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Black holes, mate retention, and the evolution of ungulate leks   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
In some ungulates living in unstable herds, females in estrusleave their usual groups and join males defending mating territories.During the 12-24 h before mating, females commonly move severaltimes between males. These movements are commonly caused byharems being disrupted by young males or by overenthusiasticcourtship by the territorial male. When females leave a territorythey typically move to its nearest neighbor. Under these circumstances,clusters of territories can retain estrous females until theymate and leave the lek. This paper develops a model to investigatethe benefits of defending clustered versus dispersed territoriesto males and the consequences of variation in the rate of femalemovement between territories (Pm) and the tendency for femalesto move from one territory to a neighboring territory (a). Wherefemales move between territories at least once every 24 h (Pm< 0.04) and usually move to neighboring territories (a <0.5), the mating success of males is inversely related to thedistance from their territory to its nearest neighbor, and malesdefending clustered territories have higher mating rates thanthose defending dispersed territories. This process may be importantin the initial evolution of ungulate leks, which may resembleblack holes, attracting and retaining estrous females untilthey mate and their estrus ceases. It provides one possibleexplanation of the evolution of ungulate leks that does notrely on female preferences for mating with particular phenotypiccategories of males.  相似文献   

No peace for estrous topi cows on leks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Male coercion, such as harassment, may be considered the thirdmain component in sexual selection alongside male competitionand female choice. In this study on lek-breeding topi antelopes(Damaliscus lunatus), I investigate whether female mating preferenceshave consequences for male investment in harassment and whetherharassing males are more likely to succeed in mating. I thenaddress the question of whether lek evolution in topi can beexplained by harassment avoidance. Judging from mating rate,I found that female topi antelopes in estrus preferred lek malesto resource defenders. In contrast to lek males, resource defendersdemonstrated significantly higher harassment rates before theysucceeded in mating than when they did not, and the precopulatoryharassment rate was significantly higher on resource territoriesthan on lek territories. After mating on resource territories,harassment dropped to low levels. Thus, resource defenders,but not lek males, seem to employ harassment as a strategy tocoerce females to mate against their preference. However, byusing various measures of harassment intensity, overall estrousfemales were found to experience higher harassment levels onlek, and chases by intruders were relatively rare on all territorytypes. These findings suggest that harassment avoidance is unlikelyas an explanation for lek evolution.  相似文献   

We investigated factors underlying variation in male matingsuccess in Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), a lek-breeding antelope.We found that only heavy (and, possibly, relatively old) malesheld lek territories and that female choice was an importantdeterminant of nonrandom mating patterns at leks. Our measureof male mating success was closely related to the historicalpopularity of the territory that a male defended, and individualfemales showed consistent preferences for particular lek territories,despite changes in territory ownership. Male success increasedwith body weight and declined independently of territory effectsduring each bout of lek territory tenure. We also found someevidence that female kob copied one another's choice of matesbecause females arriving at a lek tended to join territoriesthat already had relatively large harems on them. When comparedacross leks, average male mating success increased with leksize. Our results suggest that female kob may use a suite ofmale- and territory-based cues in mate choice at leks and, asa result, mate with particularly large males. However, we wereunable to determine whether female kob gain any direct or indirectbenefits through mate choice at leks.  相似文献   

Red deer females collect on male clumps at mating areas   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Mating strategies in mammalian herbivores are adapted to thedispersion of females, and female dispersion is mainly determinedby resource dispersion, although it is frequently unclear whetherfemales may also be influenced by the location of males. Inthe red deer (Cervus elaphus) the distribution of females beforethe rut predicts the places were males should establish territoriesand even their relative success. However, the number of femalesusing the mating areas in Doñana increases during therut. We observed 20 areas of meadows, used by grazing femalesbefore the rut. At the onset of the rut, the number of females increasedin some of these areas and decreased in others, and the opposite patternwas found after the rutting period. Changes in the vegetationat mating and nonmating areas could not account for the changesin female distribution; even some of the highest quality meadowswere vacated by females during rut. In selecting the matingareas, females avoided isolated small meadows within the scrubarea and preferred larger meadows where a number of neighboringrutting males could be found. Females also avoided those areas heavilyused by fallow deer (Dama dama), a competing sympatric species.We found that females suffered less sexual harassment when inlarger harems and when their harem was surrounded by other harems.Our results, together with those in the literature about thispopulation, indicate that red deer females collect during theearly rut in mating areas containing several rutting males,although once there they may select particular sites based on availabilityof food rather than based on the presence of a particular male. Byjoining harems in large meadows they are less harassed, andat the same time they probably increase their chances of matingwith highly competitive males. The results from Doñanasupport the idea that harassment avoidance may lead to femalemovements to areas with male territories without lek breedingor female comparison of male phenotypes and may bring an insightinto those factors leading to clumps of male territories andleks.  相似文献   

