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Fatigue is recognized as an important safety concern in the transportation industry. In this study, our goal was to investigate how circadian and sleep–wake dependent factors influence St-Lawrence River pilots’ sleep–wake cycle, alertness and psychomotor performance levels at work. A total of 18 male St-Lawrence River ship pilots were recruited to a 16–21-day field study. Pilots’ chronotype, sleepiness and insomnia levels were documented using standardized questionnaires. Their sleep–wake cycle was documented by a sleep–wake log and wrist-worn activity monitoring. Subjective alertness and objective psychomotor performances were assessed ~5×/day for each work and rest day. Ship transits were distributed throughout the 24-h day and lasted on average (± SEM) 5.93 ± 0.67 h. Main sleep periods occurred mainly at night, and objectively lasted 6.04 ± 1.02 h before work days. When going to bed at the end of work days, pilots subjectively reported sleeping 7.64 ± 1.64 h in the prior 24 h. Significant diurnal and wake-dependent effects were observed for subjective alertness and objective psychomotor performance, with minimum levels occurring between 09:00 and 10:00. Thus, despite their irregular work schedule, ship pilots presented, as a group, a diurnal variation of alertness and psychomotor performance indicative of a day-oriented circadian system. Important inter-individual differences were observed on psychomotor performance mesor and phase. In individuals, earlier phases in psychomotor performance were correlated with earlier chronotype. This study indicates that both circadian and homeostatic processes modulate alertness and psychomotor performance levels with worst levels reached when long shifts ended in the morning. This work has potential applications as it indicates fatigue countermeasures considering both processes are scientifically based.  相似文献   

集约用海对海洋生态环境影响的评价方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集中集约用海是一种相对高效、生态和科学的用海方式,但也不可避免会干扰海洋生态系统,甚至带来海洋环境污染和生态破坏。因此,将集约用海工程对海洋生态环境的影响降到最低,进行集约用海对海洋生态环境影响的科学评价是十分重要的。通过分析集约用海工程对海洋生态系统的影响,提出了集约用海工程对海洋生态环境影响评价的主要内容、思路和流程,从海洋生态系统的非生物因子和生物因子两个方面构建了基于"生境质量"和"生态响应"的集约用海对海洋生态环境影响的评价指标体系。"生境质量"指标反映了集约用海工程影响海域的海洋生物栖息环境质量状况的变化,主要包括水环境、沉积环境和典型物种的生物质量指标,"生态响应"指标反映了集约用海工程影响的海域不同营养级的生物对变化环境的生态响应,它主要包括生物群落结构指标和生态敏感区结构、功能指标。在此基础上,结合我国海洋生态环境监测和评估现状,研究并确定了生态环境影响的各评价因子的权重、标准及评价等级,建立了集约用海对海洋生态环境影响的综合指数法评价模型,通过集约用海工程建设前后生态环境综合指数的变化量ΔE来定量地衡量其对海洋生态环境影响的程度。以期为适宜的集约用海工程规模和科学选址提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

A recent worldwide trend in chemical and petrochemical industries is to extend the duration of shifts. Optimization of the labor force to reduce costs is one reason to increase the length of working time in a shift. Implementation of 12h shifts is a controversial decision for managers and scientists. Literature reviews show alertness is lower during the nighttime hours, and sleep duration is reduced and worse during the daytime. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the impacts of 12h shifts on alertness and sleep. To evaluate the duration and quality of sleep and alertness during work, 22 male shift workers on a continuous rotating schedule at a petrochemical plant completed activity logs and estimated alertness using analog 10-cm scales for 30 consecutive days, three times (at 2h, 6h, and 10h of the shift) every work shift. Statistical tests (analysis of variance [ANOVA] and Tukey) were performed to detect differences between workdays and off days. The shift schedule was 2 days/3 nights/4 off days, followed by 3 days/2 nights/5 off days, followed by 2 days/2 nights/5 off days. Sleep duration varied significantly (p < .001) among the work shifts and off days. Comparing work nights, the shortest mean sleep occurred after the second night (mean = 311.4 minutes, SD = 101.7 minutes), followed by the third night (mean = 335.3 minutes, SD = 151.2 minutes). All but one shift (sleep after the first work night) were significantly different from sleep after the first 2 workdays (p < .002). Tukey tests showed no significant differences in sleep quality between workdays and nights, with the exception of sleep after the third day compared to sleep after night shifts. However, significant differences were detected between off days and work nights (p < .01). ANOVA analysis showed borderline differences among perceived alertness during day shifts (p = .073) and significant differences among the hours of the shifts (p = .0005), especially when comparing the 2nd hour of the first day with the 10th hour of all the day shifts. There were no significant differences in perceived alertness during night work among the first, second, and third nights (p = .573), but there were significant differences comparing the times (2nd, 6th, 10th hour) of the night shifts (p < .001). The evaluation of sleep (duration and quality) and level of alertness have been extensively used in the literature as indicators of possible performance decrements at work. The results of this study show poorer sleep after and significantly decreased alertness during night work. Shifts of 12h are usually implemented for technical and economic reasons. These results point out the necessity of a careful trade-off between the financial and technical gains longer shifts might bring and the possible losses due to incidents or accidents from performance decrements during work.  相似文献   

