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Summary Selection for 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (AT) resistance in certain strains of Salmonella typhimurium has been previously shown to select for genetic tandem duplications of the histidine operon. We show here that agents which induce tandem duplications are less effective in such induction in the presence of the pKM101 plasmid. The presence of the plasmid also produces an increase in AT-resistance due to mechanisms other than duplication, presumably because pKM101 produces high levels of error-prone repair. We suggest that high levels of error-prone repair may cause decreases in tandem duplication induction and propose that error-prone repair and tandem duplication may be alternative cellular responses to certain DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Bovine pancreatic phospholipase A2 (Mr = 14,000) has been crystallized and its three-dimensional structure determined by X-ray diffraction analysis to a resolution of 2.4 Å. Three heavy-atom derivatives were used in the phase calculations with inclusion of the anomalous dispersion differences. The resulting electron density map allowed an easy and unambiguous tracing of the peptide chain. Two of the seven disulfide connections appeared to be different from what was suggested by the earlier chemical and structural work. The bovine phospholipase A2 structure contains about 50% α-helix and 10% β-structure. The bovine enzyme structure was found to deviate substantially from the previously published porcine prophospholipase structure.  相似文献   

To characterize the hisD3052 -1 frameshift allele of Salmonella typhimurium, we analyzed approximately 6000 spontaneous revertants (rev) for a 2-base deletion hotspot within the sequence (CG)4, and we sequenced approximately 500 nonhotspot rev. The reversion target is a minimum of 76 bases (nucleotides 843-918) that code for amino acids within a nonconserved region of the histidinol dehydrogenase protein. Only 0.4-3.9% were true rev. Of the following classes, 182 unique second-site mutations were identified: hotspot, complex frameshifts requiring DeltauvrB + pKM101 (TA98-specific) or not (concerted), 1-base insertions, duplications, and nonhotspot deletions. The percentages of hotspot mutations were 13.8% in TA1978 (wild type), 24.5% in UTH8413 (pKM101), 31.6% in TA1538 (DeltauvrB), and 41.0% in TA98 (DeltauvrB, pKM101). The DeltauvrB allele decreased by three times the mutant frequency (MF, rev/10(8) survivors) of duplications and increased by about two times the MF of deletions. Separately, the DeltauvrB allele or pKM101 plasmid increased by two to three times the MF of hotspot mutations; combined, they increased this MF by five times. The percentage of 1-base insertions was not influenced by either DeltauvrB or pKM101. Hotspot deletions and TA98-specific complex frameshifts are inducible by some mutagens; concerted complex frameshifts and 1-base insertions are not; and there is little evidence for mutagen-induced duplications and nonhotspot deletions. Except for the base substitutions in TA98-specific complex frameshifts, all spontaneous mutations of the hisD3052 allele are likely templated. The mechanisms may involve (1) the potential of direct and inverted repeats to undergo slippage and misalignment and to form quasi-palindromes and (2) the interaction of these sequences with DNA replication and repair proteins.  相似文献   

6 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon or similar amine carcinogens were tested as inducers of genetic tandem duplications in a rough strain of Salmonella typhimurium. When metabolically activated by rat-liver microsomes, all 6 were active in inducing genetic tandem duplications, yielding from over 3 times to almost 14 times as many tandem duplicants per viable bacterium as did concurrent uninduced control cultures. These results extend the number and chemical diversity of carcinogens shown to induce genetic duplications in bacterial tester systems. We suggest that polycyclic hydrocarbon carcinogens may act in carcinogenesis by inducing genetic duplications or other genetic rearrangements. Duplication induction may be a useful genetic endpoint for screening potential carcinogens.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ability of chlorophyllin (CHL) to interact with acridine mutagen ICR-191 (2-methoxy-6-chloro-9-(3-(2-chloroethyl)aminopropylamino)acridine) and also its ability to decrease binding of ICR-191 to DNA in a simple three-component competition system: CHL-ICR–DNA. Our data indicate a strong association of ICR-191 with CHL, stronger even than the association of ICR-191 with DNA. Calculations based on the measured affinity data show that a two- to three-fold excess of CHL reduces by about two-fold the concentration of the mutagen-DNA complex. We also exposed human leukemic HL-60 cells to ICR-191 in the absence and presence of CHL and measured the mutagen-induced DNA damage. The extent of DNA damage was assessed by analysis of histone H2AX phosphorylation. While ICR-191 induced significant increase in expression of phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX), particularly in DNA replicating cells, this increase was totally abolished in the cells treated with ICR-191 in the presence of CHL.  相似文献   

