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The uptake of an antigen and its presentation to specific T cells by dendritic cells (DCs) is a primary event in initiation of humoral and cellular immune responses as well as the induction of cytotoxic T cells (CTLs). DCs are induced by culturing bone marrow cells in the presence of GM-CSF. However, the resulting DCs are short-lived and the culture usually contains CD11c-negative non-DC cells, which adversely affects reproducibility and makes interpretation of the experimental results difficult. Therefore, it would be useful if DCs could be readily immortalized with their functions being retained. In this study we established a novel, immortalized murine DC line with antigen-presenting capacity in vitro as well as an augmenting effect on humoral and cellular immune responses in vivo, utilizing bone marrow cells from transgenic mice harboring the temperature-sensitive SV40 large T-antigen gene. In the presence of GM-CSF, the resulting DC line, termed SVDC, could be continuously subcultured for more than 12 months. When pulsed with OVA alone or OVA-IgG immune complexes via Fcgamma receptors, SVDC augmented OVA-specific T cell proliferation efficiently in vitro, and elicited OVA-specific IgG production in vivo on the adoptive transfer of pulsed SVDC into naive mice. Interestingly, SVDC exhibited significantly high cross-priming ability compared to DCs in a short-term culture, thus leading to their extremely high effectiveness in inducing anti-tumor immunity in vivo. Thus, SVDC is useful for the detailed characterization of antigen presentation, and for research on the various therapeutic benefits of DC vaccination to elicit specific immune responses in immunodeficiencies, infectious diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

Immortalized retinal neurons have been established in tissue culture from retinal tumors arising in transgenic mice. The mice carry the SV40 T-antigen under the control of 5' flanking sequences from the human phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) gene in order to target oncogene expression to adrenergic cell types. The retinal cultures contain a proliferation population of T-antigen-positive cells with a neuronal morphology that includes formation of extensive neuritic processes. We identified the cells as amacrine-derived neurons by immunofluorescence using the cell-specific monoclonal antibodies VC1.1 and HPC-1. The cells also express all three neurofilament subunits and GAP-43. These results indicate that CNS neurons can be transformed in transgenic animals to generate cultured cells with many properties of mature neurons.  相似文献   

To establish cell lines exhibiting differentiation phenotypes, the immortalized cell lines were rapidly established from the primary culture of different tissues of transgenic mice harboring SV40 temperature-sensitive large T-antigen gene. The established cell lines grew at permissive temperature (33 degrees C), but not at nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C). Several different cell types could be rapidly immortalized and cloned from the adult transgenic mice tissues. Among those cell lines, the established hepatocyte cell lines (TLR cell lines) exhibited liver-specific morphological and biochemical properties, but their properties were not coupled with the growth condition modified by temperature. The hepatocyte cell lines showed an inducibility of P450IA1 by 3-methylcholanthrene as observed in rat livers and this liver-specific function was stable even after 6 months of culture by continuous passages.  相似文献   

