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Sixty-five Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants affected in the nitrate reductase structural gene (nia mutants) have been analyzed and classified. The properties evaluated were: (a) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (two-site ELISA) using a monoclonal antibody as coating reagent and (b) presence of partial catalytic activities, namely nitrate reduction with artificial electron donors (reduced methyl viologen, reduced flavin mononucleotide, or reduced bromphenol blue), and cytochrome c (Cyt c) reduction with NADH. Four classes have been defined: 40 mutants fall within class 1 which includes all mutants that have no protein detectable in ELISA and no partial activities; mutants of classes 2 and 3 exhibit an ELISA-detectable nitrate reductase protein and lack either Cyt c reductase activity (class 2: fourteen mutants) or the terminal nitrate reductase activities (class 3: eight mutants) of the enzyme. Three mutants (class 4) are negative in the ELISA test, lack Cyt c reductase activity, and lack or have a very low level of reduced methyl viologen or reduced flavin mononucleotide-nitrate reductase activities; however, they retain the reduced bromphenol blue nitrate reductase activity. Variations in the degrees of terminal nitrate reductase activities among the mutants indicated that the flavin mononucleotide and methyl viologen-dependent activities were linked while the bromphenol blue-dependent activity was independent of the other two. The putative positions of the lesions in the mutant proteins and the nature of structural domains of nitrate reductase involved in each partial activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Light and substrate regulation of nitrate reductase (NR) expression were compared in wild type and mutant lines of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Mutants affected in the NR structural gene (nia) or in the biosynthesis of the NR molybdenum cofactor (cnx) were examined. nia mutants expressing a defective apoenzyme, as well as cnx mutants, overexpressed NR mRNA, whereas nia mutants devoid of detectable NR protein had reduced or undetectable NR mRNA levels. Diurnal fluctuations of NR mRNA were specifically abolished in nia and cnx mutants, suggesting that the integrity of NR catalytic activity is required for the expression of diurnal oscillations. Unlike some fungal mutants, the nia and cnx mutants examined retained nitrate inducibility of NR expression. The possibility of autogenous control of NR expression in higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   

After x-ray irradiation, 13 mutants of Chlorella sorokiniana incapable of using NO3 as N source were isolated using a pinpoint method. Using immunoprecipitation and Western blot assays, no nitrate reductase was found in five strains while in eight mutants the enzyme was detected. The latter strains contained different patterns of nitrate reductase partial reactions. All isolates were of the nia-type as indicated by the inducibility of purine hydroxylase I and by complementation of nitrate reductase activity in the Neurospora crassa mutant Nit-1. A restoration of NADP-nitrate reductase in Nit-1 was also obtained with NH4+-grown cells indicating that Mo-cofactor is constitutive in Chlorella. Complementation experiments among the Chlorella mutants resulted in restoration of NADH-nitrate reductase activity. The characteristics of some of the Chlorella mutants are discussed in view of an improper orientation of Mo-cofactor in the residual nitrate reductase protein.  相似文献   

Nitrate reductase deficient plants of Nicotiana tabacum were unable to utilize ammonium efficiently unless the medium was buffered against excessive acidity accumulation. In addition to succinate, calcium carbonate, MES and phosphate buffers allowed plants to utilize ammonium efficiently. Similar observations were made regarding callus derived from stem tissue of these plants. Plants could be grown in compost, in a physiological state suitable for protoplast isolation, when watered with nutrient solutions containing NH4NO3 and MES buffer. Protoplast division and proliferation to the stage of plant regeneration was possible using Murashige and Skoog (1962) basal medium buffered with succinate, calcium carbonate or MES but not phosphate.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Steptoe) and a nitrate reductasedeficient mutant (narla) were grown in a nutrient film systemwith three concentrations of nitrate. Comparisons were madewith respect to growth, yield, activities of enzymes of nitrateassimilation and accumulation of nitrate and total nitrogen.In nutrient film, grain yeild of the wild-type was greater thanthat of narla. for any treatment. Nitrate reductase activitiesof narla, measured in vivo, were higher than might be expectedin an NR-deficient mutant both in leaves and especially in roots.In all treatments, narla accumulated more nitrate than did thewild-type. No significant genotypic differences were observedin nitrite reductase or glutamine synthetase activities. Whenthe two genotypes were grown in soil (i.e. when availabilityof nitrate to the roots was less than in nutrient film) differencesin growth were insignificant. Hordeum vulgare L., mutant, nitrate status, assimilation and accumulation, growth, yield  相似文献   