Night-float rotations were designed to alleviate the workload of residents on night call and thereby improve patient safety. However, the impact of the night float on residents is yet to be surveyed. We assessed the impact of the night-float rotation on pediatric residents using an anonymous questionnaire that covered topics, based on recall, about sleep, mood, alertness, adjustment, and others. The study was conducted in a major tertiary pediatric teaching hospital in the United States. Participants were pediatric residents who had completed one or two night-float rotations and were in active training at our teaching hospital at the time of the study. Fifty-two of 60 eligible residents (87%) responded. Sleep duration during the night-float rotation was shorter than during day-shift work in 24 residents (46%), longer in 20 (38%), and unchanged in eight (15%). A higher proportion of residents took longer to fall asleep, had more difficulty falling asleep, had more sleep interruptions, and felt less rested upon awakening. Twenty-four residents (46%) felt that their bodies never adjusted to the night shift. Also, 22 residents (43%) felt moody or depressed in contrast to seven (14%) who felt depressed during the daytime rotation (p=0.0001). Twenty-one residents (41%) felt they were slower in their thinking during the night float than daytime rotations. The results suggest that disturbances of sleep and mood and decreased alertness, typical of night shift, are present in the night-float rotation. Residency programs should monitor closely the impact of the night-float rotation on resident well being and patient safety. The impact of night-shift work should be considered in the design of night-float schedules, and teaching should be provided for residents to learn coping strategies for night-shift work.  相似文献   

Actual working hours of employees vary widely, especially in the transportation industry. We developed a tool, the RAS (Representation and Analysis Software), to ease the assessment of such irregular hours and the transfer of existing knowledge of proper schedule design to the problem of irregular hours. This article discusses several critical design questions that were addressed during software development in order for it to assess irregular work patterns, including the (1) importance, in spite of a lack of established definitions, of basic concepts like, e.g., night shift, (2) difficulty of modeling and adapting existing knowledge on proper design, and (3) large number of analytical methods and additional data beyond company schedule that are necessary to meet the needs of various research groups. This article describes how the RAS addresses these three issues by illustrating its application to the work schedule of a train driver involved in the Hinton train disaster.  相似文献   



This study aimed to explore the value of extended motor nerve conduction studies in patients with ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow (UNE) in order to find the most sensitive and least time-consuming method. We wanted to evaluate the utility of examining both the sensory branch from the fifth finger and the dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve. Further we intended to study the clinical symptoms and findings, and a possible correlation between the neurophysiological findings and pain.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate how "double-shifts" (15.5 hours) affects sleep, fatigue and self-rated health. The study was carried out on male construction workers of which 80% were long-distance commuters. The schedule involved two work periods and each work period involved two double shifts in a row. The subjects filled in a sleep/wake diary at 8 times across a year and a questionnaire at 3 times. They also wore an actigraph during one shift cycle. The results showed that sleepiness, and to a certain extent, mental fatigue increased during double shifts and accumulated across days. The short rest time (8.5 hours) between days caused insufficient sleep and approximately 5.5 hours of sleep was obtained between double shifts. Questionnaire data showed that complaints of insufficient sleep, exhaustion on awakening and pain symptoms increased across the year. It was concluded that a shift system involving double shifts has a negative effect on fatigue, recovery and health-related well-being.  相似文献   

