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Comparative cytogenetic studies carried out in two populations of Characidium cf. gomesi from Botucatu region, SP, Brazil, showed a similar karyotypic structure in a diploid number of 50 chromosomes, 32 metacentric and 18 submetacentric chromosomes for males and 31 metacentric and 19 submetacentric chromosomes for females as well as a ZZ-ZW sex chromosome system. Differences between both populations, however, were found in relation to the occurrence of B chromosomes and the distribution of 18S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sites. Characidium cf. gomesi from the Alambari Stream, a component of the Tietê River basin, revealed 18S rDNA on Z and W chromosomes, while this gene was located on autosomes in the sample from the Paranapanema River basin. The 5S rDNA sites were observed in a single chromosomal pair (number 25) in the populations from Paranapanema and in two pairs in the specimens from Tietê (numbers 20 and 25). Besides that, in the sample from Paranapanema, both inter and intra-individual variations were found due to the occurrence of up to four heterochromatic supernumerary chromosomes in the cells. The life mode of this fish, restricted to headwaters and subjected to frequent breakdown into sub-populations, may have contributed to the fixation of such chromosomal differences. The karyotypic similarities found in the analysed populations, however, suggest that all are descended from the same ancestor group whereas their differences indicate that they are already existing in reproductively isolated populations.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were performed in two syntopic species of Characidium, C. lauroi and Characidium sp. cf. C. alipioi, from Ribeir?o Grande, Paraíba do Sul river basin. Both species have diploid number 2n=50 chromosomes, but differ in chromosome shape, C-banding pattern and location of nucleolar organizing regions. In Characidium sp. cf. C. alipioi a new type of ZW sex chromosome system composed of equal sized metacentric chromosomes is reported for the first time in the genus Characidium. Species of Characidium with a sex chromosome system form a monophyletic group. Variations in this system are interpreted as resulting from geographic isolation among allopatric species.  相似文献   

Basic and molecular cytogenetic analyses were performed in specimens of Characidium cf. zebra from five collection sites located throughout the Tietê, Paranapanema and Paraguay river basins. The diploid number in specimens from all samples was 2n = 50 with a karyotype composed of 32 metacentric and 18 submetacentric chromosomes in both males and females. Constitutive heterochromatin was present at the centromeric regions of all chromosomes and pair 23, had additional interstitial heterochromatic blocks on its long arms. The nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were located on the long arms of pair 23, while the 5S rDNA sites were detected in different chromosomes among the studied samples. One specimen from the Alambari river was a natural triploid and had two extra chromosomes, resulting in 2n = 77. The remarkable karyotypic similarity among the specimens of C. cf. zebra suggests a close evolutionary relationship. On the other hand, the distinct patterns of 5S rDNA distribution may be the result of gene flow constraints during their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism.  相似文献   

We made a cytogenetic study of the fish Rhamdia quelen collected from the Bodoquena Plateau, an isolated national park region in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The diploid number was 2n = 58, with 36 metacentric + 16 submetacentric + 6 subtelocentric chromosomes. We found one to three B chromosomes, which were metacentric and submetacentric and of medium size, showing both intra- and interindividual variation. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was located in the terminal region of the short arm of submetacentric pair 20. Staining with CMA3 fluorochrome revealed the NOR location, while there was no evidence of fluorescent staining with DAPI. C banding revealed heterochromatin mainly in the terminal regions of the chromosome arms, including the NOR pair. In addition, metacentric pair 2 showed three heterochromatic blocks in the terminal portions and in the pericentromeric region. The B chromosomes appeared euchromatic. The CB + CMA3 staining combination demonstrated only one chromosome pair with fluorescence, probably the NOR-bearing one, while CB + DAPI gave various fluorescent signals, including metacentric pair 2, indicating that these heterochromatic regions are AT-rich in this population of R. quelen. The R. quelen population in this isolated region of Brazil is chromosomally distinct from that of other populations that have been studied.  相似文献   

