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Rat pancreatic acini loaded with the pH sensitive fluorescent dye 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein were used to characterize intracellular pH (pHi) regulatory mechanisms in these cells. The acini were attached to cover slips and continuously perfused. In 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-buffered solutions recovery from acid load (H+ efflux) required extracellular Na+ (Na+out) and was blocked by amiloride. Likewise, H+ influx initiated by removal of Na+out was blocked by amiloride. Hence, in HEPES-buffered medium the major operative pHi regulatory mechanism is a Na+/H+ exchange. In HCO3(-)-buffered medium, amiloride only partially blocked recovery from acid load and acidification due to Na+out removal. The remaining fraction required Na+out, was inhibited by H2-4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfunic acid (H2DIDS) and was independent of C1-. Hence, a transporter with characteristics of a Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport exists in pancreatic acini. Measurement of pHi changes due to Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport, suggests that the transporter contributes to HCO3- efflux under physiological conditions. Changing the Cl- gradient across the plasma membrane of acini maintained in HCO3(-)-buffered solutions reveals the presence of an H2DIDS-sensitive, Na(+)-independent, Cl(-)-dependent, HCO3- transporter with characteristics of a Cl-/HCO3- exchanger. In pancreatic acini the exchanger transports HCO3- but not OH- and under physiological conditions functions to remove HCO3- from the cytosol. In summary, only the Na+/H+ exchanger is functional in HEPES-buffered medium to maintain pHi at 7.28 +/- 0.03. In the presence of 25 mM HCO3- at pHo of 7.4, all the transporters operate simultaneously to maintain a steady-state pHi of 7.13 +/- 0.04.  相似文献   

Pancreatic acini loaded with the pH-sensitive dye 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein were used to examine the effect of Ca2(+)-mobilizing agonists on the activity of acid-base transporters in these cells. In the accompanying article (Muallen, S., and Loessberg, P. A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 12813-12819) we showed that in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES)-buffered medium the main pHi regulatory mechanism is the Na+/H+ exchanger, a while in HCO3(-)-buffered medium pHi is determined by the combined activities of a Na+/H+ exchanger, a Na(+)-HCO3- cotransporter and a Cl-/HCO3- exchanger. In this study we found that stimulation of acini with Ca2(+)-mobilizing agonists in HEPES or HCO3(-)-buffered media is followed by an initial acidification which is independent of any identified plasma membrane-located acid-base transporting mechanism, and thus may represent intracellularly produced acid. In HEPES-buffered medium there was a subsequent large alkalinization to pHi above that in resting cells, which could be attributed to the Na+/H+ exchanger. Measurements of the rate of recovery from acid load indicated that the Na+/H+ exchanger was stimulated by the agonists. In HCO3(-)-buffered medium the alkalinization observed after the initial acidification was greatly attenuated. Examination of the activity of each acid-base transporting mechanism in stimulated acini showed that in HCO3(-)-buffered medium: (a) recovery from acid load in the presence of H2-4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (H2DIDS) (Na+/H+ exchange) was stimulated similar to that found in HEPES-buffered medium; (b) recovery from acid load in the presence of amiloride and acidification due to removal of external Na+ in the presence of amiloride (HCO3- influx and efflux, respectively, by Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport) were inhibited; and (c) HCO3- influx and efflux due to Cl-/HCO3- exchange, which was measured by changing the Cl- or HCO3- gradients across the plasma membrane, were stimulated. Furthermore, the rate of Cl-/HCO3- exchange in stimulated acini was higher than the sum of H+ efflux due to Na+/H+ exchange and HCO3- influx due to Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport. Use of H2DIDS showed that the latter accounted for the attenuated changes in pHi in HCO3(-)-buffered medium, as much as treating the acini with H2DIDS resulted in similar agonist-mediated pHi changes in HEPES- and HCO3(-)-buffered media. The effect of agonists on the various acid-base transporting mechanisms is discussed in terms of their possible role in transcellular NaCl transport, cell volume regulation, and cell proliferation in pancreatic acini.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of five isoforms of facillitated-diffusion glucose transporters (GLUTs), from GLUT1 to GLUT5, in rat pancreatic islets was studied by immunohistochemistry using rabbit polyclonal antisera against mouse or rat GLUT peptides. Animals were perfusion-fixed with phosphate-buffered 4% paraformaldehyde and the pancreases were removed. Some specimens were embedded in paraffin, serially sectioned, and immunostained for glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, and the GLUTs for light microscopic observation. Others were prepared for immunoelectron microscopy by the post-embedding method. By these methods, GLUT2 immunostaining was observed on the lateral membranes of pancreatic β-cells, whereas GLUT3 immunoreaction was predominatly localized in the cytoplasm to β-cells and was not found in α-cells. In contrast, GLUT5 immunostaining was preferentially localized in the cytoplasm of α-cells compared to that of β-cells. However, GLUT1 and GLUT4 were either barely or not at all detectable in any cells. These results suggest that rat islets take up glucose by at least three different processes and that blood glucose levels could be modulated differentially by: a high Km glucose transporter, GLUT2, in β-cells; by a low Km glucose transporter, GLUT3, in β-cells; and by a low Km glucose transporter, GLUT5, in α-cells.  相似文献   

