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目的研究SD乳鼠下丘脑神经元中钙激活钾通道的整流现象.方法采用膜片钳内面向外式记录方式.结果记录到一种大电导钙激活钾通道(KCa),在对称140mmol/L[K+]时内向电导为(171±12)pS,不随[Ca2+]变化而改变,而外向电导可受[Ca2+]调控,当[Ca2+]为500μmol/L时,外向电导为(76±14)pS.[Ca2+]越大,整流现象越明显,Mg2+对这种KCa的整流作用不明显.结论下丘脑神经元中KCa具有Ca2+依赖性整流现象,它可能与神经元的兴奋性和稳定性有关.  相似文献   

Summary In cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells, elementary K+ currents were studied in cell-attached and inside-out patches using the standard patch-clamp technique. Two different cationic channels were found, a large channel with a mean unitary conductance of 150±10 pS and a small channel with a mean unitary conductance of 12.5±1.1 pS. The 150-pS channel proved to be voltag- and Ca2+-activatable and seems to be a K+ channel. Its open probability increased on membrane depolarization and, at a given membrane potential, was greatly enhanced by elevating the Ca2+ concentration at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane from 10–7 to 10–4 m. 150-pS channels were not influenced by the patch configuration in that patch excision neither induced rundown nor evoked channel activity in silent cell-attached patches. However, they were only seen in two out of 55 patches. The 12-pS channel was predominant, a nonselective cationic channel with almost the same permeability for K+ and Na+ whose open probability was minimal near –60 mV but increased on membrane hyperpolarization. An increase in internal Ca2+ from 10–7 to 10–4 m left the open probability unchanged. Although the K+ selectivity of the 150-pS channels remains to be elucidated, it is concluded that they may be involved in controlling Ca2+-dependent cellular functions. Under physiological conditions, 12-pS nonselective channels may provide an inward cationic pathway for Na+.  相似文献   

Ionic channels in plant cell membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of patch clamp methods for identifying ion-specific channels and other transport structures in plant cell membranes is described. Methodology, basic concepts that underlie data analysis, and applications of this powerful technique are emphasized.  相似文献   

Hypoxia-induced shortening of the action potential duration, attributed to activation of the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels, occurs to a much greater extent in ventricular cells from diabetic rats. This study examined whether the KATP channels are altered in streptozotocin-diabetic myocardium. In inside-out patches from ventricular myocytes (with symmetrical 140 mM [K+]), inward KATP currents (at potentials negative to the K+ reversal potential) were similar in amplitude in control and diabetic patches (slope conductances: 69 and 74 pS, respectively). However, outward single-channel currents were larger for channels from diabetic heart cells than from control cells (e.g., at +75 mV the diabetic channel currents were 3.7 ± 0.3 pA vs. 2.7 ± 0.1 pA for control currents, p < 0.05), due to reduced inward rectification of diabetic channel currents. There was no difference in open and closed times between control and diabetic channels. The IC50 for ATP inhibition of the KATP channel single-channel currents was 11.4 M for control currents and 4.7 M for diabetic channel currents. Thus, the major difference found between KATP channels from control and diabetic hearts was the greater outward diabetic single-channel current, which may contribute to the enhanced sensitivity to hypoxia (or ischemia) in diabetic hearts.  相似文献   

U. Homeyer  G. Schultz 《Planta》1988,176(3):378-382
The energy-dependent transport of phenylalanine into isolated vacuoles of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mesophyll protoplasts has been studied by silicone-layer floatation filtering. The uptake of this aromatic amino acid into the vacuolar compartment is markedly increased by MgATP, showing saturation kinetics; the K m values were 0.5 mM for MgATP and 1.2 mM for phenylalanine. V max for phenylalanine transport was estimated to 140 nmol phenylalanine·(mg·Chl)-1·h-1. The transport shows a distinct pH optimum at 7.3 and is markedly inhibited by 40 mM nitrate. Azide (1 mM) and vanadate (400 M) had no or little effect on rates of transport while p-fluorophenylalanine seemed to be an effective inhibitor, indicating a possible competition at an amino-acid carrier. Ionophores such as valinomycin, nigericin or gramicidin were strong inhibitors of phenylalanine transport, indicating that this process is coupled to both the transmembrane pH gradient (pH) and the transmembrane potential ().Abbreviations and symbols BSA bovine serum albumin - Chl chlorophyll - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid - pH transmembrane pH gradient - transmembrane potential  相似文献   