We analysed karyotypes of five taxa of the rodent generaOecomys andNectomys, trapped in 14 localities in an area ranging from 8° to 29°S on Brazilian territory.Oecomys cf.concolor, collected in the Amazon and in two localities of the Cerrado biome, showed a 2n=60 karyotype constituted by a pair of large subtelocentric chromosomes, a small metacentric pair and 27 acrocentric pairs. The X chromosome was a large submetacentric and a subtelo-submetacentric, the morphology of the latter showing variable C-banding patterns. In all three localities the Y chromosome was a medium size heterochromatic acrocentric. Two individuals from the Cerrado had a heterochromatic acrocentric B-chromosome.Oecomys cf.bicolor presented two cytotypes, 2n=80 in the specimens from the Cerrado biome and 2n=82 in individuals trapped in the Amazon. The 2n=80 cytotype 1 showed a large subtelocentric, 22 biarmed pairs (medium to small) and 16 acrocentric autosomal pairs. The karyotype of the 2n=82 cytotype 2 is constituted by 15 biarmed chromosomes (median to small) and 25 acrocentric pairs with heterochromatic blocks at pericentromeric regions. The sexual pairs were the same (large submetacentric X and median acrocentric Y) in both cytotypes. InO. cf.concolor and in both cytotypes ofO. cf.bicolor the nucleolar organizer regions were observed in 1-3 pairs, located in the short arms.Nectomys genus presented two cytotypes, 2n=52–55 (N. rattus, with 0–3 biarmed heterochromatic accessory chromosomes) and 2n=56–59 (N. squamipes, bearing 0–3 biarmed, heterochromatic, B-chromosomes). These 2 cytotypes occupy disjunct regions of South America, with overlapping areas in the Brazilian states of Pernambuco, Bahia, and Mato Grosso do Sul.  相似文献   

G- and C-banded karyotypes of the two extant species of the mammalian order Proboscidea are presented for the first time. Chromosome complements were 2n = 56 in both Loxodonta africana and Elephas maximus. Comparisons between the species demonstrated a high level of chromosome band homology, with 26 conserved autosomal pairs. The normal diploid karyotype of L. africana had 25 acrocentric/telocentric and two metacentric/submetacentric autosomal pairs. E. maximus differed by having one less acrocentric and one additional submetacentric pair due to either a heterochromatic arm addition or deletion involving autosomal pair 27. Several acrocentric autosomes of L. africana exhibited small short arms that were absent in homologous chromosomes of E. maximus. The X chromosomes in both species were large submetacentric elements and were homologous. However, the small acrocentric Y chromosomes differed; in E. maximus it was slightly larger and had more distinct G-bands than its counterpart in L. africana. Extant Elephantidae appear to be relatively conservative in their rates of chromosomal change compared to some other mammalian families. The high-quality banded karyotypes presented here should prove useful as references in future chromosome analyses of elephant populations and in comparative cytogenetic studies with other ungulate orders.  相似文献   

Chromosomes of Triportheus nematurus, a fish species from family Characidae, were analyzed in order to establish the conventional karyotype, location of C-band positive heterochromatin, Ag-NORs, GC- and AT-rich sites, and mapping of 18S and 5S rDNA with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The diploid number found was 2n = 52 chromosomes in both males and females. However, the females presented a pair of differentiated heteromorphic chromosomes, characterizing a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system. The Z chromosome was metacentric and the largest one in the karyotype, bearing C-positive heterochromatin at pericentromeric and telomeric regions. The W chromosome was middle-sized submetacentric, appearing mostly heterochromatic after C-banding and presenting heterogeneous heterochromatin composed of GC- and AT-rich regions revealed by fluorochrome staining. Ag-NORs were also GC-rich and surrounded by heterochromatic regions, being located at the secondary constriction on the short arms of the second chromosome pair, in agreement with 18S rDNA sites detected with FISH. The 18S and 5S rDNA were aligned in tandem, representing an uncommon situation in fishes. The results obtained reinforce the basal condition of the ZZ/ZW sex system in the genus Triportheus, probably arisen prior to speciation in the group.  相似文献   