A high percentage of transgenic mice developing from eggs microinjected with plasmids containing the SV40 early region genes and a metallothionein fusion gene develop tumors within the choroid plexus. A line of mice has been established in which nearly every affected animal succumbs to this brain tumor. Thymic hypertrophy and kidney pathology are also observed in some mice. SV40 T-antigen mRNA and protein are readily detected in affected tissues; however, SV40 T-antigen gene expression is barely detectable in unaffected tissues or in susceptible tissues prior to overt pathology, suggesting that tumorigenesis depends upon activation of the SV40 genes. Comparison of DNA from tumor tissue (or cell lines derived from tumors) with DNA from unaffected tissues reveals structural rearrangements as well as changes in DNA methylation of the foreign DNA. The SV40 genes are frequently amplified in tumor tissue, which further indicates that their expression is intimately involved in tumorigenesis in transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Although the extensive family of non-H-2 histocompatibility (H) antigens provides a formidable barrier to transplantation, the origin of their encoding genes are unknown. Recent studies have demonstrated both the linkage between H genes and retroviral sequences and the ability of integrated Moloney-murine leukemia virus to encode what is operationally defined as a non-H-2 H antigen. The experiments described in this communication reveal that skin grafts from an SV40 T-antigen transgenic C57BL/6 mouse strain are rejected by coisogenic C57BL/6 recipients with a median survival time of 49 days, which is comparable to those of many previously defined non-H-2 H antigens. The specificity of this response for SV40 T-antigen was demonstrated by the identification of SV40 T-antigen-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes and antibodies in multiply-grafted recipients. Although these cytolytic T lymphocytes could detect SV40 T-antigen on syngeneic SV40-transformed fibroblasts, they neither could be stimulated by splenic lymphocytes from T-antigen transgenics nor could they lyse lymphoblast targets from T-antigen transgenics. These observations suggest a limited tissue distribution of SV40 T-antigen in these transgenics. These results confirm the role of viral genes in the determination of non-H-2 histocompatibility antigenes by the strict criteria that such antigenes stimulate (1) tissue graft rejection and (2) generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes. Furthermore, they suggest that the SV40 enhancer and promoter region can target expression of SV-40 T-antigen to skin cells of transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Targeted oncogenesis in transgenic mice, where an oncogene is placed under the control of the regulatory sequences of a cell-specific gene, has been used to derive lines of differentiated kidney epithelial cells derived from proximal or distal tubules or from the collecting duct. These renal cell lines were obtained from kidneys of transgenic mice harboring the large-T and little-t antigens placed under the control of regulatory sequences of the L-type pyruvate kinase gene. This review summarizes the main properties of these differentiated cell lines, which are usefulex vivo cell systems for pharmacological and toxicological studies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals of the line 8 contain the WAP-SV-T transgene. Females of this line synthesise the SV40 T-antigen in mammary gland epithelial cells during pregnancy and the lactation period. All females are ‘milk-less’ and the offspring have to be nursed by foster mothers. The reason for this phenomenon is a premature apoptosis during late pregnancy. Nonetheless a significant number of mammary epithelial cells escape apoptosis and all transgenic females develop breast cancer after the first lactation period.  相似文献   

Conditionally immortalized gastric epithelial cell lines were established from transgenic rats harboring temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 (tsSV40) large T-antigen gene. Gastric mucosal cells and epithelial tissues isolated from the stomach of the transgenic rats were cultured at permissive temperature (33 degrees C), and proliferative cells were cloned by colony formation. Six cell lines (designated as RGE1-01, RGE1-02, RGE1-03, RGE1-21, RGE1-22 and RGE2-01) showing epithelial-like morphology have been established. All cells grew at 33 degrees C, but did not at nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C). High expression level of large T-antigen in the nuclei was observed at 33 degrees C, whereas the expression level was gradually decreased in a time-dependent manner at 39 degrees C. These results suggest that the temperature-sensitive growth characteristics arise as a result of a function of the tsSV40 large T-antigen. None of the cell lines were transformed as judged by anchorage-independent growth assay. Immunocytochemical findings indicated that all cells expressed epithelial cell markers including cytoskeletal (cytokeratin and actin), basement membrane (laminin and collagen type IV) and junctional complex (ZO-1 and desmoplakin I+II) proteins at 33 degrees C. All cells expressed mRNA of cathepsin E, a pit cell marker. Moreover, transepithelial resistance was observed between apical and basolateral sides in the cells. RGE1-22 cells produced prostaglandin E(2). Levels of mRNA for cathepsin E, transepithelial resistance and prostaglandin E(2) were influenced by the nonpermissive temperature. Thus, these conditionally immortalized gastric cell lines which preserve some epithelial cell characteristics will provide a useful in vitro model of gastric epithelium.  相似文献   

T-antigen from SV40-infected BSC-1 cells was purified approximately 30,000 fold using a rapid purification procedure consisting of ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by chromatography on hydroxylapatite, blue-sepharose, and SV40 DNA-sepharose. The SV40 DNA-sepharose was optimized for the binding of T-antigen by the covalent attachment of the SV40 DNA at its BamHI site to cyanogen bromide activated sepharose. The most highly purified T-antigen appeared as a single polypeptide of 94 K daltons by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Mouse teratocarcinoma cells derived from embryoid bodies of 129SVsl mice were cultured in vitro to permit their differentiation. These cells were then infected with simiam virus 40 (SV40) and 31 cloned cell lines (SVTER) were derived from these cultures. All 31 SVTER cell lines contained the SV40 tumor (T) antigen and grew as permanent lines in culture. Mock-infected embryoid body cultures did not give rise to permanent cell lines. The morphology of each SVTER cell line was distinct and did not change during successive subclonings. The growth properties and tumorigenic potential of all 31 SVTER cell lines were investigated. None of these lines produced tumors in 129SVsl mice. Each cell line was tested for its ability to (1) grow in medium containing 1% serum, (2) plate on cell monolayer, and (3) form clones in methocel suspension. Only three of the SVTER cell lines were transformed with respect to all three of these criteria. Most of these cell lines were minimal transformants. The SVTER cell lines were tested for creatine phospholinase (CPK), an enzyme activity chracteristic of mouse brain and muscle tissue, and the protease, plasminogen activator (PA) which is found in embryoid bodies and several differentiated cell types. Some of the SVTER cell lines contained high levels of CPK, while others had high levels of PA and a third group of cells contained neither enzyme activity. No SVTER cell line was found with high levels of both these enzyme activities. This result suggests that mutually exclusive sets of genes are expressed in these cells as might be expected from the distinct tissue distribution of the two enzyme activities studied. These SVTER cell lines may be useful in reconstructing developmental pathways of differentiating teratomas in vitro.  相似文献   