In lek-breeding ungulates, only some males defend clustered lek territories, and others defend dispersed territories or are nonterritorial. In this study of lekking topi antelopes, Damaliscus lunatus, we measured male mating benefits directly by observing matings and investigated why the alternative mating strategies coexist. A multivariate analysis showed that proximity to the lek centre had an overriding, positive, effect on male mating rate. With increasing distance to the lek centre, proximity of a territory to a drainage line became increasingly important in enhancing male mating success. On the other hand, costs of lekking were suggested by higher hyaena density on leks, relatively poor body condition of lek males, and more frequent agonistic encounters, with central lek males more likely to sustain bleeding wounds than others. Probably as a consequence of the intense competition for central lek territories, males defending such territories were larger than others and, judging from horn wear, they were also older than resource defenders. Not only did males defending central lek territories achieve the highest instantaneous mating rate and resource defenders the lowest, but the same order was also likely for overall lifetime reproductive success when we took territorial tenure into account. These results suggest that male mating strategies are phenotype limited, as demands on male quality increase with proximity to the lek centre. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Lek systems, where females often use centrality to assess male quality, highlight a general paradox in evolutionary biology: how can female preferences for males providing good genes persist when consequential strong directional selection is predicted to deplete additive genetic variance in male quality and thereby obliterate benefits of choosiness? An explanation contributing to the resolution of this lek paradox may be that genetic variance is retained when an indirect mate choice cue, such as centrality on a lek, is an imperfect indicator of male genetic quality. Here I investigate whether the presence of alternative male mating tactics limits the reliability of centrality as a quality indicator in lek-breeding topi antelopes. Whereas males establishing territories directly on the central lek were relatively large, smaller peripheral males regularly shifted their territories centripetally and in this way also occasionally obtained central territories. By such opportunistic queuing, small males could increase their mating success drastically; however, their territorial tenure in the lek centre was relatively short, consistent with moderate competitive ability. These results suggest that male topi antelopes can obtain central lek territories through alternative mating tactics, providing scope for variance in male quality on the central lek. In a separate finding, the mating success of central males was found to increase during territorial tenure, independent of estimated age. The demonstration of queuing in both space and time on a mammalian lek highlights the importance of considering male tactical dynamics over time in order to avoid an inflated appearance of the lek paradox.  相似文献   

For lek-breeding in ungulate populations to continue, benefitsto males defending lek territories and to females visiting leksmust outweigh the costs. In this study, Kafue lechwe males onleks gained higher mating rates than nonlekking males, a resultof sexually receptive females leaving herds and aggregatingon leks. When the numbers of females on leks were experimentallyreduced, benefits to males decreased, resulting in males graduallyabandoning lek territories. A comparison with a population ofnonlekking, resource-defending black lechwe showed that matingattempts by estrous females in herds were disrupted by harassingmales eight times more frequently in a population of lek-breedingKafue lechwe than in the nonlekking black lechwe. Despite thefact that there were fewer Kafue lechwe females on single territories,harassment of estrous females by males was greater on singleterritories of Kafue lechwe than on leks and greater than onblack lechwe resource territories. Females were also absenton Kafue lechwe single territories for long periods becauseof erratic, widespread movements of compact herds resultingfrom unpredictable distributions of resources. In contrast,black lechwe females were more evenly dispersed over homogeneousresources and for a given territory, females were likely tobe present most of the time. Therefore, unlike black lechwe,male Kafue lechwe find it uneconomical to defend resource territories.Thus, costs to estrous females mating off leks and the absenceof benefits to males attempting to defend resource-based territoriesmay be important cofactors in the appearance of lek-breedingin some ungulate populations  相似文献   