A karyological study was carried out in order to compared the chromosome numbers, chromosome morphologies and karyotypes of the oriental liver fluke, Clonorchis sinensis (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae), collected from Korea and China. Chromosome preparations were made by means of air-drying method. The chromosome number was 2n = 56 in both Korean and Chinese flukes, and chromosomes were divided into two groups based on this size; consisting of 8 pairs of large and 20 pairs of small chromosomes. However, the karyotypes showed some differences between Korean and Chinese flukes. The karyotype of liver flukes from Korea consisted of three metacentric pairs, one meta-/submetacentric pair, 16 submetacentric pairs and eight subtelocentric pairs of chromosomes. On the other hand, liver flukes from China consisted of two metacentric pairs, two meta-/submetacentric pairs, 16 submetacentric pairs and eight subtelocentric pairs of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of Diplomystes composensis and Diplomystes nahuelbutaensis were the same diploid number (n= 56).The chromosome formula for D. composensis was 16 metacentric + 24 submetacentric + 8 subtelocentric + 8 telocentric chromosomes and for D. nahuelbutaensis was 14 metacentric + 26 submetacentric + 8 subtelocentric +8 telocentric chromosomes. In contrast, the differences in the chromosomal C-banding patterns between these species was large. For instance, chromosome pairs 5,6, and 7 of D. nahuelbutaensis showed heterochromatic centromeres and pairs 23, 24, 27, and 28 were entirely heterochromotic. Diplomystes composensis showed conspicuous C-banded blocks in pairs 7, 24, and 25 (chromosome pair 7 had one heterochromatic arm, chromosome pair 24 was entirely heterochromatic, and chromosome pair 25 had heterochromatin close to centromere). Comparison with other ostariophysan karyotypes (e.g. gymnotiforms, characiforms, and cypriniforms), does not allow any conclusions about the ploesiomorphic catfish condition, because the karyotypes of the outgroups are too variable. A synapomorphy shared by characiforms, gymnotiforms, and diplomystid catfishes is the presence of more metacentric to submetacentric than substelocentric to telocentric chromosomes. Cypriniforms are more primitive because they have more subtelocentric to telocentric than metacentric to submetacentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

We performed cytogenetic analyses on specimens from three population samples of Proceratophrys boiei from southeastern and northeastern Brazil. We stained chromosomes of mitotic and meiotic cells with Giemsa, C-banding and Ag-NOR methods. All specimens of P. boiei presented a karyotype with a full chromosome complement of 2n=22, metacentric and submetacentric. We observed the secondary constriction within the short arm of pair 8, which was in the same position of the nucleolus organizer region (NOR). NOR heteromorphism was observed within two specimens from the municipality of Mata de S?o Jo?o (northeastern Bahia State). The C-banding evidenced an unusual heterochromatic pattern in the genome of P. boiei. In the southern most population samples (S?o Paulo State), we observed large blocks of heterochromatin in the centromeric regions of all chromosomes, whereas the northernmost samples (Bahia State) presented a small amount of constitutive heterochromatin. We suppose that this geographic variation in heterochromatin quantities could be due to heterochromatinization of some chromosome regions in the genome of the S?o Paulo samples. Furthermore, females from S?o Paulo presented, within chromosome pair 1 from C-banded karyotypes, one homologous chromosome almost heterochromatic, whereas males had heterochromatin restricted to the centromeric region. This unusual heterochromatic arrangement led us to assume that P. boiei owns a ZZ/ZW type of sexual determination system. This finding is very important, as this is the first record of ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes within Cycloramphidae. We believe that the cytogenetic differences found between southeastern and northeastern Brazilian population samples of P. boiei strongly supports the existence of a species complex under the name P. boiei, and the requirement of taxonomic and systematic reviews by morphological, bioacoustical, molecular, and cytogenetic data could define this taxonomic issue in the future.  相似文献   

