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High-level carbapenem-resistant (CpmR) mutants, with MICs for imipenem and carbapenem of greater than 128 micrograms/ml, were selected in vitro from four carbapenem-susceptible (CpmS) clinical isolates of Bacteroides fragilis. The CpmS strains produced very low levels of beta-lactamase activity, which was increased approx. 50- to 100-fold in the CpmR mutants. Isoelectric focussing and enzyme kinetic analysis (Km and Vrel) of the 'carbapenemases' from the CpmR mutants and similarly resistant clinical isolates suggested a close relatedness of the enzymes. A probe covering most of the cfiA gene encoding such an enzyme (Thompson, J.S. and Malamy, M.H. (1990) J. Bacteriol. 172, 2584-2593) hybridized with DNA from the CpmR mutants, their CpmS parental strains as well as clinical CpmR isolates, but not from randomly chosen carbapenem-susceptible strains. The possibility is considered that mutations leading to expression of the silent carbapenemase gene, and thereby to clinically relevant carbapenem resistance, may also occur in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

The minimum inhibitory concentrations of 23 Bacteroides fragilis clinical isolates from Cape Town, South Africa, were established using the E-test method. Eight percent of the strains were found to be highly resistant to metronidazole (≥256 mg/L) imipenem and cefoxitin. This is an 8% increase in resistance compared to the previous metronidazole susceptibility screening performed in South Africa in 1998. Clindamycin was the most effective antibiotic with all strains showing sensitivity. Most of the strains (65%) were tetracycline resistant, while one strain, B. fragilis GSH15, showed multidrug resistance to metronidazole, imipenem, cefoxitin and tetracycline. PCR screening revealed that none of the strains contained any of the published nim genes. The particle agglutination assay was employed to determine the ability of the isolates to bind the ECM components fibronectin, laminin, mucin and collagen. This revealed that 78% of the clinical isolates adhered to all four ECM components to varying extents, with the strongest being to laminin and weakest to mucin and collagen Type I.  相似文献   

A cloned xylanase gene from the ruminal bacterium Bacteroides ruminicola 23 was transferred by conjugation into the colonic species Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides uniformis by using the Escherichia coli-Bacteroides shuttle vector pVAL-1. The cloned gene was expressed in both species, and xylanase specific activity in crude extracts was found to be at least 1400-fold greater than that found in the B. ruminicola strain. Analysis of crude extract proteins from the recombinant B. fragilis by SDS-PAGE demonstrated a new 60,000 molecular weight protein. The xylanase activity expressed in both E. coli and B. fragilis was capable of degrading xylan to xylooligosaccharides in vitro. This is the first demonstration that colonic Bacteroides species can express a gene from a ruminal Bacteroides species.  相似文献   

H J Goodman  J R Parker  J A Southern  D R Woods 《Gene》1987,58(2-3):265-271
The recombinant plasmid pHG100, containing a 5.2-kb DNA fragment from Bacteroides fragilis, complemented defects in homologous recombination, DNA repair and prophage induction to various levels in an Escherichia coli recA mutant strain. There was no DNA homology between the cloned B. fragilis recA-like gene and E. coli chromosomal DNA. pHG100 produced two proteins with Mr of approx. 39,000 and 37,000 which cross-reacted with antibodies raised against E. coli RecA protein. The production of these proteins was not increased after UV induction. The cloned B. fragilis recA-like gene product did not enhance the production of native but defective E. coli RecA protein after UV irradiation.  相似文献   

A 4.2-kb plasmid (pLV22a) native to Bacteroides fragilis LV22 became fused to a transfer-deficient Bacteroides spp.-Escherichia coli shuttle vector by an inverse transposition event, resulting in a transferrable phenotype. The transfer phenotype was attributable to pLV22a, which was also capable of mobilization within E. coli when coresident with the IncP beta R751 plasmid. Transposon mutagenesis with Tn1000 localized the mobilization region to a 1.5-kb DNA segment in pLV22a. The mobilization region has been sequenced, and five open reading frames have been identified. Mutants carrying disruptions in any of the three genes designated mbpA, mbpB, and mbpC and coding for deduced products of 11.3, 30.4, and 17.1 kDa, respectively, cannot be mobilized when coresident with R751. Mutations in all three genes can be complemented in the presence of the respective wild-type genes, indicating that the products of mbpA, mbpB, and mbpC have roles in the mobilization process and function in trans. The deduced 30.4-kDa MbpB protein contains a 14-amino-acid conserved motif that is also found in the DNA relaxases of a variety of conjugal and mobilizable plasmids and the conjugative transposon Tn4399. Deletion analysis and complementation experiments have localized a cis-acting region of pLV22a within mbpA.  相似文献   