In Salmonella typhimurium a simple selection has been described to detect bacteria that are merodiploid for almost one-third of the chromosome. The selective procedure is based upon improved utilization of L-malate as the sole carbon source in merodiploid strains. The spontaneous frequency of the duplication in haploid strains is approximately 10(-4) per cell plated. Following the exposure of a haploid strain to mutagenic agents, there is a dose-dependent increase in the duplication frequency above the spontaneous level. In this paper we describe the induction of genetic duplications in Salmonella typhimurium by X-rays, ultraviolet light (UV), ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), nitrous acid, and the azaacridine half mustard, ICR-372.  相似文献   

A germanium compound, germanium oxide (GeO2) behaved as a potent antimutagen on frameshift-type reverse mutations induced by 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2) in strains of Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA1538 with and without a plasmid pKM101, respectively. This metal antimutagen seems to work independently of the plasmid, a promotive factor in chemically induced mutagenesis through error-prone DNA repair.  相似文献   

DNA replication is frequently hindered because of the presence of DNA lesions induced by endogenous and exogenous genotoxic agents. To circumvent the replication block, cells are endowed with multiple specialized DNA polymerases that can bypass a variety of DNA damage. To better understand the specificity of specialized DNA polymerases to bypass lesions, we have constructed a set of derivatives of Salmonella typhimurium TA1538 harboring plasmids carrying the polB, dinB or mucAB genes encoding Escherichia coli DNA polymerase II, DNA polymerase IV or DNA polymerase RI, respectively, and examined the mutability to 30 chemicals. The parent strain TA1538 possesses CGCGCGCG hotspot sequence for -2 frameshift. Interestingly, the chemicals could be classified into four groups based on the mutagenicity to the derivatives: group I whose mutagenicity was highest in strain YG5161 harboring plasmid carrying dinB; group II whose mutagenicity was almost equally high in strain YG5161 and strain TA98 harboring plasmid carrying mucAB; group III whose mutagenicity was highest in strain TA98; group IV whose mutagenicity was not affected by the introduction of any of the plasmids. Introduction of plasmid carrying polB did not enhance the mutagenicity except for benz[a]anthracene. We also introduced a plasmid carrying polA encoding E. coli DNA polymerase I to strain TA1538. Strikingly, the introduction of the plasmid reduced the mutagenicity of chemicals belonging to groups I, II and III, but not the chemicals of group IV, to the levels observed in the derivative whose SOS-inducible DNA polymerases were all deleted. These results suggest that (i) DNA polymerase IV and DNA polymerase RI possess distinct but partly overlapping specificity to bypass lesions leading to -2 frameshift, (ii) the replicative DNA polymerase, i.e., DNA polymerase III, participates in the mutagenesis and (iii) the enhanced expression of E. coli polA may suppress the access of Y-family DNA polymerases to the replication complex.  相似文献   

B René  H Banoun  C Auclair  C Paoletti 《Biochimie》1985,67(3-4):327-334
As a general rule, ellipticine derivatives are mutagenic and intercalate into double-stranded nucleic acids. We have tested a new fluorescent ellipticine compound, 10[(1-carboxy-2-methylpropylidene)-amino]-9-hydroxy-2-methylell ipticinium (val-NMHE), for establishing the relationship between the amount of drug bound to nucleic acids in situ in Salmonella typhimurium and its biological effects: decrease of growth rate and mutagenesis. Val-NMHE is mutagenic only on Ames'strain TA 1977 which carries a + 1 frameshift mutation. On a per cell basis, the number of revertants is not linearly correlated to the amount of drug bound to nucleic acids: this number is relatively higher for increasing amounts of drug. This effect is not related to the mere probability of interaction between the drug molecule and its target, a GGGG/CCCC sequence. It might be explained by other hypotheses briefly discussed herein.  相似文献   

The effect of metabolic activation on the mutagenic potential of some phenanthridinium compounds was examined in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1538 and TA1978 . All of the compounds tested were mutagenic in TA1538, a DNA excision-repair-deficient strain, when metabolizing enzymes were included in the assay. Reversions were not detected when these compounds were examined under the same conditions in TA1978 , the isogenic strain of TA1538 proficient in DNA repair. The mutagenic activity of an azido analog of propidium iodide was also examined using photoactivation and enzymatic activation, and with both conditions, reversions were observed in TA1538 but not in TA1978 . Furthermore, the ranking of mutagenic activity of propidium azide relative to ethidium azide analogs was comparable for both types of activation. The evidence from several studies suggests that the structural requirements for mutagenic activity for this series of phenanthridinium compounds appear to be the same whether mutagenesis is induced via photoactivation or metabolic activation. The interaction with DNA resulting in covalent alteration of the DNA is implicated as the mutagenic mechanism whether the active species is generated by metabolic- or photo-activation.  相似文献   

