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Nonclotting beta- and gamma-thrombins have been prepared by autolysis of human alpha-thrombin at pH 8.6 in the presence of 0.4 M NaCl and purified on BioRex 70. Reduced and carbamidomethylated A and B chains fragments were separated by gel filtration and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Structural characterization of these fragments demonstrated that alpha to beta conversion results from two cleavages at Arg 62 and Arg 73 in the B chain, releasing an intact 11-residue peptide. beta to gamma conversion corresponds to the additional loss of a fragment of the B chain stretching from Ile 124 to Lys 154. Autolysis is not accompanied by cleavages in the A chain. Loss of clotting activity is therefore related solely to the excision of residues 63 to 73 in the B chain. With the exception of cleavage at Arg 73, these results differ from a proposed model for alpha to gamma conversion of bovine thrombin.  相似文献   

The binding of hemin to the primary site of human serum albumin (HSA) has been reinvestigated using UV-Vis, CD and NMR techniques. The major fraction of bound hemin contains a five-coordinated high-spin iron(III) center, but a minor fraction of the metal appears to be in a six-coordinated, low-spin state, where a 'distal' residue, possibly a second histidine residue, completes the coordination sphere. The reduced, iron(II) form of the adduct contains six-coordinated low-spin heme. The distal residue hinders the access to the iron(III) center of hemin-HSA to small anionic ligands like azide and cyanide and destabilizes the binding of neutral diatomics like dioxygen and carbon monoxide to the iron(II) form. In spite of these limitations, the hemin-HSA complex promotes hydrogen peroxide activation processes that bear the characteristics of enzymatic reactions and may have biological relevance. The complex is in fact capable of catalyzing peroxidative reactions on phenolic compounds related to tyrosine and hydrogen peroxide dismutation. Kinetic and mechanistic studies confirm that the low efficiency with which peroxidative processes occur depends on the limited rate of the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and the iron(III) center, to form the active species, and by the competitive peroxide degradation reaction.  相似文献   

Novozym 435 (50 g l–1) catalyzed the synthesis of n-octyl--d-glucopyranoside lactate by transesterification between n-octyl--d-glucopyranoside (30 g l–1) and ethyl lactate (100 g l–1) in acetone. In 12 h, a molar yield of 87% n-octyl -d-glucopiranoside lactate was obtained at a overall conversion of 90%.  相似文献   

Full-length hexokinase (HK; ATP: D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC, a truncate form of the enzyme lacking the first 11 amino acids (HK-11aa) and the 50 kDa C-terminal half (mini-HK) containing the catalytic domain, were overexpressed and purified to homogeneity to investigate the influence of the N-terminal region of human hexokinase type I (HK) on its regulatory properties. All forms of the enzyme are catalytically active with the HK-11aa being the most active. All the forms of HK showed the same affinity for glucose and MgATP and were also inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate (Glc 6-P) competitively vs. MgATP with similar Kis (28.5-37 M). Glucose 1,6-bisphosphate (Glc 1,6-P2) was also a strong inhibitor of all HKs without significant differences among the different truncate forms of the enzyme (Kis 49.5-59 M). At low concentrations (0-3 mM), Pi was able to reverse the sugar phosphate inhibition of the full-length HK and HK-11aa but not of the mini-HK. In contrast, at high concentrations Pi was an inhibitor of all the hexokinases investigated. These findings confirm that Pi has a low affinity binding site on the C-terminal of HK while counteracts glucose 6-phosphate inhibition by binding to or requiring the N-terminal half of the enzyme. The first 11 N-terminal amino acids influence the specific activity of HK but are unable to affect the kinetic properties investigated.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of D-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethyl ketone-inhibited thrombin in complex with Tyr-63-sulfated hirudin (ternary complex) and of thrombin in complex with the bifunctional inhibitor D-Phe-Pro-Arg-Pro-(Gly)4-hirudin (CGP 50,856, binary complex) have been determined by X-ray crystallography in crystal forms different from those described by Skrzypczak-Jankun et al. (Skrzypczak-Jankun, E., Carperos, V.E., Ravichandran, K.G., & Tulinsky, A., 1991, J. Mol. Biol. 221, 1379-1393). In both complexes, the interactions of the C-terminal hirudin segments of the inhibitors binding to the fibrinogen-binding exosite of thrombin are clearly established, including residues 60-64, which are disordered in the earlier crystal form. The interactions of the sulfate group of Tyr-63 in the ternary complex structure explain why natural sulfated hirudin binds with a 10-fold lower K(i) than the desulfated recombinant material. In this new crystal form, the autolysis loop of thrombin (residues 146-150), which is disordered in the earlier crystal form, is ordered due to crystal contacts. Interactions between the C-terminal fragment of hirudin and thrombin are not influenced by crystal contacts in this new crystal form, in contrast to the earlier form. In the bifunctional inhibitor-thrombin complex, the peptide bond between Arg-Pro (P1-P1') seems to be cleaved.  相似文献   