Pancreatic duct cells secrete bicarbonate-rich fluids, which are important for maintaining the patency of pancreatic ductal trees as well as intestinal digestive function. The bulk of bicarbonate secretion in the luminal membrane of duct cells is mediated by a Cl(-)-dependent mechanism (Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange), and we previously reported that the mechanism is CFTR-dependent and cAMP-activated (Lee, M. G., Choi, J. Y., Luo, X., Strickland, E., Thomas, P. J., and Muallem, S. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 14670-14677). In the present study, we provide comprehensive evidence that calcium signaling also activates the same CFTR- and Cl(-)-dependent HCO(3)(-) transport. ATP and trypsin evoked intracellular calcium signaling in pancreatic duct-derived cells through the activation of purinergic and protease-activated receptors, respectively. Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange activity was measured by recording pH(i) in response to [Cl(-)](o) changes of the perfusate. In perfusate containing high concentrations of K(+), which blocks Cl(-) movement through electrogenic or K(+)-coupled pathways, ATP and trypsin highly stimulated luminal Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange activity in CAPAN-1 cells expressing wild-type CFTR, but not in CFPAC-1 cells that have defective (DeltaF508) CFTR. Notably, adenoviral transfection of wild-type CFTR in CFPAC-1 cells completely restored the stimulatory effect of ATP on luminal Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange. In addition, the chelation of intracellular calcium by 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N,N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) treatment abolished the effect of calcium agonists on luminal Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange. These results provide a molecular basis for calcium-induced bicarbonate secretion in pancreatic duct cells and highlight the importance of CFTR in epithelial bicarbonate secretion induced by various stimuli.  相似文献   

The Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) and/or the Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (NBC) were blocked during ischemia in isolated rat hearts. Intracellular Na(+) concentration ([Na(+)](i)), intracellular pH (pH(i)), and energy-related phosphates were measured by using simultaneous (23)Na and (31)P NMR spectroscopy. Hearts were subjected to 30 min of global ischemia and 30 min of reperfusion. Cariporide (3 microM) or HCO(3)(-)-free HEPES buffer was used, respectively, to block NHE, NBC, or both. End-ischemic [Na(+)](i) was 320 +/- 18% of baseline in HCO(3)(-)-perfused, untreated hearts, 184 +/- 6% of baseline when NHE was blocked, 253 +/- 19% of baseline when NBC was blocked, and 154 +/- 6% of baseline when both NHE and NBC were blocked. End-ischemic pH(i) was 6.09 +/- 0.06 in HCO(3)(-)-perfused, untreated hearts, 5.85 +/- 0.02 when NHE was blocked, 5.81 +/- 0.05 when NBC was blocked, and 5.70 +/- 0.01 when both NHE and NBC were blocked. NHE blockade was cardioprotective, but NBC blockade and combined blockade were not, the latter likely due to a reduction in coronary flow, because omission of HCO(3)(-) under conditions of NHE blockade severely impaired coronary flow. Combined blockade of NHE and NBC conserved intracellular H(+) load during reperfusion and led to massive Na(+) influx when blockades were lifted. Without blockade, both NHE and NBC mediate acid-equivalent efflux in exchange for Na(+) influx during ischemia, NHE much more than NBC. Blockade of either one does not affect the other.  相似文献   