There are two types of frameshift mutation so far as out-of-phase reading of the genetic message is concerned. Firstly there are those frameshifts which result from the loss of one, or the addition of two adjacent, base pairs (?1(+2) type). Secondly there are those which result from the loss of two, or the addition of 1, base pair, in the DNA (?2(+1) type). We have compared the qualitative and quantitative consequences of these two types of frameshift upon the gene products of the lac I gene of E. coli and the trp A and trp B genes of E. coli and S. typhimurium. Both types of frameshift produce predominantly opal (UGA) rather than UAA (ochre) or UAG (amber) premature stop codons. Surprisingly the ?2(+1) type of frameshift leads to very few AUG or GUG reinitiation codons compared with the other, ?1(+2), type of frameshift.  相似文献   

A mutant of Salmonella typhimurium with a reduced response to mutation induction by 9-aminoacridine (9AA) has been isolated. The mutation (dam-2) is located in the DNA adenine methylase gene. The dam-2 mutant strain exhibits a level of sensitivity to 2-aminopurine (2AP) intermediate between that of the dam+ and the DNA adenine methylation-deficit dam-1 strain, and 2AP sensitivity was reversed by introduction of a mutH mutation or of the plasmid pMQ148 (which carries a functional Escherichia coli dam+ gene). However, the dam-2 strain is not grossly defective in DNA adenine methylase activity. Whole cell DNA appears full methylated at -GATC- sites. The levels of 9AA required to induce equivalent levels of frameshift mutagenesis in the dam-2 strain were approximately 2-fold higher than for the dam+ strain. Introduction of pMQ148 dam+ reduced the level of 9AA required for induction of frameshift mutations 4-fold in the dam-2 strain and 2-fold in the dam+ strain. The dam-2 mutation had no effect on the levels of ICR191 required for induction of frameshift mutations, but introduction of pMQ148 reduced the ICR191-induced mutagenesis 2-fold. The dam+/pMQ148, dam-2/pMQ148 and dam-1/pMQ148 strains showed identical dose-response curves for both 9AA and ICR191. These results are consistent with a slightly reduced (dam-2) or increased (pMQ148) rate of methylation at the replication fork. The 2AP sensitivity of the dam-2 strain cannot be simply explained. Furthermore, addition of methionine to the assay medium reverses the 2AP sensitivity of the dam-2 strain, but has no effect on 9AA mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of drugs and environmental chemicals to reactive intermediates is often studied with the use of radiolabeled compounds that are synthesized by expensive and technically difficult procedures. In general, glutathione (GSH) conjugation serves as a detoxification mechanism, and conjugation of reactive intermediates with GSH is often a surrogate marker of reactive species formation. However, several halogenated alkanes can be bioactivated by GSH to yield highly reactive GSH conjugates, some of which are DNA-reactive (e.g. conjugates of 1,2-dibromoethane). The purpose of this study was to metabolically radiolabel the in vivo GSH pool of Salmonella typhimurium with a [35S]-label and to examine the GSH-mediated bioactivation of a model haloalkane, 1,2-dibromoethane, by measuring the binding of [35S]-label to DNA. The strain of Salmonella used in this study had been transformed previously with the gene that codes for rat glutathione transferase theta 1-1 (GSTT1-1), an enzyme that can catalyze formation of genotoxic GSH conjugates. Bacteria were grown to mid-log phase and then incubated with [35S]-L-cysteine in minimal medium (thio-free) until stationary phase of growth was reached. At this stage, the specific activity of Salmonella GSH was estimated to be 7.1 mCi/mmol by derivatization and subsequent HPLC analysis, and GSTT1-1 enzyme activity was still demonstrable in Salmonella cytosol following growth in a minimal medium. The [35S]-labeled bacteria were then exposed to 1,2-dibromoethane (1 mM), and the Salmonella DNA was subsequently purified to quantify [35S]-binding to DNA. The amount of [35S]-label that was covalently bound to DNA in the GSTT1-1-expressing Salmonella strain (33.2 nmol/mg DNA) was sevenfold greater than that of the control strain that does not express GSTT1-1. Neutral thermal hydrolysis of the DNA yielded a single [35S]-labeled adduct with a similar t(R) as S-[2-(N(7)-guanyl)ethyl]GSH, following HPLC analysis of the hydrolysate. This adduct accounted for 95% of the total [35S]-label bound to DNA. Thus, this [35S]-radiolabeling protocol may prove useful for studying the DNA reactivity of GSH conjugates of other halogenated alkanes in a cellular context that maintains GSH at normal physiological levels. This is also, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of de novo incorporation of [35S]-L-cysteine into the bacterial GSH pool.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1994,323(1-2):63-67
The correlation between the proficiency at promoting mutagenesis of MucA/B proteins and MucA processing has been considered to be very high (Hauser et al., 1992) on the basis of the results of UV mutagenicity (Shiba et al., 1990). Here we show that this correlation is only partial. We have assayed the mutagenicity of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in Salmonella typhimurium tester strains containing plasmids which encode MucA proteins with an altered cleavage site. Reversion of the frameshift hisD3052 mutation by B[a]P or AFB1 was observed in the presence of non-cleavable MucA protein although at a lower level than that found in cells containing wild-type MucA protein. Reversion of the base substitution hisG46 mutation by AFB1 requires a significant processing of MucA, while lower levels of this processing would be enough for the hisG46 reversion by B[a]P. These results suggest that the specificity of mutations induced by mutagens forming DNA adducts is influenced by the activity of MucA protein. They also show the relevance of mutagenicity assays in the mechanistic studies of mutagenesis.  相似文献   

