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The movements of the isolated buccal mass of Octopus vulgaris have been investigated. The beaks undergo rhythmic cycles of activity in the absence of applied stimulation and after electrical stimulation of the inter-buccal connective. Initial opening, closing, retraction and re-opening phases of movement are described. This cycle of movements is taken to resemble those in the intact animal. Anatomical and electrical evidence identifies the superior mandibular muscle as being partly responsible for the closing and retraction phases of movement. The inferior buccal ganglion determines the sequence of these buccal movements, but modification by sensory feed-back from the musculature is also implied. The preparation will allow a closer comparison of the control of movement in cephalopods and gastropods.  相似文献   

Self-motion disturbs the stability of retinal images by inducing optic flow. Objects of interest need to be fixated or tracked, yet these eye movements can infringe on the experienced retinal flow that is important for visual navigation. Separating the components of optic flow caused by an eye movement from those due to self-motion, as well as using optic flow for visual navigation while simultaneously maintaining visual acuity on near targets, represent key challenges for the visual system. Here we summarize recent advances in our understanding of how the visuomotor and vestibulomotor systems function and interact, given the complex task of compensating for instabilities of retinal images, which typically vary as a function of retinal location and differ for each eye.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if simple, shoulder movements use the dual control hypothesis strategy, previously demonstrated with elbow movements, and to see if this strategy also applies in the absence of visual feedback. Twenty subjects were seated with their right arm abducted to 90 degrees and externally rotated in the scapular plane. Subjects internally rotated to a target position using a custom shoulder wheel at three different speeds with and without visual feedback. Kinematics were collected with a motion analysis system and electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the pectoralis major (PECT), infraspinatus (INFRA), anterior and posterior (ADELT, PDELT) deltoid muscles were used to evaluate muscle activity patterns during movements. Kinematics changed as movement speed increased with less accuracy (p<0.01). Greater EMG activity was observed in the PECT, PDELT, and INFRA with shorter durations for the ADELT, PDELT and INFRA. Movements with only kinesthetic feedback were less accurate (p<0.01) and performed faster (p<0.01) than movements with visual feedback. EMG activity suggests no major difference in CNS control strategies in movements with and without visual feedback. Greater resolution with visual feedback enables the implementation of a dual control strategy, allowing greater movement velocity while maintaining accuracy.  相似文献   

The effects of visual and auditory relevant feedback on human forearm movements elicited by random position signal sequences were examined. Forearm movements were performed with four feedback conditions. We observed the reaction time, the holding time, and the adjustment error sequences when the arm moved briskly and accurately to the target position. As the results, the reaction times for auditory relevant feedback were shorter than those for the others (visual or no feedback). The holding times for auditory relevant feedback were longer than those for the others. And the subjects had about one adjustment error to terminate on the target zone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the role of visual and proprioceptive feedback in upper limb posture control in fibromyalgia (FM) and to assess the coherence between acceleration measurements of upper limb micro movements and surface electromyography (sEMG) of shoulder muscle activity (upper trapezius and deltoid). Twenty-five female FM patients and 25 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) performed three precision motor tasks: (1) maintain a steady shoulder abduction angle of 45° while receiving visual feedback about upper arm position and supporting external loads (0.5, 1, or 2 kg), (2) maintain the same shoulder abduction angle without visual feedback (eyes closed) and no external loading, and (3) a joint position sense test (i.e., assessment of proprioceptive accuracy). Patients had more extensive increase in movement variance than HCs when visual feedback was removed (P < 0.03). Proprioceptive accuracy was related to movement variance in HCs (R  0.59, P  0.002), but not in patients (R  0.25, P  0.24). There was no difference between patients and HCs in coherence between sEMG and acceleration data. These results may indicate that FM patients are more dependent on visual feedback and less reliant on proprioceptive information for upper limb posture control compared to HCs.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.This work was sponsored in part by a Research Advisory Grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs awarded to Joanne Intrator. We gratefully acknowledge the valuable contributions of K. Duvvi, S. Kemble, and L. Kolman.  相似文献   

