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We tracked the movements of ten small (SL = 25.5–31.0 cm) and ten large (SL = 32.0–38.5 cm) radio-tagged domestic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in response to frequent pulsed releases of water in the South Fork American River (California) from July to October 2005. In week one all the small trout moved less than 1 km upstream or downstream of their release sites. Four small trout moved 1–3 km upstream or downstream of their release sites in the following 8 weeks. Seven out of ten large trout moved downstream after their release. In subsequent weeks most large trout showed smaller upstream and downstream movements, and were observed between 1 km upstream and 8 km downstream of their release sites. Our results suggest that domestic rainbow trout with SL > 25 cm are not forced downstream by daily pulsed flow increases from 5 to over 40 m3s−1.  相似文献   

Although rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss within the American River, California, apparently exhibit minimal upstream or downstream movements in response to hydroelectric-power-generation-related pulsed flows, the associated energetic costs are unknown. We implanted rainbow trout (n = 9, ≥30 cm SL) with electromyogram (EMG)-sensor-equipped radio transmitters to assess the swimming behavior and associated energetic costs associated with their responses to pulsed flows. Using laboratory calibrations in a Brett-type swimming respirometer, the trouts’ swimming speeds and oxygen consumption rates were estimated for their in-river EMG data, through a complete hydroelectric power-generation river pulsed-flow sequence (pre-pulse, increasing flow, peak, and decreasing flow stages), on several (mean: 3.2) sampling dates. Using a mixed-linear model, we found that fish swimming speed estimates increased during the increasing flow stage, while the associated mean oxygen consumption rates also increased at this stage. At river flows near the usual peak (>44 m3s−1), swimming speeds and movement rates decreased, possibly due to the fish using the river’s habitat complexities as hydraulic cover. We conclude that rainbow trout incur increased swimming-related energetic costs during increasing flows and, potentially, decreased foraging opportunities at high flows.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption rates of adult spring chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha increased with swim speed and, depending on temperature and fish mass, ranged from 609 mg O2 h?1 at 30 cm s?1 (c. 0·5 BL s?1) to 3347 mg O2 h?1 at 170 cm s?1 (c. 2·3 BL s?1). Corrected for fish mass, these values ranged from 122 to 670 mg O2 kg?1 h?1, and were similar to other Oncorhynchus species. At all temperatures (8, 12·5 and 17° C), maximum oxygen consumption values levelled off and slightly declined with increasing swim speed >170 cm s?1, and a third‐order polynomial regression model fitted the data best. The upper critical swim speed (Ucrit) of fish tested at two laboratories averaged 155 cm s?1 (2·1 BL s?1), but Ucrit of fish tested at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory were significantly higher (mean 165 cm s?1) than those from fish tested at the Columbia River Research Laboratory (mean 140 cm s?1). Swim trials using fish that had electromyogram (EMG) transmitters implanted in them suggested that at a swim speed of c. 135 cm s?1, red muscle EMG pulse rates slowed and white muscle EMG pulse rates increased. Although there was significant variation between individual fish, this swim speed was c. 80% of the Ucrit for the fish used in the EMG trials (mean Ucrit 168·2 cm s?1). Bioenergetic modelling of the upstream migration of adult chinook salmon should consider incorporating an anaerobic fraction of the energy budget when swim speeds are ≥80% of the Ucrit.  相似文献   

Using microcosm experiments, we investigated the interactive effects of temperature and light on specific growth rates of three species each of the phytoplanktonic genera Cryptomonas and Dinobryon. Several species of these genera play important roles in the food web of lakes and seem to be sensitive to high water temperature. We measured growth rates at three to four photon flux densities ranging from 10 to 240 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 and at 4–5 temperatures ranging from 10°C to 28°C. The temperature × light interaction was generally strong, species specific, and also genus specific. Five of the six species studied tolerated 25°C when light availability was high; however, low light reduced tolerance of high temperatures. Growth rates of all six species were unaffected by temperature in the 10°C–15°C range at light levels ≤50 