Mesophyll protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. and protoplasts from cell suspension of Lycium barbarum L. were heterofused by electrofusion with a frequency of ca. 4%--5%. One hundred cell lines were selected at random identified by isozyme analysis with peroxidase and superoxide dismatase, and the differences from their parent were found. Results indicated that 9 cell lines expressed enzymatic bands characteristic of both parents. Five of the 9 cell lines were highly morphogenic and regenerated numerous young shoots that manifested morphological traits specific to both parents. However, these shoots never grew up or regenerate roots. Esterase analysis of leaf material from the regenerants of 5 morphogenic hybrid cell lines demonstrated that two of them (NL4 and NL8) expressed an unique hybrid band which were not shown in either parents. Cytological observation on parental and NL4 hybrid cell lines revealed that the somatic chromosome number of NL4 varied from 58 to 80, significantly higher than that of either parents. Ribosomal DNA analysis of NL4 and NL8 showed that NL8 covered all fragments of both parents: NL4 did not have the fragments characteristic of Lyciurn barbarurn L. Both hybrids had new fragments, suggestive of intermolecular recombination of rDNAs of the parents. Four normal plants morphologically similar to tabacco parent were obtained from hybrid cell hne NL4, which survived after being transferred to soil. Cytological analysis of root-tips from one of the plants indicated that it has ca. 58 chromosomes. This paper also discussed the problems on the production frequency and incompatibility of somatic cell hybrid.  相似文献   

Somatic hybrid plants were produced by fusion of protoplasts from cell cultures of the Nicotiana tabacum L. sulfur mutant Su/Su and from leaf mesophyll of Nicotiana glauca Graham. After fusion the N. glauca protoplasts failed to survive under the selected culture condition. From the hybrid cells light green shoots were produced. The hybrid plants exhibited intermediate characters between parental species with respect to leaf morphology, trichome density, floral structure and flower color. The chromosome number of 25 hybrid plants was 2n = 72 and both N. glauca and N. tabacum chromosomes were identified in the hybrids. Results of isoenzyme analysis showed bands of both parents and a specific (hybrid) band for aspartate amino-transferase. Small subunit fraction-1-protein of somatic hybrids also consisted of the sum of N. glauca and N. tabacum bands. Leaf spot formation associated with the Su locus of N. tabacum was observed in somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

Up to 80% of the total nitrate reductase activity (NRA) determined in vivo in different parts of vegetative tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum) was located in the leaves. The NRA reached a peak when a leaf had expanded to 27% of its final weight and 33% of its final area. Thereafter, with advancing expansion and age of the leaf, the activity declined. This pattern of development of NRA during the ontogenesis of leaves was not influenced by raising the supply of NO3 from 3 to 6 milliequivalent per cubic decimeter in the substrate solution. The concentration of NO3 in leaves, stem and root was inversely related to NRA at both NO3 levels. Raising the supply of K+ from 1 to 6 milliequivalent per cubic decimeter at either concentration of NO3 slowed down the development of NRA in the initial stages of expansion, but promoted it subsequently. The peak of the activity which developed in a leaf of 62% of its final area was higher at the higher supply of K+. The higher activity was maintained thereafter in the expanding and in matured and older leaves. It was concluded that NRA and the pattern of its development in expanding leaves is related to the availability of metabolites and their incorporation into enzyme proteins. Both these processes are influenced by: (a) the vertical profile of concentration of K+ in the shoot and (b) the concentration of K+ in a leaf, which depend upon its supply.  相似文献   

A barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant, nar1a (formerly Az12), deficient in NADH nitrate reductase activity is, nevertheless, capable of growth with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. In an attempt to identify the mechanism(s) of nitrate reduction in the mutant, nitrate reductase from nar1a was characterized to determine whether the residual activity is due to a leaky mutation or to the presence of a second nitrate reductase. The results obtained indicate that the nitrate reductase in nar1a differs from the wild-type enzyme in several important aspects. The pH optima for both the NADH and the NADPH nitrate reductase activities from nar1a were approximately pH 7.7, which is slightly greater than the pH 7.5 optimum for the NADH activity and considerably greater than the pH 6.0 to 6.5 optimum for the NADPH activity of the wild-type enzyme. The nitrate reductase from nar1a exhibits greater NADPH than NADH activity and has apparent Km values for nitrate and NADH that are approximately 10 times greater than those of the wild-type enzyme. The nar1a nitrate reductase has apparent Km values of 170 micromolar for NADPH and 110 micromolar for NADH. NADPH, but not NADH, inhibited the enzyme at concentrations greater than 50 micromolar.  相似文献   

F. Pelsy  M. Gonneau 《Genetics》1991,127(1):199-204
Intragenic complementation has been observed between apoenzyme nitrate reductase-deficient mutants (nia) of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. In vivo as in vitro, the NADH-nitrate reductase (NR) activity in plants heterozygous for two different nia alleles was lower than in the wild type plant, but the plants were able to grow on nitrate as a sole nitrogen source. NR activity, absent in extracts of homozygous nia mutants was restored by mixing extracts from two complementing nia mutants. These observations suggest that NR intragenic complementation results from either the formation of heteromeric NR or from the interaction between two modified enzymes. Complementation was only observed between mutants retaining different partial catalytic activities of the enzyme. Results are in agreement with molecular data suggesting the presence of three catalytic domains in the subunit of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of malesterile tobacco plants obtained by fusion of Nicotiana tabacumprotoplasts and X-irradiated N. debneyi protoplasts were analyzed.Digestion of cpDNA isolated from ten male sterile lines withfour restriction endonucleases (EcoRI, XhoI, SmaI and HindIII)indicated that these lines possessed either one or the otherparental chloroplast genome. Neither mixture of two types ofcpDNA nor unique restriction fragments were detected in anyof the cases examined. The genetic constitution of chloroplastgenomes identified by restriction analysis of cpDNA showed goodagreement with that based on isoelectric focusing of the largesubunit of the Fraction I protein. The mtDNA from five fusion-derivedmale sterile plants showed banding patterns quite differentfrom each other and from the parental plants. Each plant exhibitednew restriction fragments not found in the parental species.These findings indicate that recombinational events in the mitochondrialgenomes take place rather frequently in the mixed cytoplasmsafter protoplast fusion, whereas the mixed chloroplasts becomesegregated to homogeneity. (Received June 19, 1987; Accepted October 5, 1987)  相似文献   

The ‘donor–recipient’ fusion method was usedto investigate the intraspecific transfer of organelles andorganelle-encoded traits from donor to recipient Nicotiana speciesunder conditions which were selective for chloroplast transfer.An alloplasmic male sterile line of N. tabacum carrying thecytoplasm of N. bigelovii as the recipient and N. tabacum SR-1,a mutant with maternallyinherited streptomycin resistance, asthe cytoplasm donor were used. Organelle composition of 13 cybridplants was investigated by analysis of tentoxin and streptomycinsensitivities, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA restrictionpatterns, and alloplasmic male sterility Chloroplast DNA analysisand the tentoxin test both showed that all 13 cybrid plantspossessed chloroplasts from the N. tabacum, SR-1 parent only.Analysis of mitochondrial DNA from second generation plantsderived from 11 of the original cybrid plants indicated verylittle heterogeneity with nine of the plants expressing pureparental-type mtDNAs. Although conditions were selective fordonor-type chloroplast transfer, the results indicate the generationof novel cytoplasmic combinations; pure donor chloroplasts incombination with either pure or recombinant-type recipient mitochondria.Our results support previous findings that the ‘donor-recipient’fusion method can be used to restore fertility of CMS linesof Nicotiana Key words: Nicotiana, cytoplasmic male sterility, chloroplast DNA, mitochondrial DNA, somatic hybridization  相似文献   