AimThe evaluation of mutagenic properties of imidapril hydrochloride (IMD) and its degradation impurity, diketopiperazine derivative (DKP), nitrosation mixtures was conducted in order to analyze the carcinogenic risk of IMD long-term treatment in patients. In this study an in vitro Ames test with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 strains was used.BackgroundIMD and DKP contain nitrogen atoms, which makes them theoretically vulnerable to in vivo nitrosation with the production of N-nitroso compounds (NOC). NOC, in turn, are known animal mutagens indicating that their endogenous production from nitrosable drugs constitutes a carcinogenic hazard.Materials and methodsPure IMD sample was exposed to forced degradation conditions of increased temperature and dry air in order to achieve a DKP sample. Both samples were then treated with a nitrosating agent and the obtained nitrosation mixtures were subjected to mutagenicity analysis by the Ames test with S. typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 strains in the presence and absence of metabolic activation system (S9 mix) using a commercial Ames MPF 98/100 microplate format mutagenicity assay kit.ResultsNone of the six concentrations of the investigated nitrosation mixtures exhibited any mutagenic potential in both S. typhimurium strains. The addition of S9 mix did not alter the non-mutagenic properties of the studied compounds.ConclusionsThe nitrite treatment of both studied compounds has no impact on their mutagenic properties under the conditions of the present studies. Hence, IMD and DKP nitrosation mixtures are classified as non-mutagens in this test.  相似文献   