African green monkey cells (CV-1) were infected with SV40 virus at high multiplicities of infection (MOI), and the production of T-antigen was studied. A new instrumentation, flow microfluorometry, coupled with indirect immunofluorescence permitted quantitative evaluation of this antigen. Optimum conditions were determined for antibody excess. Antigen production was not detected for the first 6 h post-infection. The value of this technology is discussed in relation to quantitative evaluation of expression of cellular antigens.  相似文献   

Binding studies of SV40 T-antigen to SV40 binding site II.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
SV40 T-Antigen binding site II was synthesized, cloned and analyzed for its ability to bind purified SV40 T-antigen. We report the binding constant of T-antigen for isolated site II. Using a filter binding assay the calculated binding constant was 6-8 fold less efficient than site I previously reported. Binding constants were calculated using two methods. The first was a direct calculation using a protein titration curve (KD). The second was by the ratio of measured association and dissociation rates. Both methods gave similar constants. Protection studies with SV40 T-antigen on the T-antigen binding sites in the wild-type array demonstrated that the binding constants of site I and site II are similar to those calculated for the individual sites. These results demonstrate that SV40 T-antigen does not bind cooperatively to sites one and two as earlier believed and are in agreement with recent observations emanating from several laboratories.  相似文献   

Four renal cell lines were derived from glomeruli, proximal, distal, and cortical collecting tubules microdissected from the kidneys of transgenic mice carrying the temperature-sensitive mutant of the simian virus 40 large T antigen under the control of the vimentin promoter. All four cell lines contained large T antigen in their nuclei, grew rapidly, and contained vimentin filaments when grown in serum-enriched medium at the permissive temperature of 33°C. The glomerular cell line formed multiple layers of cells and contained smooth muscle actin and desmin filaments, features of mesangial cells. The three tubule cell lines formed monolayers of polarized cuboid cells separated by tight junctions and having a patchy distribution of cytokeratins K8-K18. A shift from 33°C to the restrictive temperature (39.5°C) stopped cell growth in all cell lines and caused profound changes in the content of intermediate filaments. Vimentin was still present in mesangial-like cells, but the proximal, distal, and collecting tubule cells contained uniform networks of cytokeratins K8-K18 and desmoplakin I and II around the cell peripheries. Potassium transport, mediated by NA+-K+ ATPase pumps and specific cAMP hormonal sensitivities, significantly increased in proximal, distal, and collecting tubule cells when shifted from 33°C to 39.5°C. Thus, the temperature-dependent inactivation of large T antigen, responsible for the arrest of cell growth, did not affect the phenotype of mesangial-like glomerular cells but induced some changes in the expression of intermediate filaments and restored, at least partially, the main parental cell-specific functions in proximal, distal, and collecting tubule cultured cells. © 1996  相似文献   

