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A sample of 1000 currently married women aged 25-39 and living in 3 geographic areas of the Ghanaian capital were interviewed about their contraceptive knowledge and practice. Slightly over 90% of the respondents said that they had heard of ways to delay or prevent pregnancy. There was no difference between the 3 areas, but more of those aged 30-34 had heard about contraception. The chances that a respondent had heard about contraception increased with the level of education. Catholics were less likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods than Protestants. Also, women engaged in traditional informal occupations were the least likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods. Overall, education emerged as the most important differentiating factor. The pill, condom, and IUD were the best known methods. Regarding actual contraceptive practice, only 41% of the respondents were currently using some form of contraception, with about 19% using modern and 27% traditional methods. Results of contraceptive usage by user characteristics show that the majority of women in 2/3 of the areas rely on a mixture of traditional and modern methods; that the % of users (any method) increases with age up to 30-34 years, after which it decreases. The % of ever-users of any type of contraception in this study is highest for the highest education levels, at 84% for women with 2ndary and post 2ndary education. With the exception of the IUD, douche and folklore methods, better educated women have higher ever-use %s for both traditional and modern methods. While the %s of users increases with education for foam, diaphragm and withdrawal; the reverse is observed for the pill and IUD, probably due to fear of negative side effects. Overall, there are no significant variations in contraceptive use by migration status; but the % of non-users is highest among recent migrants who are also the least likely to have ever used modern methods. Fertility differentials across ethnic groups have been observed in Ghana. The Akan have the highest fertility, followed by the Ewe and Ga-Adangbe with moderate fertility, and the northern ethnic groups with the lowest fertility. The Akan also have the highest % of ever users of modern contraceptives, an inconsistency which may be explained by their recent recognition of the burdens of high fertility and their attempts to control it. Religious differences are pronounced, especially between the traditional category on the 1 hand, and Christians and Muslims on the other. Results of an analysis of variance suggests that family size is the strongest motivation for adopting modern contraception, and that it may be used for limiting rather than spacing births.  相似文献   

During April 1992, 100 repeat clients at the Family Planning Clinic of Calgary Health Services were surveyed to determine whether a free condom distribution program promoting the use of condoms among oral contraception users had increased the probability that such clients would actually also use condoms to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). An age-matched, oral pill-using sample from the Edmonton Birth Control Center was surveyed for comparison. 56% of the survey respondents in both clinics were teens and 39% were age 20-24 years. 89% of Calgary clients and 45% of Edmonton clients reported having received condoms from their respective clinics. The Edmonton clinic offered no free condom distribution program during the pre-survey period. 72% of Calgary clients had either used the free condoms or gave them to other people. 39% of Calgary clinic respondents reported using both condom and pill at last intercourse compared to 29% of Edmonton respondents, a nonstatistically significant difference. A larger and better controlled cost-benefit analysis of free condom distribution programs is warranted given the importance of condom use for STD prevention among users of oral contraception.  相似文献   

Oral contraceptives have many advantages, but sometimes also have side effects which can cause users to switch appropriately or inappropriately to less effective methods or abandon contraception. In Brazil, 2/3 of married women of childbearing age were using contraception in 1981, and 1/2 of these were using orals. Contraceptive behavior following reported side effects in users of oral contraceptives in Southern Brazil is examined in this study, in relation to diverse factors. Among 2904 currently-married women, aged 15-44, almost 75% reported that they had used the pill at some time, and of these, 45.6% were still doing so. Data on perceived side effects were gathered for all women. There was no independent medical evaluation of the effects, so the data did not necessarily represent actual prevalence of pill related problems. Women who reported problems with the pill were less likely to be current users (25%) than women who did not (65%). However, overall contraceptive prevalence was about the same in both groups (66.2% and 67.0% respectively), indicating that women who stop using oral contraceptives usually switch to another method. However, they are more likely to be using traditional methods than women in the general population, especially if they want more children. Termination of pill use varies little according to the type of problem reported. Women with problems who sought medical attention were more likely to stop using the pill, and 82.4% of women advised to stop by their physician did so, but the major factor affecting discontinuation was the reported experience of a problem. The most frequently reported problems were headaches (38.1%), nausea (34.1%), nervousness (27.9%), and vertigo (18.3%). Physician intervention should help to avoid women's abandoning oral contraceptives unnecessarily.  相似文献   