In fallow deer (Dama dama), as well as in other lek-breedingungulates, receptive females arriving at leks commonly joinmales that are defending large harems. This tendency enhancesdifferences in harem size and mating success between males.It could occur because females independendy move to the samemales, because females are attracted to males with females,or because females are attracted to each other. Using controlledexperiments with estrous female fallow deer, we show that, althoughfemales are more attracted to males with harems than to thosewithout, they are as frequently attracted to groups of femaleswithout a male as to female groups with males. We conclude thatfemale fallow deer joining leks are attracted to each otherand copy each other's movements. As yet, there is no firm evidencein fallow deer or in other lek-breeding ungulates that femalescopy each other's choice of mating partners. Key words: Damadama, fallow deer, lek breeding, mate choice, copying behavior.[Behav Ecol 4: 191–193 (1993)]  相似文献   

Recent studies on the reproductive behavior of fallow deer,Dama dama, propose that harassment from nonterritorial maleshas a major influence on female movements and mate selection,leading ultimately to the evolution of lek mating in this species.In order to support this statement, one must demonstrate thatfemale movements between lek and isolated territories, and amonglek males, lead to a reduction in levels of harassment. We arguethat current evidence in favor of this view is inconclusive.A quantification of the total harassment costs experienced byfemales in lek and isolated territories has never been made.In addition, female movements within the lek may actually leadto higher levels of disruption and harassment: The rate at whichfemales join male territories increases with harem size (thenumber of females present in the territory), even though haremsare disrupted increasingly with size due to a higher frequencyof intrusions by nonterritorial males. Females also join maleterritories at a higher rate while these males are engaged incopulatory sequences, but copulatory sequences are again associatedwith high levels of disruption and harem instability. In theabove studies it is argued that females are nonselective intheir mating preferences. This assessment is based on the findingthat males that adopt different reproductive strategies do notdiffer in their mating rates. Here mating rate is measured asthe number of copulations received per female-hour. There area number of reasons, however, why females exhibiting matingpreferences might remain longer with preferred males, and sothe above preference measure cannot be used to exclude the possibilitythat females are selective. More research is required to identifythe major factors influencing patterns of mate selection andthe evolution of leks in this species. We suggest a number offield tests that may help to identify these factors.  相似文献   

Peafowl are usually reported to have a mating system based on harem defence by adult males. In a small feral population near Oxford, males defended small (<1 ha) territories while females remained in one flock that ignored male territory boundaries. After mating, females become solitary. At no time did a female associate selectively with one male or remain within his territory, nor did males attempt to follow or guard female groups. Two out of four males were seen to mate. These differed from the other two in being neither very old nor very young; they held territories smaller than that of the young male and were no larger or longer-tailed. However, they spent more time displaying. We suggest that peafowl have a mating system similar to a lek: males defending small, clumped territories visited by females for mating.  相似文献   

In lek-breeding animals, males defend tiny territories clustered into arenas, where females come to mate. Typically, most lek males secure relatively few copulations while a small number are highly successful. Recent studies suggest that the skewed distribution of matings seen at leks may be the result of females using a variety of criteria to select particular mating partners. Nevertheless, the possible benefits to females of mate choice at leks, where males offer neither resources nor paternal care, remain obscure.  相似文献   

To lek or not to lek: mating strategies of male fallow deer   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
We studied the mating system of fallow deer (Dama dama) for6 years in central Italy. Males in this population could defendterritories that were either single, clumped in leks, or satelliteto leks. The most highly successful males in our study werein leks. When we considered all males, there were no significantdifferences in average copulatory success according to territorytype because many lek males did not achieve any copulations,which were seen in only a few lek territories. The variancein copulatory success, however, was much greater for leks thanelsewhere. Single territories were occupied for shorter timesduring the rut than lek territories. Fighting among males wasmore frequent in the lek, even when we excluded highly successfullek males from the analysis. Chases of nonterritorial malesand harem size were correlated with the number of copulationsachieved by individual males, but did not vary according toterritory type. Copulatory success of some individuals increasedwith age, but there were no age differences among males holdingdifferent types of territories. Satellite males switched tolek territoriality in the course of one rut, but switches fromsingle territory to lek territory were rare. We suggest thatmales in single territories are inferior competitors that selecta low-risk, lowbenefit strategy, whereas those in lek territorieswhere no copulations were seen may be attempting to establishthemselves on the lek to increase their copulatory success infuture years.  相似文献   