The efficacy of electromyographic feedback training in reducing the magnitude and frequency of the oral-lingual movements associated with tardive dyskinesia (TD) was investigated in a groups design. Twenty adult male inpatients diagnosed as having TD using the Abnormal Involuntary Movements Scale (AIMS) were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions. Following identification, all participants were initially reduced to the lowest effective dosage of neuroleptics, and then discontinued from anticholinergics. Following one month on this regimen, they were given a course of feedback training consisting of ten 14-minute sessions. Group one participants were provided with a tone contingent upon oral-lingual movements above a yoked threshold. Group two participants were given noncontingent feedback tones generated randomly. Weekly AIMS were administered as well as an initial baseline during each session to determine current level of oral-lingual activity. An analysis of session effects indicated significantly more suppression of oral-lingual activity in the contingent group versus the noncontingent feedback group. Jaw and forehead activity also measured showed reductions of similar magnitudes for both groups.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of kinaesthetic feedback in the control of goal-directed movements. The subjects were qualified basketball and handball players compared to weightlifters as controls. The body measures and the general motor tests verified fit physical condition of the subjects, and detected no sign that would disturb the execution of special motor tests. The special motor tests were free-throw shootings with basketball to the basket, free shootings with handball to a rectangular frame, zigzag dribbling with basketball to 14 m among traffic cones 2 m apart, and stopping at a mark after running to 10 m. These tests were performed both with open eyes and closed eyes. The results of all special motor tests decreased significantly in the lack of visual information. Furthermore, in contrast to the significantly different results obtained from the three different groups with open eyes, these groups produced equally minor results with closed eyes. It is concluded that the practice of goal-directed movement, learned under visual guidance, does not make the kinaesthetic feedback able to compensate the lack of visual input.  相似文献   

Born RT  Groh JM  Zhao R  Lukasewycz SJ 《Neuron》2000,26(3):725-734
To track a moving object, its motion must first be distinguished from that of the background. The center-surround properties of neurons in the middle temporal visual area (MT) may be important for signaling the relative motion between object and background. To test this, we microstimulated within MT and measured the effects on monkeys' eye movements to moving targets. We found that stimulation at "local motion" sites, where receptive fields possessed antagonistic surrounds, shifted pursuit in the preferred direction of the neurons, whereas stimulation at "wide-field motion" sites shifted pursuit in the opposite, or null, direction. We propose that activating wide-field sites simulated background motion, thus inducing a target motion signal in the opposite direction. Our results support the hypothesis that neuronal center-surround mechanisms contribute to the behavioral segregation of objects from the background.  相似文献   

Persons with shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS) present impairments that can be improved following supervised movement training with feedback; however, retention is low. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if kinematic changes observed following supervised training can be maintained using unsupervised training with visual feedback. Thirty-three subjects with SIS participated in two visits, one day apart. Kinematic patterns of the upper limb were evaluated once during the first visit, immediately after supervised training; they were evaluated twice during the second visit, before and immediately after unsupervised training. Kinematic patterns were characterized by total excursion and final position during reaching. Unsupervised training consisted of reaching movements performed in front of a mirror. The day after supervised training, subjects with SIS used significantly larger trunk rotation and finished reaching with the trunk more rotated as compared to immediately after supervised training. Following unsupervised training, kinematics of the trunk was back to the level observed immediately after supervised training. Subjects who presented the largest kinematic deficits also significantly improved their shoulder and clavicular movements. Unsupervised training appears to be a good complement to supervised training in order to normalize the kinematic impairments of persons with SIS as compared to healthy subjects.  相似文献   

A new functional classification of muscles, determining movements of the mandible is presented. This classification reflects anatomo-topographic and histogenetic peculiarities of the muscles in question. Their functional differentiation in phylogenesis is motivated, coming from specific tasks they perform. Two groups of muscles of direct and mediated action on the mandible are distinguished. The groups are divided into functional subgroups. Mathematical correlations between various subgroups of the muscles at normal functioning of the mandible are presented. This makes possible to perform calculations of the acting muscle forces at planning reconstructive operative interventions in the maxillofacial area.  相似文献   