A multicenter survey of 400 married Filipino women 15-40 years of age conducted in 1986 by Family Health International and the International Health Foundation provided valuable information on contraceptive use in the Philippines, as well as factors influencing such practices. The respondents, who were drawn from 10 urban communities in Metro Manila and 10 rural communities in Nueva Ecija Province, averaged 31.5 years of age and had a mean number of 2.9 children. 32% of respondents indicated they desired another child. 225 women (56%) reported they were using no method of contraception. 59 (14%) were protected from pregnancy by tubal sterilization or vasectomy. 77 women (19%) were oral contraceptive (OC) users, and 8 (2%) were IUD users. Only 1 respondent was using a long-acting contraceptive. 3 women used spermicides, 21 (5%) used condoms, 25 (6%) practiced rhythm, and 30 (3%) of the women's husbands practiced withdrawal. Overall, 27% of contraceptive users in this sample used more than 1 method. 26% had been using a contraceptive method for 1-3 years and another 46% for more than 3 years, indicating consistent acceptance of family planning. A sequential trend of nonuse, OC use, and finally sterilization was observed. OC use was highest among women in their late 20s with 2-3 children. Urban-rural residence and socioeconomic factors had little impact on OC use. An encouraging finding was that only 25% of respondents believed that the pill poses important health risks and 61% were aware that pregnancy and childbirth involve greater health risks than OC use. This finding is in opposition to the extremely high levels of misinformation about the dangers of OC use identified in other surveys in developing countries and probably reflects the fact that 77% of women in the present study reported receiving advice on contraception from family planning professionals.  相似文献   

C E Tan  J A Ballweg 《Social biology》1984,31(3-4):232-242
Desired family size and contraceptive behavior of 986 ever-married women aged 15-54 from Northern Mindanao, the Philippines, are described. Using the Dow and Werner typology of demographic and contraceptive patterns, it was found that a majority of the women were traditional in their demographic attitude and contraceptive behavior. A substantial proportion of the women desired medium to large families. In consistency in attitude and behavior was also manifested by women who desired small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. Sociodemographic characteristics of these women are described. A majority of the women who have never used efficient contraception also never practiced family planning. Rhythm was the primary method of birth control among demographic innovators and traditionals who have ever used inefficient methods; the pill was popular among contraceptive innovators and moderns. A considerable proportion of the demographic innovators and the traditionals were not currently using any family planning method; a lesser proportion of contraceptive innovators and moderns were also not using birth control methods. Relevance of the findings to family planning programs is pointed out. Recommendations are given. Motivation for a small family is a prerequisite for a successful family planning program. Without motivation, what family planning programs do is reduce the number of unwanted births. Family planning programs should reach out to those who are sufficiently motivated to have small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. A major finding of this research is that a majority of the women who never used efficient contraception also never used inefficient or traditional methods. Efforts should be made to change this. Additionally, efforts should be made to bring those modern and contraceptive innovators who had stopped using any family planning method to practice contraception again.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to test the dictum that social change begins in better educated, economically well-off and relatively less tradition-bound strata of the urban society and that it then spreads to the lower social strata and eventually affects the rural populations also. It analyzes temporal changes in the prevalence of contraception as reported by female respondents in 2 sample surveys conducted in the city of Lahore during 1963 and 1980. Altogether 1960 ever-married females aged over 15 were interviewed in the 1963 survey and 993 in the 1980 survey. Compared to 1980 respondents, those in the 1963 survey were older, educated and belonged to a medium or high socioeconomic status category. In 1963, 18% of the respondents were not aware of any method of contraception; by 1980 this proportion was reduced to 11%. The most spectacular change was observed in the prortion of respondents who were practising family planning. In 1963, only 7% of the respondents had ever used any method of contraception; this proportion increased to 48% in 1980. Moreover, substantial differences were noted with regard to the methods of contraception used. The use of condoms seems to have declined while that of the IUD the pill, sterilization and withdrawal seems to have increased. It is interesting that abstinence remained an important method of contraception. Use of contraception is found to vary with age, education and socioeconomic status of respondents. The degree of association between these 3 characteristics and contraceptive usage increased substantially from 1963 to 1980. 1980 survey results indicate that current as well as ever use of contraception show an inverted V-shaped pattern with age and parity. The prevalence of contraception increases with age, reaching a maximum of 41% for current users and 63% for ever users in the age group 35-39. A similar pattern is observed in relation to the parity of respondents with a maximum amongst women who had borne 6 children. Education shows a positive association with both the current and ever use of contraception. The pattern of current methods used is very similar to that noted for methods ever used. The only major differences relate to the condom and abstinence which show higher prevalence as current methods. In the 1963 survey religion was the main reason given by those expressing an unfavorable attitude toward family planning. In the 1980 survey questions were asked about the specific reasons of the respondents for never using any method of contraception. The desire for more children was the most commonly given reason and recent marriage was the 2nd most common. The strength of religious opposition to contraception seems to have declined substantially in the 1980 survey.  相似文献   