Identification of sex chromosomes in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the male trout there is a difference in the quinacrine banding and C-banding patterns between the two homologs of the second largest chromosome pair. This chromosome is the only large submetacentric in the karyotype, making it easy to identify and suggesting that the sex chromosomes have become differentiated since the time of tetraploidization. In males one homolog has a medium-to-large quinacrine bright heterochromatic band on the end of the short arm, while the other lacks it completely. In females both homologs have medium-to-large quinacrine bright heterochromatic bands. Approximately half the progeny from every lake trout cross studied and half the eggs from every lake trout population examined were heteromorphic for a difference in this chromosome band. Results from sexed fish, reciprocal F1 hybrids between brook trout and lake trout, and gynogenetic haploids are all consistent with the interpretation that chromosome 2 is the sex chromosome. These results suggest that the addition of heterochromatin to the X can be the first step in the inhibition of crossing over between the X and Y chromosomes required for sex chromosome differentiation.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Histiodraco velifer from the Antartic Ocean was analyzed using various banding methods and in situ hybridization with a telomeric probe. A male and a female had a diploid set of 46 chromosomes (6 submetacentric + 40 acrocentric, FN = 52); the nucleolar organizer was CMA3-positive and was located on the short arm of a medium-sized submetacentric pair. All chromosomes stained uniformly with DAPI, whereas C-banding revealed heterochromatic blocks that were mostly located centromerically and telomerically and were resistant to ALUI digestion. The substantial identity of the karyotype of H. velifer with that of the other artedidraconids investigated so far suggests that chromosome changes must have played a less than significant role in the speciation among the lineages of this fish family endemic to Antarctica.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Hynobius tokyoensis (2n = 56) was analyzed using three kinds of banding methods to determine the morphological differentiation of the sex chromosomes of this species. Salamanders and egg sacs were collected from seven localities around Tokyo, Japan. Of 28 chromosome pairs, microchromosome No. 21 was identified as a ZZ/ZW-type sex chromosome. The Z chromosome was acrocentric, whereas the W chromosome was submetacentric, with a heterochromatic, elongated short arm. Interestingly, the W chromosome is of three distinct types, W(A), W(B), and W(C), based on R-banding and Ag-NOR patterns. W(A) was detected in five populations from southern habitats, whereas W(B) and W(C) were detected in one population each from northern habitats. W(A), W(B), and W(C) were all found to carry Ag-NORs on their heterochromatic short arms. Considering the karyotypes of other species belonging to the same genus, we discuss the evolution of the sex chromosomes of H. tokyoensis.  相似文献   

Very distinct karyotypes have been observed in two Cyclocephala species from Guadeloupe, considered as very close and possibly vicariant: C. insulicola with only metacentric and C. tridentata tridentata with many acrocentric autosomes. This prompted us to study the karyotype of a few other neotropical Dynastinae belonging to four of the eight existing tribes, to find out which one of these two species had the most divergent chromosomes from their ancestral condition. In the four additional species studied, i.e., Cyclocephalamaffafa, Strategus syphax, Ligyrus cuniculus and Megasoma actaeon, a karyotype composed of 20 chromosomes, including 18 meta- or submetacentric autosomes was found, as it was in C. insulicola. Thus, the karyotype of C. t. tridentata, in which most of the 18 autosomes were acrocentric, is apomorphic. In addition, it was highly polymorphic, with six different karyotypes observed among the ten specimens studied. All had one to four heterozygous chromosome pairs formed by one acrocentric and one submetacentric carrying a large juxta-centromeric heterochromatic component. This heterozygosity did not seem to impair either meiotic synapsis or chiasma formation and chromosome segregation. Such high rates of chromosome heterozygosity and polymorphism are infrequent and never described in beetles. This suggests that C. t. tridentata undergoes an active process of chromosome evolution. A possible relationship with insularity and/or pesticide exposure is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The W chromosome of the fishes Characidium cf. fasciatum, Characidium sp. and Characidium cf. gomesi is heterochromatic, as is usually seen in most Characidium species. Samples of W-chromatin were collected by mechanical microdissection and amplified by DOP-PCR (degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction), to be used as painting probes (DCg and CgW) and for sequence analysis. FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) with DCg probe painted the whole W chromosome, the pericentromeric region of Z chromosomes and the terminal region of B chromosomes. DOP-PCR-generated fragments were cloned, sequenced and tested by in situ hybridization, but only CgW4 produced positive hybridization signals. Clone sequence analysis recovered seven distinct sequences, of which six did not reveal any similarity to other known sequences in the GenBank or GIRI databases. Only CgW9 clone sequence was recognized as probably derived from a Helitron-transposon similar to that found in the genome of the zebrafish Danio rerio. Our results show that the composition of Characidium’s W chromosome does seem rich in repetitive sequences as well as other W chromosomes found in several species with a ZW sex-determining mechanism.  相似文献   