Intracellular transport of the ethylene precursor, I-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) can change the ACC concentration in cell compartments and impact ethylene biosynthesis. Transport of ACC into isolated maize ( Zea mays L.) mesophyll vacuoles was studied by silicon layer flotation filtering. The transport of ACC across the tonoplast was stimulated 2. 4- to 8. 1-fold by 5 m M MgATP, showed saturation kinetics with an apparent Km for ACC of 20 μ M , and was optimal at 25°C. Transport of ACC was sensitive to the pH of the medium, falling as external pH rose. Effectors known to inhibit proton-translocating ATPases (N, N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide) and to collapse the electrical (thiocyanate, valinomycin) and chemical (carbonylcyanide m -chlorophenylhydrazone, gramicidin) potential gradients for protons across the tonoplast all reduced ACC transport. The nonhydrolyzable MgATP analog. Mg adenylyl-imidodiphosphate, stimulated ACC transport as effectively as MgATP. Other nucleotides (MgADP, MgCTP, MgUTP, MgGTP) and MgPPi had little or no effect. These results suggest that ACC uptake into isolated maize mesophyll vacuoles is carrier mediated, is dependent upon an electrochemical potential gradient for protons and is specifically regulated, but not necessarily energized, by MgATP  相似文献   

The outer and inner membranes of mitochondria have recently been studied with the patch clamp technique. What has emerged is still an ill-defined picture for either membrane, primarily for the wide range of conductances found. Interestingly, however, a few conductances (in the range of 10–80 pS) seem to be ubiquitously distributed. Parallel studiesin situ and in reconstituted systems have allowed the assignment to distinct membrane locations of some conductances, whose physiological role is, however, not yet elucidated.  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent properties of whole-cell, multi-channel (outside-out), and single channel inwardly-rectifying K+ currents were studied using adult and neonatal rat, and embryonic chick ventricular myocytes. Inward rectification of the current-voltage relationship was found in the whole-cell and single channel measurements. The steady-state single channel probability of opening decreased with hyperpolarization from EK, as did the mean open time, thereby explaining the time-dependent inactivation of the macroscopic current. Myocytes dialysed with a Mg++-free K+ solution (to remove the property of inward rectification) displayed a quasi-linear current-voltage relationship. The outward K+ currents flowing through the modified inward rectifier channels were able to be blocked by the local anesthetic and anti-arrhythmic agent, lidocaine.  相似文献   

Intact chloroplasts and vacuoles were isolated from mesophyll protoplasts of barley. The chloroplasts occupied about 15% of the cellular volume and contained 75% of the protein, whereas the vacuoles occupied about 80% of the volume and contained less than 4% of total cellular protein. Contamination of the vacuolar fraction by foreign protein is included in these values. Chlorophyll was absent from the vacuolar fraction, but less than 1% of several extra-vacuolar marker proteins were still present. The vacuoles contained hydrolytic enzymes. Several of them (-mannosidase, -galactosidase, N-acetylglucosaminidase) were soluble, whereas part of the activity of others semimented with the tonoplasts during centrifugation. Attached proteins could be released from the membranes during freezing in the presence of NaCl. One-dimensional gel electrophoretic separation of soluble vacuolar proteins under non-denaturing conditions yielded more than 10 protein bands. A comparative analysis was performed of thylakoids and vacuoles which were subfractionated into tonoplasts and soluble vacuolar constituents. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis separated about 15 polypeptides of the soluble fraction which reacted with silver reagent. The tonoplast fraction yielded about 20 bands. A similar number of bands was observed when vacuoles incubated with the 14C-labelled SH-reagent N-ethylmaleimide were analysed for radioactive polypeptides. Silverstaining of the polypeptides and their SH-content did not correlate. Several polypeptides of the vacuolar fraction had molecular weights very similar to the molecular weights of known chloroplast proteins. However, with the exception of the two subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, contamination of the vacuolar fraction by chloroplast proteins could be ruled out as a possible cause of the close correspondence. The lipophilic carboxylic-group reagent N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide ([14C]DCCD) reacted with several polypeptides of thylakoids and tonoplasts. However, the labelling patterns were different. The most heavily labelled polypeptide of thylakoids was the 8-kDa polypeptide of the basal part of the coupling factor CF0. Tonoplast polypeptides heavily labelled with [14C]DCCD had molecular weights of 24, 28, and 56 kDa. The vacuolar 8-kDa polypeptide remained unlabelled.Abbreviations DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - IA iodoacetamide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Summary The early phase of activation of the inward-rectifying potassium channel is studied on single cells from guinea-pig heart. The current is quasi-instantaneous when it is outward, but activates with time when it is inward. This relaxation is exponential and its time-constant decreases with hyperpolarization. TheI/V curve reflects a strong inward rectification and has a negative slope conductance on depolarization. Similar results were recorded in the absence of sodium, calcium, chloride ions and in isotonic potassium. Cesium slows down the phase of activation, and eventually appears to block the channels by suppression of the activation. Barium, conversely, does not affect the activation, but promotes an inactivation of this current, which blocks it. These results are independent on the cells' dissociation method. They suggest that this current is the inward rectifier, calledI K1 on heart. Its activation curve suggests that the inward and outward currents are flowing through the same channels. The inward rectifier is time-and voltage-dependent on heart as on other tissues. The effects of cesium and barium are also similar. The importance of its negative slope conductance is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Chloride-selective ion channels were measured from isolated rat liver nuclei. Single ion channel currents were recorded in both nuclear-attached and in excised patches in the insideout configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Two types of chloride conductance were defined, a large conductance (150 pS;i Cl.N ) channel with complex kinetics and multiple substates, and a second smaller conductance (58 pS;I Cl.n ) channel sensitive to block by ATP. The channels were inhibited by pharmacological agents known to block chloride channels and were insensitive to internal and external changes in calcium and magnesium. Presumably the channels reside in the external membrane of the nuclear double membrane and may mediate charge balance in the release and uptake of calcium from the perinuclear space.  相似文献   