Shuttle vectors capable of replication in both Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis have been developed. Conjugal transfer of these plasmids from E. coli to B. fragilis is facilitated by inclusion of the origin of transfer of the IncP plasmid RK2. The vectors pDK1 and pDK2 provide unique sites for cloning selectable markers in Bacteroides. pOA10 is a cosmid vector containing the replication region of pCP1 necessary for maintenance in Bacteroides. pDK3, pDK4.1, and pDK4.2 contain the Bacteroides clindamycin resistance gene allowing selection and maintenance in B. fragilis of plasmids containing inserted DNA fragments. pDK3 was used to test the expression in B. fragilis of five foreign tetracycline resistance (TcR) genes. The tetA, -B, and -C markers from facultative gram-negative bacteria, as well as a TcR determinant from Clostridium perfringens, did not express TcR in B. fragilis. The tetM gene, originally described in streptococci, encoded a small but reproducible increase of TcR in Bacteroides. These studies demonstrate the utility of shuttle vectors for introducing cloned genes into Bacteroides and underscore the differences in gene expression in these anaerobes.  相似文献   

Abstract A neuraminidase-encoding gene nanH of Bacteroides fragilis strain YCH46 was cloned into the cosmid vector pHC79. The nanH gene was subcloned from the cosmid and was located within a 2.2-kb Xho I- Kpn I fragment. Southern hybridization experiments demonstrated that the gene was present as a single copy on the bacterial chromosome. Neuraminidase activity expressed in the initial Escherichia coli clone was approximately 3600-fold lower than that expressed in B. fragilis YCH46. However, when nanH was transferred from E. coli to B. uniformis by mobilization of a shuttle plasmid, the transconjugant expressed 1100-fold higher activity than the E. coli donor did. These results suggest that modes of nanH expression in E. coli and Bacteroides are heterologous.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the DNA mobilization region of the 5-nitroimidazole resistance plasmid pIP421, from strain BF-F239 of Bacteroides fragilis, was determined. It contains a putative origin of transfer (oriT) including three sets of inverted repeats and two sequences reminiscent of specific integration host factor binding sites. The product of the mobilization gene mob421 (42.2 kDa) is a member of the Bacteroides mobilization protein family, which includes the MobA of pBI143, NBUs, and Tn4555. Sequence similarity suggests that it has both oriT binding and nicking activities. The transfer frequency of pIP421 in a B. fragilis donor strain possessing a Tc(r) or Tc(r) Em(r)-like conjugative transposon was significantly enhanced by tetracycline. Moreover, the mobilization region of pIP421 confers the ability to be mobilized from Escherichia coli by an IncP plasmid.  相似文献   

G U Wehnert  V R Abratt  D R Woods 《Plasmid》1992,27(3):242-245
The region of Bacteroides fragilis DNA on the recombinant plasmid pMT100 responsible for conferring metronidazole resistance in Escherichia coli strains was characterized. An open reading frame (ORF1) of 195 bp encoded a protein of 64 amino acids with a predicted M(r) of 7.3 kDa. Deletion analysis indicated that ORF1 conferred the metronidazole resistance phenotype and encoded a protein with an apparent M(r) of approximately 8-10 kDa.  相似文献   

We have cloned the Bacteroides fragilis TAL2480 neuraminidase (NANase) structural gene, nanH, in Escherichia coli. This was accomplished by using the cloning shuttle vector pJST61 and a partial Sau3A library of TAL2480 chromosomal inserts created in E. coli. The library was mobilized into the NANase-deficient B. fragilis TM4000 derivative TC2. NANase-producing colonies were enriched by taking advantage of the inability of TC2, but not the wild-type of NANase+ revertant, to grow in vitro in fluid aspirated from the rat granuloma pouch. Plasmids pJST61-TCN1 and pJST61-TCN3, containing inserts of 9.1 and 4.5 kilobases (kb), respectively, were found in the TC2 derivatives that grew in the rat pouch medium. In B. fragilis, NANase production from the two plasmids was inducible by free N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid-containing substrates, just as in the parental TAL2480 strain. However, when these plasmids were transferred back to E. coli, NANase activity was barely detectable. A 3.5-kb portion of the insert in pJST61-TCN3 was subcloned in pJST61 to give plasmid pJST61-SC3C; NANase was produced from this plasmid both in E. coli and in B. fragilis. In E. coli, NANase expression was under the control of the vector promoter lambda pR and was therefore completely abolished by the presence of a lambda prophage. In B. fragilis, NANase production was inducible by free N-acetylneuraminic acid or sialic acid-containing substrates. By using deletion analysis and Tn1000 mutagenesis, the NANase structural gene and control region that functions in B. fragilis were localized to a 1.5- to 2.0-kb region of the insert. A partial nucleotide sequence of the NANase-deficient Tn1000 insertion mutants allowed us to identify the nanH gene and deduce the amino acid sequence of a portion of the NANase protein. We identified five regions showing great similarity to the Asp boxes, -Ser-X-Asp-X-Gly-X-Thr-Trp-, of other bacterial and viral NANase proteins.  相似文献   