Desired family size and contraceptive behavior of 986 ever‐married women aged 15–54 from Northern Mindanao, the Philippines, are described. Using the Dow and Werner typology of demographic and contraceptive patterns, it was found that a majority of the women were traditional in their demographic attitude and contraceptive behavior. A substantial proportion of the women desired medium to large families. Inconsistency in attitude and behavior was also manifested by women who desired small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. Sociodemographic characteristics of these women are described. A majority of the women who have never used efficient contraception also never practiced family planning. Rhythm was the primary method of birth control among demographic innovators and traditionals who have ever used inefficient methods; the pill was popular among contraceptive innovators and the moderns. A considerable proportion of the demographic innovators and the traditionals were not currently using any family planning method; a lesser proportion of contraceptive innovators and moderns were also not using birth control methods. Relevance of the findings to family planning programs is pointed out. Recommendations are given.  相似文献   

To determine the effectiveness of contraceptive use a two year audit of pregnant women registered in one group practice was carried out. The methods of contraception used by women with unplanned pregnancies were studied and the rates of failure assessed. Of the 518 pregnancies during the study, 187 (36%) were unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies were most common in the 15-19 age group (54 out of 187), and women aged under 25 used contraceptives less reliably than women aged 25 and over. The combined pill was the most effective method of contraception in all age groups. The methods that resulted in most unplanned pregnancies were the sheath in women aged 25 and over and incorrect use of oral contraceptive or no contraception in those aged under 25. The fear of side effects was an important reason why women did not use the combined pill, being cited by 22 out of 134 women, and inappropriate medical advice was cited by a further 20 women. More discussion between doctors and patients and readily available information on the use of oral contraceptives might help to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.  相似文献   

Contraceptive failure rates for modern methods including sterilization are reported to be high in China, but little is known about the consequence of contraceptive failure and characteristics of women who decide to have an abortion if a contraceptive failure occurs. Using 6225 contraceptive failures from the 1988 Chinese Two-per-Thousand Fertility Survey, this study examines the resolution of contraceptive failure and assesses the impact of some women's sociodemographic characteristics on the decision to terminate contraceptive failure in abortion. This study has three important findings: (1) The abortion rate was 50.1%, 75.3% and 80.2% for IUD, condom and pill failures, respectively; (2) The abortion rates differed by contraceptive method and women's social and demographic characteristics. In particular, a woman with just one child was most likely to have the contraceptive failure aborted; (3) Some women experienced repeated abortions because of contraceptive failure. The results suggest that abortion was a backup method if contraception failed in China and the correlates of aborting an unwanted pregnancy reflect the strong impact of the Chinese family planning programme.  相似文献   