Complete understanding of the physiology and pathology of the cartilage is essential to establish treatments for a variety of cartilage disorders and defects such as rheumatoid arthritis, congenital malformations, and tumors of cartilage. Although synthetic materials have been used in many cases, they possess inherent problems including wear of the materials and low mechanical strength. Autograft has been considered very effective to overcome these problems. However, the limitation of the transplant volume is a major problem in autograft to be overcome. The costal cartilage is the most serious candidate for donor site transplantation, since it is the largest permanent hyaline cartilage in the body. To investigate the possibility using the costal cartilage as a transplant source, we have established and characterized three mouse chondrocyte cell lines (MCC-2, MCC-5, and MCC-35) derived from the costal cartilage of 8-week-old male SV40 large T-antigen transgenic mice. At confluence, all the cell lines formed nodules that could be positively stained with alcian blue (pH 2.5). The size of nodules gradually increased during culturing time. After 2 and 6 weeks of culture, RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that all three cell lines expressed mRNA from the cartilage-specific genes for type II collagen, type XI collagen, aggrecan, and link protein. Furthermore, type X collagen expression was detected in MCC-5 and MCC-35 but not in MCC-2. Any phenotypic changes were not observed over 31 cell divisions. Immunocytochemistry showed further that MCC-2, MCC-5, and MCC-35 produced cartilage-specific proteins type II collagen and type XI collagen, while in addition MCC-5 and MCC-35 produced type X collagen. Treatment with 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) inhibited cell proliferation and differentiation of the three cell lines in a dose-dependent manner. These phenotypic characteristics have been found consistent with chondrocyte cell lines established from cartilage tissues other than costal cartilage. In conclusion, costal cartilage shows phenotypic similarities to other cartilages, i.e., articular cartilage and embryonic limbs, suggesting that costal cartilage may be very useful as the donor transplantation site for the treatment of cartilage disorders. Furthermore, the cell lines established in this study are also beneficial in basic research of cartilage physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

To identify the molecular basis by which nonpermissive temperature (NPT) induces cell differentiation in Sertoli TTE3 cells harboring temperature-sensitive SV40 large T-antigen, we performed global scale microarray and computational gene network analyses. In TTE3 cells, inactivation of the large T-antigen by a NPT at 39 degrees C led to cell differentiation accompanying elevation of transferrin, a marker for differentiation of Sertoli cells, and CDKN1A, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. Of the 22,690 probe sets analyzed, NPT down-regulated 498 probe sets and up-regulated 432 probe sets by >2.0-fold. Hierarchical clustering analysis showed six gene clusters. In the down-regulated cluster I, a significant genetic network including fibronectin 1 was associated with cellular growth and proliferation. In up-regulated cluster IV, a significant genetic network including CDKN1A was associated with cellular differentiation. The present results provide additional novel insights into the molecular basis of cell differentiation induced by NPT in cells.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells belong to an important lymphocyte population that eliminates transformed cells and invading pathogens without any prior sensitization. NK cells possess not only natural killing activity against non-self and altered-self cells but also exhibit cytokine production and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Despite their important roles in the innate immune system, little is known about the details of NK cell biology. In spite of that several murine NK cell clones have been established, studies have mainly focused on their natural killing activity but not their cytokine production or ADCC. In this study, we established and characterized eight novel, immortalized murine NK cell clones derived from a temperature-sensitive SV40 large-T antigen transgenic mouse. These NK cell lines continuously proliferated for more than 30 months in a culture medium supplemented with interleukin 2. All cell lines contained azurophilic granules in the cytoplasm, and a few clones retained the NK cell functions, such as natural killing activity, cytokine production, and ADCC. In addition, one clone could serve as a host for transient as well as stable gene transfection. Taken together, these findings indicate that the cell lines could constitute useful tools for detailed analysis of murine NK cell biology.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MCs) play crucial roles in innate immunity to parasitic and bacterial infections as well as in hypersensitivity, such as the induction and exacerbation of allergy and autoimmune diseases. The regulatory mechanisms for MC development and effector functions are of great interest for developing novel therapeutic strategies against such disorders. Here we report the establishment of novel, immortalized MC lines from bone marrow (BM) cells of a temperature-sensitive mutant of SV40 large T antigen-transgenic mice (termed SVMCs). BM cells from tsSV40LT mice were cultured in the presence of interleukin (IL)-3 for 3 weeks, and then subjected to limiting dilution and single-cell cloning, yielding 27 independent MC clones, three of which were subjected to further analysis. On culture with nerve growth factor, stem cell factor and IL-3, these SVMC clones showed morphologic and biochemical changes from mucosal MC-like to connective-tissue MC-like phenotypes. These SVMC lines exhibited a significantly enhanced proliferation rate, and a higher responsiveness to the high affinity Fc receptor for IgE-mediated intracellular calcium mobilization and degranulation than those of BM-derived cultured MCs. These cell lines should facilitate studies on the mechanisms for the development, differentiation and effector functions of MCs in health and diseases.  相似文献   

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