International commercial airline pilots may experience heightened fatigue due to irregular sleep schedules, long duty days, night flying, and multiple time zone changes. Importantly, current commercial airline flight and duty time regulations are based on work/rest factors and not sleep/wake factors. Consequently, the primary aim of the current study was to investigate pilots' amount of sleep, subjective fatigue, and sustained attention before and after international flights. A secondary aim was to determine whether prior sleep and/or duty history predicted pilots' subjective fatigue and sustained attention during the international flights. Nineteen pilots (ten captains, nine first officers; mean age: 47.42+/-7.52 years) participated. Pilots wore wrist activity monitors and completed sleep and duty diaries during a return pattern from Australia to Europe via Asia. The pattern included four flights: Australia-Asia, Asia-Europe, Europe-Asia, and Asia-Australia. Before and after each flight, pilots completed a 5 min PalmPilot-based psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) and self-rated their level of fatigue using the Samn-Perelli Fatigue Checklist. Separate repeated-measures ANOVAs were used to determine the impact of stage of flight and flight sector on the pilots' sleep in the prior 24 h, self-rated fatigue, and PVT mean response speed. Linear mixed model regression analyses were conducted to examine the impact of sleep in the prior 24 h, prior wake, duty length, and flight sector on pilots' self-rated fatigue and sustained attention before and after the international flights. A significant main effect of stage of flight was found for sleep in the prior 24 h, self-rated fatigue, and mean response speed (all p < 0.05). In addition, a significant main effect of flight sector on self-rated fatigue was found (p < .01). The interaction between flight sector and stage of flight was significant for sleep in the prior 24 h and self-rated fatigue (both p < .05). Linear mixed model analyses indicated that sleep in the prior 24 h was a significant predictor of self-rated fatigue and mean response speed after the international flight sectors. Flight sector was also a significant predictor of self-rated fatigue. These findings highlight the importance of sleep and fatigue countermeasures during international patterns. Furthermore, in order to minimize the risk of fatigue, the sleep obtained by pilots should be taken into account in the development of flight and duty time regulations.  相似文献   

The study examined the impact of family type on the timing and duration of sleep of 16 experienced female shiftworkers working a rotating 3-shift roster. The nurses lived in one of three domestic lifestyle arrangements: single with no child care responsibilities (N = 4), partnered with no child care responsibilities (N = 5) and partnered with child care responsibilities (N = 7). Self report sleep diaries were used to collect data over a period of 28 days, following which each nurse took part in a conversational interview. Comparisons of the roster mean sleep durations between groups show that nurses who do not have the added unwaged workload of child care, record significantly more sleep than nurses with such responsibilities. Analysis of the data by shift type shows a significant difference for afternoon shift: nurses with child care responsibilities record a significantly earlier rise time and a significantly shorter total sleep duration. The interview data further highlights how sleep patterns are related to the time constraints of both domestic and waged work.  相似文献   

Previous studies found students who both work and attend school undergo a partial sleep deprivation that accumulates across the week. The aim of the present study was to obtain information using a questionnaire on a number of variables (e.g., socio-demographics, lifestyle, work timing, and sleep-wake habits) considered to impact on sleep duration of working (n = 51) and non-working (n = 41) high-school students aged 14-21 yrs old attending evening classes (19:00-22:30 h) at a public school in the city of S?o Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected for working days and days off. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with sleep duration on weekdays and weekends. Work, sex, age, smoking, consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and physical activity were considered control variables. Significant predictors of sleep duration were: work ( p < 0.01), daily work duration (8-10 h/day; p < 0.01), sex ( p = 0.04), age 18-21 yrs (0.01), smoking( p = 0.02) and drinking habits ( p = 0.03), irregular physical exercise (p < 0.01), ease of falling asleep ( p = 0.04), and the sleep-wake cycle variables of napping ( p < 0.01), nocturnal awakenings ( p < 0.01), and mid-sleep regularity ( p < 0.01). The results confirm the hypotheses that young students who work and attend school showed a reduction in night-time sleep duration. Sleep deprivation across the week, particularly in students working 8-10 h/day, is manifested through a sleep rebound (i.e., extended sleep duration) on Saturdays. However, the different roles played by socio-demographic and lifestyle variables have proven to be factors that intervene with nocturnal sleep duration. The variables related to the sleep-wake cycle-naps and night awakenings-proved to be associated with a slight reduction in night-time sleep, while regularity in sleep and wake-up schedules was shown to be associated with more extended sleep duration, with a distinct expression along the week and the weekend. Having to attend school and work, coupled with other sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, creates an unfavorable scenario for satisfactory sleep duration.  相似文献   