The effect of serum, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA), and forskolin on the activity Na+/H+ antiport and the Na(+)-coupled and Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport was studied in Vero cells by measuring 22Na+ and 36Cl- fluxes and changes in cytosolic pH (pHi). The Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport, which acts as an acidifying mechanism, is strongly pH-sensitive. In serum-starved cells it is activated at alkaline cytosolic pH, with a half-maximal activity at pHi approximately 7.20. Incubation with serum increased the activity of the Na(+)-independent Cl-/HCO3- antiport at pHi values from 6.8 to 7.2. Thus serum appeared to alter the pHi sensitivity of this antiporter such that the threshold value for activation of the antiport was shifted to a more acidic value. Na+/H+ antiport was somewhat stimulated initially by addition of serum, but further incubation with serum (greater than 45 min) decreased its activity. The activity of the Na(+)-coupled Cl-/HCO3- antiport, which is the major alkalinizing antiport in Vero cells, was not altered by short-term incubation with serum (less than 10 min) but decreased after prolonged incubation (greater than 45 min). Our findings with TPA and forskolin indicate that the effect of serum is partly mediated by the protein kinase C pathway, whereas the cyclic adenosine monophosphate pathway does not appear to play an important role. The net effect of serum on the pHi-regulating antiports was a slight decrease in intracellular pH.  相似文献   

The intracellular pH (pHi) of a rat parotid acinar preparation was monitored using the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein. Under resting (unstimulated) conditions both Na+/H+ exchange and CO2/HCO3- buffering contribute to the regulation of pHi. Muscarinic stimulation (carbachol) of the acini produced a gradual rise in pHi (approximately 0.1 unit by 10 min) possibly due to activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger. When the exchanger was blocked by amiloride or sodium removal, carbachol induced a dramatic (atropine inhibitable) decrease in pHi (approximately 0.4 pH unit with t1/2 approximately 0.5 min at 1 mM carbachol). The rate of this acidification was reduced by removal of exogenous HCO3- and by the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor methazolamide. Also, acini stimulated with carbachol in Cl- -free solutions showed a more pronounced acidification than in the corresponding Cl- -replete media. Taken together, these data indicate that the carbachol-induced acidification of rat parotid acinar cells unmasked by inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchanger is due to a rapid loss of intracellular HCO3-. Carbachol induced acidification was inhibited by the Cl- channel blocker diphenylamine 2-carboxylate but not by 4-acetomido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, an inhibitor of Cl-/HCO3- exchange. In addition, this acidification could not be sustained in Ca2+-free media and was totally blocked by chelation of intracellular Ca2+. Interpreted in terms of HCO3- loss, these results closely parallel the pattern of carbachol-induced Cl- release from this same preparation and indicate that HCO3- is secreted in response to muscarinic stimulation via the same or a very similar exit pathway, presumably an apical anion channel. Under normal physiological conditions the intracellular acidification resulting from HCO3- secretion is buffered by the Na+/H+ exchanger.  相似文献   

The presence of a HCO 3 - -ATPase in pancreatic tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

G. R. Findenegg 《Planta》1977,135(1):33-38
Excretion and absorption of glycolate by young cells of Scenedesmus obliquus (Turp.) Krüger strain D3 grown synchronously with 2% CO2 was compared after no pretreatment with air (CO2-adapted) or after a 2 h adaptation to normal air (0.03% CO2) (air-adapted). At 21% O2, excretion occurred only from CO2-adapted cells at high pH (pH 8.0). Under conditions where no excretion occurred, external glycolate (0.2 mM) was taken up by both air-and CO2-adapted cells at a much faster rate at pH 5 than at pH 8. The uptake was accompanied by an apparent stoichiometric uptake of H+. CO2-adapted algae exhibited high uptake rates that were even higher in the dark than in the light. Air-adapted algae showed high uptake rates in the light but only minimal uptake in the dark. The uptake rate was decreased to about 1/3 with 5% CO2, except with CO2-adapted cells in the light, in which a slight stimulation occurred. Cl- ions inhibited glycolate uptake by air-adapted cells in the light; conversely, light-stimulated Cl- uptake of these cells was inhibited by glycolate. A hypothesis is discussed according to which the internal pH regulates the uptake and release of Cl-, HCO 3 - , and glycolate.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4 dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethyl urea - FCCP carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenylhydrazone - HEPES 2-(4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-piperazinyl) ethanesulfonic acid - HPMS -hydroxypyridinemethanesulfonate - MES 2-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid - PCV packed cell volume  相似文献   