alpha-Thrombin derivatives obtained either by site-specific modification at lysyl residues (phosphopyridoxylated) or by limited trypsinolysis (gamma T-thrombin) were compared to correlate structural modifications with the functional reactivity toward fibrin(ogen) and heparin. alpha-Thrombin phosphopyridoxylated in the absence of heparin (unprotected) showed approximately 2 mol of label incorporated/mol of thrombin, but only 1 mol of label incorporated/mol of proteinase when modified in the presence of added heparin (protected). In contrast to native alpha-thrombin, both phosphopyridoxylated alpha-thrombin derivatives failed to interact with a fibrin monomer-agarose column and had reduced fibrinogen clotting activity, which is very similar to gamma T-thrombin. Heparin accelerated the rate of antithrombin III inhibition of alpha-thrombin, heparin-protected modified-alpha-thrombin, and gamma T-thrombin in a manner consistent with a template mechanism but was without effect on unprotected modified alpha-thrombin. In a heparin-catalyzed antithrombin III inhibition assay of alpha-thrombin, we found that D-Phe-Pro-Arg chloromethyl ketone-active site-inactivated gamma T-thrombin competed for heparin binding. It has been shown that limited proteolysis/autolysis of the B-chain of alpha-thrombin in the area around Arg-B73 (in beta T/beta- and gamma T/gamma-thrombin), but not that around Lys-B154 (in gamma T/gamma-thrombin), diminishes specific interactions with fibrinogen (Hofsteenge, J., Braun, P. J., and Stone , S. R. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 2144-2151). In unprotected modified alpha-thrombin, lysyl residues B21, B65, B174, and B252 were phosphopyridoxylated. In heparin-protected modified alpha-thrombin, only lysyl residues B21 and B65 were phosphopyridoxylated. These observations suggest that lysyl residues 21/65 of the B-chain of alpha-thrombin are involved in fibrin(ogen) interactions, and lysyl residues 174/252 of the B-chain are important in heparin interactions.  相似文献   

The A- and B-chains have been isolated from the non-covalent complex of human thrombin A- and B-chains, using selective reduction of the interchain disulfide bridge. The B-chain thus isolated (de-A-thrombin) retains its conformation, which is close to the native one and thus differs considerably from the B-chain isolated from the fully reduced enzyme. Nevertheless, the proteolytic (in terms of fibrinogen clotting) and amidase activities of de-A-thrombin are markedly reduced as compared to the native enzyme and the non-covalent complex of A- and B-chains. It is assumed that the A-chain of thrombin is necessary for normal functioning of the active site of thrombin localized in the B-chain.  相似文献   

The kinetics of inhibition of alpha-thrombin in human plasma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Methods have been developed for kinetic studies of the inhibition of exogenous unmodified thrombin in human plasma containing normal levels of fibrinogen and calcium ion. To prevent interference by other proteases, factor VIII-deficient plasma was used and contained 50 nM Phe-Phe-Arg-chloromethyl ketone and 1 kallikrein-inactivating unit/ml aprotinin; neither inhibited thrombin at these levels. Two independent assays were used. The first was the discontinuous amidolytic assay of thrombin activity, which measures both free thrombin and thrombin-alpha 2-macroglobulin complex, and was used to estimate the rates of inhibition both by "inactivating" inhibitors, such as anti-thrombin and alpha 1-protease inhibitor, and by alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M). The contribution of alpha 2M was confirmed by a second method, which measured with time the generation of amidolytic activity due to the thrombin-alpha 2M complex. The total rate of thrombin inhibition in plasma containing 4 mM free Ca2+ was of the order of 1.9 min-1, of which 0.4 min-1 was due to alpha 2M and 0.9 min-1 was due to inhibitors that were removed when plasma was passed through heparin-agarose. Thrombin inhibition was also measured in varying dilutions of plasma and confirmed that total inhibition rate is approximately linearly related to plasma (and thus inhibitor) concentration. Negatively charged phospholipid micelles had very little effect on thrombin inhibition rate, but platelets accelerated inhibition to more than 2.5 min-1.  相似文献   