Tetracycline resistance of three Bacteroides fragilis strains was shown to be inducible by subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline. Tetracycline resistance markers could be transferred to another B. fragilis strain by filter mating. The transferability was inducible by subinhibitory concentrations of tetracycline and did not take place in the absence of tetracycline. The optimum concentration of tetracycline for induction of transfer was about 2 microgram/ml. The transfer was shown to be a conjugation-like process requiring cell-to-cell contact between donor and recipient. Screening of parental donor strains for the presence of plasmid DNA did not demonstrate any detectable plasmids in two of the strains. A 3.0-megadalton plasmid, designated pBY5, was present in the third donor strain. Mobilization of pBY5 by another plasmid (pBF4) showed that pBY5 did not carry the genes responsible for tetracycline resistance. It appears that the genes responsible for resistance to tetracycline as well as those responsible for conjugal transfer may be carried on the chromosome in all three donor strains.  相似文献   

Small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences of 16 strains of Bacteroides fragilis were determined and compared with previously published sequences. Three phylogenetic methods (the neighbor-joining, maximum-likelihood, and maximum-parsimony methods) as well as a bootstrap analysis were used to assess the robustness of each topology. All phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the B. fragilis strains were clearly divided into two robust monophyletic units which corresponded to the cfiA-negative and cfiA-positive groups. Strains of two previously identified DNA homology groups separated similarly into the two monophyletic units. According to the intensity of the hybridization signal with a cfiA probe, the cfiA-positive cluster could be further divided into two groups. This difference might reflect the existence of two, probably closely related cfiA-type genes. In the strongly hybridizing cfiA-positive strains, the gene is capable of conferring high-level resistance to the carbapenems and to most beta-lactamase inhibitors as well, while in the weakly hybridizing cfiA-positive strains, only the latter type of resistance is known to occur. The presence of the cfiA-type genes within a monophyletic cluster of B. fragilis that apparently represents only a minority of the species B. fragilis is suggestive of a recent acquisition. The fact that this cluster is also the predominant pool of all known B. fragilis insertion elements, which have been found to play an important role in the expression of carbapenem resistance, raises the possibility that both genetic determinants, i.e., the resistance gene(s) and insertion elements, may have coevolved.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used in an attempt to detect Bacteroides fragilis by amplifying a segment of the gene encoding B. fragilis neuraminidase. Forty-five reference strains representing 45 species and 113 clinical isolates were tested. Only B. fragilis was PCR positive, except for Bacteroides merdae ATCC 43184, which gave a band by ethidium bromide staining that showed no signal by Southern hybridization. Using a protocol that employed DNA extraction by Sepa Gene kit and a highly sensitive digoxigenin-chemiluminescence detection system, detection of B. fragilis by PCR was in complete agreement with culture results for 44 clinical specimens from which a wide range of aerobic and anaerobic organisms and fungi were recovered.  相似文献   

The bft gene encoding Bacteroides fragilis toxin (BFT) has been devided into two subtypes, bft-1 and bft-2. We found a novel subtype by sequencing a segment of the bft gene from 64 enterotoxigenic B. fragilis (ETBF) strains isolated in Japan. The 1548-bp nucleotide sequences of the new bft, the bft-1, and bft-2 genes were determined for five, four, and four ETBF strains, respectively; the nucleotide sequence was identical among each bft subtype and the degree of identity between each subtype was between 89 and 94%. Most of the variations between the three subtypes were detected in the region encoding mature toxin. A multiplex PCR was developed with a four-primer mix to subtype the bft sequences. The subtyping of 143 ETBF isolates from extraintestinal and stool specimens of humans and cows showed that the bft-1 was the most prevalent subtype, followed by bft-2 and a new bft subtype. No other subtype was found among the strains tested.  相似文献   

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