The lactational histories of 500 Sudanese women were studied retrospectively to examine postpartum lactational amenorrhea as a method of family planning. Particular attention was given to the factors affecting postpartum lactational amenorrhea, including supplementary feeding and the use of modern contraceptive methods. Breast-feeding was overwhelmingly practised (90%) among this sample, which was roughly representative of the Sudanese population as a whole. The prevalence of amenorrhea among this group of lactating women was quite high (73%). Duration of lactational amenorrhea ranged from 2 to 36 months with a median of 12 months. Introduction of supplementary feeding had little effect on lactational amenorrhea up to the 9th month of breastfeeding. Beyond the 12th month of breastfeeding, lactational amenorrhea was significantly prolonged by postponing the introduction of supplementary feeding until the 4th month or later. Ovulation, and hence conception, during lactational amenorrhea was unpredictable. It occurred as early as the 3rd or as late as the 36th month postpartum. Conceptions interrupting lactational amenorrhea soon after delivery (3-9 months) were more frequent among primiparous women. The failure rate of lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive was 8.4%. Though extremely high compared to that of the pill, lactational amenorrhea was more useful as a fertility control mechanism because, in this study, a high proportion of women initiated pill use, but soon discontinued it because of side effects. Modern contraceptive practice was not prevalent. Amenorrheic mothers accepted the pill after the 6th month postpartum (41%, compared to lactating mothers whose menses had returned who started much earlier. 49% of the women studied relied completely on the protection of lactational amenorrhea. 57% of all lactating women who used the combined pill reported a reduction in milk production. Knowledge of modern contraception was poor and incorrect in many cases, leading to several policy implications, including usage of sterilization.  相似文献   

A fertility survey of unmarried adolescents and young adults (953 males and 829 females) in Greater Accra and Eastern regions of Ghana revealed that a substantial proportion of the respondents were sexually experienced. Overall, 66.8% of the males and 78.4% of the females were sexually experienced. The mean ages (+/- SD) of the males and females were 15.5 +/- 2.5 and 16.2 +/- 2.0 years, respectively. Most respondents claimed to have received adequate information on reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including AIDS. However, 20% and 30% of the respondents in peri-urban and rural areas, respectively, did not know that a girl could get pregnant the first time she has sexual intercourse. The incidence of pregnancy among the unmarried female respondents was relatively high (37%), and was higher in urban than in rural areas. Approximately 47% of those who had ever been pregnant reported that they had had an abortion. Levels of contraceptive awareness were high (98.2% among males and 95.5% among females) but many still engaged in unprotected sexual relations. The most commonly used methods were the condom and the pill. The main reasons given for non-use were that they did not think about contraception, were concerned about the safety of contraceptives, and partner objection. These findings point to the need for targeting of unmarried adolescents and young adults with information on reproductive health and family planning to increase their awareness of the risks of pregnancy, STDs and HIV infection.  相似文献   

Various national surveys suggest that the % of eligible couples in Bangladesh who are using traditional methods of contraception has been growing. This article presents detailed information on knowledge and use patterns of traditional methods and compares the use patterns of traditional and modern methods of contraception. The data are derived from the 1981 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey and information collected from a nationally representative sample of ever married women aged under 50, by way of field interviews using female interviewers. Quality of data was checked at different phases of the survey. Over 96% of the women reported that they knew at least 1 traditional method of contraception. The safe period was the most well known method (36.5%); about 30% reported knowledge of abstinence and 22% knew about withdrawal. Compared with modern methods, where knowledge declined with increased age, the knowledge of traditional methods shows no systematic pattern by age. Respondents with primary and higher education have higher knowledge of traditional methods than women who have never been to school. A similar pattern exists for employment status; non-Muslim women have consistently higher levels of knowledge than Muslim women. Data on patterns of use suggest that about 36% have used at least 1 contraceptive method, 15% having used traditional methods and 20.4% modern methods. The number of women who have used traditional methods increases from ages 20 to 44 and then declines. Use of traditional methods is relatively higher by the number of living children than by the number of children ever born. A similar pattern of association between background characteristics (education, employment and religion) and contraceptive knowledge is evident regarding level of use. Husband's level of education does not show any significant relationship with the use of traditional methods. The use rate of traditional methods was more than doubled among the women owning land compared to those having no land. The total current use rate of modern methods was higher among women aged 40-44 having relatively higher numbers of living children. As with current use, a positive relationship was observed between the socioeconomic variables and ever use. In general, it is concluded that socioeconomic variables played a dominant role in the decision of couples in choosing various methods of contraception. It is suggested that traditional methods still have an important role in family planning and that this should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