Prenatal lung development requires fetal breathing movements (FBM). To investigate the dependence of FBM on feedback originating from the lung, we hypothesized that pneumonectomy stimulates FBM. Time-dated fetal sheep underwent bilateral pneumonectomy, unilateral pneumonectomy, or sham surgery at 125-130 days gestation. The incidence of FBM decreased in sham-operated fetuses at 142 days versus 130 days (p = 0.013), but was unchanged across all gestational ages in bilaterally pneumonectomized fetuses (p > or = 0.52). In unilaterally pneumonectomized fetuses, the incidence of FBM remained unchanged until 139 days and was higher than that of the bilaterally pneumonectomized fetuses at 130-136 days gestation (p < or = 0.03). The amplitude of integrated diaphragmatic electromyographic activity (integralEMG(di)) and total respiratory output (frequency of breathing x integralEMG(di)) were lower in pneumonectomized fetuses versus sham-operated fetuses at later gestational ages (p < 0.05). These decreases in integralEMG(di) and total respiratory output were most pronounced at 142 days in bilaterally pneumonectomized fetuses versus sham-operated fetuses (p = 0.006 and 0.016, respectively). Low-voltage electrocortical activity (ECoG) increased, and high-voltage ECoG decreased, in unilaterally pneumonectomized fetuses compared with sham-operated fetuses (p = 0.04). In conclusion, we provide new evidence that feedback from the fetal lung modulates the incidence and various components of phrenic nerve output, suggesting a positive feedback mechanism between FBM and lung development.  相似文献   

We investigated how visual attentional resources are allocated during reaching movements. Particularly, this study examined whether or not the direction of the reaching movement affected visual attention resource allocation. Participants held a stylus pen to reach their hand toward a target stimulus on a graphics tablet as quickly and accurately as possible. The direction of the hand movement was either from near to far space or the reverse. They observed visual stimuli and a cursor, which represented the hand position, on a perpendicularly positioned display, instead of directly seeing their hand movements. Regardless of the movement direction, the participants tended with quickly responding to the target stimuli located far from the start position as compared with those located near to the start position. These results led us to conclude that attentional resources were preferentially allocated in the areas far from the start position of reaching movements. These findings may provide important information for basic research on attention, but also contribute to a decrease of human errors in manipulation tasks performed with visual feedback on visual display terminals.  相似文献   

Extra-dural or cerebroventricular intracranial pressure was measured in 7 unanaesthetized fetal sheep (123-137 days gestation). Basal intracranial pressure was 6.7 +/- 1.7 mmHg, but there were many transient increases of pressure in association with spontaneous changes of amniotic pressure, fetal intrathoracic pressure, and particularly when the fetal nuchal muscles were active. These spontaneous increases of intracranial pressure were often associated with cessation of breathing movements and change of the electrocorticogram from low to high voltage activity. To test whether increased intracranial pressure influenced breathing movements and electrocortical activity, intracranial pressure was raised either by occluding the superior vena cava for 1 min with an implanted extravascular cuff, or by extra-dural injection of 0.3-1.0 ml of 0.9% NaCl. Increasing the intracranial pressure 5-15 mmHg by either method during low voltage electrocortical activity caused cessation of breathing movements, electro-ocular activity, and change of the electrocorticogram from low to high voltage in a significant proportion of trials. We propose that natural fluctuations of intracranial pressure caused by compression of the fetal body or skull, by body movements or by uterine activity, may cause changes in electrocortical activity and breathing movements.  相似文献   

Coordinated eye-head movements evoked by the presentation of visual, auditory and combined audio-visual targets were studied in 24 human subjects. At 60 deg located targets latencies of eye and head movements were shorter for auditory than for visual stimuli. Latencies were shorter for bisensory than for monosensory targets. The eye and head latencies were differently influenced by the modality of the stimulus when the eccentricity of the target was changed, but not by the variation of the stimulus duration. The different responses of the eye and the head depending on target modality and target eccentricity can be partially attributed to perceptual and central processing mechanisms, and are important to answer the question about the initial event in coordinated eye-head orientation.  相似文献   


This study analyzed the characteristics of pursuit and assessed the influence of prior and visual information on eye velocity and saccades in amblyopic and control children, in comparison to adults. Eye movements of 41 children (21 amblyopes and 20 controls) were compared to eye movements of 55 adults (18 amblyopes and 37 controls). Participants were asked to pursue a target moving at a constant velocity. The target was either a ‘standard’ target, with a uniform color intensity, or a ‘noisy’ target, with blurry edges, to mimic the blurriness of an amblyopic eye. Analysis of pursuit patterns showed that the onset was delayed, and the gain was decreased in control children with a noisy target in comparison to amblyopic or control children with a standard target. Furthermore, a significant effect of prior and visual information on pursuit velocity and saccades was found across all participants. Moreover, the modulation of the effect of visual information on the pursuit velocity by group, that is amblyopes or controls with a standard target, and controls with a noisy target, was more limited in children. In other words, the effect of visual information was higher in control adults with a standard target compared to control children with the same target. However, in the case of a blurry target, either in control participants with a noisy target or in amblyopic participants with a standard target, the effect of visual information was larger in children.


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