献