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1. At high light, growth rates of Cryptomonas spp. increased with temperature until the temperature optimum was reached and then declined. The Dinobryon species were less sensitive than Cryptomonas spp. to photon flux densities of 40 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 and 200 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1 over the entire temperature range but did not grow under a combination of very low light (10 μmol photon · m?2 · s?1) and high temperature (≥20°C). Among the three Cryptomonas species, cell volume declined with temperature and the maximum temperature tolerated was negatively related to cell size. Since Cryptomonas is important food for microzooplankton, these trends may affect the pelagic carbon flow if lake warming continues.  相似文献   

Habitat composition and connectivity within a stream vary with changing flows but the influence of changing flow on habitat use by fish is not well understood. Meso- and microhabitat surveys were used to investigate habitat use by bullhead (Cottus gobio Linnaeus) in response to discharge variation in a small tributary of the Upper Severn, England. Mesohabitat mapping surveys were carried out over a range of summer flows (0.016–0.216 m3 s−1) and were coupled with direct underwater observations (snorkelling) of fish location. Five mesohabitat types—glides, runs, riffles, chutes and pools—were present in the reach at all flows surveyed and ‘backwaters’ were found at three flows. The macro-morphology of the reach comprised six riffle–pool sequences divided into 27 mesohabitats with the maximum diversity (23 mesohabitats) at intermediate flows (Q 43) and only 15 mesohabitats at Q 95. Despite low numbers of fish (N = 78), bullhead displayed a strong association (51% of the fish) with glides—relatively deep habitats having high rates of velocity increase with flow. However, 54% of the fish were observed in two large, persistent mesohabitats, a glide (34%) and a pool (20%), both located below a faster flowing mesohabitat. Habitat use curves based upon micro-habitat data showed bullhead favoured low velocities (<0.30 m s−1), depths less than 0.30 m and a cobble substratum. This study illustrates the value of cross-scale investigations in linking fish ecology, flow and physical habitat variability and suggests mesohabitat size, persistence and arrangement may influence fish distribution.  相似文献   

Estimates of age derived from daily ring counts from otoliths and capture rates of larval June sucker Chasmistes liorus were used to determine the relationship between discharge rates of the Provo River and residence time and patterns of larval drift. During 1997, larval drift occurred over a 22 day period when discharge rates were low (mean ±s.d. 3·2 ± 0·0 m3 s?1). In 1998, larval drift occurred in two separate events over a 40 day period. Discharge was higher during the first larval drift period (19 days; 24·8 ± 1·3 m3 s?1) and lower during the second larval drift period (17 days; 7·0 ± 0·9 m3 s?1). In 1997, no larval fish were collected at the lowermost transect on the Provo River (nearest Utah Lake), and few larvae >21 days of age were found. During the first drift period of 1998, larval C. liorus were collected at all transects, and mean age of larvae collected between upstream and downstream transects increased by c. 7 days. During the second drift period of 1998, only a few were collected in the lowermost transects, and age did not increase with proximity to the lake. Patterns in catch and age distribution of larval C. liorus in the lower Provo River suggest that recruitment failure occurs during the larval drift period in years with insufficient discharge to transport larvae into the lake.  相似文献   

Streamside measurements of critical thermal maxima (Tcrit), swimming performance (Ucrit), and routine (Rr) and maximum (Rmax) metabolic rates were performed on three populations of genetically distinct redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the high‐desert region of south‐eastern Oregon. The Tcrit values (29·4 ± 0·1° C) for small (40–140 g) redband trout from the three streams, and large (400–1400 g) redband trout at Bridge Creek were not different, and were comparable to published values for other salmonids. At high water temperatures (24–28° C), large fish incurred higher metabolic costs and were more thermally sensitive than small fish. Ucrit(3·6 ± 0·1 LF s?1), Rr(200 ± 13 mg O2 kg?0·830 h?1) and metabolic power (533 ± 22 mg O2 kg?0·882 h?1) were not significantly different between populations of small redband trout at 24° C. Rmax and metabolic power, however, were higher than previous measurements for rainbow trout at these