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Centrostephanus coronatus reaches a density of 0.06 individuals/m2 in shallow reef waters in Parque Nacional Marino Ballena, Pacific of Costa Rica, in the same habitat occupied by the urchin Diadema mexicanum. It is the fourth species of diadematoid urchins reported for Costa Rican and a first new report for Central America.  相似文献   

Regular sea-urchins are one of the main bioeroding organisms affecting coral reefs around the world. The abundance, distribution and bioerosion rate of the sea-urchin Centrostephanus coronatus, were determined in different reef zones of Playa Blanca fringing reef (Gorgona Island, Colombian pacific coast) during 1997 and 1998. The erosion rates were determined calcinating the gut content of the sea-urchins to eliminate all organic components and preserve the inorganic portion of calcium carbonate. C. coronatus showed the highest densities towards the central zones of the reef (plain-crest and front) (12.4 ind/m2; range 0-48 ind/m2). The highest mean bioerosion rate was 0.103 kgCaCO3/m2/yr in the reef plain-crest (0-0.69 kgCaCO3/m2/yr). In the other zones, (back reef and reef front) the mean bioerosion rates were 0.071 (range 0-0.39) and 0.052 (range 0-0.31) kgCaCO3/m2/yr respectively. According to the present data, it can be seen that the destruction of coralline skeletons, produced in this reef by sea-urchins is rather low, compared with the abrasion caused by these organisms in other places of the world. However, the combined action of C. coronatus and other bioeroding organisms (borers and grazers). along with some adverse environmental factors to corals, can be causing a negative balance between normal processes of reef accretion-destruction in Gorgona Island reefs.  相似文献   

Summary In submandibular glands of rabbits both adrenergic and cholinergic axons are intimately associated with parenchymal cells of the intercalary ducts and the granular tubules, lying beneath the basement membrane and often in the space between the parenchymal cell and an associated myoepithelial cell. The submandibular acini receive a less intimate and less plentiful innervation by adrenergic and cholinergic axons which remain outside the basement membrane and are still associated with Schwann cells. Occasional axons of both adrenergic and cholinergic type occur beneath the basement membrane of submandibular striated ducts in intimate association with basal parts of the cells.In the parotid glands numerous adrenergic and cholinergic axons are found beneath the basement membrane of acini and intercalary ducts in intimate association with the cells.This work has been helped by the technical assistance of Mr. P.S.A. Rowley  相似文献   

Summary Alterations in cell shape of the light-sensitive chromatophores of the sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus were studied by scanning- and transmission electron microscopy. Transition of the aggregated to the dispersed state is accompanied by incorporation of vesicles into the membrane of the pigment cell. During dispersion a system of microtubules originating from centriole-like structures is established throughout the stellate cell. Within restricted areas of the cell, cytoplasmic differentiation and condensation is found. The possible functional significance of the findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the development of 13 variable microsatellites developed to investigate population structure and dispersal in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. This species is the dominant grazing herbivore in southeast Australian coastal waters and has the ability to modify benthic community structure. The microsatellites we identified showed a range of allele numbers (4–21) and expected heterozygosity (0.32–0.91) in two sampled populations. Contrary to previous findings in free‐spawning marine invertebrates, genotype proportions in neither population deviated significantly from Hardy–Weinberg expectations.  相似文献   

Summary Alterations in cell shape of the light-sensitive chromatophores of Centrostephanus longispinus are described. Upon illumination a centrifugal pigment movement starts within extremely thin filopodia which radiate from the cell body. With continued pigment migration the cellular processes increase in length and diameter and give the cell an irregular stellate appearance. Pigment movement within the cellular processes is discontinuous in space and time and may occur independently in single filopodia. The motion of single granules shows characteristic features of a saltatory movement.  相似文献   

The effect of zinc on sea urchin morphogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We investigated the behavior of larvae of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius at the blastula and early pluteus stages in the water column at a temperature of 20, 22, and 23.5°C and in the presence of copper in concentrations of 0.01 and 0.02 mg/l. In clean sea water, at all tested temperatures, sea urchin larvae preferred the subsurface layer to where they rose from the bottom of the vessel to form dense aggregations. In water supplemented with copper, the behavior of larvae at 20 and 22°C was not different from that in clean water. An increase in temperature to 23.5°C and the addition of copper altered the behavior of the larvae; they did not leave near-bottom water, did not rise to the surface, although they continued moving.  相似文献   

Activation of the dopamine type-D2 receptor in late gastrula of sea urchins is known to decrease the growth rate of post-oral arms of larvae, and, as a result, the phenotype of these larvae mimics that of larvae developing in the abundance of food. Our data indicate that the effect of dopamine on sea urchin larvae is stage-dependent. In our experiment, the early four-armed plutei (96 hours post fertilization, hpf) of Strongylocentrotus intermedius had substantially shorter post-oral arms if they developed from the larvae treated with dopamine at the early pluteus stage (48 hpf), when they had already formed the first dopaminergic neurons, as compared to the plutei from the larvae treated with dopamine at the mid to late gastrula stage (24 hpf), when they did not have any neurons yet. The pre-treatment of larvae in 6-hydroxydopamine, a neurotoxic analog of dopamine that specifically disrupts activity of dopaminergic neurons, prevented the development of the short post-oral arms phenotype in larvae. These results confirm the assumption that dopaminergic neurons play an important role in the development of the short post-oral arms phenotype in sea urchin larvae. Another finding of our study is that the dopamine treatment also affects the growth of the body rods and the overall larval body growth. Based on these observations, we suggest researchers to carefully select the developmental stage, pharmacological agents, and incubation time for experimental manipulation of sea urchin larvae phenotypes through dopaminergic nervous system.  相似文献   

Most meroplanktonic larvae have been considered to behave as passive particles in the water column, and their dispersal determined by advection. However, larvae may influence their horizontal transport by sinking or swimming between overlying water masses. The flow conditions under which larvae influence their vertical distribution through depth regulation are presently unclear. Using an annular flume, we examined the effect of increasing flow, repeated exposure to flow, and acceleration and deceleration on the vertical distribution of 4-arm stage echinoplutei of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Specifically, we generated different levels of vertical velocity and shear strengths by manipulating horizontal velocity (u). We increased and decreased flow speed incrementally from no flow (u = 0 cm s− 1) to intermediate flow (u = 0.48 cm s− 1) to high flow (u = 1.02 cm s− 1) for each of 3 cycles within each of 2 independent trials. We used a high resolution digital camera to record, and image-analysis to quantify, larval distribution. In the absence of flow, larvae swam upwards and aggregated near the surface of the flume. With increasing flow, increasing numbers of larvae were observed in the mid to low water column indicating a negative influence on larval ability to aggregate near the surface. No differences were observed between distributions in acceleration and deceleration phases of the cycles; however, results suggest that increased exposure can decrease the ability of larvae to regulate their vertical position over time. Vertical shear can result in the re-orientation of swimming larvae and likely compromised larval ability for directed swimming in our study. The threshold shear level beyond which larvae cannot regulate their vertical position is > 2 s− 1, suggesting that echinoid larvae may be more vulnerable to shear than other weak swimmers, most likely because of their shape. However, echinoid larvae can likely influence their vertical distribution within many areas in the ocean, since shears > 2 s− 1 are present only in highly turbulent regions such as fronts.  相似文献   

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