Espie GS  Kandasamy RA 《Plant physiology》1994,104(4):1419-1428
The effect of monensin, an ionophore that mediates Na+/H+ exchange, on the activity of the inorganic carbon transport systems of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus UTEX 625 was investigated using transport assays based on the measurement of chlorophyll a fluorescence emission or 14C uptake. In Synechococcus cells grown in standing culture at about 20 [mu]M CO2 + HCO3-, 50 [mu]M monensin transiently inhibited active CO2 and Na+-independent HCO3- transport, intracellular CO2 and HCO3- accumulation, and photosynthesis in the presence but not in the absence of 25 mM Na+. These activities returned to near-normal levels within 15 min. Transient inhibition was attributed to monensin-mediated intracellular alkalinization, whereas recovery may have been facilitated by cellular mechanisms involved in pH homeostasis or by monensin-mediated H+ uptake with concomitant K+ efflux. In air-grown cells grown at 200 [mu]M CO2 + HCO3- and standing culture cells, Na+-dependent HCO3- transport, intracellular HCO3- accumulation, and photosynthesis were also inhibited by monensin, but there was little recovery in activity over time. However, normal photosynthetic activity could be restored to air-grown cells by the addition of carbonic anhydrase, which increased the rate of CO2 supply to the cells. This observation indicated that of all the processes required to support photosynthesis only Na+-dependent HCO3- transport was significantly inhibited by monensin. Monensin-mediated dissipation of the Na+ chemical gradient between the medium and the cells largely accounted for the decline in the HCO3- accumulation ratio from 751 to 55. The two HCO3- transport systems were further distinguished in that Na+-dependent HCO3- transport was inhibited by Li+, whereas Na+-independent HCO3- transport was not. It is suggested that Na+-dependent HCO3- transport involves an Na+/HCO3- symport mechanism that is energized by the Na+ electrochemical potential.  相似文献   