temperatures. Fish from Bridge Creek had a 30% lower minimum total cost of transport (Cmin), exhibited a lower refusal rate, and had smaller hearts than fish at 12‐mile or Rock Creeks. In contrast, no differences in Ucrit or metabolism were observed between the two size classes of redband trout, although Cmin was significantly lower for large fish at all swimming speeds. Biochemical analyses revealed that fish from 12‐mile Creek, which had the highest refusal rate (36%), were moderately hyperkalemic and had substantially lower circulating levels of free fatty acids, triglycerides and albumin. Aerobic and anaerobic enzyme activities in axial white muscle, however, were not different between populations, and morphological features were similar. Results of this study: 1) suggest that the physiological mechanisms that determine Tcrit in salmonids are highly conserved; 2) show that adult (large) redband trout are more susceptible to the negative affects of elevated temperatures than small redband trout; 3) demonstrate that swimming efficiency can vary considerably between redband trout populations; 4) suggest that metabolic energy stores correlate positively with swimming behaviour of redband trout at high water temperatures; 5) question the use of Tcrit for assessing physiological function and defining thermal habitat requirements of stream‐dwelling salmonids like the redband trout.  相似文献   

We studied whether juvenile fishes were able to maintain swimming speed and position during simulated river pulsed flows in a laboratory flume. We used a glass flume (15.24 × 0.6 m) with river-rock substrate to determine the longitudinal displacement, movement distances and frequencies, velocity selection, and substrate use of juvenile (SL range: 6.1 ± 0.2 cm) hardhead Mylopharodon conocephalus (n = 13), rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (n = 11), and Sacramento sucker Catostomus occidentalis (n = 12) during a 100-min flow pulse, as velocity changed from slow to medium, fast, medium, and slow. Fish were capable of maintaining swimming speed and position up to the maximum flume velocity of 0.46 m·s−1, except for one hardhead that impinged on the rear fish screen. Fish swam faster in the flume during the medium and fast intervals than the slow intervals, but fish speeds were similar among the medium and faster intervals, when some fish took cover behind the rock substrate. In comparison with a Brett-type swim-tunnel, fish showed less increase in mean swimming speed as the flume velocity increased. Fish in the flume were able to use the rock substrate as hydraulic cover, decreasing the encountered water velocity, and, presumably, conserving energy.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of epilithic algae was correlated with major physico-chemical parameters in a first-order, heavily shaded stream in northern Arizona. Diatoms made up over 85%, by numerical abundance, of the epilithon community Light energy, water temperature, and stream discharge were most highly correlated with seasonal abundance of epilithic diatom taxa when analyzed with stepwise multiple regression. None of the chemical variables measured in the study (NO3-N, O-PO4, SiO2, including PH) was found to be significantly correlated with the seasonal community structure of epilithic diatoms. Total diatom cell densities showed a significant negative correlation to stream bed light energy. Likewise, total diatom cell densities along a transect in the stream bed showed a negative correlation to current velocity during those months when base flow was low and stable, and current velocity was ≤25 cm·sec-1. Most diatom taxa had highest cell densities at temperatures < 16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels < 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Highest cell densities of green algae occurred at temperatures between 6–16°C and at daily mean stream bed light levels of > 400 μE·m?2·s?1. Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) grew best at the highest recorded water temperatures and daily mean stream bed light energy (16–20°C and 900–1200 μE·m?2·s?1). Abrupt increases in NO3-N coincided with a brief pulse of Nostoc pruniforme colonies during June, and leaf drop from Alnus oblongifolia during October.  相似文献   