M MacDowell  E S Lee 《Social biology》1984,31(3-4):222-231
Data from the 1976 US National Survey of Family Growth were used to examine the effect of sociodemographic factors on choice of nonpermanent contraceptive methods among white, fecund, married women aged 15-44 who intend no additional births. A multivariate analysis revealed that age of the respondent had a strong negative relationship to the effectiveness of contraceptive chosen. Being Catholic had a negative effect on the effectiveness of contraceptive chosen, but significant interaction occurred between age and parity and between age and education. 1 explanation may be that increased age may result in reduced perception of risk that an unwanted birth will occur. Another explanation is that concerns about health risks associated with the pill or IUD use may lead to use of other methods among older women. The most probable explanation of the observed relationship is a cohort effect. Older women who began marital contraception at an earlier point in time have continued to use the same methods as were initially available early in their marriage. The lack of a significant association between parity and the effectiveness of contraceptive method chosen based on multivariate analysis is most likely due to the high correlation between parity and age. The lack of a significant effect of education on choice of method may be explained by the nearly universal access to all methods of contraception for married women. Further research on the same lines is strongly urged to shed light on current behavior patterns.  相似文献   

This study surveys 100 married and 100 unmarried primiparous mothers, attending the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin, with regard to their contraceptive practice, their planning of their pregnancy and the timing of their first antenatal visit. Nineteen per cent of the married women, but 64% of the unmarried women, had never used any contraceptive method. The contraceptive pill was the most popular method for both groups, but while three in five of the married women had at some time used the pill, only a little more than one in five of the unmarried women had ever used it. One quarter of the women who had used contraception reported that their pregnancy was the result of a failure in their contraceptive method. Eighty-nine per cent of the single group and 20% of the married had not planned their pregnancy. None of the married women, but almost a quarter of the single, delayed their first antenatal visit until after they were 20 weeks pregnant.  相似文献   


Using data from two sample survey studies of fertility in the United States, the authors report that the mean coital frequency of women taking the pill exceeds the average for women using all other contraceptive methods. However, in time to conception, the data indicate that when all factors are taken into account there is no difference in the time required to conceive between women who had previously used the pill and those who had used other methods of contraception.  相似文献   

Despite improved availability of simple, relatively inexpensive, and highly effective antiretroviral treatment for HIV/AIDS, the disease remains a major public health challenge for women in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Given the numerous barriers in access to care for women in this region, every health issue that brings them into contact with the health system should be optimized as an opportunity to integrate HIV/AIDS prevention. Because most non-condom forms of modern contraception require a clinical appointment for use, contraception appointments could provide a confidential opportunity for access to HIV counseling, testing, and referral to care. This study sought to investigate the relationship between contraceptive methods and HIV testing among women in SSA. Data from the Demographic and Health Survey from four African countries—Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Uganda—was used to examine whether modern (e.g., pills, condom) or traditional (e.g., periodic abstinence, withdrawal) forms of contraception were associated with uptake of HIV testing. Data for the current analyses were restricted to 35,748 women with complete information on the variables of interest. Chi-square tests and logistic regression models were used to assess the relationship between uptake of HIV testing and respondents'' baseline characteristics and contraceptive methods. In the total sample and in Mozambique, women who used modern forms of contraception were more likely to be tested for HIV compared to those who did not use contraception. This positive association was not demonstrated in Congo, Nigeria, or Uganda. That many women who access modern contraception are not tested for HIV in high HIV burden areas highlights a missed opportunity to deliver an important intervention to promote maternal and child health. Given the increasing popularity of hormonal contraception methods in low-income countries, there is an urgent need to integrate HIV counseling, testing, and treatment into family planning programs. Women on hormonal contraceptives should be encouraged to continue to use condoms for HIV-prevention.  相似文献   