Long-haul airline pilots often experience elevated levels of fatigue due to extended work hours and circadian misalignment of sleep and wake periods. During long-haul trips, pilots are typically given 1-3 d off between flights (i.e., layover) to recover from, and prepare for, duty. Anecdotally, some pilots prefer long layovers because it maximizes the time available for recovery and preparation, but others prefer short layovers because it minimizes both the length of the trip, and the degree to which the body clock changes from "home time" to the layover time zone. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of layover length on the sleep, subjective fatigue levels, and capacity to sustain attention of long-haul pilots. Participants were 19 male pilots (10 Captains, 9 First Officers) working for an international airline. Data were collected during an 11- or 12-d international trip. The trips involved (i) 4 d at home prior to the trip; (ii) an eastward flight of 13.5 h across seven time zones; (iii) a layover of either 39 h (i.e., short, n = 9) or 62 h (i.e., long, n = 10); (iv) a return westward flight of 14.3 h across seven time zones; and (v) 4 d off at home after the trip. Sleep was recorded using a self-report sleep diary and wrist activity monitor; subjective fatigue level was measured using the Samn-Perelli Fatigue Checklist; and sustained attention was assessed using the psychomotor vigilance task for a personal digital assistant (PalmPVT). Mixed-model regression analyses were used to determine the effects of layover length (short, long) on the amount of sleep that pilots obtained during the trip, and on the pilots' subjective fatigue levels and capacity to sustain attention. There was no main effect of layover length on ground-based sleep or in-flight sleep, but pilots who had a short layover at the midpoint of their trip had higher subjective fatigue levels and poorer sustained attention than pilots who had a long layover. The results of this study indicate that a short layover during a long-haul trip does not substantially disrupt pilots' sleep, but it may result in elevated levels of fatigue during and after the trip. If short layovers are used, pilots should have a minimum of 4 d off to recover prior to their next long-haul trip.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of caffeine ingestion and partial sleep deprivation on mood and cognitive and physical performances. In randomised order, 12 healthy male physical education students completed four test sessions at 18:00 h after placebo or 5 mg/kg of caffeine ingestion during a baseline night (RN) (bed time: from 22:00 to 07:00 h), or during a night of partial (four hrs) sleep deprivation (PSD). During each test session, participants performed a reaction time test, a vigilance test, the 10 s Wingate cycling test during (measuring peak power (PP) and anaerobic capacity), and the 5 m multiple shuttle test (measuring peak distance (PD), total distance (TD), and fatigue index (FI)). Compared to RN, simple reaction time, vigilance, PP, PD, TD, and FI were altered by PSD the following day after placebo ingestion with increased reaction time and FI and reduced PP, PD, TD, and vigilance (p < 0.001). Moreover, during PSD condition, PP, PD, and TD were significantly higher after caffeine ingestion in comparison with placebo ingestion (p < 0.05). However, both simple reaction times and vigilance were significantly lower after caffeine ingestion in comparison with placebo during PSD (p < 0.05). Caffeine is an effective strategy to maintain physical and cognitive performances the day after PSD.  相似文献   

The early migration and habitat use of brown trout Salmo trutta post‐smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters (n = 50) were investigated in a fjord system in central Norway from 30 April to 26 November 2014. The main aims were to investigate return rate, marine residence time and spatial use of the fjord system. Median seaward migration and return to fresh water dates were 22 May and 4 July, respectively. Of the 40 seaward migrating smolts, 26 returned to fresh water, giving a minimum return rate to fresh water of 65%. Entrance to the fjord from the river occurred mainly at night (80% of the S. trutta), however, no such diurnal pattern was observed during the return migration. Mean marine residence time was 38 days, but with large individual variation (22–99 days). The innermost parts of the study area were more utilized than the outer part of the fjord system during the sea residency, and with more use of the near shore habitat than the open, pelagic areas. Many post‐smolts also utilized the outer part of the fjord system, however, and 94% of the post‐smolts were recorded at least 14 km from the home river mouth. Marine survival and distribution in the fjord were size dependent with the largest individuals utilizing outer fjord areas and having higher return rates to fresh water. As far as is known, this is the first published study on temporal and spatial behaviour in the marine environment of first‐time S. trutta migrants during the full course of their first trip to sea.  相似文献   