A CO2 concentrating mechanism has been identified in the phycoerythrin-possessing Synechococcus sp. WH7803 and has been observed to be severely inhibited by short exposure to elevated light intensities. A light treatment of 300–2000 μmol quanta·m?2·s?1 resulted in a considerable decay in the variable fluorescence of PSII with time, suggesting decreased efficiency of energy transfer from the phycobilisomes, direct damage to the reaction center II, or both. Measurements of the activity of PSII and changes in fluorescence emission spectra during a light treatment of 1000 μmol quanta·m?2·s?1 indicated considerable reduction in the energy flow from the phycocyanin to the phycobilisome terminal acceptor and chlorophyll a. Consequently, whereas the maximal photosynthetic rate, at saturating light and Co2 concentration, was hardly affected by a light treatment of 1000 μmol quanta·m?2·s?1 for 2 h, the light intensity required to reach that maximum increased with the duration of the light treatment.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile stocks of allopatric (upstream of barrier falls) cutthroat troutSalmo clarki and those sympatric (downstream of barrier falls) with coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch and sculpinsCottus spp., were sampled during the late summer period of low flows in six small coastal streams in British Columbia. The objective was to obtain and compare information on pattern of habitat use and fish size distribution of these two trout types. In most instances, density (n m–2; g m–2) of cutthroat trout was considerably greater in pools and glides in the allopatric than in the sympatric stocks. The sympatric salmonids were dominated by juvenile coho salmon in pools and cutthroat trout in riffles. Sympatric cutthroat trout constituted from 7 to 45 % of the salmonids present in pools and from 50 to 90% in riffles. Glides were areas of intermediate densities for both salmonids, although coho salmon was the more abundant species in most instances. The density of sculpins was high in all three habitat types, and frequently it exceeded that of coho salmon and cutthroat trout combined. Sympatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of underyearling fish, whereas allopatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of two or more age classes with a large proportion of them living in pools. When tested in a laboratory stream both types of cutthroat trout had similar habitat preferences and agonistic behaviours, with the exception that allopatric trout made greater use of cover and defended pools more intensely than sympatric trout when the flow was increased. The results of this study provide insight of potential impact of coho salmon juvenile transplants into stream segments supporting allopatric cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Environmental variables such as temperature, salinity, and irradiance are significant drivers of microalgal growth and distribution. Therefore, understanding how these variables influence fitness of potentially toxic microalgal species is particularly important. In this study, strains of the potentially harmful epibenthic dinoflagellate species Coolia palmyrensis, C. malayensis, and C. tropicalis were isolated from coastal shallow water habitats on the east coast of Australia and identified using the D1‐D3 region of the large subunit (LSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA). To determine the environmental niche of each taxon, growth was measured across a gradient of temperature (15–30°C), salinity (20–38), and irradiance (10–200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1). Specific growth rates of Coolia tropicalis were highest under warm temperatures (27°C), low salinities (ca. 23), and intermediate irradiance levels (150 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1), while C. malayensis showed the highest growth at moderate temperatures (24°C) and irradiance levels (150 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1) and growth rates were consistent across the range of salinity levels tested (20–38). Coolia palmyrensis had the highest growth rate of all species tested and favored moderate temperatures (24°C), oceanic salinity (35), and high irradiance (>200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1). This is the first study to characterize the environmental niche of species from the benthic harmful algal bloom genus Coolia and provides important information to help define species distributions and inform risk management.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(3):203-211
