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Summary Membrane filters overlaid on slabs of a model solid substrate enabled recovery of biomass ofRhizopus oligosporus. Although the presence of the membrane filter affects the growth ofRhizopus oligosporus it provides a useful tool for studying solid-state fermentation.  相似文献   

Summary Metal ions and cassava extracts stimulated growth ofRhizopus oligosporus on a model solid substrate. A large improvement in protein content was obtained by simultaneously increasing the nitrogen content and decreasing the particle size of the substrate. No improvement occurred when these conditions were applied to cassava, however, because of the sticky consistency of the cassava after gelatinization.  相似文献   

Summary Rhizopus arrhizus biomass attached itself to fermentor walls, baffles and impellers when grown in casein/ glucose media. In shake flasks, dispersed filamentous growth was produced in media containing certain concentrations of glucose and soya flour. Other media tested produced pelleted or clumpy growth. Medium initial pH did not affect morphology type. Dispersed growth could not be obtained by addition of detergents, oils and polymers to a clear glucose/soya peptone medium. Addition of maize solids to this medium resulted in dispersed growth which occurred even in the presence of calcium, which in most media caused pellet formation. Mycelia appeared to bind to the maize particles and use these as growth centres thereby preventing pellet or clump formation. Mycelial pellets appeared to originate either from a single spore or by interaction of branched hyphae from different spores. Medium composition and macro-morphology type correlate with differences in hyphal structures.  相似文献   

Rice bran was superior to other proteinaceous substrates for protease production by Rhizopus oligosporus ACM 145F in solid-state fermentation. Maximum protease yield was after 72 h. The optimal initial moisture content was 47% (a w=0.97). Dried, ground and resuspended fermented rice was the most pratical and effective inoculum preparation, although, in the laboratory, spore suspensions prepared directly from agar slants were more convenient. Inoculum density (from 102 to 107 spores/g substrate) and age (3, 5, 7 and 9 days) had little effect on protease yield.The authors are with the Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia  相似文献   

 The microcolony technique enables the effects of several atmospheric conditions on fungal growth to be studied by measuring the radius of the colony, while excluding effects of those conditions on germination of the sporangiospores. Various concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the gas environment were found to influence growth of Rhizopus oligosporus on malt extract/soya peptone/agar. The maximum radial growth rate was 1.48 mm/h and the maximum specific growth rate was 0.109 h-1 at 30 °C. Oxygen became limiting below 1% (v/v), but growth remained possible at levels of 0.001% oxygen. Carbon dioxide stimulated growth at limiting oxygen levels. The specific growth rate increased from 0.043 h-1 at 0.5% (v/v) oxygen and 0% (v/v) carbon dioxide to 0.096 h-1 at 0.5% (v/v) oxygen and 5% (v/v) carbon dioxide. A mixture of 0.5% (v/v) oxygen and 35% (v/v) carbon dioxide inhibited growth. Delay of sporangiospore germination due to low (less than 0.001%) amounts of oxygen was not observed with the techniques used. Fungal activity in a rotating drum fermentor was more strongly affected by low levels of oxygen than was biomass formation on model media. High concentrations of carbon dioxide inhibited growth in the rotating drum fermentor at non-limiting levels of oxygen. It is concluded that aeration and heat removal are both essential aspects of optimization of large-scale solid-substrate bioreactors with Rh. oligosporus. Received: 5 August 1994/Received revision: 14 November 1994/Accepted: 5 December 1994  相似文献   

Summary Incubation temperature, inoculum size, initial pH and pH control play a major role in cassava starch to glucose conversion byRhizopus oligosporus. Maximal glucose production was obtained after 45 to 48 h fermentation at 45°C, pH control at 4.0, 5% cassava starch, agitation rate of 300 rev./min. and aeration rate of 85 ml/min. Under these conditions, starch hydrolysis was 99.4% with a starch-to-glucose conversion efficiency of 91.6% and a final yield of 35.2 g/l glucose with a biomass yield of only 2.8 g/100 g cassava starch.
Optimisation de la conversion de l'amidon de manioc en glucose par Rhizopus oligosporus
Résumé La température d'incubation, la taille de l'inoculum, le pH initial et le contrôle du pH jouent un rôle majeur dans la conversion de l'amidon de manioc en glucose parRhizopus oligosporus. On obtient la production maximum de glucose après 45–48 h de fermentation à 45°C, avec un contrôle de pH à 4.0, 5% d'amidon de manioc, une vitesse d'agitation de 300 tpm et une vitesse d'aération de 85 ml/min. Dans ces conditions, l'hydrolyse de l'amidon atteint 99.4% avec une efficacité de conversion de l'amidon en glucose de 91.6% et un rendement final de 35.2 g de glucose par litre pour un rendement en biomasse de 2.8 g seulement par 100 g d'amidon de manioc.