Specimens belonging to two fish species genus Rhamdia were cytogenetically analysed from seven localities in Brazil and Argentina. In addition to the 58 chromosomes of the basic karyotype, one to five metacentric B chromosomes were observed carrying conspicuous heterochromatic blocks on the distal regions of both chromosome arms. These B chromosomes are mitotically stable and, in the two best-sampled populations in R. hilarii (Lobo and 29 reservoirs), they showed frequency distributions fitting a binomial distribution, though Bs were more frequent in the latter. The presence of B chromosomes with the same appearance in R. quelen suggests an ancient origin for these B chromosomes, presumably prior to speciation from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A procedure for obtaining G-bands on chromosomes of mammals is outlined. The procedure was utilized in an investigation of the idiogram and banding pattern of the mitotic chromosomes of the cotton rat, Sigmodon arizonae. The diploid number of this species is 22, and each pair of homologues is easily separated on the basis of size, centromeric position, and banding pattern. The autosomes are represented by four pairs of large submetacentric chromosomes, three pairs of medium to small submetacentric chromosomes, two pairs of large subtelocentric chromosomes and one pair of small acrocentric chromosomes. The X chromosome is acrocentric and averages from 5.42% to 5.46% of the haploid female complement. The Y chromosome is a minute acrocentric and easily separated from the smallest acrocentric autosome. The usefulnes of Sigmodon arizonae as a laboratory animal for cytogenetic studies is substantiated.  相似文献   

Boroń A 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):387-395
The present work provides new data on the banding pattern of two cyprinid fish species Phoxinus phoxinus and Eupallasella perenurus from Poland. C-banding, silver-staining (Ag), and fluorescent staining with chromomycin A3 techniques were used to describe the karyotypes. Both of the species karyotypes of 2n=50 were characterised by one pair of acrocentric chromosomes, the largest in the set, and by two pairs of NOR-bearing chromosomes. In the chromosome set of Ph. phoxinus Ag-stained NORs were located on telomeres of two metacentric and two submetacentric chromosomes, but in most metaphases only one of the two homologous was observed. The karyotype of E. perenurus was characterised by Ag-NOR regions at a telomeric position on the shorter arm of two submetacentric chromosome pairs. In most metaphases only three NOR-bearing chromosomes were observed. In both investigated species the location of the A3 positive signals corresponded with the location of Ag-stained NORs and these sites were associated with heterochromatin shown as C-bands. The results of cytogenetical studies on other related, mainly the North American phoxinins, species are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

A chromosome complement formed by 16 autosomes and an Xyp sex chromosome system was found in Epilachna paenulata Germar (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). All autosomes were metacentric except pair 1 which was submetacentric. The X and the Y chromosomes were also submetacentric but the Y was minute. The whole chromosome set carried large paracentric heterochromatic C-segments representing about 15% of the haploid complement length. Heterochromatic segments associated progressively during early meiotic stages forming a large single chromocenter. After C-banding, chromocenters revealed an inner networklike filamentous structure. Starlike chromosome configurations resulted from the attachment of bivalents to the chromocenters. These associations were followed until early diakinesis. Thin remnant filaments were also observed connecting metaphase I chromosomes. Evidence is presented that, in this species, the Xyp bivalent resulted from an end-to-end association of the long arms of the sex chromosomes. The parachute Xyp bivalent appeared to be composed of three distinct segments: two intensely heterochromatic C-banded corpuscles formed the canopy and a V-shaped euchromatic filament connecting them represented the parachutist component. The triple constitution of the sex bivalent was interpreted as follows: each heterochromatic corpuscle corresponded to the paracentric C-segment of the X and Y chromosomes; the euchromatic filament represented mainly the long arm of the X chromosome terminally associated with the long arm of the Y chromosome. The complete sequence of the formation of the Xyp bivalent starting from nonassociated sex chromosomes in early meiotic stages, and progressing through pairing of heterochromatic segments, coiling of the euchromatic filament, and movement of the heterochromatic corpuscles to opposite poles is described. These findings suggest that in E. paenulata the Xyp sex bivalent formation is different than in other coleopteran species and that constitutive heterochromatic segments play an important role not only in chromosome associations but also in the Xyp formation.  相似文献   

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