Temperature may determine altitudinal tree distribution in different ways: affecting survival through freezing temperatures or by a negative carbon balance produced by lower photosynthetic rates. We studied gas exchange and supercooling capacity in a timberline and a treeline species (Podocarpus oleifolius and Espeletia neriifolia, respectively) in order to determine if their altitudinal limits are related to carbon balance, freezing temperature damage, or both. Leaf gas exchange, leaf temperature-net photosynthesis curves and leaf temperature at which ice formation occurred were measured at two sites along an altitudinal gradient. Mean CO2 assimilation rates for E. neriifolia were 3.4 and 1.3 μmol·m–2·s–1, at 2 400 and 3 200 m, respectively. Mean night respiration was 2.2 and 0.9 μmol·m–2·s–1 for this species at 2 400 and 3 200 m, respectively. Mean assimilation rates for P. oleifolius were 3.8 and 2.2 μmol·m–2·s–1 at 2 550 and 3 200 m, respectively. Night respiration was 0.8 μmol·m–2·s–1 for both altitudes. E. neriifolia showed similar optimum temperatures for photosynthesis at both altitudes, while a decrease was observed in P. oleifolius. E. neriifolia and P. oleifolius presented supercooling capacities of –6.5 and –3.0 °C, respectively. For E. neriifolia, freezing resistance mechanisms are sufficient to reach higher altitudes; however, other environmental factors such as cloudiness may be affecting its carbon balance. P. oleifolius does not reach higher elevations because it does not have the freezing resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Water temperature and flow velocity directly affect the fish swimming capacity, and thus, both variables influence the fish passage through river barriers. Nonetheless, their effects are usually disregarded in fishway engineering and management. This study aims to evaluate the volitional swimming capacity of the northern straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma duriense), considering the possible effects of water temperature, flow velocity and body size. For this, the maximum distance, swim speed and fatigue time (FT) were studied in an outdoor open-channel flume in the Duero River (Burgos, Spain) against three nominal velocities (1.5, 2.5 and 3 m s−1) and temperatures (5.5, 13.5 and 18.5°C), also including the changes between swimming modes (prolonged and sprint). Results showed that a nase of 20.8 cm mean fork length can develop a median swim speed that exceeds 20.7 BL s−1 (4.31 m s−1) during a median time of 3.4 s in sprint mode, or 12.2 BL s−1 (2.55 m s−1) for 23.7 s in prolonged mode under the warmest scenario. During prolonged swimming mode, fish were able to reach further distances in warmer water conditions for all situations, due to a greater swimming speed and FT, whereas during sprint mode, warmer conditions increased the swim speed maintaining the FT. In conclusion, the studied temperature range and flow velocity range influence fish swimming performance, endurance and distance travelled, although with some differences depending on the swimming mode. The provided information goes a step forward in the definition of real fish swimming capacities, and in turn, will contribute to establish clear passage criteria for thermo-velocity barriers, allowing the calculation of the proportion of fish able to pass a barrier under different working scenarios, as well designing of the optimized solutions to improve the fish passage through river barriers.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide fluxes of Kobresia humilis and Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadows, two typical ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, were measured by eddy covariance technology and the data collected in August 2003 were employed to analyze the relations between carbon dioxide fluxes and environmental factors of the ecosystems. August is the time when the two ecosystems reach their peak leaf area indexes and stay stable, and also the period when the net carbon absorptions of Kobresia humilis and Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadows reach 56.2 g C·m−2 and 32.6 g C·m−2, with their highest daily carbon dioxide absorptions standing at 12.7 μmol·m−2·s−1 and 9.3 μmol·m−2·s−1, and their highest carbon discharges at 5.1 μmol·m−2·s−1 and 5.7 μmol·m−2·s−1, respectively. At the same photosynthetic photo flux densities (PPFD), the carbon dioxide-uptake rate of the Kobresia humilis meadow is higher than that of the Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadow; where the PPFD are higher than 1,200 μmol·m−2·s−1. The carbon dioxide uptake rates of the two ecosystems declined as air temperature increased, but the carbon dioxide uptake rate of the Kobresia humilis meadow decreased more quickly (−0.086) than that of the Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadow (−0.016). Soil moistures exert influence on the soil respirations and this varies with the vegetation type. The daily carbon dioxide absorptions of the ecosystems increase with increased diurnal temperature differences and higher diurnal temperature differences result in higher carbon dioxide exchanges. There exists a negative correlation between the vegetation albedos and the carbon dioxide fluxes. Translated from Acta Bot