It becomes increasingly obvious that animal mating systems cannot be classified into distinct categories, but transitions between mating system classes are continuous. Positioning a certain mating system at this continuum is often not straightforward, however. Depending on which characteristic is considered, a mating system may end up at very different positions on this gradient. Here, we explore the potential conflict between mating system classifications that may arise when they are based on different criteria by investigating the mating system of the cichlid fish Simochromis pleurospilus in which males defend small patches of homogeneously distributed food resources (turf algae) vigorously against food competitors, but they allow specific females to use them. We hypothesized that male defence may generate high‐quality feeding patches serving to attract females, and hence male territoriality constitutes a form of courtship. Our field data show that males selectively allow approximately one‐third of the visiting females to feed on their territory and that females preferentially feed in male territories and usually sample several territories successively. As males protect food patches against other algae grazers and guard females from harassment by food competitors, females gain nutritional benefits from visiting male territories. Hence, males appear to generate essential resources for females, which is the key feature of resource‐defence mating systems, although the distributions of resources and of males and females are characteristics of an exploded lek.  相似文献   

Uganda kob prefer high-visibility leks and territories   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In lekking species, where males provide estrous females withlittle more than sperm, it has been widely supposed that theonly possible benefits to females of mate choice are genetic.We studied female choice of leks and territories in a reduncineantelope, the Uganda kob (Kobus kob thomasi), and found thatfemales consistently preferred high-visibility mating sites.Leks were elevated and had shorter grass and fewer thicketsthan the surrounding areas. Changes in the number of male andfemale kob on 10 leks were correlated with changes in surroundinggrass height, and both females and males preferred leks withexperimentally reduced grass height over neighboring controls.Within a lek, territory popularity was the primary determinantof male daily mating success, and females preferred territoriesrelatively far from thickets, but removal of thickets did notaffect female territory preferences. Because lion hunting successon kob increases with grass height and thicket density, femalesmay benefit directly from these preferences by reducing therisk of predation.  相似文献   

Male black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) may receive damage to theirtail ornaments, the lyre, during goshawk predation attemptsand during fights with other males. In this study we confirma previous observation that black grouse males with damagedtail ornaments suffer reduced mating success. In males thatheld territories on the edge of the leks, tail damage was unrelatedto mating success, whereas in central males damage was negativelycorrelated with mating success. We tested experimentally whetherabsence of damage is used by females in mate choice. In maleswith edge territories, intact, control males had higher matingsuccess than males with cut tails, but in males with centralterritories, lyre cutting had no effect on mating success. Theseresults suggest two interpretations. First, female choice alsodepends on factors other than tail damage such as position onthe lek and dominance. Second, the effect of tail damage iscontext dependent; in males that otherwise meet females standards(e.g., dominant males), the effect of tail damage is negligible,but in less dominant males, tail damage could be used by femalesin mate selection. The second interpretation provides an explanationfor why the data on unmanipulated and manipulated birds differ.In experimental central birds, factors other than tail damageprobably determine male mating success, whereas in experimentaledge birds such factors are probably absent and therefore taildamage is relatively more important. In central unmanipulatedbirds, however, males with natural damage are probably not chosenbecause tail damage and absence of other attractive traits arecorrelated. The absence of an effect on peripheral unmanipulatedbirds may be explained by their overall low mating success  相似文献   

In almost every letting vertebrate, adult males use traditionallek sites. This paper attempts to explain this phenomenon byinvestigating the social implications of traditional use oflek sites. A population of ruffs Philomachus pugnax was observedduring six breeding seasons, and lek stability, site fidelity,male copulatory success, and male dominance relationships werestudied. Ninety percent of the territorial males were site-faithfulwithin and between years, and male dominance, copulatory success,and order of territory establishment were all inter-correlated.Males that were relatively dominant and successful as first-yearterritorials were more likely to return to the area, establishedthemselves even earlier in their second year, and rose in successrank. The frequency of disrupted copulations was very low, despitethe tightly clustered territories on leks. This suggests thatwell-developed dominance relationships exist between males.Site-faithful males are more likely to acquire accurate informationabout the competitive abilities of other males, and such informationis probably necessary for stable dominance relationships todevelop. Such relationships reduce the intensity of male aggression,thereby reducing the risk of male injury. High levels of maleaggression also deter females. Furthermore, stable dominancerelationships enables low-and medium-ranked males to remainon the leks while waiting for the top males to drop out. Thehigh site-fidelity of lekking males, thus, is suggested to haveevolved to facilitate the establishment of stable dominancerelationships, which are beneficial to all territorial males,irrespective of rank  相似文献   