Membrane filter culture was used to relate O2 uptake with direct biomass measurement of Rhizopus oligosporus in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Overall values of YX/O and mO were 0.782 mg biomass mg O2–1 and 0.0413 mg O2 mg biomass–1 h–1, respectively. However, these values were not constant during the fermentation, which makes the use of O2 uptake to estimate biomass during SSF problematic. Despite these problems, measuring bioreactor off-gases is the only practical method which allows on-line monitoring of bioreactor performance.  相似文献   

Cellulose cassava bagasse nanofibrils (CBN) were directly extracted from a by-product of the cassava starch (CS) industry, viz. the cassava bagasse (CB). The morphological structure of the ensuing nanoparticles was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), presence of other components such as sugars by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments. The resulting nanofibrils display a relatively low crystallinity and were found to be around 2–11 nm thick and 360–1700 nm long. These nanofibrils were used as reinforcing nanoparticles in a thermoplastic cassava starch matrix plasticized using either glycerol or a mixture of glycerol/sorbitol (1:1) as plasticizer. Nanocomposite films were prepared by a melting process. The reinforcing effect of the filler evaluated by dynamical mechanical tests (DMA) and tensile tests was found to depend on the nature of the plasticizer employed. Thus, for the glycerol-plasticized matrix-based composites, it was limited especially due to additional plasticization by sugars originating from starch hydrolysis during the acid extraction. This effect was evidenced by the reduction of glass vitreous temperature of starch after the incorporation of nanofibrils in TPSG and by the increase of elongation at break in tensile test. On the other hand, for glycerol/sorbitol plasticized nanocomposites the transcrystallization of amylopectin in nanofibrils surface hindered good performances of CBN as reinforcing agent for thermoplastic cassava starch. The incorporation of cassava bagasse cellulose nanofibrils in the thermoplastic starch matrices has resulted in a decrease of its hydrophilic character especially for glycerol plasticized sample.  相似文献   

Yeasts and yeast-like organisms were chosen for the aerobic treatment of cassava starch factory effluent. A mixed culture of Candida utills and Endomycopsis fibuliger efficiently and rapidly utilized both starch and free sugars. After 28 h fermentation the protein content of the biomass was 22% (w/w), which remained unchanged during the remainder of the fermentation (60 h). This treatment removed 94% of the COD and 91% of the BOD.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(1):59-65
A simple, non-aseptic, low-cost single process had been developed for the treatment of starch processing wastewater (SPW) with the production of fungal protein and glucoamylase enzyme. The selected fungus Rhizopus oligosporus DAR 2710 has the ability to covert more than 95% starch materials in SPW to produce 4.5–5.2 g of dry fungal biomass from a litre of SPW in 14 h cultivation at 35°C and initial pH 4.0. The fungal biomass contained 46% protein and was safe for human and animal consumption. The process using an air lift bioreactor was successfully carried out in a batch system without sterilization and/or preliminary hydrolysis of SPW. In addition to the production of fungal protein and glucoamylase, the removal of 95% COD and total suspended solids would lead to a potential benefit to the environment.  相似文献   

The fermentation pattern of cassava starch utilization was investigated at 37°C using Rhizopus oligosporus UQM 145 F and eight different media. Depending on the medium used, the addition of zinc or zinc plus iron to a combination of calcium plus manganese switches the fermentation from glucose accumulation to biomass (single cell protein) production. Complete starch hydrolyzation was obtained in both cases, with a complete glucose utilization resulting in 24 g biomass containing 30% true protein per 100 g cassava starch (= 7.45 g SCP/100 g substrate) in 24 hours. In the case of glucose accumulation, biomass was kept low and 15.5 g/l glucose representing 57.3% of starch supplied were obtained in 36 hours. R. oligosporus UQM 145 F grows well between 30° and 45°C. At 45°C and pH 5.0, 7.0 g SCP/100 g substrate were obtained, which rose to 8.6 g if cassava starch is replaced by ground cassava tuber.  相似文献   

We describe a novel method for the real-time estimation of the accretion of blomass during the solid-substrate tempe fermentation of soy beans, lupins and quinoa by Rhizopus oligosporus Salto. The method is based on measurements of the dielectric permittivity at radio-frequencies, using a four-terminal instrument (the Bugmeter). In all cases, excellent Ilnearity is observed during the growth phase between the dielectric permittivity and the hyphal length as determined microscopically.  相似文献   