Commerical heparin, 135 USP units/mg, was fractionated by human α-thrombin-agarose affinity chromatography. Heparin was applied to an α-thrombin-agarose column equilibrated with 0.01 M Tris HCl (pH 7.4). Unbound heparin was washed from the column with the equilibration buffer. Bound heparin could be eluted with buffer containing 0.025 M NaCl. The specific activity of bound heparin was as great as 500 USP units/mg. Gel filtration was used to fractionate the heparin into molecular size classes. Low molecular weight heparin, with an average specific activity of 100 USP units/mg, was applied to the α-thrombin-agarose column. Gel filtration of the unbound heparin indicated that larger heparin molecules been selectively removed by the α-thrombin-agarose column. Bound heparin had a specific activity of 270 units/mg. Kinetic results of N-α-tosyl-L-glycyl-L-prolyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide hydrolysis by α-thrombin in the presence of heparin correlated with the anticoagulant activity.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetic parameters of human alpha-thrombin and the alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex as to the chromogenic substrate, H-D-Phe-Pip-Arg-p-nitroanilide (S-2238), were determined. At pH 8.0 and 37 degrees C, the Km values for alpha-thrombin and the complex for S-2238 were 7.9 microM and 7.7 microM, respectively. The kcat of this amidase reaction catalyzed by the complex was 127 s-1, which had apparently decreased from the kcat of 197 s-1 determined for free alpha-thrombin. This difference in the kinetic parameter between alpha-thrombin and the complex was also observed using the fluorogenic substrate, Boc-Val-Pro-Arg-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide. Moreover, the fibrinogen clotting activity of the alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex was less than half that of alpha-thrombin, suggesting that the alpha-thrombin active site in the complex is different in catalytic ability from that of free alpha-thrombin. Other evidence supporting this view was as follows: The alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex is insensitive to antithrombin III, the complex shows much weaker binding to hirudin, as compared to free alpha-thrombin, and the amidase pH-profiles of the complex and free alpha-thrombin differ from each other. These results indicate that the microenvironment of the active site of alpha-thrombin is significantly altered by the complex formation with staphylocoagulase.  相似文献   

The major active form of human thrombin, alpha-thrombin, was analyzed by hydrophobic interaction high-performance liquid chromatography (HIC-HPLC). The chromatographic system included a polymeric phenyl column and elution was performed by a gradient, 2-0M sodium chloride (5-20 min). Total analysis time was 30 min per injection. By this method, a good resolution between alpha-thrombin and the proteolytically modified thrombin forms, beta- and gamma-thrombin, was obtained. In addition, the thrombin preforms, prothrombin, prethrombin 1, and prethrombin 2, were also resolved from alpha-thrombin in the system. The results from the HIC method were compared to those obtained from non-reducing sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. By this high-resolution chromatographic method, the rapid analysis of purified alpha-thrombin is possible.  相似文献   

Investigations results of human thrombin interaction with organic ligands of ion nature containing nonpolar groups are presented. It is shown that electrostatic interaction is the basic one under enzyme binding, while hydrophobic binding is only additional function in the reaction enzyme-ligand, this fact is confirmed by the absence of interaction between thrombin and rivanol which has a positive charge side by side with cumbrous hydrophobic group. New data are presented about the ligand specificity of binding sites of thrombin active centre. The importance of relative arrangement of hydrophobic ligand groups for interaction with enzyme is shown. It is supposed that thrombin binding with organic ligands occurs owing anionic site of beta-domain of active thrombin centre with the major aminoacids arginine and lysine (Lys 68, Arg 78, Arg 77, Arg 66 etc.). It is shown that the compounds containing negative group SO3 and have some cunbours hydrophobic groups interact more intensively with the enzyme. Thus, rosseline--with symmetrical hydrophobic nucleus (four benzene rings)--is the most efficient ligand for the binding with thrombin. The obtained investigation results evidence for bacteriostatical and stabilizing effect of low-molecular asobenzene ligands on rather labile thrombin molecules.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins (d = 1.05-1.12 g/ml) were obtained from pooled serum by density gradient ultracentrifugation and used as a source for isolation of apolipoprotein (a) (apo(a]. It was found that both these lipoproteins and purified apo(a) possess negligible amidolytic and proteolytic activity. After preincubation of lipoproteins and apo(a) with collagen-Sepharose, the increase in enzymatic activity was observed. The activation of purified apo(a) also occurred upon its storage in the cold. After two week storage at 7 degrees C, the amidase activity, as measured by splitting of the substrate D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA, was increased from 0.009 U/mg to 0.85 U/mg. The amidase activity was completely inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (10(-3) M) and by soybean trypsin inhibitor (10(-5) M); it was not inhibited by aprotinin (10(-6) M). Activated apo(a) did not split azocasein but converted plasma prekallikrein to kallikrein and degraded apolipoprotein B-100.  相似文献   