Currently, the degree to which sleep loss influences weightlifting performance is unknown. This study compared the effects of 24 hours of sleep loss on weightlifting performance and subjective ratings of psychological states pre-exercise and postexercise in national-caliber male collegiate weightlifters. Nine males performed a maximal weightlifting protocol following 24 hours of sleep loss and a night of normal sleep. The subjects participated in a randomized, counterbalanced design with each sleep condition separated by 7 days. Testosterone and cortisol levels were quantified prior to, immediately after, and 1 hour after the resistance training session. Additionally, profile of mood states and subjective sleepiness were evaluated at the same time points. The resistance training protocol consisted of several sets of snatches, clean and jerks, and front squats. Performance was evaluated as individual exercise volume load, training intensity and overall workout volume load, and training intensity. During each training session the maximum weight lifted for the snatch, clean and jerk, and front squat were noted. No significant differences were found for any of the performance variables. A significant decrease following the sleep condition was noted for cortisol concentration immediately after and 1 hour postexercise. Vigor, fatigue, confusion, total mood disturbance, and sleepiness were all significantly altered by sleep loss. These data suggest that 24 hours of sleep loss has no adverse effects on weightlifting performance. If an athlete is in an acute period of sleep loss, as noticed by negative mood disturbances, it may be more beneficial to focus on the psychological (motivation) rather than the physiological aspect of the sport.  相似文献   

Biogeography of the marine birds of a confined sea, the Mediterranean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Aim The Mediterranean sea is a winter productive oligotrophic basin where Atlantic water replaces water lost through evaporation, this influx being a major source of productivity and fertility. The long coastlines and the large number of islands cause high oceanographic heterogeneity. Moreover, during its geological history, it has dried out several times. So we describe the consequences of these particular features on species richness, distribution, and breeding ecology of marine birds. Location The Mediterranean sea (including the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov) communicates with the Atlantic Ocean only through a 14 km wide channel (Straits of Gibraltar), and since 1869, with the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. Methods The Mediterranean was subdivided into different areas, according to physical oceanographic entities and productivity, linked to numbers and distribution of both breeding and wintering marine birds (defined as species strongly dependent on marine resources, breeding only on islands and/or the coastline). Results The total marine bird biomass, and species diversity, are lower in the Mediterranean than in the near Atlantic. The eastern Mediterranean, with lowest primary productivity, contains fewer marine bird taxa than the more productive western part. Taxa which mainly occur in the western and southern parts of the Mediterranean migrate through the Straits of Gibraltar to winter in the southern Atlantic, while those inhabiting the northern and eastern parts are sedentary, as a result of differences in species composition. Northern coastal basin communities (i.e. the Tyrrhenian and the Balearic Seas), are composed of less pelagic, and earlier breeding species, that rear chicks during the productive season. These latter taxa are actually the most typical Mediterranean taxa, in terms of endemism. Main conclusions The Mediterranean marine bird community is not tropical, but rather, shows the highest affinity with the Atlantic temperate community. Its level of endemism is however high and comparable to other confined basins such as the Red Sea.  相似文献   

We recorded sleep electroencephalogram longitudinally across ages 9-18 yr in subjects sleeping at home. Recordings were made twice yearly on 4 consecutive nights: 2 nights with the subjects maintaining their ongoing school-night schedules, and 2 nights with time in bed extended to 12 h. As expected, school-night total sleep time declined with age. This decline was entirely produced by decreasing non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep durations increased slightly but significantly. NREM and REM sleep durations also exhibited different age trajectories when sleep was extended. Both durations exceeded those on school-night schedules. However, the elevated NREM duration did not change with age, whereas REM durations increased significantly. We interpret the adolescent decline in school-night NREM duration in relation to our hypothesis that NREM sleep reverses changes produced in plastic brain systems during waking. The "substrate" produced during waking declines across adolescence, because synaptic elimination decreases the intensity (metabolic rate) of waking brain activity. Declining substrate reduces both NREM intensity (i.e., delta power) and NREM duration. The absence of a decline in REM sleep duration on school-night sleep and its age-dependent increase in extended sleep pose new challenges to understanding its physiological role. Whatever their ultimate explanation, these robust findings demonstrate that the two physiological states of human sleep respond differently to the maturational brain changes of adolescence. Understanding these differences should shed new light on both brain development and the functions of sleep.  相似文献   

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