为降低丁醇发酵的生产成本,以工业废弃物小麦淀粉废水为辅料,在分析废水组成的基础之上补加适当营养成分发酵生产丁醇。选取对丁醇发酵影响最大的木薯浓度、N源种类、N源浓度、无机盐和原料处理方式等因素分别进行考察。结果表明:对于低浓度废水,添加70 g/L木薯、2 g/L酵母粉、1 g/L K2HPO4,原料糊化水解,能够获得较好的摇瓶发酵效果,丁醇和总溶剂产量最高可分别达到14.72和22.65 g/L。在7 L发酵罐水平上,丁醇和总溶剂产量也分别能达到13.51和23.13 g/L。最终,利用生物柴油进行萃取发酵,其溶剂水平得到进一步提高,丁醇和总溶剂产量可分别达到15.13和29.38 g/L。  相似文献   

The submicroscopic structure of the spores and growing hyphae ofRhizopus nigricans is described. The cell wall is 800–1,200 Å thick and has a lamellar structure. The nucleus is invested with a nuclear membrane with pores 500 and 800 Å in diameter. The nucleolus has no membrane; the character of the internal structure of the nucleus depends on the fixation technique. The mitochondria are of the classic type, with “cristae mitochondriales”. The endoplasmic reticulum consists of membranes lying separately in the ground cytoplasm. Structures which might correspond to the equivalent of the Golgi apparatus were found near the nucleus.  相似文献   

Step changes in the gas environment and temperature during membrane culture of Rhizopus oligosporus were made to mimic those changes which arise during solid-state fermentation due to mass and heat transfer limitations. A decrease of O2 concentration from 21% to 0.5% did not alter protease production by R. oligosporus but retarded amyloglucosidase production. An upshift from 37°C to 50°C decreased the activities of both enzymes, with the effect on protease being due to enzyme deactivation rather than a decrease in production. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Membrane overcultures of Rhizopus oligosporus were shifted from 37 to 50 degrees C for 10 h and then returned to 37 degrees C, mimicking the temporal temperature profiles which typically occur in SSF due to heat transfer limitations. Analysis with a modified two-phase growth model suggests that the temperature upshift causes a 48% decrease in the number of actively extending hyphal tips, and that the first order death rate constant of tips increases from 0. 059 to 0.073 h(-1). The fungus did not immediately recover when the temperature was returned to 37 degrees C. The model assumed that the specific growth rate constant microgram(g) was not affected by the increase of temperature, although contradictory data was obtained from radial growth rate experiments.  相似文献   

A Semimechanistic mathematical model is developed which describes the growth of Rhizopus oligosporus in a model solid-state fermentation system. Equations are presented for the release of glucoamylase, the diffusion of glucoamylase, the hydrolysis of starch, the generation and diffusion of glucose, and the uptake of glucose and conversion into new biomass. Good agreement of the model with the experimental data was obtained only after the glucoamylase diffusivity and the maximum specific glucose uptake rate were altered from their originally determined values. The model recognizes the distributed nature of the solid-state fermentation and therefore is able to predict the concentration profiles of the system components within the substrate. The model provides an insight into the possible rate-limiting steps in solid-state fermentation-the generation of glucose within the substrate and the resulting availability of glucose at the surface.  相似文献   

In a study of tempe made by fermenting quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) with Rhizopus oligosporus Saito, the interaction between the substrate and the fungus varied according to the raw material used. Low-temperature scanning electron microscopy confirmed that hyphal infiltration in quinoa was normally limited by the seed coat, but a massive penetration was found in fragments of quinoa where the testa was broken. This finding has implications for the texture and quality of tempe fermentation of grains and pulses.  相似文献   

Several decades ago, the first reports on differences in action pattern between amylases from different sources indicated that the starch polymers are not degraded in a completely random manner. We here give an overview of different action patterns of amylases on amylose and amylopectin, focusing on the so-called multiple attack action of the enzymes. Nowadays, the multiple attack action is generally an accepted concept to explain the differences in amylase action pattern. However, the pancreatic α-amylase remains one of the few enzymes known with a considerable level of multiple attack action. Despite some recent studies, the molecular mechanism of the multiple attack action is still largely unclear. Probably, the degree to which the active site architecture and binding properties allow both the reorganization (sliding) of the substrate in the active site and the stabilisation of the productive enzyme/substrate complex mainly determine the multiple attack action of amylases.  相似文献   

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