The androgen content of biological fluids can be determined after their conversion into estrogens using human placental microsomal aromatase (HPMA). The purpose of this paper is to report some physico-chemical properties of HPMA. Using an accurate, specific and sensitive assay for HPMA, Km values for dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione and testosterone were found to increase with increasing amount of the detergent (Triton X-100) added. Analysis at substrate concentrations 5-10 times above and below the Km values did not indicate any anomalous kinetic behaviour. Triton X-100, used for enzyme solubilization, significantly decreased the rate of aromatization of the three substrates by increasing their Km values. This effect was more important for testosterone than for androstenedione or DHEA. Using a new protocol for the determination of aromatase activity, kinetic properties of aromatase before and after solubilization are described.  相似文献   

The enzymatic properties of cytosolic phospholipase A(2)gamma (cPLA(2)gamma), an isoform of 85-kDa group IV cPLA(2)alpha (cPLA(2)alpha) were studied in vitro and when the enzyme was expressed in cells. cPLA(2)gamma expressed in Sf9 cells is associated with membrane. Membranes isolated from [(3)H]arachidonic acid-labeled Sf9 cells expressing cPLA(2)gamma, constitutively release [(3)H]arachidonic acid. The membrane-associated activity is inhibited by the group IV PLA(2) inhibitor methylarachidonyl fluorophosphonate, but not effectively by the group VI PLA(2) inhibitor (E)-6-(bromomethylene)-3-(1-naphthalenyl)-2H-tetrahydropyran-2-one. cPLA(2)gamma has higher lysophospholipase activity than PLA(2) activity. Purified His-cPLA(2)gamma does not exhibit phospholipase A(1) activity, but sequentially hydrolyzes fatty acid from the sn-2 and sn-1 positions of phosphatidylcholine. cPLA(2)gamma overexpressed in HEK293 cells is constitutively active in isolated membranes, releasing large amounts of oleic, arachidonic, palmitic, and stearic acids; however, basal fatty acid release from intact cells is not increased. cPLA(2)gamma overexpressed in lung fibroblasts from cPLA(2)alpha-deficient mice is activated by mouse serum resulting in release of arachidonic, oleic, and palmitic acids, whereas overexpression of cPLA(2)alpha results primarily in arachidonic acid release.  相似文献   

Human kallikrein-related peptidase 12 (KLK12) is a new member of the human tissue kallikrein family. Preliminary studies suggest that KLK12 is differentially expressed in breast cancer and may have potential use as a cancer biomarker. It has been predicted that KLK12 is a secreted serine protease. However, the enzymatic properties of this protein have not been reported so far. Here, we report the production of recombinant KLK12 and analyses of its enzymatic characteristics, including zymogen activation, substrate specificity, and regulation of its activity. KLK12 is secreted as an inactive pro-enzyme, which is able to autoactivate to gain enzymatic activity. Through screening of a panel of fluorogenic and chromogenic peptide substrates, we establish that active KLK12 possesses trypsin-like activity, cleaving peptide bonds after both arginine and lysine. Active KLK12 quickly loses its activity due to autodegradation, and its activity can also be rapidly inhibited by zinc ions and by alpha2-antiplasmin through covalent complex formation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that KLK12 is able to activate KLK11 zymogen in vitro. Our results indicate that KLK12 may participate in enzymatic cascades involving other kallikreins.  相似文献   

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