Male mating behavior of a Japanese pond frog,Rana porosa brevipoda, was observed in an enclosed pond. Males organized chorus aggregation during the night. Within the chorus, most males defended “floating” territories. Territorial males exhibited 2 types of calls: advertisement and encounter. Mating occurred primarily in male territories with female initiation, while most spawning occurred outside of the territories. After spawning, males returned to their territories and resumed display behavior. The mating system of this frog is analogous to the typical lek system. Alternative male mating tactics, including satellite and ambush behavior, were also observed. Satellite and ambush males mated with females through forced clasping.  相似文献   

Leks have recently been defined as male display aggregations that females attend primarily for the purpose of mating. This is an extended version of previous definitions, as a clear-cut definition of leks is difficult to obtain. Four criteria should be verified to identify a lekking species: (i) there is no male parental investment beyond the sperm; (ii) males aggregate at specific sites for display; (iii) the only resource females find on the lek is the male, i.e. the male genes; (iv) females can select her mate(s), although the necessity of this latter condition for lekking species has been highly debated. We applied these criteria to the endangered little bustard Tetrax tetrax, a species that is claimed to show an exploded lek mating system, but for which this has never been fully investigated. We monitored a population of little bustards in western France during 2 years to investigate the two central criteria in the assessment of their mating system: male aggregation in arenas and lack of consistent resources in male territories. We analysed the spatial distribution of little bustard male territories, the individual variation in size, and the land use characteristics of male territories, with particular attention to the habitats that may be considered as defensible resources. Displaying males showed an aggregated spatial distribution over the study area during the 2 years of survey. Male territories were rather large (19+/-16 ha), but a large among-male variability in territory size was observed. Land use within the territories included mainly permanent and semi-permanent crops. The variability in land use among territories suggests also that resources found within male territories were selected according to male needs (food and display) rather than to female needs (permanent crops that are more appropriate for reproduction). The mating system of the little bustard seems to match the general (and extended) definition of leks, at least in some populations. However, limits between resource defence polygyny and extreme exploded or resource-based leks are thin and unclear, and the little bustard is a good example of how lek definitions may be difficult to apply in non clear-cut empirical situations.  相似文献   

This paper is the first to integrate both field and theoretical approaches to demonstrate that fertility benefits can be a direct benefit to females mating on the classical lek. Field data collected for male sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus), a classical lekking species, revealed potential fertility benefits for selective females. Adult males and individuals occupying centrally located territories on the lek were found to have significantly larger testes than juveniles and peripheral individuals. Further, using empirical data from previously published studies of classical lekking grouse species, time-series analysis was employed to illustrate that female mating patterns, seasonal and daily, were non-random. We are the first to show that these patterns coincide with times when male fertility is at its peak. Received: 26 February 1999 / Revised: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 15 March 2000  相似文献   

A survey of 166 hummingbird species reveals novel associations of bill-length sexual dimorphism (BLSD) with plumage and breeding behaviours. Across all species, female bills become proportionately longer than male bills (higher female-to-male BLSD ratio) as sexual dichromatism increases. However, male bills are proportionately longer (lower female-to-male BLSD ratio) in both lekkers (traditional group display) and clustered breeders (female harems or colonial nests) compared with dispersed breeders. The overall positive association of plumage with BLSD suggests that social status determines priority of access to nectar-providing flowers. Furthermore, the distinctive BLSD associated with breeding aggregations may arise from behaviours that impose constraints on the usual male priority at flowers: female dominance over males around nest colonies and male residence on lek-mating territories. These various factors appear to alter plumage and bill characters of both sexes to produce the range of dimorphisms within the various dispersed and aggregated breeding system categories. Feedback loops caused by ecological consequences of breeding behaviour may alter the evolutionary dynamics of breeding systems, bird-plant interactions, and competing pollinators, as well as help explain the lek paradox.  相似文献   

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