Boreal—Occident Sin, 2006, 26(1): 133–142 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens spawn at the base of Kakabeka Falls, a 39 m waterfall on the Kaministiquia River, a tributary to Lake Superior. Access to this historical spawning site can be restricted or delayed due to hydroelectric flow fluctuations that coincide with the A. fulvescens spawning season. The objectives of this study were to determine (a) the necessary flow conditions that facilitate spawning site access; (b) quantity and duration of flow required for successful spawning and dispersal of larvae; and (c) evaluate recruitment of juvenile A. fulvescens in relation to flow. A. fulvescens spawning migrations were tracked using a stationary telemetry receiver that logged the movements of 166 A. fulvescens fitted with radio-transmitters. Unrestricted access to the spawning site was facilitated when spawning flow was controlled at 23 m3 s−1 in 2004 and 17 m3 s−1 in 2006. Fluctuating (0.5–8.5 m3 s−1) and delayed spawning flows resulted in restricted and delayed access to the spawning site. Flow duration for successful egg incubation, hatch and larval dispersal was determined by sampling larvae using drift nets and quantified using cumulative temperature units (CTU). Over 10 years, 10,083 larvae were captured between 31 May and 20 July with 97% of the drift occurring prior to 30 June. From the date of first spawning to the end of larval dispersal took an average of 38.6 days, and the mean CTU value was 398.6. In general, a minimum flow of approximately 14.5 m3 s−1 from the date of initial spawning to the accumulation of c. 400 CTU ensured successful hatch and larval dispersal. During the timeframe of this study, recruitment was variable. This study described the complex and variable reproductive life history of A. fulvescens and defined spawning flow requirements ecologically, which can be used to develop operational provisions at hydropower facilities to ensure successful reproduction.  相似文献   

R.W. Blake    J. Li    K.H.S. Chan 《Journal of fish biology》2009,75(3):591-617
Four goldfish Carassius auratus morphotypes of similar length (50 mm): common (streamlined, full complement of paired and median fins, bifurcated caudal fin), comet (‘common like’ but with a long, deeply forked caudal fin), fantail (short, deep body with twinned caudal and anal fins) and eggfish (similar to the fantail but lacking a dorsal fin) were compared. Drag, steady swimming kinematics, energetics, fast‐start performance, stability in yaw and roll and propulsive muscle ultrastructural characteristics were measured. A performance ‘pairing’ (common and comet; fantail and eggfish) was a recurrent theme for most performance variables. Fantail and eggfish drag were higher (requiring more thrust at any given velocity) than those for the more streamlined common and comet. This was reflected in kinematics; tailbeat frequency and stride length at any given velocity for the common and comet were lower and higher, respectively, than that of the fantail and eggfish. Common and comet fatigue times were not significantly different from those of their ancestor, crucian carp Carassius carassius, and higher than the fantail and eggfish. The cost of transport of the common and comet (c. 0· 6 mg O2 kg?1 m?1) was accurately predicted by the mass scaling relationship for fish, but values for the fantail and eggfish (c. 1· 3 mg O2 kg?1 m?1) were not. Rolling and yawing motions in eggfish (dorsal fin absent) during steady swimming were associated with significant energy losses. Eggfish maximum fast‐start acceleration (c. 5 m s?2) was poor due to the absence of inertial and lifting contributions to thrust from the dorsal fin and energy wasting rolling motions. Common and comet fast‐start performance (average velocity c. 0· 45 m s?1, maximum velocity c. 1· 2 m s?1, average acceleration c. 7· 5 m s?2, maximum acceleration c. 35 m s?2) was similar to that of other locomotor generalists (e.g. rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss). Artificially selected fishes can contribute to the understanding of form and movement in fishes and complement studies of the role of locomotor adaptations in natural systems.  相似文献   