The strategy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transplantation is limited by the inability to deliver a large number of grafted cells that resist peri-transplantation apoptosis in ischemic tissues, and this led us to investigate methods of improving the viability of these cells. We demonstrate the presence of voltage-gated potassium channels in rat MSCs that can be activated by staurosporine (ST). MSCs exposed to ST underwent apoptotic cell changes. Tetraethylammonium (TEA), a classic blocker of K+ channels, blocked the ST-induced augmentation of K+ currents, and reduced ST-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that TEA prevented the ST-induced increase in expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax and decrease of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2. Taken together, our findings suggest that voltage-gated potassium is involved in ST-induced apoptosis of rat MSCs. TEA blocks the ST-induced augmentation of K+ currents, alters the expression of Bcl-2 family proteins induced by ST, and attenuates the apoptosis of rat MSCs.  相似文献   

Du YM  Tang M  Liu CJ  Ke QM  Luo HY  Hu XW 《生理学报》2004,56(3):282-287
应用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了血小板活化因子(platelet activatingfactor,PAF)对豚鼠心室肌细胞动作电位和钾电流的影响.结果发现,当电极内液ATP浓度为5 mmol/L(模拟正常条件)时,1 μmol/L PAF使APD90由对照的225.8±23.3 ms延长至352.8±29.8ms(n=5,P<0.05);使IK尾电流在指令电压 30 mV由对照的173.5±16.7 pA降至152.1±11.5 pA(P<0.05,n=4);使Ikl在指令电压为-120 mV时由对照组的-6.1±1.3 nA降至-5.6±1.1 nA(P<0.05,n=5);但PAF在生理膜电位范围(-90mV~ 20mV)对IK1没有影响.当电极内液ATP浓度为0mmol/L时,IK·ATP开放(模拟缺血条件),1 μmol/LPAF却显著缩短APD90,由对照的153±24.6 ms缩短至88.2±19.4 ms(n=5,P<0.01).而用1 μmol/L格列本脲(IK·ATP的特异阻断剂)预处理后,恢复了PAF可显著延长动作电位时程的作用.结果提示,PAF可能扩大缺血心肌和正常心肌细胞动作电位时程的不均一性,是缺血/再灌注性心律失常发生的重要原因.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo and in vitro, keratinocyte differentiation is linked with increased extracellular Ca2+. In order to correlate ion channels with cell differentiation and investigate keratinocyte membrane responses to Ca2+, keratinocyte single channel currents were studied using the patch-clamp technique. The most frequently observed channel was a 14 pS nonspecific cation channel. This channel was permeable to Ca2+ and activated by physiological concentrations of Ca2+. We also found a 35 pS Cl channel whose open probability increased with depolarization. Finally, a 70 pS K+ channel was seen only in cell-attached or nystatin-permeabilized patches. We correlated channel types with staining for involucrin, an early marker of keratinocyte differentiation. While the nonspecific cation channel and Cl channel were seen in both involucrin positive and involucrin negative cells, all channels in which the K+ channel activity was present were involucrin positive. Membrane currents through these channels may be one pathway by which signals for keratinocyte proliferation or differentiation are sent.This work was supported in part by a National Institutes of Health grant K08 AR01853-03 and a National Science Foundation grant DCB-9009915 (to T.M.M.); National Institutes of Health Research Career Development Award K04 ARO 1803 and AR 39031 (to R.R.I.) and a National Institutes of Health grant GM-44840 (to P.A.P.).  相似文献   