In-depth interviews were conducted with married Asian women from Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi backgrounds, to investigate patterns of contraceptive use and influences on contraceptive decision making. The results show two distinctively different contraceptive 'lifecycles'. Non-professional women typically have little knowledge about contraception until after their marriage or first birth. Their patterns of contraceptive behaviour show low levels of contraceptive use until after their first birth, when condom use is most prevalent. Non-professional women are influenced by their extended family, religion and cultural expectations on their fertility and family planning decisions. Professional women show an entirely different pattern of contraceptive behaviour. They are more likely to have knowledge about contraception before marriage, use some method of contraception throughout their childbearing years (typically the pill) and cite personal, practical or economic considerations in their fertility decisions rather than religious, cultural or extended family influences.  相似文献   

Chromosomal abnormalities were studied in 33,551 abortions and births to women whose contraceptive histories had been recorded at their first antenatal visit in 1975-1977. Chromosome examinations were performed exclusively on clinical grounds. There were 45 de novo abnormalities detected (1.34/1,000); three of them were detected at amniocentesis. Trisomy 21 was observed in 27 cases (0.80/1,000), trisomy 18 in nine (0.27), other trisomies in three (0.09), and translocations or deletions in five (0.15). One case of triploidy and six cases of inherited abnormalities were detected. There were no significant racial variations. No increase in risk for chromosomal abnormalities was found among women who had used oral contraceptives prior to becoming pregnant or among women who experienced oral contraceptive breakthrough pregnancies. Two cases of trisomy 18 were observed among the 814 deliveries following oral contraceptive breakthrough conceptions (2.46/1,000), two cases of trisomy 21 occurred in 338 births following failures of rhythm contraception (5.92/1,000), and no cases of trisomy 21 or 18 among the 1,569 women using spermicides at the time of conception.  相似文献   

A selection of psychological and social factors present in 360 women who underwent legal termination of pregnancy are related to their contraceptive practice. One-third of the group were ignorant about contraceptive methods, ignorance being more common in women from social classes IV and V and in those under the age of 19. Nearly half of those who had some knowledge of contraceptive practice became pregnant after knowingly taking a risk. A total of 41% had been using some form of contraception immediately before conception. The reliability of contraceptive methods used was found to be inversely related to neuroticism scores obtained from the Eysenck Personality Inventory, neuroticism being highest in women who had not used any form of contraception.Of 91% of the group seen three months after their termination 86% were using reliable contraceptive methods. A follow-up study one or two years after termination has shown that 81% of the 215 women contacted so far are using a reliable method of contraception; two unwanted pregnancies have occurred but both were due to contraceptive failure. This satisfactory outcome has been ascribed to the system of counselling all women before and after termination.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between contraception use and intimate partner violence (IPV) among women of reproductive age in Bangladesh. The observational study of 10,996 women used the chi-squared test and logistic regressions to assess the associations. Almost 80% of all respondents had used contraceptives at some point in their lives. About half of the respondents (48%) were victims of physical violence, while 11% experienced sexual abuse from their husbands. Urban residents, higher educated women and women aged 20-44 were more likely to use contraceptives than their peers in rural areas, those with lower education and those in their late forties (45-49 years). Women exposed to physical violence were almost two times (OR 1.93, CI 1.55-2.41) more likely to use contraceptives compared with their non-abused peers. Sexual abuse had no significant association with contraceptive use. Physical violence is a predictor for higher levels of contraceptive use among women in Bangladesh. The findings emphasize the importance of screening for IPV at health care centres. The differences in urban and rural contraceptive use and IPV exposure identified by the study have policy implications for service delivery and planning.  相似文献   

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