1. Coarse woody debris (CWD) in stream channels causes changes in flow, sedimentation and ratios of pool to riffle areas. There is a consensus among fishery managers and scientists that CWD is beneficial to stream fish communities because of its enhancement of habitat diversity, invertebrate production and cover. Our hypothesis was that CWD accumulation or introduction would not increase in‐stream habitat capacity for all species and their ontogenic stages at reach and stream scales. 2. The study used a system of gravel‐bed streams with naturally dynamic CWD accumulations and a fish community consisting of Salmo trutta, Cotttus gobio, Phoxinus phoxinus, Lampetra cf planeri, Nemacheilus barbatulus and Anguilla anguilla. Cotttus gobio and L. cf planeri are protected by an EU Directive and S. trutta is exploited for angling. Riffles, pools and CWD matrices, considered as the basic habitat/spatial units of channel structure, were sampled separately and abundance of each fish species quantified seasonally at each spatial scale. 3. Multiple‐pass electric fishing techniques were used. Capture efficiencies were calculated for species, habitat and season. Areal densities (number m?2) were compared for habitat types and season using nonparametric anova . Canonical analysis and stepwise multiple regression were used to show the most influential physical variables on fish density. Densities were also compared by unit volume (numbers m?3) for pools and CWD matrices to investigate direct three‐dimensional use for cover. Reach‐scale densities for each fish species in relation to habitat composition were made using Spearman rank correlation of habitat‐scale densities with proportionate areas of the different habitat units in the reach. 4. Habitat‐scale densities of bullheads and age 0+ trout were negatively correlated with depth and CWD areas for some seasons. Densities of lampreys, older trout, eels and minnows were positively correlated with depth in some seasons. Water depth had the most consistent influence on fish abundance at the habitat unit scale. Three‐dimensional comparisons of pools and CWD matrices indicated that only trout older than 1+ may use CWD habitats as cover. 5. Reach‐scale densities of 0+ trout and bullheads were significantly correlated with proportion of riffle area and negatively with CWD and combined CWD‐pool habitat area in the reach. Densities of older trout, large eels and lampreys were positively correlated with CWD area and combined CWD‐pool area in some seasons. Inundation of riffles caused by impoundment upstream of CWD accumulations reduced spawning habitat for trout, bullheads, brook lampreys, minnows and stone loach. A trade‐off was an increase in refugia for older trout, minnows and eels. 6. Coarse woody debris accumulation in streams is not beneficial to all species or ontogenic stages in a mixed species population and could severely limit essential habitat areas for some species. Thus, physical manipulation of channels should be implemented only after a thorough study of the habitat relationships of all species present, especially where protected species coexist with target species. The relative importance of in‐stream morphological changes depends on the spatial and temporal scale of the species life histories.  相似文献   

D. Cote   《Journal of fish biology》2007,70(4):1134-1147
The density, biomass and estimated production of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were related to habitat factors in streams of Terra Nova National Park, Newfoundland, Canada. Fish communities at 29 sites (18 brooks; 15 watersheds) were sampled in the summer of 2002, 2003 and 2005. Salmonid density, biomass per unit area and production (derived from biomass and fish size using allometric P:B relationships) were compared with site habitat characteristics (wetted width, lactustrine habitat, per cent riffle habitat, canopy coverage and stream gradient), using an interactive stepwise multiple linear regression. Salmonid biomass (mean: 2·87 g m?2; range: 0·33–10·88 g m?2) and estimated production (mean: 3·05 g m?2 year?1; range: 0·32–10·98 g m?2 year?1) within the study area varied by an order of magnitude, however, habitat variables accounted for much of this variation. Specifically, wetted width and lacustrine area of the tributary played important roles in explaining density, biomass and production. Wetted width was important for all measurements of brook trout and total salmonids while lacustrine area was important for all measurements of Atlantic salmon and played a lesser role in total salmonid biomass. Other factors such as the percentage of riffle habitat, site gradient and canopy coverage provided modest improvements to the fit of some relationships. When models using the same environmental factors were compared, those using production estimates derived from allometric P:B equations in the literature provided improved predictive capability than did those from direct density and biomass estimates. It is proposed that allometric P:B relationships have utility in improving comparisons of stream fish communities, particularly in studies with insufficient resources to measure production directly.  相似文献   

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