The pancreatic duct expresses cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and HCO3- secretory and salvage mechanisms in the luminal membrane. Although CFTR plays a prominent role in HCO3- secretion, the role of CFTR in HCO3- salvage is not known. In the present work, we used molecular, biochemical, and functional approaches to study the regulatory interaction between CFTR and the HCO3- salvage mechanism Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) in heterologous expression systems and in the native pancreatic duct. We found that CFTR regulates NHE3 activity by both acute and chronic mechanisms. In the pancreatic duct, CFTR increases expression of NHE3 in the luminal membrane. Thus, luminal expression of NHE3 was reduced by 53% in ducts of homozygote DeltaF508 mice. Accordingly, luminal Na+-dependent and HOE694- sensitive recovery from an acid load was reduced by 60% in ducts of DeltaF508 mice. CFTR and NHE3 were co-immunoprecipitated from PS120 cells expressing both proteins and the pancreatic duct of wild type mice but not from PS120 cells lacking CFTR or the pancreas of DeltaF508 mice. The interaction between CFTR and NHE3 required the COOH-terminal PDZ binding motif of CFTR, and mutant CFTR proteins lacking the C terminus were not co-immunoprecipitated with NHE3. Furthermore, when expressed in PS120 cells, wild type CFTR, but not CFTR mutants lacking the C-terminal PDZ binding motif, augmented cAMP-dependent inhibition of NHE3 activity by 31%. These findings reveal that CFTR controls overall HCO3- homeostasis by regulating both pancreatic ductal HCO3- secretory and salvage mechanisms.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells were grown to confluence on glass coverslips and treated permeant supports, and the pH-sensitive fluorescent probe 2,7-biscarboxyethyl-5,6-carboxyfluorescein was employed to delineate the nature of the transport pathways that allowed for recovery from an imposed acid load in a HCO3-/CO2-buffered solution. The H+ efflux rate of acid-loaded cells was 13.44 +/- 0.94 mM/min. Addition of amiloride, 10(-4) M, to the recovery solution reduced the H+ efflux rate to 4.06 +/- 0.63 mM/min. The amiloride-resistant pHi recovery mechanism displayed an absolute requirement for Na+ but was Cl(-)-independent. Studies performed on permeable supports demonstrated that the latter pathway was located primarily on the basolateral-equivalent (BE) cell surface and was inhibited by 50 microM 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). In a Na(+)-replete solution containing DIDS (50 microM) and amiloride (10(-4) M), acid-loaded cells failed to return to basal pHi. To delineate further the amiloride-inhibitable component of pHi recovery, monolayers were studied in the nominal absence of HCO3-/CO2. In 70% of monolayers studied, Na(+)-dependent, amiloride-inhibitable H+ efflux was the sole mechanism whereby acid-loaded cells returned to basal pHi. A Na(+)-independent pathway was observed in 30% of monolayers examined and represented only a minor component of the pHi recovery process. In studies performed on permeable supports, the Na(+)-dependent amiloride-inhibitable pathway was found to be confined exclusively to the BE cell surface. In summary, confluent monolayers of rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells in primary culture possess two major mechanisms that contribute toward recovery from an imposed acid load, namely, Na+/H+ antiport and Na+/HCO3- cotransport. Na(+)-independent pHi recovery mechanisms represent a minor component of the pHi recovery process in the cultured cell. Both the Na+/H+ antiporter and Na+/HCO3- cotransporter are located primarily on the BE cell surface.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced enzyme secretion in the exocrine pancreas is not completely understood. We have proposed that Ca(2+)-induced enzyme secretion in the exocrine pancreas involves activation of ion conductances in the membrane of zymogen granules (ZG). Here we have identified a Ca(2+)-activated anion conductance in rat pancreatic ZG membranes (ZGM). Ca(2+) (2.5-50 microM) increased the conductance for I(-), NO(3)(-), Br(-), or HCO(3)(-), but not for Cl(-), as determined by the rate of valinomycin-induced osmotic lysis of ZG suspended in isotonic K(+)-salts. 4,4'-Diisothiocyanatodihydrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (100 microM) or 25 microM dithiothreitol strongly inhibited Ca(2+)-dependent lysis. The permeability sequence, Ca(2+) dependence, and inhibitor sensitivity of ZG anion conductance are reminiscent of a family of epithelial Ca(2+)-activated anion channels (CLCA). CLCA expression was confirmed by RT-PCR with rat pancreatic mRNA and mouse CLCA1 primers. A PCR product (580bp) exhibited 81%, 77%, and 57% amino acid similarity to the three mouse isoforms mCLCA-1, -2, and -3 (mgob-5), respectively. Antibodies against bovine tracheal CLCA1 showed CLCA expression in ZGM by immunoblotting, immunoperoxidase light microscopy, and immunogold labeling. These findings suggest that a CLCA-related protein could account for the Ca(2+)-activated HCO(3)(-) conductance of rat pancreatic ZGM and contribute to hormone-stimulated enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

The cholangiocytes lining the intrahepatic bile ducts modify the primary secretion from the hepatocytes. The cholangiocytes secrete HCO3 into bile when stimulated with secretin in many species, including man. However, in rats, secretin stimulation neither affects biliary HCO3 concentration nor bile flow, whereas following bile duct ligation (BDL) it induces hypercholeresis with significant increase of NaHCO3 concentration. We hypothesized that BDL might affect the expression of cholangiocyte H+ transporters and thereby choleresis, and determined the expression and localization of the 31 kDa vacuolar type H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) subunit and of Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3 in the livers of control and BDL rats by real-time PCR, in situ hybridization, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. In controls, secretin had no effect on bile flow, whereas following BDL, secretin increased bile flow ∼threefold. V-ATPase and NHE3 were expressed in control cholangiocytes showing intracellular and apical distribution, respectively. BDL significantly up-regulated V-ATPase mRNA and protein expression and was associated with redistribution to the apical pole in ∼60% of the cholangiocytes lining the small bile ductules. In contrast, NHE3 expression was significantly down-regulated by BDL at the mRNA and protein level. The data demonstrate expression of V-ATPase in rat cholangiocytes. BDL-induced down-regulation of NHE3 may contribute to a reduction of Na+ and HCO3 reabsorption and thus to their net secretion into bile. Apical localization of V-ATPase in cholangiocytes may indicate its involvement in pH regulation and/or HCO3 salvage to compensate for NHE3 down-regulation in BDL.  相似文献   

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