Single-channel patch-clamp experiments were performed on MDCK cells in order to characterize the ionic channels participating in regulatory volume decrease (RVD). Subconfluent layers of cultured cells were exposed to a hypotonic medium (150 mOsm), and the membrane currents at the single-channel level were measured in cell-attached experiments. The results indicate that MDCK cells respond to a hypotonic swelling by activating several different ionic conductances. In particular, a potassium and a chloride channel appeared in the recordings more frequently than other channels, and this allowed a more detailed study of their properties in the inside-out configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The potassium channel had a linear I/V curve with a unitary conductance of 24 +/- 4 pS in symmetrical K+ concentrations (145 mM). It was highly selective for K+ ions vs. Na+ ions: PNa/PK less than 0.04. The time course of its open probability (P0) showed that the cells responded to the hypotonic shock with a rapid activation of this channel. This state of high activity was maintained during the first minute of hypotonicity. The chloride channel participating in RVD was an outward-rectifying channel: outward slope conductance of 63.3 +/- 4.7 pS and inward slope conductance of 26.1 +/- 4.9 pS. It was permeable to both Cl- and NO3- and its maximal activation after the hypotonic shock was reached after several seconds (between 30 and 100 sec). The activity of this anionic channel did not depend on cytoplasmic calcium concentration. Quinine acted as a rapid blocker of both channels when applied to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. In both cases, 1 mM quinine reversibly reduced single-channel current amplitudes by 20 to 30%. These results indicate that MDCK cells responded to a hypotonic swelling by an early activation of highly selective potassium conductances and a delayed activation of anionic conductances. These data are in good agreement with the changes of membrane potential measured during RVD.  相似文献   

目的:观察小剂量芬太尼联合咪达唑仑对大鼠大脑皮层神经元细胞膜电压门控性钠离子通道电流的影响。方法:用膜片钳全细胞记录方式观察小剂量芬太尼联合咪达唑仑对原代培养的新生SD大鼠大脑皮层神经元钠离子通道电流的影响。实验分为空白组,即未用药组;芬太尼5μg/L(F5)组和芬太尼5μg/L+咪达唑仑200μg/L(F5+M200)组。结果:F5+M200组平均最大电流密度为(-213.98±91.68)pA/pF,明显低于空白组(-267±115.36)pA/pF(n=5,P〈0.05)和F5组(-231.90±97.16)pA/pF(n=5,P〈0.05)。结论:小剂量芬太尼联合咪达唑仑对皮质神经元钠离子通道电流的抑制作用较单一芬太尼组具有增强效应,这可能是临床两种药物合用后镇静镇痛作用增强原因之一。  相似文献   

Summary The outer membrane of mechanically prepared protoplasmic droplets fromAcetabularia mediterranea has been investigated by patch-clamp techniques. These membranes are shown to consist of physiologically intact plasmalemma. With the Cl pump inhibited, microscopic currents through K+-selective channels were studied. These currents compare well with macroscopic K+ currents as previously determined by standard microelectrode techniques and tracer flux measurements. There is about one K+ channel per m2 in the plasmalemma. The current-voltage relationship (I–V curve) of the main open channel (channel A) is sigmoid over a voltage range between about –100 and +100 mV with saturation currents of about ±10 pA. A second species (or different state of channel A) of K+-selective channels (channel B) differs from channel A by smaller saturation currents (about ±7 pA) and a much smaller open probability. The open probability of channel A increases from almost zero at large negative voltages to about 1/2 at large positive voltages. Taking the closed times into account, the mean steady-stateI–V curve of channel A displays outward rectification about the equilibrium voltage for K+ and negative slope conductance at larger negative voltages. The open channelI–V curve of the open channels A and B, the changes of theI–V curve of the open channel A upon variation of the external K+ concentration, as well as the mean steady-stateI–V curves of channel A are described by simple reaction kinetic models, the parameters of which are determined to fit the experimental data. The results are discussed with respect to data from other K+ channels in plants and with respect to regulation of the cytoplasmic K+ concentration inAcetabularia.  相似文献   

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