Kokubo K  Yamada M  Kanke Y  Nohmi T 《DNA Repair》2005,4(10):1160-1171
Progression of DNA replication is occasionally blocked by endogenous and exogenous DNA damage. To circumvent the stalling of DNA replication, cells possess a variety of specialized DNA polymerases that replicate through DNA damage. Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1538 has six DNA polymerases and four of them are encoded by damage-inducible SOS genes, i.e. polB(ST) (pol II), dinB(ST) (pol IV), umuDC(ST) (pol V) and samAB. The strain has been used for the detection of a variety of chemical mutagens because of the high sensitivity to -2 frameshift occurring in CGCGCGCG sequence. To assign the role of each DNA polymerase in the frameshift mutagenesis, we have constructed the derivatives lacking one or all of SOS-inducible DNA polymerases and examined the mutability to 26 chemical mutagens. Interestingly, the chemicals could be categorized into four classes: class I whose mutagenicity was reduced by the deletion of dinB(ST) (1-aminoanthracene and other four chemicals); class II whose mutagenicity was reduced by the deletion of either dinB(ST) or umuDC(ST) plus samAB (7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene and other three chemicals); class III whose mutagenicity largely depended on the presence of umuDC(ST) plus samAB (1-N-6-azabenzo[a]pyrene and other three chemicals) and class IV whose mutagenicity was not reduced by deletion of any of the genes encoding SOS-inducible DNA polymerases (Glu-P-1 and other 12 chemicals). Deletion of polB(ST) reduced by 30-60% the mutagenicity of six chemicals of classes II and III. These results suggest that multiple DNA polymerases including the replicative DNA polymerase, i.e. DNA polymerase III holoenzyme, play important roles in chemically induced -2 frameshift and also that different sets of DNA polymerases are engaged in the translesion bypass of different DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) is a fundamental damage bypass pathway that utilises specialised polymerases with relaxed template specificity to achieve replication through damaged DNA. Misinsertions by low fidelity TLS polymerases may introduce additional mutations on undamaged DNA near the original lesion site, which we termed collateral mutations. In this study, we used whole genome sequencing datasets of chicken DT40 and several human cell lines to obtain evidence for collateral mutagenesis in higher eukaryotes. We found that cisplatin and UVC radiation frequently induce close mutation pairs within 25 base pairs that consist of an adduct-associated primary and a downstream collateral mutation, and genetically linked their formation to TLS activity involving PCNA ubiquitylation and polymerase κ. PCNA ubiquitylation was also indispensable for close mutation pairs observed amongst spontaneously arising base substitutions in cell lines with disrupted homologous recombination. Collateral mutation pairs were also found in melanoma genomes with evidence of UV exposure. We showed that collateral mutations frequently copy the upstream base, and extracted a base substitution signature that describes collateral mutagenesis in the presented dataset regardless of the primary mutagenic process. Using this mutation signature, we showed that collateral mutagenesis creates approximately 10–20% of non-paired substitutions as well, underscoring the importance of the process.  相似文献   

Incubation of Salmonella typhimurium TA1538, in suspension culture, with 1.5 or 23 microM 1-nitropyrene resulted in a time-dependent increase in reversions for up to 7 h. In contrast, when the bacteria were exposed to 1.5 microM 1-nitrosopyrene, a reduction product of 1-nitropyrene, maximum reversion induction occurred after 1 h and a much higher mutation frequency was detected. Examination of DNA isolated from Salmonella typhimurium incubated with 4.1 microM [4,5,9,10-3H]1-nitrosopyrene indicated the presence of one major adduct, N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-1-aminopyrene, the same adduct observed previously when the bacteria were exposed to 1-nitropyrene. When calf thymus DNA was treated with 1-nitrosopyrene in the presence of ascorbic acid, 1-aminopyrene was formed concomitant with the production of N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-1-aminopyrene. In the absence of ascorbic acid, a 20-fold reduction in DNA binding was observed and 1-aminopyrene was not detected. The observations that 1-nitrosopyrene forms the same DNA adduct and is more mutagenic than 1-nitropyrene, suggest that 1-nitrosopyrene is an intermediate in the mutagenic activation of 1-nitropyrene in Salmonella typhimurium TA1538. Since reduction of 1-nitrosopyrene was necessary to get appreciable DNA binding in vitro, further reduction of 1-nitrosopyrene to N-hydroxy-1-aminopyrene is probably required in the activation pathway.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress enhances lipid peroxidation (LPO) implicated in the promotion and progression of carcinogenesis. One of the major LPO products is trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE), which was shown to react with guanosine and under peroxidizing conditions also with adenosine. We show here that all four DNA bases are targets for HNE, although displaying different reactivity: dG > dC > dA approximately equal to dT. HPLC and mass spectrometry analyses of HNE reactions with deoxynucleosides showed in each case the formation of several products, with mass peaks corresponding to HNE-dN adducts at a 1:1 and also 2:1 and 3:1 ratios. In the dA, dC and dG reactions, mass peaks corresponding to heptyl-substituted etheno-adducts were also detected, indicating HNE oxidation to its epoxide by air oxygen. In DNA pretreated with HNE, DNA synthesis by T7 DNA polymerase was stopped in a sequence-dependent manner at G > or = C > A and T sites. HNE increased the mutation rates in the lac Z gene of M13 phage transfected into wild type Escherichia coli. The most frequent event was the recombination between lacZ gene sequences in M13 and the E. coli F' factor DNA. Base substitutions and frameshifts were also observed in approximately similar numbers. Over 50% of base substitutions were the C-->T transitions, followed by the G-->C and A-->C transversions. In the E. coli recA strain recombination was not observed, although one mutational G-->T hot-spot appeared within the DNA fragment undergoing recombination in the wild type E. coli. We conclude that long chain HNE adducts to DNA bases arrest DNA synthesis and cause recombination, base substitutions and frameshift mutations in ssDNA.  相似文献   

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