Isolated pollen protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. N364 Km+ were fused with mesophyll protoplasts of N. rustica L. using PEG-high Ca/pH method. The cells resulted from fusion between immature (early-middle bicellular) pollen protoplasts and mesophyll protoplasts could divide to produce microcalli and regenerated plantlets when cultured in a selection KM8p medium containing 50 g/L kanamycin. Four plantlets were regenerated. The isoenzyme patterns of leaf peroxidases of these plantlets had bands characteristic of both parents. Root-tip squash showed that the gameto-somatic hybrids had the expected triploid chromosome number. Aside from these kanamycin-selected plantlets, six of the twenty-one plantlets that had not undergone selection were also evidenced to be gameto-somatic hybrids.  相似文献   

硝酸盐对硝酸还原酶活性的诱导及硝酸还原酶基因的克隆   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
硝酸盐在植物体内的积累过多已成为影响蔬菜品质并影响人类健康的重要因素。硝酸还原酶(NR)是硝酸盐代谢中的关键酶,提高其活性有利于硝酸盐的降解。为了解植物不同组织中NR的活性,用活体测定法检测了经50mmol/L的KNO3诱导不同时间后的油菜、豌豆和番茄幼苗根茎叶中NR活性,同时为了明确外源诱导剂浓度与植物体内NR活性的关系,检测了经不同浓度KNO3诱导2h后的矮脚黄、抗热605、小白菜和番茄叶片中的NRA。结果表明,不同植物组织NR活性有很大差异,叶中NR活性较高,根其次,茎最低;不同植物的NR活性随诱导时间呈不同的变化趋势,相同植物不同组织的NR活性变化趋势相似;不同植物叶片NRA为最高时KNO3浓度不同。用30mmol/L的KNO3诱导番茄苗2h后,从番茄根和叶中提取总RNA,用RT-PCR方法获得NR cDNA,全长2736bp,编码911个氨基酸。为进一步利用该基因提高植物对硝酸盐的降解能力打下基础。  相似文献   

细胞融合技术是一项迅速发展的细胞工程技术,是细胞工程研究的重要内容之一。自20世纪80年代开始,细胞融合技术开始应用于藻类原生质体融合,至今已在多种藻类中开展了细胞融合及杂种培育试验。综述了在藻类细胞融合技术中常用的方法:化学融合法、电融合法、激光融合法,以及在藻类细胞融合中的最新研究进展,并对目前在藻类细胞融合研究中的困难进行简要的评述。  相似文献   

Two nitrate reductase (NR) mutants were selected for low nitrate reductase (LNR) activity by in vivo NR microassays of M2 seedlings derived from nitrosomethylurea-mutagenized soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Williams) seeds. The mutants (LNR-5 and LNR-6) appeared to have normal nitrate-inducible NR activity. Both mutants, however, showed decreased NR activity in vivo and in vitro compared with the wild-type. In vitro FMNH2-dependent nitrate reduction and Cyt c reductase activity of nitrate-grown plants, and nitrogenous gas evolution during in vivo NR assays of urea-grown plants, were also decreased in the mutants. The latter observation was due to insufficient generation of nitrite substrate, rather than some inherent difference in enzyme between mutant and wild-type plants. When grown on urea, crude extracts of LNR-5 and LNR-6 lines had similar NADPH:NR activities to that of the wild type, but both mutants had very little NADH:NR activity, relative to the wild type. Blue Sepharose columns loaded with NR extract of urea-grown mutants and sequentially eluted with NADPH and NADH yielded a NADPH:NR peak only, while the wild-type yielded both NADPH: and NADH:NR peaks. Activity profiles confirmed the lack of constitutive NADH:NR in the mutants throughout development. The results provide additional support to our claim that wild-type soybean contains three NR isozymes, namely, constitutive NADPH:NR (c1NR), constitutive NADH:NR (c2NR), and nitrate-inducible NR (iNR).  相似文献   

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